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White pencil is very often used by makeup artists to create romantic images or visual eye correction. There are several types of eye pencils: kajal (used to draw the contour of the eyelids), shadow pencil (can serve as eye shadow), highlighter (contains fluorescent substances) and a classic pencil, packaged in a plastic or wooden bottle (designed for accurately drawing the contour and shape eye). The texture of this cosmetic product can be soft or dense.

Brown-eyed women add mystery to their look with the help of a white pencil. Models use white kajal to make narrow eyes wider. A white pencil is also indispensable for creating a romantic image of a bride, when it is necessary to emphasize her youth and freshness.

We hope that the TOP 10 tips on choosing and using a white eyeliner will be useful to you.

1. Soft or hard?

Makeup artists recommend choosing pencils with a dense texture. They are easier to apply to the surface of the eyelid, they do not smear and do not create problems with makeup several hours after application. However, to emphasize the inner side of the lower eyelid, it is better to buy products with a soft texture or special kajals.

If a girl does not know how to accurately draw along the waterline, it is better for her to abandon pencils altogether, choosing white eyeliner with a thin brush.

2. Wooden or plastic?

Plastic pencils with a collet mechanism are very convenient to use. They don't need to be sharpened. They allow you to draw a neat, thin line. But, alas, if the rod breaks, such a product can only be thrown away. The advantage of wooden pencils is that they can always be sharpened to the desired sharpness.

3. Light-eyed

In order to advantageously emphasize the beauty of light gray or blue eyes It is enough to draw them along the contour with a white pencil.

Light-eyed people can also use a white pencil to create a retro look. You need to combine this eyeliner with blue or gray shadows and voluminous black mascara.

4. Green-eyed

For green eyes, white kajal can be used, which should be applied only to the inner side of the lower eyelid. Excess white color on the upper eyelids will make the face pale, dull and lost.

5. Brown-eyed

The white pencil seems to be specially created for oriental eyes. It will emphasize the magnetism of the brown-eyed beauty’s gaze. Refreshes, emphasizes freshness and youth. Apply the pencil along the lash line. It is recommended to draw two arrows: draw the first from the outer corner, and the second from the inner corner, carefully connecting them in the middle. This way the eye will be drawn very carefully.

6. For mature eyelid skin

Women over fifty should not use highlighters or glitter products. It is better to give preference to matte products, combining them with shadows in light colors.

You should also refrain from buying kajal, since emphasizing the inner line of the lower eyelids will focus attention on fine wrinkles or blue circles under the eyes.

7. For the purpose of correction

The ideal distance between the eyes was easily calculated by the Italian genius Leonardo da Vinci. He believed that a third one should fit between the two eyes. This proportion is supposedly conceived by nature itself and is perfect. Since then, fashionistas all over the world have been striving to improve their appearance, correcting, if possible, flaws using decorative cosmetics.

A white pencil easily copes with the problem of eyes set deep to the bridge of the nose. It is enough to apply the product around the inner corners in a dotted manner, wait until the pigment is absorbed into the skin and becomes homogeneous.

Those with far-set eyes should be careful when using a white pencil, as it, on the contrary, will distort facial features and make the image less attractive.

8. For those with narrow eyes

You can widen narrow eyes with one movement. It is enough to apply an arrow from the middle of the upper eyelid to the outer corner of the eye. In this case, a smooth line should completely repeat the anatomical contours of the eye, remaining at the level of the eyelashes. The principle is that the arrow should not go further than the edge of the eye, visually making its shape wider.

9. For those with almond-shaped eyes

The almond shape is considered ideal. However, its owners also strive to make their eyes even larger and more impressive. For these purposes, makeup artists recommend running a pencil along the edges of the lower and upper eyelids, then applying light shadows and painting the upper eyelashes with voluminous mascara.

10. If your eyes are small

Unfortunately, a white pencil will not help very small eyes. However, he will be able to improve their shape somewhat. To do this, you need to draw an arrow along the upper line of the eyelids. The inner line should not be emphasized as this will make the situation worse. The product can only be combined with light shadows.

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Some people only use them in art classes at school, while others still use them to this day. And after opening the box, many are interested in the question: why do you need a white pencil?

Historical background

Modern pencils have been around for about 200 years. Graphite was discovered about 5 centuries ago in English mines. There is an opinion that it was from then that graphite pencils began to be made. One German family began making such instruments using graphite powder back in 1760. However, this process was not very successful. The French scientist Conte in 1795 made pencils made not only from graphite, but also from certain types of clay, which he first fired in a kiln. This technology is still popular today. A simple drawing pencil is made of graphite and leaves behind a dark mark. To produce it, graphite powder is mixed with water and clay. The hardness of the product is determined by the amount of clay. The more it is, the softer it is; the less, the harder it is. The dough-like paste that is formed from this mixture is passed through a press, after which ropes are formed, which are straightened, cut to the desired size and fired in the oven. Then the cedar or pine blanks are cut lengthwise, a special groove is made for the lead, and then glued together with it. The resulting planks are cut and polished. Today, about 300 varieties of pencils are produced. They vary in hardness and color. Today there are 72 colors of these products. With their help, inscriptions are applied to glass, fabric, plastic and even film. Some of them are used in construction to leave a mark that will last for a long period of time.

in the set

An instrument of this color is used quite rarely. Usually they draw on colored paper or on top of a layer of pencil, sepia... The intensity of such a pencil varies depending on how much shading is applied. To find out why a white pencil is used in drawing, look at the portrait that was drawn with it. You will see quite interesting effects that are not so easy to see. To do this, you need to learn to think “in the negative.” To answer the question of why a white pencil is needed, just try to cover a sheet of paper with an even layer using a lead black tool.

