Soul number 3 and 4. Numerology

Rahu rules those with a Soul Number of 4 (i.e. those born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st day of any month) and, to a lesser extent, those with a Destiny or Name Number is reduced to 4. Rahu and Ketu, the two “nodes” of the lunar orbit, reflect the bipolar nature of man. Unlike the other seven planets, they do not exist as material objects. Each of them represents only the point of intersection of the Moon’s orbit around our planet with the ecliptic plane. These "nodes" are very important for Indian astrologers and numerologists because they belong to the Moon, whose influence on human emotions is generally recognized. Since astronomers use the lunar nodes to calculate solar and lunar eclipses, they have received the status of “semi-planets.” Since they are not real objects, their astrological influence (primarily on emotional behavior) varies depending on the position in a person’s birth chart.

Rahu, the north node of the Moon, is an active and destructive force that operates mainly on the mental level. This is one of the malefic planets - dynamic in nature, vibrating at low frequencies, hedonistic, eternally dissatisfied. People born under its influence are lazy, boring, illogical, and seek only pleasure. They willingly become revolutionaries, conspirators, spies and detectives. Rahu prevents a person from distinguishing evil from good, deprives him of sensitivity, makes him selfish, pessimistic, aggressive and in every possible way pushes him towards prison, underground, and even suicide. It causes difficulties, opposition, humiliation, and incurable and undiagnosable diseases. Rahu gives “fog in the head”, ignorance, phobias, anger and makes people make great and very long-term plans, work hard, but create mostly bad karma for themselves. In its beneficial aspect, Rahu bestows abilities in painting, writing and editing. It brings fame and success, bestows physical attractiveness and beauty. Rahu natives are intelligent, courageous and secretive. If they are interested in politics, Rahu gives them success, but they are often in opposition to the government. Rahu allows them to see the hidden side of things. If Rahu is in conjunction with Jupiter or Venus in the birth chart, the person has access to secret sciences like Tantra. Rahu is tamasic (inert) in nature. It affects physical strength, bones, fat, skin and other tissues of the body. Rahu sends his people to distant lands; he is also the patron of sailors. Rahu, along with Mercury, rules the zodiac sign Virgo. He is exalted in Taurus (according to another tradition - in Gemini), and Scorpio (or, accordingly, Sagittarius) is the sign of his fall. Rahu's friendly zodiac signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces; hostile - Cancer and Leo. Rahu also shows up well in Taurus and Libra. Good houses for Rahu: third, sixth, eighth to eleventh. Its color is dark or smoky blue and its element is "air".

The astrologer compares Rahu to smoke, which does not have a specific form of its own, but which can envelop and hide any form. People under the influence of Rahu are easily irritated, do not express themselves clearly, often lose control of themselves and become a destructive force. Apart from its good and bad traits, Rahu is a great energy that gives its natives a special character. Rahu also gives them a unique view of the world, which is very beneficial for the development of human consciousness in general. Rahu bestows courage, patience and intelligence. Fours people use all these qualities to help the humiliated speak out against the privileged minority.

4 as the number of the soul

Date of birth: 4, 13, 22 or 31 of any month. Those born on the 31st are the luckiest. Number 4 is ruled by the planet Rahu, which is constantly changing - never standing still, always moving, and moving backwards. (Of course, all planets are in constant motion, not just Rahu. What is meant here is that the lunar nodes continuously move along the ecliptic towards the movement of the Moon itself. After the end of a sidereal month, the Moon never returns exactly to its previous position, and each subsequent revolution it makes, strictly speaking, but a new path. Only after 18 years and 7 months, when the nodes make a full revolution along the ecliptic, the lunar orbit again takes its previous position.) The influence of Rahu brings sudden changes into the lives of people with Soul Number 4. They constantly experience ups and downs and therefore are distrustful, doubt everything and need the advice of others all their lives. But this same tendency to doubt makes Fours stubborn and persistent. Rahu gives them courage, boldness and patience; they know how to “take a hit” and meet obstacles. In any dispute or conflict they are always on the side of the weaker, in politics - on the side of the opposition. Therefore, they make many enemies for themselves. But their intentions are always pure and they do not like quarrels for the sake of quarrels. Being extremists by nature, they are always either at the very top or at the very bottom.

