Village magic. Village magic and witchcraft: the power of ancient spells and rituals Secrets of village magic

Country dark and light magic and powerful witchcraft are among the oldest types of magic. They have enormous power. Our ancestors, with the help of spells and conspiracies, could remove and restore damage, protect themselves and their loved ones from enemies and ill-wisher, they even managed to save a dying harvest.

Peasant magic as one of the branches of witchcraft

Probably everyone knows who the village witch is. Many imagine her as an evil old woman who has distanced herself from ordinary mortals and lives in complete solitude somewhere on the outskirts of a village or on the edge of a forest. In the past, such powerful women were highly respected. People came to them for practical advice, for relief from terrible diseases; they were able to heal livestock and save crops. In addition to ordinary worldly problems, witches saved people from magical influences from ill-wishers. Not so long ago, such a healer replaced a hospital for the rural population along with all the specialist doctors.

Despite all the help and benefit that the witch provided to people, she should never be offended, otherwise the offender risked becoming a victim of terrible troubles and misfortunes. To enlist the support of this powerful woman, many people brought her gifts of some kind of treat. Witches have always been given various gifts, ranging from food to precious stones and furs. But the witches refused to accept money for their conspiracies, whispers and spells of village magic.

Only a girl from a witch family could adopt the gift. However, there were cases when the sorceress was absolutely alone, and then she gave all her power to her successor from an outside family.

Sometimes it happened that the secrets of witchcraft went beyond the confines of the witch's house and then simple ways to fix some everyday problems with the help of magic became public property. Some rites and rituals do not require any special knowledge, specific equipment and attributes, knowledge of ancient languages ​​and knowledge of spells in them. For example, in some cases it will be enough to use fresh milk and read one simple prayer.

Village spells for livestock and crops

The life of rural people is based on housekeeping, which includes pets, gardening and gardening. If the family does not carefully monitor and care for their farm, or the crops disappear, the livestock does not sprout, or the livestock gets sick, then people will starve and experience need. It is precisely because of this importance of this property that peasant magic was primarily aimed at preserving it from natural disasters, drought, crop failure, animal diseases and magical attacks from enemies, envious people and ill-wishers.

Every peasant knows that there is such a problem as chickens pecking their own eggs. To protect themselves from this disaster, the birds’ food and water were spoken as follows:

In the village, hay is used for many purposes. It is precisely because of the importance of this dried herb that thieves often “pocket” other people’s sheaves for themselves. In order not to leave your own animals without food in winter, you should perform the following ritual.

Standing with your back forward, walk around the stack three times clockwise and say the following words three times:

To protect your livestock from terrible diseases and evil eyes, you should wait until the moon reaches rounded shape and go around the whole herd, saying:

In rural areas, the cow is considered the main breadwinner for humans. This animal is given a name and treated like a member of the family. That is why the main way to harm a person is to damage either the cow itself or its milk.

To remove the bad influence from your horned pet, you need to try to milk at least a little milk and tightly close the jar with it with a lid, as when preserving pickles. Next, you should go away from your own home and light a fire. Canned milk is thrown into the fire, and they step aside a little. At the same time as the bank bursts, all the blues will go away from the belly. If on the same day a local witch comes to a person and asks for at least some small change, this will mean that the cow really was damaged. Under no circumstances give the witch anything unless she asks for it.

Every village house has at least one dog that guards restful sleep own owners and their property from unscrupulous people. Due to the nature of these animals, they often run away from home and thereby expose all the inhabitants of a given home to danger and trouble. To prevent an animal from leaving its own abode, the following plot can be read on its food or water:

After waiting for the new month to enter the sky, you can read special magic words, which will contribute to a good harvest and protect it from misfortunes.

For example, this spell should be pronounced on a clear night over beds that have only recently been sown:

To protect your garden and garden from the evil eye, you should perform a special ritual. To perform it, you need to acquire new identical knives. Having waited until Tuesday, at dawn you need to bury these kitchen utensils in 4 corners around the perimeter of your own plot. Such actions are performed in a clockwise direction.

Each hole for the knife should be dug half a meter deep. Having buried one kitchen appliance, step on this place with one foot and say:

Spells and spells in village magic

The village witches used their magical abilities not just to save crops or save animals. With special conspiracies, spells, rites and rituals, they could affect any sulfur of life.

