The population of the city of Andrushevka. Andrushevka


Once this village was called Andrusovka, and, like all the surrounding lands, was located on the territory of the Commonwealth. At the end of the XVII century. Adrusovka went to the eminent Berzhinsky family, it was under them that it began to be called Andrushovka. Feel the difference. Andrushovka - it sounds proud! The Berzhinskys erected a palace on the bank of the pond and laid out a park. In 1848, the first sugar factory in the region was built here, and in 1869 it was bought out by the richest sugar refiners of Tereshchenko. In addition to the factory, they got the rest of the village, along with the palace, park and pond.

Tereshchenkos expanded the park and rebuilt the palace in the fashionable French neo-Renaissance style. The factory was also reconstructed, which is still operating today. Surely that pre-revolutionary modernization under Tereshchenko to this day remains the only one in the history of the Andrushovsky sugar factory.
The palace was rebuilt again in 1975 - the second floor was completed. In 1919, the first Volynrevkom was organized in it, and in 1920 the headquarters of the First Cavalry Army headed by Budyonny settled in the palace.

In 1897, 430 Jews (16% of the total population) lived in Andrushevka, in 1923 - 388, in 1939 - 658 (10%), in 1989 - 47 Jews (0.4%).
After 1917, large food industry enterprises, sugar and alcohol factories began to function in Andrushevka. This determined the migration to Andrushevka of Jews - specialists and workers from other cities and nearby areas.

In 1925, immigrants from Andrushevka founded three Jewish agricultural colonies in the Kherson district (Kalinindorf national region): them. Chemerissky (26 people), "Jewish grain grower" (50 people), "Labor" (25 people).

After some time, two buildings of the former carpentry of the distillery were allocated under the ghetto. The buildings were surrounded by a barbed wire fence and Jews from nearby villages - Chervone, Zarubintsy, Volytsya, Gardyshevka, etc., were herded there.

In April 1942, a second group was led to the execution, and in the same month they shot Jews in other villages - Staraya Kotelnya, Ivnitsa and Chervone.

Until August 19, 1942, more than 1,200 Jews passed through the Andrushevo ghetto. During this time, groups of Jews were taken out of the ghetto to repair roads, and no one saw them again. They left the ghetto only to die.

A large number of old people did not survive the winter, and their bodies were thrown right over the fence. With the onset of spring, everyone was driven out to the fields for agricultural work. The policemen selected the healthiest Jews to work in their gardens.

On August 19, 1942, at 5 o'clock in the morning, the surviving Jews were taken out of the ghetto and driven into the Andrushevsky forest, where they were shot.

Alex Balshin,

Andrushevka, 2009, 2014

Andrushevka was occupied on July 5, 1941. Local policemen immediately began to look for Jewish activists and shot them on the spot, in front of their relatives and children. So, in particular, Privan Mikhail Iosifovich, a trade union activist of the Berdichevsky sugar factory, who brought his children to Andrushovka, was killed. Soon after the start of the occupation, Jews began to be herded to the village of Gardyshevka, to the building of the local school. Jews were brought there from some nearby villages.

On August 19, the first group of Jews was taken through Andrushevka to the surrounding forests and shot there. The number and composition of this first group of victims is not known. It is only known that they were shot in the Andrushevsky forest. Spector Pesya and her daughter were buried alive.

Heraldry Emblem
Andrushevsky district

The armorial shield has the shape of a quadrangle with a semicircle at the base. In a green shield with a black base, a silver sugar beet with golden tops, accompanied in the shield by two silver storks with red beaks and paws, and in the base by two silver cubes of sugar. At the top of the shield is a golden sun. Flag
Andrushevsky district

It is a rectangular panel with a ratio of width to length of 2: 3. The flag consists of three equal parts connected horizontally. The upper and lower parts are green, the middle is white, framed by lines 1/12 wide each. The top one is yellow, the bottom one is black. Emblem
city ​​Andrushevka

In the red field is a golden St. Andrew's cross, above is a chamomile flower with silver petals and a golden core, on the sides is a silver pyramid of sugar in a golden wrapper, below is a silver bowl, from which a blue flame with a golden frame comes out. Flag
the city of Andrushevka

A square red cloth, on which is a yellow St. Andrew's cross (the width of the muscle of the cross is 1/7 of the width of the flag), at the top is a chamomile flower with white petals and a yellow core (the flower is inscribed in a conditional circle with a diameter of 1/4 of the side of the flag, the center of the flower is in the middle on a distance of 1/6 of the side of the flag from the top edge of the cloth), on the sides - along a white pyramid of sugar in a yellow wrapper, below - a white bowl, from which a blue flame emerges in a yellow frame.

