Gemini numbers of luck. Lucky numbers of zodiac signs

Happy silver wedding to you, dad and mom!
You have become a wonderful and glorious union,
Nothing broke you, nothing separated you,
I wish that everything continues to be the same.
Life together - twenty-five!
And you, parents, are still the same:
Young and in love again,
And your feelings are just as fresh.

Silver is a noble metal,
There is more of him around.
Well, you, just like years ago
You don't glance at others.

We wish from ourselves, loving
You can take the gold - no other way
Raise grandchildren, play weddings,
Always know that happiness only makes you cry.

We've been married for so many years -
Is this really what happens?
Dear mom and dad
Congratulations are accepted.

How so worthy of feeling
Have you saved? Oh, I wish I could find out!
Preserving them is an art
Until the silver wedding!

You are newlyweds again.
We sincerely congratulate you!
And to parents in love
We wish you a sea of ​​happiness!

For our sunny childhood,
For the happiness of seeing you, loving you,
Because we are - yours -
We wish you a long life.

You are the perfect family
And there is no better couple in the world.
I want to be like you.
Congratulations on this date!

I wish you, parents,
Happiness, joy and peace,
You've experienced silver
We are waiting for a golden wedding!

I immediately congratulate mom and dad,
I wanted it very, very, very much.
And I won’t lie here,
I prepared the gift at night.

I’ll read the lines as a gift,
So sincere, gentle, colorful.
Please accept congratulations from your daughter,
My good, beloved, dear ones.

I congratulate you on your silver wedding,
I will give you my heart again.
The only thing I can say here is that I know
That I will never betray you!

Our dear, kind, glorious,
Congratulations on your silver wedding,
For us, you are the dearest, the most important,
You serve as a great example for us.

Always live in love and harmony,
Be always protected by fate,
Walk next to the golden wedding.

Live long, laugh, don't swear.
Be healthy, always happy.
And stay young forever,
After all, he who loves never grows old!

How quickly a quarter of a century has flown by.
The years fly by, and we are always in a hurry.
Happy wedding anniversary to mom and dad
Today I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.

You are an example for me forever
Love, unity, eternal friendship.
You understand from the look -
What and when each other needs.

May your love last forever
And it will be an example for everyone, of course,
Be happy all your life, my dears,
Always remain young at heart.

Like doves, after all this time,
You coo at night.
Living together as per the plan
Those years after years.

To the silver wedding
I wish, gentlemen,
Keep your estate
Good for ages.

Dear mom and dad! You have been together for so many years that it’s hard to imagine. You have a silver wedding and this has been a whole quarter of a century. May your marriage continue to flourish, full of happiness and love. I wish you to celebrate your wedding anniversary many, many more times.

Congratulations, mom, dad,
Happy most important day of yours.
It's been a quarter of a century now
How are you together, the two of you.

We are grateful for the strong
Your union is fruitful.
You sing harmoniously
Song of life in blues style.

One quarter of a century
It flew by like a moment of happiness.
Today we, all your children,
We sincerely thank you!

A quarter of a century is an anniversary.
You without fear and doubt
Please accept congratulations from your own children.
We want to wish you that this is your date
With a light number 25 it turned out to be winged.
And we also want to say,
That we will all make an effort,
So that everything you could wish for
You had everything today!

On your silver wedding day,
Let me sincerely wish you,
Walk through life holding hands,
Trust, love, and never lose heart.
Dear parents, congratulations,
May joy always smile on you,
Live in abundance and love,
May the Lord always protect you.

Dear, beloved, mother, father,
Congratulations, barely holding back tears.
Twenty-five years ago you walked down the aisle,
And they began to share happiness and dreams.

You are an example - it’s better not to look for everything in the world,
And we are proud that we are your children,
On this holiday we want to wish,
To live together for a century.

My beloved parents
In my destiny, irreplaceable,
You've been together for 25 years,
And I believe you couldn’t be happier!
I wish you longevity,
May you celebrate your centenary
Golden life together,
And may love make you happy!

You have become more beautiful today
Even more beautiful than yesterday
After all, today in your house -
Silver wedding.

May they be with you forever
And good luck and goodness!
Let's celebrate the golden one together,
In the meantime, here's to silver!

Your path in life was bright.
Don't grow old at heart
So that later you can meet with dignity
Your golden anniversary!

Today we wish the spouses
Endlessly falling in love with each other
So that happiness shines again
Twenty-five more are with you!

Traditionally, the first parting words to newlyweds come from their parents. At this enchanting moment, children know that these wishes and instructions that pour into them are the most sincere, the most benevolent and the most beautiful.

No matter how diligently my mother prepares for her performance, when the first lines begin to sound, you can hear her voice trembling with excitement. Support her: wink, smile, come up and take her hand, and see how the tension subsides.

