Fascist statements. Just a few quotes


G. Himmler
Our tasks do not include the Germanization of the East in the sense as it was previously understood, that is, Germanization, which consists in teaching the population the German language and German laws; We want to ensure that only people of pure German blood live in the East.

M. Borman
The Slavs must work for us. If we no longer need them, they may die. Therefore, mandatory vaccinations and medical care by German doctors seem unnecessary.
The growth of the Slavic population is undesirable.

G. Himmler
I am not in the least interested in the fate of a Russian or a Czech. We will take from other nations that healthy blood of our type that they can give us. If this becomes necessary, we will resort to taking away their children and raising them in our midst. The question of whether a given nation prospers or starves interests me only insofar as we need representatives of a given nation as slaves for our culture; Otherwise, their fate is of no interest to me.

G. Himmler
If ten thousand Russian women collapse from exhaustion while digging anti-tank ditches, it will interest me only to the extent that this anti-tank ditch will be ready for Germany. We must understand that there are 6 or 7 million foreigners in Germany. They pose no danger as long as we take strict action on every little thing.

A. Rosenberg
Apparently, if you subjugate these peoples (the peoples inhabiting the territory of the USSR), then arbitrariness and tyranny will be an extremely suitable form of government.

G. Goering
You were sent there not to work for the welfare of the peoples entrusted to you, but to pump out everything possible.

I intend to rob and effectively. Everything that can be useful to the Germans in the East must be extracted with lightning speed and delivered to Germany.

Providing food to local residents and prisoners of war is unnecessary humanitarianism.

G. Goering
We deprive the enemies of the people of legal protection... We - National Socialists - consciously oppose false gentleness and false humanity... We do not recognize abstruse lawyer inventions and cunning legal subtleties.

After centuries of whining about protecting the poor and downtrodden, the time has come for us to decide to protect the powerful against the inferior. This will be one of the main tasks of the German government activities at all times - to prevent further increase by all means at our disposal.
Slavic race. Natural instincts command all living beings not only to conquer their enemies, but also to destroy them. In the old days, it was the prerogative of the victor to destroy entire tribes, entire peoples.

A. Rosenberg
...The task of providing food for the German people is undoubtedly in first place this year on the list of German claims in the East. Southern Territories and North Caucasus will have to create food supplies for the German people. We see absolutely no reason for any obligation on our part to also supply the Russian people with food products from this additional territory. We know, of course, that this is a cruel necessity, devoid of any feeling. Evacuation on a large scale will become a necessity, beyond all
doubts, and, clearly, history has prepared very difficult years for Russians.

G. Himmler
We are confronted by a population of 180 million, a mixture of different races, even whose name is unpronounceable and whose appearance is such that anyone can shoot them without any pity or emotion...
We Germans are the only people in the world who treat animals fairly, and we are the ones who will treat these subhumans fairly. However, caring for them or giving them some ideals is a crime against our blood...

The Slavs must work for us, and if we no longer need them, let them die. Vaccinations and health protection are unnecessary for them. Slavic fertility is undesirable... education is dangerous. It is enough if they can count to one hundred... Every educated person is our future enemy.
All sentimental objections should be abandoned. This people must be governed with iron determination.

G. Himmler
IN next year we will finally conquer those territories of European Russia that have not yet been occupied... The principle line for us is absolutely clear - these people do not need to be given culture. I want to repeat here word for word what the Fuhrer told me. It is quite enough: firstly, so that children in schools remember road signs and did not throw themselves under cars; secondly, that they learn the multiplication table, but only up to 25; thirdly, so that they learn to sign their last name. They don't need anything else...

In the next 20 years, we must populate with Germans the German eastern provinces from East Prussia to Upper Silesia, the entire General Government (Poland); must Germanize and populate Belarus, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Ingria (Leningrad, Novgorod, Pskov regions.) and Crimea... The German east to the Urals... must become a nursery for the German race, so that in 400-500 years... there will no longer be 120 million Germans ,
as much as 500-600 million. Military speaking, we must kill three to four million Russians a year...

