Hebrew male name 4. Meanings of Hebrew male names from the Bible

Rav Shraga Simmons


Aaron was the first high priest, the brother of Moshe. He is famous for his "love of the world and yearning for peace." Aaron means "luminous" in translation.


Abba is dad in Hebrew. This name gained popularity during the Talmudic era. The most famous Abba is a Torah scholar who lived in Babylon in the 4th century. (Talmud. Berachot, 24b).


Abraham is the first forefather of the Jewish people. He dedicated his life to spreading the knowledge of Gd on earth. Abraham is famous for his kindness. The meaning of his name is "the father of many nations" (Genesis 17: 5).


Adam is the first person. Adam possessed such wisdom that he could give names to animals, seeing the essence of each of them. "Adam saw from one end of the earth to the other."


The famous Rabbi Akiva lived during the era of the destruction of the Second Temple. He was a 40-year-old shepherd who did not even know the Hebrew alphabet. Once he saw a stone, in which a gap had formed from the constant pressure of water. He thought: “If ordinary water can break through a stone, then all the more the Torah - fire - can kindle my heart. Rabbi Akiva dedicated his life to Torah study and became the greatest sage of his generation with 24,000 disciples.


Jewish boys are named after Alexander the Great. The Talmud describes the meeting of the emperor with the high priest of the Jerusalem Temple, Shimon. Seeing Shimon the high priest, Alexander the Great dismounted from his horse and bowed deeply. Later, Alexander the Great explained that before each battle he saw the image of Shimon, the high priest, whom he considered his guardian angel. After this episode, the Jewish sages decreed that all babies born that year (333 BC) should be given the name Alexander. Until now, this name remains quite popular among Jews.


Alter is "old" in Yiddish. Often a sick child was given such a name, wishing that he lived to old age.


Amos is one of the 12 minor prophets in the Tanakh. Amos translates as "filled", meaning "filled with wisdom."


Amram is the father of Moshe, the leader of the Jewish people in the period before the Exodus from Egypt.


"Lion of the Most High" (Isaiah 29: 1). Ariel is also another name for Jerusalem. It is also the name of an angel whose mission is to achieve peace. (Isaiah 33: 7).


Arie is a lion, the king of beasts. It symbolizes perseverance and perseverance in fulfilling the commandments of the Almighty. Lion - the symbol of the tribe "Yehuda" - the symbol of the kingdom (Genesis 49: 9).


Asher - "happy", "blessed". Asher is one of the 12 sons of Jacob (Genesis 30:13).


Avi is my father. Avi is short for Abraham, the first forefather of the Jewish people (Genesis 17: 5).


Avigdor means "father of the one who set the boundaries" for the Jewish people. Avigdor is one of the names of Moshe. It is mentioned in 1 Chronicle 4: 4.


Avner - "my father is light." Avner is the uncle of King Shaul and a military leader (1 Shmuel 14:50).


Azriel is the name of an angel, meaning "the helper of the Almighty." Azriel in Tanakh is the father of the head of the tribe Naftali (1 Chronicle 27:19).


Baruch means blessed. Baruch appears in the Torah as an assistant to the prophet Jeremiah.


Bezalel means "in the shadow of the Most High." Bezalel in Tanakh is the builder of the Mishkan, a portable Temple that accompanied the Jews for 40 years in the Ustyna.


Benjamin is "the son of my right hand." Symbolizes strength. Benjamin is the youngest of the 12 sons of the forefather Jacob (Genesis 35:19).


Benzion is the son of Zion. The name Benzion is mentioned in the Talmud.


Berel - "bear" from Yiddish. It also symbolizes strength and has something in common with the Hebrew counterpart - the name Dov (bear).


Boaz is the husband of Ruth, great-grandfather of King David. Means swiftness.


Velvl - "wolf" in Yiddish. Most often associated with the knee of Benjamin, whose symbol was the wolf. In the allotment of the tribe of Benjamin, the Jerusalem Temple was located.


Gad means good luck. Gad is one of the 12 sons of Jacob (Genesis 30:11).


Gamliel means "Gd is my reward." Gamliel in Tanakh is the leader of the Menashe tribe (Bamidbar 1:10).


Gabriel - "Gd is my strength." Gabriel is the angel who predicts the birth of Isaac (Genesis 18:10). He destroys Sdom and appears to Daniel (Daniel 8:16). This angel stands to our left when we sleep.


Gedalya means "Great is the Most High." Gedalya is the leader of the Jewish people who was killed by a Jew. In honor of this tragic event, we celebrate the fast of Gedalya.


Gershom is a stranger. Gershom is the eldest son of Moshe. (Exodus 2:22).


Dan is the "judge". Dan is the fifth son of the forefather Jacob (Genesis 30: 6).


Daniel - "The Almighty is my judge." Symbolizes the harmony of mercy and the judgment of the Almighty. Daniel lived during the reign of King Navuhadnetsar. Daniel was thrown into a fiery furnace and into a cage with lions, and was miraculously saved by the Almighty. All events in Daniel's life are described in the book Daniel.


David means beloved. David is the second king of Israel, all future kings of Israel, including the Messiah (1 Shmuel 17:12), will go from him.


Zalman is the Yiddish equivalent of the name "Solomon". Solomon is the son of King David, the wisest of people, who built the First Jerusalem Temple.


Zeharya - "remembering Gd". Zehariya is one of the 12 minor prophets in the Tanakh.


Zeev is a wolf in Hebrew. Traditionally associated with the tribe of Benjamin, whose symbol was the wolf.


Zvulun means respect. Zvulun is one of the 12 sons of the forefather Jacob (Genesis 30:20).


