Spiritual Day - what a holiday. Holy Spirit Day or Spirits Day

Orthodox holiday, which is celebrated on Monday, immediately after. According to popular belief, on this day the earth is the birthday girl, so plowing, digging, and harrowing is strictly prohibited. On this day, people hang the symbol of the Holy Spirit - wooden doves - from the shrines. The Orthodox sincerely believe that on the evening of Trinity, the Holy Spirit descends on the earth, spreading across the fields, bringing joy to every blade of grass and blade of grass, and on the Holy Day itself it is useful to walk the earth barefoot. In some areas on this day, people go around the fields in a religious procession.

In general, the church on this day honors the Most Holy and Life-Giving Spirit, who is consubstantial with the Father and the Son of the Lord. The Holy Spirit enriches and beautifies a person, fills his soul with love, joy, goodness, faith and patience. This is the Comforter whom Jesus Christ promised to his disciples shortly before ascending to the cross. And on the first day after Pentecost, the Holy Spirit actually descended from heaven on the apostles. And the spread of Orthodoxy throughout the earth began.

Spiritual Day - holy great holiday
On this day the whole earth rejoices.
The Holy Spirit walks over the fields,
Each stem is carefully stored.

I wish you a bright holiday on this holiday
Bright, pure, sincere love
May God protect you from troubles,
May the Holy Spirit bless you.

Be honest, love your neighbor,
Respect the earth every day.
Save each petal,
May God accompany you everywhere.

There is a folk sign:
Spiritual day - the beginning of summer!
The cold is receding.
Hello, it's warm time.

Evil spirits disappear -
People collect herbs.
The holiday knows its turn -
Following the trinity!

On Spiritual Day, I sincerely congratulate you and from the bottom of my heart I want to wish you light and warmth in the house, joy and happiness in the soul, mercy and love in the heart, kind people and good luck along the way. May your thoughts and deeds be righteous, may heaven give you grace, strong faith and unquenchable hope.

Spiritual day today is bright,
We hasten to congratulate you.
Wish you goodness and light,
We wish you prosperity.

May the Holy Spirit help you
Overcome all adversities.
Happiness will gladly give you
And it will help you get it.

For happiness and luck
We definitely went with you.
Stay in your best mood.
Light, goodness, love to you.

I congratulate you on this bright holiday.
I wish you warmth on Spiritual Day.
Let the world be friendly, gentle,
Let him give more goodness.

Let your soul reach out to God,
To make your heart feel lighter,
Good things will only attract
And let all evil sink into oblivion.

May the day bring spirits to everyone
A lot of happiness and prosperity!
May the Lord protect you from troubles,
So that everything is always in order!

Let every minute give
Blessings from heaven to all!
Let your soul believe in miracles all the time,
It’s so boring for us to live without miracles!

Birthday girl earth
The day greets the spirits,
Go for a run barefoot
Invites you into the field.

Feet bare with dew
Will wash you clean,
And a blade of grass and a flower
They talk to you.

Fills the Spirits with the day
Souls with pure light,
The ringing of the bells is fading
In the blue of dawn.

God's Life-Giving Spirit
hugs the earth,
I wish you happiness and joy
I wish you a Spiritual day.

Today the birthday girl is the earth,
You can’t dig, plow or harrow,
It’s best for you to walk through the fields,
Run through the blades of grass barefoot!

The Holy Spirit descends to earth,
He brings joy to our dear people,
Walking along grass paths!
So you too will become very happy!

The Holy Spirit descends to earth,
So that the world becomes bright, golden,
So that peace, love come into life,
No more blood was shed.

Keep faith in this in your heart -
She will help you warm up,
In moments of difficulty, sadness
He will support you so that you don’t get discouraged.

Everyone knows that God is triune:
Holy Spirit, God the Father and God the Son.
He's watching us from heaven
And in all good thoughts with us.

The Holy Spirit will save us from pain and troubles;
Those who truly believe will come to the rescue;
He will bring hope and joy,
And heal a serious wound.

