An example of filling out a drawing stamp. Instructions for filling out binding stamps. General requirements for completing documentation

Design of drawings

When preparing sketches, drawings and diagrams, it is necessary to comply with all the rules and requirements established by the ESKD standards for scales, sheet formats, basic inscriptions, and drawing fonts.

Basic GOST standards for drawings

Formats: GOST-2.301-68. Scale: GOST-2.302-68.

Lines: GOST-2.303-68.

Drawing fonts: GOST-2.304-81.

But we need a crash course in drawing. Therefore, we will rely on the teachings of John Ruskin. The first step is to use a ruler to create a square. Now try to fill this square of crossed lines in a complete and uniform way so that you look like silks. Fill it in quickly, starting with fairly straight lines in either direction. Let it dry completely before retouching. We should always wait long enough to avoid the risk of stains and draw the lines as quickly as possible.

Therefore, trace each line at speed and always stop as close to the boundaries of the square as possible. Bleeding can be reversed by scratching, but not until the work is completed, otherwise the surface of the paper will change and a stain will form on the first stroke. After walking through the area three or four times, you will notice that some areas are darker than others. You should try to darken the lighter parts so that the shade is more uniform throughout. When you look closely at your work, you will notice that where it appears darker, the lines are closer or much darker than elsewhere; you should add other strokes, or strokes and dots between the strokes in the lighter areas; if there are any glaring dark lines, they should be lightly cleaned up because the eye should not stop at any particular line.

Images - views, sections, sections: GOST-2.305-68. Designation of graphic materials and rules for their application on

drawings, GOST drawings: GOST-2.306-68.

Application and indication of dimensions and maximum deviations: GOST-2.307-68, GOST-2.308-68.

Applying surface roughness designations on drawings:


Applying designations of coatings, thermal and other types of treatment on drawings: GOST-2.310-68.

The speed of execution, care and delicacy of the depiction of a simple square become for Ruskin the key elements of a harmonious, balanced whole. These are the first steps towards real composition. So let's start with one color. By the way, the first thing we notice when opening Richter's notebook: a stain of ink on the left page, symmetrical to the one on the right, the surface of which is completely covered with thick writing, mostly illegible, and a stamp on the upper right corner, complete with a "signature".

Pressure, contact between two pages creates small stripes, dots, spots. He will also notice how the excessive thread pressure on the paper runs through the black ink on the next page Elements of Disturbance and Disequilibrium. Now let's try to understand what the notebook that we hold before our eyes is. The news in this regard is minimal. It may contain an imaginary account, an encrypted account of the adventures of the "mutant" that spilled out of the ink.

Thread image: GOST-2.311-68.

Conventional image and designation of seams of welded joints:


Conventional image and designation of seams of permanent connections:


Simplified and conventional images of fasteners: GOST-2.315-68.

Rules for applying inscriptions, technical requirements and tables on drawings: GOST-2.316-68.

Like Frederick's monk, the protagonist of this adventure is the "black man", a solitary figure. For gradations, thanks to a kind of photogrammatic scanning, in some sequence that enhances the shading, forming an image of his body. The figure is composed on the page from left to right in a corpuscular crescendo. Figure 1, to the small dots that describe the features, edges, in Figure 2, to 12: vertical, black, minimal shape, without weapons. The locking element is a safety pin, but is located vertically.

The head is a circle cut in two by a horizontal line. Point line - surface: a monk with a lot of cleric and church hat, as well as a shadow on the ground. Therefore, we are destined to follow the adventures of this strange monk. But why call Friedrich? During his years in Dresden, Richter was able to study his work. What Richter values ​​is the "small artistic" attitude, no matter what it may be, watching the monk and Friedrich work must have been a defining moment for Richter, leaving marks on his work.

Axonometric projections: GOST-2.317-69.

Rules for drawing up drawings of products (springs, gears, racks, worms, chain sprockets, bearings, etc.) GOST-2.40168 .... GOST-2.421-70.

Rules for the design of diagram drawings and conventional graphic symbols (general requirements, electrical, kinematic diagrams, electrical machines and their elements, hydraulic pumps and motors, pipelines and their elements) GOST-2.701-68 .....GOST-2.786-70.

