Jewish curse: truth or myth? Jewish blessings and curses Why the curse works.


In modern Judaism, there is a ritual of cursing the enemies of Israel, aimed at its opponents. It is believed that Jewish rabbis cursed Trotsky and that is why he was killed with an ice pick in Spain. Several questions immediately arise.
First of all, why is there a curse? Can't God Himself deal with His enemies? Secondly, if a curse can come from rabbis, then doesn’t God have power over a person’s life? And thirdly, can the curses of individual people change anything in this world? Well, they cursed one, and another took his place, no better, and maybe even worse. And the rabbis have more work. All these points cause me extreme bewilderment, and I have no information about what the rabbis think about such objections.
I would like to clarify the position of the official Church. She is like that. God is the Master of every person’s life, and He takes people to Himself always on time, not a second earlier, not a second later. And no rabbi with sidelocks can shorten a person’s life by even a second. Death is a divine matter; there is no need for people to interfere in this process, and it is even useless. This is the official response of the Church. If we look at history, we see a lot of amazing examples. For example, during World War II, a man was shot directly in the heart, he survived and lived for another 50 years. Amazing. Or a man returned from the war, not a single German was able to shoot him, and local hooligans pierced his stomach with a Finn. Or how one famous Nazi, in theory, was supposed to die, since Russian intelligence carefully prepared the assassination attempt. But at some point, the disguised scout did not fire, deciding that it was dangerous. They became angry with him, but then he began to boldly shoot other Nazis in order to regain trust. All this does not fit into any framework of ordinary thinking people.
If you ask yourself why the worst people and dictators often live long, the answer will be obvious. God takes everyone to Himself at the moment when they are at the peak of their (spiritual) development. This is done so that a person, even if he goes to hell, has a little less suffering than he could have had. If a person, having sinned, immediately dies, then this means that thereby he is preserved from even more serious sins.
An interesting point is that it often seems that a person’s life depends on chance and the actions of other people, especially in war. It is hard to believe that the lives of the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were already coming to an end, and if the atomic bomb had not been dropped, something else would have happened, and all these people would certainly have died. As strange as it may seem, we must admit it.
In the same way, some sorcerers testify that they brought death to dozens of innocent people, and God had nothing to do with it. It turns out that 2-3 people somehow escaped death. For example, during the casting of a curse, they quickly disappeared somewhere.
The rabbinic teaching about damnation is heresy. The New Testament says that blessings should come from you, not curses. The Tanakh says: love all people. How come these rabbis didn’t read the Old Testament? This is truly woe from the mind.

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In Judaism, the presence of God is interpreted as the presence of a blessed, saving light or a consuming fire, depending on different situations. Hence the concept of the Jewish curse puls de-nura, which is translated as “strike of fire.” Such a curse is understood as an intangible - at the level of spiritual essence - punishment of the sinner.

In the Talmud and Kabbalistic literature, the punishment of guilty angels is depicted literally as flogging with fiery rods, which is a metaphorical description of divine punishment for the understanding of its essence by ordinary people. It is with this process that the pulse de-nura is associated.

On whom can the consuming divine fire descend?

In Kabbalistic practice there is a special ritual with the help of which a person condemning him can bring down the wrath of God on the head of a sinner. It will be expressed in a spiritual fire that is unbearable for a person, literally devouring from within. Only an absolutely sinless, sincere Jew who takes full responsibility for this act can send such a curse.

The wrath of God will fall on the head of the unjustly accused if the damned turns out to be innocent. For this reason, it is not customary for the Jews to “throw around” the curse of the pulse de-nura “right and left.” In accordance with basic religious ideas, such a curse is nothing more than an appeal to God's judgment. If God considers the cursed person guilty, he will be punished. Otherwise, it will fall on the head of the slanderer.

How exactly the ritual of cursing the pulse de-nura occurs is a secret that is not accessible to the general public. Pulsa de Nura can only fall on a Jew. Gentiles - or goyim - a priori cannot be subjected to such punishment. According to the concepts of orthodox Jews, non-believers generally do not follow the path of comprehending the highest divinity of essence and wisdom, therefore the heavenly light is incomprehensible to them.

