Ancient Chinese table. Chinese calendar for determining the gender of a child.

Contents of the article:

We bring to your attention Chinese and Japanese tables for determining the sex of a child, which, as the Chinese and Japanese believe, help plan the sex of the baby.

Chinese table for determining the sex of a child

It is believed that this table was developed in the 13-14th century and it was thanks to it chinese emperors planned gender when it was necessary to have an heir. It was lost for a long time and relatively recently was found either in the burial place of one of the Chinese emperors, or during excavations of a temple. The creation of this table was probably caused by the observations of Chinese scientists on the relationship between a woman’s age, the time of birth of the child (and, therefore, the time of conception) and the gender of the child - assuming, of course, that there are at least some life observations behind this table (hardly made on a sufficient sample), and it was not taken completely “from the head”.

For our part, we would like to warn you that this table, as well as the Japanese table, should be treated as nothing more than entertainment, because it is completely inconsistent with the data of modern science. Even without knowing anything about genetics, you can see that the child’s father does not appear in the table, which, you will agree, is very strange. In reality, the sex of the child depends on which chromosome the sperm carries.

An egg always carries an X chromosome, while sperm that fuse with it can carry both an X and a Y chromosome. In the first case, a female embryo is born (chromosome XX), in the second - a male embryo (XY). That is, the gender of the unborn child, oddly enough (although this is a well-known fact, which is taught in biology classes at school), always depends only on the father, or more precisely on which of his sperm - with the X chromosome or Y - will fertilize the egg.

So, the method of planning the desired sex of a child, which was proposed by the ancient Chinese:

1. Find the line that matches the mother's age
2. See which sex of the unborn child corresponds to which month of conception in this line
3. Schedule conception for a month with the result of interest.

But let us repeat once again that all this has nothing to do with science, because Regardless of the age of the mother and the month of conception, her egg will only have an X chromosome, and the sex of the child is determined by the chromosome in the sperm that fertilized the egg, which can be either X or Y.

Month in which the child is conceived
January February March April May June July August September October november December
18 D M D M M M M M M M M M
19 M D M D M M M M M D M D
20 D M D M M M M M M D M M
21 M D D D D D D D D D D D
22 D M M D M D D M D D D D
23 M M D M M D M D M M M D
24 M D M M D M M D D D D D
25 D M M D D M D M M M M M
26 M D M D D M D M D D D D
27 D M D M D D M M M M D M
28 M D M D D D M M M M D D
29 D M D D M M D D D M M M
30 M D D D D D D D D D M M
31 M D M D D D D D D D D M
32 M D M D D D D D D D D M
33 D M D M D D D M D D D M
34 D D M D D D D D D D M M
35 M M D M D D D M D D M M
36 D M M D M D D D M M M M
37 M D M M D M D M D M D M
38 D M D M M D M D M D M D
39 M D M M M D D M D D D D
40 D M D M D M M D M D M D
41 M D M D M D M M D M D M
42 D M D M D M D M M D M D
43 M D M D M D M D M M M M
44 M M D M M M D M D M D D
45 D M M D D D M D M D M M

Japanese table for determining the sex of a child

The Japanese table is more complex than the Chinese one; it actually consists of two tables. It takes into account the month of birth of the mother and the month of birth of the father, but does not take into account their age.

We remind you that this method has nothing to do with science - if only for the reason that, as we have already found out, the sex of the child does not depend on the mother. No matter what month she was born, no matter how old she is, the egg will still always contain only the X chromosome.

The algorithm for planning a child according to the Japanese table is as follows:

1. In Table 1, find the number at the intersection of the birth months of the mother and father.

2. Then in Table 2 you need to find the column at the top of which is the number that you found in step 1. In this column, select the month in which you want to conceive. Moving along the line with the selected month for conception to the middle of the table, you will get the probability of having a boy or girl based on the number of crosses (the more there are, the higher the probability).

Table 1.