Wedding congratulations, touching to tears, from mom:

You flew to another house, which has its own order, you must carry it out, maintain and update it.

Manage to preserve the hearth of the family, kindle a great fire of love, and if litter suddenly arises, be able to quietly cut it off.

In your new home, become a wise housewife: love, appreciate and honor your spouse,

and no one will replace you with each other during your family leisure days.

Carry your love through the years, tell your children about it,

and teach them, as we taught you to love and respect each other every hour."

Mothers always try to give their daughter guidance on the long, bright, colorful journey called “married life.”

After the parents’ introductory speech, the floor is given to the best friend-“buddy” and the best friend-“boyar”:

"My dear friend, we have known you since school,

We will and have gone through a lot in life.

Over the many years of knowing you, we have become closer to each other from such friendship.

You made your choice, I'm happy for you. Today you got married, and this is forever.

Hold your hands tightly, walk with one foot, and you will find a way out of any adversity.

You will always love and appreciate each other and will be happy for many years to come."

In married life, there is a golden rule: “Marriage should be comfortable for both!” Follow this simple rule, live in harmony with each other, and then you will only have white stripes on your life path."

And after this, the toastmaster turns to the brothers and sisters of the bride and groom.

“Dear, dear sister, you and I grew up together: we played, ran, joked, in the whirlwind of life’s blizzard.

You and I walked through life hand in hand, each other, helping each other out, helping out.

We met sorrows, joys, and sorrows along the way. Thus the years of youth flew by.

Today you are wearing a veil, you are so beautiful in your wedding dress, your eyes sparkle with happiness, your dream has come true.

Let go of my hand and put it in the palm of the one who won your heart, who put the ring on his finger, who will lend a courageous shoulder next to you in difficult times.

Love each other, appreciate, cherish, live beautifully and drink tea together. Give birth to children, and always know that if something happens, I’m always there!

One simple word “sorry” can move any stone of misunderstanding. Live beautifully, brightly and easily. Take care of your family hearth and don’t let it go out. Erase all stereotypes and go live on the rainbow."

Congratulations for newlyweds should be unique, meaningful and interesting. Do not drag out your congratulations for a long time, this can tire the newlyweds. In your congratulations or parting words, highlight the main criteria and try to keep it within 2-3 minutes.

There are many guests, and everyone wants to congratulate the newlyweds. Dare, compose, create. The main thing is to remember: it doesn’t matter at all how congratulations are heard in poetry or prose, the main thing is that it is from the heart!

Your destinies are intertwined together
For two, one life is dear,
You are like two halves of a whole,
You were created for each other by God.

May your marriage be like a thousand springs
Blooms with love and passion.
And fate will give you away
Happiness is in your silver glasses.

I am very happy to congratulate you, dear ones,
Happy silver wedding now!
You are my parents,
Which is difficult to convey. well, just “Cool!”
I wish you health, mutual understanding,
Prosperity and family warmth!
May every wish come true,
May your life be happy!

A quarter of a century is a wonderful date,
There is magical power in tender feelings -
Love once married you,
Gave you happiness forever.

We hasten to congratulate you on your silver wedding:
You had to go through a lot.
However, we wish you to continue this path.
And you can’t leave your hand out of your hands for a moment.
Such unity is unknown to many,
For you, it is family law.

Today is a long-awaited date,
The silver wedding is desired,
And we wish the young
Intimacy so that it is always cool,
So that peace reigns in every corner,
And there was no place for trouble,
Love burned like a star
And so that your dream comes true,
So that the union is strong as steel,
And let spring sing in my heart!

The day of the silver wedding has arrived -
Your couple is celebrating!
Silver is a precious metal
It protects the owner from harm!
So these properties are magical
And a guarantee for your happiness!
Be joyful, believe in the best!
Take your piece of luck!

You have lived together for a quarter of a century.
We congratulate you, keep it up!
There were both strife and joy.
But you were able to restrain each other.
And your love gives birth to pride.
We will experience it to the fullest.
We congratulate you on your silver medal today.
Let a wave of happiness cover you!

Surprisingly, after a quarter of a century
Two wonderful people together.
Congratulations on this important date
And we wish you love, guys!

Silver wedding - feelings burn in hearts,
A great holiday - a masterpiece for art!
The husband is serious, and the wife is beautiful and colorful!
Looking at you, my eyes rejoice.
And the bright shine of silver,
He says that life is not in vain!
We do not wish for wealth at all,
And we wish you happiness and love without guile!

I want to congratulate my grandparents
And with verses of congratulations, I fly on wings.
We lived together for a long time, you are twenty-five years old,
And there was a lot of sense from you - well done.
I wish you to live forever. Love, always bloom,
May everything be great and never be sad.