Mediocrity, the “middle class” is not for them. For their growth and development, they must struggle a lot with obstacles and be criticized. These are reliable and patient friends who can adapt to any conditions. But their changeability - sometimes they are soft and pleasant, and sometimes rude - often irritates friends and relatives. However, true friends who understand and forgive the temperament of Fours know that they are always ready to help, are generous, practical, and have brilliant ideas. They can be very useful to society due to their extraordinary and free thinking style. They are good at leading large enterprises and implementing large-scale reforms. Reforms of any kind are always very attractive to Fours. This interest may lead them into politics or into a spiritual organization. They are rebels by nature. Resistance to all kinds of rules and regulations is in their blood. They break the law without hesitation. By rebelling against the authorities, they gain popularity. Fours love conspiracies and conspiracy and in their youth tend to associate with anarchists, terrorists or criminals. Fours are not characterized by greed. As soon as they receive the money, they immediately squander it or distribute it to those in need. Therefore, friends and relatives may think that they are very rich, although in fact they are not. Fours are well versed in the arts. They love exhibitions, concerts, theaters, ancient relics and love to talk about all this, but their judgments are not always clear. They do not have a clear worldview because too many sudden events happen in their lives. This creates problems with family and friends. But they like the idea of ​​orderliness and balance in life, and they would really like everything to be “systematic.” If Fours are supported by harmonious numbers, they can very quickly gain wealth and fame. This is greatly facilitated by their methodical nature, hard work, strong will and the fact that they are not afraid of difficulties. Although the Four have few real friends, they will last a lifetime. They always feel like most people don't understand them. Fours are people who “do themselves.” They are very secretive and do not reveal their secrets even to those closest to them. On the one hand, this is difficult, but they like to bear their burden alone. They are quite selfish and can do anything to fulfill their selfish desires, even if it harms others. They make false promises and acquire many critics, enemies and opponents during their lives.

Fours are very good conversationalists, always polite and gentle with members of the opposite sex. They are very sensual. Four men are usually sexually insatiable. They have many love affairs, and all end in tears. At the last moment, the wedding always gets upset. Although a doubtful and insecure character plays an important role here, the main factor in the disaster is sudden external changes. A woman with Soul Number 4 is deeply attached to her husband, cares about him and his friends, about her and his parents. She is romantic, gentle, diligent, prudent, tactful and restrained, but does not like dictatorship. She is not recommended for long-term relationships of any kind with people whose Soul Number is 4,8 or 9. The most suitable for her are people with Soul Numbers 1,3,5 and 6. Despite all the obstacles, failures and suffering, people with Soul Number 4 in the second half of life they achieve success and fame. They may receive a good inheritance.


Here the best number is 1. After it comes 6 and then 4.