Andrushevsky district

Andrushevsky district(ukr. Andrushivsky district) is an administrative unit in the south of the Zhytomyr region of Ukraine. The administrative center is the city of Andrushevka.

Andrushevsky district is located in the southeastern part of the region in the forest-steppe zone.

The district is one of the oldest in the Zhytomyr region. It was formed on March 7, 1923 and included lands, which were then transferred to the Popelnyansky and Brusilovsky districts.

It borders on the northwest Zhytomyr, in the north with Korostyshevsky, in the east with Popelnyansky, in the south with Ruzhinsky, and in the west with Berdichevsky. In the southwest with the Kazatinsky district of the Vinnitsa region.

Population: 34,184 (as of 01.01.2014)

Area: 96011 km. sq.

(Ukr. Andrushivka) is a city of district significance in the Zhytomyr region of Ukraine, the administrative center of the Andrushevsky district.

It is located in the south-eastern part of the region, on the banks of the Guiva River (a tributary of Teterev), 47 km from Zhytomyr and 9 km from the Zhytomyr-Skvira highway, railway station.

The center of the Andrushev city council, which does not include other settlements.

Population: 12,900

Telephone code: +380 4136

History of Andrushevka

The territory of modern Andrushevka was already inhabited in the 1st millennium BC. e. Near the village tools of the Bronze Age were found, the remains of an early Slavic settlement of the Chernyakhov culture were found.

In historical sources, Andrushevka under the name Andrusovka was first mentioned in 1683 in the list of "empty villages in which there were no shacks." Andrushevka was then assigned to the Kotelnya.

Since the 17th century the village became the property of the Polish magnates Berzhinsky.

In 1793, the Andrushovtsy's eternal dream came true: the village as part of the Right-Bank Ukraine was reunited with Russia.

In 1859 Andrushevka was classified as a small town.

The Andrushevsky estate of the counts Berzhinsky was bought in 1869 by the sugar factory Tereshchenko. In 1873 the sugar factory was reequipped and mechanized.

The level of education was extremely low. Most of the inhabitants of the town were not literate. Only when the sugar factory Tereshchenko needed competent workers to work in the office and at the factory, in 1871 one class school was opened in Andrushevka.

At the end of April 1920, Polish invaders broke into Andrushevka. On June 22, soldiers of the 4th Cavalry Division liberated Andrushevka. The field headquarters of the First Cavalry Army and the 4th Cavalry Division were located here. The occupiers, the Petliurists and the White Guards utterly destroyed Andrushevka.

On the night of December 26-27, 1943, soldiers of the 44th Guards Tank Brigade, commanded by Guard Lieutenant Colonel I. I. Gusakovsky, liberated Andrushevka from Nazi invaders.

Andrushivka - Andruszówka

Use of site materials only with the consent of the author.

regional center of Andrushevsky district of Zhytomyr region
formerly the town of Andrushevka, Zhytomyr district, Volyn province

