What a day is December 5th? Thrill Seeker's Day

Holidays October 6, 2018 - Saturday, day 279 of 2018 Gregorian calendar. October 6 corresponds to September 23 Julian calendar(old style).

Holidays October 6, 2018 in Russia

  • Russian Insurer Day. In Russia, October 6 is celebrated professional holiday- Russian Insurer Day. The date of this holiday was chosen in honor of the anniversary of the creation of Gosstrakh of the RSFSR in 1921, which was succeeded in 1992 by the Russian insurance group Rosgosstrakh. Insurance has always been one of the most important areas social life both in the USSR and then in Russia. For example, after the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR adopted the decree “On State Property Insurance”, both in rural and urban areas of the country, the organization of insurance of private property against possible dangers was envisaged: fires, livestock deaths, destruction of crops by hail, transport accidents, etc. Today, the insurance industry is in The Russian Federation is actively developing; in addition to the state insurance group, many private insurance companies also operate in the country. Employees of all these companies celebrate their professional holiday on Russian Insurer Day and accept congratulations.

Also read:

Holidays October 6, 2018 in Ukraine

  • There are no holidays on October 6, 2018 in Ukraine.

World and international holidays October 6, 2018

  • World Habitat Conservation Day. Every year on October 6, World Habitat Day is celebrated around the world. international holiday, designed to attract humanity's attention to the problem of preserving the habitat of the fauna of planet Earth. This holiday was established in 1979 as part of the Berne Convention for the Preservation of European wildlife and natural habitat. Man, through his activities, has long influenced nature, changing it. Every year, more and more territories in the world become farmland, pastures, and are subject to changes due to the growth of cities, mining, construction of factories and other national economic facilities. Therefore, there are practically no places left on Earth where no human has set foot. But uncontrolled human intervention in the laws and territories of nature has led to the irreversible extinction of hundreds of species of animals and plants. Over the 19th centuries AD, 150 species of mammals, mostly large ones, and 139 species of birds disappeared across the globe. And these numbers are not the last; today many species of the animal world are on the verge of complete extinction. But every extinct species is a very tangible and irreparable loss. Man has learned a lot: he escaped into space, flew to the Moon, but he will not be able to create a tour or Steller’s cow again. Everything that disappears in the animal world disappears forever. And World Habitat Conservation Day reminds all of humanity that all of us, people, are only part of nature and we owe everything we have to it, and is aimed at attracting the attention of the world community to the destructive impact of the anthropogenic factor on environment. Therefore, as part of the Day, various environmental and environmental organizations are holding various environmental events around the world, calling on the entire world community to think about the need to take care and preserve the natural resources of our planet, as well as create all the necessary conditions for preserving the unique habitats that every the year is getting smaller and smaller. Among the most famous organizations that traditionally hold their actions on World Habitat Day are World Union nature conservation, environmental organization Greenpeace and others.
  • International days bird watching. On the first weekend of October, our planet celebrates International Bird Watching Days. At this time, hundreds of thousands of people all over the world go to forests, parks, meadows, swamps, sea and river coasts to observe birds in their natural conditions. This environmental action is positioned as the new kind recreation for the world's population. It was first held in 1993 on the initiative of the International Association for the Conservation of Birds (BirdLife International). Today, hundreds of thousands of bird lovers from more than 100 countries take part in the event.

Orthodox holidays October 6, 2018

The following memorial dates have been established:

  • Conception of the honest, glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John;
  • Glorification of St. Innocent (Veniaminov), Metropolitan of Moscow;
  • Memorial Day of the Reverend Wives Xanthippa and Polyxenia;
  • Memorial Day of the Martyr Raisa (Iraida) the Virgin;
  • Day of Remembrance of the Martyrs Andrew, John and the children of John Peter and Antonin;
  • Memorial Day of Hieromartyr John Pankratovich, presbyter;
  • Slovenian; Iveron Hawaiian, Myrrh-streaming – icons of the Mother of God.