Regarding the newly acquired areas, it should be noted that our task is not to daily scrape off the dirt from the conquered population or to try to instill in them the habit of German neatness. It makes no difference to us whether they mop their houses daily or not. Our mission is not to supervise their daily lives, but to ensure that only our own interests are satisfied.

About Ukraine and Ukrainians

We do not want to make enemies for ourselves prematurely and needlessly. We only act as if we want to implement the mandate. But it must be clear that we will never leave these territories...

Crimea must be liberated from all foreigners and settled by Germans. Old Austrian Galicia will also become the territory of the Reich.

In general, it is very important to cut this huge pie more comfortably in order to:

First, master it

Secondly, to lead them,

Thirdly, exploit it.

There should be no question of allowing the creation of any military force to the West of the Urals, even if for this we have to fight for 100 years... The following principle must remain unchanged: never allow anyone except Germans, carried weapons... Even if later it seems convenient to us to attract conquered foreign peoples to military assistance, this would be a mistake! One day this will definitely and inevitably turn against us. Only a German should bear arms - neither a Slav, nor a Czech, nor a Cossack, nor a Ukrainian...

The most important territory in the next three years is without a doubt Ukraine. That's why Koch is needed there most.

Reichskommissar Koch rejected the idea of ​​a free Ukraine. Slavs - belong to the rabbit family. If the master class does not push them, they themselves will never be able to rise above the rabbit level. Natural state What they are aiming for is general disorganization. Any knowledge given by him, in best case scenario turns into half-knowledge for them, which makes them dissatisfied and anarchic. This is why the idea of ​​creating a university in Kyiv should be abandoned.

Contrary to the opinion of some headquarters, no training or assistance to the local population should be allowed. Signal knowledge traffic it will be enough for them... By freedom, Ukrainians understand that they will wash once a month instead of twice. A German with his toothbrush would soon become unpopular there... Here in the East, a process similar to the conquest of America is being repeated...

On the banks big rivers New German cities must arise, centers for the Wehrmacht, police, administration and party. German farms will stretch along the roads, and the monotonous Asian steppe will soon look completely different. In 10 years, 4 million Germans will live there, and in 20 years - at least 10 million. They will arrive not only from the Reich, but also, above all, from America, from the Scandinavian countries, from Holland and Flanders.

A. Rosenberg
To protests about the actual or possible secession of Ukrainian territories or those that seem to be secession, one must respond:

The German people live in a narrow space. With this war, which saved all of Europe, he won the right to expand his living space. In the Reichskommissariat Ukraine, the resettlement of people in the north and east of its own ethnic space looks completely possible. If Germany agreed to have hundreds of thousands of colonists return, then the resettlement of Western Ukrainians should not seem unheard of.

German colonists contributed great effort, to make the land around the Black Sea fertile... The results of the work of the German colonists are German national property, regardless of previous individual owners...
In any case, it is necessary to take all measures to formalize the Crimean peninsula and the as yet undefined territory up to the Dnieper into a German colony, and then along an arc to the Sea of ​​Azov.

I see the solution to the Ukrainian question, as well as the Polish one, mainly in the fact that they will be at our disposal as a labor force... However, regarding the district of Galicia, it should be noted that here we're talking about about an integral part of the great
The German Reich, and not some Great Ukraine, even in a purely spiritual sense...

The following thought should prevail: this territory of the General Government, immediately after the process of re-Germanization of the eastern territories of the Reich, will be the part closest to Europe and will be subject to complete Germanization.

If Russians, Ukrainians, Kyrgyz and others are able to read and write, this can only harm us.

G. Himmler
Our task is to Germanize the East, not in accordance with the old concept that people must learn the language and obey German laws, but in the sense that the East will be populated only by people of German, Germanic blood.

It is necessary to maintain the low educational level of Ukrainians. Therefore, appropriate school policies must be applied. Three-year schools already provide too much high education. In addition, everything must be done to reduce the high demographic growth in these territories. The Fuhrer provided special measures for this. Because otherwise in a few
For generations, the German people will be pinned to the wall by the biological force of this people.