Itamar means island of palm trees. Itamar in the Tanach is the youngest son of the high priest Aaron. (Exodus 6:23).


Itzhak means “he will laugh” (Genesis 21: 6). Yitzhak is the second patriarch of the Jewish people. In Kabbalah, Yitzhak means the ability to control and govern the physical world.


Yisroel means "who fought with God." Yisroel is the middle name of the forefather Jacob, from whom the 12 tribes of Israel descended.


Isahar means "there is a reward." Isahar is one of the 12 sons of Jacob. (Genesis 30:18).


Ishayagu means "Gd is salvation." Ishayagu is a prophet in the era of the First Jerusalem Temple (8th century BC).


Yechezkel means "the Almighty will strengthen." Yechezkel is a prophet who predicted that Jerusalem would be rebuilt. This is described in the book of the prophet Yechezkel.


Yedidya means "beloved of the Almighty." This is what Gd called King Solomon (2 Shmuel 12:25).


Yeshua means "Gd is salvation." Yeshua is Moshe's first disciple and leader of the Jewish people after Moshe's death. Yeshua conquered the land of Israel. All these events are described in detail in the book of Yeshua.


Yehuda means "The Almighty will be praised." Yehuda is the fourth son of the forefather Jacob, from whom all the kings of Israel went. Another famous person named Yehuda is Yehuda Maccabee, who revolted against the Greeks during the Hanukkah era.


Yigal means "He will save." Yigal is one of 12 scouts sent to survey the Land of Israel (Bemidbar 13: 7).


Yerakhmiel means "the Almighty will have mercy." Yerahmiel in the Tanach is the son of one of the kings of Israel. (Jeremiah 36:26).


Yirmiyahu means the Almighty will lift up. Yirmiyahu is a prophet who warned Jews about the destruction of Jerusalem. This is described in the book of the prophet Yirmiyahu.


Yochanan means "Gd will have mercy." Yochanan is the son of one of the Kings of Israel (2 Kings 25:23) and a military leader (Jeremiah 40:13). Yochanan was also a high priest during the Hanukkah era, under whose leadership the Jews were able to cleanse the Temple.


Yoel means "Desire of the Almighty." Yoel is one of the 12 Lesser Prophets in the Tanakh.


Yom Tov is "holiday" in Hebrew.


Yosef means "the Almighty will increase." Yosef is one of the sons of Jacob who was sold into slavery in Egypt. Later, Yosef becomes the second person after Pharaoh in Egypt (Genesis 30:24). Yosef in Kabbalah means “union”.


Yona means dove. Yona is one of the 12 Lesser Prophets who was swallowed by a huge whale.


Jonathan means "a gift from the Most High." Jonathan is the son of King Shaul and the best friend of King David. (1 Shmuel 18-20).


Kalev means "like a heart." Kalev is the husband of Miriam, Moshe's sister. He, along with 11 other scouts, was sent to explore the land of Israel (Bemidbar 13: 6).


Leib in Yiddish is "lion". The lion is the symbol of the tribe of Yehuda, the symbol of the kingdom.


Levy translates to "escort". Levi is one of Jacob's 12 sons. The tribe of Levi performed special functions in the Jerusalem Temple.


Matityahu means "a gift from the Almighty." Matityahu is the protagonist of the Chanukah story, the leader of the Maccabees. The Kabbalah emphasizes that the numerical value of the name Matityahu is similar to the meaning of "Beit Mikdash" - Temple (861).


Meir means "emitting light". Rabbi Meir is a very famous sage who lived in the 2nd century. There are references to him in the Talmud.


Menachem means "comforter". Menachem is the Jewish king in the Tanach (2 Kings 15:14). There is an opinion that this will be the name of the Messiah.


Menashe means "helping to forget." In Kabbalah, Menashe has the power to eliminate evil. Menashe in the Torah is the son of Yosef (Genesis 41:51).


Mendel is the Yiddish counterpart of the name Menachem.


Micha means "Who is like the Most High?" Micah is one of the 12 Minor Prophets in the Tanakh.


Michael also means "Who is like the Most High?" Michael is the name of the protector angel of the Jewish people. Michael guards us when we sleep (he stands on the right side). The right side is always associated with kindness and mercy.


Mordechai means warrior. Mordechai in the Tanakh is the prophet and husband of Queen Esther, who saved the Jews from total destruction in the era of Purim.


Moshe is the greatest prophet who ever lived. Moshe led the Jews out of Egypt. He took them across the desert for 40 years. Moshe means stretched out (out of the water). (Exodus 2:10). In a deep sense - Moshe "pulled" the Jewish people out of slavery.


Nachshon in the Bible is Aaron's cousin who first entered the Red Sea before it parted. (Exodus 6:23).


Nachman means "comforter." Nachman is a great Jewish sage who lived in Babylon. In Kabbalah, the name Nachman has the same numerical meaning as the word "Netzah" - eternity.


Nachum means "comforter." Nachum is one of the 12 Lesser Prophets in the Tanakh.


Naftali means “struggling”. Naftali is one of Jacob's 12 sons.


Nathan means "He gave." Nathan is a prophet who lived during the era of King David (2 Shmuel 5:15).


Nehemya - "reassured by the Almighty." Nehemiah is the leader of the Jewish people during the return period from the Babylonian exile.


Netanel is the "gift of the Almighty". Netanel is the brother of King David (1 Chronicle 2:14).


Nisan means "banner". Nisan is one of the months of the Jewish calendar in which Passover always falls.


Noach means "calm" (Genesis 5:29). Noah is the only human survivor during the Flood. In Kabbalah, the word "Noach" also denotes Saturday - the day of rest and rest.