This, among other things, is not new to him. The tiny figure placed at a distance refers to the “monk,” to thematic proximity and imaginative resonance, as in a comic strip. Now in the Comic Strip there are no traces of the sea, and the pages only blur the desolate, changing landscape, straddling dunes, battlefields, planets of an unknown galaxy. However, we will not accept Kleist's words in the letter. Travel, report, adventure? Richter dreamed of Leatherhead in The Impossible. The main aspect remains: this "black man" is extraterrestrial: here he stands, falling into an Olympian seclusion complicated by clones, the lines that reach him fall from the top of the page, annoying figures from which he would like to escape.

The dimensions of the drawing sheet formats are determined by GOST 2.104 - 68 the drawing has a drawing stamp in accordance with Figure 1. The left margin of the drawing is used for binding into an album.

The first sheet of the drawing is accompanied by a drawing stamp in accordance with Figure 2 (GOST 2.104 - 68 form 1).

If the drawing is made on two sheets, then the second sheet of the drawing is accompanied by a stamp in accordance with Figure 3 (GOST 2.104 - 68 form 2a). To fulfill the specification, a stamp is used in accordance with Figure 4 (GOST 2.104 - 68 form 2).

Locked in frames, inside stamps or television screens, grappling with small ones wearing their identical hat, the monk loses pieces, is dismembered, torn apart: so much so that a brother appears in his place, he becomes king; we see him coming and going from the hospital, rock climbing, admiring the public; he moves on strange wheeled prototypes, he fired a cannon into orbit; it reaches the planet, goes around it or spins like a top; we again look at him as a tightrope walker among different planets, or plunge, disintegrate on the ground, parachute, torn into two parts: sometimes his head swirls, takes the shape of a planet.

The drawing stamp is located in the lower right corner of the format. On an A4 sheet, the main drawing stamp is placed only along the short side of the format. When making drawings, if the scale is not specified in the task, choose it yourself, in accordance with GOST 2.302 - 68.

Sheet formats are determined by the dimensions of the outer frame (made with a thin line) of originals, originals, duplicates, copies. Format with side dimensions of 1189x841 mm, the area of ​​which is 1 m2, and other formats obtained by sequentially dividing it into

Instructions for filling out binding stamps

There is no shadow of a woman in this space of paper. The "monk" turns into a centaur. The pages are often annotated, they have a variable background, shaded, finely punctuated or roughly painted with precious decorations, the scenography becomes a cosmic background, a neutral space in which strange cards, chessboards appear. I am pleased to note how Richter mastered the various possibilities of design: speed of execution, lightness, caution, pushing, however, to the point of complete degeneration of stretching, to the explosion of spots.

two equal parts, parallel to the smaller side of the corresponding format, are taken as the main ones.

GOST 2.301-68 sheet formats are determined by the dimensions of the outer frame - the cutting line (made with a thin line). Formats with side dimensions of 1189 X 841, the area of ​​which is 1 m2, and formats obtained by sequentially dividing it into two equal parts parallel to the smaller side are accepted as the main ones.

Every page is a leap into the void. It should be remembered that the function of the stains is critical in some cases. His role is not "bothering". Rather, it helps the invention: stay low, not much of what happens in Coco the Clown, created by Max Fleischer for the Out of Ink series.

Those who had the opportunity to see Gerhard Richter - Painting, a film by Corinne Belz, will remember the huge spatulas that Richter passes over the surface of the canvas, changing and creating strange shapes, starting with their pressure on the masses of flowers. We are amateurs, and when we struggle with design elements, we take one color into account: black.

Allowed to use additional formats, formed by increasing the main formats by an amount that is a multiple of the dimensions of the A4 format (297X210). In production, division of A4 format is allowed.

The GOST 2.302-68 scale is the ratio of the linear dimensions of the image of an object in the drawing to the actual dimensions of this object (Table 2).