For example, in order to avoid hunger and need, you need to buy 12 apples at the market without bargaining. Six pieces should be distributed to those in need on the way to their home, three more should be given to the poor the next day. The remaining three fruits are carried to the cemetery gates, placed on the ground behind them and mentally said:

Next, you need to return home in complete silence, without looking back. Most likely, it was precisely because one should remain completely silent when returning home that all rituals and ceremonies that were performed outside the home were usually carried out either late at night or at dawn.

To try on your warring relatives or friends, you can perform such a ritual. Cover dinner table linen tablecloth face down and invite quarreling loved ones to dinner. For each prepared and served dish, the following magic words must be read:

Previously, such magical dinners were held not only to reconcile warring parties, but also to make new acquaintances, so that strong friendships could be made. If the warring parties or the person with whom the caster himself quarreled refuse to come to visit him, then such magic words can be spoken in someone else’s house or even in a cafe.

In addition to gardening, vegetable farming and cattle breeding, trade plays an important role in both ancient and modern villages. In order for all the goods to quickly sell out and not sit on the shelves, you can carry out such a ceremony. Find a large anthill and stir it with a stick. Next, you need to take some insects in a small jar and sprinkle them on all the slow-selling goods, while saying:

Such actions should be taken before the sale begins.

Village magic and witchcraft - peasant whispers

It is impossible to imagine peasant witchcraft without the use of whispers. These types of spells can protect any person, both from worldly troubles and from magical attacks. Whispers can be used in all areas of life. Such conspiracies have a simple structure. They often consist of one sentence or even a few words. They are quickly pronounced and do not require special training or equipment.

Probably every employee of trade or public institutions is familiar with the situation when a visitor either refuses to pay for a service or product or simply leaves without paying. In this case, you can say the following magic words to the unscrupulous client:

Now all the luck will pass from the thief to the victim.

In rare cases, when a person has been very hurt, and retribution never reaches the offender, you can say a black whisper over this person’s household:

If you can’t come to an agreement with noisy neighbors in words, you can use the following magic words, which are read at the door of rowdies:

When a person assumes that someone is watching him and wants to interfere with the implementation of his plans, the following whisper is uttered:

In order not to suffer harm from the machinations of informers, you should say the following words:

There are small conspiracies that can help schoolchildren with their studies. These words must be said when a child puts away his school bag and leaves the house:

Peasant love spell, its features, differences and consequences

This ritual in peasant magic is considered one of the most powerful. Man entangled in own feelings, will be able to carry out a love spell very easily. And when he looks at the current situation with a cold mind and evaluates all the troubles brought by this ritual, he will be faced with the fact that he can remove such magical influence quite difficult, one might even say impossible.

For example, one of the ways to make a person fall in love with you involves using just ordinary salt and church candle. To bewitch your lover in this way, you need to pour a little salt on a plate and place a lit candle next to it. The following is a special plot:

Now you need to add the magic salt little by little to your loved one’s food. If a girl does not have access to her lover’s kitchen, then this charmed attribute can be placed in front of the person’s door.

In the village, such rituals were used not only by girls, but also by men. To get the heart of the first beauty, in addition to salt, it was necessary to acquire a small bag made of fabric. Next, you should make a date with your sweetheart for the evening, and in the morning of the same day, make a conspiracy. Salt must be spoken in the following words:

The bag of salt is carried with you until the meeting itself. During dinner, you need to pour the charmed attribute into one of the dishes and make sure that the lady of your heart eats it completely. In this regard, use very little salt, one pinch will be enough.

Magic books and textbooks on peasant witchcraft

As with other types of magic, peasant witchcraft has its own books and textbooks that will not only help you gain knowledge, but also teach you how to apply it in the right direction.

The book authored by Papus is very popular among knowledgeable people. For many years, this writer collected in his book all the techniques and secrets of village witchcraft.

In his work, the author explains to readers what the phenomenon of peasant magic is, what rites and rituals were particularly successful among ancient sorcerers. It also describes some superstitions with which Papus fundamentally disagrees and disputes them.

Another author Demidov I.O. published a work entitled “Secrets of Village Magic.” In this book, the reader will be able to get acquainted not only with the culture and art of magic of ancient wizards, but also experience some simple spells and conspiracies.

Not only for the practicing magician, but also for ordinary person It is useful to know what peasant magic and witchcraft are. With the help of this type of magic, you can improve your own skills and abilities, as well as protect yourself and your loved ones from all kinds of troubles and misfortunes.

