Correct preparation of specifications for the drawing. Preparation of drawings and specifications

A graphic design document that defines the composition of an assembly unit, complex or kit is called specification. The specification is drawn up in tabular form on separate sheets of A4 format (297 x 210) for each assembly unit (Fig. 318). The main inscription is made in size 40 x 185 in accordance with GOST 2.104-68.

The form and procedure for fulfilling the specification is determined by GOST 2.108-68. Fill out the specification from top to bottom. The specification sections are arranged in the following sequence: documentation, complexes, assembly units, parts, standard products, other products, materials, kits.

The presence of certain sections is determined by the composition of the specified product. The name of each section is indicated as a heading in the “Name” column and underlined with a solid thin line. After each section, leave a few free lines for additional entries.

The specification column is filled out as follows.

1. In the “Format” column, indicate the document formats whose designations are written in the “Designation” column. In the sections “Standard products”, “Other products” and “Materials” this column is not filled in. For parts for which drawings have not been issued, write “warhead” (without drawing) in this column.

2. In the “Zone” column indicate the designation of the zone in accordance with GOST 2.104-68. This column is not filled in on training drawings.

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3. In the column “Pos.” indicate the serial number of the components included in the specified product. In the “Documentation” and “Kits” sections this column is not filled in.

4. In the “Designation” column, the designation of the document for the product (assembly unit, part) is written in accordance with GOST 2.201-80. In the sections “Standard products”, “Other products” and “Materials” this column is not filled in.

5. In the “Name” column indicate:

in the “Documentation” section only the title of the document;

in the sections “Kits”, “Assembly products”, “Parts”, “Complexes” - the name of the products in the main inscription on design documents these parts, for example “Gear”, “Finger”, etc.;

in the “Standard Products” section - the name and designation of the products in accordance with the standards for this product, for example “Bolt M 12x70 GOST 7805-70”.

Within each category of standards for standard products, entries are made in groups of the same name, within each group - in alphabetical order of increasing standard designations, in increasing order of dimensions or main parameters of the product. For example: a group of fasteners should be written down in the following sequence: bolts, screws, nuts, washers, studs, etc.;

in the “Materials” section - designation of materials established in the standards and technical specifications for these materials.

6. In the column “Quantity.” indicate the number of components in one specified product, and in the “Materials” section - the total number of materials per product, indicating the unit of measurement.

7. In the “Note” column indicate additional information for production, as well as for products, documents, materials included in the specification.

For assembly units, the main design document is specification. It determines the composition of an assembly unit, complex or kit and is the main document for manufacturing, completing design documents and planning the launch of these products. The form and procedure for filling out specifications of design documents for products from all industries is established by GOST 2.108-68. The specification is drawn up on separate A4 sheets in the form shown in the figure.

The specification consists from sections, which are arranged in the following sequence: documentation, complexes, assembly units, parts, standard products, other products, materials, kits. The presence of certain sections is determined by the composition of the specified product. The name of each section is indicated as a heading in the “Name” column and underlined.

The specification is located above the main inscription of the drawing and its columns are filled in as follows.

Count Format indicates the format of documents, the designation of which is indicated in the column Designation. If there is an asterisk in the column, this means that the drawing was made on several formats of different sizes. In this case, in the graph Note lists all formats. For parts for which drawings have not been issued, warheads are indicated in the column.

Count Zone indicates the designation of the zone in which the position number of the recorded component is located (when the drawing field is divided into zones according to GOST 2.104-68)

Count Pos(position) indicates the serial numbers of the components directly included in the specified product.

Count Designation indicates the designations of the main design documents (drawings) for products recorded in sections. Complexes, Assembly units, Parts and Kits. In the sections Standard products, Other products and Materials, this column is not filled in. In the Documentation section, indicate the designation of the documents being recorded.