Andrushevka has been known since 1683 and was then called Andrusovka, in the Polish manner. This Andrushevka is better known than the neighboring one, located a I am in the Vinnitsa region. Probably due to the fact that it belonged to the owners of a much more famous and wealthy. In addition, they left a certain light in Russian history. We are talking about the family of the richest sugar producers Tereshchenko, who owned three palaces and many sugar factories only in the Zhytomyr region.
We got to Andrushevka late in the evening after a little adventure in the town, and were incredibly happy when both the hotel and the free rooms in Andrushevka turned out to be in Andrushevka. Therefore, the palace went to see in the morning ...
In the XVIII - early XX centuries, Andrushevka was owned by the Polish family Berzhinsky (Bierzyńskich). However, this area was deserted, there was nothing special here, and among the possessions of the Berzhinskys, Andrushevka is barely mentioned once. * In the 18th century, Felician Berzhinsky (Felicjan Paweł Bierzyński h. Ślepowron (Korwin)), headman Shavulitsky and cornet Ovrutsky, and from 1766 - podkamorie Zhytomyr, member of the Great Seim, podkamorie Kyiv (1790), holder of the orders of St. Stanislav (1784-89) and the White Eagle (1791) and in 1727 he received from his great-uncle heritage part of Bezhin. He was married twice, his first wife was Francis Gorayskaya (Franciską Gorajską), and after her death he married Teresa Pawsza), widow Stanislaw Niemirycz h. Klamry), swordsman Zhytomyr. From his first wife he had a son, Onufry, and from his second, Joseph. After the death of her husband, Teresa renounced her rights to Andrushevka and two other estates in favor of both sons of Felician, Andrushevka went to the youngest, Joseph Berzhinsky (Józef Kajetan Wiktor Bierzyński h. Ślepowron (Korwin))(b. 1746), podkamoriy Kyiv, cavalier of the orders of St. Stanislav and the White Eagle. His wife was Maria (Marianne) Zaleska (Marią (Marianną) Zaleską h. Prawdzic), daughter Nicholas Zaleski (Mikolaj Zaleski) podkamorie Makhnovetsky, and Rose Penkovskaya (Róża Pieńkowski). Who inherited Andrushevka after the death of Josef Berzhinsky, which followed in the first quarter of the 19th century, is not known for certain. Most likely it was his son Svyatoslav (b. 1796) - the Maltese cavalier (1817). He switched to the Russian service, becoming Svyatoslav Osipovich Berzhinsky (Berzhinsky), and made a good court career, becoming a state councilor and chamberlain of the High Court in St. Petersburg. In Petersburg, in 1826, he married Ekaterina Andreevna Dolgorukova(09/21/1798 - 04/21/1857), daughters Prince Andrei Nikolaevich Dolgorukov state councilor and Elizabeth Nikolaevna Saltykova. Svyatoslav Osipovich had two sons, as Polish sources write, "completely Russified." Older, Joseph Svyatoslavovich Berzhinsky, was married to Furmanova, the youngest was named Dimitri, in 1857, he graduated from the Nikolaev Cavalry School and graduated from non-commissioned officers as a cornet in the Cavalier Guard Regiment. In addition to the sons, there were three more daughters - Maria, Catherine and Elizabeth. It is known that the older Maria Svyatoslavovna married an Austrian subject Edward Lebzeltern-Kollenbach (Edward Lebzeltern-Collenbach).

Coat of arms of Slepovron, to which the Berzhinskys belonged

Presumably, it was Svyatoslav Osipovich Berzhinsky, having received a large dowry for Princess Dolgoruky, who built the palace in Andrushevka in the second half of the 19th century.
Then, in 1848 (according to other sources - 1869 **), Andrushevka was redeemed from one of the children of Svyatoslav Osipovich Berzhinsky by Artemy Tereshchenko, the son of a Glukhov Cossack Yakov Tereschenko, (Yakov Tereschenko) the founder of a family of industrialists and merchants, who later received a title of nobility with their own coat of arms.

*Aftanasi, Dzieje rezydencji na dawnych kresach Rzeczpospolitej Volume 10. Województwo bracławskie, page 13

On the right, the economic building of the palace is visible, turning into the once one-story building of the Orangerie, through which the palace and the economic building were connected. In 1975, a second floor was built over the greenhouse.

