What does it mean to see your pregnancy in a dream. Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream - dream book: why dream about your own pregnancy

In every dream book you can find an interpretation of pregnancy in a dream. We have already started studying dreams and told you about them, and now we will tell you why you dream about pregnancy.


Pregnancy is an important and crucial moment in the life of every woman. But why do you dream about pregnancy? Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream - does this mean that it’s time for you to bookmark online stores with clothes for newborns or at least do a test?

We are sure that you have had dreams about pregnancy (your own or someone else's). Let's figure out why we dream about pregnancy together!

How to understand that a dream about pregnancy is prophetic

Our ancestors had one of the most reliable methods for planning pregnancy. In addition, it is by the lunar calendar that one can understand whether the sleeper is having a prophetic dream or not. The lunar calendar is conventionally divided into three periods: neutral, favorable and unfavorable. For example, people consider a dream on the first lunar day to be prophetic. If you had a dream about pregnancy and you are trying to understand why you dream about pregnancy, check the lunar calendar. This information will help you understand more clearly what pregnancy means in dreams.

Pregnancy in a dream for a woman

Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream does not always mean pregnancy in reality. Dreams about pregnancy are interpreted differently for married, unmarried, young and elderly women.

So, for those women who are already married, a dream can really become prophetic. For older women, seeing yourself pregnant in a dream is a tragedy. For a single woman, pregnancy in a dream is a sign that she will soon have to listen to gossip and rumors. For young girls, a dream about pregnancy can mean shame or serious problems. We will tell you more about why you dream about pregnancy below.

Why do you dream about pregnancy: Vanga’s Dream Book

Vanga interpreted the dream about pregnancy in different ways. For a married woman, a dream about pregnancy can be a harbinger of good news and joy. While for unmarried women, on the contrary, it can promise trouble.

For a married woman, seeing yourself pregnant in a dream can mean adding twins to your family, and if you see an unfamiliar woman pregnant, expect a monetary reward. If in your dream there is a woman giving birth, get ready to get rid of your problems.

Why do you dream about pregnancy: According to Sigmund Freud

According to Freud, seeing yourself pregnant in a dream is interpreted almost equally for both married and single women. Such a dream for married people means that they can safely prepare for a new addition to their family.

Freud believed that if a single woman dreams about pregnancy, then soon a man will appear in her life who will have serious intentions of starting a family.

What does it mean if you dream about pregnancy: Loff’s Dream Book

According to Loff's dream book, pregnancy in a dream symbolizes readiness for a new status - the status of a parent. Also, a dream about pregnancy predicts well-being.

Be sure to buy a pregnancy test if you are sexually active and dreamed that you were pregnant.

Dreaming of pregnancy: Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Did you dream about pregnancy? Look for the answer in the dream book of Nostradamus. The dream book offers several options for dreaming about pregnancy:

  • if you dream of a pregnant woman - get ready, you may have to borrow money very soon;
  • if you are not in a position and you dreamed of your own pregnancy, most likely you will face minor troubles that will entail minor losses.

I dreamed about pregnancy: Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about pregnancy? Miller also wondered. There are several interpretations in Miller's dream book. If a pregnant woman dreams about pregnancy, her birth will go well and most likely it will happen. For an unmarried woman, a dream about pregnancy may portend a dysfunctional marriage. And for those who are not yet sexually active, a dream about pregnancy can serve as a warning - beware of relationships with unfamiliar men, otherwise such communication may lead to bad rumors and you will be disgraced.

Why do you dream about pregnancy by day of the week?

  • Dream about pregnancy from Monday to Tuesday may dream of news and changes.
  • Pregnancy in a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday promises losses or expenses.
  • Dreaming of pregnancy from Wednesday to Thursday- get ready for family quarrels or disagreements.
  • If you dreamed about pregnancy from Thursday to Friday- you will live a long and healthy life.
  • Dream about pregnancy from Friday to Saturday to vanity.
  • For those who dreamed of pregnancy with Saturday to Sunday, you should be prepared for changes in your personal life.
  • A dream about pregnancy from Sunday to Monday- to changes in the weather.

Why do you dream about a pregnancy test?

A negative pregnancy test dreams of significant losses. If you are happy about a positive pregnancy test in a dream, big changes await you. For example, you may be offered a promotion or change your job.

If the test is positive, but there are no emotions, then a dream about a pregnancy test may suggest that very soon your expectations will not be met.