Obadya is "the servant of the Most High". Obadiah is one of the 12 Lesser Prophets in the Tanakh.


Pepper means "pushing ahead." The pepper in the Torah is the son of Yehuda (Genesis 38:29).


Passover means to jump over. Passover is the holiday of the liberation of the Jewish people from Egyptian slavery, when the Almighty "jumped" over the Jewish houses during the execution of the firstborn.


Pinchas in Tanakh is the high priest, grandson of Aaron. Thanks to the courage of Pinchas, the plague in the Jewish camp ended.


Rahamim means mercy.


Raphael - "Gd heals." Raphael is an angel who brings recovery. He visits Abraham after being circumcised. Raphael stands behind us as we sleep.


Reuven - "look, son." Reuven is the firstborn of Yaakov and Leia.


Simcha - translated from Hebrew "joy".


Tuvya means the Most High is good. It is believed that this is one of the names of Moshe. Tuvya has the same numerical meaning as the word "lion" (heart) - 32.


Uri means "my light". Uri in the Bible is the head of the tribe of Yehuda (Shemot 31: 2).


Uriel - "Gd is my light." Uriel is a descendant of Levi. The angel responsible for the air element is also called. He stands in front of us when we sleep.


Chaim - "life". For the first time this name appears in the 12th century - that was the name of one of the commentators of the Talmud. There is an opinion that this will be the name of the Messiah.


Canaan means "He had mercy." Canaan in the Torah is the leader of the tribe of Benjamin (1 Chronicles 8:23).


Hananya - "Gd gave mercy." Hananya is one of the prophets in the Tanakh. (Jeremiah 28: 1).


Hanoch means education or initiate. Hanoch in the Torah is the son of Cain. (Genesis 4:17).


Khizkiyahu - "Gd is my strength." Hizkiyahu in Tanakh is the king of Israel (2 Kings 19-20).


Hirsch is "deer" in Yiddish. This name is often associated with the tribe of Naftali, whose symbol is the doe. (Genesis 49:21).


Hillel - "praise". Hillel is one of the greatest sages of the Talmudic era.


Zion is the middle name of the city "Jerusalem". Means "perfection".


Tzvi means "deer". This name is often associated with the tribe of Naftali, whose symbol is the doe. (Genesis 49:21).


Shalom - "peace". Shalom is one of the names of the Almighty.


Shaul is the first king of Israel (1 Shmuel 9: 2). Shaul means "requested."


Shai - translated from Hebrew "gift". This was the name of the king Ishayaga, who was a Jewish prophet during the First Jerusalem Temple (8th century BC).


Shimshon means "strong as the sun." Shimshon is a judge over Israel, who took the Nazarene vow on himself, who won many wars against the Philistines.


Shimon - "heard". Shimon is one of the 12 tribes of Israel, the second son of Jacob. (Genesis 29:33).


Shlomo means "his world". Shlomo is the son of King David, who ascended the throne at the age of 12. Shlomo built the First Jerusalem Temple. His reign is an era of peace and prosperity for Israel.


Shmuel - “his name is Gd”. The Bible describes the prayer of the woman Khana, who asked the Almighty for a son. Shmuel is born to her. Shmuel becomes a great prophet who crowned two kings of Israel - Shaul and David. These events are detailed in Shmuel's book.


Shraga from the Aramaic "light" or "candle".


Ephraim means fertile. Ephraim is the second son of Yosef, the grandson of Yaakov (Genesis 41:52).


Eitan means strong. Eitan is Yehuda's grandson. The Midrash says that Abraham, the first Jew, was also called Eitan.


Elkhanan - "Gd has mercy." Elchanan in the Bible is an army commander in the era of King David.


Elazar - "The Almighty helped." In the Bible, Elazar is the son of the high priest Aaron (Shemot 6:23).


Eliezer means "My Gd helped." Eliezer in the Bible is the servant of Abraham (Genesis 15: 2), and also the son of Moshe (Shemot 18: 4).


Eli is "my Gd". Eli in the Bible is the high priest, the last judge in the era of Shmuel (1 Shmuel 1).


Elisha - “Gd will help” or “Gd will hear”. Elisha in the Bible is a prophet, a disciple of Eliyahu aNavi (Elijah the Prophet).


Eliyahu - "He is my Gd". Eliyahu is a prophet who ascended to heaven in a chariot of fire. He comes at every circumcision and Passover Seder.


Ezra means helper. Ezra is the leader of the Jewish people who led the Jews after the Babylonian captivity. He built the Second Jerusalem Temple, which is described in the book of Ezra.


Yair - "it will sparkle." Yair is the grandson of Yosef in the Bible (Deut. 3:14).


Yaakov means "holding on to the heel." Jacob is the third patriarch of the Jewish people, who gave birth to 12 sons, from whom the 12 tribes of Israel went (Genesis 25:26). Yaakov in Kabbalah means harmony and integrity.