...7. Do not fight tuberculosis, typhoid. Close hospitals to the population. Suspend the reproduction of local doctors...

9. Hooliganism is punished only when it harms the Germans..

11. Break everything that has a backbone...

15. The Germans should not talk to the population...

Don't think that current conditions will allow you to be less severe than before. Vice versa. Anyone who expects gratitude from the Slavs for their gentle treatment acquired his political experience not in the NSDAP or in the East, but in some club
intellectuals. The Slav understands gentle treatment as a sign of weakness.

I can squeeze every last drop out of this country. The population must work, work and work again. But some are starting to worry that the population may not be getting enough food. The population should not demand this...

We are a dominant people, which means that the racially simplest German worker is biologically 1000 times more valuable compared to the local population.

It is well known that it is Kyiv, and not Moscow, that is the mother of Slavic cities. And there will never be friendship between the Slavs and the Germans, there will only be winners and losers.... Ukraine must be made into a territory of German colonization...

The idea of ​​giving Ukrainians land ownership is madness. How can property be distributed to Ukrainians when millions of Germans lost their property during aerial bombings? The Germans live worse than the Ukrainians, whose women always look fat, have large breasts, etc., and German women must make sacrifice after sacrifice... It is necessary to stop the biological power of Ukraine with an abundance of tobacco and vodka.

A. Rosenberg
The goal of our work is that Ukrainians should work for Germany, that we are not here to make this people happy. Ukraine can provide what Germany lacks. This task must be completed, regardless of losses.

Understand, Rosenberg, I am interested in Ukraine only as a reservoir, as a colony... From the local population, we will leave only those who are loyal to us, young and healthy, capable of doing any kind of work. We don't need the rest.

I want a Pole to kill a Ukrainian when they meet, and, conversely, for a Ukrainian to kill a Pole. If they also shoot a Jew, that will be what we need...

M. Borman
If... these people multiply even faster than now, then this will not only harm our interests, but may even lead to the fact that the ethnic pressure of the Russians, or the so-called Ukrainians, will become dangerous in a relatively short time. This means that it would be beneficial for us to achieve a situation in which these Russians or so-called Ukrainians would not multiply so quickly. After some time, we are going to populate all this former Russian land with Germans.

Meine Ehre heißt Treue!
Loyalty is my honor!

Gott mit uns.
God is with us.

Jedem das Seine.
To each his own.

Wer sich tief weiß, bemüht sich um Klarheit; wer der Menge tief scheinen möchte,
bemüht sich um Dunkelheit.
He who knows a lot strives for clarity; the one who wants to show
that knows a lot, strives into the darkness.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Überzeugungen sind gefährlichere Feinde der Wahrheit als Lügen.
Translation is a more dangerous enemy of truth than lies.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Nicht dass du mich belogst sondern, dass ich dir nicht mehr glaube, hat mich erschüttert.
What shocked me was not that you were deceiving me, but that I no longer believed you.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Wer von seinem Tag nicht zwei Drittel für sich selbst hat, ist ein Sklave.
Anyone who does not have two-thirds of time for himself is a slave.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Wenn man ein Wozu des Lebens hat, erträgt man jedes Wie.
Anyone who has a “Why” to live will endure any “How”.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Was aus Liebe getan wird, geschieht immer jenseits von Gut und Böse.
What is done out of love is always on the other side of good and evil.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Dem wird befohlen, der sich nicht selber gehorchen kann.
They order someone who does not know how to obey himself.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Die Hoffnung ist der Regenbogen über den herabstürzenden Bach des Lebens.
Hope is a rainbow over the falling stream of life.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Weltkind (German) - a person absorbed in earthly interests

Ohne Musik wäre das Leben ein Irrtum.
Without music, life would be stupid.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Phantasie haben heißt nicht, sich etwas ausdenken; es heißt, sich aus den Dingen etwas machen.
Having imagination does not mean inventing something; it means making something new out of things.
Paul Thomas Mann

Religion ist Ehrfurcht - die Ehrfurcht zuerst vor dem Geheimnis, das der Mensch ist.
Religion is reverence - first of all, for the mystery that man represents.
Paul Thomas Mann

