What day is July 16th according to the lunar calendar? Be careful: there are several dangerous days in July according to the lunar calendar

The most favorable day.An energetically strong period that will help implement any projects. It is better to plan activities for the second half of the day. This is the right time for small financial transactions and housework. A good time for small trips.

Influence of the Moon June 14, 2018

2 lunar day

The 2nd lunar day has a special energy of action. It is suitable for any endeavor. In its first half, it is advisable to think about the plans made in 1 lunar day. You should start acting in the afternoon. Negotiations and meetings, new business contacts during this period will be successful. This is the right time to change jobs. A good time to do any household chores. Financial operations will be successful. The energy of this day awakens hidden greed and imbalance. Therefore, you need to control yourself to avoid conflicts. Day 2 of the lunar calendar is favorable for trips, business trips, and the beginning of travel.

Waxing Moon (1st phase)

The first phase of the Moon is the ideal time to make plans for the coming month and launch new projects. There is enough energy for vigorous activity, but periods of loss of strength and unmotivated depression are possible. This is a good time to invest money. A suitable period for starting business, friendships and love relationship, communicating with relatives, starting renovations in the apartment. It is useful to devote time to what you love.

Moon in Cancer

The moon in the zodiac sign Cancer does not provide enough energy for active activities. This is an unfavorable time for new beginnings. It is better to perform small routine tasks during this period. Is not best time to talk with your superiors and change your type of activity. Suitable period for spring cleaning in the house. A favorable time for small financial flows and shopping. An ambiguous period for any communication. This is not a good time for long trips on vacation or on a business trip.


Thursday is a favorable day of the week for new beginnings, teamwork, and making plans for the near future. This is a suitable period for conversations with superiors and a change in activity. Not the best time for money transactions.

The lunar calendar for June 14, 2018 informs about the lunar day, the phase of the Moon, the position of the Moon in relation to zodiac constellations on this day. It indicates the time of moonrise and sunset, the degree of its visibility. He contains lunar horoscope as of June 14, taking into account the impact lunar day, phases of the Moon, position of the Moon in the Zodiac sign and day of the week.

The moon is in the sign of Gemini, at 10:19 Moscow time it moves into the sign of Cancer. Moon period without course until 10:20 Moscow time. Venus.

This is an auspicious day, the symbol of which represents a combination of power and generosity. The horn, from which fruits and flowers fall, is a very ancient symbolic motif.

The second lunar day is intended so that we can begin to implement everything we have planned.

At this stage, we receive everything we need to realize our plans and dreams.

Everything that appears in our lives on the second lunar day “must be gratefully accepted,” since today the Universe is sending us everything that is most important for this lunar month.

Everything we receive will definitely be useful in the near future, even if at first it seems to us that this is not the case.

Remember that the most important thing now is to tune in and get into the flow. Then there will be no need to waste energy, worry unnecessarily and push yourself.

The second lunar day is the day of the first step, and the whole month will depend on how correctly we take it. The main thing when starting a planned business on the second lunar day is not to change your mind, that is, if you have planned to carry out this or that business, you should no longer doubt it, otherwise nothing will work out. The ideal solution today would be a smooth approach to the implementation of the plans outlined the day before.

The day is quite good for team work. However, if possible, today it is necessary to avoid conflict and controversial situations. Long trips, business trips and travel will be favorable on this day.

On the second lunar day, it is advisable to replace rest with activity. For example, do household chores. It is also good to spend today with your family, pay attention to your loved ones, and show care.

What you dreamed about during this period should be considered as a direct guide to action. Dream images will indicate the path that should be chosen to carry out one or another karmic task, especially if you really face a problem, and will become just the “key” to resolving the pressing task.

It happens like this: some kind of languor;

The chime of the clock does not stop in my ears;

In the distance, the rumble of fading thunder.

I imagine both complaints and groans,

Some secret circle is narrowing,

But in this abyss of whispers and ringings

One, all-conquering sound arises.

It’s so incredibly quiet around him,

You can hear grass growing in the forest,

How he walks dashingly on the ground with a knapsack...

