Ace of clubs personality description. Ace of Clubs as a birth card - Love Cards Directory

This map talent. It indicates the presence of high hopes and ambitious plans and symbolizes strong passions, imagination, energy and the ability to easily connect with others. However, it may happen that promises remain unfulfilled, talents do not find concrete expression, and many creative endeavors are frustrated due to internal indiscipline. If Ace is in the center layout, then the Client is generously gifted with stage talent, acute intuition, and forces not only rational, but also emanating from mystical sources. He has a vivid imagination and is able to embody images through the means of living words, painting, music, spiritual activity and much more. However Ace of Clubs is a warning: there are many possibilities, but you need to understand them. All talents will be useless if they do not take on some specific form. Ace of Clubs indicates the mental alertness that often accompanies an inability to understand the limitations that weigh on other people; to an artistic temperament that rejects all practicality; to a soaring imagination that carries its owner far away from real possibilities. For all these reasons, the Client should be advised to organize his activities in such a way as to be a professional artist in art, and not an amateur. Sometimes Ace of Clubs associated with a tramp and wanderer, tirelessly wandering to an unknown destination, living one day at a time. Sometimes Ace of Clubs identified with the master creator, who has the power to control the movement of the Sun and Moon and, at his will, change the location of the stars in the sky. In both of these options there is an element of greatness of the Client in whose layout this card is present; travel, rapid changes and a life full of variety await him; he will be deeply touched by beauty. Whether he will use these driving forces, skillfully surrendering to them, or limply drag himself through life - depends on the character and personality of the Client. If layout worms dominate, probably an excessive passion for the joys of life, in pursuit of which the Client can ruin his talent. If layout clubs predominate, interest in people and social activities may interfere with the full identification of the Client’s artistic talents. indicate the possibility of material reward in connection with the manifestation hidden talents. may mean that due to minor failures the Client too quickly loses hope of success. Layout with an even distribution of suits, it promises a life full of pleasures through creative activity.

May 31, June 29, July 27, August 25, September 23, October 21, November 19,

Ace of Clubs - thirst for knowledge.

As much as the Ace of Diamonds dreams of love and money, the combination of the thirst for knowledge with the great thirst for love of the Ace of Clubs is just as powerful. Exploring love, Ace of Clubs strives all his life to find ideal partner. On the outside, this often looks like promiscuity and emotional instability. But Ace of Clubs simply needs to find a person next to whom you can spend your whole life.

Often these people live alone for a long time, waiting for that one person who can make them happy.

Like all Aces, Ace of Clubs is restless and impatient. His curiosity and thirst for knowledge drive him to collect large library or various collections. Thanks to this, people with such a birth chart look young for a long time. They are always keenly interested in new ideas and things, and love discussions.

The Club Aces use their powerful mental abilities and creative potential as a kind of capital. They are resourceful and can earn money in any field of activity. Sympathy for other people and attentive attention to their needs helps them make many sincere friends. Many people feel cozy and comfortable next to the Aces of Clubs, feeling special people. They are also pleasant and witty conversationalists.

In the lives of many Aces of Clubs, their mothers play extremely important role. As a rule, they (mothers) are powerful, smart and strong women, have intuition and a sharp mind. They have a strong, often determining (not always in a positive sense) influence on their children and affect their personal lives.

If during their life the Aces of Clubs do not come to spirituality, then in later years they will not be happy - they will begin to have problems both materially and in their personal lives.

The Aces of Clubs are eternal wanderers; they vitally need travel, business trips, changes in life and at work, which helps them gain new knowledge and get rid of internal anxiety.

A deck of cards contains fixed and semi-fixed cards. The former are incredibly stubborn and will never give up their beliefs, the latter are also not flexible. So, Aces of Clubs are semi-fixed cards. Their stubbornness is expressed in a tireless search perfect love. They want to meet a partner for life, hence the disorder in their love life, which comes to an end as soon as they meet the right person. But when this happens, only God knows...

Having found his soul mate (or thinking that he has found it), the Ace of Clubs gives everything to his partner, becomes the most devoted friend and lover... Until the next disappointment, since he often does not receive the same love in return.

People with this birth card have very high ideals in love. If the dream remains unfulfilled, then they may break down, lose faith in the future and their strength. They may withdraw into themselves and decide never to open up or trust others again. They will no longer take risks by starting new relationships, but deep down in their hearts they will continue to dream of an ideal life partner.

Club Aces need to look more realistically at their relationship with their partner. If they are able to work on their personal emotional problems, they will be able to build a harmonious relationship with any of their partners. In this case, they can stop further searches.