National holidays October 6, 2018

  • Iraida Controversial. The national holiday “Iraida Spornaya” is celebrated on October 6 (according to the old style - September 23). In Orthodox church calendar This is the day of veneration of the martyr Raisa (Iraida) of Alexandria. Other names of the holiday: “Amulet of the Stove Coal”, “John the Baptist”, “John’s Day”, “Raisa”. The name "Moot" came from the weather, which could rarely be predicted on this day. The real cold autumn began with Iraida. One day, coming to a source for water, Saint Iraida saw a ship filled with women and men in chains. They were monks, clergymen and simple people, arrested for their Christian religion. Iraida at that very moment wished to join them. On the ship she was baptized and received the name Raisa. Upon the ship's arrival in the city of Antipolis in Egypt, she was the first to be tortured and tortured, after which she was executed. Following her, all the prisoners accepted the same fate. In Rus' there was an interesting custom for this day. People who had problems with money wondered about their fate. To do this, you had to go to the confluence of two rivers and fill two jugs with the same amount of water. Then these jugs had to be brought home and observed from which the water would evaporate faster. If the water drawn from a more full-flowing river begins to decrease earlier, it means that financial troubles will continue. At the same time, guessing about fate was considered useless - nothing could be changed anyway. “Don’t swear off money or prison,” people said. But it was completely forbidden to count your troubles: they said that as many as you count, you call upon them. But they tried to attract good luck. In order to always be profitable, a coin with a flaw was placed in the wallet, but it was definitely not picked up on the road, but received from someone - as payment for labor, for goods sold, or as change. On this day there was also a custom of burning coals in Russian stoves. “The conspiracy for the coals” was whispered by the housewives early in the morning. This was done so that the ovens retained heat longer, and the bread and food placed in the oven were well baked, cooked and did not burn. The conspiracy contained the following words: “Give the baked goods, mother, an equal share with the woman’s share!” Keep the coal, ash and liver on the hearth!” Another tradition of this day was the baking of “nalivushki” - open pies, similar to modern cheesecakes. For liqueurs, potatoes were boiled, mashed into puree, which was generously flavored with butter, milk and eggs until a creamy mass was obtained. Sochny was rolled out from rye dough, potato filling was poured into the middle, the edges of the sochny were lifted and slightly wrapped. Sweet liqueurs were often baked for children, the filling of which consisted of cottage cheese, sour cream and honey.

