To guess what is going on in your loved one’s life. Life Turn Tarot Card Layout

If life consisted only of straight, clearly defined lines, then we would not have to raise this topic. But most likely it looks like a country road that was made, but they forgot that it needs to be constantly filled and asphalted. Over time, it turned into an old rut covered with bumps and potholes, which is scary to walk on, let alone drive. Smooth at the beginning of the road, winding in the middle and twisted, torn at the end - is it possible to drive on such a road? But we drive, and nothing happens. Already adjusted. It seems that the bumps have become smaller and the potholes are smaller. And then, suddenly, there’s a turn again. And everything starts all over again.

How Tarot cards in life situations tell us about the future

A person who foresees a turn in life, but does not know what it will bring him, finds it difficult to cope with ignorance, and he goes to a tarot reader or tries to make a reading himself. However, it should be understood that cards are not only the Arcana and pentacles of the Tarot, they are also a whole system of knowledge that has been collected and increased over the centuries. With the Major Arcana of the Tarot, you can make a short “life turn” layout. With it you:

  • find out how events will develop in the coming days, weeks, months;
  • you will be able to make the right decision, which will allow you to calmly endure the next turn;
  • clarify the time of events and determine their social background;
  • Having learned what awaits you in the foreseeable future, calm down and begin to go with the flow (perhaps until the next turn).

We go through the cards, peering at the pictures: pentacles, a cup, swords, a chariot. So many beautiful and different images. And each card is a carrier of information. Here it is - a new twist. What is he telling us? If you want to know the answer, the Tarot cards in a life turn reading will certainly provide it. What is the meaning of fortune telling cards, what is the interpretation of the Tarot pentacles, what is hidden behind the funny figure of the jester? You can do all the map symbols yourself, you just have to learn a little. The Tarot layout for a life situation or turn will determine what the person who came to tell fortunes is like, and what is happening in his life now, as well as what will happen in the near future.

The “Life Turn” layout indicates the purpose of the event, something that cannot be foreseen. The last three cards of the layout will describe the final result of the changes that have occurred.

Guess and be calm about your life!

Fortune telling online “His plans for a relationship with me” — a free Tarot layout for love can be used in cases where you need to find out how serious your relationship is for your loved one, what it is for him, what he really wants from a relationship with you, what plans he is making for you.

By laying out the cards for your loved one, you will also find out how he feels about a serious relationship (marriage), whether he is ready to start a family, and whether he is ready to create it with you. The Tarot Arcana will give a forecast of how likely it is to create a family in your union, and whether you will have a wedding.

Free online fortune telling “His plans for a relationship with me” can be carried out at any stage of relationship development, but it is better to turn to this layout if your union has already taken shape and you and your loved one are a stable couple. Both women and men can use this fortune telling for their partner’s plans.

Tarot cards are ready for online fortune telling “His plans for a relationship with me”

Select 1st card

Card No. 1. What a relationship with you means to a partner.
Card No. 2. What does your partner want from a relationship with you.
Card No. 3. His plans for a relationship with you.
Card No. 4. How does your loved one feel about a serious relationship (marriage). His readiness to start a family.
Card No. 5. What fears and hopes does your partner have regarding marriage with you?
Card No. 6. Are you the person with whom your loved one is ready to start a family.
Card No. 7. How your existing relationship with your loved one will affect your life.
Card No. 8. How your existing relationship will affect your partner's life.
Card No. 9. What will your union come to? How likely is it that you and your loved one will enter into an official marriage (whether you will have a wedding or not).


The layout shows the person’s current state and his immediate future. The author of the layout is Laysan Smaragd.

First card

Second and third cards

Question: How does the world perceive?

Fourth card

Fifth card

Sixth card

Question: Human needs

Seventh card

Eighth card

Question: Work

Ninth card

Question: Finance

Tenth card

Question: Family
Family relationships

Eleventh card

Question: Health

Exercise 1 for the layout “Current state of a person”

The young woman decided to have her condition diagnosed.