Count Name indicates the name of the product in accordance with the main inscription on the main design documents (drawings) of these products. If the part is made of graded material and a working drawing is not required for its manufacture, then in the Name column indicate the name, material and dimensions necessary for its implementation, for example

In the section Documentation indicate the name of the documents, for example assembly drawing, dimensional drawing , technical specifications. In the Standard products section - the name of the products in accordance with the standards for these products. In the Other products section - name and symbols products in accordance with the documents for their delivery, indicating the designations of these documents. In the Materials section - designation of materials.

Count Number(quantity) indicates the number of components (parts) of the product.

In the column Note indicate additional information for planning and organizing production, as well as other information related to the products recorded in the specification, for example, Weight for parts produced without drawings.

In the section Standard products Most often, the name of the parts used for assembly is written down. These include fasteners, which in the specifications of assembly drawings are conventionally written in the column Name.

Bolt M20.6gX80.58 GOST 7798-70, where M is a metric thread with a large pitch and a nominal diameter of 20 mm, with a tolerance range of 6g; 80 - bolt length in mm, 58 - material strength class according to GOST 1759-70; GOST 7798-70 - standard number for a bolt with a hexagonal head, without a protective coating, of normal precision.

Hairpin M 16X90 20/38 58 GOST 22032-76, where M 16 is a metric main thread with a large pitch with a diameter of 16 mm; 90 - length of the stud in mm, 20 - length screwed into the socket l = 1.25d (seat end of the stud), 38 - length of the threaded part for the nut, /0 = 2d + 6 mm, 58 - strength class of the material - according to GOST 1759 -70; GOST 22032-76 - standard number for the spire! ki normal accuracy, type A, uncoated.

Screw M 10X40.58 GOST 1491-72, where M 10 is a metric thread with a large pitch, with a diameter of 10 mm, 40 is the length of the screw in mm, 58 is the strength class of the material according to GOST 1759-70; GOST 1491-72 - standard number for metal screws with a cylindrical head, normal accuracy, version I, without protective coatings.

Nut M 20x1.5.6H.5 GOST 5915-70, where M 20X1.5 is a metric thread with a pitch of 1.5 mm and a manufacturing tolerance field of 6N (GOST 16093-70) for a nominal thread diameter of 20 mm, 5 is the strength class of the material according to GOST 1759-70; GOST 5915-70 - standard number for hex nuts of normal accuracy, version I, without protective coating.

Washer 16.36.01 GOST 11371-68, where 16 is the thread diameter of the bolt for which this washer is selected, 36 is the strength class of the washer material according to GOST 1759-70; 01 - type of coating (zinc coating) according to GOST 1759-70; GOST 11371-68 standard number for washer sizes, version I, specified thickness.

The specification is the main design document. Determines the composition of an assembly unit, complex, kit. According to GOST 2.108-68* (ST SEV 2516-80), it is performed on A4 sheets according to Form 1 (title sheet, Fig. 11.2) and A1 (subsequent sheets). In the first case, the main inscription is made according to form 2 (Fig. 11.3, a), in the second - according to form 2a (Fig. 11.3,6) and without applying additional columns.

In general, the specification consists of sections arranged in the following sequence: documentation, complexes; assembly units, parts, standard products, other products, materials, kits. The presence of certain sections determines the composition of the product. The name of each section is indicated in the “Name” column and underlined with a thin line. A free line is left below each heading, and at least one line is left at the end of each section for possible additional entries. The width of the lines is at least 8 mm. Contents of each section (in relation to training drawings, see Fig. 11.22): Documentation - the main set of design documentation (assembly drawing and structural diagram - dividing the product into component parts). Assembly units - assembly units included into the specified product. Parts - parts directly included in the product (i.e., not included in the assembly units listed above). Assembly units and parts are recorded in ascending order of the numbers included in their designation. Standard products are products used in accordance with state, republican, industry standards and enterprise standards (for auxiliary production products). Within each category of standards, records are made by groups of products, grouped by functional purpose (rolling bearings, fasteners, etc.), within each group - in alphabetical order of names (for example, bolts, screws, nuts, studs, cotter pins) , within each name - in ascending order of standard designations, and within each designation - in increasing order of basic parameters or dimensions, for example diameter, length. Materials - materials directly included in the specified product (i.e. not included in composition of product assembly units). They are written down in the following sequence: ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals, wires, cords, plastics, etc. (for more details, see GOST 2.108-68). Within each type, materials are recorded in alphabetical order, and within each name - in ascending order of size or other parameters. Do not record materials the quantity of which cannot be determined by the designer for the product (for example, varnishes, paints, glue, solders, etc.). Their quantity in such cases is established by the technologist, and instructions on their use are given in the TT on the drawing field. If the material designation does not fit into one line, then they occupy two lines: in this case, the serial number according to the specification (position) is written in one line with the beginning name records.