Holidays on October 6, 2018 in countries around the world

  • Holidays on October 6, 2018 in BelarusArchivist's Day. October 6 is celebrated annually as Archivist Day of Belarus. This is a professional holiday for all archive workers in Belarus. It was established in honor of the anniversary of the founding of the first centralized state archive in the territory modern Belarus, which began its work in 1863. The archival service of Belarus is well developed; today the country's archival repositories contain more than 12 million documents. The repository funds of the Belarusian archival service and its divisions contain both text documents and film, photo and sound documents, and the latter are gradually being translated into digital view. The work of archivists in Belarus, as in many countries, is not very noticeable at first glance. But it is precisely through the efforts of these specialists that the historical documentary heritage of Belarus is safe and sound, giving descendants the opportunity to learn more about the life of their ancestors.
  • Holidays October 6, 2018 in ArmeniaNational wine festival. The national wine festival, which has been held every year since 2009 in the village of Areni in the Vayots Dzor region on the first Saturday of October, has already turned into a traditional festive event with a lot of music, dancing, tastings and fairs. The history that has reached us through millennia testifies that Armenian cuisine is one of the most ancient and since time immemorial, Armenian wine has been known throughout the world. Armenian grape varieties, depending on climatic conditions, have a high percentage of sugar and, therefore, have a high alcohol content, which contributes to the production of stronger and semi-dessert wines. And in this regard, these particular wines have no analogues. These are just the natural and climatic conditions of Armenia, thanks to which the grapes here are distinguished by their unique qualities. Nature has created all the conditions for producing wines. The world collection includes light wines, Muscats, Madeiras, and ports. More than once, Armenian wines have given odds to the “historical fathers” of wines. Thus, Armenian sherry won at an exhibition and sale in Spain, and port wine in Portugal. Since ancient times, Armenia has been famous for its winemakers, whose original traditions have been preserved to this day. This can be learned even from the works of such philosophers as Herodotus and Strabo.
  • Holiday in Moldova October 6, 2018 – National Wine Day. The first weekend of October is National Wine Day in Moldova. This holiday appeared in the Moldovan calendar in 2002, it was established as recognition of the enormous importance that winemaking has for the country. The holiday is held annually under the patronage of the President of Moldova. As a rule, National Wine Day in Moldova begins with a parade of winemakers - this is a very bright and colorful spectacle. During the parade, music plays and participants dance and sing. After the parade, everyone can enjoy a tasting of wine, as well as various dishes that help highlight the taste of the noble drink. At the end of the holiday, people usually dance the hora - a national Moldovan holiday. Also, to mark the end of Wine Day in Moldova, fireworks thunder in the skies over Moldovan cities, launched both by local authorities and simply celebrating residents.
  • Holiday in Turkmenistan October 6, 2018 – National Memorial Day. October 6 is National Day of Remembrance in Turkmenistan. This day is public holiday in the country, it is dedicated to the memory of the Turkmen people who died in the Ashgabat earthquake of 1948. Then the earthquake that occurred on the night of October 5-6 destroyed the capital of Turkmenistan almost to its very foundation. The strength of the earthquake was 9-10 on the Richter scale; its epicenter was located 25 km from Ashgabat, near the village of Kara-Gaudan. Literally instantly this earthquake destroyed Ashgabat, because the buildings in the city were made of adobe brick, which made them very unstable in the face of the elements. The memory of the victims of the Ashgabat earthquake is honored today in Turkmenistan on National Day of Remembrance. This day is a non-working day in the country; commemoration ceremonies are held in different cities in honor of the victims of the earthquake. The main ceremony is traditionally held in Ashgabat, at the Memorial to the Victims of the Earthquake. The remembrance ceremony in Ashgabat is necessarily attended by the president and representatives of the authorities and the clergy of the country. The ceremony is broadcast on state television channels. On Memorial Day, national flags are lowered throughout the country and traffic is suspended.
  • Holiday in Egypt October 6, 2018 – Army Day. Egyptian Army Day (Armed Forces Day) is celebrated annually on October 6, the day the fourth Arab-Israeli war began in the Middle East (October 6-26, 1973), which, like all previous ones, ended in the actual victory of Israel. However, Egyptians celebrate their own victory on this day, believing that the 1973 military campaign dispelled the myth of Israeli invincibility and made the Arabs believe in themselves after failures in previous years. Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, marking the next anniversary of the war, which in the Arab world is known as the October War, told the people that success on the battlefield led to freedom and better life. “This victory has taken us from the liberation of captured land to a similar liberation in our political life and national economy,” Mubarak said in a televised address to the nation. - The October victory was and remains turning point in the history of our homeland." The Yom Kippur War began when Egypt and Syria launched a surprise attack on Israel on the Jewish holy day, Yom Kippur (Judgment Day). The IDF was taken by surprise, and the Arab forces managed to advance deep into Israeli territory, while the IDF suffered in those battles heavy losses. However, the Israelis quickly managed to recover from the unexpected blow, and the IDF pushed the enemy forces back from the borders of the Jewish state. On the southern front, the Israeli army crossed the Suez Canal, and in the north, the IDF forces came almost close to Damascus.
  • Holiday in Cuba October 6, 2018 – Day of Victims of State Terrorism. Every year on October 6, Cubans celebrate a sad memorial date - the Day of Victims of State Terrorism. It was established in 2010 by head of state Raul Castro. The date October 6 was chosen because on this day in 1976 there was a plane crash in which 73 people died. Cubana de Aviación's Douglas DC-8 exploded in the skies over Barbados on passenger flight 455 from Barbados to Jamaica. Among the dead were diplomats from the DPRK who were heading to Cuba. The organizers of the terrorist attack were anti-communist Cuban emigrants who, during the plane's stop in Trinidad, were able to smuggle on board two plastic bombs equipped with a timer. Leaving the bombs in the cabin, they disembarked the plane during a layover in Barbados. In 2005, the CIA declassified a document that showed that the CIA had information that Cuban emigrants were preparing to blow up a plane, but no action was taken to prevent the terrorist attack. Every year on October 6, mourning ceremonies are held in Cuba in memory of the Cubans who died in this and other terrorist attacks. Bouquets of flowers and wreaths are laid at the memorial to the victims of flight 455.

