Ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of a baby. Modern medical methods for diagnosing the sex of the fetus. Blood renewal method.

Chinese Lunar Pregnancy Calendar
An Ancient Chinese Baby Gender Predictor
Woman Concept Lunar Month

Boy or girl?

Ancient chinese table Determining the sex of a child by time of conception

An ancient Chinese sex determination chart was hidden in a temple near Beijing 700 years ago. Currently the original is in the Institute of Sciences in Beijing. All you need to know is the month in which the child was conceived and the age of the mother at the time of conception.

This month the swallows are returning. On the day of their arrival, a bull, a ram and a pig were sacrificed to the guardian genius of marriages and births. The son of heaven attends this ceremony. The Empress leads nine women of the second rank and the entire seraglio. Special honor is given to those who come close to the emperor. Cases containing arches are provided. The emperor gives each of his wives a bow and arrows in the presence of the deity who presides over the birth.

Thunder is heard, lightning begins to appear. Sleeping animals are all in motion; Removing the opening of their retreats, they begin to appear. Three days before the first roar of thunder, the herald waved a wooden bell to warn all the people and said. There will be thunder soon. If they do not watch their behavior and behavior, they will bring children whose members will not be full, and they will certainly bring great misfortune.

Mother's age Months
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
18 years old d m d m m m m m m m m m
19 years old m d m d d m m m m m d d
20 years d m d m m m m m m d m m
21 years old m d d d d d d d d d d d
22 years old d m m d m d d m d d d d
23 years old m m d m m d m d m m m d
24 years old m d m m d m m d d d d d
25 years old d m m d d m d m m m m m
26 years old m d m d d m d m d d d d
27 years old d m d m d d m m m m d m
28 years old m d m d d d m m m m d d
29 years old d m d d m m m m m d d d
30 years old m d d d d d d d d d m m
31 years old m d m d d d d d d d d m
32 years old m d m d d d d d d d d m
33 years old d m d m d d d m d d d m
34 years old m d m d d d d d d d m m
35 years old m m d m d d d m d d m m
36 years old d m m d m d d d m m m m
37 years old m d m m d m d m d m d m
38 years old d m d m m d m d m d m d
39 years old m d m m m d d m d m d d
40 years old d m d m d m m d m d m d
41 years old m d m d m d m m d m d m
42 years old d m d m d m d m m d m d
43 years old m d m d m d m d m m m m
44 years old m m d m m m d m d m d d
45 years old d m m d d d m d m d m m

How to use the table?

Using this table, compiled in accordance with ancient Chinese sources, you can plan the birth of a boy or girl as desired.

Knowing in what month a boy (indicated in the table “m”) or a girl (indicated in the table “d”) will be born, you can plan the time of conception.

At the equinox lengths are measured, measures of power, weights of thirty pounds, levers of scales, weights of twenty twenty pounds. We compare bushels and ten bushel sizes. The remains of the scales and scale scrapers have been corrected. Workers rarely stay at home this month. Wooden doors and wicker doors repaired; We arrange bedrooms and ancestral rooms beautifully. But a great enterprise cannot begin that could interfere with the labors of the workers.

This month it is prohibited to dry up rivers or lakes or drain water from ponds and ponds. You cannot set fire to mountains or forests. The son of heaven, sacrificing a lamb, forced the cooler to open. He begins with a proposal in the ancestral rooms or in the rooms that lie behind these rooms.

Having conceived at will, you can also provide, in accordance with the horoscope, the constellation and sign of the Zodiac, which will determine to some extent both the fate and character of the child.

Want to test yourself? First find the mother's age, then relate it to the month in which the child was conceived. You will get "m" or "d", indicating a boy or a girl, respectively. This way you can check the birth of yourself or your relatives.

On the first day of the denomination, the great director of music, by order of the emperor, exercises his disciples to make changes, singing, after he has offered vegetables. The Son of Heaven, at the head of the three chief ministers of state, nine other ministers, all the feudal princes and all the great prefects, were personally present at these exercises.

This month, when we pray, we do not make sacrifices. Jade tablets are offered, some oblong, others ring-shaped; the victims are replaced with furs and pieces of silk. In the second month of spring, if the rules had been followed in the fall, floods would have devastated the principalities, cold winds would have prevailed, and armed robbers would have invaded the country. If the rules of winter were observed, the heat would not overcome the cold, the wheat would not ripen, and there would be many thieves. If summer rules were introduced, the drought would be great in the principalities, the heat would come early, insects would eat the heart of the grain.

Considering the age of the intended mother, which is indicated in the table from 18 to 45 years, you determine in which month a boy or girl can be born, choose the preferred one and count nine from this month to get the time of conception.

You can also create other rulers to insert into your signature on the forum, or for your home page.