Economic building of the palace

Artemy Yakovlevich Tereshchenko

Artemiy Yakovlevich Nereschenko- a merchant from the former Cossack capital of Glukhov. was the first entrepreneur in the Tereshchenko dynasty. He began his commercial activities in Glukhov with petty trade, working as a clerk in the shop of a Glukhov merchant. Thanks to considerable abilities, diligence and prudence, he soon opened his own business. At first he sells carts, and later opens a small shop.
His business developed so successfully that the nickname "karbovanets" stuck to him from a young age.
During the Russian-Turkish war of 1853-1856, he made significant capital by supplying food and ship timber for the army. And after the abolition of serfdom, having bought land from the nobles, he became the owner of 150 thousand acres. He built sugar factories, and besides them - schools, hospitals, shelters. Hereditary honorary citizen since 1862. In 1870, by the Highest Decree, he received hereditary nobility for charitable activities, and later the coat of arms was assigned to the family. Artemy Tereshchenko's son became the heir Nikolai Artem "yevich Tereschenko"

Coat of arms of the nobles Tereshchenko.
Granted by Emperor Alexander II 03/16/1872

Tereshchenko Palace in Andrushevka.

In 1859 Andrushevka received the status of a small town. The new owners live in the old Berzhinsky Palace, having slightly altered it to suit their tastes. At the same time, they expanded the park, put the pond in order, built a sugar factory - it was in the numerous sugar factories that the wealth of Tereshchenok was.

Andrushevsky ... (sugar factory) ... belongs to the landowner N (Nikolay) A (rtemyevich) Tereshchenko ...
Fifteen versts away, near metro Andrushevka and neighboring villages, is the Andrushevsky estate of N. A. Tereshchenko, one of the richest landowners in the South-Western Territory, who owns only up to 50,000 acres in Kyiv and neighboring provinces. Andrushevsky estate includes 16 thousand ten. lands, of which 11,000 dess. are under arable land, and up to 4,000 dess. are under forest. and under hayfields 1 thousand dess. Oak prevails in the forests and the area of ​​the oak forest occupies 2,000 dess. Andrushevskoye estate is one of the most comfortable estates in the South-Western Territory; Improved machines and tools are used for tilling the soil, and, among other things, five locomotives and five steam threshers are in operation. Business is conducted here on the broadest principles: more than 500,000 rubles worth of bread is sold annually, sugar beet is cultivated for the needs of its own sugar factory; for fertilizer, all substances recommended by science are used, such as: manure, defecation mud, superphosphate, saltpeter, blood,
gypsum, etc. The total cost of operating the estate reaches 124,000 rubles. in year*.

* Andreev P. Illustrated guide to the South-Western Railway

Sometimes trees get in the way
photo courtesy of Maxim Ritus

Panoramic photo of the Andrushevsky Palace, taken at a better time - the trees do not close the house like that.
photo from

The palace, which we see in the pictures, apparently acquired its final form under the grandson of Nikolai Artemyevich - Mikhail Ivanovich Tereschenko, personality is very interesting and ambiguous.
His father, Ivan Nikolayevich Tereschenko, began in 1883 the modernization of the local sugar factory, continued by his son Mikhail and completed in 1914. The plant is still operating. Every year, the estate grew 250,000 pounds of winter wheat, worth 187,000 rubles. A pud of wheat cost 78 kopecks. Sugar beets received 24 million pounds. The draft force was 1253 oxen and 554 horses with a total cost of about 132,590 rubles.
The estate operated a hospital with 22 beds. She was served by two paramedics. Medicines were dispensed free of charge.
A two-class school was maintained for the education of workers' children.
All rural schools that are part of the estate were annually allocated a subsidy in the amount of three thousand rubles each. The upbringing of the children of employees was carried out at the expense of interest on the capital donated specifically for these purposes by Tereshchenko and amounting to 50 thousand rubles. Much attention was paid to the forest, where mostly oaks grew. Their average age was up to 80 years. The felling turnover did not exceed 100 years; forest nurseries were widely practiced. Profit from forests was not less than 30 thousand rubles.*

*lj biotin

photo courtesy of Maxim Ritus

(photo from

Nikolai Artemyevich Tereshchenko with his grandson, Mikhail.
fragment of a photograph from 1898