The magical world of magic is as old as time itself. From time immemorial there were people who knew how to heal, charm diseases, that is, knowledgeable people. The best magical rituals passed on from generation to generation, improving and possibly changing.
is closely related to treatment with herbs and decoctions. The fortune tellers collected and dried medicinal herbs, and then used them during treatment, additionally using various spells and manipulations. Many people believed that they were witches, but

this is not entirely true, this kind of healers simply knew how to use natural resources for the benefit of people, for their treatment. They went into the mountains and forests for a long time to collect food, looked closely at how animals were treated, how plants reacted, they noticed everything, this helped them treat the animals. The healers knew what herbs they used to treat, how they behaved, what they drank, and when fellow villagers asked to help cure a pet, they did everything that the animal itself would do if it were in nature.

It’s a completely different matter when a person used conspiracies not for treatment, but for harm. Here he no longer collected medicinal herbs, but simply played dirty tricks on those unwanted, or carried out orders for his various dirty deeds: sending damage and so on. In Russian villages, it differs from the witchcraft of European magicians, and most modern rituals , this is a mixture of European magical traditions

and ancient Slavic practices.

There is an opinion that in Rus' there was no mass passion for witchcraft, but only a small number of knowledgeable people who both treated and bewitched. Among them were both “white” magicians who did good, and “black” ones who enjoyed causing trouble to people. As evidence, various evidence is given of attempts by the church to eradicate priests of various sects who were involved in witchcraft. As official history teaches, at that time they worshiped in the villages pagan gods , performed various rituals, which were considered witchcraft. Were they? Paganism existed for many centuries, there were rituals, conspiracies, and prayers, some of which have survived to this day, and are found where there are still

village witchcraft. Witchcraft, Russians villages , has not disappeared over time, it has survived to this day. The rituals of such magic are varied, these include love spells, lapels, and rituals for the harvest, for monetary well-being

, for the health of livestock, for good luck on the road and much more. Literally every life event has its own conspiracy and ritual. Also,, after the ritual is performed, they can make a talisman for the person so that the result is preserved and the person has good luck in life or in some specific situation.

It is believed that a real, strong sorcerer can suppress a person’s will, force him to fall in love, or, conversely, make a once dearly loved person become disgusted or even hated. This is mainly done by “black” magicians, regardless of whether they live in the village or in the city.

The expression itself, " village witchcraft", is already associated with the harvest, the village, and domestic animals. Since ancient times, village magicians knew how to cause rain in dry weather, stop a storm or thunderstorm, and could cure any animal or person. They often helped women in labor, if there were no midwives nearby, and helped with advice.

They were feared and respected, and were approached for various reasons, be it treatment or the desire to start a family with a loved one.

Be that as it may, all this is still present in the villages, albeit not everywhere, but the traditions of village magic have not disappeared anywhere and will not disappear as long as the village exists.

About the world began long before the emergence of cities and continued to develop in small settlements. In ancient times, a healer or a witch were the only people to whom residents entrusted their illnesses and other troubles. Village magic and witchcraft were aimed at healing, promoting well-being and unity with natural elements. Most of ancient rituals have survived to this day.

Village Witchcraft: Source of Power

With the advent of Christianity, the authority of witches as bearers of wisdom and useful knowledge began to decline. They were credited with making deals with Satan, selling their souls, and many other sins. It is possible that among the carriers magical power I also met such people. However, many healers brought relief and cared for those around them. Where did they get their gift from?

  • The village witches learned from their ancestors. The calling to help people did not arise out of nowhere: from childhood, a girl or boy knew that a spark of magical power burned within them.
  • Witches studied medicinal herbs and fruits and prepared potions. Given the state of medicine at that time, they were the only salvation for the sick.
  • With the advent of Christianity, icons, crosses and holy water were added to the paraphernalia of witches. They realized that prayer to the Creator has great power.
  • Modern real healers living in villages are intermediaries between man, God and nature. They don't seek fame on television, they don't demand big money as a reward.
  • All witches have one source of power. What matters is how they use the gift they receive: for the benefit or harm of humanity.

The main attributes of village magic

There are components without which not a single witchcraft ritual can do. Whether it's therapeutic therapy or a love spell. For rituals, ancient witches took those objects and substances that the power told them.

