What to do if a guest washes dishes. Interpretation: ban on washing dishes at a party

There is a sign that says that you should not wash dishes while visiting, but not everyone knows why.

Pleasant chores - meeting guests. The owners set the festive table, displaying the best dishes and delicious dishes. But everything has its end; Now the feast has come to an end, and the guests are ready to help the hostess not only clear the table, but also wash the dirty dishes - what’s wrong with that?

Why shouldn't this be done?

It turns out that they believe that washing dishes at a party is bad, and it will not be the guests who washed them who will have trouble from such help, but the hosts.

To understand the question of whether it is possible to wash dishes at a party, and what such signs are associated with, let us turn to the properties of water.

It is known that water has the amazing property of reading and storing received information. And each house is a unique repository of it, as well as the energy of the owners and everyone who lives here. It is protected by all things in the house, everything that the residents touch.

Those who, of their own free will or by force, entered the kitchen with the desire (or obligation) to help wash the dishes are different people in all respects. And if this is so, then they brought different energy. Someone's bad, someone is tired and annoyed that they have to tinker with someone else’s dirty dishes, and someone, perhaps, even though they were sitting at festive table, but to put it mildly, great love does not feel towards the owners of the house.

Water reacts sensitively to human energy and hidden information, and if it is negative, then along with the leftover food, guests can wash away, as the sign states, good luck and happiness at home. In this case, a festive feast after the guests have left may, in best case scenario, end in scandal, but it can be worse...

Therefore, whether it is possible to wash the dishes at a party, everyone decides for himself, but if a person is superstitious and believes in omens, then it is better to wash the dishes himself and sleep peacefully.

Dishes are an integral attribute of every apartment. It is not surprising that so many signs and superstitions are associated with it. Washing it is the exclusive privilege of the apartment owners. Since ancient times, there has been a belief that washing dishes in someone else’s home can destroy and bring ruin to a family. Happiness, they say, goes away. But is this really so or is it all an invention of very cunning and smart guests who do not want to help the owners after a delicious treat?

The meaning of the sign: should you wash other people’s dishes or not?

Any housewife is not against a little help with household chores and cleaning, but is it worth asking for this help after the feast? Can you “trust” your dishes to your guests or should you do everything yourself?

There are several reasons why you should not allow even a close friend to wash your dishes:

  1. People have long known that each apartment has its own energy. Often, a house is filled with the energy of those who live there.
    The man who offered to help dismantle the mountain dirty dishes, will not only fill the object with its own energy, but can also completely wash away yours. So they say that happiness comes from home and all good things flow away.
  2. A request to wash the dishes, because the housewife is too lazy to do the most basic things, can seriously offend and upset the brownie. And an apartment that is not monitored by a brownie, as they say - bad apartment. A good housewife is obliged to take care of the cleanliness and integrity of her utensils. She will not wait for the accumulation of dirty dishes and start washing when there is nowhere to put the dirty dishes.
  3. It is also prohibited to wash dishes Not married women visiting a loving or married couple. If you believe superstitions, then this can destroy even the strongest family. Moreover, they used to be sure that the husband would leave his wife for the one who helped wash the dishes after the feast.
  4. Basic etiquette. A number of strict rules state that washing dirty dishes in someone else's house is prohibited. And the person who forces or asks a guest to wash the dishes in his apartment will be “rewarded” with the status of an ignoramus and a bad host.

Especially bad omen It is considered to wash dishes in a house in which at least one unmarried girl lives. Moreover, if she has had no luck finding a suitable husband yet. It is believed that the one who helps with washing the dishes will take away all the suitors from her or, according to some versions of the belief, will wash them out of the house. In some regions they even believe that they do this solely for the purpose of harming or stealing their husband. Even now, many people believe that a girl in whose house strangers wash dishes will never get married.

How to help the housewife without harming someone else's home?

There is one way by which you will not bring discord into the house, take away happiness and offend the brownie - ask for a small, purely symbolic amount of money as a salary. And then, your work will be regarded as work, not help.

To believe or not to believe in various superstitions, omens, and folk tales is up to you. But nowadays, helping the owner of the apartment deal with dirty dishes is not considered shameful, especially if you had a snack with close relatives or with grandparents.

From a psychological point of view

Not all housewives allow strangers into their kitchen abode. They are used to doing everything on their own, in their own way. They don’t trust other people, even their own household, with everyday responsibilities. Perhaps the assistants are not rinsing off the product well or they are pointing the sponge in the wrong direction. You never know what worries the housewife, who jealously guards her kitchen.

Therefore, before you take care of someone else’s sink with someone else’s dishes, think again. You will still wash saucers, plates and pots your way. And the scrupulous housewife will begin to wash everything after you leave.

It's another matter when you were asked to help. It's late, there were a lot of guests, and you were the most close friend or a friend who can be trusted without fear with happiness, luck, money, daughter’s suitors and the energy of the house. You won’t take anything away, and you won’t wish anything bad.

In the world there are many different will accept. Each nation has its own, this is due to different events that took place in history. But there is one universal sign that strictly prohibits anyone wash dishes at a party.

Most likely you will take this sign into account, regardless of superstitious you are human or not. Married women especially like it, because this is a good reason not to listen to half-hour lectures from the mother-in-law on how to wash the dishes.