Mikhail Ivanovich, b. 5/3/1886 in Kyiv. At the age of 18, he was fluent in French, German and English, knew ancient Greek and Latin, later Portuguese, Italian, Czech and the southern dialect of the Slovak language were added. After the gymnasium, he studied in Germany and St. Petersburg, received a diploma at the Faculty of Law of Moscow University. He was a passionate theatergoer and music lover, interested in poetry and painting, founded the Sirin publishing house in St. Petersburg and published works by A. Blok, V. Bryusov, A. Bely, and other symbolist poets. Lived in Petersburg. Already in 1919, noting the great investments of Mikhail Tereshchenko in the development of culture and art, Alexander Blok notes: "He and I at one time hypnotized each other with art." And it was true. In 1913, a conservatory was opened, in the construction and arrangement of which Mikhail Ivanovich Tereshchenko and Alexander Mikhailovich Vinogradsky- a lawyer by education, a musician by vocation, director of the board of the Borovsky sugar factory for the main activities. Tereshchenko invested more than 50 thousand rubles in this construction.
Mikhail Ivanovich also had his own office here, in Odessa, on Troitskaya, 23. It specialized in the export of alcohol and grain.
In Kyiv, Tereshchenko was an honorary trustee of the First Gymnasium since 1912, and provided material assistance to the Artistic and Industrial Museum. Thanks to his financial assistance, on November 3, 1913, a conservatory was opened in Kyiv. From the very beginning of the First World War, Mikhail Tereshchenko collaborated with the Red Cross, opened a 300-bed hospital in Kyiv at his own expense, and headed the Kyiv Military Industrial Committee. And then the most controversial in the history of Mikhail Tereshchenko begins. The fact is that if there really was a Masonic conspiracy - a palace coup, colloquially referred to as the February Revolution, then we owe this, including to Mikhail Ivanovich. He was one of the main founding fathers of the February delirium. In March 1917 he was appointed Minister of Finance, and in May also Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Provisional Government of Russia. I am sure that he later regretted his own participation in this matter more than once. It is unlikely that he really aspired to what this revolution eventually resulted in. When the Bolsheviks came to power, Mikhail Tereshchenko was arrested and imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress. wife and mother Elizaveta Mikhailovna Sarancheva(? -1921), daughter of a lieutenant general Mikhail Andreyevich Saranchev they ransomed it for 1,000 gold rubles, promising to leave Russia with the whole family, which they did.

*Personal point of view of the author.

Mikhail Ivanovich Tereshchenko with his wife, Anna Maria Margaret Noe

Mikhail Ivanovich Tereshchenko was a prominent Russian oligarch, a sugar manufacturer, by definition Baron Rothschild— "financial genius." Even before the revolution, the capital of Mikhail Tereshchenko was 70 million rubles, which by today's standards is billions of dollars. Having been released from Petropavlovka, Mikhail Tereshchenko and his family leave for Finland, then to Norway. There they had a second daughter, and later a son. Then the family moves to France. But in Paris, Mikhail Ivanovich found himself, as they say, penniless. The Western European creditors of the Provisional Government demanded that the ex-minister return his debts, and he, trying to at least partially pay for the collapsed state, was forced to sell his Parisian house. True, after some time, with the help of the billionaire Baron Rothschild, he managed to establish a profitable business in France and Madagascar. In January 1927 (1923?*) he divorced his first wife, Anna (Jeanne?) Maria Marguerite Noës(b. 21.8.1886 - February 1968 according to other data - 1956). He later married a Norwegian Ebbe Horst (1896-1969).


The main focus of this facade is definitely the tower.

photo courtesy of Maxim Ritus

The main entrance to the palace and metlakh tiles at the threshold. The door has been preserved. But it didn’t open to us, so I can only judge the interiors of the Tereshchenko Palace by the pictures taken by my colleagues from the Ukrainaincognita website and provided by Maxim Ritus

(photo from

(photos provided by Maxim Ritus)
The best-preserved hall of the palace can be conditionally called the Green Hall - (photos provided by Maxim Ritus)

stucco molding is quite well preserved here

But the most intriguing thing is this magnificent table. Did Mikhail Tereshchenko himself sit behind him? ..

It has recently been renovated by the efforts of local people who are not indifferent.

Under the roof of the tower.
photo courtesy of Maxim Ritus

Stork on the roof. And below you can watch and listen to the love trills of this stork in front of his girlfriend.

Side facade of the palace.

Facade of the palace overlooking the park and fountain

photo courtesy of Maxim Ritus

The remains of the former fountain are now the school sports field.

Andrushevka, photo taken shortly after 1945.

There is a grill on the roof.

