Which hand should you use to tell fortunes in palmistry?
Palmistry deals with the study of the human hand, in terms of studying the size, length of fingers, phalanges, all lines - large and small on the palm...
How to learn to tell fortunes by hand yourself
Each of us wants to look at least a little into our future. One of the most reliable methods of fortune telling is fortune telling using coffee grounds. Not...
Palmistry - lines on the hand and their meaning
The lines on the hand and their meaning serve as the main subjects of study of palmistry - the esoteric science of deciphering the future and present with...
Palmistry: how to learn to read your hand?
Palmistry is the ancient art of reading lines on the palm in order to predict a person's fate. Many people can learn this and enjoy...
How to determine by your hand when you will get married: Lessons in palmistry
For most people, the lines on the palm are just an intricate pattern. But palmists see a person’s whole life in these drawings....
Palmistry: life line
The life line begins under the index finger and describes a semicircle on the palm, resembling the letter C. The life line is an indicator of vitality...