May the name of the Lord be glorified forever!
And faith in our lives is forever.
May the Holy Spirit be with us forever,
Lighting up everything around.

Everything fell silent in blissful grace,
Today is a magical and holy day.
Everyone honors him, from the peasants to the nobility,
After all, Holy Spirit Day is what it is.

Let's believe, rejoice, pray.
And wish everyone around you good, good.
And only good things will happen to us,
After all, faith will be there forever.

Congratulations: 37 in verse, 4 in prose.

Spiritual Day is what people call the holiday, which is celebrated after Trinity Sunday on Monday. On this day, an image of a dove, which was carved from wood, was hung from shrines in Rus'. And the dove, as you know, in the Christian church is a symbol of the Holy Spirit.

What folk traditions are associated with Spiritual Day?

For a long time, people in Rus' firmly believed that on Trinity evening the Holy Spirit descends to the earth, appears in the homes of Christians, and spreads throughout the forests and fields. And according to these popular ideas, this Holy Spirit has great creative power. The life-giving principle has been associated with Mother Earth since pagan times.

It is not for nothing that another name for this day has been preserved, which directly indicates a connection with the Earth, because It’s called “Birthday Earth”. Many beliefs of this Christian holiday are associated with pagan ideas, because Previously, it was believed that no work could be done on Earth on this day, since it was on Spirits Day that the Earth was pregnant with the future harvest. And it was forbidden to plow, weed, or even stick or dig any poles or sticks into the ground, so as not to damage the future harvest or cause anger.

That is why, according to experts who study folk traditions and customs, the life-giving power of this great Christian holiday of Spiritual Day is closely intertwined with some pagan rituals and ideas. And now it is sometimes difficult to separate one from the other.

Spiritual Day is celebrated after Trinity Sunday, when believers remember the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles.

Birch and Spirits Day...

It was on Spirits Day that the celebrations in honor of the birch tree, which began on Semik, ended. In Rus', on this day, Spiritual Day, girls went out to a rye field, brought a birch tree there, which they decorated in advance with ribbons and danced in circles. With this decorated birch tree, the girls walked around the field and then drowned it in the river, thereby hoping that there would be no drought this summer and the rye would ear well.

In Central Russia, in some villages, a special ceremony was held on this day - the “funeral service” of the birch tree. The birch tree, which was cut down in the forest on Saturday before Troitsa or on Semik, was installed in the middle of the village.

Then they necessarily invited a local priest, who performed a prayer service at this place, sprinkling the tree with holy water. Those who attended this festive service then broke off branches from the birch tree and took them home, decorating shrines with them.

On the same Spiritual Day, birch trees were taken out of temples and churches, which were used to decorate them for the holiday, and believers took branches from these trees to their homes. They believed that these branches, which stood in the temple during the festive service or were sprinkled with holy water, would protect the house from evil spirits, having healing properties.

You can remember on this day who died without repentance

In ancient times, many people in Rus' believed that it was on Spiritual Day that the souls of people who died descended to earth, sitting on birch branches that were stuck behind the frames or decorating the shrine.

For example, in the Pskov province there was a widespread belief that deceased ancestors and parents on this Spiritual Day “stand” under the birch trees, which were specially displayed in front of the facade of the house or porch. They stand and carefully look at those who live in the house.

Many beliefs of this holiday are associated with pagan ideas.

That is why here there was another ancient custom of painting eggs red or green especially for deceased parents, taking them to the cemetery or placing them on the shrine. People tried, no matter what the weather, to visit the cemetery on this day and remember their relatives, and on this day they were allowed to light a candle or perform a memorial service even for those who died without repentance and funeral service.

Spiritual Day is a religious holiday that embodies folk wisdom. This holiday is traditionally celebrated after Trinity and 51 days after Easter. On May 28, 2018, believers will celebrate Spiritual Day. In 2018, rituals and signs remain important, because they are based on folk wisdom and have been tested for centuries.