Birth month of the expectant mother Future father's birth month
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Jan 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9
Feb 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6
Mar 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3
Apr 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12
May 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9
Jun 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6
Jul 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3
Aug 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12
Sep 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9
Oct 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6
Nov 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3
Dec 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12
Table 2.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Jan X x
Jan Feb xxxxxxxx x
Jan Feb Mar x xx
Jan Feb Mar Apr x x
Jan Feb Mar Apr May xx x
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun x x
Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul x xx
Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug x xxxx Jan
Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep x xx Jan Feb
May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct xxxxxxxxxxxxxx x Jan Feb Mar
Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov x x Jan Feb Mar Apr
Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec x x Jan Feb Mar Apr May
Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec x x Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Sep Oct Nov Dec xxxxx x Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
Oct Nov Dec x xxxxxxxxxxx Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
Nov Dec xxx x Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep
Dec xxx x May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct
x x Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov

Parents have a desire know the gender of the unborn child.

The fact of pregnancy has been confirmed, but who will it be: a boy or a girl? It’s too early to do an ultrasound, but I want to find out.

For those who do not like to wait a long time for an answer to a question, it was created gender determination table future child.

Ancient Chinese table

Needless to say, Chinese civilization is great. In addition to effective natural medicines, gunpowder and a unique culture, the Chinese came up with a lot of interesting things.

Among this interesting thing, the table that stands out is the one by which future parents can determine boy or girl will complete the family. Even in ancient times, it was noted that the sex of the baby depends on the age of the mother and the month of conception.

For many years chinese table determining the sex of a child was formed by analyzing and comparing observation results and only in the 14th century AD it became the property of the whole world.

It is presented in the same form as the multiplication table, only The vertical line shows the mother's age, A horizontally – month of conception. The answer is located at the intersection of values: “D” is a girl, and “M” is a boy.

The ancient Chinese table for determining the gender of a child is easy to check. Enough count from your date of birth 9 months ago, calculating the mother’s age at conception, and see the result.

We must remember that for greater accuracy it is better to inquire about the actual date of conception, since pregnancy does not always last exactly 9 months.

Do you know what essential things should be so that the baby does not catch a cold.

Japanese table

Japanese civilization is no less perfect. The ancestors of the samurai did not always engage in martial arts. The Japanese are also observant Like the Chinese, they created their own table for determining the sex of a child.

Its result is calculated according to a radically different principle; it depends on the month of birth of the future parents and the date of conception.

The table looks like this two-piece.

First allows you to find total figure at the intersection of the birth months of the father and mother.

Second using the resulting figure allows you to find the column in the cells of which we need to find the month of conception child.

First part:

Second part:

For example, the expectant mother was born in January, and the father in March. The Japanese table for determining the sex of a child in the first part shows the number 9 at the intersection. In the upper area of ​​the second part of the table we find the number 9 and in the column where it stands, find the month of conception of the baby, for example, May. Opposite this month there are many crosses in the column called “Girl”, which means that a girl is most likely to be born.

Ancient table for determining the sex of a child does not provide accurate information Yes, this is impossible, since tracking the actual algorithm of fetal formation is difficult, almost impossible.

With the help of such a calendar it is convenient to plan the gender, and not to determine what it will be for an already conceived child.

This is due to the fact that there are only one or two months in the year when the probability of the formation of a certain sex is high.

How: the simplest and most accessible methods for determining pregnancy.

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The Chinese and Japanese conception calendar will help you plan the birth of a girl or boy.

All parents dream of finding out the gender of their unborn child. After all, you want to buy clothes of a certain color and make the future children's room in blue or pink.

It happens that future parents are just planning a pregnancy and they want to conceive a girl or a boy. The Chinese table will help determine the gender of the unborn baby. This is an ancient diagram that was discovered in the tomb of a monk who lived near Beijing over 700 years ago.

Important: After discovering the find, archaeologists studied the table, and now modern women and men can determine the sex of their unborn child. This diagram was used in noble Chinese families for planning the conception of children.

Today, Chinese women are prohibited from testing to determine the sex of their baby. Therefore, the Chinese themselves are skeptical about this table.

Gender of the unborn child - Chinese table

This manuscript was invented by Chinese ancestors. It is compiled taking into account the phases of the Moon - the eternal satellite of our planet, and certain characteristics of the female body. These features include the change of blood that occurs every month.