Alexander Zhakovlev and Chow Kia-kien

Stylized yet deeply human, this people's art was shaped by time. In front of frames bristling with forty brushes - one for each shade - pots of bold flowers are stored on cast-iron stoves. The bright, intense colors of this palette are not suitable for copycat makeup; They are used to paint a ritual mask and an absolutely ordinary one, which absorbs any personal element in the actor, the smells of grease and sweat. Combines the skill of yellow emaciated hands, one of which contains a small mirror, Another, referring to the Chinese, a brush that works with speed and precision , distributes patches of color, limited to pure and primitive clarity, on the smooth surfaces of beardless faces. The painted mask resembles those seen in old paintings or popular engravings; this is a real mask in which only the eyes live an exaggerated life, rolling, shaking, agitating, and not imitating. Sometimes they are motionless, on the contrary, they remember those inlays in quartz and agate that some deities of the Tao-Ist temples evoke with all the luxurious attributes. Even without a beard, the ornament of a painted mask is so precise and conventional that the mouth does not participate in facial expressions. Physiognomy. This is why, although masks are strictly speaking rarely used, Chinese theater is a mask stage. It is also a theater of characters, created and defined by centuries-old traditions. Often the mouth, the most mobile part of the face, is completely covered by a smooth, thick beard. . Two comedians sing popular songs.

Everyone knows that any parent wants to quickly find out the sex of the child. But most often you have to wait 20 weeks. Sometimes the gender can be found out earlier, around the 16th week, but this is not always possible. Why such interest? It’s just that some parents have long dreamed of having a boy, while others want a girl to be born. Of course, everyone will say that the main thing is that the baby is healthy, and it doesn’t matter what gender he is born. But there is still interest. When you know the gender of the child, it is much easier to choose clothes for him, especially when it comes to color range. After all, it’s unlikely for a boy will do I also want to find out the gender of the child, because many do not know how to decorate a nursery, and some want to prepare for the birth of the baby in advance.

When did dramatic art originate in China? The history of this country does not tell us. This only suggests that Emperor Ming-huang of the Angel, who reigned from 712 to 755 AD, had at his disposal a troupe of three hundred actors whom he directed and instructed personally in The Pear Garden. Chinese scholars agree that the oldest plays, known as Chuan-ki, date from this period.

The same story tells us another, more precise fact: in the later Tang Dynasty, Emperor Chung-tsong, who reigned for only three years, knew music and stage plays very well. Dressed and disguised to play in his private residence among the actors, which caused him to lose his prestige in the eyes of the latter, and then his life, by killing his favorite comedians.

How to find out the gender of an unborn baby in the past

Previously, people asked the same question about who would be born to them. But in those days there were no ultrasound machines, let alone 3D or 4D. Many wanted an heir. And that’s why the ancient Chinese one appeared 700 years ago. Its original is still kept at the Institute of Sciences in Beijing. It was discovered in one of the temples of this city. One legend says that an ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of a child was found almost in the tomb of the emperor. These days, the Chinese are also actively using it. There are even rumors that if a woman is about to have a girl, she goes for an abortion. Of course, Chinese civilization is very great. After all, these people came up with many useful things. For many years, the table was studied by various scientists, but only in the 14th century were people from other countries able to use it. And this benefited many people, because some people managed to conceive a child of the gender they wanted.

Due to political upheavals, the performing arts underwent an eclipse that lasted half a century until the appearance of the Song. During the Song Dynasty, which remained in power for three centuries, the old traditions were taken over in all artistic branches. And the theater began normal life again. The dramatic plays composed by the authors of that period are known under the name Hi-ku.

But it was thanks to the Yuan that dramatic art developed significantly. Despite the short duration of this dynasty, the works written by scholars of that time are of significant quantity and remarkable style. The collection, containing one hundred pieces from this period, offers us dramatic masterpieces still played in some parts of China.

Is the test 100% correct or not?

When the Chinese compiled this table, they were one hundred percent sure that the sex of the child depended on the month when he was conceived and the age of the mother. But if you are waiting for a 100% result, then it is completely in vain. Of course, the Chinese people claim that the table accurately determines gender, but this is not so. If you believe the statistics, only 50% of women got the correct result. Therefore, the ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of a child may be wrong. But there is an opinion that the accuracy of the test is influenced by the way the Chinese live and their traditions. According to sources, people from this country begin to count their age from the moment of conception. That is, for all Chinese it is nine months longer. Therefore, if you decide to take this test, do not forget to add nine months to your age and, perhaps, then the Chinese gender table for the unborn child will give the correct result. But we advise you to treat it like a game. Although the ancient Chinese table for determining the gender of a child is very popular, there are many good and bad reviews about it. But if she hadn’t worked, then most likely we would never have known about her. Therefore, only future parents can decide to believe it or not.

In the performance of this kind of work, the main musical instrument is the bamboo flute. Unable to interest the general public and therefore remain popular in the country, it is soon replaced at almost every stage by a new theater more accessible to spectators of a lesser culture. With the Ming Dynasty, the need to entertain the general public led to the creation of the new imperial family of Hui-tiao in the city of Hui-zhou. From then on, plays became very short, had very little literary content, and were played with very noisy music.