This is the peculiarity of the punishment itself. The Jew, on the path of his spiritual growth, comes closer and closer to God, gradually rising, step by step, to ever greater spiritual heights. Gradually, more and more information about the colossal infinite wisdom of God is revealed to him. If too much is revealed to a person at once, he simply cannot stand it. The fire will incinerate the soul and feelings.

According to Jewish laws, the curse of the pulse de-nura can only apply to people who rise spiritually and grow. It does not have a negative nature, but is presented as “given to man beyond the measure of his understanding and capabilities.” Naturally, such abuse of power leads to dire consequences.

The most famous damned

There are suggestions that Leon Trotsky was cursed by Rabbi Hafetz Chaim. Doubts are raised by the fact that the curser himself died before Trotsky, while the pulse of de-nura should act within a year after uttering. But Eyal Ragonis definitely suffered from it.

This 37-year-old man was an ordinary architect who designed and supervised the construction of a luxury luxury complex. Ragonis angered the Jews for erecting this secular building on holy land, on the site of the oldest Jewish cemetery, and this is a violation of the laws and a great sin. The architect died of a heart attack 2 weeks after applying the de-nur pulse.

The archaeologist Ehur Netzer was also cursed. In 2010, he found the tomb of King Herod. Orthodox Jews warned the scientist that it was impossible to open the grave, it was a great sin. Naturally, the curious archaeologist disobeyed the warning, for which he earned the pulse of de-nur. Kara overtook him almost immediately. Netzer fell from the top of the mountain into the abyss because the fastenings of the parapet on which he was leaning flew out.

Israeli Prime Ministers Ariel Sharon and Yitzhak Rabin were also subjected to Pulse de Nur. This was stated by Rabbi Yosef Dayan and publicist Avigdor Eskin. Rabin was punished a month after the curse was imposed (he was shot by the Jewish extremist Yigal Amir), and Sharon - six months later (fell into a coma and died).

Curse (אָלָה, ala; מְאֵרָה, meara; קְלָלָה, put; The Talmud also uses the Aramaic לְטוּתָא, letuta) - an oral negative wish addressed to a specific person or group of people with or without mentioning the name of G‑d. According to traditional belief, a curse has spiritual power that can harm the cursed person or his family. Jewish law prohibits cursing oneself or others, and cursing one's parents carries the highest penalty - death by court verdict. "skill"(so-called “stoning”) (see Shemot 21:17).

What is the power of the curse?

The power of the curse is directly related to the Divine nature of the human soul. Speech is the Divine element with which the Creator endowed man at the last stage of his creation, breathing the soul into him (see Unkelos' translation of Bereshit 2:7). The divine component of human speech gives words spiritual power, making it possible to bless, curse, conjure and even create ( "Sefer HaHinuch" app. 350 and Maaral Netivot olam, netiv lashon).

The power of the curse increases if the curse was pronounced by a righteous person who keeps his lips pure and holy.

Why does the curse work?

Torah commentator and kabbalist Ohr HaChaim HaKadosh, in his commentary on the chapter Balak, explains that a curse causes G-d to have a strict attitude towards the cursed ( midat ha-din), - which can lead to immediate punishment for already existing sins for which he received a “respite” within the framework of the Merciful Treatment ( Midat ​​HaRachamim).

Thus, almost all people are subject to the power of the curse, since there is no person who has never sinned ( see Kohelet 7:20). But an absolutely pure righteous person, without a single sin, is not subject to the power of the curse, because... has no reason for punishment from Above.

Should you be afraid of a curse?

The ritual of excommunication took place in the presence of ten Jews and was accompanied by various curses and prayers calling for punishment from the defendant for his disobedience. During the curses, a stretcher for the dead was brought into the courtroom, the judges held a Torah scroll in their hands, and lit candles. Part of the ritual was also the blowing of the shofar.

In the Talmud (Moed Katan 17a) using the example of several stories, it is indicated that the destructive power of the “herem” curse can lead to the sudden death of the damned.

