Amelia meaning. Origin and meaning of the name Amalia

Those with the name Amelia, as a rule, turn out to be trendsetters for a narrow circle. You belong to a rather thin layer of society, whose representatives, regardless of age and social status, claim that they can “afford not to follow fashion.” The way it is. You carefully monitor how your body itself looks, take care of it tirelessly, thanks to which you have the opportunity to change your style at least every day depending on your own mood. That is why you give the impression of youth for quite a long time, each time appearing in a new look, which allows you to influence the tastes of others.

Compatibility of the name Amelia, manifestation in love

Amelia, for you, marriage is like a long-term partnership. You are capable of the most sublime love and the most sincere affection, but do not tolerate attacks on your freedom in any form. And as soon as you feel that the bonds of marriage are turning into fetters on your feet, you react violently and unambiguously, introducing an imbalance into family life. If your partner has the common sense not to focus on your marital responsibilities, coexistence can be long, calm and happy.


You strive for freedom with all your heart. Any framework and restrictions weigh on your soul, constraining its movements like shackles. You need space. Therefore, when choosing between stable well-being and the undivided right to dispose of yourself, you always choose the latter.

Whenever fate provides you with the opportunity to somehow diversify your life, you without hesitation give up what you already have in favor of something new, still unknown. “Being overgrown with moss” is clearly not for you. You move through life easily, adapting to any circumstances. The process of movement itself is what your soul craves.

You just have to remember that “a hundred friends” will never replace one “heart friend”. Your reluctance to establish a stable relationship, to “settle” for a long time on one attachment, may subsequently become the reason for the formation of a complete vacuum around you, loneliness, which will be difficult for you to come to terms with.

Therefore, try not to miss the moment when freedom ceases to bring joy.

Amelia is currently a very popular name in England; in Russia it was first known under the name. The name comes, according to one version, from ancient Germany from the word “hardworking.” According to another, from the Muslim name Amil, which means “lord”. Each country has its own form of pronunciation of the name Amelia: Great Britain - Emmeline, Spain - , France - Amelie, Denmark - Amalie, Amelie, Sweden - Amalie.

Affectionate form of the name: Ama, Amelochka, Amela, Amelichka, Amochka, Mia.

The name Amelia is not included in the Orthodox faith, so girls are baptized under a different name that is close in sound to their native name.


Depends on the time of year Amelia was born:

Zimny ​​- Smart and outstanding personality, exact sciences are easy. The soul of any company, he will always help friends with useful advice.

Spring - Honest, does not recognize lies and duplicity. Tries to act fairly and avoids conflicts.

Summer - Fully lives up to the meaning of her name, very hardworking. Makes excessive demands on others.

Autumn - She doesn’t have enough energy, she manages to do several things at once. Easily adapts to everything.


Amelia is a favorite of friends and family. Always ready to help family and friends with housework. Outwardly, she most often resembles her father, but in character she resembles her mother. Has a talent for managing time in order to accomplish several things in a short time.

Always strives for excellence and demands the same from others. He tries to avoid conflicts, does not recognize intrigues, deception, and always says directly what he is thinking about. He will not leave his friends and family in trouble, he will help them in any way he can.


Amelia has been overweight since childhood, so she needs to stick to a diet and exercise, otherwise she will have problems with her spine and joints.


Since childhood, Amelia has had a passion for sports, so she will be able to reach heights in her sports career. Thanks to her striving for excellence and being highly organized, she will make an excellent doctor and a highly qualified psychologist. The manager, Amelia, is loved by her colleagues for her fairness, intelligence, and kindness.

Before taking on a task, Amelia weighs whether she can complete it on time. After that, she goes to the end, without deviating from the intended plan. Can easily get a contract that other people couldn't get.


Amelia soberly assesses her attractiveness and skillfully uses it in relation to men, which charms them. Prefers older, smart men with whom he can discuss everything in the world. At the dawn of her life, she chooses wealthy men; the older she gets, the less interested she is in her chosen one’s money.

It takes a long time to choose a reliable companion in order to create a strong family with him for life. Non-conflict and kind Amelia makes a wonderful wife and caring mother. She knows how to maintain a cordial relationship with her mother-in-law, she is very hospitable, the house is always full of friends and relatives.

Horoscope for the name Amelia

Aries is a sociable, intelligent person, for whom every day is a holiday. She is popular among men, but does not build serious relationships with them because of her desire for independence.

Taurus - Talented speaker, smart, popular. She loves her parents very much, and for a long time does not dare to move away from them in order to build her personal life.

Gemini - Dreamer, creative person. Due to the desire for independence, he cannot build a personal life. Loved by friends.

Cancer - Vulnerable, sensitive, does not forgive insults and betrayal, but is not vindictive. Demands perfection from himself and others. She needs a strong male protector.