In the “Format” column indicate the document formats whose designations are written in the “Designations” column. If the document is made on several sheets, then an asterisk is placed in the column, and all formats are listed in the “Note” column in increasing order (if they are different). The same applies when using additional formats according to GOST 2.301 - 68* (for example, A4X2); for parts for which drawings have not been issued, in the column they write ““Warhead” (see Fig. 11.7) In the column “Zone” indicate the designation of the zone in which the position number of the component part of the product is located (when the drawing field is divided into zones).

In the column "Pos." indicate the serial numbers of the component parts of the product in the sequence in which they are recorded in the specification. For the “Documentation” section, the column is not filled in. In the “Designation” column in the “Documentation” section indicate the designation of the documents being recorded, in the “Assembly units” and “Parts” sections - the designations of the main design documents. In the sections “Standard Products” and “Materials” the columns “Format” and “Designations” are not filled in. In the column “Name” in the “Documentation” section only the names of the documents are indicated (“ Assembly drawing", "Structural division diagram", "Technical conditions", etc.), in the sections "Assembly units" and "Parts" - the names of assembly units and parts in accordance with the main inscriptions on their drawings. For parts for which drawings have not been issued (code - BC), this column indicates the names, dimensions required for their manufacture, and materials. In the sections “Standard products” and “Materials” the names and designations are recorded in accordance with the standards for them . It is allowed to use entries of the type (indicating position numbers): Nuts GOST 5915-70M12-6N.052M12Х 1.25-6N.12.40Х.016 М14-6Н.04.016, etc. The names of assembly units and parts are written in the nominative singular case independently from their quantity. At the same time, they should be as short as possible, preferably one-word. If the name consists of two words, then the noun is written in the first place, for example, “Union nut” (and not “Union nut”). In the “QUANTITY” column. indicate the quantity per product; in the “Materials” section - the total amount of materials also for one product, indicating the units (the latter can be indicated in the “Note” column). In the “Documentation” section, the column is not filled in. It is allowed to combine the specification with the SB drawing, provided that they are placed on an A4 sheet. In this case, the specification is placed below the product image, filling it out in the order indicated above (see Fig. 11.8 and 11.20). Such a document is assigned the designation of the main CD (that is, the SB code is not added to the designation). Notes:

  1. The upper part of the specification and the main inscription in form 2 or 2A are usually made with rubber stencils, drawing handwritten graphs between the title and the main inscription. It is advisable to use specification forms issued by printing or some other method.
  2. According to GOST 2.105-79* (ST SEV 2667-80), when performing the specification in handwriting, numbers and letters must be done in black ink. However, in training specifications they are usually done in pencil. In this case, all inscriptions in the specification must be extremely clear.

A graphic design document that defines the composition of an assembly unit, complex or kit is called specification. The specification is drawn up in tabular form on separate sheets of A4 format (297 x 210) for each assembly unit (Fig. 318). The main inscription is made in size 40 x 185 in accordance with GOST 2.104-68.

The form and procedure for fulfilling the specification is determined by GOST 2.108-68. Fill out the specification from top to bottom. The specification sections are arranged in the following sequence: documentation, complexes, assembly units, parts, standard products, other products, materials, kits.

The presence of certain sections is determined by the composition of the specified product. The name of each section is indicated as a heading in the “Name” column and underlined with a solid thin line. After each section, leave a few free lines for additional entries.

The specification column is filled out as follows.