Among the Aces of Clubs there are absolutely different people. Some are sociable and constantly change their partners. Others experience long periods of loneliness. But both of them may not let their partners get close to them, as they are still waiting for someone they can completely trust. They are looking for the perfect person and will not settle for less. But an Ace of Clubs in love is easy to hurt because they love deeply and passionately.

Their trouble is that they often fantasize so much about love that they are ready to believe when they shouldn’t. After all, the higher the flight, the more painful the collision with reality and the subsequent fall.

There is another type of Club Aces: they start relationships with the aim of obtaining benefits. But such a person can always tell whether he is in love or not.

Men with this birth card are often friends with women of their own suit, but they have difficult relationships with Hearts. Women also often meet with Clubs, but with men-Tambourines they are unlikely to succeed. Spades men like Aces of Clubs women.

At the age of Mercury, people with this birth chart need to gain knowledge and develop their intuition. In Venus they work a lot and successfully. In Mars, views on life, ideas and philosophy change. At the age of Jupiter they can earn good money by engaging in several types of activities at the same time. Under Saturn, a complete transformation occurs with them, sometimes quite severe. And one more thing: no matter what period they go through, they must constantly learn to free themselves from dependence in personal relationships and learn to give their loved ones freedom of activity.

People born with this card constantly want to gain new knowledge or education, their thinking changes all the time, they are bursting with brilliant ideas. Ace of Clubs symbolizes the beginning, the birth of something new, the desire to receive important information, take another course of study, etc., etc. A person with this birth card can engage in writing, exchange information, as a result of which he will teach people fundamentally different types of communication and exchange of ideas.

The number of this card is 14.

Based on materials from the book by N. Vladimirova " Magic manipulations with the Matrix of Fate"


Planetary Control Cards

personality description

The essence of the Ace of Clubs is a thirst for knowledge combined with a thirst for love ( Karmic Map Ace of Clubs - 2). Combine these qualities and you get a person who, on the one hand, explores love, and on the other, sincerely strives to find the ideal spouse. Such people are known for their promiscuity, but this manifests itself only until they acquire the object of their dreams. Aces of Clubs prefer someone's company to loneliness, but they do not give themselves entirely to anyone until they meet exactly the person they need. Like all aces, they are impatient and restless. Their curiosity gives rise to a thirst for knowledge, forcing them to collect large libraries and all kinds of scientific collections. Thanks to this curiosity, the Aces of Clubs remain youthful even in the later years of life. They are always interested in new things, ideas, subjects of discussion.

Aces of Clubs are very resourceful and use their mental and creative abilities as capital. These people can earn money in fields related to the arts, and in general anywhere where their abilities and quick minds can bring benefits. They are very sympathetic and considerate of other people, which helps make friends at work and promotes good communication. Being next to the Aces of Clubs, many feel very comfortable, since these Aces help people feel their own significance and uniqueness. Aces of Clubs are witty and pleasant conversationalists.

Mothers of Aces of Clubs often play a very important role in their lives. Usually these are very strong women with a sharp mind and developed intuition. As with the A♦, whose Mercury card is also the Queen, the relationship with the mother has a lasting impact on the Aces of Clubs, often determining their entire love life and relationships with women.

The later years of life will not bring joy to the Aces of Clubs if they do not turn to spiritual forces for guidance. Two Sevens associated with Uranus and Neptune (planets representing the last period of the life of the Ace of Clubs) can bring either material problems or success in the spiritual field. The happiest people will be those whose tireless search for knowledge also strives towards self-understanding. Often the Aces of Clubs are “eternal wanderers” who need travel and changes in life and work in order to simultaneously satisfy the thirst for knowledge and get rid of inner restlessness.

relationships between the Ace of Clubs and other people

The Ace of Clubs is one of four special cards called Semi-Fixed. A♣ has a special connection with 2 - its Karmic Spiritual Twin. Only two other cards in the deck have such relationships - 7♦ and 9. Although the Aces of Clubs have seven Karmic Cards, only 2 is truly close to them. A♣ and 2 almost exactly reflect characteristic features and each other's characteristics. Since 2 is the “card of lovers,” A♣ strives throughout his life to find ideal love. But that doesn't mean at all perfect marriage. We may marry the perfect love partner, but in the case of the Two of Hearts, marriage is not prerequisite. In a romantic relationship, Ace of Clubs is looking for such love affair, which would last a lifetime, and perhaps forever.