Leo - Principled, stern. He repels gentlemen and friends with his authority, tendency to conflict and inability to compromise.

Virgo - An excellent conversationalist and listener, she will always come to the rescue. He prefers loneliness to noisy company. She needs a sociable man who will stir her up and introduce her to a fun life.

Libra - Calm, non-conflict. She knows how to make mutual concessions, she will make an excellent diplomat. Falls in love with men who can protect her.

Scorpio - Purposeful, hardworking, persistent. Thanks to these qualities, he will easily reach heights in his career. Knows how to surround himself with loyal friends. Only a strong-willed man can win her heart.

Sagittarius - Pleasant to talk to, kind. He values ​​friendship above all else and will give in to friends, even if they are wrong, just to avoid losing them. She is unreliable in her career and does not always complete things.

Capricorn - Non-conflict, calm. Avoids noisy companies. She will choose a powerful man as her life partner, for whom she will become a wonderful wife.

Aquarius - Eloquent, delicate. He will never point out his shortcomings to his interlocutor. She loves herself first, so it will be difficult for her to build a personal life.

Pisces - Has an easy-going character and a talent for finding a common language with everyone. Will be happy to plunge into family life.

Parents often wonder what name to give their child, what will this name bring to him, what fate will he have in store? The correct interpretation of the name will answer these questions.

What does the name Amelia mean? What is the origin and history of the name Amelia?

Meaning of the name Amelia

Amelia is a hard worker. The name has ancient German roots. In other languages ​​the name is used in the forms Amalia, Emmeline. The planet that rules the girl’s life is Uranus. She brings destruction and chaos into it. Amelia’s fate cannot be called calm.

The zodiac sign that accompanies the girl is Aquarius. He makes her easy to climb, easy to make decisions. The color that suits her best is purple. The tree that will become her talisman is aspen. A plant that can cure ailments is barberry. The stone from which you can make a talisman is crystal.

Origin and history of the name Amelia

Since the name Amelia has ancient Germanic roots, the girl does not celebrate her name day. At baptism she is given a different name. The name is abbreviated in the form Liya, Ama, Leya, Amalya. In Slavic culture, the most common name is in the form Amalia.

The meaning of the name Amelia has changed somewhat throughout its history. At first it meant “labor”, “work”. Then the name took on the form “hardworking.” Today the name is quite popular in the UK.

Character and fate of Amelia

Amelia has a rather complex character. It’s easier to come to an agreement with her than to force her to do something. She loves to help her parents and loves to work with them. What does the name Amelia mean - hardworking. That is why the girl always and everywhere tries to be useful and not refuse anyone anything.

Amelia learns everything quickly, so she doesn’t need extra tips and instructions. She tries not to harm others, but does not allow them into her territory.

She is distinguished by the following positive character traits:





Sometimes her straightforwardness plays a cruel joke. It is not always worthwhile to openly and directly state your claims and problems; sometimes you need to wait a pause and let the person think about his actions. But Amelia does not stand on ceremony. She quickly resolves all issues, sometimes to her own detriment.

The girl is doing well in her studies. She remembers new material very quickly and does not need constant reminders. Strives to help his peers and classmates learn. It is important for her that not only does she feel good, she really cares about the well-being of the people around her.

It is worth noting that Amelia manages her own time simply wonderfully. She easily finds opportunities to play and do things. She attends a huge number of clubs and sections. Likes sport. It is he who allows her to always be in good shape, to always be ahead of others.

Amelia laughs very loudly and contagiously. She is surrounded by a huge number of friends. At an older age, she easily finds a common language with colleagues, which allows her to enjoy authority with them.

Amelia lives in a fairly active rhythm of life; it is important for her to maintain proper nutrition and get daily exercise that would allow her to maintain body tone. She has really good health, which allows her to always be better and faster than her competitors.

Amelia doesn't like to fuss and rush. Many people envy her hard work, but few people understand that this is a colossal amount of work on oneself. She will never tell another person that she is tired and because of this she cannot do her job and help him. She will make every effort and see the job through to the end.

Despite the fact that people are drawn to Amelia, she has a rather narrow circle of acquaintances. Only time-tested people enter there. They miss her care and affection, but they faithfully wait for Amelia to be free and devote time to them.

Amelia often puts work above her personal life, which leads to quarrels and misunderstandings with her partner. But Amelia knows that the one who loves will wait for her and support her in everything. The girl can work anywhere. She doesn’t really like to change her place of work and team; it’s easier for her to achieve heights in one place than to change dozens of jobs.

At work, she constantly causes envy among others. They are trying to understand why Amelia succeeds in everything so quickly and easily. In fact, the secret is simple - Amelia tries and works on herself. She spends a lot of time working on her personality. May be interested in yoga and other energy practices.