Character traits and abilities. Soul number 3 belongs to those born 3, 12, 21 or 30-g about the dates of any month. Many world religions recognize the Holy Trinity. Pythagoras and Aristotle based their philosophy on three pillars: Creation, Education and Destruction. Thus, since ancient times, sacrifices were made three times, and oaths were taken three times. People believe that any event happens three times, and that it is the third time that it will be successful. No wonder there is a saying: “God loves the Trinity.” According to legend, Jesus at the age of 12 was lost for three days. At the age of 30, he went on a three-year wandering. He appointed 12 apostles for himself, one of whom betrayed him for 30 pieces of silver, and the other renounced him three times. It is still customary among Christians to bury the deceased three days after death. At a wedding, the marital vow is read three times. Among Muslims, divorce occurs only after pronouncing the word “talah” three times. People with the number 3 are independent, firm, active, and love hard work. They are reliable, disciplined, self-confident, proactive, and ambitious. They love to be first always and everywhere. They dream of doing something great in life so that their descendants will remember them. Therefore, they constantly think about the future. A career is not given to them without struggle, but it is the struggle that inspires them and has a beneficial effect on their growth. Threes do not like to obey and prefer freedom, so they strive to create their own business in which they would be the absolute masters. They direct their energy to creating comfortable conditions in life, trying to make it more joyful and more attractive. Their innate keen instincts and logic help them achieve success. They very quickly understand what is beneficial to them. Such people become good teachers, speakers and writers. Threes love to be praised. Just like ones, they require a lot of attention, and in order to attract it they resort to all sorts of tricks. Threes are extroverts, and their personal magnetism inspires others to expand and grow. On the other hand, these are performers who perfectly feel everything beautiful. Nature endowed them with an understanding of the romance of art and beauty. Their creative imagination makes literally anything possible. Number 3 people are friendly and expansive, and they thrive on their sociability and versatility. They never sit idle, they work hard throughout their lives. Even if they feel the need to rest, they simply cannot relax. They may sleep fitfully at work. If the task at hand becomes tedious for them, they switch to another, but always finish what they start. In this way, they make and simultaneously receive money from different sources. They often receive protection and help from relatives who occupy a good position in society. They always follow their word and fulfill their promise, therefore they are very reliable. They value order and discipline. They follow orders only from those they respect and dream of surpassing them. This desire sometimes turns them into dictators. Threes have good health and are full of strength. They love to travel and benefit from it. On their trips they meet many famous contemporaries. They love horse riding. They make friends easily and have a wide circle of acquaintances. As a rule, they are optimistic, creative, cheerful, inspired and full of humor. But they can also offend a person if they do not see their admirer in him. Sometimes their shameless and straightforward behavior offends people, and a circle of ill-wishers forms around them, but much less than the circle of friends and admirers. They are lucky in love. Always surrounded by members of the opposite sex. This often creates problems for them. But in general they are chaste and pure, faithful to family vows and loyal to their partners. They treat their relatives well and are strongly attached to the family. They happily observe family responsibilities and sacrifice their personal comfort to maintain an atmosphere of love and harmony in their own family. They are always ready to come to the aid of their loved ones, even their enemies, but only when asked. People with Soul Number 3, born 3-g On the dates of any month, they are doomed to struggle in life more than others, but their struggle ultimately brings benefit and success. Those who were born 12-g On the dates of any month, they have more attractiveness and charisma than other people with soul number 3. They are more fortunate, they have to struggle less. They receive help from friends and people in power and achieve success, starting from scratch.Born 21-g o numbers are not as lucky in life as other triplets, due to the influence of the number 2. People born 30-g O. Basic vibrations of number 3: cheerfulness, enthusiasm, optimism, creativity, sociability. Cautions. Threes should spend money carefully, control anger, passion, sensitivity, and temperament. They should not boast about their achievements and lose their heads at the slightest difficulties. They may be hindered in life by: impatience; optimism and ambition; dictatorial tendencies; disrespect for one's life partners; pride; illegal financial fraud. Threes must learn to say “no”, otherwise the constant “yes” ceases to mean anything to others. They should not overeat and eat too hot spices, and also eat if they do not feel hungry (often they act this way to please the company). It is advisable to eat and drink from silver utensils. They should be attentive to skin diseases. To prevent them, they should regularly massage their body using oil. Such people need to correctly assess their strengths and not take on more work and responsibility than they can handle; otherwise it will cause stress. If they begin to feel that the situation is not favorable for them, they should go on a trip.

Your birth number is a unique code, deciphering which you can understand yourself and the secret of your destiny. Our life is controlled by the planets. Each planet corresponds to a certain number. Knowing the qualities of the planets and their divine rulers, you can understand your purpose and your character, which the energies of these planets endow you with. Let's look at it with an example.