How to use the table

Using the table is not difficult at all. You can take a look at it below. Find your age in the column on the left and the month of conception at the top. At the point where they intersect, there will be an M or a D. D means a girl, and M means a boy. This way you can find out who you will have. If the result met your expectations, then we congratulate you. And if not, then don’t despair, because this doesn’t always correspond to reality. Remember to add nine months to your age for more accurate results. Now that you have passed the test, we hope that the table showed the correct gender of your baby, and if not, then it will be a surprise for you. Let us remind you that the Chinese conception table for the sex of a child does not give one hundred percent results. But if you believe the reviews, most often the baby’s gender coincides with the one indicated in the test. The table is very easy and understandable.

Hui-tiao was initially a great success and remained very popular until the day when King-tio came under Manchu rule to take his place. It can be said that from that time on, King Tiao spread throughout the country and was accepted by almost all theaters.

However, as a result of increasingly frequent relations between Chinese and Western countries Chinese theater, like all art in general, is not without some European influence, and Wen-ming-hello testifies to this influence. It is a kind of comedy in European style, in spoken dialogue and without an orchestra.

How the sex determination table was created

The Chinese conception table (child's gender) was not created in one day. Sages have been interviewing and studying expectant mothers for many years. They always asked their age and calculated the month of conception. And after much thought, we came to the conclusion that these two factors are related. The compilation of the table was made possible thanks to research and observations of pregnant women and, possibly, based on calculations. Be that as it may, the ancient Chinese table is very popular these days. The gender of the child is of interest to many people.

This new creation is still in its infancy and has not yet taken a firm position. Will it be filmed like other genres? This is what the future will tell us. V at the moment, let's say, is the only dramatic genre that is still king in fashion in China.

Consequently, this will be the only object of our research in the future. The actress plays in a mourning suit. China has public theaters all over the world. In large centers such as Beijing, Shanghai, etc. Their number ranges from 4 to. Their construction is very simple and does not allow, with the exception of a few façade decorations, any special external architecture. All truly Chinese theaters have the same appearance. It is safe to believe that they were built according to one plan, more or less extended.

Truth or myth?

Today you can find many reviews about the table. Some say that it does not work and the test is erroneous, while others are completely delighted and claim that their child’s gender coincided with the data from this table, and more than once. There are many interesting tables and calculations that help you find out who you will have, but you cannot trust them one hundred percent. Scientists have never found the best way to plan the gender of the baby in advance. Only with an ultrasound will future parents find out who will be born. But sometimes even an ultrasound can be wrong, or the child will lie in such a position that it will be impossible to discern its gender.

The main entrance is a large double door and is topped by a triumphal arch of mahogany painted wood, with the name of the theater inscribed in the middle in gilded characters. This inscription is illuminated in the evening by electric lamps. Some of the more modern theaters use an illuminated sign, and there are large red signs taped to the walls to the right and left of the door with black characters, the program for the day's performances and the following days.

As you pass through the main door, you enter through the second door of the vestibule into a spacious and almost square room, accommodating between 700 and 800 spectators. The stage is at the back of the room, against the wall opposite the entrance, almost square, about two meters high, with two large wooden columns, painted red, covered with poetic inscriptions, each rising at an angle from the front of the stage to a height of about 10 meters to support a canopy-like vault that covers the top of the stage to the wall. This vault is surrounded by carved and painted woodwork.

But we can say for sure that when the baby is born, you will know its gender 100%. And during pregnancy, it’s better to get ready to meet your child. And it doesn’t matter at all who you have, because the most important thing is that you meet, and that the birth goes well and easily. Any medical calculations, signs, tables and beliefs can be wrong, so you cannot trust them completely. It is best not to plan the sex of the child, but get all the tests done to prepare your body well for bearing a baby, so that he is born strong and healthy. Many parents admit that even if they were expecting a boy, but a girl appears, they are no less happy and love their child very much. After all, this is the greatest happiness of our life, for which we are ready to do anything.

The stage is lined with wooden balustrades painted gold and red. At the back of the stage, two walls are pierced in the wall, one on the right, one on the left. Each of them is covered with an embroidered silk curtain, decorated with very bright mirrors. Traditionally, actors enter the scene through the right door, and they exit through the left door. The entire wall at the back of the stage is covered with embroidered silk curtains and decorated with mirrors. The wall between the two stage doors is the orchestra.

The stage is covered with carpets and furnished with tables, chairs, benches, cushions, etc. Depending on the events taking place in the rooms, carpets are changed and furniture is decorated. And this is done under the eyes of the audience, because in a truly Chinese theater the stage curtain is unknown.


The Chinese gender chart can be used as a game by you. And perhaps she will even accurately indicate the gender of your unborn baby. Therefore, you can use it whenever you want, especially now it is available to anyone who knows how to use the Internet.