Amelia can make a wonderful teacher, coach and mentor. She easily leads people, which allows her to win over anyone. If Amelia understands that she has nowhere else to grow in the workplace, then she can change it.

Amelia has no equal in business. She successfully negotiates, successfully concludes contracts and deals, and spends a lot of time improving herself and her business. She loves victories and success, but is ready to work for them.

Amelia's Love

Amelia's character and destiny determine her success with men. She is not conflicted, she is always ready to compromise with her husband. She loves him, tries to be the best for him in everything, does not look for flaws in their relationship.

Amelia has no conflicts with her husband’s family, she treats everyone evenly and does not allow nerves. Amelia sometimes lacks warmth, but her husband tries to provide it for her. Amelia doesn't marry the first person she meets. She tries to build relationships, tries to be on friendly terms with the person at the beginning, and then turns the communication into a romantic direction. Amelia doesn't need an exclusive man, she needs one who would love her.

Due to excessive responsibility, Amelia is often too tired and does not have time to rest. That is why her close people should create complete conditions for relaxation for the girl. If she doesn’t have them, she won’t be able to be happy with her job and will become depressed. Amelia loves children and becomes a wonderful mother for them, who not only spoils her children, but is also strict with them.

Caring parents choose a name for their child in advance. You need to approach your choice seriously, because the name you give your daughter will stay with her for the rest of her life. Before naming a girl, it would be useful to find out the meaning of the name Amelia, since it leaves an imprint on her character and destiny.

History of the origin of the female name Amelia

Amelia is a beautiful girl's name with a long history. The first version sounded like Amalia, and only in the 16th century it began to be pronounced as Amelia. Calling girls this way was very popular during the Romantic era.

The name of ancient Germanic (German) origin means “hard-working”, “zealous”, “keeper of the hearth”. In Russian it is pronounced in one form, because the origin of the name Amelia is foreign.

Affectionate and diminutive forms - Amelka, Amelichka, Amelyushka, Amel, Emmy.

Astrologers say that Amelias are curious and hypersensitive in adulthood, and playful in childhood.

The meaning of the name Amelia for a girl

The owner of this name is a woman prone to melancholy with a hot temperament. She has the character of a lone wolf. By nature, you may have the gift of seeing things that most people do not notice. Women with this name often study magic, the occult and the hidden facets of parapsychology. It is difficult to understand Amelia; her temper is very changeable, but easy-going. She knows how to do several things at once, her enthusiasm and vital energy can be envied.

Amelia has a gift for making quick decisions, especially when the situation calls for action.

When are name days celebrated?

Since ancient times, there has been a custom of celebrating the day of the name that a given person bears. Most of these dates come from the Christian calendar and commemorate the holy face or blessed day that is associated with that name. At baptism, the female name Amelia is changed to any other name from the list of calendars, since there is no saint with that name in the Christian calendar.

Character and fate associated with the name

Traits, character and destiny of a child with this name are inherited from the maternal side, appearance - from the father. From the moment of birth, the girl becomes the favorite of the whole family. Character traits: disciplined, diligent. From an early age, a child has a sense of duty. She knows how to achieve what she wants, but attempts to force the baby to do something against her will lead nowhere.

  • In life, this is often a creative and responsible nature. She knows what she is striving for. At work, she is valued for her understanding. Thanks to praise and success, she has a predisposition to self-development, which helps her climb the career ladder. An important place in her life is her career and long trips.
  • Loves to travel, learn something new, and learn from the example of successful people. She hates monotony and boredom. He never complains or doubts his abilities. She dreams of great love for life, but does not avoid love adventures and hot romances. She is a passionate person and finds it very difficult to calm down.
  • He constantly puts off starting a family and prefers to live for himself. She doesn’t stay in a serious relationship for long because Amelia is difficult to tame. She loves a life full of impressions, a beautiful life. He is not afraid of restrictions, but dreams of romantic and eternal love. She will become a mother when she is ready for it.
  • A career may interfere with family plans, but her chosen one will be a real lucky one. Amelia is a wonderful mother and homemaker. She loves being in company, but it is not a priority for her. She is sociable by nature, people love to listen to her and admire her. I'm not used to complaining about difficulties. At times he becomes slightly depressed.

Doesn't like to be bored, takes the situation into his own hands to cheer up others. He is a very responsible person. Not afraid of problems. At work, she is appreciated and praised for her enthusiasm. Praise inspires her, so she devotes every free moment to her career. Success is guaranteed to her both in childhood and age.

A girl with this name chooses an active position; monotonous work is not for Amelia.

Compatibility of Amelia with patronymics

Fathers are not chosen, so if parents decide to name their daughter Amelia, she will bear the appropriate middle name. Some believe that her middle name will help her throughout life.