Like 2, A♣ is prone to promiscuity. But this only applies to those people who have not found their true love. When the Ace of Clubs finds the personification of his dreams, he becomes devoted to one person. The Aces of Clubs never give up on the dream of ideal love. You can consider yourself happy man, if you have become the real chosen one of A♣.

Like some other cards, A♣ has very high ideals in love. And if such a person’s dream remains unfulfilled, his life may break down. Club Aces tend to begin a relationship with a partner with great enthusiasm, especially when they are convinced that they have found their “one love.” But if the relationship for which the Aces of Clubs had high hopes turns out to be unsuccessful, then these people may withdraw into themselves and decide that they will never trust or open up to partners again. Their dreams will never completely dissipate, but they may no longer risk entering into such relationships in order to protect themselves from disappointment. People who have suffered such trauma need to look at their relationships with their partners more realistically. The most better relationship are formed when the Aces of Clubs are in their love affairs they work on personal and emotional problems, rather than searching for the right person for themselves (especially since finding an ideal partner may turn out to be an illusion generated by 2 - Karmic Card A♣).

compatibility of Ace of Clubs with other birth cards

Female Aces of Clubs often date men of the Club suit, and successful love affairs or friendships usually arise between them. With male diamonds, female Aces of Clubs often have problems (especially with Jacks and Kings). Spades men like female Aces of Clubs. Women of the heart suit have difficult relationships with male Aces of Clubs. Club Aces men with club women are most often friends, and only sometimes lovers.

Essay: The Loneliness of the Ace of Clubs

There appear to be two varieties of Aces of Clubs. Among them there are very sociable individuals who constantly change their love affairs; but there are also those who experience long periods in life without any love relationship. Oddly enough, both of these types personify the love search for the Ace of Clubs. Why? Yes, because even the most sociable Aces of Clubs do not let their partners get too close to themselves. Like the second type of representatives of this card, they are waiting for the appearance of an ideal lover - a person whom they can trust with all their soul. Therefore, Club Aces often feel lonely. They are looking for a special, perfect partner and will not settle for anything less. When their dream comes true, they still need to be on their guard. Few cards in the deck can make one love so deeply and devotedly - and that is why the Ace of Clubs in love is so easy to hurt.

We must not forget that the main Karmic Card of the Ace of Clubs is the Two of Hearts. The Two of Hearts is not only a card of love relationships; it is also associated with the influence of Neptune and Venus in the Basic Life Set. And the combination of Neptune (fantasy, dreams and mysticism) with Venus (love and pleasure) makes the Two of Hearts truly the most romantic and affectionate card in the deck. However, such high ideals in love can make the Ace of Clubs very lonely. It is possible that he will never meet a person worthy of his fantasies - a partner who will satisfy the entire long list of his requirements.

Another danger associated with the Two of Hearts is that this card creates such a grand fantasy of love, such a beautiful dream of an ideal partnership, that the Ace of Clubs, having finally found this ideal lover, soars with happiness to the dizzying heights of romance. But the higher you fly, the more painful it is to fall. And if the partner chosen by Ace of Clubs turns out to be not entirely worthy of this wonderful dream, very painful conflicts will arise between them.

Some Club Aces are the type of people who tend to manipulate others for their own benefit. They are often endowed with an attractive appearance and sexual magnetism. And it is possible that they will use other people either for sex, or for money and a secure position in life. However, looking at the Ace of Clubs, it is always easy to understand whether he is in love or not. There is no middle ground for him in relationships. If you are dating or married to Ace of Clubs, it doesn’t hurt to ask yourself the question: are you the person your partner has been dreaming about all his life? If not, then. more likely. The Ace of Clubs is using you for some purpose. But if so, have no doubt: he will exchange the whole world for just the opportunity to be near you.

The most interesting information

For those born on May 31, June 29, July 27, August 25, September 23, October 21, November 19 and December 17. card thirst for knowledge and love.

The essence of this card is a thirst for knowledge combined with a thirst for love. Combine these qualities and you get a person who, on the one hand, explores love, and on the other, sincerely strives to find an ideal spouse. Such people are known for their promiscuity, but this manifests itself only until they acquire the object of their dreams. Aces of Clubs prefer someone's company to loneliness, but they do not give themselves entirely to anyone until they meet exactly the person they need.

Like all Aces, Ace of Clubs is restless and impatient. His curiosity and thirst for knowledge lead him to collect a large library or various collections. Thanks to this, people with such a birth chart look young for a long time. They are always keenly interested in new ideas and things, and love discussions.

The Club Aces use their powerful mental abilities and creative potential as a kind of capital. They are resourceful and can earn money in any field of activity.