The curse of “mi she para” for canceling the deal

Another type of curse known in Jewish judicial practice is the curse "mi she para..." (Hebrew - "the one who exacted..."). Name "mi she para" are the opening words of the curse: "He who punished the generation of the flood, the Tower of Babel, and the inhabitants of Sodom and Amora, He will punish the one who does not keep his word."

Curse "mi she para" is assigned automatically to any person who cancels a business transaction after payment.

The fact is that from the point of view of the Jewish property code, the transfer of money does not complete the act of acquisition until the buyer has received the goods in hand. And therefore, de jure, the transaction can be canceled - for example, in favor of another buyer.

However, if one of the parties decides to cancel the transaction after payment, but before receiving the goods, then the one who canceled receives a curse "mi she para".

The Curse of the Pulse de Nur

In the midst of political wars in the state of Israel, the so-called curse became famous "pulsa de-nura" (from Aramaic - "fire strike" or "fireballs"), used by various radicals to intimidate and influence various political figures and party leaders. It is known that the ritual Pulsa de Nura was produced by the far-right Orthodox in the run-up to the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995, and also six months before Ariel Sharon's stroke in 2006. Some attribute the premature deaths of politicians to the result of the curse being carried out Pulsa de Nura.

Many researchers question the originality of this ritual due to the fact that it is not mentioned in ancient sources and in cabalistic literature. In addition, in the Talmud and in haggadic literature, the concept of "puls de-nur" is used in the sense of Heavenly punishment in relation to spiritual entities, but not as a curse inflicted by people. However, it is clear that the Pulse de Nura ritual itself is almost entirely based on the customs performed during the casting of the herem, where curses were also pronounced to the sound of a shofar in the presence of ten men and with lit candles. Most likely, the ritual itself is a slightly modified form of the “herem” curse, where the name was borrowed from the Talmud on an associative basis.

Therefore, it is possible that the effectiveness of the curse of the pulse de-nur takes place, like any herem, if it is pronounced by decision of the beit din and on an objective basis.

How to get rid of the curse?

  1. In the book Pele Yoetz (chapter "Klala") is given: the one who hears a curse addressed to him, let him say at this moment: “Lo ken iye, ele gam baruch iye”(“let it not be so, but let him be blessed!”).
  2. In the book Orach Meisharim (chapter 10 based on the Talmud) it is written that in order for the curse not to come true, an action should be performed that is somewhat reminiscent of the content of the curse. Thus, the curse seems to be carried out through an action that is harmless to a person.
  3. The text should be spoken "atarat clalot"(absolution of curses), compiled by Rabbi Shlomo Sharabi.
  4. Let him pray so that the curse does not come true (Lereeha kamoha paragraph 7)
  5. You should ask for blessings from the righteous (Tosfot Sanhedrin 70a “Kilelo”).

Absolution of curses "atarat klalot"

The remission of oaths is performed in the presence of ten men, preferably among them are Torah scholars.

If it is impossible to gather ten men, then you can make “atatrot klalot” even in front of three men.

During the ritual, a text is read, compiled by the cabalist Rabbi Shlomo Sharabi, where the supplicant asks those present, on behalf of the Heavenly Court, to release the curses placed on him, and thereby partially get rid of the negative influence of curses and ain hara - “the evil eye.”

In some communities it is the custom to perform absolution every year on the eve of

Eduard Doks, Kyiv - Jerusalem - Kyiv

People often ask him to remove a noisy neighbor or a hated competitor, but he replies that he does not deal with such trifles. He cursed Israeli prime ministers twice. Even right-wing extremists condemn his methods of conducting political dialogue. But the police and intelligence services were never able to bring him to justice - there is simply no corresponding article in the criminal code. In an exclusive interview with Focus, 62-year-old Kabbalist rabbi Yosef Dayan spoke about the mysteries of the “Pulse of Denura” curse, explained why former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is in a comatose state, and explained why the curse was not used against Stalin, Arafat, and Ahmadinejad.