We evaluate its harmonious or depraved distribution. We are interested in the ambivalence of spots intended as a principle of invention: look at the monk's head turned into a planet, a juggler's ball, a machine gun. Look at that tiny black spot in the grayish sky in the distance. skydive? The projective quality of the spot requires our interpretation.

So, while on the notebook page "black people" enter from a huge black square, we just need to close these notes with a complimentary caption. Here we take the step - without telling John Ruskin - because he won't approve. And we take one last look at our “black man.” In the company of his answers, we witness his last trip - drawn into some kind of galactic vortex.

Only the actual dimensions of the product are indicated on the drawings.

Format designation Dimensions of the sides of the format (A0-1189 x 841) (A1-594 x 841) (A2-594 x

420) (A3-297 x 420) (A4-297 x 210)

Scale is the ratio of the dimensions of an object depicted in a drawing to its actual dimensions.

When making a drawing, it is necessary to use a scale. GOST 2.302-68 provides the following scales:

The artist gratefully receives the gift of chance and respectfully puts it up as proof. This comes from God, and also chance, which is the fruit of his hand, he appropriates it without hesitation and gives birth to some. new dream: he is a prestidigitator, able to erase his party from his mistakes, from his missed holds, to make new games: and nothing is of greater benefit than the elegance created from clumsiness. Just grab it on the fly and bring out all the hidden power. Woe to the slow gesture, to the numb fingers!

But the involuntary spot with its mysterious grimace enters the world of the will, it is a meteor, a root, turned by time, an encrusted appearance; he puts the decisive note where it was missing and where it cannot be found. Henri Fauquillon, "Elogio della mano", in the form of Vita delle, Einaudi, Turin.

Reduction scale 1: 2 1: 2.5 1: 4 1: 5 1: 10 1: 15 1: 20 1: 25 1: 40 etc.

Magnification scale 2:1 2.5:1 4:1 5:1 10:1 15:1 20:1 25:1 40:1 etc.

When designing master plans for large objects, it is allowed to use a scale of 1:2000; 1:5000; 1:10000; 1:20000; 1:25000; 1:50000.

If necessary, it is allowed to use magnification scales (100n): 1, where n is an integer.

If so, consider making a DIY stamp. Voices can be used to decorate many things and can be exceptional tools for creating distinctive gifts, from a specific ticket for a friend to a large decorated canvas bag.

Making a Simple Potato Stencil

This article describes two methods for creating it: a potato stencil, great for kids, and a linoleum stamp, ideal for adults interested in creating complex and reusable tones. You will also need to get a knife, paint or ink, and an object, such as paper. While it may be fun to simply stamp a piece of paper, consider purchasing ink on silk and an item of clothing, large canvas bag, or glassware that can be stamped. This way you can make a creative gift or a fun new item for you.

  • Gather all the necessary material.
  • Start with a choice large potatoes with a compact consistency.
To make the stencil, you can also use a wine bottle cork tester or a large eraser to replace the potatoes.

The scale indicated in the designated column of the title block of the drawing should be indicated as 1:14 1:2; 2:1, etc.

Drawing stamp, drawing frames.

The dimensions of the drawing sheet formats are determined by GOST 2.104 - 68 the drawing has a drawing stamp in accordance with Figure 1. The left margin of the drawing is used for binding into an album. The first sheet of the drawing is accompanied by a drawing stamp in accordance with Figure 2 (GOST 2.104

With one of these objects you will create a stencil that you can use in more than one occasion, while one made with potatoes does not last long, but these objects will not allow you to have a large surface such as potatoes to create your own stencil.

Wash the potatoes and cut them in half. Make sure you make a straight cut down the middle. It is important that the cut is uniform and clean so that the die remains level on the stamping surface during application. Cut a design onto the side of the potato you cut. Start with a simple design, such as a star or heart, that doesn't involve many cuts on the inside. It is easier to trim the outer edge of the potato.

- 68 form 1). If the drawing is made on two sheets, then the second sheet of the drawing is accompanied by a stamp in accordance with Figure 3 (GOST 2.104

- 68 form 2a). To fulfill the specification, a stamp is used in accordance with Figure 4 (GOST 2.104 - 68 form 2). The drawing stamp is located in the lower right corner of the format. On an A4 sheet, the main drawing stamp is placed only along the short side of the format. When making drawings, if the scale is not specified in the task, choose it yourself, in accordance with GOST 2.302 - 68.