Important: Chinese sages are sure that it is the monthly menstrual cycle affects the gender of the unborn child.

The Chinese table will help you quickly and easily find out who will be born - a boy or a girl:

  • The table consists of 336 cells with the letters “D” and “M”, where D is a girl and M is a boy
  • Vertical numbers indicate the mother's age. In order for the calculations to be accurate, add 9 months to the age of the woman in labor.
  • Months are indicated horizontally

Important: If you are planning to conceive a boy, choose an age expectant mother and look for the letter "M". Opposite which months this letter is located, in those months you will be able to conceive a boy. This is also what you need to do if you want to conceive a girl.

The accuracy of this method is more than 75%. The main thing is to correctly determine the month of conception.

Japanese baby gender determination calendar

Another interesting method of planning the gender of a child is the Japanese calendar. These are two tables.

Japanese calendar for determining the gender of a child - first table

Japanese calendar for determining the gender of a child - second table

One of them indicates the birth months of mom and dad. At the intersection of these months a secret number is indicated. What to do next?

  • Remember the number and look down at the second table
  • Secret numbers are indicated vertically - find yours among them
  • Horizontal - months of conception
  • Look for who you want to conceive - a boy or a girl, and see the month when you can plan to do this

Accuracy Japanese calendar determining the sex of a child is much higher than the accuracy of the Chinese table - up to 90%. This planning method was used by Japanese emperors.

Japanese and Chinese tables are easy to use. The main thing is to know the sequence of calculations and correctly determine the necessary numbers.

The Japanese gender determination chart for 2016 and 2017 will be the same for these years. Important numbers in the Japanese calendar are the birth months of the mother and father. Once the secret number is known, the sex of the unborn baby can be calculated.

Important: Using the Japanese calendar, you can both plan the gender of your future child in advance, and determine its gender once conception has taken place.

While relying on the Japanese and Chinese calendars, do not forget that the 100% method of determining the sex of the baby is ultrasound. An ultrasound specialist will be able to accurately determine whether the baby will be a girl or a boy.

Probably all future parents dream of finding out the gender of their baby. The Chinese table for determining the sex of a child will answer the question of who will be born: a boy or a girl? And if you can’t wait any longer and want to know what color to buy clothes for a newborn, pink or blue, or are planning a pregnancy in the near future and want to try to plan the gender of your unborn child, then this article will help you make a small forecast.

Table from China and the gender of the unborn child

This ancient Chinese chart was discovered in the tomb of a hermit monk near Beijing over 700 years ago. When archaeologists studied parchment from China, they discovered lunar calendar, which allows you to determine the sex of the child with high accuracy.

The Chinese sex chart is rumored to be more than 90% accurate when used correctly, but according to a statistical survey conducted in 1999, it was found to be about 75% accurate.

To find out who will be born, a boy or a girl, you need to find the month of the child’s conception in the left column of the Chinese table vertically, and in the top horizontal column - the age of the expectant mother at the time of conception. The intersection point will help you determine the sex of the baby.

Chinese table will determine the gender of the child

Age/Month01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12
18 D M D M M M M M M M M M
19 M D M D D M M D M M D D
20 D M D M M M M M M D M M
21 M D D D D D D D D D D D
22 D M M D M D D M D D D D
23 M M M D M M D D D M M D
24 M D D M M D M D M M D M
25 D M D M D M D M D M M M
26 M M M M M D M D D M D D
27 D D M M D M D D M D M M
28 M M M D D M D M D D M D
29 D M D D M D D M D M D D
30 M M D M D M M M M M M M
31 M M M M D D M D M D D D
32 M D D M D M M D M M D M
33 D M M D D M D M D M M D
34 M M D D M D M M D M D D
35 M D M D M D M D M M D M
36 M D M M M D M M D D D D
37 D D M D D D M D D M M M
38 M M D D M D D M D D M D
39 D D M D D D M D M M D M
40 M M M D M D M D M D D M
41 D D M D M M D D M D M D
42 M D D M M M M M D M D M
43 D M D D M M M D D D M M
44 M D D D M D M M D M D M
45 D M D M D D M D M D M D

* In this table, the sex of future children is determined based on the age of the child’s mother and the month of conception.