February 8, 2013

"Abba" is a true Hebrew name meaning "father". This name became popular during the time of the Talmud. The most famous Abba was a sage born in the 4th century. in Babylonia and then moved to Eretz Yisrael (Talmud - Brakhot 24 b).
The name "Avi" means "my father". "Avi" is short for "Abraham" (see).
"Avigdor" means "who set the boundaries" for the Jewish people. Therefore, "Avigdor" in the tradition is one of the names of Moses. The name "Avigdor" is mentioned in the Tanakh, in Divrei, ha-Yamim I, 4: 4).
Avner means "my father is light." Avner in the Tanakh is a cousin of King Shaul and a military leader (Shmuel I, 14:50). Variants: Abner, Aviner.
The name Aviram means "my father is great." It is of Tanakh origin, rarely assigned. That was the name of Barak's father, the military commander of the prophetess of the Court.
Abraham was the first Jew. He devoted his life to spreading the doctrine of one Gd. This is the first true forefather of the Jewish people. The main quality of Abraham was Hesed - mercy. “Abraham” means “the father of many nations” (see Genesis 17: 5). Variants of the name: Abram, Abraham.
Adam was the first person. Adam means "earth" (see Genesis 2: 7).
"Azriel" is the name of the angel, which means "My help is Gd". Azriel in Tanakh is the father of one of the heads of the tribe of Naftali (Divrei ha-Yamim I, 27:19), see also Irmiyahu 36:26.
The name "Akiva" consists of the same letters as "Yaakov" and means "held by the heel." The famous Rabbi Akiva lived during the time of the Talmud. He was a shepherd and at the age of 40 he did not yet know the alphabet. One day he passed a stone in which constantly falling drops made a hole. He thought: "If water, so soft, can make a hole in a hard stone, then all the more in the power of Thor - who is like fire - to leave an eternal imprint on my heart." Rabbi Akiva decided to study the Torah and became the greatest sage of his generation, he had 24,000 disciples (option: Akiba).
This is a Russian Jewish name that Jews give to boys in honor of Alexander the Great, king of Macedonia. The Talmud tells that when Alexander saw the high priest of the Jerusalem Temple, he dismounted and bowed before him (Alexander rarely bowed before anyone, and perhaps never before anyone). The king explained that he had seen the high priest in a dream and considered it a good sign. Therefore, Alexander peacefully incorporated the Land of Israel into his growing kingdom. As a token of gratitude, the sages decreed that Jewish boys born that year (333 BC) should be named "Alexander." It still remains a popular Jewish name (variant: Sender)
Alon means oak. The name "Alon" is found in the Torah - that was the name of Jacob's grandson (Divrei, ha-Yamim I, 4:37).
"Alter" means "old" in Yiddish. Traditionally, if a child was born weak, he received the name "Alter". It was given as a blessing to a child, wishing him to live to old age.
The name Amir is beautiful, meaning "crown, top of a tree" is a rare new Hebrew name.
Amos was one of the 12 minor prophets (see Naviim). “Amos” means “loaded” or “filled”; means "full of wisdom."
Amram, a true Hebrew male name, was the father of Moses and the head of the Jewish people in the generation before the exodus from Egypt. Amram means “mighty people” (see Shemot 6:18).
Ariel is a purely Hebrew name that means "the lion of God" (Isaiah 29: 1). Ariel is the name of the altar in the Holy Temple (Yechezkel 43:15), which has become one of the names of Jerusalem as a whole. Ariel is also the name of the angel of peace (Isaiah 33: 7).
Arye means lion, king of beasts. Leo symbolizes energy, strength. Such a name is given to a child, wishing that he grows up as a person who uses every opportunity to do a mitzvah (see the code of Jewish laws Shulchan Aruch, section Orach Chaim 1). Arye is the name given to Yehuda as a blessing: the Jewish kings will be from the tribe of Yehuda (see Genesis 49: 9). Option: Ari.
Asher means blessed or happy. Asher is the ancestor of one of the 12 tribes, the son of Jacob (see Genesis 30:13). Option: Osher.
Barak means lightning. Barak in Tanakh is the husband of the great prophetess Dvora (see Shoftim 4).
Baruch -
Baruch means blessed. Baruch in Tanakh is the prophet Irmiyau's assistant (see Irmiyau 32).
Ben Zion means son of Zion or son of splendor. The name "Ben Zion" is found in the Talmud (Eduyot 8: 7).
"Benjamin" is translated as "son of the right hand", which means - "strength." According to another opinion, "son of the right hand" means "beloved son." Benjamin is the ancestor of one of the 12 tribes of Israel, the youngest son of Jacob (Genesis 35:18).
"Berl" is a diminutive of the name "Ber" - "bear" in Yiddish. It is associated with strength; corresponds to the Hebrew name Dov (bear).
"Bezalel" means "in the shadow of Gd." Bezalel in the Torah is the builder of the Tabernacle, a portable sanctuary that the Jews carried with them during their 40-year wilderness wanderings. Now this name is almost never used for boys.
Boaz means quickness. In another opinion - "in Him is power." Boaz in Tanakh is Ruth's husband and great-grandfather of King David.
Velvel means wolf in Yiddish. The name "Velvel" is often associated with the tribe of Benjamin, which is described in the Torah as a "wolf", i.e. a mighty and fearless warrior (Genesis 49:27).
"Gabriel" means "Gd is my strength." Gabriel in the Torah is the angel who announced the birth of Isaac (Genesis 18:10) and turned Sdom over (Genesis 19). He appeared to Daniel (Daniel 8:16). Tradition says that this angel stands to our left, guarding us during the night's sleep (option: Gabrielle).
"Gad" means "luck", "happiness". Gad in the Torah is the ancestor of one of the 12 tribes of Israel, the son of Jacob (Genesis 30:11).
"Gamliel" means "Gd is my reward." Gamliel in the Torah is the leader of the Menashe tribe (Bemidbar 1:10). Raban Gamliel is an outstanding Jewish leader, sage of the Mishna.
"Gedaliah" is the true name means "God is great." Gedaliah in Tanakh is a ruler appointed by the king of Babylonia over the Jews who remained in Eretz Yisrael after the destruction of the First Temple. His murder resulted in the final expulsion of the Jews from Eretz Yisrael and the death of many thousands of them (Mlahim II, 25:22; Irmiyau 40-43).
"Gershom" means "stranger", "stranger there." Gershom in the Torah is the son of Moses (Shemot 2:22).