Your date of birth (day of the month) is the code of your Soul. If this is a single number, then the qualities of the planet are most clearly manifested here (for example, July 8. Soul Number - 8). If this is a binary number, the Soul code will be the sum of two numbers, but the character and destiny will be influenced by two other digits of the date of birth (for example, December 26. Soul Number: 2+6 = 8, but it is also necessary to take into account the energy of the numbers 2 and 6).

Look at the number of your Soul, this is the beacon that guides you through life. These are the aspirations of your Soul, your mission. By understanding the energy of your divine patron, you will understand yourself, the direction of your development, your talents, your best sides. Let us now look at the characteristics of each number and divine ruler.

1 - Sun, ruler Surya

The sun is the radiance among people, it is unconditional love, generosity, joy, radiance, giving of oneself. This is leadership. Strong personality, achievement, patronage, leadership, strong personality. Initiator, pioneer. Leads people with him. Lots of new ideas, eager to achieve something. Original, independent, sometimes aggressive. Love of luxury, of a royal lifestyle. They have good manners and good taste. They love freedom, travel, everything new. The main mission of people with a Soul number of one is serving other people, patronage, leadership, protection, and the creation of new enterprises useful for society. It is very important for them to brag less and play to the public, and spend money wisely. It is important to reveal the aspect of unconditional love and generosity in yourself, to shine on others like the Sun, to inspire, to give joy, light and life.

2 - Moon, ruler Chandra

The moon is mystery, magic, intuition, art, femininity, love, life, delicate taste, peace, tenderness, romanticism. People with a Soul number of two are very sensual and soft natures, endowed with talents in the field of music, singing or drawing. They have feminine features and a deep inner sense of motherhood. They love harmony, peace, serenity. They often devote their lives to selfless service and helping others. They love the sweet smells of incense and spicy spices, the gentle touch of fabrics on the skin and delicious food. They are sensitive to other people's states and are very intuitive. Strong emotions and daydreaming. If the number of the Soul consists of two units, then these are people - magicians, angelic natures, striving for self-knowledge and enlightenment. The main lesson of people with Soul number two is the development of love on a divine level. “Two” women should strive to embody all the best qualities of femininity and motherhood. To be shown love. It is important to build your life in accordance with the cycles of the Moon.

3 - Jupiter, ruler of Brihaspati

Jupiter is guru, knowledge, wealth, generosity, children, luck, optimism, wisdom, asceticism, long life, piety. These people are scientists and philosophers, their whole life is connected with knowledge, both with the acquisition and with the transfer of knowledge to others. Family, love, fame, wealth and children come to people with Soul number “three” only when they follow their mission, namely, to give knowledge to others. These are good teachers, speakers, writers and lawyers. They are attractive and sociable. High sense of duty and responsibility. They cannot break the law and not follow their promises; Jupiter will definitely ask them. They are strong, full of strength and health, friendly, and love nature. Those born on the 30th have to struggle the most in life, they may not be so lucky in material terms, but they have a great craving for spirituality. Threes are endowed with creative abilities, sociable, inclined to mentor, give advice, and help people improve. They have the qualities of an ideal guru. The mission of the “triples” is to reveal the qualities of Lakshmi and Brihaspati, that is, to be generous, optimistic, give knowledge, mentor, and help people improve. It is favorable for them to devote their lives to God, knowledge, and also to travel more often, especially to holy places. It is on pilgrimage that they gain important knowledge.

4 - planet Rahu, ruler of Rahu

Under the influence of Rahu, people are most often born who are preparing to leave the material world. Rahu forces people to develop certain qualities that contribute to even greater purification and spiritual evolution. Rahu is constantly changing, it never stands still, it always moves either forward or backward. The influence of Rahu brings four sudden changes into the lives of people with Soul Number. They will constantly experience ups and downs. “Fours” love secrecy and sometimes live secretly. The secrecy inherent in the “four” allows you to see what is hidden in the universe, in life. Gives access to secrets, travel, great energy, a special view of the world. Rahu teaches people patience, order, self-discipline, and endurance. If a person does not realize the influence of his patron, then liberation comes through suffering. If he understands that he must improve, then Rahu becomes his friend. Every person with a Soul number of four has embarked on the path of liberation. And his task is to follow the spiritual path. They should reduce their selfishness, give up criticism and perform selfless service. It is beneficial to meditate and perform exercises that calm the mind.