Parents are always interested in finding out in advance who to prepare for - their son or daughter. The fact that this state of affairs has always existed is also evidenced by the ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of an unborn child, which, according to legend, is already over 700 years old. It was thanks to her that Chinese emperors planned gender when it was necessary to have an heir. Let's try to figure out how it works and how reliable it is.

Features of the Chinese table

In the age of high technology, we are already accustomed to planning and calculating everything in advance. Likewise, a woman wants to somehow influence the gender of her future baby, or at least predict it. IN modern world Various methods are used for this: those based on science or research, as well as folk “grandmother’s” methods.

The scientific institute in Beijing keeps a table that was found during excavations of the temple (according to another legend, it was found in the tomb of the emperor). But there are rumors that most Chinese women still choose the day for conception according to her in order to give birth to a boy.

There is a Chinese table for determining the sex of a child based on the age of the expectant mother and the day of conception. When compiling, other parameters were not taken into account. Our advanced mothers have already done their “research” and checked the gender of their existing children using the table. The results were disappointing: a significant percentage of discrepancies. But scientists have figured out some details. It turns out that according to some sources this ancient people It is not the day of birth that counts as the date of birth, but the moment of conception. Therefore, they insist, it is necessary to take not the woman’s current age, but increase it by 9 months. But how true this theory is, there is no answer yet.

By the way, in the beliefs of our ancestors there is a similar system of calculations. But it involves comparing the days: conception and birth of the mother. If they are both even, a girl is expected (or if both are odd), and if they are different, then a boy. The version is quite probable, although it is not entirely clear on what it is based.

In any case, you should not rely with 100% probability on such tables. But it is always possible to check and combine with additional recommendations from scientists regarding the method of conception to obtain a child of a particular gender.

Instructions for working with the table

The Chinese table for determining the sex of a child for 2017 is no different from the original found 7 centuries ago. She looks like this.

As you can see, using the sign is quite simple; you need to follow these instructions:

  1. Find the line corresponding to your age.
  2. View the expected gender of the baby in the coming months.
  3. Select the option that interests you most.
  4. Schedule conception for a month with the result of interest.

If you want a more guaranteed result, it is better to choose months where the expected gender is repeated, rather than replaced by another over several periods. For example, if a woman is 25 years old and wants to conceive a boy, it is better to choose October-November rather than June. After all, in July and May there is a greater chance of conceiving a girl, which can cause an error, and in September and December a boy is also expected, which increases the chances several times.

Additionally, you can check by the day of conception of the mother herself, i.e. add 9 months to her age. If the age obtained falls in the same year, there will be no change. If it changes to the previous one, then it is better to choose months in which the future gender will coincide in both years. In our case, as you can see, it’s the other way around, June, while the autumn months predict a girl for us.

It is precisely such ambiguities that cause negative responses to this table.

Japanese table - features and differences

The Chinese table for determining the gender of a child, reviews of which we have studied in detail, raises certain doubts among 50% of users. But half of them note that it is better to use the Japanese system. They explain their trust by the fact that more parameters are taken into account, for example, the characteristics of the father. And the table itself looks more solid. Let's look at that too.

It consists of two separate plates. Using the first, you need to identify the control value that is used in the second table.

First, you need to select your characteristics:

  1. First you need to find the line with your month of birth.
  2. Next, find the column with the month of birth of the future father.
  3. Look at the check digit at the intersection of the selected criteria.

Now, knowing our parameter for determination, we consider its values ​​​​according to the second table.

At first glance, it is not very clear, but let's look at it in detail. Here you need to follow this principle:

  1. Find your check digit in the column.
  2. In the middle there are columns “boy” and “girl”.
  3. Having chosen the result you want, look at its values: the more cells are shaded, the greater the likelihood of conception in the month indicated in the horizontal line.
  4. Following the selected parameters, select the most optimal month in the column with its own number.