Your own and someone else’s pregnancy - why you dream

If a girl who is not ready for independent life dreams of her own pregnancy, the dream means that a new period will soon begin in her life. Such a dream can be interpreted as a call to action. If you dream about your own pregnancy often, it is a symbol of fear of adulthood. For older women, seeing yourself pregnant in a dream is a sign that you need to take care of your health. If your financial situation is unstable and you dream of pregnancy, this is a dream of wealth and unexpected profits.

The pregnancy of a friend or acquaintance is dreamed of to the joy and happiness of the sleeping person. If the pregnant woman in your dream is pretty, don’t be lazy and work on something with all your might. The results of such dedication will very soon please you.

If the expectant mother who comes to you in a dream is not attractive, get ready for trouble. For people who have their own business, seeing a pregnant friend in a dream may suggest that this particular friend will help you with advice in the near future. Seeing your own sister pregnant in a dream means trouble, while a pregnant mother is dreamed of by those who are worried about their mother’s health. If a man dreams that his beloved is not carrying a child from him, the dream can predict betrayal.

Why does a man dream about pregnancy?

By Longo's dream book If a man dreams of his wife’s pregnancy, this means that his plans will come true.

By Freud's dream book, a man who dreamed of pregnancy, the dream suggests that he.

By Tsvetkov's dream book, a man who had a dream about pregnancy should prepare for the imminent implementation of plans.

Loff's Dream Book interprets a man’s dream about pregnancy as his own uncertainty about his reproductive function.

Pregnancy according to the esoteric dream book

Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream, according to the esoteric dream book, is not good. According to the interpretation, such a dream can promise significant and tangible losses to the sleeper. If in a dream you see someone else’s pregnancy, get ready. Soon you will be asked to borrow money.

Other interpretations of pregnancy in a dream

Most often, dreams about pregnancy are somehow related to financial changes. But sometimes your own pregnancy in a dream can mean your readiness to make bold plans.

If in a dream you or your loved ones are expecting the birth of a girl, this is a good sign. Such dreams are dreamed by those who will have a pleasant surprise in the future.

If you or your relatives are expecting the birth of a boy in a dream, be careful! Some dream books interpret such a dream as a warning that you will soon have an accident.

Why do you dream about pregnancy: stories from readers

Victoria, 24 years old

My husband and I have been planning to have a child for a long time, but it hasn’t worked out yet. This, of course, makes me very upset. Recently I had a dream that I was pregnant and I immediately began to look for the interpretation of such dreams in dream books. What I had to read did not make me happy at all: “unfortunately,” “to troubles in my personal life,” and stuff like that. When I no longer had the strength to ignore these thoughts, I decided to go to psychologists. I told them what was bothering me, I was asked a lot of questions and we finally realized that I dreamed of pregnancy because I was constantly thinking about how to have a child and why it didn’t work out for my husband and I, no matter how hard we tried. Also, the psychologist said, that the dream could be a consequence of fear, uncertainty that I am ready for motherhood. I finally realized that it was time for me to take a short break and take a break from the thoughts that were haunting me. That’s why my husband and I took trips to warmer climes.

Good day, dear guests of my blog! Do you believe that dreams come true? To be honest, I don’t particularly care, but sometimes I still look into dream books if I dream about something memorable.

In fact, the connection between dreams and reality is not obvious. And not everyone can find the meaning on their own, so you have to resort to the help of all kinds of dream books.
Today we will find out what it means to see yourself pregnant in a dream.

This situation can be interpreted in different ways.

The value may depend on a large number of factors:

  1. If you are actually expecting a baby, then such a dream promises an easy birth.
  2. Seeing yourself with a big belly can indicate such a desire in reality.
  3. A dream can also mean some changes in real life. For example, starting a new business, as well as with other people.

For a young and healthy woman, such a dream can mean psychological readiness to bear and give birth to a healthy baby.
If you have an active sex life, but are not yet ready to give birth, then perhaps this indicates your anxieties and concerns about a possible pregnancy.

Such a dream may also be a reflection of a regular menstrual cycle.
It may also portend changes in life's destiny. As a rule, positive. Symbolizes possible profit, wealth and creative endeavors. If you want this kind of change to happen, you need to take action, but not alone.
Sometimes you have unusual dreams, for example, seeing a deceased woman pregnant can be interpreted as a failure of some plans.

What does it mean to be pregnant with a boy or a girl?

Let's find out why you dream of being pregnant with a boy. Most often, a dream foreshadows troubles and certain difficulties that you will have to go through and everything will work out.