5 - Mercury, ruler of Buddha

Mercury is youth, money, intelligence, travel, communication, positivity, speed of reaction, high intelligence. People with Soul number five are thinkers, diplomats and travelers. From Sanskrit “Buddha” is translated as “mind”, “wisdom”. They are energetic, active, active, stubborn, insightful, good organizers, economists, philosophers, they know how to handle money and establish contacts, establish connections, often sums of money constantly pass through them. They love adventure, refined art, especially poetry, are constantly in a hurry, have an active character, and change easily. By nature, they are travelers who take away a lot of experience and knowledge from their trips. They retain their youth, energy, attractiveness and positive outlook on the world until old age. They value traditional beliefs. Fives need spiritual knowledge, health care, relaxation procedures, removing haste and stress from their lives, doing things with their own hands, growing gardens, taking care of plants, using their inventive abilities and talents for the benefit of society.

6 - Venus, ruler of Shukra

Venus is beauty, aesthetics, manners, artistry, luxury, extravagance, creativity, friendliness, sociality, beautiful speech, favor. They don't like dirt and clutter. Venus is love. Its ruler Shukracharya is the personification of God’s love for the fallen, for those who have not yet learned to behave correctly, who lack spiritual knowledge. The mission of the “sixes” is divine creativity. They should strive to develop Anahata, open their hearts to sublime feelings. Their task is to bring beauty to the world, to turn people's gaze to sublime things. Everything they do is important for them to do for God, to spiritualize their activities. Then they will have a very happy and abundant life, full of love and joy. They must realize themselves in the family, and also bring harmony and justice into the world; it is important for them to develop the qualities of mercy, compassion, to show love towards everything: children, parents, spouse, nature, other people, God, and direct their activities towards the benefit of the whole world.

7 - planet Ketu, ruler Ketu

Ketu is liberation, renunciation, spirituality, giftedness, wisdom, knowledge, law, healing abilities, intuition, religiosity, analysis, search for truth. Ketu gives a person a kind heart, nobility, friendliness, craving for nature, tranquility, solitude, contemplation, idealism, materialism, and the ability for mysticism. Often, “sevens” are no longer attracted to material success; they look at life events from a distance. They are interested in knowing their “I”, they strive to gain enlightenment. Their mission is related to helping others, solving other people's problems. If Sevens have a wise mentor, then they can leave a significant mark on the life of society. It is important for them to observe the four principles of purity and follow the path of spiritual liberation. Like Rahu, Ketu teaches its wards not to get attached to anything. Anything they get attached to will be taken away. It is important for them to establish a relationship with God and become attached to the Truth, then from any failure in life they will be able to learn lessons and become wiser.

8 - Saturn, ruler of Shani

Saturn is wisdom, philosophy, depth, practicality, the pursuit of Truth, asceticism, sincerity, detachment, fame, influence, mystery, strong will, seriousness, insight, karma of all humanity. Eights are ancient Souls who are preparing to leave the material world. They are mysterious, and few people are able to understand their mysterious nature. Through delays and obstacles, Saturn teaches them patience and humility. Their mission is connected with the masses of people, with serving others. It is important for them to follow the spiritual path and not get attached to anything, otherwise suffering and illness are possible in life. It is important for them to improve themselves, gain wisdom, strive to comprehend the Absolute Truth, give knowledge, patronize, create great projects aimed at the benefit of the entire society, then great success awaits them in spiritual and material terms. Since Saturn is the arbiter of destinies and a very pious person, eights should follow his example and be chaste.