Then you should apply white lines. Such an activity will arouse considerable interest. Another white pencil can be mixed with other colors to draw halftones.

How a white pencil works wonders

This tool draws perfectly on dark colors. If you don’t know why you need a white pencil, then just try to draw glare, snow or raindrops with it, and you will see what a fantastic picture you will get! It helps to make the transition between colors smooth and show the play of light on a certain subject. It makes it very easy to correct mistakes. Therefore, such an instrument is quite important in the visual arts.

Greetings, dear readers! My next post will be for coquette beauties who love to use everything possible ways become more beautiful, sweeter and whiter. And today we will talk about how to use white eyeliner.

This item of cosmetics is not mandatory and is not vital for a girl who takes care of herself. But its use will decorate and complement the image of any fashionista. With its help, it is good to visually enlarge your eyes and generally experiment, creating expressive images.

Beautiful eyes you can have them, or you can make them. Neyah

And here a waterproof liner will be most suitable for you. They can perfectly correct the face, you can also use it as a base for eye shadow, which will add extravagance and unusualness to your beautiful image.

What is a white pencil for?

It is ideal for girls with close-set eyes. Apply it to the inner corners of your eyes and blend well; this manipulation will visually correct this feature of yours. It will also make the eyes appear larger, the eye color will become brighter, and the whites will become even whiter.

For smokey eyes (smoky makeup) white It will also work, it will make your eyes more expressive thanks to the contrast of colors.

If you prefer metallic shadows or black mascara, then white pearlescent color will also be appropriate here and will perfectly complement your look, even if you combine it with black eyeliner.

If you want the shadows to last as long as possible, then use a soft white pencil as a base. Apply it to the upper eyelid, then you can apply your chosen shadow on top. This way, you will make your makeup much more expressive and richer. The color will be more vibrant and last much longer.

For an avant-garde evening makeup, paint the inner corner of your eyes with white and dark shades of eyeshadow at the outer corner.

Another option is to paint your eyelids with bright shadows, and on top of them outline your eyes and upper and lower eyelids with white with pearl.

This pencil can also be used to create seductively plump lips by subtly lining the lips with white.

What kind of pencil is there?

  • powdery
  • wax
  • auto

For eye correction, the powder version is ideal; it shades well and becomes almost invisible on the skin.

For eyeliner inside the eyelid, choose waterproof products; they will decorate you for several hours in a row.

For evening makeup take a product with a pearlescent or melalizirovanny shimmer. These shades will look spectacular in artificial light; the reflections will highlight the beauty of your eyes.

To line your eyeliner, sharpen the lead sharply so that your makeup is expressive, precise and neat.

There are also double-sided pencils on sale, white on one side and any other color on the other (choose your favorite color). This “duet” allows you to create a complete makeup; all you have to do is apply mascara to your eyelashes.

Definitely, now I think you will be happy to add white eyeliner to your makeup bag. Thanks to which your image will sparkle with new colors, you will become damn attractive and seductive. That’s what I wish for you!) Share the article with your favorite girlfriends, like it and... go ahead, conquer the world with your beauty! Bye! Bye!

White eyeliner is considered a controversial cosmetic item that is now extremely popular. How to use white eyeliner and what it gives is described in this article.

White eyeliner (pencil) is the most necessary product in the makeup of every fashionista. If you love unusual looks and love to experiment with makeup, then white eyeliner is exactly what you need. A white pencil is mainly used to visually make the eyes a little larger and correct them. If you decide to use such a cosmetic product, you do not need to have much experience; the pencil itself and, of course, desire will be enough. If you are new to this process, then start learning with a white pencil, because it is much easier to adjust and can be used as a base for highlighter and shadows. But you shouldn’t buy a liquid product, as it is much more difficult to apply.

How to use white eyeliner in makeup

White eyeliner is used in several cases:

The first time you use white eyeliner is to highlight the inner corners of your eyes. Using this method, the eyes become visually further apart from each other. Suitable for girls with close-set eyes. If you want to know where your eyes are located, do the following: place your index and thumb in the inner and outer corners. Record the resulting distance. Then move your fingers to the inner corners, trying not to change the resulting width. The most ideal distance between the two corners of the eyes corresponds to the width of the eye. If it is larger, then your eyes are far apart. A shorter distance means that the eyes are set close.

If you want to increase the size of your eyes, a white pencil drawn across inside century, will help you achieve the desired result. Many cosmetologists use white eyeliner for the classic smoky eye look. To do this, draw eyeliner along the inner line of the upper eyelid.

