Geminis of the first, second and third decades. Gemini decans General characteristics of the sign

Of all Geminis, these representatives are strongly influenced by the planet Saturn, which gives them determination, strong-willed character and discipline. Thanks to these qualities, Geminis of the third decade (June 11 - June 21) can realize themselves in political sphere, administrative structures. Therefore, they often gravitate toward career or power.

And observation and education, which are also inherent in them, will easily allow any representative of this sign in the third decade to become a real professional in their field. They do not tolerate quarrels and support their authority in every possible way, including in love relationships.

Uranus, the planet of knowledge, combines with Gemini's ruler Mercury to give you a clear, receptive mind. Your opinion is always original; others often seek your advice. You are an intellectual and your approach to life is mental rather than emotional. Although you have many friends and love affairs, the brain comes first and the heart follows.

You take a practical approach to your work and ignore anything that cannot be used. You are witty and eloquent, willing to say what's on your mind. Sometimes you can be too demanding and overbearing because you expect others to meet your high standards.

They enjoy increased attention from members of the opposite sex, so they can start a family quite early. But all everyday troubles and problems seem excessively boring to Gemini, so they give their companion the opportunity to deal with them independently.

Of course, this does not contribute to the strengthening of the family union, as a result of which the families of Geminis of the third decade, created at an early age, are usually very fragile. However, Geminis themselves rarely initiate a divorce or breakup. They are afraid to offend loved one, prefer that the companion or companion act independently.

Geminis of the third decade are very smart. As a rule, they strive to receive a good education. And they usually succeed in this idea. But at the same time, Geminis of the third decade rarely find use for their talents and abilities. They strive to have time to redo as many things as possible, but as a result, they do not have time to do practically anything. Geminis at a young age often live on odd jobs without a stable income.

Geminis of the third decade love children very much. Often they have children very early, and then do not have time to pay them due attention. But, nevertheless, Geminis of the third decade manage to make their children independent and responsible, that is, instill in them those qualities that the parents themselves lack.

Gemini third decade - up to 25 years

Geminis of the third decade are dependent on the opinions of others, so they often feel awkward when someone speaks critically about them and all their achievements. They are very ambitious, and therefore by the age of 30 they decide to settle down and finally do a worthy job.

The period from 30 to 35 is the time of their active career growth. If in their youth they led free life, surviving on irregular and odd jobs, they are now achieving certain successes in the field of activity that they have chosen.

But almost all Geminis are creative people, and those born in the third decade are no exception. Therefore, they achieve certain success in activities related to science, journalism, writing or publishing, etc. And even in mature age Geminis of the third decade love to be in the spotlight. They are somewhat selfish, so they put their own interests first, ignoring the interests of others.

This leads to the fact that at the time of their social success, Gemini is forced to fail in family relationships.

Geminis of the third decade - from 25 to 35 years

They are so passionate about their work and career that they do not pay any attention to their partner or life partner. Consequently, divorce is likely between the ages of 30 and 40. Left alone, Geminis are not at all burdened by this. On the contrary, they understand that now even more opportunities open up to them than before.

Geminis of the third decade are subject to attacks of melancholy, self-doubt and self-confidence, attacks of despondency and depression, just like Geminis of the first and second decades. However, representatives zodiac sign last decade successfully cope with their bad mood, not allowing him to influence his own life. At 40 years old, Geminis of the third decade feel even younger than, for example, at 25 years old.

If earlier, at a young age, Geminis were tormented by lack of money and lack of permanent work, now such problems do not bother them.

Geminis of the third decade - from 35 to 60 years

Having the opportunity to spend money on expensive gifts for the person they like, Geminis of the third decade over 40 years old never give up romantic hobbies. True, they are short-lived and non-binding. If a representative of the Gemini sign is married in middle age, then he will not risk breaking it off due to another hobby.

However, if by this age Geminis of the third decade are divorced, then, as a rule, they do not want to get married again. Geminis of the third decade achieve a lot at the age of 45-50 years. This period is associated with long journeys and hard work. As a result financial well-being Gemini improves significantly.

But the paradox is that Geminis do not value that very thing at all. material well-being, which seems to be a necessary condition for most people. In other words, they may well live very modestly, while having very significant incomes.

Geminis of the third decade pay a lot of attention to children throughout their lives. In old age, they are ready to do anything to be closer to their adult offspring. Representatives of this sign are usually distinguished by good health, so in old age they lead an active lifestyle.

Geminis of the third decade - from 60 years and older

At the age of 60 and older, Geminis of the third decade can easily afford to lead the same active life as they did 30 years ago. Geminis of the third decade usually have excellent relationships with their grandchildren.

As a rule, Geminis see them primarily as adults and independent people, so they communicate with them as equals. Children perceive this attitude in the best way. In general, we can say that the life of Geminis in the third decade is developing quite safely and interestingly.