Spiritual Day (Holy Spirit Day) is a religious holiday traditionally celebrated 51 days after Easter Sunday. In 2018, Spiritual Day is celebrated on May 28. Traditionally, the religious holiday falls on Monday, because it is celebrated immediately after Trinity. To our time, important traditions and rituals of Spiritual Day have been preserved, which must always be taken into account when celebrating a religious holiday.

History of the holiday

Such an important religious holiday as Spiritual Day has a special history. According to Holy Scripture, on the 50th day after Easter, the disciples-apostles of Jesus Christ descended the Holy Spirit, who was able to heal seriously ill people. After this event, the disciples of Jesus Christ began to bring God's Word to many countries of the world to spread the Christian religion.

On this important day, the appearance of the Third Person of the Holy Trinity, or rather the Holy Spirit, also took place. The phenomenon was loud and obvious: a noise came from the sky, a wind began to blow, and fiery flames erupted. This event contributed to the fact that Spiritual Day was celebrated immediately after Trinity. In addition, the apostles began to actively develop Christianity in many countries of the world, as a result of which people began to acquire faith in Jesus Christ and the Lord God, and noted the filling of their souls with warmth and purposefulness.

The apostles not only spread the new religion, but also showed the gift of prophecy and healing. However, the most important thing was the desire to bring people the truth, which was important for residents of even the most distant corners of the world. It should be noted that 11 apostles were executed. Of the 12 apostles, only John the Theologian died naturally.

Spiritual Day is a holiday that is associated not only with the beginning of the active spread of Christianity, but also with the birth of the church. Now the age of the church is almost 2000 years, because the history began precisely with the Zion Upper Room. Despite the fact that sometimes even entire states disappear and are destroyed, the church and Christianity will continue to exist.

What you can do on Spiritual Day and what you can’t do

Spiritual Day is a special religious holiday. It is for this reason that it is best to go to church for a festive religious service. All believers can pray for their deceased loved ones and remember important events associated with them. After visiting the temple and the festive service, you can go to the cemetery to decorate the graves of your deceased loved ones with birch branches. Only in the evening can you gather with your household at the festive table, think about life and pray, and appreciate the time spent together. At the same time, important traditions and even certain prohibitions associated with folk beliefs have been preserved to this day.

  1. On Spiritual Day you need to stock up on herbs and flowers. It is believed that plants that have been collected and dried in a special way will acquire beneficial properties. This tradition has existed for a long time. In addition, healers used to prepare special powders from herbs collected on Spiritual Day.
  2. Spiritual Day is a women's holiday. It is for this reason that women can get together and celebrate special holidays with rituals in mind.
  3. On Spiritual Day you need to wash away accumulated sins. However, this is prohibited in open waters. Previously, people used well water for bathing. It was believed that a person should throw a coin into the well as a sign of gratitude, after which he should pray and wash. Nowadays, such rituals have changed, but praying while washing is still very important for many believers.
  4. The day of the Spirits cannot be swept. It is believed that attempting to sweep the floor will cause the family to live an unhappy life. Moreover, you cannot carry out housework or work in the garden.
  5. Believers traditionally bring blessed birch branches with them from the temple. It is believed that birch will protect from evil forces and negativity.

Many rituals have changed, but they still retain their significance for believers.

Important signs for Spiritual Day

Important folk signs and superstitions have long been associated with Spiritual Day.

  1. From the Feast of the Spirits onwards, you can count on warm and clear weather. Morozov is not expected in the near future.
  2. On holiday it is forbidden to look at your reflection. Otherwise, a person may lose happiness and love.
  3. To protect against evil spirits and negativity, it is recommended to carry aromatic medicinal plants or even ordinary garlic with you on Spirits Day.
  4. You can't run on holiday. It is believed that you can escape from fate. However, it is recommended to run barefoot through the dew early in the morning in order to find your true happiness.
  5. Girls can weave a wreath of wildflowers and then float it on water to find out what the future will be like. If the wreath sinks, life will be miserable. If the wreath lands on the shore, you can count on a marriage proposal. A floating wreath will mark a long and happy life.