Silver wedding - a quarter of a century,
How you connected your lives for a reason.
And the years flew by very quickly -
And the gray hair touched my temples.

But everything doesn't matter, everything around doesn't matter,
After all, the main thing is that, as before, you are young,
The eyes sparkle with immense love,
Such as the flame of a crazy spring.

May this date give you tenderness,
Attention and care from children.
Well-being will become endless,
May you live many bright days.

Another twenty-five years, maybe more.
After all, you have the enthusiasm for this.
Shine with your happiness longer,
Protecting your love again.

Today is your day - silver wedding day!
I congratulate you, my dears!
I wish you happiness, love each other!
And make your hopes come true!
May your dreams and wishes come true!
Parents, happy holiday! I love you!
I wish you joy, laughter, smiles,
Let only goodness and comfort reign in your home!

You have lived together for a quarter of a century.
And today is the wedding anniversary!
There is no more reliable person in the world -
You are the most valuable thing to each other!
We wish you peace and care,
Be a little wiser every day.
Let all adversity bypass your home,
Have sunny and joyful days!

Silver wedding - love's reward!
You walk side by side hand in hand.
And it seemed that more was not needed,
How to feel cared for by your loved one.

May you live together amicably for another hundred years,
Know neither grief nor sadness of days!
We shout “Bitter!” bride and groom!
May your fire of love burn stronger!

You are so close! Isn't this a miracle?
And an example of great love for friends!
The intertwining of your two true destinies,
Like the embodiment of a young dream!

Today is exactly twenty-five years old,
How pure love was born.
She lives without melting, without burning.
Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!

On your wedding day, silver to you
I wish you peace in the family!
So that you live together, happily,
Well, just like in a fairytale dream!
May everyone in the house be healthy!
Let there be only grace in him!
I wish you joy, laughter,
You don’t know sadness and grief!

Silver anniversary today
The most wonderful people!
So pour it, quickly, don’t regret it,
Let's celebrate this glorious anniversary!

After all, a quarter of a century is behind them,
And how many cases were solved between two!
And how many restless days there were!
And, of course, sweet nights!

Guys, you are so great!
There is fire in the eyes, there are youngsters in the soul,
Keep your love, we remind you,
That the next wedding is golden!

I hasten to congratulate my mother-in-law and father-in-law,
I want to say a lot of tender words to them,
Today is their dear holiday,
I congratulate you with all my heart and soul.
It's been 25 years since they've been here,
May all your days be happy!

You are two wonderful people!
And your marriage lasts a quarter of a century!
Your twenty-fifth anniversary
I wish you a more joyful meeting!
Let the glasses be in your hands,
Beautiful fireworks in the sky,
Smiles of loved ones and relatives,
And the whole world for you two!

Happy anniversary to you, wife,
You've been together for a quarter of a century,
So congratulate each other
With the new wisdom of the owl.

You deserve silver
We will scream bitterly
So that we can be friends like this all our lives,
And they didn’t back away.

Your union has developed strong,
Let it grow stronger every day,
And your ancestors are proud of you,
So that the house is full of happiness.

Silver wedding - a quarter of a century!
Your love has ruled the show for many years.
It would be a sin for us not to celebrate such a date,
May every day bring you sunshine!
And the silver that we give you for happiness,
May it bring good luck and joy.
And it is in your power to preserve love,
Live together - there is sweetness in this life!

We lived in love for a quarter of a century,
You took great care of your relationships.
You raised nice children,
And the silver anniversary has come to you.
Live with love behind you,
And enjoy our speeches.
Place the success chest in the corner,
Add a little love to it.

Silvering, silvering -
This wedding is like snow
You've been together for 25 years,
A happier couple No!

So caring for each other
What is it that makes the soul so sad?
You have passed through the fog and blizzard,
The winds have seen life.

You haven't forgotten how to love -
Learned to survive

0 0

Grandparents are our wonderful ones,
We hasten to congratulate you on your anniversary.
May you have life cup full,
We always want to see you happy.
We congratulate you on your silver wedding,
We wish you long life and joy.
May the bird of happiness often fly to you,
We need you so much, our dear ones.

It's grandma and grandpa's anniversary today,
Don’t begrudge them wonderful words and congratulations.
25 years spent together were not in vain,
A large, friendly family has been created.
I congratulate you on your silver wedding,
I wish only goodness and warmth from my heart.
May everything you dream about come true today,
You decorate our life with your presence.

We keep shouting “Bitter!” to our grandparents.
Their anniversary today is beautiful and resounding.
Congratulations, fun, jokes, laughter,
You lived happily for 25 years.
I want to wish you good luck, laughter and luck,
So that you receive a lot of admiration from life.
I also wish you not to worry without reason,
And then all problems will be easily solved.