  • Salt has long been considered a conductor of energy. Spiritual information was “recorded” on it and actively used in rituals.
  • The healers knew the true power of the word like no one else. By making sounds with a certain intonation, it was possible to cause damage, and on the other hand, to remove it. The witch’s spiritual message was of particular importance in this case.
  • A personal amulet is a mandatory attribute of any witch. He protects not only clients, but also herself. During complex rituals, the bearer of magical power is exposed to terrible danger.
  • Water is the basis of many rituals due to its energy-conducting properties similar to salt.

Village magic: requirements for a successor

There are fewer and fewer modern healers with great knowledge. Training can only take place from more strong witch, and they approach the characteristics of a candidate for a witch very strictly.

  • are not given to women who have had an abortion. Even if the operation was not performed on yourself.
  • The energy vibrations must coincide, which the healer can feel even after several generations.

Young people are leaving for cities, villages are dying out. For these reasons, real village magic and witchcraft have almost disappeared. Humanity is losing touch with nature and ceases to realize the beauty of the world around us. Witches are turned into antagonists of good and light, while healers have always maintained unity with that mysterious force that permeates the entire Universe. It’s not too late to revive ancient knowledge - you just have to stop fussing about big cities and devote time to self-improvement and spiritual transformation of thoughts. Draw great power from Eternal Source: Pray every morning with all sincerity. Then the Lord will send you wisdom and the opportunity to help people.

In ancient times, every village was sure to have a witch and a sorcerer, because village magic and witchcraft were such common topics back then that people could not imagine their lives without them.

The great mysteries of rituals were known only to a select few, so rumors began to circulate among the population about the supernatural origin of magicians, about their connections with evil spirits. It was believed that they sold their souls to the devil, and in return received their abilities.

Ordinary people could not believe that a person was able to independently heal from a terrible illness or even save a dying person from certain death. All this did not add up in my head - so various conversations began to circulate in the villages.

What is special about village magic?

Conspiracies and spells are often talked about in ancient books on village magic. People used witchcraft rituals in order to improve everyday issues, to collect a good harvest from the fields, to be healthy and rich.

Most rituals were performed at night, under the light of the moon. Night time was also suitable because there was no one on the street, and magic, as you know, loves solitude.

On defense

A conspiracy will help protect against any damage:

For money

There was a need in the villages a common occurrence, since everything depended on the richness of the harvest. This problem was solved with the help of witchcraft.

Residents of the villages went to the market and bought twelve beautiful and juicy apples. Six of them were intended for poor people begging for alms (they were given away immediately after purchase).

Three more were also given to the poor, but the very next day. And the rest were carried to the cemetery and laid at the gate with the words:

To your health

To drive the disease out of the body, the patient recited the following spell:

For love

So that love always reigns in the family, so that the husband forgets about temptations and does not look to the side, turn to this spell:

The magic of village whispers

Whispers are probably the most famous village magic method. There are a lot of whispers that are used in different situations.

What makes them special? These are short passages of text that can be read in a matter of seconds. They can be useful in any life difficulties.

A mandatory requirement is that you must know the whispers by heart.

In ancient times, people in villages were very afraid of whispers. For example, if a person did not pay fairly for an item, the seller said after him:

And the careless buyer begins a dark streak in life. Use these witchcraft words if they want to blatantly deceive you.

If a neighbor turned out to be envious and tried to harm the farm in any way, they would say to his garden:

If the neighbors were very noisy, the following whisper was used:

By the way, this option is also suitable for our time, since in multi-storey buildings You can forget about silence, especially if the walls between apartments are thin.

If you suspect that someone is following you, a whisper like this will do:

It turns out that whispers can help even schoolchildren.

Here's one great example:

The words are spoken on the threshold of the house before leaving.

The use of salt in village witchcraft

In books about ancient magic Everywhere there are references to the miraculous properties of ordinary table salt. For many centuries it has been considered the most powerful magical instrument that is involved in rituals and ceremonies.

By the way, the same spell was sometimes recited over the bowls of other domestic animals - cows, pigs, goats.

Village black magic

If you start digging deeper, then all paths will lead to the village - it is in the village that the origins of magical science are located. In every village, healers, witches and sorcerers were respected. People turned to them in difficult times.

As you know, the church does not recognize magic and considers it a great sin. But is this really so? Just think about how many people were saved from terrible diseases with the help of healing magic, how many found their personal happiness... An infinite number!

Is it really possible to call magic something sinful after this? After all, with its help they do good.

Of course, black sorcerers use dark techniques in their work. This is truly a sin. By harming another person, a dark magician activates the forces of evil - this is black magic.