In a democratic country, it is customary to express distrust of the head of state through impeachment. However, betting on such a procedure is a thankless task, since throughout history impeachment has been adopted only three times: in Lithuania, Brazil and Indonesia. But there are other, more effective ways. For example, the head of state can be influenced by a curse. What is more here - mysticism or mere coincidence? The facts speak for themselves: the political careers of two prime ministers (Yitzhak Rabin and Ariel Sharon) were abruptly interrupted after the curse of the Denur Pulse was applied to them. However, current Prime Minister Ehud Olmert should not fear the fate of his predecessors. Despite sharp criticism of Olmert's policies, Yosef Dayan does not consider him an object for the next prayer-curse and predicts a more peaceful end to his career.

What is "Pulsa Denura"?

This is first of all prayer. And like any prayer, the Almighty may or may not accept it. But there is a prayer-blessing and a prayer-curse. A curse is also a prayer. After all, it is a request that you express verbally. The word "prayer" in Hebrew comes from the word "talk." So I can pray while cursing someone. This is where the “Pulse Denura” ceremony comes into play.

They say this is a dangerous business...

Certainly. According to Halakha (the set of laws and regulations of Judaism regulating the religious, family and social life of Jewish believers - Focus), a false witness receives the same punishment that he intended for another. The thief, according to the law, must return the stolen property, plus its value. When a murder case is tried and a witness lies while accusing someone, he deserves the death penalty for that crime. This is logical and fair. A similar situation exists with Pulsa Denura. When you ask for something very bad to happen to someone, it is as if you are bringing them to judgment. You are a witness. “I know that he did something bad, and You, the Supreme Judge, the Only Judge, judge him!” If I ask for punishment for someone undeservedly, then I can bring trouble upon myself. So this is not a child’s toy at all and they won’t just do it. I don’t know how many times they did “Pulse denura”. I've done this twice. Once to Yitzhak Rabin (was Prime Minister of Israel twice - in 1974-1977 and 1992-1995, killed by Jewish extremists in November 1995 - Focus) and once to Ariel Sharon (head of the Israeli government in 2001-2006 gg., in January 2006 he suffered a massive stroke and has been in a coma since then - Focus).

What is your role in the prayer ceremony?

I am not an author or an organizer, I am just a performer. I can’t name my leaders. There are great rabbis who performed the ceremony at night. They asked me to repeat it in the morning in front of Rabin's house.

The Torah says: “Do not curse the deaf and do not put obstacles in front of the blind.” Absolute ban. It's as if I were testifying against you in a public trial when you weren't there. Because then you can’t defend yourself. And if you are deaf and I curse you, how can you say that this is not so? That's why we wanted Rabin to know about our curse! You could send him an SMS, e-mail or fax, but that would be unconvincing. Therefore, it was necessary to repeat the ceremony in the afternoon so that he would be aware. The security services did not allow me to approach his house, so I approached as close as I was allowed and called the journalists to tell him everything. Then the same thing happened with Sharon. They held the ceremony at night and asked me and others to do the same during the day. But this time we were not allowed to appear near his house at all. By the way, talk about black candles is fairy tales. I have never seen black candles in my life. Nobody blows the horn. True, all participants in the ceremony were dressed in black. Except for one thing - he was in white.

No, presenter. There are two ceremonies: one during the day, one at night. I am the only one who participated in both night ceremonies. The daytime is aimed only at notifying the cursed person. The fact is that Sharon knew about it. On the plane, he asked how long it takes for this to work. They told him - several years. I don't know who the idiot is who said that. He answered the journalist: “Then I still have time!” He thought he had time... (Speaks sarcastically.)

Really, how soon should the curse take effect?

I can't explain this. Don't know. I remember a French television correspondent asked me about Rabin: “What will happen after the ceremony?” I replied: “Rabin will die.” He says: “What if not?” - “He will die!” Question: "When?" - "Within a month." Exactly 30 days later they shot at him... And when Sharon was hospitalized for the second time, a Spanish television correspondent called me and it turned out that this happened exactly 180 days after the ceremony, as I expected. I don't know if there is a connection here. It happened.