However, when a name is chosen in principle for a harmonious union with the patronymic, it will be ideally combined with the following options:

  • Victorovna;
  • Sergeevna;
  • Albertovna;
  • Eduardovna;
  • Valerievna;
  • Romanovna;
  • Filippovna;
  • Kirillovna.

When writing initials, it combines beautifully with a middle name starting with the letter “A”. A name of foreign origin sounds luxurious with an unusual middle name. For example, Amelia Albertovna Weiner. This aspect worries parents more, who focus more on sound than on meaning.

What male names will lead to a happy family life?

Among many beliefs and prejudices, there is an opinion that the name of the chosen one plays an important role in life together. Whether this is actually true or deceptive, time will tell. But still, girls named Amelia want a happy and good fate, so they are looking for a partner suitable for these parameters.

In a relationship with Amelia, the following can find happiness and love: Gabriel, David, Sabir, Victor, Evgeniy, Andrey, Artem, Roman.

Talismans for the name Amelia

  • Talisman - rock crystal;
  • The name is patronized by the planet Uranus;
  • Corresponds to the element of fire;
  • According to the zodiac - Aquarius;
  • Lucky day of the week is Wednesday;
  • The time of year is spring.

Famous namesakes: Amelia Vega (Miss Universe 2003), Amelia Lily (English pop star), Amelia Earhart (first female pilot, writer), Helen Amelia Gilbert (cellist and film actress).

Taking into account the above factors, when choosing a name, parents can at least partially determine the fate of their child. Life will be easy for my daughter with such a beautiful name. A girl at any age will certainly be smart, purposeful and, in her time, happy like a woman!

Video on the topic

Amelia is very ambitious, and in her behavior you can sometimes detect a lot of pretense. But at the same time, she is very hardworking, persistent and diligent. She has an innate talent for persuading people and clearly showing others her point of view. Amelia is patient and has great willpower. Nature has given her good leadership abilities, amazing intuition and a sense of proportion.

Meaning of the name Amelia

There is no exact data that would indicate the origin of this name. However, most sources agree that the name originates from an ancient German word, which translated means diligence, labor and work. However, in the Muslim version, the name comes from the masculine Amil, which means “mistress”. Amelia celebrates her name day twice a year: September 19 and July 10.

A character named Amelia

The main traits that characterize Amelia are love of work, slowness and prudence. All this manifests itself in her literally from a very young age. She has a charming smile and beautiful eyes. Girls with this name have an interesting feature. They, as a rule, inherit their appearance from their father, and the content of their inner world from their mother. She can carry herself with dignity in society, and her demeanor is majestic. Schooling comes easily to her, which can be attributed to her innate commitment and diligence. Amelia is never limited to one area of ​​study, therefore, in addition to school, she attends numerous clubs. She enjoys acting, photography and sports. Attaches particular importance to household affairs.

She becomes independent too early and strives to be useful to her parents. Of course, first of all, she tries to be closer to her mother, wanting to learn housekeeping and cooking from her. Amelia has a very strong sense of duty, which lasts throughout her life. Mutual understanding between loved ones is very important to her; she considers herself responsible for their safety.

A girl named Amelia is impossible not to notice. Men cannot help but pay attention to a beautiful lady with a mysterious name, and their fair half often envy these ladies. This is probably why she has few friends, and among her friends there are many more men, some of whom are warming towards her.

Her whole life is subject to strict control, and every day is planned out minute by minute. She has strong intuition, which helps her get out of even the most difficult situations. Despite her leisurely demeanor, she has a lot of energy that she brings to the place.

She is feminine and honest, does not tolerate lies and hypocrisy. I'm used to telling the truth to my face. This is another trait that Amelia owes to a small number of friends; few can stand the truth in the face. He nips caustic remarks addressed to himself in the bud, and does not allow anyone to discuss someone else behind their back. She attaches particular importance to the level of her spiritual development, which shapes her future. High results and success come to her thanks to patience and humility.

Amelia is charming and knows this very well, and she also understands that thanks to this she can lead her partner. When choosing her chosen one, she pays attention not least to the intelligence and education of the man. She is attracted to older partners because they have rich life experience, but she is almost never interested in people her own age; she is bored with them. If Amelia is not in a couple, it means she wants it that way, because if she just beckons with her finger, a number of contenders for her hand and heart will immediately line up. When starting a relationship, he pays attention to the financial side of his chosen one, but this is only up to the age of 30; after this age, priorities change.

Amelia makes a wonderful mother and a wonderful wife who puts a lot of effort into providing her household with attention and care. She likes to pamper her loved ones with delicious food. Amelia likes housekeeping so much that even unexpected guests will not take her by surprise, everything is so good with her.

But in career matters, this girl shows amazing acumen and perseverance, because stopping there is not about her. Having achieved one goal, she will set about another. Paying special attention to her reputation, she will never indulge in intrigues against her rivals. He achieves everything with his intelligence and charm.