There is no need to cut the potatoes very hard; it is enough to create some kind of difference in height. The design that actually appears when you use the stencil is the part you didn't remove; keep this in mind when cutting. Good way To successfully carve a design is to reproduce it on the surface and then carve out any parts that were not drawn. Spread the paint or ink evenly on a flat, non-porous surface. If you already have an ink roller, use it to spread the paint or ink evenly.

Lines (their purpose, thickness, style) according to GOST 2.303-68

Solid main

Lines of the visible contour, extended section. Solid thin

Contour of superimposed section, extensions, dimensions, shading. Solid wavy

Break lines, demarcation of views and sections. Line

Invisible contour lines. Dotted line

Center lines and centers. Open

Section lines (start and end).

Types. Cuts.

rectangular projection (oblique projection is allowed in axonometry).

In this case, the object is placed between the observer and the corresponding projection plane. The six faces of the cube are taken as the main projection planes. The image on the frontal plane (front view) is the main one. Images are divided into views, sections, sections.

View - an image of the visible part of the surface of an object facing the observer, which is positioned so that the image gives the most complete idea of ​​the shape and size of the object.

Rules for depicting species: if the main species are depicted in their places (fig), they are not signed; otherwise there should be an inscription like “View A”. The direction of view should be indicated by an arrow indicated by a capital letter. The additional view and the local view are designed in the same way. If the additional view is located in a projection connection, then the arrow and inscription are not placed above the view. An additional view can be rotated by adding an O sign to the inscription (the word “rotated” is not written). The local view is usually limited to the cliff line.

Sections are an image of an object mentally dissected by one or more planes; at the same time, the section shows what is obtained in the secant plane, and what is located behind it. The cuts are divided depending on the position of the cutting plane. Horizontal sections - the cutting plane is parallel to the horizontal plane, respectively, frontal and profile sections are obtained. Horizontal, frontal and profile sections, as a rule, are placed in place of the corresponding view (for example, a horizontal section: its cutting plane will be on the frontal plane and its image will be in the top view). Oblique cuts - a cutting plane at an angle to the horizontal plane.

complex cuts stepped broken

Rules for depicting sections:

If the secant plane coincides with the plane of symmetry of the object as a whole, then for horizontal, frontal and profile cuts the position of the secant plane is not marked, and the cut is not accompanied by an inscription.

It must be remembered that when making broken cuts, the cutting planes are conditionally rotated until they are aligned into one plane. In this case, when combining a section with a view, the elements of the object are drawn onto a plane with a rotation, and the projection of such a section may not coincide with the image of the object without a broken section.

The local section is highlighted in the continuous view wavy line, and this line must not coincide with any other lines in the image.

Part of the view and part of the corresponding section can be connected, separating them with a solid wavy line. If half of the view and half of the section are connected, each of which is a symmetrical figure, then the dividing line is the axis of symmetry. It is allowed to connect: a quarter of the view and quarters of three sections; a quarter of a view, a quarter of one cut and half of another, etc. provided that each of these images is individually symmetrical.

A section is a figure obtained by mentally dissecting an object with a plane. A section differs from a section in that sections depict what is in the section and what is behind the section. Sections depict only what is in the section. Sections that are not part of the section are divided into extended and superimposed.

Rules for depicting sections: the contours of the extended section (Fig.), as well as the section included in the section, are depicted with solid lines, and the contour of the superimposed section - with solid thin lines. The axis of symmetry of the superimposed or extended section is indicated by a thin dash-dotted line without letters or arrows, and the section line is not drawn.

In other cases, sections are designated and labeled according to the type of cuts. The section in construction and location must correspond to the direction indicated by the arrows. It is allowed to place the section anywhere in the drawing field, as well as with a rotation, with the addition of the “rotated” sign. For several identical sections related to one object, the section line is designated by one letter and one section is drawn. If the cutting plane passes through the axis of the surface of rotation (hole or recess), then the sections are performed according to the cut rule (i.e., the outline of the hole is shown).