9 - Mars, lord of Kartikeya (in some scriptures - Virabhadra)

Mars is militancy, royalty, order, strength, courage, discipline, leadership, ambition, love of beauty, generosity, struggle, sense of duty, humor, optimism, charisma. The mission of the nines is to realize the highest goal, develop the perfect qualities of Mars, lead people, observe the principles of Dharma (duty, justice), inspire and be a pious example for other people. They should avoid their three main enemies: anger, arrogance and aggressiveness. They need to direct their energy to serve the Universe. Martians can become ideal kings, rulers, judges and excellent warriors. Since their energy is enormous, it is very important for them to have spiritual knowledge, otherwise the fiery energy of Mars will “burn” them from the inside, making them irrepressible, extremely active and hot-tempered. Nines are born to succeed in something. And they have all the necessary qualities for this.

Three is the Soul Number of those born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st or 30th of any month.

Most world religions recognize the Holy Trinity. Since ancient times, sacrifices have been performed three times, and oaths have been taken three times. People believe that any event happens three times, and that it is the third time that it will be successful. According to legend, Jesus was lost for three days at the age of 12. At the age of 30, he went on a three-year wandering. He appointed himself 12 apostles, one of whom betrayed him for 30 pieces of silver, and the other denied him three times. It is still customary to bury the deceased three days after death. At the wedding, the marital vow is read three times. In Islam, divorce occurs only after pronouncing the word “talah” three times. Pythagoras and Aristotle based their philosophy on three pillars: Creation, Education and Destruction. As a member of the family of odd numbers, three is a dynamic number. It makes its owners independent, firm, active, loving hard work, reliable, famous, disciplined, self-confident, and proactive.
People with Soul Number 3 are very ambitious. They like to be in the vanguard. They want to do something great in life, something to be remembered by their descendants. Therefore, they constantly think about the future. At the beginning of their career, which they begin quite modestly, they need to struggle a lot. This struggle, however, has a beneficial effect on their growth and inspires them. The main vibrations of number 3: cheerfulness, enthusiasm, optimism, creativity, sociability. “Troikas” do not like subordinate positions, and also do not like low-skilled work. They are preoccupied with big projects and are trying to create jobs for themselves where they would be absolute masters.
“Troikas” are scientists of life. They focus their energy on finding practical solutions to enrich life, make it more joyful and more attractive. They are aware of their responsibility in this area. With the help of their keen senses and logic, they can fight with a clear vision of the battlefield and gain a good understanding of life. Because they are gifted communicators and can express thoughts clearly, Threes make good advisors, teachers, speakers, and writers. They are flexible in their own views and easily accept what is beneficial for them. Although they are not followers of any religion, they are religious in their soul. They believe in truth, its practical application and beautiful implementation. They love success and want to be successful in everything they do. They also love to be appreciated at every turn. Like “ones,” they require a lot of attention, and in order to attract it, they resort to all sorts of tricks - they are skillful in conversations, love jokes, puns, gestures, and posing. “Triplets” carry the qualities of manifestation and self-expression. They try to defend their individuality and attractiveness. This is the need for communication and involvement in the simple joy of being.

Three bestows sunny splendor and enthusiasm. He is an extrovert whose personal magnetism inspires others to expand and grow. On the other hand, this is a performer whom nature has endowed with an understanding of pleasure, the romance of art and beauty. Her creative imagination makes literally anything possible. The Three is friendly and expansive, and thrives on its sociability and versatility. Key words for her: sociability, drama, communication, diversity, creativity.

People of this number do not sit idle. Threes work hard and diligently throughout their lives and are always busy with something. Even if they feel the need to rest, they continue to be restless and simply cannot relax. They may sleep fitfully at work; that's why they can develop many projects at the same time. If any task becomes boring for them, they switch to another. So they do many things at the same time and get money from different sources. They are very conscious about their duty and consider doing it as their own yoga. They adhere to the statement: “Devotion to duty is divine.” They are successful at any job they undertake and usually finish what they start. This gives them self-confidence, which is the keyword of their life. They follow their word and keep their promise. This makes them reliable. They love order and discipline. They obey the orders of those they respect and think of ways to surpass them. They want everyone who is younger than them and in a subordinate position to do the same. This sometimes creates problems because they turn into tyrants and dictators at home. They are fortunate in receiving love, appreciation, help and guidance from elderly people and relatives who are in good position in the society.