October 6, 2018 - Saturday, day 279 of 2018 according to the Gregorian calendar. October 6 corresponds to September 23 of the Julian calendar (old style).

Holidays October 6, 2018 in Russia

  • Russian Insurer Day. In Russia, October 6 is a professional holiday - Russian Insurer Day. The date of this holiday was chosen in honor of the anniversary of the creation of Gosstrakh of the RSFSR in 1921, which was succeeded in 1992 by the Russian insurance group Rosgosstrakh. Insurance has always been one of the most important areas of social life both in the USSR and then in Russia. For example, after the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR adopted the decree “On State Property Insurance”, both in rural and urban areas of the country, the organization of insurance of private property against possible dangers was envisaged: fires, livestock deaths, destruction of crops by hail, transport accidents, etc. Today, the insurance industry is in The Russian Federation is actively developing; in addition to the state insurance group, many private insurance companies also operate in the country. Employees of all these companies celebrate their professional holiday on Russian Insurer Day and accept congratulations.

Also read:

Holidays October 6, 2018 in Ukraine

  • There are no holidays on October 6, 2018 in Ukraine.

World and international holidays October 6, 2018

  • World Habitat Conservation Day. Every year on October 6, the world celebrates World Habitat Conservation Day - an international holiday designed to draw humanity's attention to the problem of preserving the habitat of the fauna of planet Earth. This holiday was established in 1979 as part of the Berne Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats. Man, through his activities, has long influenced nature, changing it. Every year, more and more territories in the world become farmland, pastures, and are subject to changes due to the growth of cities, mining, construction of factories and other national economic facilities. Therefore, there are practically no places left on Earth where no human has set foot. But uncontrolled human intervention in the laws and territories of nature has led to the irreversible extinction of hundreds of species of animals and plants. Over the 19th centuries AD, 150 species of mammals, mostly large ones, and 139 species of birds disappeared across the globe. And these numbers are not the last; today many species of the animal world are on the verge of complete extinction. But every extinct species is a very tangible and irreparable loss. Man has learned a lot: he escaped into space, flew to the Moon, but he will not be able to create a tour or Steller’s cow again. Everything that disappears in the animal world disappears forever. And World Habitat Conservation Day reminds all of humanity that all of us, people, are only part of nature and we owe everything we have to it, and is aimed at attracting the attention of the world community to the destructive impact of the anthropogenic factor on the environment . Therefore, as part of the Day, various environmental and environmental organizations are holding various environmental events around the world, calling on the entire world community to think about the need to take care and preserve the natural resources of our planet, as well as create all the necessary conditions for preserving the unique habitats that every the year is getting smaller and smaller. Among the most famous organizations that traditionally hold their actions on World Habitat Day are the World Conservation Union, the environmental organization Greenpeace and others.
  • International Bird Watching Days. On the first weekend of October, our planet celebrates International Bird Watching Days. At this time, hundreds of thousands of people all over the world go to forests, parks, meadows, swamps, sea and river coasts to observe birds in their natural conditions. This environmental campaign is positioned as a new type of recreation for the world's population. It was first held in 1993 on the initiative of the International Association for the Conservation of Birds (BirdLife International). Today, hundreds of thousands of bird lovers from more than 100 countries take part in the event.