Perhaps you will change housing or go on a long business trip.
If you dream that you are pregnant with a girl, then soon you will encounter something mysterious, surprising and unusual.

Sleep is considered a good omen. Some old people say that such a dream foretells the arrival of a gift, a generous offering or wonderful news.

You dream of being pregnant with twins when the desire to conceive a baby is simply enormous. Most likely, this reflects a mental state and has no special intention.

Perhaps the long-awaited event has already arrived, but the woman does not know anything about it yet.

If there is no desire to get pregnant, then perhaps changes will begin soon. For a man, such a vision promises double profits.
Twins can also warn about some hypocritical person in your environment.

Unusual meanings

If a woman saw a dream for a long time, then this is a sign of prosperity and even wealth.
A man can also have such a dream. In this case, we should expect the implementation of plans and different ideas.

All in all, an excellent sign.
By the way, being pregnant and feeling the baby move may mean that you should refuse any proposed dubious activities.

Seeing a friend, mother, sister or daughter in a position in a dream signals that the girl is subject to great influence from the outside.

She is under great pressure from the opinions of the public and her parents. It can also suggest the joint implementation of all plans.
Seeing a positive pregnancy test in your dreams can warn that your desire to conceive will soon come true.
If you see yourself with a belly and in a wedding dress, then this is a sign of well-being in the family.

Often pregnant girls dream about their condition, the movement of the fetus, or even the process of childbirth. If you saw blood in a dream, then you need to check your health and the fetus.

In the case where a woman who is not carrying a child under her heart dreams of blood, this can also be a warning about health problems.

For older women, such visions are not always interpreted pleasantly. This may indicate illness or nervous breakdowns.

It may also be due to problems with relatives or in the family.
If you are divorced and dream that you have become pregnant from or from another man, then this foreshadows new life difficulties.

Maybe even deception from a loved one.
Seeing yourself in front of a mirror with your belly, especially if you dreamed from Thursday to Friday, may indicate that labor is about to begin.

Interpretation in different dream books

Now let’s find out the meanings in different dream books. Interestingly, they can be very different.

Meneghetti's interpretation

This dream book defines such a dream as a symbol of gestation. Most often seen as something negative.

For example, it says that it is easy to convince a person of something. That he is subject to outside influences. It can also be a sign of organic diseases.

According to Tsvetkov

According to esotericist Tsvetkov, a dream with pregnancy can have the following meanings:

  1. For an innocent girl - deception.
  2. For a woman - joy or a feeling of pride.
  3. For a man - new plans.
  4. Seeing an unfamiliar girl in a position can be a signal of future troubles.

What did Freud claim?

The renowned dream interpreter notes several options for what such a dream might mean:

  1. The woman may soon become pregnant.
  2. Conception has already occurred, but the woman does not know about it yet.
  3. The girl really wants a child.
  4. The coming of change.

Interpretation of the white magician Longo

For a man to see his wife in an interesting position is a good sign. This indicates that your ideas will be fruitful and will achieve success.

With some effort you can achieve profit. But if the wife is truly pregnant, then the dream has no special symbols.
For a woman, such a dream means an addition to the family.

And for a young girl it is a hint about a dormant maternal instinct.

Interpretation according to Miller

Miller has several meanings. If a girl is expecting a baby soon, then such a dream should calm her down.

After all, it means that there is no need to worry and the birth will take place without complications.
But for a non-pregnant woman, a dream can mean difficulties with her husband, troubles in her personal life, and even conflicts.
For a virgin, such a dream is a warning about discussions and gossip behind her back, as well as possible shame.

Interpretation from Vanga

Vanga's dream book also has several meanings. For a married woman, such a dream can symbolize the appearance of twins.
But such a dream for an unmarried girl is not very good. It is a sign that her boyfriend is dishonest and deceitful.

Values ​​from Semenova

Such a vision, according to this dream book, may mean that the woman is already pregnant or this will happen very soon.

If in reality this is the case, then such a vision promises an easy birth and a healthy baby. A man can also have such dreams, especially if he really wants to become a father.

At the same time, the desire is so great that it even penetrates the subconscious.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

The feeling of new life inside can mean grandiose plans for the future. But you can find out what the result will be from the remaining details of the dream.

If you dreamed that you were in a different position, then perhaps failures will await you for some time.

Interpretations from other dream books

There are many other dream books.