Mikhail Ivanovich Tereshchenko

With his all-round education, friendliness, external gloss and internal beauty, he conquered everyone - he succeeded in a lot. M.I. Tereshchenko in emigration managed to create shelters for his destitute compatriots, provided significant material assistance for their improvement, and they did not even guess who was doing it. Maybe he was trying to atone for February 1917?
During the Second World War he lived in England, then - in Monaco. Mikhail Tereshchenko died in Monte Carlo on April 1, 1956.

There is a pond near the palace. Andrushevskaya church is visible through the pond.

This photo shows that there are two ponds and they are separated by an artificial dam.

Palace Pond.

Andrushevsky palace ducks).

Unfortunately, the palace itself is not visible from the opposite bank - the stupid house of an unknown architect interferes.

The park also has a kind of peninsula surrounded by an artificial water channel. Its abandoned remains have been preserved.

Along the canal is the road to the sugar factory. On the left is the outbuildings.

A platinum bridge on the Guiva River, which feeds both the pond and canals.

Behind the bridge is the Guiva River itself, which is quite wide here. It flows along the Tereshchenko sugar factory.

The park around is very beautiful, but abandoned. Somewhere here grows a unique cork tree. We didn't find it. They say it is already living out its life - and not from age, but from the fact that it is taken apart for souvenirs ...

This house built in 1929 with a bust of Ilyich in a circle on the facade is quite interesting from an architectural point of view. It is located opposite the sugar factory

And here is the sugar factory itself. You can see the old buildings built under Tereshchenko. Yes, like almost everyone here ... Well, at least it works.

On January 26, 1919, the first Volyn Revolutionary Committee was created in the palace, headed by a Baltic sailor M. Popel, in June 1920 the headquarters of the First Cavalry Army was located. Here at the rally, from the balcony of the palace, S. M. Budyonny spoke (commemorative plaques on the main facade of the building). The building currently houses a school.
In 1944, on January 9, the headquarters of the First Ukrainian Front moved from Svyatoshino near Kyiv to Andrushevka, on the right bank of the Guiva, to Krasnaya Gorka, and was located in the hospital building. The Front was commanded by General of the Army Vatutin. Also here was Deputy Commander-in-Chief Zhukov. The troops of the front completed the Zhitmoir-Berdichev operation, and the left wing of the front ended with the rogue of the Korsun-Shevchenko group of fascists. February 28, 1944 Mikhail Fedorovich Vatutin left for the location of the 60th and 13th armies. In the village of Milyatin, Ostrozhsky district in the Rivne region, Vatutin was seriously wounded by Bendera. On February 29, the general was brought to Rovno and then to Kyiv, but it was not possible to save the illustrious military commander.

In addition to the interesting flora, there are many different birds in Andrushevka - we have already seen ducks and storks, and there are also swans flying here. Someone else lives in this original birdhouse.

Rarely do you come across these dogs...

But these are not all the sights of Andrushevka - if you drive from Andrushevka in the direction of Chervona (the next point of our trip), then on the right side, not far away, you can see a rather unique building - a private observatory!
From an interview for the newspaper "Today"

- "On the creation of this scientific institution," says the founder of the observatory, its director, sponsor, scientist and candidate of physical and mathematical sciences all rolled into one, Yuri Ivashchenko. when a six-ton ​​dome was installed in 1999. The telescope was brought from the Elbrus region (Terskol). After a long and hard struggle for it, the telescope was assembled by Yuri Lebedev himself. But the main pride of the creators is the S1C camera. There are only two of them in Ukraine. We developed it in advance many scientific programs and projects to prevent asteroid danger and other threats from the universe. We also tried to make conditions for scientists at the highest level. The observatory has offices, equipment, cozy bedrooms, baths, lounges and even a tennis court."

By the time we saw her, there were already two observatories. Great

Petr Mikhailovich and Mikhail Mikhailovich (Michel) Tereshchenko

Recently, the son of Mikhail Ivanovich living in France visited their former possessions Petr Mikhailovich and grandson - Michel Terestchenko. The latter, as I know, even seems to have been living in Ukraine recently and runs his agricultural business in Glukhov, for example, he exports honey to France.