Wenn man jemandem alles verziehen hat, ist man mit ihm fertig.
If you have forgiven a person everything, then you are done with him.
Sigmund Freud

In dem Augenblick, in dem ein Mensch den Sinn und den Wert des Lebens bezweifelt, ist er krank.
The moment a person doubts the meaning and value of life, he is sick.
Sigmund Freud

Wir streben mehr danach, Schmerz zu vermeiden als Freude zu gewinnen.
We strive more to avoid pain than to experience joy.
Sigmund Freud

Der Mann ist leicht zu erforschen, die Frau verrät ihr Geheimnis nicht.
A man is easy to recognize, but a woman does not give away her secret.
Immanuel Kant

Schön ist dasjenige, was ohne Interesse gefällt.
What is beautiful is what you like, even without arousing interest.
Immanuel Kant

Habe Mut, dich deines eigenen Verstandes zu bedienen.
Have the courage to use your own mind.
Immanuel Kant

Man muß denken, wie die wenigsten und reden wie die meisten.
You need to think like the few and speak like the majority.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Der Wechsel allein ist das Beständige.
Only change is constant.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Die Freunde nennen sich aufrichtig. Die Feinde sind es.
They call themselves friends. They are enemies.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Vergeben und vergessen heißt kostbare Erfahrungen zum Fenster hinauswerfen.
Forgiving and forgetting means throwing valuable experience out the window.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Wir denken selten an das, was wir haben, aber immer an das, was uns fehlt.
We rarely think about what we have, but always about what we lack.
Arthur Schopenhauer

All unser Übel kommt daher, dass wir nicht allein sein können.
All our troubles come from the fact that we cannot be alone.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Die Grenzen der Sprache sind die Grenzen der Welt.
The boundaries of language are the boundaries of the world.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muß man schweigen.
What cannot be spoken about must be kept silent.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

Es ist selten, daß ein Mensch weiß, was er eigentlich glaubt.
It is rare when a person knows what he really believes.
Oswald Spengler

Es ist unmöglich, jemandem ein Ärgernis zu geben, wenn er es nicht nehmen will.
You cannot insult someone who does not want to be insulted.
Friedrich Schlegel

Die zwei größten Tyrannen der Erde: der Zufall und die Zeit.
The two greatest tyrants in the world: Chance and Time.
Johann Gottfried Herder

Denn nur die freie Neigung ist Liebe, nur wer sich selber hat, kann sich selber geben.
Love can only be voluntary, since only the one who has himself can give himself.
Franz Xaver von Baader

For high-quality translation of texts on a wide range of topics, I recommend contacting the E-Translation company.

Meine Ehre heißt Treue!
Loyalty is my honor!

Gott mit uns.
God is with us.

Jedem das Seine.
To each his own.

Wer sich tief weiß, bemüht sich um Klarheit; wer der Menge tief scheinen möchte,
bemüht sich um Dunkelheit.
He who knows a lot strives for clarity; the one who wants to show
that knows a lot, strives into the darkness.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Überzeugungen sind gefährlichere Feinde der Wahrheit als Lügen.
Translation is a more dangerous enemy of truth than lies.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Nicht dass du mich belogst sondern, dass ich dir nicht mehr glaube, hat mich erschüttert.
What shocked me was not that you were deceiving me, but that I no longer believed you.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Wer von seinem Tag nicht zwei Drittel für sich selbst hat, ist ein Sklave.
Anyone who does not have two-thirds of time for himself is a slave.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Wenn man ein Wozu des Lebens hat, erträgt man jedes Wie.
Anyone who has a “Why” to live will endure any “How”.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Was aus Liebe getan wird, geschieht immer jenseits von Gut und Böse.
What is done out of love is always on the other side of good and evil.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Dem wird befohlen, der sich nicht selber gehorchen kann.
They order someone who does not know how to obey himself.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Die Hoffnung ist der Regenbogen über den herabstürzenden Bach des Lebens.
Hope is a rainbow over the falling stream of life.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Weltkind (German) - a person absorbed in earthly interests

