Simple tips will help you tell fortunes using Manara tarot cards
Tarot Manara is the creation of a famous Italian illustrator, who does not belong to any school of Tarot, made in a unique tradition...
Tarot for Beginners
Tarot for beginners. You have decided to learn how to read Tarot. Where to begin? And, most likely, the first thing you did was interrogate with passion...
The meaning of Aleister Crowley's Thoth tarot cards
Contents [Show] The system of predictions using a deck of cards, called Tarot, has been known, by the standards of history, not so long ago - since the end of the 14th century....
How to tell fortunes with Tarot cards for beginners?
Fortune telling with Tarot cards is one of the most popular ways to look into your future. And every year this method becomes more and more...
Tarot - a simple interpretation of cards in layouts
The meaning of cards in fortune telling is one of the fortuneteller’s supports when interpreting the layout. After all, it is important not only to ask the right question, to choose...
Thoth tarot divination at home
Tarot Thoth is one of the most mystical and deep decks, which was born thanks to Aleister Crowley and Frieda Harris, the artist who embodied...