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Gemini in the first decade represents the sign of Gemini in its purest form. They pass everything in this world through their minds, and in every task the benefit and result are important to them. They cannot live without trying themselves in different areas. Their passion for experimentation is evident in both public life as well as in personal relationships. They make unsurpassed geniuses of science, their brains are simply sharpened for everything related to numbers and electronics. In addition, they have an unusually plastic body, thanks to their patron - Mercury, and they can achieve high results in dancing and acrobatics.

Their mind is so fast that the rest of the zodiac simply cannot keep up with them. Geminis of the first decade are incredibly irritated by slow people who lead measured lives. They are ready to learn something new until old age; their brain happily absorbs information that comes in again and again. They are masters of words, and sometimes their verbal flows can cross the line of tact and acquire a sarcastic tone. They love to chat, while actively gesturing. It is interesting to have a conversation with them, and it seems that they know about everything in the world, but this is only the outer shell; in reality, their knowledge turns out to be not as deep as it initially seemed. These Geminis have a weak nervous system, which can malfunction if they do not try to control themselves and somehow organize their lives. For example, they vitally need to get more sleep than anyone else. Their brain is constantly working, it is difficult for them to switch off from thoughts, and this can also be one of the reasons for nervous tension.

Geminis of the 1st decade are very inquisitive, they are proud when they learn about something before others. But this does not mean that they are ready to spread rumors about others; moreover, you can trust them with your secrets, your secret will not go anywhere beyond them. In general, the lives of these people are completely disordered; chaos reigns on all fronts. How correct, these people do not live according to a schedule and their daily routine is completely disrupted. They can refuse this if a suitable life partner is next to them. But it will be extremely difficult for Gemini to meet such a person, because they always strive for the ideal, and, as we know, there are no ideals in our lives. So they rush around in search of their dreams, from one partner to another, and this increases the likelihood of facing old age alone.

Gemini of the second decade (June 1-11)

Geminis of the second decade are somewhat similar to Libra. They strive for harmony in everything, they have a developed sense of beauty. We are partial to beauty in all its forms - from art objects to beautiful people. They are incredibly loving, however, this is typical for most creative people. And they have creative abilities - artistic, literary and musical. Despite this, they can be very collected and live according to a strict routine. Everything should be in its place for them; they value order.

Geminis of the second decade are very good-natured people, although initially it may seem that this is not the case - thanks to their love of irony and sarcasm. Don’t pay attention to this cynical shell of theirs, at heart they are romantics and dreamers. They sincerely admire the successes of other people; envy is a feeling that never visits them. Other people's successes are more likely to spur them to new achievements rather than to envious self-criticism.

They do not like lies, and will always come to the aid of those who need it. Extraordinarily brave people. They live free from all rules and public opinion. They act as their heart tells them, regardless of conventions. They will never curry favor with their superiors for the sake of obtaining benefits. They are confident that they can achieve high results on their own.

Geminis will remain young for 2 decades until old age, because their brain is in constant work, learning everything new, constantly making discoveries.

Despite their apparent frivolity, you can trust them; they will never deceive or betray. Sooner or later they will find their place in life, both in profession and in personal life, thanks to their charm and love of life.

Gemini of the third decade (June 12-20)

Geminis of the third decade are a little Aquarius. Their mind lives separately from their emotions. In all their affairs, cold calculation reigns. They try to live by own rules. For these Geminis, everything is subordinated to a routine; one can only envy their willpower. Their first reaction is always unpredictable. When something happens that they didn't expect, they can act very arrogant and cocky. Their tongue is sharp, their intellectual level allows them to win victories in verbal battles. They love to learn and many representatives of this decade have higher education. They react to every change, to every nuance, their nervous system is very delicate, and they need long rest, because... they are prone to nervous and mental overload.

Geminis of the 3rd decade want to be professionals in their field and do everything in their power to achieve their desired goal. They are respected by colleagues and acquaintances, and this often allows them to achieve high positions. These people have abilities in politics, but many Geminis of the third decade have clearly shown themselves in creative fields. They are born diplomats and subtly sense the mood of those around them. Thanks to these qualities, they enjoy the sympathy and trust of other people. Fine developed intuition and charm allow them to achieve success in career matters and in their personal lives. For Geminis of the third decade, it is best to work in a team, because... This is how they can achieve the highest results than doing it alone.

They are easily offended, especially if you hurt their pride. It's painful for them important issue is respect for them; it is important for them to be an authority for others. If this is in doubt, they immediately write down the offender as an enemy. If they feel that a person treats them with respect and listens to their words, they will be happy to patronize and help him in every possible way. In personal relationships, they show themselves as incredibly jealous lovers and can control every step of their partner. Women of this decade are distinguished by their pleasant appearance and sense of style in clothing. They are charming, witty, and most importantly, they are ready to help their chosen one and will always support him in difficult times.