“Triplets” have a strong physique, health and are full of energy. They make friends easily and have a wide circle of acquaintances. They are always optimistic, creative, cheerful, inspired and full of humor. Sometimes they create problems for themselves by mocking people who don't appreciate their humor. These people easily become their critics and enemies. The shameless and straightforward behavior of “threes” often offends people, and a circle of ill-wishers forms around them, but much smaller than the circle of friends and admirers. However, they manage to keep a smile and not worry too much about their opponents.
Number 3 people are always surrounded by representatives of the opposite sex. Weakness towards them is one of the problems of “threes”. Meanwhile, they are picky and get involved in more serious relationships only with those people who are beneficial to them. They can have physical contacts, even if they do not intend to associate themselves with them through family ties, with those who have a Soul Number of 1, 3 or 9. But, in general, they are chaste and pure. They are true to family vows and loyal to their partners - even if they do not respect them and sometimes treat them poorly. They adore their relatives and are strongly attached to the family. They are happy to meet the demands of family responsibilities. They are loyal and devoted to their parents. They sacrifice their personal comfort to maintain an atmosphere of love and harmony in their own family. Even if their partners become poor, they take their side and help them. Their life partners are usually attractive, chaste and give them full support. They are universal helpers and help everyone, even their enemies, but only when asked. They are devoted to all good undertakings and offer their help immediately, without haggling. Threes love to travel and benefit from it. They tend to meet many famous contemporaries. They love horse riding. The main weaknesses of their character are increased ambition, excessive optimism and extravagance; they exaggerate the importance of the truth and are unceremonious, they are characterized by dictatorial habits, they are jealous and proud.

People with Soul Number 3, born on the 3rd of any month, are doomed to struggle in life more than others, but their struggle ultimately brings benefit and success.
Those born on the 12th of any month have more attraction and charisma than other people with a soul number of 3. They are luckier and have less struggle. They receive help from friends and people in power and achieve success, starting from scratch.
Those born on the 21st of any month are more unlucky in life. Due to the influence of the number 2, they are not as successful as other “threes”.
And those who were born on the 30th, because of 0, are the most unfortunate among people of the number 3 and they have to struggle the most.

Warnings for people with Soul Number 3:

They should avoid unnecessary disputes;
- They should avoid the company of low people;
- They should try to control their temperament and also eat and drink from silver utensils;
- They must spend their money carefully. Money comes to them easily and from various sources, but it is also easily spent on decorations and amenities, which causes financial instability;
- They should try to save money for the future;
- They should avoid overeating and eating heavy and too hot spices. The liver is ruled by Jupiter, the patron saint of people with the number 3. Since these people use liver energy, they need to avoid foods that are heavy for it. Regular consumption of anise seeds, crushed coconut, almonds, black pepper and honey with a pinch of saffron will be very beneficial;
- They should not brag about their achievements;
- They should control their anger;
- They must control their passions and their sensitivity;
- They should avoid being overly optimistic and ambitious;
- They should not lose their heads at the slightest difficulties;
- They must be patient;
- They must control their dictatorial habits at home and give freedom to other family members;
- They must respect their life partners;
- They should be attentive to skin diseases. To prevent such diseases, they should massage their body regularly using oil. They should also avoid acidic, gas-inducing foods, and not eat unless they are hungry (often they do this to please company);
- They should avoid pride;
- They should not earn money by dishonest means;
- If they begin to feel that the situation is unfavorable for them, they should go on a trip;
- They must learn to say “no” because constant yesting creates problems. Those who depend on them begin to manipulate them because a constant “yes” ceases to mean anything;
- They must be able to relax in time and avoid taking on more work and responsibility than they can handle; otherwise it will cause stress.