"Gershon" means "exiled." Gershon in the Torah is the son of Levi (Genesis 46:11).
"Gidon" means "mighty warrior", "cutting". Gidon in the Torah is one of the judges of Israel and the military leader who defeated the Midianites (Judges 6:11). Option: Gideon.
Hillel means praise, glorifying (Gd). Hillel in the Torah is the father of Judge Abdon (Judges 12:13). Hillel is also the name of one of the greatest Jewish sages of the Mishna era.
Gil means joy in Hebrew.
David means beloved, friend. David was the second king of Israel, the Jewish kings descended from him, and the Messiah king will be from the house of David.
Dan means judge. Dan in the Torah is the ancestor of one of the 12 tribes, the fifth son of Jacob (Genesis 30: 6).
"Daniel" means "Gd is my judge," associated with the mercy and justice of Gd. Daniel served the Babylonian king Neuhadnetsar and was rescued from a cage with lions and from a fiery furnace, see the book of Daniel.
Dov means bear. The bear is mentioned in the Tanakh as the personification of agility and strength (Eicha 3:10).
The name "Doron" means "gift".
"Zalman" is the Yiddish form of the name "Shlomo". Shlomo in Tanakh - the famous Jewish king, the son of King David, the builder of the First Temple.
Zevulun means attached, devotee. Zebulun in the Torah is the ancestor of one of the 12 tribes, the son of Jacob and Leah (Genesis 30:20).
Zelig means "soul", "darling" in Yiddish.
"Zerah" is a more ancient true Hebrew name, meaning "radiance". Zerah in the Torah is the son of Yehuda (Genesis 38:30).
Zeharya means “remembered Gd”. Zehariah is one of the twelve minor prophets.
Zeev means wolf in Hebrew. The name "Zeev" is often associated with Benjamin's tribe. Benjamin is described in the Torah as a "wolf", i.e. a mighty and fearless warrior (Genesis 49:27). Option: Zev, Zeev, Zeev
"Yigal" means "he will deliver." Yigal in the Torah is one of 12 scouts sent to scout the Land of Israel (Bemidbar 13: 7).
"Irmiyau" means "Gd will exalt". Irmiyau - a prophet who warned of the destruction of Jerusalem, see the book of Irmiyau.
"Israel" means "fought with Gd" or "Gd will rule." "Israel" in the Torah is the new name given to Jacob, the father of the ancestors of the 12 tribes (Genesis 32:28). Options: Yisroel, Israel.
Issachar means "will receive a reward." Issachar in the Torah is the ancestor of one of the 12 tribes, the son of Jacob and Leah (Genesis 30:18). Option: Yissahar.
"Issur" is a diminutive of "Israel" in Yiddish (option: Isser).
Itamar means island of palm trees or date palm. Itamar in the Torah is the youngest son of Aaron (Shemot 6:23).
The name "Isaac" means "he will laugh" (see Genesis 21: 6). Isaac in the Torah is the second of the three forefathers of the Jewish people. His father Abraham was going, at the behest of Gd, to sacrifice him at Mount Moriah, but Gd stopped Abraham (Bereshit 22). In accordance with the kabbalistic tradition, the name Isaac means the ability to rise above the material world and control it (variants: Itzik, Isaac).
"Yedidiya" means "beloved of Gd," "friend of Gd." “Yedidiya” in Tanakh is the name that Gd calls King Shlomo (Shmuel II, 12:25).
"Yeshua" means "Gd is salvation." Yeshua in the Torah is a disciple of Moshe and the head of the Jewish people after the death of Moshe (Devarim 31). Yeshua conquered the Land of Israel from the Canaanites, see the book of Yeshua.
Yerahmiel means "Gd will have mercy." Yerakhmiel in the Torah is the son of the Jewish king (Irmiyahu 36:26).
Yehuda -
"Yehuda" means "will praise (Gd)." The word "Jew" comes from the name "Yehuda". Yehuda in the Torah is the ancestor of one of the 12 tribes, the one that received the blessing of the kingdom (Genesis 29:35). The dynasty of kings David and Shlomo are the descendants of Yehuda. From the tribe of Judah there will also be a Messiah king. Yehuda was also the name of one of the heroes of those events that we celebrate on Hanukkah - Yehuda Maccabee.
Yechezkel means “Gd will strengthen”. Yechezkel is a prophet of the times of the Babylonian exile. He predicts the restoration of Jerusalem, see the book of Yechezkel (6th century BC).
Yechiel means "will give life to Gd." Yehiel in the Torah is the head of the family of Yoav's descendants during the Babylonian exile (Ezra 8: 9).
"Yeshayau" means "will save Gd". Yeshayau is a prophet in Jerusalem during the First Temple (8th century BC), see the book of Isaiah.
The name "Yom Tov" means "holiday".
Yona means dove. Yona is one of the twelve minor prophets. He refused to prophesy, fearing that it would harm the people of Israel. Yona fled, was thrown from the ship and swallowed by a huge fish, then ejected onto dry land - and as a result, he still had to prophesy.
"Jonathan" means "Gd gave." Jonathan in Neviim is the son of King Shaul, the best friend of King David (Shmuel I, 18-20). Options: Jonathan, Yoni, Jonason).
Yoram means “Gd will exalt”. Yoram in the Torah is the son of the king (Shmuel II, 8:10).
Yosef means "(Gd) will add." Yosef in the Torah is one of the twelve sons of Jacob. His brothers sold him into slavery in Egypt, where he later became the ruler, the “right hand” of the Pharaoh (Genesis 30:24). According to kabbalistic tradition, Yosef personifies the power of unification, as he united all 12 brothers in Egypt.
Yochanan means "Gd is magnanimous." Yochanan in Naviim is a military leader (Mlahim II, 25:23; Irmiyahu 40:13). The name "Yochanan" was also borne by the high priest of the time of the Maccabees. He supervised the cleansing of the Holy Temple.
Yoel means the Most High - Gd. Yoel is one of the 12 minor prophets.
"Yuval" means "stream", "stream". Juval in the Torah is the son of Lemech (Genesis 4:21).
Kalev means like a heart. Kalev in the Torah is one of 12 scouts sent to the land of Israel (Devarim 13: 6). Kalev was the husband of Miriam, sister of Moses (option: Caleb).
"Kalonimos" is a name of Greek origin meaning "good name".
Kalman is short for Kalonimos, a Greek name meaning good name.
Karmi means my vineyard. The Karmi in the Torah is the grandson of Yaakov (Genesis 46: 9).
"Levy" means "attendant" or "attendant"; here is an indication of the role of the Levites as servants in the Holy Temple. Levi in ​​the Torah is the ancestor of one of the 12 tribes, the son of Jacob and Leah (Genesis 29:34).
“Leib” is “lion” in Yiddish. The lion is the symbol of Yehuda, the tribe from which the Jewish kings come (option: Leibel).