Orthodox holidays October 6, 2018

The following memorial dates have been established:

  • Conception of the honest, glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John;
  • Glorification of St. Innocent (Veniaminov), Metropolitan of Moscow;
  • Memorial Day of the Reverend Wives Xanthippa and Polyxenia;
  • Memorial Day of the Martyr Raisa (Iraida) the Virgin;
  • Day of Remembrance of the Martyrs Andrew, John and the children of John Peter and Antonin;
  • Memorial Day of Hieromartyr John Pankratovich, presbyter;
  • Slovenian; Iveron Hawaiian, Myrrh-streaming - icons of the Mother of God.

National holidays October 6, 2018

  • Iraida Controversial. The national holiday “Iraida Spornaya” is celebrated on October 6 (according to the old style - September 23). In the Orthodox church calendar, this is the day of veneration of the martyr Raisa (Iraida) of Alexandria. Other names of the holiday: “Amulet of the Stove Coal”, “John the Baptist”, “John’s Day”, “Raisa”. The name "Moot" came from the weather, which could rarely be predicted on this day. The real cold autumn began with Iraida. One day, coming to a source for water, Saint Iraida saw a ship filled with women and men in chains. These were monks, clergy and ordinary people captured for their Christian faith. Iraida at that very moment wished to join them. On the ship she was baptized and received the name Raisa. Upon the ship's arrival in the city of Antipolis in Egypt, she was the first to be tortured and tortured, after which she was executed. Following her, all the prisoners accepted the same fate. In Rus' there was an interesting custom for this day. People who had problems with money wondered about their fate. To do this, you had to go to the confluence of two rivers and fill two jugs with the same amount of water. Then these jugs had to be brought home and observed from which the water would evaporate faster. If the water drawn from a more full-flowing river begins to decrease earlier, it means that financial troubles will continue. At the same time, guessing about fate was considered useless - nothing could be changed anyway. “Don’t swear off money or prison,” people said. But it was completely forbidden to count your troubles: they said that as many as you count, you call upon them. But they tried to attract good luck. In order to always be profitable, a coin with a flaw was placed in the wallet, but it was definitely not picked up on the road, but received from someone - as payment for labor, for goods sold, or as change. On this day there was also a custom of burning coals in Russian stoves. “The conspiracy for the coals” was whispered by the housewives early in the morning. This was done so that the ovens retained heat longer, and the bread and food placed in the oven were well baked, cooked and did not burn. The conspiracy contained the following words: “Give the baked goods, mother, an equal share with the woman’s share!” Keep the coal, ash and liver on the hearth!” Another tradition of this day was the baking of “nalivushki” - open pies, similar to modern cheesecakes. For liqueurs, potatoes were boiled, mashed into puree, which was generously flavored with butter, milk and eggs until a creamy mass was obtained. Sochny was rolled out from rye dough, potato filling was poured into the middle, the edges of the sochny were lifted and slightly wrapped. Sweet liqueurs were often baked for children, the filling of which consisted of cottage cheese, sour cream and honey.