Let's find out some of them:

  1. In the dream book of the wanderer Smirnov, pregnancy for a girl means that one must wait for deception; for a woman, it means the fulfillment of desires. But for a man - danger and even health problems. Just seeing a girl in a position means trouble.
  2. According to the lunar dream book, almost the same interpretations as in the first case. For girls it’s a lie, but for women it’s success and joy.
  3. There is also a modern dream book according to which such a dream will bring happiness in love for a girl, and illness for an older woman. Seeing a pregnant woman means profit. But, in general, this state indicates that it’s time to bring into reality the things you’ve been dreaming about for a long time.
  4. But according to Azar’s interpretation, such dreams in any case promise worries.
  5. In the esoteric book you can see that your own interesting position means losses, and someone else’s means you will have to lend it.
  6. According to the Ukrainian dream book, seeing a girl in a position means trouble, and being in it yourself means realizing your wildest plans.
  7. According to the winter dream book, your own pregnancy warns of imminent health problems, but someone else’s means prosperity. Dreaming about a pregnant daughter means a quarrel.
  8. In the summer, such a dream about yourself portends prosperity, but about another woman - to ups and downs in married life.
  9. But in the fall, such dreams can symbolize the long-awaited conception.
  10. According to the English dream book for a married woman, such a dream means that you can expect twins. An unmarried woman needs to take a closer look at her other half. Such a dream may suggest his dishonesty and selfishness.
  11. Khamidova’s dream book warns a non-pregnant woman that not everything will be so smooth in her family life. For innocent girls, such a vision also does not bode well.

Pregnancy of loved ones and relatives

Watching someone else's pregnancy in a dream warns that you should pay special attention to this person.

Especially if the dream is about a woman you know or a relative. This may indicate career growth or changes in the character of a loved one.
If a woman dreams of a man in an unusual state, then this means that she needs patronage and protection.

Your mother's pregnancy may indicate that in reality she is ready to become pregnant again.

The interesting position of the daughter allows us to see her real dreams about this. Perhaps she wants a child from a specific person.

This may also be a sign of your fears for your daughter.
A pregnant sister dreams of prosperity and wealth. Perhaps you will be offered some deals on favorable terms.
If there is no real sister, then this may be a sign of an imminent promotion for labor merits. This may mean receiving an inheritance.
If you dreamed of two pregnant sisters at once, then expect income from several sources.
Let's look at why such a dream occurs depending on the day of the week:

  • on Monday for weather changes;
  • on Tuesday for the news;
  • on Wednesday – to expenses;
  • on Thursday - to a domestic quarrel;
  • on Friday - promises longevity;
  • dream on Saturday - troubles and fuss.

What dreams are harbingers of real pregnancy?

Traditionally, a dream about fish is news of an imminent conception. In addition, fish is a harbinger of profit, strong love and even warns of betrayal.
Seeing a fish swimming in clear water means that conception has already occurred.
A good dream is catching fish with your bare hands; sometimes it warns of possible twins.
Buying fish from a seller of a certain gender can also indicate the gender of the child.
Similar dreams can also visit people close to a woman, which is also a good sign. Fried fish can also portend imminent conception.
Visions about an upcoming interesting situation may suggest cabbage, a cat with kittens, dolphins, storks.

Dreams about apples, picking mushrooms or buying vegetables and fruits also speak about this.

People have always been interested in their dreams. Mysterious, scary, funny - no matter what we dream about, we always want to know what it is for? Some of the strangest dreams are dreams about pregnancy. Do these dreams mean anything? What do dream books say about this? We have collected several interpretations for you, but it’s up to you to decide which one to believe!

Freud's Dream Book
If a woman dreams of pregnancy, this indicates that she will soon find out about her situation. If a man had such a dream, he is ready to have a child.

Miller's Dream Book
This dream book claims that such a dream promises an unhappy marriage. For girls, such a dream warns of misfortunes, and for pregnant women and their future babies, such a dream promises only good things.

Loff's Dream Book

In general, such a dream promises future wealth or readiness for a new relationship. But you still need to pay attention to some details. A woman without children may have such a dream because of the desire to continue the family line. Also, such a dream can signal your transition from the “child” stage to the “adult” stage. For a man, a dream about his pregnancy is a symbol that his masculinity is in doubt. A real pregnancy can also affect the course of dreams. Events in a dream can be very different, from unusually cruel to funny.