And the silver period flew by,
And the grandchildren have already grown up.
But it calls to its beautiful limit
The love that arose once upon a time.
But she, having matured and passed
Thirty years along endless roads,
The pure joy of a new day
It illuminates your home for a reason.
May her journey never end
And hopes, always young,
Never in a hurry to rest
And they shine for you like for the first time!

Silver wedding is yours,
Native grandmother and grandfather -
Brighter than the holiday and more beautiful
There never was and is not in the world!
So young, light, healthy,
Beautiful, like a long time ago.
It's not cow's milk for you
We drink sparkling wine!
There is no trace of Godkov on their faces,
There is no fatigue or sadness.
We praise our grandparents -
Live together for hundreds of years!

Twenty-five years of life together have flown by,
And grandma and grandpa are still the same,
In love with the soul of your youth again,
All your feelings are as strong and fresh as before.
For us, you are an example - an ideal family,
And in the world there is no more beautiful married couple,
I always want to be equal to your love,
Congratulations, beloved, on this date.

One fourth of a whole century,
I rushed by in happiness and peace like a moment,
And today we are your grandchildren and children,
For everything you have done, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
For our beautiful and bright childhood,
For the happiness of being with you, loving you,
Because we are your grandchildren, so beloved,
We wish you another hundred years of living together!

Congratulations on your 25th wedding anniversary - Silver wedding:

A quarter of a century flew by unnoticed. This joyful day has come when you can remember the emotions you experienced and once again immerse yourself in the holiday atmosphere. The couple is waiting for congratulations on their silver wedding from relatives and friends. But the most exciting thing for them is to hear the words of their now adult children. 25 years ago this family was just getting started. And now it’s time to sum up the first results and be proud of the excellent results.

Beautiful congratulations on the Silver Wedding (25 years) from children

The couple celebrates their quarter-century anniversary in different ways. Someone celebrates in a quiet family circle. Someone is organizing a lavish outdoor event. However, regardless of plans, children must be nearby on this day. No hassle, concern or business should prevent you from congratulating your parents. A family's birthday is a defining date for the entire generation.

A wedding anniversary is a vivid example of how to take care of relationships. Everything is intertwined in the celebration: tribute to traditions, respect for elders, and veneration of family values.

The younger generation does not have much experience. Children may have difficulty finding words. It is difficult for them to understand what it means to be together for 25 years. Children cannot give advice or guidance. But they have the power to thank their mother and father for their cloudless childhood, for their family, for this stone support, which, alas, not everyone has.

  1. Dear, beloved! Mom, father, Congratulations, barely holding back tears. Twenty-five years ago you walked down the aisle and began to share happiness and dreams. You are an example - you couldn’t find anything better in the world. And we are proud that we are your children. On this holiday, we want to wish you to live together for a century.
  1. You are my loved ones, dear and good, My heart is happy that this anniversary has become proof that you are like a garden blooming near the steppe fields! How I would like to wish you, my parents, On your silver wedding (I will tell you a toast) Be like this when you saw each other, And carry that feeling to your gray hair!
  1. We've been married for so many years - is it really possible? Dear Mom and Dad, Congratulations are accepted. How did you save such worthy feelings? Oh, I wish I could find out! Preserving them is an art Until the silver wedding! You are newlyweds again. We sincerely congratulate you! And we wish the parents in love the Sea of ​​​​happiness!
  1. Please accept congratulations from your children on your joyful anniversary together! Today the Family turns 25, and we will congratulate you! We wish for father and mother to love him, and more often to give flowers just like that, and for mother we wish that you always support your father in everything!
  1. Today is your day - silver wedding day! I congratulate you, my dears! I wish you happiness, love each other! And make your hopes come true! May your dreams and wishes come true! Parents, happy holiday! I love you! I wish you joy, laughter, smiles, May only goodness and comfort reign in your home!
  1. I want to congratulate my dearest and closest people on their anniversary and say a huge thank you for living on this earth. Dear, beloved, family, May fate send you many years, So that your health does not fail you. There is no one more precious to me in the world.
  1. Happy anniversary, my dearest! May you always be happy. I love you, dear ones. Let the years pass joyfully, You are a mountain for each other. I can easily solve all problems, If I know, you are with me. I will never tire of wishing you warmth and health. I congratulate you with love, May you live for many years!
  1. Dear mom and dad, This day is sacred for us. On this day you were once married to fate. Your wedding anniversary is celebrated by the whole family, You are like two captains For your native ship. We wish you good health. May God give you strength and love, So that you are young and don’t know worries.
  1. Happy silver wedding to you, dad and mom! You have become a wonderful and glorious union, Nothing broke you, nothing separated you, I wish that everything will continue to be the same. Let your love continue forever And be an example for everyone, of course, Be happy all your life, my dear ones, Always remain young in soul.
  1. One fourth of a century flew by like a moment of happiness. Today we, all your children, thank you from the bottom of our hearts! For our sunny childhood, For the happiness of seeing you, loving you, For the fact that we are yours - We wish you a long life. Until the golden wedding and beyond, To marry more great-grandchildren, “I love you!” say more often, Always forgive each other everything!