Manoach means rest, rest. Manoach in Tanakh is the father of Shimshon (Judges 13: 2).
"Matityau" means "a gift from Gd." Matityau is a key figure in the history of Hanukkah, the head of the Maccabees. According to Kabbalistic tradition, the name "Matityau" has the same numerical meaning (861) as the words "Beit Amikdash", Holy Temple (variant: Matisyau).
Medad means friend. Medad in the Torah is a Jew who prophesied in the camp at the time of Moses (Bemidbar 11:26).
"Meir" means "emitting light". Rabbi Meir is the great sage of the Mishna (variant: Mayer).
Menachem means comforter. Menachem in Tanakh is a Jewish king (Mlahim II, 15:14). Tradition says that the name of the Messiah will be Menachem.
"Menashe" means "helping to forget (bad)." According to the Kabbalistic tradition, the name "Menashe" has the power to eliminate evil. Menashe in the Torah is the son of Joseph (Genesis 41:51). Option: Manasse.
"Mendel" is the Yiddish form of the name "Menachem" and means "comforter."
Meshulam means "rewarding" or "perfect."
Micah means humbled, poor. Micah in the Torah is one of the 12 minor prophets.
"Michael" male name means "Who is like Gd?" Michael in the Torah is a representative of the tribe of Asher (Bemidbar 13:13). "Michael" is also the name of an angel and messenger of Gd, whose task is to protect the Jewish people. Michael stands to our right during the night's sleep, protecting. The right side is always associated with mercy and kindness (variation: Mikhoel).
"Mordechai" - the exact meaning is unknown. According to some opinions it means "warrior". Mordechai in Tanakh is a prophet and uncle (husband) of Queen Esther, who saved the Jews from destruction during the reign of the Persian king Ahasuerus (variant: Mordecai, Moti).
Moshe is the greatest prophet of all time, who led the Jewish people as they left Egypt and received the Torah on Mount Sinai. Moshe means “he who was pulled (out of the water)” (Shemot 2:10), because, in a deeper sense, Moshe's purpose was to lead the Jewish people out of slavery. (options: Moishe, Moses).
"Nathan" is a good name for boys, meaning "(Gd) gave." Nathan in the Torah is a prophet who lived during the time of King David (Shmuel II, 5:15). Option: Noson.
Naftali means fighting. Naphtali in the Torah is the ancestor of one of the 12 tribes of Israel, the sixth son of Jacob (Genesis 30: 8).
Nachman means comforter. Rabbi Nachman is one of the great sages of the Talmud who lived in Babylonia. According to the Kabbalistic tradition, the name "Nachman" has the same numerical meaning (148) as the word "Netzah" - "eternity."
Nachum means comforted. Nachum in Tanakh is one of the minor prophets.
Nakhshon -
"Nachshon" means "fortuneteller". Nachshon in the Torah is Aaron's son-in-law. According to the midrash, he was the first among the Jews to enter the Red Sea - before it parted (Shemot 6:23).
Netanel means Gd gave. Netanel in Tanakh is the brother of King David (Divrei ha-Yamim I, 2:14). Variation: Nathaniel.
"Nehemya" means "comforted by Gd." Nehemiah was the head of the Jewish people at the time of the return from the Babylonian exile, see the book of Nehemiah.
"Nisan" is a male Hebrew name - the name of the spring month during which Passover falls. Nisan means a banner.
The name "Nissim" means "miracles."
The name "Noam" means "sweetness."
“Noach” means “tranquility” (Genesis 5:29). Noah in the Torah is a righteous man who escaped the flood, the builder of the ark; the ancestor of today's humanity. According to Kabbalistic tradition, "Noach" is another name for Shabbat, a day of rest and silence.
Obadya means servant of Gd. Obadiah in Tanakh - one of the 12 minor prophets (options: Obadiah, Obadiya)
"Paltiel" means "saved by God." Paltiel in the Torah is the leader of the sons of the tribe of Issachar (Bemidbar 34:26).
"Pepper" is a rare Hebrew name that means "bursting through." The pepper in the Torah is the son of Yehudah (Genesis 38:29).
Passover means to skip. Passover is the Hebrew name for Passover, the holiday, the exit of the Jews from Egypt, when Gd "missed" (the pass) the houses of the Jews during the execution of the firstborn.
“Passover” means “Gd missed” - before the Jews left Egypt, Gd “missed” (pass) the Jewish houses during the execution of the firstborn. Passover is mentioned in the Talmud as being responsible for collecting donation boxes for the Temple.
Pinchas in the Torah is the high priest, the grandson of Aaron. Thanks to Pinchas' deed, the plague among the sons of Israel in the wilderness stopped. Because Pinchas averted the wrath of Gd from the sons of Israel, Gd entered into a Peace Union with him (see Bemidbar 25). Tradition says that the prophet Eliyahu had the soul of Pinchas.
Raphael is a very beautiful popular Hebrew name for boys, meaning "God healed." Raphael is an angel of healing, he visited Abraham after circumcision (Genesis ch. 18). Tradition says that Raphael stands behind us during the night's sleep, guarding us.
The name "Rahamim" means "mercy."
"Reuven" means "Look, son!" Reuven in the Torah is the ancestor of one of the 12 tribes, the first son of Jacob (Genesis 29:32).
The name "Simha" means "joy."
Tanchum means consolation. Tanchum is one of the great sages of the Talmud who lived in Babylonia.
"Tuvia" means "my good - Gd". Tuvia in Tanakh is one of the exiles who returned to Eretz Yisrael from Babylonia (Zechariah 6:10). According to the Kabbalistic tradition, the name "Tuvia" has the same numerical meaning (32) as the word "lion", heart. Tradition says that Tuvia is one of the names of Moses. (options: Tobiah, Tobia, Tevye).
Thia, the old name, means rebirth.
Uziel means "Gd is my strength." Uziel in the Torah is the grandson of Levi (Shemot 6:18).
"Uri" in Hebrew means "my light." Uri in the Torah is the father of Bezalel, the representative of the tribe of Yehuda (Exodus 31: 2).
Uriel -
"Uriel" means "Gd is my light." Uriel in Tanakh is a descendant of Levi (Divrei ha-Yamim I, 6: 9). "Uriel" is also the name of the angel responsible for one of the four elements - air. Tradition says that this angel stands in front of us, guarding during the night's sleep.
Fayvel means "sucker" or "breastfeed" in Yiddish. The name "Faywel" is also associated with "light" and "candle" (variations: Fayvish, Feyvish, Feyvish, Feyvel).
Fishel means fish in Yiddish. The name "Fishel" is often associated with the name "Ephraim" because Ephraim received the biblical blessing to "proliferate like fish" (Genesis 48:16).