White eyeliner in the form of a pencil also serves as an excellent option for eye makeup. This adds unusualness to the shadows and makes them much more durable. You need to apply it like this: apply a white pencil to a slightly powdered eyelid using strokes, and then blend it. Then do your makeup as usual.

Also, many makeup artists use a white pencil to brighten the eyelids under the eyes. In this process, you must be careful not to apply too much pencil. First, learn how to shade your pencil to catch the moment when the white lightens but does not draw. This method is naturally suitable only for girls with fair skin.

White is one of the most unusual and practical eye pencil colors. It allows you to adjust the shape, place accents, enhance the shades of decorative products and create many other impressive effects. Let's try to figure out how to use a white eyeliner and what to look for when choosing it.

Why do you need white eyeliner?

Using a white shade in makeup can work real miracles, especially if we're talking about about eye makeup. By choosing the ideal pencil in texture and format, you can:

  • 👁 erase traces of fatigue;
  • 👁 achieve the ideal eye shape;
  • 👁 visually adjust the position of close-set eyes;
  • 👁 emphasize graphic arrows;
  • 👁 visually enlarge your eyes;
  • 👁 enhance the shade of the shadows;
  • 👁 give the look openness.

You can achieve different effects with white, but it is very important to choose a quality pencil. A universal option - soft, with a creamy texture, safe for sensitive eye skin. A pencil intended for frequent use should be caring. Thus, the formula of the classic Slim Eye Pencil in the snow-white shade White Pearl from NYX Professional Makeup contains several types of wax, castor and coconut oils that nourish, moisturize and protect the skin. To draw the waterline of the eyelid, you need to choose the most delicate kajal. The quality of the eyeliner determines its resistance to smearing and contact with moisture. For example, the waterproof Retractable Eye Liner in mechanical pencil format will last all day, maintaining a rich white color.

Makeup with white eyeliner

The white pencil is suitable for trendy nude, elegant business and bold evening makeup. Below we will tell you exactly how to use it to obtain a particular effect.

✎ Get rid of signs of fatigue

Light, neat strokes at the inner corner of the eyes with further delicate shading towards the bridge of the nose and eyebrows will help mask the effects of lack of sleep or long hours of work at the computer. If you need to remove redness, you can lighten the lower eyelid with a very soft kajal, and this technique is especially effective when using concealer to correct dark circles and swelling.

✎ Change shape

A simple trick will help make your eyes appear larger. On the upper eyelid you need to apply a thin line of a natural light shade and carefully shade it. It is important that the eyeliner does not extend beyond the outer corner. With an overhanging eyelid, you can draw an arrow from the middle of the moving eyelid outward. The same technique works for narrow eyes.

✎ When the eyes are close together

A white pencil will easily make close-set eyes more proportional. All you need to do is highlight the inner corners with a soft white color, stretching it to the middle of the lower eyelid. For a more expressive result, you should take a liner with a shimmering finish, for example, Slide on Pencil from NYX Professional Makeup. It creates a pearlescent coating with a soft shine, is easy to shade and is not afraid of contact with moisture. By the way, you can make your eyes almond-shaped in the same way. To do this, you need to lighten the inner corners, emphasize the outer corners with shadows and darken the crease of the moving eyelid.

✎ In makeup with arrows

Graphic arrows make the look attractive and deep, and their effect can be enhanced by creating contrast. You need to choose the thinnest of mechanical or wooden pencils and, after drawing a black line with a liner, duplicate it from above - very carefully, without affecting the outline or changing the shape. The long-lasting Faux Whites Eye Brightener pencil from the NYX Professional Makeup collection is ideal for this purpose. An alternative solution is to create a light background on the moving eyelid, which becomes denser at the upper eyelashes, and draw an arrow on top of it with liquid or gel eyeliner.

By the way, white color itself is suitable for creating arrows. For example, in a festive, club or original romantic makeup, you can draw single or double arrows with a thick pencil with a shiny texture. They look best on those with dark brown and “transparent” blue eyes.

✎ Combination with shadows

A white pencil can be used as a base for eye shadow. For example, a thick and soft Jumbo Eye Pencil will create a dense, light base that will make the shades layered on top look cleaner and more intense. It makes it easy to create transitions of tones and clear contours and can be easily combined with any shadows - compact, pressed or cream. This product should be applied depending on the desired effect. The simplest option is to shade the entire moving eyelid, blend to a thin, easy finish and start working with shadows or eyeliner.

✎ For a wide-open look

Various techniques allow you to open your eyes. The easiest way to achieve this effect in a few seconds is with white eyeliner along the lower lash line: the entire waterline is highlighted with kajal. For a daytime look, it is enough to complete the makeup with ultra-black mascara. In a brighter evening look, you can use dark shadows to highlight the area at the outer corner, stretching the color outward and upward. For both options, you can use such a technique as drawing the lower contour of the eyebrow. Under the hair growth line, you need to draw a thick line with a light pencil, which is shaded onto the fixed upper eyelid. For these purposes, you can take an eyeliner, supplemented with small reflective particles.

Using a white pencil, experimenting with makeup is easy and pleasant. This universal product will be an ideal addition to your cosmetic bag and will allow you to create attractive and memorable images with minimal effort.