Eduard Hodos when the Jews are marching. Jewish fascism is an inevitable consequence of the “chosenness

As part of the educational program "HODOS" and in support of the People's Library, as the main part of this program, it is planned to create a People's Publishing House, issue a newsletter, hold creative meetings and reader's conferences, organize mass joint events, etc.

I have no doubt that you will like this program. So, you can be sure that soon - very soon! - we will all unite. The first step towards this has already been taken.

Yours, Eduard HODOS.

P.S. I started writing the book "Jewish Strike" on May 9, 2003, on Victory Day, and finished three months later - on the eve of another date related to the Great Patriotic War - August 23, the Liberation Day of my hometown of Kharkov. And less than a year later, on June 22, 2004, on the day of the beginning of the Holy War against fascism, a religious procession took place in Kyiv, where Orthodox people, along with icons, carried posters “No to Judeo-Nazism!”, “Stop Jewish fascism!”. It is the appearance of such slogans next to the face of Christ that gives hope that the Enemy will be defeated again. And just like 60 years ago, Victory will be ours.

Photo of the procession.

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“Does Ukraine need a Messiah from Brooklyn? The seizure of power is a real threat "(1993)

"The Power of Werewolves" (1994)

"Ax over Orthodoxy, or Who killed my father" (1999)

"Leonid Kuchma - President of all Jews, or Why I vote for another" (1999)

"My struggle. How it was "(1999)

"The Coming of Judas. Book of Legends and Predictions (2000)

“Christ is my brother. Jewish Literacy Lessons (2001)

"Jewish Syndrome" (2001)

“Jewish Syndrome-2. In Questions and Answers (2001)

"Jewish Syndrome-2 S. Real events in the World of Illusions (2002)

“Jewish Syndrome-3. Funny Protocols of the Elders of Zion" (2002)

"Jewish Roulette, or Feast during Kuchma" (2002)

"Jewish Strike, or P-dets crept up unnoticed" (2003)

“When the Jews March… Three Letters from Eduard Hodos to the Situation Around the “Silski Visti” Newspaper” (2004)

"Jewish Nord-Ost, or Full-length Portrait of the Beast" (2004)

"Jewish fascism, or Chabad - the road to hell" (2005)

All the moral evil of the world ascends to S. (...0 The army of spirits hostile to man is under the power of S. It remains unclear the relationship between S. and such "chiefs" and "princes" of demons as Azazel, Belial, Beelzebub, etc.; they or identical to him, or his associates. Since Jewish monotheism energetically insisted on the principle "everything is from Yahweh", the existence of S. was a problem for him, within Judaism, it was hardly unambiguously resolved. Two ways of neutralizing this problem arose. Firstly, one could emphasize the weakness of S., the unequal nature of his struggle with Yahweh, the fear instilled in him by the primordial light of the messiah, his impotent envy of the human race, victory over S. in cult acts, for example, on the repentant holiday Yom Kippur (the sum of the digital values ​​of the letters of the name S (in Hebrew it gives 364 = 365 -1 because S. has no power over one day in the year.) This path was quite orthodox for various areas of Judaism and turned out to be acceptable also for Christianity, where ridicule of S. connects tsya with the victory over him of Christ. But in the mysticism of Judaism, a different, opposite path is possible, on which S. is placed in great proximity to God, as the product of an attribute of anger that has emerged from the divine fullness and isolated itself. The grounds for this were sought in biblical texts: if the same event is motivated in an earlier text by the “wrathful Yahweh” (...), then in a later text - by the action of S. (...), an opportunity was opened for interpretation, making S., as it were, the personification "wrath of Yahweh". This possibility is most clearly realized by Kabbalists, who teach about a certain “left” or “northern” side of the deity, which has its own emanation, and this emanation is under the sign C. Divine fullness turns out to be integrating the power of evil as one of its moments, moreover, inside the deity it is not even evil, but becomes evil outside of it. But even on more orthodox Jewish soil, S. is seen as a character who is hardly completely cut off from communion with Yahweh. He freely ascends to heaven to accuse a person before Yahweh, and descends from heaven to lead a person into temptation, and then rise again.

On the contrary, a direct polemic against all attempts to reveal the roots of evil in God Himself sounds in the New Testament thesis: “God is light, and there is no darkness in him” (James 1, 5).