Silver wedding is yours,
Dear grandparents!
Brighter than the holiday and more beautiful
There never was and is not in the world!
So young, light, healthy,
Beautiful, like a long time ago!
It's not cow's milk for you
We drink sparkling wine!
There is no trace of Godkov on their faces,
There is no fatigue or sadness.
We praise our grandparents -
Live together until you're a hundred years old!

Silver wedding celebrated
Our dear grandmother and grandfather,
We are happy to congratulate them today,
Their feelings are reward and victory!
They spent almost half a century together,
Survived troubles and bad weather,
We wish them good health,
Joy, good luck, a lot of happiness.

Grandparents and relatives
We want to congratulate you again!
You are so good with us,
We make sure every hour!
You've been living together for forty years,
We hasten to congratulate you today!
We know that you expect happiness from life,
And health is in a hurry to come to you again!

Please accept congratulations from your grandchildren,
We are happy to the point of dizziness -
And today we will congratulate you,
We only wish you good health!
After all, you deserve such happiness!
We wish you to continue to live together!
We only want to wish you the best,
We love you very much - we want to say!

Grandparents are our wonderful ones,
We hasten to congratulate you on your anniversary.
May your life be full,
We always want to see you happy.
We congratulate you on your silver wedding,
We wish you long life and joy.
May the bird of happiness often fly to you,
We need you so much, our dear ones.

Congratulations on the 25th wedding anniversary from grandchildren

It's grandma and grandpa's anniversary today,
Don’t begrudge them wonderful words and congratulations.
25 years spent together were not in vain,
A large, friendly family has been created.
I congratulate you on your silver wedding,
I wish only goodness and warmth from my heart.
May everything you dream about come true today,
You decorate our life with your presence.

We keep shouting “Bitter!” to our grandparents.
Their anniversary today is beautiful and resounding.
Congratulations, fun, jokes, laughter,
You lived happily for 25 years.
I want to wish you good luck, laughter and luck,
So that you receive a lot of admiration from life.
I also wish you not to worry without reason,
And then all problems will be easily solved.

And the silver period flew by,
And the grandchildren have already grown up.
But it calls to its beautiful limit
The love that arose once upon a time.
But she, having matured and passed
Thirty years along endless roads,
The pure joy of a new day
It illuminates your home for a reason.
May her journey never end
And hopes, always young,
Never in a hurry to rest
And they shine for you like for the first time!

Twenty-five years of life together have flown by,
And grandma and grandpa are still the same,
In love with the soul of your youth again,
All your feelings are as strong and fresh as before.
For us, you are an example - an ideal family,
And in the world there is no more beautiful married couple,
I always want to be equal to your love,
Congratulations, beloved, on this date.

One fourth of a whole century,
I rushed by in happiness and peace like a moment,
And today we are your grandchildren and children,
For everything you have done, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
For our beautiful and bright childhood,
For the happiness of being with you, loving you,
Because we are your grandchildren, so beloved,
We wish you another hundred years of living together!

Grandma is a bride
Grandfather - groom
Happy silver wedding
Congratulations to them.
25 years of life
You lived together
We wish you happiness
The bride and groom.
And may the years to you
The whiskey was silvered
You are your love
Kept in my heart
We lived 40 years
We wish so much more
Golden at the wedding
We shout to you “Bitter!”

Congratulations on your silver wedding from your grandchildren

You've been together for so long -
25 happy years,
We congratulate you on this,
Our grandmother and grandfather
Silver your wedding
May it bring you joy,
Be happy, healthy,
Let the blues and sadness pass!

Congratulations to grandma and grandpa,
For 25 years you have been for each other!
We wish you good health,
You are a worthy husband and wife.
We want the best to happen
Everything good happened
So that everything bad stops,
Only good things came!

I will congratulate my grandparents
Happy silver wedding and wish you
So that we live together and don’t grieve,
And so that your grandchildren don’t forget you.
Visited, respected,
To be cared for and protected.
Accept a gift from your grandchildren,
And so that the family corner pleases.

I want to congratulate my grandparents
And with verses of congratulations, I fly on wings.
We lived together for a long time, you are twenty-five years old,
And there was a lot of sense from you - well done.
I wish you to live forever. Love, always bloom,
May everything be great and never be sad.