But now the words are heard

And light rhymes are signal bells, -

Then I begin to understand

And just dictated lines

They go into a snow-white notebook.

Anna Akhmatova

Thursday is Jupiter's day. The timing of Jupiter is considered most favorable for all worldly and spiritual affairs that do not involve coercion or anger. You can begin training, have a favorable wedding, hire workers, schedule a meeting with a teacher or influential person, enter into an alliance or contract, start a festival, hold a meeting and approve plans, trade, engage in children or charity, build (especially from wood), plant or collect , move and hit the road.

Please note: this forecast is general character, since it was prepared without reference to a specific horoscope and your task. Choose auspicious date for an important matter it is possible.

Have a nice day!

With respect and good luck,

Every day we face problems in one area or another of life. To deal with them as effectively as possible and maintain the desired balance, astrologers advise reading the lunar calendar for every day.

Today, June 14, 2016, will be a critical day when the desire for deception and pretense may increase in every person. To cope with this and lift your spirits, use Simoron rituals or psychological techniques. This will help you spend June 14th without encountering problems along the way.

Moon phase: June 14 will be the 9th lunar day. The Moon will share its reign with the constellation Libra, which will have an extremely negative influence on certain matters such as acceptance important decisions. The moon is still rising, but that won't improve much general position business Accept this day as it is, but do not relax and fight for your place in the Sun. Be careful, because you will be flattered, you will be deceived, because everyone will try in every possible way to achieve success, but not everyone’s methods are honest and harmless.

What will bring good luck on June 14

  • rest;
  • completion of previously started tasks;
  • teamwork;
  • establishing business relations;
  • prudence.

What can take away your luck on June 14

  • planning things for the future;
  • making important decisions;
  • conflicts, impulsiveness;
  • romance;
  • exchange of warmth.

Household chores on the 9th lunar day

Considering that new things will not do you any good, you can start cleaning the house. Take care of all the essential tasks like laundry and light cleaning. It is better to avoid repairing or rearranging furniture. Astrologers say that global changes at home can negatively affect luck, so it’s better not to take risks.

What to wear on the 9th lunar day

Today it is necessary to stimulate brain activity without affecting emotions, so you should not use red shades in creating your image. You can give preference to green or yellow color. If you have plans romantic dates, use them in combination with black. The style should be strict and not provocative, since attracting attention to oneself will not lead to anything good.

Work, finance and career according to the lunar calendar

Astrologers note that the financial sector will react most sharply to your indiscretion. Try not to make important decisions. If the situation forces you and puts you before a choice, try to use logic and sensibly assess the current state of affairs. Seek help only from those people you trust the most.

It is better not to make expensive purchases today, June 14, as they will be extremely unprofitable. They will ruin your luck and may bring you disappointment. Wait until tomorrow.

Collective work will be very useful today. If at work, in business or in household affairs you are connected with someone with a common goal, then you can safely trust these people, since they will have no reason to deceive you. Try to set some goals for yourself only if someone can help you unselfishly.

Love and relationships according to the lunar calendar

You can take a risk and try to bring existing relationships to new level. As for those who are just looking for their soul mate, you are less fortunate. It is better to spend this 9th lunar day alone or with friends or loved ones.

Trust your heart and be very careful, because today there is a very likely chance of betrayal or deception on the part of a loved one who was initially predisposed to this. For those who want to know more about what is in store for us love sphere life, our Love">love horoscopes will help. They will share longer-term predictions and tell you where today can lead you.

Emotions and health according to the lunar calendar

On June 14, astrologers suggest limiting yourself to physical activity, as they will lose their effectiveness. Any overwork will deprive you Have a good mood, and it won’t have the best effect on your physical fitness.

Emotional situations can throw you off balance, so don't be impulsive. Anger, rage and anger will be your worst enemies in any area of ​​life today.

The lunar calendar for June 14 wishes you success and advises you to avoid negative emotions. A great addition would be a solar calendar for June 14, which will give you even more knowledge on how to attract luck to your side. May the stars smile at you and the Moon always be on your side. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

14.06.2016 00:26

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