Yes this I am a Jew Eduard Hodos, who has been leading the community of Kharkov Jews for 14 years, I call fire on myself and openly speak about Jewish fascism, which I called on the International Anti-Fascist Committee to fight in my “Open Letter”, Therefore, dear veterans, the word “anti-Semitism” next to an anti-fascist Jew representing hundreds of his fellow tribesmen looks, to put it mildly, absurd.”
Edward Hodos. Book "When the Jews March..." page 26

"Introduced more than a hundred years ago "Protocols of the Elders of Zion"- this is a detailed program of action for the ultra-orthodox sect of the Judeo-Nazis, the goal of which is to achieve world domination and subjugate all the goyim peoples (i.e., non-Jews) to their power by gradually destroying their states, national culture and spirituality. The main tool of the Jewish Nazis, who always prefer to remain in the background, are the Freemasons, recruited into the underground army of Judaizing agents of influence.
The plans outlined in the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" are clearly misanthropic in nature and amaze with their extreme cruelty and sophisticated cynicism. At the same time, one cannot fail to pay tribute to the genius of their compilers, who calculated every action to the smallest detail, the result of which looks like an inevitable historical process, and the peoples of the condemned states are in the illusion of the naturalness of what is happening.
But most importantly, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion represent an accurate scenario of the development of world events that have taken place in the past few centuries, including today.
Edward Hodos. The book "When the Jews March..." p.15, 16

"Only those who live in Judaism are more terrible than the Jews"...
“Who are they, these Judaizers? In order to answer this question, it is not necessary to conduct another investigation. It is enough to realize who today, unlike everyone else, "live well" in a country that is dying under the yoke of the Judeo-Nazi occupation;
who for "thirty pieces of silver" exposes their homeland to auctions, the only solvent participants of which are fat Jewish cats, without hesitation demonstrating the bottomlessness of their pockets;
who, without a twinge of conscience, sells his people "into slaves" to the new Jewish masters ... "
Edward Hodos. The book "When the Jews March..." p.13

“Russia, drawn by its current American-Israeli allies into the “fight against world terrorism,” is increasingly opposing itself to the Muslim world and is getting more and more bogged down in the process of “Palestinization.” And few people think about the fact that the latter is just a logical continuation of the process of "Israeliization" of Russia, which in some 13 years destroyed what had been created for decades, devastated and demoralized a great country, and drove its people into a slave stall and put it on edge of survival. And only when the Russian people fully realize who benefits from this, the current situation will change for the better and a completely opposite process will begin - the process of cleansing, reviving and returning the country “to the side of the angels”, and hence saving the world from Jewish fascism.
Eduard Hodos "Jewish "Nord-Ost"

Eduard Khodos, head of the Jewish community in Kharkov

“Yes, it’s me, the Jew Eduard Khodos, who has been heading the community of Kharkov Jews for 14 years, I call fire on myself and openly speak about Jewish fascism, which I called on the International Anti-Fascist Committee to fight in my “Open Letter”, Therefore, dear veterans, the word “anti-Semitism” next to an anti-fascist Jew representing hundreds of his fellows looks, to put it mildly, absurd.”
Edward Hodos. Book "When the Jews March..." page 26

“The “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”, which appeared more than a hundred years ago, is a detailed program of action for the ultra-orthodox sect of the Judeo-Nazis, the purpose of which is to achieve worldwide domination and subjugate all goyim peoples (i.e., non-Jews) to their power by gradually destroying their states, national culture and spirituality. The main tool of the Jewish Nazis, who always prefer to remain in the background, are the Freemasons, recruited into the underground army of Judaizing agents of influence.

The plans outlined in the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" are clearly misanthropic in nature and amaze with their extreme cruelty and sophisticated cynicism. At the same time, one cannot fail to pay tribute to the genius of their compilers, who calculated every action to the smallest detail, the result of which looks like an inevitable historical process, and the peoples of the condemned states are in the illusion of the naturalness of what is happening.