This is why you shouldn't wash dishes at a party

The fact is that every house and every apartment is imbued with a special energy their owners. It is believed that every touch of a guest to objects in the house leaves a new energy trace on them.

This absolutely does not mean that you should not invite guests over. Where would we be without this? Since ancient times, it has been our custom to invite friends and family for tea or coffee with treats.

But more often than not, after friendly get-togethers, what remains in the sink is mountain of dirty dishes, which guests kindly offer to help with. No matter how much you would like to agree, in this case you should thank them for the offer and politely refuse.

According to superstition, if someone washes the dishes in your home, he can “wash” all your luck and prosperity. This happens completely unintentionally, it’s all about the energy that the guest gives to your home while washing dishes.

In order not to leave the company in the midst of an interesting game or emotional conversation, you can acquire dishwasher.

Dishes are an integral element of kitchen utensils, present in every home without exception. For this reason, it is quite natural that dishes are associated huge amount signs, customs and superstitions. So, for example, a plate, mug or other utensils forgotten at a party turns out to leave its mark on the energy of the house and sometimes even on the health of the residents. What does someone else's dishes promise in the house?

Energy aspect

Every person’s apartment, home is always filled with the energies of the people who live in it. In addition, this energy is protective and protective, because it is not without reason that the saying “my home is my fortress” was coined. The presence of a stranger or someone else's kitchen utensils, including various utensils, in the kitchen brings into the home energy that is alien to the home, which, unfortunately, is not always positive.

According to another version of the sign, keeping someone else’s dishes in the house is categorically not recommended due to the fact that this item household utensils can easily be cursed or damaged, and the longer this item is in the house, the more trouble it can bring to the people living in it. It is especially not recommended for unmarried women to keep other people's dishes in the house, as this can in a negative way affect their personal lives.

Properly giving away someone else's dishes

There are actually a huge number of reasons why someone else’s dishes might end up in the house. Perhaps gifts were brought in a plate or you borrowed a beautiful presentation from your friends at which you plan to serve the cake. At the same time, it is important to correctly return the dishes to their owners, since otherwise you can attract hunger into your home.

In order to avoid this, you need to follow one main rule: never return empty dishes that belong to him and are left in your house to the owner. You should definitely put something edible, some kind of treat, on the plate and return the dish in this form to its owner.

Believe it or not?

Whether to treat this sign as a banal joke or to take it seriously is up to each of us to decide. Those who do not accept other people's dishes in the house, fearing that the prediction will come true, some do not do this for moral reasons, while others do not pay attention to anything and find a place in their kitchen for someone else's plate or cup.

Many people are interested in this sign - why you can’t wash dishes at a party. In ancient times, it was believed that it had powerful energy and was connected with the owners of the house, and the touch of someone else’s hands while washing it could take away the happiness of the family.

In the article:

Sign - why you can’t wash dishes at a party

From this article you will learn about a sign that explains why you should not wash dishes when you are visiting. Almost every person does not mind helping hospitable hosts around the house when the feast comes to an end. But you can’t do this even when you’re afraid of seeming impolite or lazy. There are reasons for this - when such help is provided, it is possible to deprive the owners of the house of luck and destroy the family.

There are a number of versions of this sign. Water stores positive or negative information, but it also washes it away. Washing any thing - cleansing and physical sense, and energy. The devices are freed from food residues and energy from those who ate from them.

Everyone knows that every home has the energy of those who constantly live in it. By helping the hosts wash the plates and mugs, the guest fills the home with alien energy, often negative - it is difficult to find a completely happy person who does not wish harm to another person. When a guest is in a bad mood or simply wishes evil, trouble will happen in the house. The owners are so lazy.

Washing dishes in someone else's house is a sign of trouble

In the old days after holiday gatherings At the table, guests were not asked to wash dishes. It was considered indecent for guests in festive attire to do dirty work. As an exception, they entrusted help in washing cutlery to close relatives and friends.

Washing dishes in someone else's house means washing away happiness and prosperity from it. Because of this, the family will plunge into conflicts, followed by financial difficulties. The residents of the house will no longer be lucky. Another version of the sign - when a guest washes dishes in someone else’s house, he takes it from the family material well-being or suggests.

Washing dishes at a party - signs about marriage

Negative omen It is considered washing dishes in a house where at least one unmarried girl lives. And when she has no luck finding a suitable match. It is believed that the one who helps with washing the dishes will take away all the suitors from her or, according to other versions of the belief, will wash them out of the house. In some regions they believe that they are doing this with the aim of harming or. And now many people believe that a girl in whose house strangers wash dishes will not get married.

Another sign prohibits washing dishes unmarried girl when invited to visit married couple. It is believed that this will destroy the family. According to ancient superstitions, a husband will leave his wife. They believed that the rival would be the one who helped after the feast.

Certain signs for marriage are associated with housekeeping. In the past, no attention was paid to the feelings of the young; they tried to choose a “hard-working” wife so as not to have trouble with her. Therefore, there are signs that warn unmarried girls and those who are married against laziness in household chores.

We hope that you now understand why you should not wash dishes at a party and why you cannot trust this work to strangers. The exception is relatives.