All signs are based on folk wisdom, so they still remain significant.

Spirits day, what kind of holiday, meaning

Holy Spirit Monday is a Christian holiday. Its liturgical meaning goes back to the New Testament, the book of the Acts of the Apostles, which describes the descent of the Holy Spirit on the followers of Jesus Christ. According to the Orthodox church tradition, Spirits Day 2018 is celebrated on the 51st day after Easter - May 28. This Monday, all believers will come to Vespers, celebrated at the Liturgy of the Trinity. At Vespers, prayers will be read during which for the first time since Lent, parishioners will kneel.

What not to do on Spiritual Day, meaning, traditions

In folklore, Spirit Day 2018 is known as Rusalnitsa. It is very important to know what you can and cannot do on Spiritual Day. There is a belief that on this day mermaids leave their ponds, go out into the field and begin to dance in circles. Wherever they pass, wheat of extraordinary beauty grows there. In order to appease the mermaids, it was necessary to leave treats for them - sweet pies, honey and sour cream. Anyone who sees the mermaids dance with their own eyes will be happy and rich. However, if a mermaid notices a person, this is not good, it means illness.

For centuries there has been a lively debate about what can and cannot be done on Spiritual Day. Our ancestors, despite their involvement in the Christian church, carefully preserved pagan traditions, giving them a religious overtones. According to an ancient belief, on this day the earth, like a woman, becomes pregnant with a new harvest, which means it cannot be cultivated. A little later, folk traditions began to explain the ban on working in the fields by the fact that the Holy Spirit spills over all fields, which means that any work is blasphemy.

What to do on Spiritual Day 2018

People believed: the souls of drowned people can only be remembered on Rusalnitsa. The families of those killed in the reservoirs set rich tables. Some of the food was distributed to the poor so that the little ones would not cry, and some was buried in the ground for a good harvest. In some regions, women took old clothes and utensils to the river, leaving them on the shore for the mermaids. In this way they tried to appease them so that they would not take anyone away from the family.

Legends often say that mermaids could steal the guy or child they liked, tickle him to death and drag him down with them to the bottom. Therefore, everyone these days tried to have holy water, horseradish, wormwood or garlic with them. The sharp, unpleasant smell scared away the mermaids. In many villages, the priest gathered people and went in a religious procession to bless wells and farmsteads. There was an opinion: this is where mermaids like to spend their free time, sowing discord in the family and encouraging men to drink.

The youth organized celebrations. Single guys took out the ritual birch tree, unraveled the intertwined branches, and then drowned it in the river. Unmarried girls told fortunes by floating wreaths on the water. If the wreath sank, it would be bad. Sailed - to marriage, a happy life. Married women collected healing fees. Herbs for the Rusalnitsa had a magical effect: they were brewed for bathing newborns, placed at the head of women in labor, hemmed under the shirts of travelers, made into an infusion and given to newlyweds to drink so that they would live in peace and harmony. Every person from infancy knew what not to do on a day for perfume and was in every possible way afraid to break the prohibitions. According to legend, anyone who swims in a river or lake will certainly drown. And those who go to work in the fields will be dragged along by mermaids.

What kind of holiday of the Spirits is this day: signs

The most common signs of spirit day are interesting because people tried to explain phenomena and events that were incomprehensible to them. It was believed that one should not run and disturb the earth in any way, so that drought does not occur. Much attention was also paid to observing the weather. If Monday was warm and sunny, summer will be hot. If a thunderstorm began, the wind rose - summer promises to be damp and cold. In the modern world, Spirits Day is officially celebrated by 12 countries, including Germany, Switzerland, France and Ukraine.
In Russia, this day is considered a working day, but many believers prefer to take a day off to attend the liturgy and celebrate this holiday in church.