Khamidova's Dream Interpretation
In this interpretation, pregnancy in a dream also promises health for a pregnant woman. The birth will go well, and the child’s health will be good. For a non-pregnant woman without a husband, such a dream predicts entering into an unsuccessful marriage. This dream also warns girls against troubles.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

This dream can be a sign of pride and joy for a woman. If a man sees himself pregnant, it means that in reality he will make some bold plans.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse
If you saw a pregnant woman in a dream from the outside, get ready for trouble. And if you dreamed about your pregnancy, you can make bold plans; the details of the dream will tell you the right solution.

English dream book

If a married woman sees herself pregnant in a dream, there is a high probability of having twins. If an unmarried girl sees herself pregnant, she should take a better look at her boyfriend, perhaps he is deceiving her.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti
This dream book states that pregnancy in a dream is a symbol that you are carrying someone or something. Perhaps some idea is haunting your thoughts?

The state of pregnancy foreshadows a joyful event in ordinary life - the birth of a child. However, these are also significant changes: a significant change in lifestyle, experiences, new joys and achievements, various expenses, purchases.

What if you dream about seeing someone pregnant?

Thus, pregnancy is a harbinger of the birth of something new that will lead to change. In addition, it should, of course, be noted that in ordinary life the state of pregnancy corresponds mainly only to women, especially young ones. However, that’s what the dream is for: it’s possible to see something unusual, for example, a pregnant man. Or an old woman for whom such a condition no longer corresponds to her age. Therefore, the interpretation of what it means to dream of seeing someone pregnant on the street largely depends on who it is.

In addition, the state of pregnancy can symbolize the gestation of some new idea, invention or creative work. In this case, this also portends certain changes for the one who becomes the author, and for those around him, and possibly for a huge number of people.

It is most natural to see pregnancy in a young woman. Therefore, a dream about an unfamiliar young pretty pregnant woman walking in a pleasant environment along a brightly lit street or path towards the sleeping person is favorable. This indicates a possible pleasant event, even profit.

If you saw someone you know pregnant in a dream, it is also important what kind of woman she is and what kind of relationship the person seeing the dream has with her. Although many dream books still prefer, first of all, to interpret such a dream positively - to profit or a successful business.

However, such an interpretation will be appropriate if the state of pregnancy corresponds to this friend or relative - that is, she is married, of the appropriate age, and healthy. However, for example, if a mother sees her young unmarried daughter pregnant, then such a dream most likely either directly warns of an unexpected pregnancy, or that the daughter is secretly hatching some plans.

Also, it is unlikely that it will be good to see an elderly relative who, due to her age, can no longer be pregnant. Such a dream may portend an incipient illness.

What does it portend?

A husband seeing his wife pregnant, who is at the right age for this, can literally predict this fact, or it can mean that thanks to the wife, some business will be successfully carried out, which will even bring profit to the family.

There will be a separate interpretation if you happen to see a pregnant man in a dream. That is, the sleeper understands that this is not just a fat person, but one who is carrying a child. In this case, pregnancy can be interpreted as a creative process of the emergence of something new, up to a scientific discovery, especially if this acquaintance is a creative person, inventor or scientist.

The sight of a pregnant stranger, whose identity is unknown, promises an absolutely unexpected event, the outcome of which is difficult to predict.

It is also important what feelings and emotions the sleeper experiences when he sees a pregnant character. This may lead to an analogy with sensations in reality.

In the case when the sleeper looks at someone pregnant with good feelings, even joy, it means that the upcoming event will be favorable. If for some reason the sight of a pregnant character causes hostility, fear or even disgust, then this warns against possible unpleasant events and changes.

Be that as it may, if suddenly a dream, for some reason, seemed negative, its interpretation can be “neutralized” in a certain way. To do this, you need to repeat the phrase three times after sleep: “Where last night went, go and my sleep goes there forever.”

Why you dream about your pregnancy is especially interesting to understand for the stronger half of humanity. After all, representatives of this sex also sometimes dream about their own “interesting situation.” Although most often it is girls who have such a dream.

Seers explain the dreamer's expectation of a baby in a dream in different ways:

  • In the Jewish dream book, pregnancy always symbolizes the beginning of something radically new. It does not outwardly mean that in reality the sleeper will be expecting a child. Rather, completely new interesting events will simply happen in his life. This interpretation is relevant for both men and women. Perhaps the fate of a person will present him with a big surprise in the near future. For example, there will be a move to a new place and not necessarily within the home country.
  • Freud’s dream book notes that for both men and women, pregnancy from a dream turns out to be a harbinger of a new serious relationship. If the sleeper already has a soulmate, then a similar plot suggests that he will be able to discover himself from a completely new side.
  • Meridian's dream book suggests that a girl who had a dream about pregnancy, and in real life expects two lines on the test. If the young lady does not dream of such a turn of events, she should take care of high-quality contraception.