Granny! Grandfather! Dear ones!
Today is an important day for you.
And you are still the same young
On your quarter-century anniversary.
Worry, rejoice, live,
Even if the years are hard!
Give joy to your loved ones
Well, as a last resort - poetry.
So that life does not smoke, does not smolder,
The days have not turned to ashes.
Throw it into the flames boldly
Your hearts are warm!

I suddenly congratulate my grandparents on their wedding,
And you know, I’ll tell you, I’m not lying at all.
You lived together for twenty-five,
Well, without any game there.
Loved, love each other,
You will always lend a hand.
And you will be together forever,
I wish you never to be sad.
Accept a gift from your granddaughter,
And let the family corner
Keeps you, loves and protects you,
And he knows everything about your life.

Congratulations on your Silver Wedding!
And we want to wish you from the bottom of our hearts
To you: health, success, good luck,
And always understand each other.
A quarter of a century! After all, this is a lot,
To check your feelings.
We'll fill our glasses today
On this holiday of great LOVE!

Congratulations on your silver wedding,
Twenty-five is truly valuable,
You are strong and rich in each other,
Your bonds are strong and imperishable.

Your destinies are intertwined together
For two, one life is dear,
You are like two halves of a whole,
You were created for each other by God.

May your marriage be like a thousand springs
Blooms with love and passion.
And fate will give you away
Happiness is in your silver glasses.

Silver wedding - family anniversary,
Silver wedding - you can't forget about it!
Silver wedding is the most beautiful ceremony,
Silver wedding - a big parade of love!
Silver wedding is an exciting moment,
Silver wedding - the wealth of shared years!
Celebrate the Silver Wedding with all your heart,
A silver wedding is a stepping stone to a golden one!

I am very happy to congratulate you, dear ones,
Happy silver wedding now!
You are my parents,
What’s hard to convey... well, just “Cool!”
I wish you health, mutual understanding,
Prosperity and family warmth!
May every wish come true,
May your life be happy!

A quarter of a century is a wonderful date,
There is magical power in tender feelings -
Love once married you,
Gave you happiness forever.

The silver wedding is knocking on your door.
There have been so many ups and losses in life!
But you didn't break that thread of love,
What united you on the path of life.
We wish you longevity, warmth,
Family comfort, health and goodness,
Look into each other's eyes and feel the thrill,
And on starry evenings to hug with love!

We hasten to congratulate you on your silver wedding:
You had to go through a lot.
However, we wish you to continue this path.
And you can’t leave your hand out of your hands for a moment.
Such unity is unknown to many,
For you, it is family law.

Silver wedding means
That the Lord destined you for each other,
So may your dreams always come true,
We wish you happiness and love.
In the future, you help each other,
Support and don't be discouraged!
Let all good things happen
And a smile will light up your faces!

I immediately congratulate mom and dad,
I wanted it very, very, very much.
And I won’t lie here,
I prepared the gift at night.
I’ll read the lines as a gift,
So sincere, gentle, colorful.
Please accept congratulations from your daughter,
My good, beloved, dear ones.
I congratulate you on your silver wedding,
I will give you my heart again.
The only thing I can say here is that I know
That I will never betray you!

Today is a long-awaited date,
The silver wedding is desired,
And we wish the young
Intimacy so that it is always cool,
So that peace reigns in every corner,
And there was no place for trouble,
Love burned like a star
And so that your dream comes true,
So that the union is strong as steel,
And let spring sing in my heart!

Dear, beloved husband,
You are not only my husband, you are also my friend.
I'm very glad that we are together
It's very interesting with you
Congratulations on your silver wedding
I wish you with great tenderness.
So that life flows like a stormy river
Bypassing all the rapids and potholes.
And so that together we as husband, wife
We also celebrated our golden wedding anniversary.

The day of the silver wedding has arrived -
Your couple is celebrating!
Silver is a precious metal
It protects the owner from harm!
So these properties are magical
And a guarantee for your happiness!
Be joyful, believe in the best!
Take your piece of luck!

You have lived together for a quarter of a century.
We congratulate you, keep it up!
There were both strife and joy.
But you were able to restrain each other.
And your love gives birth to pride.
We will experience it to the fullest.
We congratulate you on your silver medal today.
Let a wave of happiness cover you!

Surprisingly, after a quarter of a century
Two wonderful people together.
Congratulations on this important date
And we wish you love, guys!

Silver wedding - twenty-five!
What kind of toast can we say here?
And who could come up with the perfect idea?
For a case like this, a poem?
No, all the words sound clumsy here,
And a long toast is completely, completely unnecessary.
And all you need to say here is:
You are as happy as the morning of your wedding!
Let the gray hair silver the temples,
But your ardor has not cooled!