Hagai means celebrating. Hagai is one of the 12 minor prophets (see Naviim). A variant of this name is Hagi (Genesis 46:16). This name is given to the grandson of Yaakov.
Chaim means life. This name first appears in the 12th century. That was the name of one of the Tosafists - the authors of the Tosafot commentary on the Talmud. Tradition says that the name of the Messiah will be Chaim.
"Canaan" means "have mercy on (Gd)." Hanan in the Tanakh is the head of the Benjamin tribe (Divrei ha-Yamim I, 8:23).
"Hananel" means "have mercy on Gd." Name from Tanach - see “Hananel Tower” (Irmiyahu 31:37).
Hananya means "Gd gives charm." According to another opinion, “Gd had mercy” as well. Hananya in Tanakh is one of the prophets (Irmiyahu 28: 1).
Hanoch means consecrated. Chanoch in the Torah is the son of Cain (Genesis 4:17, 5:18).
"Hizkiyau" means "Gd is my strength." Khizkiyau in Tanakh is the righteous king of Israel (Mlahim II, 19-20).
"Hirsch" means "deer" in Yiddish. This name is often associated with the biblical "Naftali" - because Naftali is compared to a swift deer (Genesis 49:21). Variations: Hershel, Hersh, Heshel.
"Zadok" means "righteous." Zadok in Naviim helps King David to pacify the rebellion (Shmuel I, 15:27).
"Zvi" means "deer" is a rare Hebrew name for a man. This name is often associated with the biblical name "Naftali", because Naftali is compared to a swift deer (Genesis 49:21).
"Tsemakh" means "plant". Tzemach is mentioned in the Tanakh in the prophecy of Zechariah (Zechariah 3: 8).
“Cefania” male name means “protected by Gd”, “hidden by Gd”. Zefania is one of the 12 minor prophets.
Zion means superiority. The word "Zion" is used in the Torah several dozen times - to designate Jerusalem.
"Tsuriel" masculine means "Gd is my rock." Tsuriel in the Torah is the head of the tribe of Levi (Bemidbar 3:35).
"Shabtai" is a derivative of "Shabbat". Shabtai in the Torah - Leviticus from the time of Ezra (Ezra 10:15).
"Shai" means "gift"; also "Shai" - short for Yeshayau (Isaiah). Yeshayau is a prophet from the time of the First Temple (in the 8th century BC) in Jerusalem, see the book of Isaiah.
"Shalom" is a true Hebrew male name, meaning "peace." Shalum (derived form) in the Torah is the king of Israel (Mlahim II, 15:13). Tradition also says that "Shalom" is one of the names of Gd.
Shaul in the Torah is the first king of Israel (Shmuel I, 9: 2). "Shaul" means "requested" (variant: Saul).
Shet means appointed. Shet in the Torah is the son of Adam, born after the death of Abel (Genesis 5: 3).
"Shimon" - "heard", from the root "shama" - "to hear." Shimon in the Torah is the ancestor of one of the 12 tribes, the second son of Jacob (Genesis 29:33). Option: Simon.
Shimshon means solar. Shimshon is a judge in the Torah, Nazir, whose power was in his hair. He fought successfully against the Philistines (Judges 13:24). Option: Samson.
"Shlomo" is a derivative of "peace". Shlomo in the Torah is the famous Jewish king, the son of King David. King Shlomo built the first Holy Temple in Jerusalem. The years of his reign are years of peace, unprecedented prosperity and wealth (see Mlahim I). Option: Solomon.
"Shmaryau" means "protected by Gd". Shmarya (abbreviated form) in the Torah is one of the supporters of King David (Divrei ha-Yamim I, 12: 6).
"Shmuel" means "Gd is His name." In Naviim, it is told how Hana, the wife of Elkana, prayed fervently and asked the Almighty to send her a child. She had a son, Shmuel, who became a great prophet. He had the honor to anoint the first two kings of Israel, Shaul and David, to the kingdom, see the book of Shmuel.
"Shneur" - produced from the Spanish "senor", "lord". In Yiddish it sounds (and is understood) as “two lamps”, “two lights”.
"Shraga" is an Aramaic word meaning "light" or "candle". Found in the Talmud.
Ezra means helper. Ezra spearheaded the return of the Jewish people from the Babylonian exile and the rebuilding of the Holy Temple, see the book of Ezra in Ktuvim.
"Eitan" means "strong" (see Deut. 21: 4). Eitan in the Torah is the grandson of Yehuda (Divrei ha-Yamim I, 2: 6). The Midrash says that "Eitan" is also the name of Abraham, the first Jew.
Elazar means Gd helped. Elazar in the Torah is the son of the high priest Aaron (Shemot 6:23).
Eli means to ascend or exalted. Eli in the Torah is the high priest and the last of the judges in the time of Shmuel (Shmuel I, 1).
Elimelech means "my Gd is king." Elimelech in the Torah is Naomi's husband (Ruth 1: 2).
"Elisha" means "Gd is salvation." Elisha in the Torah is a prophet, the main disciple of the prophet Eliyahu (see the second book of Mlahim).
"Eliezer" means "my Gd helped." Eliezer in the Torah is a servant of Abraham (Genesis 15: 2). The same was the name of the son of Moses (Shemot 18: 4). Options: Lazer, Lazarus.
"Eliyahu" means "He is my Gd." Eliyahu in the Torah is a prophet who ascended to heaven alive and is invisibly present at every circumcision and every Passover Seder (see Mlahim).
"Eldad" means "beloved of Gd." Eldad in the Torah is a Jew who prophesied in the camp at the time of Moses (Bemidbar 11:26).
“Elchanan” means “Gd has mercy,” Elchanan in the Torah is a warrior in the army of King David who won the key battle with the Philistines (Shmuel II, 21:19).
"Elyakim" means "Gd will establish." Elyakim in the Torah is the manager of the royal palace (Mlahim II, 18:18).
"Emmanuelle" is a beautiful male name that means "God is with us." Emmanuel in the Torah is the name of the deliverer of the Jews (Isaiah 7:14); it is associated with the tribe of Judah (Isaiah 8: 8). Tradition says that the name of the Messiah will be Emmanuel (variant: Imanuel).
Ephraim means fertile. Ephraim in the Torah is the second son of Yosef, the grandson of Yaakov (Genesis 41:52).
Ehud means beloved. Ehud in the Tanach is one of the judges of Israel (Judges 3:15).
Yair means he will shine. Yair in the Torah is the grandson of Joseph (Deut. 3:14).
"Yakov" is a Russian Jewish name that means "held by the heel." In another opinion - "will bypass", "overtake". Jacob in the Torah is the third forefather, the father of the ancestors of the 12 tribes (Genesis 25:26). In accordance with the kabbalistic tradition, Jacob symbolizes perfection and harmony (variants: Jacob, Jacob, Yankel, Yankee).
Original post and comments on LiveInternet.ru