The first card is the Knight of Cups

Question: What thoughts predominate in a person?
What's in your head? What thoughts predominate in a person’s head at the moment, what important things are he thinking about, what is the person focused on at the moment.

Second and third cards - Lovers, 8 of Pentacles

Question: How does the world perceive?
How the world sees. How the world perceives, sometimes this gaze is turned inward, and not outward.

Fourth card -4 swords

Question: What is his relationship with others?
A person in society, in society. What is his relationship with others, is he sociable or not, friendly or aggressive.

Fifth card - Hanged Man

Question: Feelings, emotional experiences of a person
What's on the heart. His feelings, emotional experiences, what worries him, what worries him.

Sixth card - 6 cups

Question: Human needs
His needs. What he needs at the moment, what can make his life easier, please or satisfy him. (The card can be taken into account as advice or an approach to a given person)

Seventh card - 10 of pentacles

Question: What is the state of his personal life?
Personal life. Describes the state of his personal life at the moment.

Eighth card - King of Swords

Question: Work
Job. How are things going in this area?

Ninth card - 7 staves

Question: Finance
Financial viability of a person

Tenth card - 9 swords

Question: Family
Family relationships

Eleventh card - Ace of Swords

Question: Health
Do you have any health problems?

Exercise 2 for the layout “Current state of a person”

The lady provides esoteric services to the population. I decided to do some diagnostics just in case.

First card - Empress

Question: What thoughts predominate in a person?
What's in your head? What thoughts predominate in a person’s head at the moment, what important things are he thinking about, what is the person focused on at the moment.

Second and third cards - 9 of swords, Ace of pentacles

Question: How does the world perceive?
How the world sees. How the world perceives, sometimes this gaze is turned inward, and not outward.

Fourth card - 2 swords (7 staves, Priestess)

Question: What is his relationship with others?
A person in society, in society. What is his relationship with others, is he sociable or not, friendly or aggressive.

Fifth card - 5 swords

Question: Feelings, emotional experiences of a person
What's on the heart. His feelings, emotional experiences, what worries him, what worries him.

Sixth card - 6 staves

Question: Human needs
His needs. What he needs at the moment, what can make his life easier, please or satisfy him. (The card can be taken into account as advice or an approach to a given person)

Seventh card - Strength

Question: What is the state of his personal life?
Personal life. Describes the state of his personal life at the moment.

Eighth card - 10 swords

Question: Work
Job. How are things going in this area?

Ninth card - Sun

Question: Finance
Financial viability of a person

Tenth card - Page of Pentacles

Question: Family
Family relationships

Eleventh card - Knight of Cups

Question: Health
Do you have any health problems?

Exercise 3 for the layout “Current state of a person”

The lady is going through a difficult period in her life and decided to find out how things are.

First card - Judgment

Question: What thoughts predominate in a person?
What's in your head? What thoughts predominate in a person’s head at the moment, what important things are he thinking about, what is the person focused on at the moment.

Second and third cards - Ace of Cups, Jester

Question: How does the world perceive?
How the world sees. How the world perceives, sometimes this gaze is turned inward, and not outward.

Fourth card - Queen of Swords

Question: What is his relationship with others?
A person in society, in society. What is his relationship with others, is he sociable or not, friendly or aggressive.

Fifth card - 9 staves

Question: Feelings, emotional experiences of a person
What's on the heart. His feelings, emotional experiences, what worries him, what worries him.

Sixth card - Emperor

Question: Human needs
His needs. What he needs at the moment, what can make his life easier, please or satisfy him. (The card can be taken into account as advice or an approach to a given person)

Seventh card - Queen of Staves

Question: What is the state of his personal life?
Personal life. Describes the state of his personal life at the moment.

Eighth card - 3 staves

Question: Work
Job. How are things going in this area?

Ninth card - Empress

Question: Finance
Financial viability of a person

Tenth card - 3 of pentacles

Question: Family
Family relationships

Eleventh card - Hermit

Question: Health
Do you have any health problems?