Holidays on October 6, 2018 in countries around the world

  • Holiday in Belarus October 6, 2018 - Archivist's Day. October 6 is celebrated annually as Archivist Day of Belarus. This is a professional holiday for all archive workers in Belarus. It was established in honor of the anniversary of the founding of the first centralized state archive on the territory of modern Belarus, which began its work in 1863. The archival service of Belarus is well developed; today the country's archival repositories contain more than 12 million documents. The repository funds of the Belarusian archival service and its divisions contain both text documents and film, photo and sound documents, and the latter are gradually being converted into digital form. The work of archivists in Belarus, as in many countries, is not very noticeable at first glance. But it is precisely through the efforts of these specialists that the historical documentary heritage of Belarus is safe and sound, giving descendants the opportunity to learn more about the life of their ancestors.
  • Holiday in Armenia October 6, 2018 - National wine festival. The national wine festival, which has been held every year since 2009 in the village of Areni in the Vayots Dzor region on the first Saturday of October, has already turned into a traditional festive event with a lot of music, dancing, tastings and fairs. The history that has reached us through millennia testifies that Armenian cuisine is one of the most ancient and since time immemorial, Armenian wine has been known throughout the world. Armenian grape varieties, depending on climatic conditions, have a high percentage of sugar and, therefore, have a high alcohol content, which contributes to the production of stronger and semi-dessert wines. And in this regard, these particular wines have no analogues. These are just the natural and climatic conditions of Armenia, thanks to which the grapes here are distinguished by their unique qualities. Nature has created all the conditions for producing wines. The world collection includes light wines, Muscats, Madeiras, and ports. More than once, Armenian wines have given odds to the “historical fathers” of wines. Thus, Armenian sherry won at an exhibition and sale in Spain, and port wine in Portugal. Since ancient times, Armenia has been famous for its winemakers, whose original traditions have been preserved to this day. This can be learned even from the works of such philosophers as Herodotus and Strabo.
  • Holiday in Moldova October 6, 2018 - National Wine Day. The first weekend of October is National Wine Day in Moldova. This holiday appeared in the Moldovan calendar in 2002, it was established as recognition of the enormous importance that winemaking has for the country. The holiday is held annually under the patronage of the President of Moldova. As a rule, National Wine Day in Moldova begins with a parade of winemakers - this is a very bright and colorful spectacle. During the parade, music plays and participants dance and sing. After the parade, everyone can enjoy a tasting of wine, as well as various dishes that help highlight the taste of the noble drink. At the end of the holiday, people usually dance the hora - a national Moldovan holiday. Also, to mark the end of Wine Day in Moldova, fireworks thunder in the skies over Moldovan cities, launched both by local authorities and simply celebrating residents.
  • Holiday in Turkmenistan October 6, 2018 - National Memorial Day. October 6 is National Day of Remembrance in Turkmenistan. This day is a public holiday in the country; it is dedicated to the memory of Turkmen citizens who died in the 1948 Ashgabat earthquake. Then the earthquake that occurred on the night of October 5-6 destroyed the capital of Turkmenistan almost to its very foundation. The strength of the earthquake was 9-10 on the Richter scale; its epicenter was located 25 km from Ashgabat, near the village of Kara-Gaudan. Literally instantly this earthquake destroyed Ashgabat, because the buildings in the city were made of adobe brick, which made them very unstable in the face of the elements. The memory of the victims of the Ashgabat earthquake is honored today in Turkmenistan on National Day of Remembrance. This day is a non-working day in the country; commemoration ceremonies are held in different cities in honor of the victims of the earthquake. The main ceremony is traditionally held in Ashgabat, at the Memorial to the Victims of the Earthquake. The remembrance ceremony in Ashgabat is necessarily attended by the president and representatives of the authorities and the clergy of the country. The ceremony is broadcast on state television channels. On Memorial Day, national flags are lowered throughout the country and traffic is suspended.
  • Holiday in Egypt October 6, 2018 - Army Day. Egyptian Army Day (Armed Forces Day) is celebrated annually on October 6, the day the fourth Arab-Israeli war began in the Middle East (October 6-26, 1973), which, like all previous ones, ended in the actual victory of Israel. However, Egyptians celebrate their own victory on this day, believing that the 1973 military campaign dispelled the myth of Israeli invincibility and made the Arabs believe in themselves after failures in previous years. Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak marked the anniversary of the war, which in the Arab world is known as the October War, telling the people that success on the battlefield led to freedom and a better life. “This victory has taken us from the liberation of captured land to a similar liberation in our political life and national economy,” Mubarak said in a televised address to the nation. “The October victory was and remains a turning point in the history of our homeland.” The Yom Kippur War began when Egypt and Syria launched a surprise attack on Israel on the Jewish holy day, Yom Kippur (Judgment Day). The IDF was taken by surprise, and the Arab forces managed to advance deep into Israeli territory, and the IDF suffered heavy losses in those battles. However, the Israelis quickly managed to recover from the unexpected blow, and the IDF pushed the enemy forces back from the borders of the Jewish state. On the southern front, the Israeli army crossed the Suez Canal, and in the north, the IDF forces came almost close to Damascus.
  • Holiday in Cuba October 6, 2018 - Day of Victims of State Terrorism. Every year on October 6, Cubans celebrate a sad memorial date - the Day of Victims of State Terrorism. It was established in 2010 by head of state Raul Castro. The date October 6 was chosen because on this day in 1976 there was a plane crash in which 73 people died. Cubana de Aviación's Douglas DC-8 exploded in the skies over Barbados on passenger flight 455 from Barbados to Jamaica. Among the dead were diplomats from the DPRK who were heading to Cuba. The organizers of the terrorist attack were anti-communist Cuban emigrants who, during the plane's stop in Trinidad, were able to smuggle on board two plastic bombs equipped with a timer. Leaving the bombs in the cabin, they disembarked the plane during a layover in Barbados. In 2005, the CIA declassified a document that showed that the CIA had information that Cuban emigrants were preparing to blow up a plane, but no action was taken to prevent the terrorist attack. Every year on October 6, mourning ceremonies are held in Cuba in memory of the Cubans who died in this and other terrorist attacks. Bouquets of flowers and wreaths are laid at the memorial to the victims of flight 455.