Let's look at it with an example. Suppose a girl was born in June, and her husband was born in September. Using the first table, we identify the control number. It is 6. In the second table we find a column with the number 6. So, we see that it is more likely to conceive a girl in March, July, August and September. For a boy February is more favorable, May and October. At the same time, in October the probability of conceiving a son is maximum, because we have already 10 cells filled in, and in February - 6. For such a couple, in principle, conceiving a boy is more likely, because for a girl, only 2-3 cells are painted, even in the most favorable months.

Modern methods calculations also allow us to identify favorable days with gender prediction. They are presented in the form of a calculator on our website. Just enter your data: the length of the female cycle, the date of the last menstruation, its duration. You will receive a calendar of your ovulation and gender forecast for each day.

Scientific method

So, we found out that the Chinese calendar for determining the sex of a child (in 2017, the table will help us identify the “necessary” months), as well as the Japanese one, are quite reliable, but still raise well-founded doubts. You can, for example, choose best months one and the other and make your final choice on those that match, thereby increasing your chances.

But it would be even better to listen to the advice of scientists. Their research is based on simple laws of anatomy. We know that female cells contain X chromosomes, so it will not affect gender. Male sperm contain X or Y chromosomes. The sex of our embryo depends on which of them meets the egg: XX is a girl, XY is a boy.

What does this knowledge give us and how can we help ensure that the meeting takes place with the sperm we need? To do this, you need to know a few more points regarding the characteristics of each type. Type Y sperm are very active and fast, they move quickly and reach the egg faster. This means that if sexual intercourse occurs precisely at the moment of ovulation, it will rush forward and reach the egg first. In this case, we are guaranteed a boy.

In turn, X-sperm, although slow, have a very valuable quality - vitality. In the female genital tract there is very high temperature, in which Y dies after a maximum of a day, while X lives up to 3-5 days, like the female reproductive cell itself.

Therefore, it is worth carrying out fertilization a couple of days before the cell enters the fallopian tubes. At the same time, within a day, the Y-sperm will all die and there will be none left at all by the time our cell appears in the genital tract. And the X sperm slowly continue moving and meet her. In this case, we are guaranteed to conceive a daughter.

If you combine the selected month according to the Chinese table for determining the sex of a child with the calculations indicated above, you will be much more likely to get what you want.

The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that it is important to be able to accurately identify the moment of ovulation. Today this can be done in several ways:

  • Calculate using the formula: cycle length minus 14 days (the length of the luteal phase, which is the same for all women).
  • Use tests for home use: strips, cassettes, reusable, urine or saliva.
  • Maintaining a chart according to rectal temperature measurements.
  • Ultrasound examination, when the doctor is able to trace the development of the cell and the moment of its release.

Every girl has heard stories that nutrition, namely the type of foods consumed, can also affect gender. Today, many diets are prescribed for couples who want to conceive a son or daughter. Let's look at what these studies are based on:

  • To increase the viability of type Y sperm, you need to consume more potassium and sodium. The optimal set of products: meat, sausages, smoked meats, potatoes, mushrooms, bananas, dates, prunes, apricots, cherries, melon.
  • X sperm require more calcium and magnesium. It is worth giving preference to dairy products, cottage cheese, apples, pears, cucumbers, eggplants, tomatoes, beets and carrots. Salt should be very limited, and yeast bread should also be avoided.

Choosing the right diet, collecting a list of necessary products and using them to develop a complete and tasty menu is quite simple. But you should first consult with your doctor so that changing the regimen does not cause problems for the development of the unborn baby. It is also important to give up exhausting diets long before planning a pregnancy. It is better for the mother to take care of her health and avoid stress so that the child has the most favorable conditions for development.

To increase your chances of having a son or daughter, it is best to combine all the methods and calculations: a Chinese table for determining the sex of a child, an online calculator, the moment of conception (relative to the time of ovulation), diet. This way you can maximize your chances of getting the expected result. But even if the effect is unexpected, this is not a reason for frustration. The joy of motherhood and your beloved baby nearby - what else is needed for happiness?