Sympathy for other people and attentive attention to their needs helps them make many sincere friends. Many people feel cozy and comfortable next to the Aces of Clubs, feeling like special people. They are also pleasant and witty conversationalists.

In the lives of many Aces of Clubs, their mothers play an extremely important role. As a rule, they (mothers) are powerful, intelligent and strong women, they have intuition and a sharp mind. They have a strong, often determining (not always in a positive sense) influence on their children and affect their personal lives.

If during their life the Aces of Clubs do not come to spirituality, then in later years they will not be happy - they will begin to have problems both materially and in their personal lives.

The Aces of Clubs are eternal wanderers; they vitally need travel, business trips, changes in life and at work, which helps them gain new knowledge and get rid of internal anxiety.

A deck of cards contains fixed and semi-fixed cards. The former are incredibly stubborn and will never give up their beliefs, the latter are also not flexible. So, Aces of Clubs are semi-fixed cards. Their stubbornness is expressed in a tireless search for ideal love. They want to meet a partner for life, hence the disorder in their love life, which comes to an end as soon as they come across the right person. But when this happens, only God knows...

Having found his soul mate (or thinking that he has found it), the Ace of Clubs gives everything to his partner, becomes the most devoted friend and lover... Until the next disappointment, since he often does not receive the same love in return.

People with this birth card have very high ideals in love. If the dream remains unfulfilled, then they may break down, lose faith in the future and their strength. They may withdraw into themselves and decide never to open up or trust others again. They will no longer take risks by starting new relationships, but deep down in their hearts they will continue to dream of an ideal life partner.

Club Aces need to look more realistically at their relationship with their partner. If they are able to work on their personal emotional problems, they will be able to build a harmonious relationship with any of their partners. In this case, they can stop further searches.

Among the Aces of Clubs there are completely different people. Some are sociable and constantly change their partners. Others experience long periods of loneliness. But both of them may not let their partners get close to them, as they are still waiting for someone they can completely trust. They are looking for the perfect person and will not settle for less. But an Ace of Clubs in love is easy to hurt because they love deeply and passionately.

Their trouble is that they often fantasize so much about love that they are ready to believe when they shouldn’t. After all, the higher the flight, the more painful the collision with reality and the subsequent fall.

There is another type of Club Aces: they start relationships with the aim of obtaining benefits. But such a person can always tell whether he is in love or not.

People born with this card constantly want to gain new knowledge or education, their thinking changes all the time, they are bursting with brilliant ideas. Ace of Clubs symbolizes the beginning,

the birth of something new, the desire to receive important information, take another course of study, etc., etc. A person of this birth chart can engage in writing, exchange of information, as a result of which he will teach people fundamentally different types of communication and exchange of ideas.

  • Compatibility with other birth cards:

Female Aces of Clubs often date men of the Club suit, and successful love affairs or friendships usually arise between them. With male diamonds, female Aces of Clubs often have problems (especially with Jacks and Kings). Club Aces men with Club women are most often friends, and only sometimes lovers.

  • At the age of Mercury, people with this birth chart need to gain knowledge and develop their intuition.
  • In Venus they work a lot and successfully.
  • In Mars, views on life, ideas and philosophy change.
  • At the age of Jupiter they can earn good money by engaging in several types of activities at the same time.
  • Under Saturn, a complete transformation occurs with them, sometimes quite severe. And one more thing: no matter what period they go through, they must constantly learn to free themselves from dependence in personal relationships and learn to give their loved ones freedom of activity.

  • The first Karmic Map (love affair card) is your character traits in past life, which need to be improved in the current incarnation and the use of an excellent naturally endowed mind, insatiable curiosity, which will contribute to intensive intellectual development. The Twos of Hearts have quite happy life, especially in the area material well-being and business. But still they need to be careful in all their business dealings. To avoid problems, financial agreements should be drawn up very precisely. Twos of Hearts almost always come to partnerships in business - that's why they need to learn to be attentive. You should also, if possible, not mix business relations with lovers.
  • Second Karmic Card (Overlord card), people with this Birth Card are the masters of everything they plan to do through the use of experience acquired in a past life. King of Spades - last card deck, which means it is the wisest and most powerful. People with this Birth Card love to learn and are willing to do whatever it takes for success and recognition.
  • Karmic Cards:

Each person was in a past life associated with many people represented by various cards fate. Having met such people, you will instantly feel a connection with them and when communicating with such people, a transfer of energy occurs, the first card of the karmic set is the person to whom you transfer the energy, the second is the one who sends it to you. It is advisable to know these people so that when meeting them you can understand in which direction the main flow of energy occurs during communication.