male Jewish name

Alternative descriptions

Raymond (1905-1983) French sociologist, political columnist for the newspaper Figaro, Express

Man's name

French philosopher

French sociologist

True Hebrew male name

Hebrew male name

Nimzowitsch (chess)

Normal name for a normal Jew

Normal Jewish male name

A name for a real Jew

True Hebrew name

Nice name for a Jewish guy

Common name for a Jewish guy

Dahl dry root

A good name for a Jewish youth

Inverted burrow

French scientist

Normal name for a Jewish youth

French philosopher and sociologist (1905-1983)

Raymond (1905-1983) French sociologist, political columnist for the newspaper Figaro, Express

Aronnik, aron's beard, Arum plant; scraps, veal leg, dry root

Jewish husband. name

A mess from the word "Arno"

A mess from the word "burrow"

Male name rhyming with baron

Nora in the opposite direction

Nora backwards

Burrow from end to beginning

Normal name for normally. Jew

Fit. Jewish boy's name

Inverted burrow

Common Hebrew male name

common Jewish male name

Alternative descriptions

Raymond (1905-1983) French sociologist, political columnist for the newspaper Figaro, Express

Man's name

French philosopher

French sociologist

True Hebrew male name

Hebrew male name

Nimzowitsch (chess)

Normal name for a normal Jew

Normal Jewish male name

A name for a real Jew

True Hebrew name

Nice name for a Jewish guy

Common name for a Jewish guy

Dahl dry root

A good name for a Jewish youth

Inverted burrow

French scientist

Normal name for a Jewish youth

French philosopher and sociologist (1905-1983)

Raymond (1905-1983) French sociologist, political columnist for the newspaper Figaro, Express

Aronnik, aron's beard, Arum plant; scraps, veal leg, dry root

Jewish husband. name

A mess from the word "Arno"

A mess from the word "burrow"

Jewish male name

Male name rhyming with baron

Nora in the opposite direction

Nora backwards

Burrow from end to beginning

Normal name for normally. Jew

Fit. Jewish boy's name

Inverted burrow