Callouts are additional separate images (usually enlarged) of any part of an object that requires explanation regarding shape and size.

A detail is marked in a view, section, or section closed line(circle or oval) with the designation of the extension element with a letter of the Russian alphabet on the shelf of the leader line.

For the extension element, you should indicate the letter and the image scale in brackets according to type: A (2:1).

Conventions and simplifications. If the view, section or section is a symmetrical figure, it is allowed to draw half of the image or a little more than half with a break line. For identical, evenly spaced elements, one and two images are allowed. Lines of intersection of surfaces can be simplified and depicted in the form of straight lines and circular arcs.

A smooth transition from one surface to another is shown conditionally (thin line) or not shown at all. Parts such as screws, rivets, keys, balls, non-hollow shafts and spindles, connecting rods, handles, etc. in a longitudinal section they appear undissected.

Nuts and washers are shown uncut on assembly drawings. Parts elements: spokes of flywheels, pulleys, gears

or gear, stiffeners are shown unshaded if the secant plane is directed along the axis or long side of such an element.

When selecting flat surfaces of an object in a drawing, diagonal lines are drawn on them using solid thin lines. Long objects (or elements) with a constant or naturally changing cross-section (shafts, chains, rods, shaped bars, connecting rods, etc.) may be depicted with breaks.

Approved by the Committee of Standards, Measures and Measuring Instruments under the Council of Ministers of the USSR in December 1967. The date of introduction has been set

1. This standard establishes the shapes, sizes, procedure for filling out main inscriptions and additional columns to them in design documents provided for by the standards of the Unified System of Design Documentation. The standard complies with ST SEV 365-76 and ST SEV 140-74 in terms of placing the main inscription, dividing the drawing field into zones and leaving a field for filing. 2. The content, location and dimensions of the columns of the main inscriptions, additional columns to them, as well as the dimensions of the frames in the drawings and diagrams must correspond to form 1, and in text documents - to forms 2, 2a and 2b. It is allowed to use form 2a for subsequent sheets of drawings and diagrams. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2). 3. The main inscriptions, additional columns to them and frames are made with solid main and solid thin lines in accordance with GOST 2.303-68. 4. The main inscriptions are located in the lower right corner design documents. On A4 sheets in accordance with GOST 2.301-68, the main inscriptions are located along the short side of the sheet. The table of changes in the main inscription, if necessary, can continue up or to the left of the main inscription (if there is column 33, to the left of it). When the table of changes is located to the left of the title block, the column 14 - 18 repeat. The location of additional columns is shown in Appendix 1. 5. To quickly find a component of a product or its element in a drawing (diagram), it is recommended to divide the field of the drawing (diagram) into zones. Marks dividing the drawing (diagram) into zones are recommended to be applied at a distance equal to one of the sides of A4 format (drawings 1 and 2 of Appendix 2). The marks are applied: horizontally - in Arabic numerals from right to left; vertically - in capital letters of the Latin alphabet from bottom to top. Zones are designated by a combination of numbers and letters, for example: 1A, 2A, 3A, 1B, 2B, 3B, etc. 6. In drawings (diagrams) with one designation, made on several sheets, the horizontal numbering of zones must be continuous within all sheets. 7. In the columns of the main inscription and additional columns (the column numbers on the forms are shown in brackets) indicate: in the column 1 - name of the product (in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.109-73), as well as the name of the document, if this document is assigned a code. For products for national economic purposes, it is allowed not to indicate the name of the document if its code is defined by GOST 2.102-68, GOST 2.601-95, GOST 2.602-95, GOST 2.701-84; in the column 2 - document designation; in column 3 - designation of the part material (the column is filled in only on part drawings); in column 4 - the letter assigned to this document (the column is filled in sequentially, starting from the leftmost cell). It is allowed to put the letter in the working design documentation only in specifications and technical conditions. For products developed by order of the Ministry of Defense, the list of design documents on which the letter must be affixed is agreed with the customer (customer’s representative); in the column 5 - weight of the product according to GOST 2.109-73; in column 6 - scale (indicated in accordance with GOST 2.302-68 and GOST 2.109-73); in the column 7 - serial number of the sheet (on documents consisting of one sheet, the column is not filled in); in column 8 - the total number of sheets of the document (the column is filled out only on the first sheet); in column 9 - the name or distinctive index of the enterprise issuing the document (the column is not filled in if the distinctive index is contained in the designation of the document); in column 10 - the nature of the work performed by the person signing the document in accordance with forms 1 and 2. The free line is filled in at the discretion of the developer, for example: “Head of department”, “Head of laboratory”, “Calculated”; in column 11 - the names of the persons who signed the document; in column 12 - signatures of persons whose surnames are indicated in column 11. Signatures of persons who developed this document and those responsible for standard control are mandatory. In the absence of a title page, the signature of the person who approved the document is allowed to be placed on the free field of the first or title page of the document in the manner established for title pages in accordance with GOST 2.105-95. If it is necessary to have a visa of officials on a document, then they are placed in the field for filing the first or title page of the document; in column 13 - the date of signing the document; in columns 14 - 18 - columns of the table of changes, which are filled out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.503-90; in column 19 - the inventory number of the original according to GOST 2.501-88; in column 20 - the signature of the person who accepted the original into the technical documentation department (bureau), and the date of acceptance; in column 21 - the inventory number of the original, in replacement of which this original was issued in accordance with GOST 2.503-90; in column 22 - inventory number of the duplicate according to GOST 2.502-68; in column 23 - the signature of the person who accepted the duplicate to the technical documentation department (bureau), and the date of acceptance; in column 24 - designation of the document in place of or on the basis of which this document was issued. It is also allowed to use a column to indicate the designation of a document of a similar product for which the technological equipment necessary for this product has previously been manufactured; in the column 25 - designation of the corresponding document in which this document was first recorded; in column 26 - document designation, rotated by 180° for A4 format and for formats larger than A4 when the main inscription is located along the long side of the sheet and by 90° for formats larger than A4 when the main inscription is located along the short side of the sheet; in the column 27 - a sign installed by the customer in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation and affixed by the customer’s representative; in column 28 - the number of the decision and the year of approval of the documentation of the corresponding letter; in column 29 - the decision number and year of approval of the documentation;