But most importantly, the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” represent an accurate scenario for the development of world events that have taken place over the past few centuries, including today.”
Edward Hodos. The book "When the Jews March..." p.15, 16

"Only those who live in Judaism are more terrible than the Jews"...
“Who are they, these Judaizers? In order to answer this question, it is not necessary to conduct another investigation. It is enough to realize who today, unlike everyone else, "live well" in a country that is dying under the yoke of the Judeo-Nazi occupation;
who for "thirty pieces of silver" exposes their homeland to auctions, the only solvent participants of which are fat Jewish cats, without hesitation demonstrating the bottomlessness of their pockets;
who, without a twinge of conscience, sells his people "into slaves" to the new Jewish masters ... "
Edward Hodos. The book "When the Jews March..." p.13

“Russia, drawn by its current American-Israeli allies into the “fight against world terrorism,” is increasingly opposing itself to the Muslim world and is getting more and more bogged down in the process of “Palestinization.” And few people think about the fact that the latter is just a logical continuation of the process of "Israeliization" of Russia, which in some 13 years destroyed what had been created for decades, devastated and demoralized a great country, and drove its people into a slave stall and put it on edge of survival. And only when the Russian people fully realize who benefits from this, the current situation will change for the better and a completely reverse process will begin - the process of cleansing, reviving and returning the country “to the side of the angels”, and hence saving the world from Jewish fascism.
Eduard Hodos "Jewish "Nord-Ost"


Two years ago, several issues of the SO newspaper published materials from the book Ax Over Orthodoxy. The author of the book impressed readers with a deep analysis of the situation within the most ultra-Orthodox Jewish sect, Chabad, whose ideology is based on the principles of Judeo-Nazism. Boldly and harshly, the author exposed the methods and ways of leading the sect by his henchmen all over the world, the leaders themselves, led by the last representative of the religious dynasty of the Lubavitcher Rebbe - Menachim Mendele Schneersohn, who after his death was elevated by fanatics to the rank of Moshiach, i.e. Messiah. The books of E. Hodos "The Power of Werewolves", "The Coming of Judas", "Jewish Syndrome - 1", "2", "3", "Jewish Roulette" and others diverge with incredible speed. The last of them - "Jewish strike, or P-dets crept up unnoticed (Monologue with a noose around his neck)" came out this year and, as it were, summed up the 10-year struggle of the Jew Hodos against Chabad Jews.

Exactly, the most striking and paradoxical thing about this phenomenon: Eduard Hodos is a Jew and was personally blessed by Schneerson in 1991. in NYC!

Outwardly, Eduard Khodos gives the impression of a strong, healthy Russian peasant, not much like a Jew, except that he stands out with a special manner of speaking and a look of blue, slightly protruding eyes. It turns out that we have known each other in absentia for a long time - since 1993, but we met in person only on October 31 at the headquarters of the Union of Officers on Bolshoi Kharitonevsky in Moscow, where Hodos arrived with his employees: a pretty secretary Elena Ivanovna and editor-publisher Alexander.

Over a cup of tea, a casual, but meaningful and interesting conversation ensued. It immediately caught my eye: Hodos combines the simplicity of communication and presentation of problems with the depth of disclosure of the essence of the subject of conversation. He directly and sharply, without undue modesty, revealed the essence of his position on Jewry, inflicting sharp verbal blows on its most reactionary part - the orthodox Chabad sect.

Our conversation began with what Hodos stated in his Monologue 1 "Debriefing" in the book "Jewish Strike".

There is a minister of culture in Russia - a Jew Shvydkoy. His main occupation is not Russian, Russian culture. He has another hobby - to roam around the high-society parties, to broadcast on the Kultura TV channel "Cultural Revolution" - precisely the "revolution"! The last "revolutionary" word of Shvydkoy - aired on October 30, 2004 "A.S. Pushkin is hopelessly outdated for Russia. This transfer is a topic for a separate discussion. But he remembered at a meeting with Hodos on a different occasion.

It was about a program called "There is nothing worse than Russian fascism." Perhaps, for the first time after the 2nd World War, the words of Shvydkoy gave fascism national features, features of Russian fascism! The NDPR and the Union of Officers not only wrote about this, but also held actions at the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation with the burning of an effigy of Shvydkoy.

All Hodos' books prove that there is nothing worse in the world today than Jewish fascism, the main ideological inspirer of which is the Judeo-Nazi savage Chabad sect.

To open the ulcer of Jewish fascism, to show the cruelty, power and deceit of the Jewish strike is the task of the last book of Hodos. This topic was also the main one at our meeting in Moscow.