Silver wedding - feelings burn in hearts,
A great holiday - a masterpiece for art!
The husband is serious, and the wife is beautiful and colorful!
Looking at you, my eyes rejoice.
And the bright shine of silver,
He says that life is not in vain!
We do not wish for wealth at all,
And we wish you happiness and love without guile!

I want to congratulate my grandparents
And with verses of congratulations, I fly on wings.
We lived together for a long time, you are twenty-five years old,
And there was a lot of sense from you - well done.
I wish you to live forever. Love, always bloom,
May everything be great and never be sad.

Silver wedding - a quarter of a century,
How you connected your lives for a reason.
And the years flew by very quickly -
And the gray hair touched my temples...

But everything doesn't matter, everything around doesn't matter,
After all, the main thing is that, as before, you are young,
The eyes sparkle with immense love,
Such as the flame of a crazy spring.

May this date give you tenderness,
Attention and care from children.
Well-being will become endless,
May you live many bright days.

Another twenty-five years, maybe more.
After all, you have the enthusiasm for this.
Shine with your happiness longer,
Protecting your love again.

Today is your day - silver wedding day!
I congratulate you, my dears!
I wish you happiness, love each other!
And make your hopes come true!
May your dreams and wishes come true!
Parents, happy holiday! I love you!
I wish you joy, laughter, smiles,
Let only goodness and comfort reign in your home!

You have lived together for a quarter of a century.
And today is the wedding anniversary!
There is no more reliable person in the world -
You are the most valuable thing to each other!
We wish you peace and care,
Be a little wiser every day.
Let all adversity bypass your home,
Have sunny and joyful days!

Silver wedding - love's reward!
You walk side by side hand in hand.
And it seemed that more was not needed,
How to feel cared for by your loved one.

May you live together amicably for another hundred years,
Know neither grief nor sadness of days!
We shout “Bitter!” bride and groom!
May your fire of love burn stronger!

You are so close! Isn't this a miracle?
And an example of great love for friends!
The intertwining of your two true destinies,
Like the embodiment of a young dream!

Dear friends and spouses!
For the twenty-fifth anniversary
You came through showers and blizzards,
Keeping the sparks of love in our souls,
At the time of school, the ovary gave birth.
I believe, feelings of hardening
You have enough to live on that everyone will envy.
Congratulations and I am glad with all my heart,
What a worthy distance has been covered.
So I wish love to flare up,
So that you can bask in its warmth,
And when the date will be tripled.

Today is exactly twenty-five years old,
How pure love was born.
She lives without melting, without burning.
Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!

On your wedding day, silver to you
I wish you peace in the family!
So that you live together, happily,
Well, just like in a fairytale dream!
May everyone in the house be healthy!
Let there be only grace in him!
I wish you joy, laughter,
You don’t know sadness and grief!

Silver wedding - silver medalist,
The high peak of life's difficult mountains.
Silver horses will not reach the goal,
When the good family harmony does not rule on the road.
Hand in hand always - both in happiness and in adversity,
The crystal string rings on the most tremulous note.
A luxurious garden will not grow the wealth of love,
The Silver Wedding is worth more than all the awards!

Silver anniversary today
The most wonderful people!
So pour it, quickly, don’t regret it,
Let's celebrate this glorious anniversary!

After all, a quarter of a century is behind them,
And how many cases were solved between two!
And how many restless days there were!
And, of course, sweet nights!

Guys, you are so great!
There is fire in the eyes, there are youngsters in the soul,
Keep your love, we remind you,
That the next wedding is golden!

I hasten to congratulate my mother-in-law and father-in-law,
I want to say a lot of tender words to them,
Today is their dear holiday,
I congratulate you with all my heart and soul.
It's been 25 years since they've been here,
May all your days be happy!

Twenty-five is a big date.
This is a tribute to your long love.
And she just decorates
He only suggests his secrets.
Twenty five! How long have you lived?
There were so many difficulties along the way.
Only what has not cooled down in the chest,
I didn’t dare cool down and leave.
Twenty five! Happy silver wedding
We congratulate you today.
Let your happiness grow stronger
Every year, every day and hour.

You are two wonderful people!
And your marriage lasts a quarter of a century!
Your twenty-fifth anniversary
I wish you a more joyful meeting!
Let the glasses be in your hands,
Beautiful fireworks in the sky,
Smiles of loved ones and relatives,
And the whole world for you two!

Happy anniversary to you, wife,
You've been together for a quarter of a century,
So congratulate each other
With the new wisdom of the owl.

You deserve silver
We will scream bitterly
So that we can be friends like this all our lives,
And they didn’t back away.

Your union has developed strong,
Let it grow stronger every day,
And your ancestors are proud of you,
So that the house is full of happiness.