When a person knows that he is cursed, can he change anything?

The gates of repentance are open to everyone. If a person repents and undoes his bad deeds, then the curse will not work. For if a person has repented, even if a sentence has already been passed on him, he is already a different person. This is an important rule of Judaism.

But Sharon is alive...

The fact is that at the ceremony we did not ask for his death. We asked him for all the curses that are in the Torah and the Book of Prophets.

So, what does “Pulse Denura” consist of?

There is text. Part of it is secret. This is what is read at night. Naturally, a different text is read publicly. The text is very strong, mostly in Aramaic, but also in Hebrew. The man in white says one paragraph, and the rest repeat after him. Each participant must write the text in their own hand. There are secret combinations of letters that have meaning in Kabbalah. Typically 10 Jewish men participate as a minyan (quorum for Jewish prayer).

How long does the procedure itself take?

In Sharon's case we had a problem. The presenter said that he could not participate in this because Sharon was not Jewish. If so, then he should not do this.

Isn't Sharon Jewish?

The fact is that his mother was from the subbotniks. This is a sect from Russia. In the end, she underwent conversion (a difficult and lengthy procedure for converting to Judaism - Focus). This was known for sure. But we were worried about whether she converted before or after his birth. If after, then he is not considered a Jew. Finding out took an hour and a half.

Why can’t “Pulse Denura” be given to a non-Jew?

This combination in Aramaic means "strike of fire" or "whip of fire." "Nur" is fire. And “pulse” has many meanings. The text of the prayer itself contains the following: “Those who do not keep the commandments of the Torah.” But non-Jews are not obligated to fulfill the commandments of the Torah, they were not told to, so it is dangerous to read “Pulsa denura” on them.

Is it not possible to replace the words “commandments of the Torah” with “commandments of the Koran,” for example?

No. The essence of the rules cannot be changed.

They told me that this was done to Stalin...

No, no and no! I was often asked: why don’t you do it to Arafat, Saddam Hussein, Ahmadinejad? This is only done to Jews! I don’t think at all that I have such enormous powers as is often attributed to me.........

Yosef Dayan
Born November 12, 1945 in Mexico City.
1967 - Graduated from the Mexican National University, majoring in literature and journalism.
1968 - repatriated to Israel. He was the secretary of the leader of the right-wing radical movement "Kach" Rabbi Meir Kahane. He took part in actions for the departure of Soviet Jews. He participated in the Yom Kippur War (1973) and the first Lebanon War (1982), during which he was wounded and spent two years in a wheelchair.
1976 -1977 - Envoy of the Jewish agency "Sokhnut" in Argentina.
1990 - after the murder of Meir, Kahane became one of the leaders of the extremist movement “Kach”, which had been outlawed by that time.
Married, has 6 children and 4 grandchildren.

In The terrible Jewish curse, 8 years of coma and death for Ariel Sharon

In Israel, former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, who had been in a coma since 2006, died on January 11. Reuters reports this.

As the Jerusalem Post newspaper clarifies, Sharon died in the Tel Hashomer hospital, surrounded by his relatives. Israeli authorities have already promised to organize a funeral, to which they have invited world leaders. It is still unknown when exactly the ceremony will take place.

The condition of the 85-year-old former politician deteriorated significantly in early January 2014. At first he was diagnosed with kidney failure. Later, doctors recorded failure of other vital organs. At the beginning of the month, Sharon was also tested, which revealed increased activity in his brain. In particular, the former prime minister reacted to the recording of the voices of relatives and to touch.

Sharon fell into a coma after suffering a massive stroke. A few weeks earlier, he was hospitalized with a mini-stroke. The politician was prescribed a heart bypass surgery, but a cerebral hemorrhage occurred before the operation.

Ariel Sharon has served as Prime Minister of Israel since 2001. During his reign, he completely abandoned peace negotiations with the Palestinians. The then head of government erected a concrete wall on the border with the Palestinian Authority and withdrew all Israeli settlements from the Gaza Strip. At various times he headed the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other departments. Before entering politics, Sharon participated in four Arab-Israeli wars, reports