A man has the same dream on the eve of a successful business deal. It can also portend a person a large monetary reward.

  • In Miller’s dream book, one’s own pregnancy from a dream can have two meanings at once. If a person felt comfortable in a new position and did not experience a feeling of fear, then in reality the ideal time had come to implement new ideas and plans. The results will please the sleeper.

If pregnancy frightened a man/woman in a dream or was difficult for a person to bear, it probably signals the presence of chronic diseases in his body. These are sluggish illnesses that practically do not make themselves felt.

What does a dream mean for a married, unmarried woman?

If a married woman dreams of being pregnant, first of all you need to try to remember the size of your belly and your feelings in this state. An unrealistically huge belly tells the girl that this is an excellent period for realizing her own ideas. You can try to bring your wildest plans to life. If a woman is scared in a dream and feels insecure, it is this feeling that will prevent her from solving her tasks.

Does a pregnant woman dream about giving birth? In reality, a large monetary reward or a valuable material gift awaits her.

If a captive young lady has a hard time with her pregnancy in a dream, most likely she is unhappy in her marriage. The woman also has problems communicating with her own children.

When pregnant, a married woman dreams of such dreams only if she touches her own stomach and clearly feels the baby’s kicks in it.

  • A free girl dreams of late pregnancy on the eve of receiving good news.
  • An unmarried woman may dream of pregnancy during a period favorable for conceiving a child. If she does not plan to become a mother in the near future, it is worth limiting sexual contacts.

Your own pregnancy with a girl, boy or twins

When you dream about your own pregnancy, it is important to try to remember what gender the baby was expected to be. If a person sleeping in his stomach has a boy, it means that the person will experience unprecedented success in work and business. Rapid career growth is possible.

  • If an unmarried girl sees such a dream, then pregnancy with a boy portends her receiving a marriage proposal from a worthy man.
  • For married young ladies, the discussed plot promises an increase in social status.
  • First, pregnancy, and then the birth of a boy at home, dreams of comfort, well-being and tranquility in the family. A similar plot may foretell an improvement in a person’s financial situation.

Pregnancy with a girl in a dream suggests that some unusual interesting events await the person in reality.

  • Such a night vision plot is an excellent sign for an expectant mother. If a woman is pregnant in reality, he portends her good health and an easy, successful birth.
  • If you first dream of pregnancy, and then the birth of a beautiful little girl, in reality you can expect a white streak. Success will accompany the sleeper in all areas of life - in work, love, hobbies.

Positive pregnancy test

Often young girls dream of a positive pregnancy test if in reality they are afraid to see two lines. If there are no such fears, you need to try to correctly interpret the dream:

  • For a virgin, he dreams of shame and problems with reputation.
  • For an expectant mother, such a plot promises the birth of two babies at once.
  • A married woman who already has children has problems in relationships with her husband and other relatives.

It happens that the sleeper watches someone else take a pregnancy test and notices two lines on it. This means that soon an acquaintance will come to the dreamer to ask for a loan or some other help.

Abortion, frozen pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy

Abortion in a dream is an important warning about health problems in reality. You should quickly go to specialists for a preventive examination.

An abortion may be dreamed of on the eve of making a responsible, serious decision or action. Such a dream is inspired by a person’s fear of making a mistake, for which he will then have to blame himself.

A frozen pregnancy appears in a vision during the period of a black streak - when many problems and troubles piled up at once. Such a dream symbolizes hopelessness and collapse of hopes.

An ectopic pregnancy in a dream is a symbol of protest and the desire to do something contrary to the advice of others.

Value depending on the day of the week

The meaning of a pregnancy dream may vary depending on the day of the week:

  • On Monday - to betrayal from a loved one.
  • On Tuesday - the need to implement an idea that previously seemed stupid and hopeless.
  • On Wednesday - unexpected news.
  • On Thursday - the need to carefully check your health and pay special attention to chronic diseases.
  • On Friday - to the probability of seeing two lines on the test in reality.
  • On Saturday - to complications in relationships with others.
  • On Sunday - the need to realize your maternal/paternal instinct as soon as possible.

If on the eve of a dream about pregnancy the sleeper actively communicated with the expectant mother or watched a film on this topic, you should not pay special attention to its plot. In this way, the day's experiences and emotions are simply expressed.