Ohne Musik wäre das Leben ein Irrtum.
Without music, life would be stupid.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Phantasie haben heißt nicht, sich etwas ausdenken; es heißt, sich aus den Dingen etwas machen.
Having imagination does not mean inventing something; it means making something new out of things.
Paul Thomas Mann

Religion ist Ehrfurcht - die Ehrfurcht zuerst vor dem Geheimnis, das der Mensch ist.
Religion is reverence - first of all, for the mystery that man represents.
Paul Thomas Mann

Wenn man jemandem alles verziehen hat, ist man mit ihm fertig.
If you have forgiven a person everything, then you are done with him.
Sigmund Freud

In dem Augenblick, in dem ein Mensch den Sinn und den Wert des Lebens bezweifelt, ist er krank.
The moment a person doubts the meaning and value of life, he is sick.
Sigmund Freud

Wir streben mehr danach, Schmerz zu vermeiden als Freude zu gewinnen.
We strive more to avoid pain than to experience joy.
Sigmund Freud

Der Mann ist leicht zu erforschen, die Frau verrät ihr Geheimnis nicht.
A man is easy to recognize, but a woman does not give away her secret.
Immanuel Kant

Schön ist dasjenige, was ohne Interesse gefällt.
What is beautiful is what you like, even without arousing interest.
Immanuel Kant

Habe Mut, dich deines eigenen Verstandes zu bedienen.
Have the courage to use your own mind.
Immanuel Kant

Man muß denken, wie die wenigsten und reden wie die meisten.
You need to think like the few and speak like the majority.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Der Wechsel allein ist das Beständige.
Only change is constant.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Die Freunde nennen sich aufrichtig. Die Feinde sind es.
They call themselves friends. They are enemies.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Vergeben und vergessen heißt kostbare Erfahrungen zum Fenster hinauswerfen.
Forgiving and forgetting means throwing valuable experience out the window.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Wir denken selten an das, was wir haben, aber immer an das, was uns fehlt.
We rarely think about what we have, but always about what we lack.
Arthur Schopenhauer

All unser Übel kommt daher, dass wir nicht allein sein können.
All our troubles come from the fact that we cannot be alone.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Die Grenzen der Sprache sind die Grenzen der Welt.
The boundaries of language are the boundaries of the world.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muß man schweigen.
What cannot be spoken about must be kept silent.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

Es ist selten, daß ein Mensch weiß, was er eigentlich glaubt.
It is rare when a person knows what he really believes.
Oswald Spengler

Es ist unmöglich, jemandem ein Ärgernis zu geben, wenn er es nicht nehmen will.
You cannot insult someone who does not want to be insulted.
Friedrich Schlegel

Die zwei größten Tyrannen der Erde: der Zufall und die Zeit.
The two greatest tyrants in the world: Chance and Time.
Johann Gottfried Herder

Denn nur die freie Neigung ist Liebe, nur wer sich selber hat, kann sich selber geben.
Love can only be voluntary, since only the one who has himself can give himself.
Franz Xaver von Baader

For high-quality translation of texts on a wide range of topics, I recommend contacting the E-Translation company.

Fascism is a lie told by bandits.

Ernest Hemingway

Fascism, in its essence, is an organization for selecting the most vile scoundrels and scoundrels for the enslavement of all other people... I use the terms “scoundrels” and “scoundrels” only because I don’t find stronger ones.

Maxim Gorky

A poor man, having nothing to be proud of, grabs at the only thing possible and is proud of the nation to which he belongs.

Arthur Schopenhauer

Racism is the snobbery of the plebeians.

Raymond Aron

There is no national science, just as there is no national multiplication table.

Anton Chekhov

A healthy nation is as oblivious to its nationality as healthy person- bones.

Bernard Shaw

With stupid persistence, the fascist leaders are hammering into the heads of the deceived German people the criminal idea of ​​the unconditional superiority of the Germans over all “others.” Numerous observations of the psyche of criminal elements have shown that extreme contempt for “everyone else - not their own” is necessary for both a murderer and a professional thief to justify actions that run counter to the laws of human morality and nobility.