1. In the “Format” column, indicate the document formats whose designations are written in the “Designation” column. In the sections “Standard products”, “Other products” and “Materials” this column is not filled in. For parts for which drawings have not been issued, write “warhead” (without drawing) in this column.

2. In the “Zone” column indicate the designation of the zone in accordance with GOST 2.104-68. This column is not filled in on training drawings.

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3. In the column “Pos.” indicate the serial number of the components included in the specified product. In the “Documentation” and “Kits” sections this column is not filled in.

4. In the “Designation” column, the designation of the document for the product (assembly unit, part) is written in accordance with GOST 2.201-80. In the sections “Standard products”, “Other products” and “Materials” this column is not filled in.

5. In the “Name” column indicate:

in the “Documentation” section only the title of the document;

in the sections “Kits”, “Assembly products”, “Parts”, “Complexes” - the name of the products in the main inscription on the design documents of these parts, for example “Gear”, “Finger”, etc.;

in the “Standard Products” section - the name and designation of the products in accordance with the standards for this product, for example “Bolt M 12x70 GOST 7805-70”.

Within each category of standards for standard products, entries are made in groups of the same name, within each group - in alphabetical order of increasing standard designations, in increasing order of dimensions or main parameters of the product. For example: a group of fasteners should be written down in the following sequence: bolts, screws, nuts, washers, studs, etc.;

in the “Materials” section - designation of materials established in the standards and technical specifications for these materials.

6. In the column “Quantity.” indicate the number of components in one specified product, and in the “Materials” section - the total number of materials per product, indicating the unit of measurement.

7. In the “Note” column indicate additional information for production, as well as for products, documents, materials included in the specification.

A graphic design document that defines the composition of an assembly unit, complex or kit is called specification. The specification is drawn up in tabular form on separate sheets of A4 format (297 x 210) for each assembly unit (Fig. 318). The main inscription is made in size 40 x 185 in accordance with GOST 2.104-68.

The form and procedure for fulfilling the specification is determined by GOST 2.108-68. Fill out the specification from top to bottom. The specification sections are arranged in the following sequence: documentation, complexes, assembly units, parts, standard products, other products, materials, kits.

The presence of certain sections is determined by the composition of the specified product. The name of each section is indicated as a heading in the “Name” column and underlined with a solid thin line. After each section, leave a few free lines for additional entries.

The specification column is filled out as follows.

1. In the “Format” column, indicate the document formats whose designations are written in the “Designation” column. In the sections “Standard products”, “Other products” and “Materials” this column is not filled in. For parts for which drawings have not been issued, write “warhead” (without drawing) in this column.

2. In the “Zone” column indicate the designation of the zone in accordance with GOST 2.104-68. This column is not filled in on training drawings.

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3. In the column “Pos.” indicate the serial number of the components included in the specified product. In the “Documentation” and “Kits” sections this column is not filled in.

4. In the “Designation” column, the designation of the document for the product (assembly unit, part) is written in accordance with GOST 2.201-80. In the sections “Standard products”, “Other products” and “Materials” this column is not filled in.

5. In the “Name” column indicate:

in the “Documentation” section only the title of the document;

in the sections “Kits”, “Assembly products”, “Parts”, “Complexes” - the name of the products in the main inscription on the design documents of these parts, for example “Gear”, “Finger”, etc.;

in the “Standard Products” section - the name and designation of the products in accordance with the standards for this product, for example “Bolt M 12x70 GOST 7805-70”.

Within each category of standards for standard products, entries are made in groups of the same name, within each group - in alphabetical order of increasing standard designations, in increasing order of dimensions or main parameters of the product. For example: a group of fasteners should be written down in the following sequence: bolts, screws, nuts, washers, studs, etc.;

in the “Materials” section - designation of materials established in the standards and technical specifications for these materials.

6. In the column “Quantity.” indicate the number of components in one specified product, and in the “Materials” section - the total number of materials per product, indicating the unit of measurement.

7. In the “Note” column indicate additional information for production, as well as for products, documents, materials included in the specification.