Notes in order. Today there are 13 million Jews in the world. Of these, in the US - 5.2 million; in Israel 5.12 million; in France - 500 thousand. In Russia, there are about 300 thousand Jews (about 0.2% of the total population), in Ukraine - about
100 thousand (also about 0.2% of the total population). Chabad has just over 20,000 active members. But this sect actually controls all Jewish kahals and synagogues. In Russia - through the Chief Rabbi Berl Lazar, in the CIS - the diamond magnate Leviev.

The book of a Polish journalist describes with chronological accuracy the tragic events that took place on October 23-26, 2002 during the terrorist attack on Melnikova Street in Moscow. During this terrorist action, 40 Chechen fighters took hostage more than 800 spectators of the musical "Nord-Ost" in the building of the Theater Center on Dubrovka. As a result of the operation to free the hostages, all the terrorists were eliminated. During the assault, 130 hostages were killed. Until now, many details of these events have been elevated to the rank of state ...

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In an emotional, gripping way, the book chronicles the successes and failures of hostage fears over the last thirty-odd years around the world, from the first hijacking of an Israeli plane in 1968 to the tragic events at the Moscow musical Nord-Ost in 2002. The material is presented in chronological order, and the reader from essay to essay is gaining experience - along with the special services. Formulated rules that will help to avoid abduction and survive in captivity.

Hostages at Dubrovka, or Secret Operations… Alexander Dyukov

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The New Nobility: Essays on the History of the FSB Irina Borogan

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Terrorism Vladimir Presnyakov

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Reflections on the Jewish Question Jean-Paul Sartre

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Saving the world from Jewish fascism
“Russia, drawn by its current American-Israeli allies into the “fight against world terrorism,” is increasingly opposing itself to the Muslim world and is getting more and more bogged down in the process of “Palestinization.” And few people think about the fact that the latter is just a logical continuation of the process of "Israeliization" of Russia, which in some 13 years destroyed what had been created for decades, devastated and demoralized a great country, and drove its people into a slave stall and put it on edge of survival. And only when the Russian people fully realize who benefits from this, the current situation will change for the better and a completely opposite process will begin - the process of cleansing, reviving and returning the country “to the side of the angels”, and hence saving the world from Jewish fascism.
Eduard Hodos "Jewish" Nord-Ost "

In one of his books, The Ax Over Orthodoxy, Eduard Khodos amazed readers with a deep analysis of the situation within the most ultra-Orthodox Jewish sect, Chabad, whose ideology is based on the principles of Judeo-Nazism. Boldly and harshly, the author exposed the methods and ways of leading the sect by his henchmen all over the world, the leaders themselves, led by the last representative of the religious dynasty of the Lubavitcher Rebbe - Menachim Mendele Schneersohn, who after his death was elevated by fanatics to the rank of Moshiach, i.e. Messiah. Books by E. Hodos "The Power of Werewolves", "The Coming of Judas", "Jewish Syndrome - 1", "2", "3" (download, "Jewish Roulette" and other steels bestsellers. The last one - "Jewish blow, or P-dets crept up unnoticed (Monologue with a noose around his neck)" as if summed up the 10-year struggle of the Jew Hodos against the Chabad Jews.
Exactly, the most striking and paradoxical thing about this phenomenon: Eduard Hodos is a Jew and was personally blessed by Schneerson in 1991. in NYC! Outwardly, Eduard Khodos gives the impression of a strong, healthy Russian peasant, not much like a Jew, except that he stands out with a special manner of speaking and a look of blue, slightly protruding eyes.

Hodos combines the simplicity of communication and presentation of problems with the depth of disclosure of the essence of the subject of conversation. He directly and sharply, without undue modesty, revealed the essence of his position on Jewry, inflicting sharp verbal blows on its most reactionary part - the orthodox Chabad sect. He stated all this in his Monologue 1 "Debriefing" in the book "Jewish Strike".
There is a minister of culture in Russia - a Jew Shvydkoy. His main occupation is not Russian, Russian culture. He has another hobby - to roam around the high-society parties, to broadcast on the Kultura TV channel "Cultural Revolution" - precisely the "revolution"! The last "revolutionary" word of Shvydkoy - aired on October 30, 2004 "A. S. Pushkin is hopelessly outdated for Russia.” This program is the topic of a separate special conversation ...