Silver wedding - a quarter of a century!
Your love has ruled the show for many years.
It would be a sin for us not to celebrate such a date,
May every day bring you sunshine!
And the silver that we give you for happiness,
May it bring good luck and joy.
And it is in your power to preserve love,
Live together - there is sweetness in this life!

We lived in love for a quarter of a century,
You took great care of your relationships.
You raised nice children,
And the silver anniversary has come to you.
Live with love behind you,
And enjoy our speeches.
Place the success chest in the corner,
Add a little love to it.

Silvering, silvering -
This wedding is like snow
You've been together for 25 years,
And there is no happier couple!

So caring for each other
What is it that makes the soul so sad?
You have passed through the fog and blizzard,
The winds have seen life.

You haven't forgotten how to love -
Learned to survive
Learned very wisely
Resolve all problems.

They became stronger and dearer,
You know the taste of happiness
And silver threads
Let them bind you stronger!

You've been together exactly 25
Happy many years to come
And I want to wish you
Good luck and victories!
You have a wonderful family!
We are proud of you!
And there are children and friends nearby,
We wish you love!

Your love is worthy of admiration,
It’s even difficult to convey in poetry
All the importance and solemnity of the moment,
It’s no joke – changing a quarter of a century!
Glasses are now clinking only in your honor,
And noble wine flows,
After all, your couple is better and more beautiful,
There is no one in the world anyway!

My beloved husband, you and I are together,
The bride and groom have been married for a quarter of a century.
I congratulate you and smack-smack your cheeks,
Accept a poem from me on this day.
I love you so much, my heart aches
Tells me about love for you,
So that adversity passes by,
You stay only with me.
Dear, dear, awesome,
Strong and my most incomparable.

Anniversary silver rings
We will celebrate with you finally.
You have lived in love for so many years,
Protecting your family from harm.
We will fill the glasses to the brim,
So that your home is full.
To you in health, in joy to live in it,
To deserve a golden wedding.

My beloved parents
In my destiny, irreplaceable,
You've been together for 25 years,
And I believe you couldn’t be happier!
I wish you longevity,
May you celebrate your centenary
Golden life together,
And may love make you happy!

A quarter of a century since you have been together
And we want to tell you -
The bride is just as feminine
And it’s impossible to describe with a pen.

And the groom is handsome and stately
It’s as if the years haven’t passed -
Charming, gallant.
Well, admit it, you found it

Unravel the secret of happiness
How to live your whole life in love,
How without grief and bad weather
Only joy is earned.

You are an example for many. Know
All glory and honor to you.
May you continue to have good luck!

Behold, the silver wedding,
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
Let it never happen
It's winter in a relationship.
25 years is a long time,
That's what we want to wish.
So that the figure is three times larger
I had a chance to celebrate.

Happy anniversary!
We'll shower you with silver!
You've been together for a quarter of a century,
Well, how can you not admire it?
And look with love
How not to be touched?
It's a beautiful day
And the holiday is yours!
And the guests were inspired!
We wish you happiness and goodness,
May there be joy every day!
Happy moments are a mess,
And so that adversity and laziness go away!

You have passed the test of a quarter of a century,
At the same time, preserving the family hearth,
And celebrate the silver anniversary
You can deserve it now!
Thank you for raising us!
Live happily, health and goodness to you!
We love you! We wish you success!
And on the way there is only warm sunshine!

The joyful wedding broke out -
25 joyful years!
Silver shines again
The aroma flows through the bouquet.
Dear ones, congratulations,
And we wish not to grow old,
So that happiness does not melt,
To make the voice ring.

On this day you celebrated your wedding!
Much water has passed under the bridge since then!
A quarter of a century in joy and sorrow!
Silver sparkles at the temples!
Congratulations on your silver wedding!
But we wish you not mountains of silver!
May you be rich in love and happiness!
And may luck be generous to you!

A great day, without a doubt!
I am pleased to announce today:
Silver is a priceless metal!
Young people will confirm.

Even though the whiskey turned silver -
They are not spoiled by this shine.
This wisdom has manifested itself,
Traces of happiness for two.

You won't get tired of love,
Enjoy it every hour.
And happy silver wedding
Congratulations today!

Please accept congratulations from the children
On your joyful anniversary together!
Turned 25 today
To the family, we will congratulate you too!
We wish our father to love our mother,
And more often he gave flowers just like that,
And we wish mom that she always
You supported your father in everything!

The wedding is twenty-five today!
And the heart confuses its beats, -
Such honor and grace
Congratulate the glorious anniversaries:

You have been together for so many years and winters,
That they have become an indivisible whole,
And I want to wish both
All the best in the world without limit!

May this wedding be silver
Brings happiness to your couple,
Prosperity, goodness,
Gives warmth of love and joy!