Vsevolod Pudovkin

When the Nazis came for the communists, I was silent, I’m not a communist. Then they came for the Social Democrats, I was silent, I’m not a Social Democrat. Then they came for the trade unionists, I was silent, I’m not a trade union member. Then they came for the Jews, I was silent, I’m not a Jew. And then they came for me, and there was no one left to protest.

Martin Niemöller

Hitler should have had exactly the mustache that he had. But look! The next one might have curls and sideburns!

Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Nationalism is a childhood disease of humanity. Like measles.

Albert Einstein

I free people from the aggravating limitations of reason, from the dirty and degrading self-poisonings of the chimeras called conscience and morality, and from the demands of freedom and personal independence that only a few can enjoy.

Adolf Hitler

The assumption that all people are equal is simply ridiculous... How ironic that the rude Russian peasants who now wear the uniform of generals are judging me...

Goering (during the Nuremberg trials)

Nationalism is a thirst for power mixed with self-deception.

George Orwell

The crazed hooligan attacked Western civilization, but it will be possible to cope with it. It is a matter of spiritual discipline and steadfastness. You shouldn't be deceived. There has never been a single invincible barbarism.

Thomas Mann

The combination of reactionary ideas with revolutionary feelings results in the fascist personality type.

Wilhelm Reich

If the fate of the vanquished were in my hands, I would let them go in peace ordinary people and even some of the leaders... but I would hang all the intellectuals, and hang the professors three feet higher than everyone else.

Victor Klemperer (about those who condoned fascism)

If one fine morning we discovered that from now on all people are of one nation, one faith and one race, then before lunch we would have invented new prejudices.

George Aiken

People, I loved you! Be careful!

Julius Fucik
(the words that end the book “Report with a Noose Around the Neck,” written by a hero of the Resistance in fascist dungeons)

Epigraph: When Russia becomes a fascist state, fascism will be called “a special Russian spirituality.”
(c) I

How sick I am of these skeptics on the Internet who don’t believe anything and for every your word They require you to send them original documents as evidence. Let's talk about a popular Churchill quote:

“Fascists of the future will call themselves anti-fascists”

Everyone repeats this, but In fact Churchill said nothing of the sort. This is easy to find on the English-language Internet. Here is a photo of the author of the original quote:

His name was Huey Pierce Long (1893 - 1935) and he was a U.S. Senator from Louisiana (shot and killed). The phrase attributed to Churchill in the mouth of Long sounded like this:

When Fascism comes to America, it will (be in the name of/come under the guise of/be called) anti-Fascism!”

Attributed to Huey Long in 1935 by various writers in 1938-1943

When fascism comes to the USA it will be called anti-fascism.

Here is a scan from the book “The Kingfish in Fiction: Huey P. Long and the Modern American Novel” by Keith Perry.


Roughly the same thesis was used in 1938 in an article published in The New York Times (September 12, 1938). Americans are warned:

When and if fascism comes to America it will not be labeled “made in Germany”; it will not be marked with a swastika; it will not even be called fascism; it will be called, of course, “Americanism.”

If fascism ever comes to the United States, it won't have the "made in Germany" sticker on it; there will be no swastikas on it; it will not be called fascism at all; and it will be called, of course, “Americanism.”

However, there is undoubtedly some truth in the quote in question. Take, for example, the proposal of the Russian-spiritual-Orthodox Okhlobystin, warmly supported by the “patriots” (well, those who wear St. George’s ribbons, fight with Bandera, defend the glory of the Soviet Victors of the Second World War) to burn gays in stoves. And in general, no matter what “patriot” you look at, who is on his page on social media. online hangs an American flag with a swastika and an image of the grin of capitalism - and you will see a Black Hundred who is just waiting for him to take part in a Jewish pogrom with impunity.

The photo below shows how young Russian fascist patriots are fighting for Orthodox spiritual values:

Russian society approves of this. Hitler also began with the repression of sexual minorities.

Cult of tradition, rejection of modernity, disagreement is betrayal, pacifism is fraternization with the enemy, newspeak, “judgment of the people on television,” contempt for intellectuals