Gemini women and men born in the third decade, in accordance with their element of air, have an active life position and give the impression of successful and cheerful people.

Geminis easily adapt to a new team and to any life circumstances, quickly make acquaintances. They are always optimistic and cheerful.

Their childhood is a truly cloudless and wonderful period, not overshadowed by practically anything. Natural curiosity and friendliness make them good companions, so they do not lack buddies and friends.

As women and men of the Gemini horoscope of the third decade grow older, they do not change their attitude to life, so in their youth they have many friends who are always ready to help and support. Geminis of the third decade are surprisingly unselfish; it is not difficult for them to give someone a significant amount of money, forgetting to demand repayment of the debt on time.

Gemini 3rd decade - (June 12 - 21) features of the Zodiac sign

They enjoy increased attention from members of the opposite sex, so they can start a family quite early. But all everyday troubles and problems seem excessively boring to Gemini, so they give their companion the opportunity to deal with them independently.

Of course, this does not contribute to the strengthening of the family union, as a result of which the families of Geminis of the third decade, created at an early age, are usually very fragile. However, Geminis themselves rarely initiate a divorce or breakup. They are afraid of offending a loved one; they prefer that their companion act independently.

Geminis of the third decade are very smart. As a rule, they strive to get a good education. And they usually succeed in this idea. But at the same time, Geminis of the third decade rarely find use for their talents and abilities. They strive to have time to redo as many things as possible, but as a result, they do not have time to do practically anything.

Geminis at a young age often live on odd jobs without a stable income. Geminis of the third decade love children very much. Often they have children very early, and then do not have time to pay them due attention. But, nevertheless, Geminis of the third decade manage to make their children independent and responsible, that is, instill in them those qualities that the parents themselves lack.

Gemini horoscope of the third decade - life up to 25 years

Geminis of the third decade are dependent on the opinions of others, so they often feel awkward when someone speaks critically about them and all their achievements. They are very ambitious, and therefore by the age of 30 they decide to settle down and finally do a worthy job. site/node/3407

The period from 30 to 35 is the time of their active career growth. If in their youth they led a free life, getting by with irregular and odd jobs, now they are already achieving certain successes in the field of activity that they chose.

But almost all Geminis are creative people, and those born in the third decade are no exception. Therefore, they achieve certain success in activities related to science, journalism, writing or publishing, and so on.

And even in adulthood, Geminis of the third decade love to be in the spotlight. They are somewhat selfish, so they put their own interests first, ignoring the interests of others. This leads to the fact that at the time of their social success, Gemini is forced to fail in family relationships.

Gemini horoscope of the third decade - life from 25 to 35 years

They are so passionate about their work and career that they do not pay any attention to their partner or life partner. Consequently, divorce is likely between the ages of 30 and 40. Left alone, Geminis are not at all burdened by this. On the contrary, they understand that now even more opportunities open up to them than before. site/node/3407

Geminis of the third decade are subject to attacks of melancholy, self-doubt and self-confidence, attacks of despondency and depression, just like Geminis of the first and second decades.

Nevertheless, representatives of the zodiac sign of the last decade successfully cope with their bad mood, not allowing it to influence their own lives. At 40 years old, Geminis of the third decade feel even younger than, for example, at 25 years old.

If earlier, at a young age, Geminis were tormented by lack of money and lack of permanent work, now such problems do not bother them.

Gemini horoscope of the third decade - life from 35 to 60 years

Having the opportunity to spend money on gifts for the person they like, Geminis of the third decade over 40 years old never give up romantic hobbies, they are always looking for love and it doesn’t matter to them how long it will last. Such relationships do not last long and usually do not commit to anything.

If a representative of the Gemini sign is married in middle age, then he will not risk breaking it off due to another hobby.

However, if by this age Geminis of the third decade are divorced, then, as a rule, they do not want to get married again.

Geminis of the third decade achieve a lot at the age of 45-50 years. website/node/3407

This period is associated with long journeys and hard work. As a result, Gemini's financial well-being improves significantly.

But the paradox is that Geminis do not value at all the very material well-being that seems to be a necessary condition for most people. In other words, they may well live very modestly, while having very significant incomes. Geminis of the third decade pay a lot of attention to children throughout their lives.

In old age, they are ready to do anything to be closer to their adult offspring. Representatives of this sign are usually distinguished by good health, so in old age they lead an active lifestyle.

Gemini horoscope of the third decade - life from 60 years and older

Geminis of the third decade can easily afford to lead the same active life as they did 30 years ago. Geminis of the third decade usually have excellent relationships with their grandchildren.

As a rule, Geminis see them, first of all, as adults and independent people, therefore they communicate with them as equals. Children perceive this attitude in the best way. In general, we can say that the life of Geminis in the third decade is developing quite safely and interestingly.