Title block for drawings and diagrams

Main block for text design documents (first or title page)

Title block for drawings (diagrams) and text design documents (subsequent sheets)

Main inscription for text design documents for double-sided photocopying (subsequent sheets)

In column 30 - the customer’s index in accordance with the regulatory and technical documentation; in column 31 - signature of the person who copied the drawing; in column 32 - designation of the sheet format according to GOST 2.301-68; in column 33 - designation of the zone in which the variable part of the product is located; in column 34 - numbers of copyright certificates for inventions used in this product. Notes:1. Column 26 on form 2a is mandatory only for drawings and diagrams.2. Graphs made with dashed lines are entered if necessary. Columns 27 - 30 are required for documents approved by the customer.3. When using Form 1 for subsequent sheets of drawings and diagrams, columns 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 are not filled in.4. In columns 13, 20, 23 when writing calendar date The year is indicated by the last two digits. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, Amendment).


For A4 format

For formats larger than A4 when the title block is located along the long side of the sheet

For formats larger than A4 when the title block is located along the short side of the sheet

1 - main inscription, 2 - additional columns





Information data on compliance with GOST 2.104-68 and ST SEV 365-76, ST SEV 140-74: clause 1 of GOST 2.104-68 corresponds to the introductory part of ST SEV 365-76; clause 2 corresponds to section. 1 ST SEV 365-76 and subsection 2.5 ST SEV 140-74; clause 4 corresponds to subsection 2.3 of ST SEV 140-74; clause 5 corresponds to subsection 2.4 ST SEV 140-74; clause 7 corresponds to section. 2 ST SEV 365-76. Forms 1, 2, 2 a, 2 b correspond to section 2 of ST SEV 365-76.