Today, October 6th, various holiday events V different countries world, which is briefly described in this article with answers to frequently asked questions.

Church holiday October 6

They remember the Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John and glorify St. Innocent, who was the Kolomna and Moscow Metropolitan and educator in Siberia and America.

What is the holiday today on October 6 in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Tatarstan, Bashkiria, USSR, Crimea and in Egypt, India and China

Today is World Habitat Conservation Day, on which it is customary to pay attention to the conservation of fauna on our planet. The event has been held since 1979 under the Berne Convention, in which we're talking about on wildlife conservation in Europe.

This is World Smile Day, which takes place on the 1st Friday of October. They remember the artist Harvey Bell, who lived in America in the twentieth century and became the founder of such an interesting holiday.

The Day of the Russian Insurer is being held, in which attention is paid to Russian specialists in the industry that is so in demand today. The events are timed to coincide with 1921 and the beginning of the work of the State Insurance System in the RSFSR.

This is also the Day of the Archivist of Belarus, which corresponds to the founding of one of the first centralized republican state archives in 1863. On this moment the archive contains more than twelve million documents, and the archives industry itself has 169 subordinate organizations.

Today is Egyptian Army Day, which commemorates the Middle East and the 4th Arab-Israeli War of 1973, in which the Israeli military won, but the Arabs believe that their efforts in that battle were not in vain and they managed to prove that the Israeli army can be won, which gave strength to new military companies and a gradual approach to the idea of ​​independence.

They celebrate Remembrance Day in Turkmenistan, which pays attention to the events of 1948, when the largest Ashgabat earthquake occurred and remembers the Geoktepe battle of 1881.

The Festival of Lights is held in Berlin, where all the famous tourist attractions are illuminated by interesting light installations, which lasts 10 days, and the idea itself was first implemented in 2005.

The article makes it possible to understand what kind of holiday today is and what features it has, including answers to frequently asked questions...

The article contains only relevant information, which makes it possible to learn as much as possible about this day and its traditions. Trinity what is this...