It was about a program called "There is nothing worse than Russian fascism." Perhaps, for the first time after the 2nd World War, the words of Shvydkoy gave fascism national features, features of Russian fascism! The NDPR and the Union of Officers not only wrote about this, but also held actions at the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation with the burning of an effigy of Shvydkoy.
All Hodos' books prove that there is nothing worse in the world today than Jewish fascism, the main ideological inspirer of which is the Judeo-Nazi savage Chabad sect.
To open the ulcer of Jewish fascism, to show the cruelty, power and deceit of the Jewish strike is the task of the last book of Hodos.

Notes in order. Today there are 13 million Jews in the world. Of these, in the US - 5.2 million; in Israel 5.12 million; in France - 500 thousand. In Russia, there are about 300 thousand Jews (about 0.2% of the total population), in Ukraine - about 100 thousand (also about 0.2% of the total population). Chabad has just over 20,000 active members. But this sect actually controls all Jewish kahals and synagogues. In Russia - through the Chief Rabbi Berl Lazar, in the CIS - the diamond magnate Leviev.

Why does it happen that a small people controls entire countries and civilizations? The book of E. Hodos gives an answer to this question: “Worse than the Jews themselves are the “Judaizers”! And who are the "Jewish"? The answer is obvious: it is enough to realize who today in Russia, in Ukraine, unlike the entire population, "live well." In countries where the power of the Judeo-Nazi occupation reigns, who sells their homeland for "thirty pieces of silver", where the only solvent at the auction of national wealth are obese Jewish cats, brazenly demonstrating the loot from the Russian people, selling these people "as slaves" to new Jewish masters .

The war continues in the expanses of the destroyed USSR. She is invisible. And that makes it even more scary. It is like radiation: its impacts are imperceptible, but the list of victims (1.5-2 million people a year) is growing inexorably. It is like a cancerous tumor that imperceptibly metastasized into all the cells of the Russian, Slavic organism and corrodes it from the inside. She is the same Matrix that hides the enemy and creates the illusion of peace.

Who invented this new and most terrible kind of war? Who is this invisible enemy who wins without firing a shot? Its name is Jewish fascism and its derivatives - Ziono-fascism, Judeo-Nazism!

Today there is nothing more terrible than his merciless invisible blow. Is it only the participation in it of the Judaizing "policemen" who betrayed their people and faithfully served the Judeo-Nazi occupiers.

Hodos Edward
JEWISH FASCISM, or Chabad - the road to hell

Literary activity:

“Does Ukraine need a messiah from Brooklyn? The Seizure of Power - The Real Threat ”(1993)

"The Power of Werewolves" (1994)

“The ax over Orthodoxy, or Who killed my father. Version left behind the scenes "(1999)

"Leonid Kuchma - President of all Jews, or Why I vote for another" (1999)

"My struggle. How it was "(1999)

"The Coming of Judas. Book of legends and predictions "(2000)

“Christ is my brother. Jewish Literacy Lessons (2001)

"Jewish Syndrome" (2001)

“Jewish Syndrome-2. In Questions and Answers (2001)

“Jewish Syndrome-2 1/2. Real events in the world of illusions "(2002)

“Jewish Syndrome-3. Funny Protocols of the Elders of Zion" (2002)

"Jewish roulette, or a feast during Kuchma" (2002)

“Jewish Strike, or P-dets crept up unnoticed. Monologue with a noose around the neck "(2003)

“When the Jews are marching... Three letters from Eduard Hodos to the situation around the newspaper “Silski Visti” (2004)

“Jewish Nord-Ost, or Full-length Portrait of the Beast. Revelations of Eduard Hodos "(2004)

“Jewish fascism, or Chabad is the road to hell. Secret sign - black mark "(2005) download:

“Choice-2006: between the Savior and the Antichrist. Orange target through a Jewish sight "(2005)

“The Chabad Brigade, or Hiba, roar, wait, how is the manger again?” (2006)

“At the edge of the grave, or Wild Khazar dances. Open book to the President of Ukraine” (2006) download:

"Jewish Tornado or Ukrainian purchase of 30 pieces of silver" (2007) download: