Feng Shui New Year. New Year according to Feng Shui: where to put the Christmas tree

The New Year is always about hoping for the best! Feng Shui has some secrets on how to celebrate the New Year so that it brings pleasant surprises and attracts favorable energies not only for the near future, but throughout the next year!

Preliminary preparations before the New Year

Let's start with simple basic things that almost anyone can do.

To ensure that the favorable energy of Qi feels at ease in your home next year, be sure to do a pre-New Year cleansing.

First, get rid of unnecessary junk and throw it away without the slightest regret. All the same, you are unlikely to use old things, and the Qi energy around them stagnates and acts extremely negatively.

Secondly, clean up. Even if your home is already sparkling clean, do it anyway. This is, in a way, an activation designed to strengthen the home’s immunity against various misfortunes. Just wipe the furniture, floors and windows from dust, clean any stains (if any).

To carry out this activation, take advantage of favorable dates. These days will be the best time to clean your home. Then the effect will happen faster and it will appear stronger.

Christmas tree

A decorated Christmas tree, with bright shiny toys, garlands, lanterns and other joys, will not only decorate your home for the New Year holidays, but will also become a powerful activator.

Therefore, it is important that it activates favorable energy and does not disturb the bad one. And in different rooms there are energies that are completely different in nature!

So, first of all, where should NOT place the Christmas tree?

Bad places to place a bright Christmas tree that attracts attention are the sectors where the negative Feng Shui star Five Yellow is located. It is also not recommended to make a lot of noise in these rooms during the New Year holidays.

Better hang metal bells here. They not only produce beautiful melodic sounds, but also distract unfavorable energies.

Where to put the Christmas tree?

And it is best to place the Christmas tree in favorable sectors that help improve financial well-being. Here you can not only install and brightly decorate a beautiful Christmas tree, but it is also possible to make some noise and turn on loud music. In addition, it will be beneficial to light candles and sparklers. Of course, subject to compliance with basic fire safety rules.

If the New Year tree is decorated modestly and does not attract much attention, then you can put the tree anywhere.

You can freely obtain information about favorable and unfavorable sectors for each month in the monthly Feng Shui forecast of our website.

Do you need to put something special on the New Year's table?

Theoretically, the time when the energies of the year come into force does not occur on December 31, when we celebrate the New Year holiday, but only in early February. Therefore, on December 31, decorating the festive table or dressing in something special in order to “please the animal of the year” is not at all necessary. Although, if you want to dress up, for example, as a snake or a dragon, or a tiger and arrange the corresponding figures, then this is absolutely not forbidden!

The above tips for a successful New Year's Eve feng shui are quite enough. Just put on your table the decorations and dishes that you like, using, of course, the most beautiful dishes. According to tradition, make your wish at the chime of the clock... And let all the secrets of Feng Shui help attract favorable energies for its speedy implementation!

  • How to celebrate the New Year according to Feng Shui?
  • What to wear for the New Year of the Rooster 2017?
  • Where to put a Christmas tree according to Feng Shui?
  • What to eat and drink?

And what of all this makes sense and what doesn’t? Let's look at it in order!

You can see advice that when celebrating the New Year of the Rooster 2017, it is advisable to use colors in clothes that correspond to the sign of the upcoming year.

The Rooster belongs to Metal, and the element of the year in the heavenly trunk is Fire.

The colors of Fire are red and all its shades.

Metal colors - white, yellow, silver, gold and other metallic shades.

And therefore, recommendations are often given - in order to match the character of the Fire Rooster, you should wear red clothes with the addition of white, yellow, metal, or something metal along with red for the New Year 2017 holiday. Moreover, since Fire is at the top and the Rooster (Metal) is at the bottom, some may additionally advise wearing a red top and a white bottom.

In reality, the year of the Fire Rooster does not begin at 0:00 on January 1, but only on February 3, 2017, since the animals are replaced not according to the Western, but according to the solar Chinese calendar. Therefore, wearing something special just to celebrate the Rooster in the New Year “according to Feng Shui” does not make much sense. From a Feng Shui point of view, this is absolutely not important. Wear whatever you want based on your own taste, style, or New Year's traditions. But if there is a strong desire to try on something in accordance with the Fire Rooster, then you can use the tips above.

Where should you put your Christmas tree according to Feng Shui to welcome 2017?

In recent years, as Feng Shui has gained popularity, the question “where to put a Christmas tree according to Feng Shui” has become more and more frequently asked.

Feng Shui experts, as a rule, recommend putting up a Christmas tree based on the annual and monthly flying stars. In December, before the onset of 2017, some sectors in the house are more favorable, others less so. It is usually recommended to put up a Christmas tree in places where good flying stars have arrived.

Good sectors for a Christmas tree are east and southeast

On southeast pregnant energy. Who wants to get pregnant, move the bed to the southeast, and also place a Christmas tree in the eastern room in the easternmost sector - the decorations of the Christmas tree should be blue, black or red.

On east energy of money received in a pleasant way, joyfully, with pleasure. If this is your goal, place your tree here! Christmas tree decorations should be red. And let the garland never stop blinking!

But at the same time, you should adhere to common sense. If the southeast or east in your apartment is occupied by a storage room, bathroom, toilet, or room where no one goes, and, accordingly, no one will see the tree, then placing it, of course, will not be a good idea.

If it is not possible to place a Christmas tree in these rooms, place it in any room, but in the eastern or southeastern sector. Well, for those who have a one-room apartment and don’t have space even in the eastern or southeastern sector, put there not a full-fledged large Christmas tree, but a small one - the main thing is that the lights blink on it. Fortunately, there are now quite a lot of different artificial Christmas trees with lights of all sizes, down to the smallest ones!!!

If this is not possible in your apartment, just put your New Year tree where you want to see it, even if the place is less favorable from the point of view of Feng Shui of flying stars. Just don’t turn on the garlands on it, and then it won’t activate anything bad!!!

In addition to the “favorable” ones, there are also “unfavorable sectors”. Before the New Year, in December - Thisnortheast, south and northwest. If you are going to put up a Christmas tree in one of these sectors for New Year 2017, then it is advisable to meet some conditions.

On a Christmas tree installed in the northeast, south or northwest there should be no sources of open fire - for example, burning candles, and firecrackers are also undesirable. In addition, in these sectors you should not drill walls or hammer nails in order to install any fastenings for the “New Year’s tree” or to hang a garland. A Christmas tree placed quietly and without unnecessary noise will not “activate” negative energy in the sector, which means it will not create any problems. Therefore, if there is no other place for a Christmas tree in your house, but you really want to put up a New Year’s beauty, do not turn on the garlands on it, do not hang red (activating) decorations!

How to celebrate the New Year and what to eat and drink?

This question can be answered by looking at the date January 1, 2017 - that is, the first day of the New Year.

Earth Rat Day is not a good combination for the day of the world hangover! Even a person who does not know Chinese medicine will understand my sarcasm - imagine any water (the Rat in the earthly branch of the day is associated with it), to which you add even a little earth - the water will instantly cease to be perfectly transparent. And if you add a lot of earth, you end up with dirt.

Therefore, it is very important to eat only easily digestible food at the New Year's table, and drink proven drinks - because poisoning will be an undesirable companion in the New Year!!! But in Russia, it is for the New Year’s table that we prepare heavy and hearty salads, bake meat, cook jellied meat, etc., but this food cannot be called “easily digestible”.

Also, the abundance of water in the Earthly Branches of this day will contribute to swelling and stagnation - which again indicates to us that we need to eat light and not over-salted food in order to avoid this as much as possible. But the main snacks: olives, salami, caviar, mayonnaise and other holiday ingredients are very, very salty!

All recommendations are especially relevant for people with a tendency to be overweight, who were on diets before the New Year. And on New Year’s Day they dream of “breaking their fast.” It will be very difficult for the body to overcome such a double load!!!

As for how to celebrate the New Year and how to behave, make the most of this time. There are no special recommendations in this regard in Feng Shui. Only if after the chimes you want to go outside, don’t forget to dress warmly! Because the cold does not sleep, and it does not have holidays or weekends.

I wish everyone a happy New Year 2017! May all your dreams come true!

The wonderful poet R. Kipling, who traveled to many countries, philosophically noted that “West is West, East is East, and they cannot come together…”. That's how it is, but what can we do - our compatriots love holidays! And we even agree to add oriental symbols to the company for our magical New Year, which we celebrate twice on a large scale according to the Gregorian and Julian calendars - in 2013 it will be the Water Black Snake, which will come into legal rights only from February 10th. In order to appease the above-mentioned reptile in advance, we are interested in what to cook, what to wear for the New Year? How can all this be combined and balanced? Read our recommendations.

Feng Shui will tell you

Feng Shui is an ancient oriental art of organizing a place with a long history, which is the result of the combination of Chinese astrology, the interaction of Yin and Yang, the theory of the five elements and the concept of Qi energy.
The Chinese art of Feng Shui, which has gained popularity in Russia, is not only the ancient art of harmonization and arrangement of space, but also a powerful science that offers ways to organize your home, room or workplace in such a way that energy flows help people find good luck , mutual understanding, health and wealth.

Indeed, from the point of view of energies, a person’s environment and he himself are a single whole. Feng Shui energy changes from year to year. And in order for New Year's changes in the interior to bring positive changes to your life, it makes sense to follow some Feng Shui rules.

According to Feng Shui, positive energy comes into our home through windows and doors.

There shouldn’t be any obstacles in its path, so before the holiday it’s worth doing a general cleaning and sorting out all the rubble, washing and washing everything. Without regret, part with old things that you have not used for more than six months: clothes, old newspapers, unnecessary dishes - believe me, along with them all troubles and failures will leave the house. And on the mezzanines too!

And don’t forget about the balcony, it’s okay, dress warmly... Cleanliness and order in the house is a condition for maintaining its energy. Experts advise at this time to get rid of mental and emotional trash in your head.

Where to put the Christmas tree?

By installing a spruce tree in an apartment, we are changing the feng shui of our homes, albeit for a short time. According to Feng Shui masters, a properly placed Christmas tree can not only give New Year’s joy, but also attract additional luck into our lives this year.

A Christmas tree with balls and garlands brings a lot of yang energy into the house.

This is wonderful, because in winter we have yin energy - frozen water, darkness, cold. A little more positive energy in the house normalizes the energy balance. So don’t be afraid to create a bright and shiny environment in your home: on frosty days this is not only possible, but even necessary.

Choosing a place for the Christmas tree

What are your expectations for the coming year? What do you think you need to be happy? Love, money, respect, children's well-being, career? Then - attention! - the secret is that, according to the Feng Shui compass, you need to put the Christmas tree in the right corner. By the way, the front door must open completely.

Rules for attracting luck

  • If it is important to improve your financial situation, Feng Shui recommends installing a spruce tree in the southeast corner of the room; this sector is responsible for financial well-being and material security. A Christmas tree, even a small one, “tabletop”, will play the role of a “money tree”.
  • If in the new year you want to change your life for the better by strengthening your reputation, image and public opinion, and gain fame, then feel free to put up a Christmas tree in the south.
  • Please note: career and financial well-being vary. Finance can also be an inheritance. If you are worried about the lack of career growth, or are not satisfied with your current place of work or earnings, you can correct the situation by placing the Christmas tree in the north, in the Career sector.
  • If your task in the new year is to meet or develop a love relationship, then you need to find a place for a forest guest in the Love sector (southwest). Traditionally, it is customary to place paired figures here (Santa Claus and Snow Maiden are suitable).
  • You can strengthen family relationships if you activate the Family sector (on the plane - east), filling it with fresh positive energy.
  • If the New Year in your family is primarily a children's holiday, or, alternatively, you are planning to increase your family size in the new year, as well as write a book or succeed in another form of art, the place for the Christmas tree in the west is the Children and Creativity sector .
  • If the spruce is located in the northeast, this will help expand your contacts with the outside world, develop creative and intellectual abilities, and self-improvement.
  • If your desire is to make new acquaintances, travel, have more friends, get influential patrons, and be more relaxed and sociable in the new year, then the place for the Christmas tree is the northwest.
  • However, the ideal place for spruce is the center of the room, since this restores the energy balance in the room (and, accordingly, in the life of each family member) and absolutely all sectors are activated. By the way, if the space in the apartment does not allow you to install the spruce in the right place, you can place decorated spruce branches, which also have positive energy, in a particularly problematic sector.

And a few more tips

The tree must stand very firmly, evenly, and not fall on its side, otherwise your dreams will be weak and frail. If the tree is alive, be sure to fill the butt with sand and constantly add water to keep the sand moist.

And don’t wait until the Christmas tree standing in a sector that is important to you begins to crumble and become covered with dust - throw it away early, otherwise it will attract negative energy into the house instead of favorable energy.

Decorating the Christmas tree

Decorating a New Year's tree is a joyful event when everyone gives the tree a piece of their own soul. An energetically charged fir tree decorated according to Feng Shui will help you achieve prosperity and success in the new year.

The Water Snake is strongly associated with the water element, and therefore, on the eve of 2013, it is advisable to support the water sympathies of the cold-blooded reptile and decorate the spruce with blue balls. You can diversify the decoration with the help of toys in golden, silver and red colors. All toys should be hung on red threads or silver ribbons.

Miniature scarlet and blue bows hung on spruce trees everywhere will help attract positive energy. Silver threads of rain and garlands, tiny chests with money wrapped in golden paper and symbols of the coming year would also be appropriate. Toys can be made of glass, wood, ceramics, but it is advisable to avoid metal jewelry in the Year of the Snake.

It’s very good to use symbolism in New Year’s decorations. Coins, paper bills intertwined with red ribbons (the higher their denomination, the better), bells, New Year's angel toys, paired symbols (talismans of family happiness), hieroglyphs symbolizing good luck and happiness, sweets, gingerbread cookies. There are no such things as too many symbols. The bigger, the better.

It is advisable to decorate the Christmas tree with homemade toys. Just be sure to do them with the whole family, with children. Everything is used: walnuts, crackers, tangerines, sweets. They can be covered with foil or bright red paper.

The more gold and silver flowers, the more actively you attract prosperity into your home.

At the same time, listen to your inner voice, which always correctly tells you whether the overall harmony is maintained or not.

Science of symbols

If we surround ourselves with favorable symbols, then we create a harmonious environment that changes our life the way we want it. Therefore, place talismans of happiness in your homes and believe that in the new year it will definitely knock on your home.

For example, it is believed that if we place a figurine of a bat, which in Chinese is called “Fu” - happiness, then we will create a kind of magnet for the subconscious, in which there is a reflection of “happiness”. It is good to place paintings depicting Feng Shui symbols in the right sectors. For example, if a girl wants to get married, hang a picture with peonies on the southwestern wall of her room.

Images of a bridge connecting opposite banks are aimed at improving family relationships. Paintings depicting fire, sunrises and sunsets will help strengthen your reputation. Paintings of trees, especially bamboo and sakura, as well as seascapes will attract the energy of wealth into your home. Place these images in the east and the positive energy will help strengthen your family.

Gifts should be given in bright packaging, it is advisable to choose red for this. An excellent combination of red and gold. And be sure to give... a couple of tangerines. In Chinese, the phrase “a pair of tangerines” is similar to the word “gold”.

So we are approaching the most important thing that can happen on New Year's Eve - the expectation of a miracle, the belief that our dreams and desires will come true on New Year's Eve.

You can put a wish chest under the tree, into which each family member can put their wishes written on paper. After the end of the New Year's celebrations, this chest is placed in front of the mirror, and at the end of the year, by the way, you can check how well the wish fulfillment department is working by simply reading each of them. And most often it turns out that large and serious desires come true, while momentary or unnecessary ones are ignored by the heavenly office.

By the way

If we consider the Christmas tree from the point of view of Feng Shui, then this is the only tree in our latitudes that has the shape of a triangle, which, according to ancient Chinese tradition, is a symbol of fire. And esotericists agree that human thoughts that have been baptized by fire materialize. Is this why most fortune telling and magical rituals are carried out by candlelight or around a fire?

The needles on the Christmas tree enhance its magical influence, since any thorns on the plants are an excellent conductor of energy. Therefore, after writing a letter to Santa Claus, do not forget to dictate it to your Christmas tree - so that your wishes come true, because the Christmas tree is the most reliable way to contact the Granter of your wishes.

New Year's table

Feng Shui experts advise choosing a blue tablecloth or a white tablecloth with blue napkins for the New Year's table. As for the dishes, it should preferably be transparent, crystal, blue, dark blue, indigo, black. Be sure to light the candles.

The snake approves of traditional cooking, but also welcomes gourmet delicacies. Place fruit in a beautiful vase in the center of the table (in the health sector).

The New Year's table, bursting with food and drinks, must be dismantled immediately after the feast, otherwise the accumulated negative energy will subsequently settle in both the refrigerator and the room. Try waking up in the new year with a perfectly clean table - you will see how much easier the new year will start.

We hope the recommendations for 2013 will help you lay a solid foundation for your well-being and organize your home in such a way as to achieve optimal energy balance in the places where you are most often present.

And we would like to wish you that all your wishes come true, regardless of when and where they are made, that the coming year will be successful, that the mood will always be festive. But the most important thing is that warmth and comfort always reign in your family.

P.S. Even if you were unable to follow a single recommendation, do not be discouraged: know that the Universe loves you no matter what!!! With coming!

Traditionally, the beginning of a new year is associated with the passing of sorrows and sorrows. We hope that all the bad things will remain in the past year, and good and joyful events will fill our home. But in order to attract good luck and prosperity into your home, you need to celebrate the holiday according to all the rules of Feng Shui! This ancient Chinese teaching is a complex art that helps you organize your living space and set it up to achieve certain goals. The main task of Feng Shui is to attract and concentrate positive energy in the home.

To achieve all possible benefits in 2017, you will need to appease your patron animal. This year will be held under the leadership of the Fire Rooster - an emotional, passionate, honest and impulsive bird. The Year of the Rooster promises a lot of new opportunities, but only if we are able to make an effort and show hard work. You can attract the attention of the Rooster with the help of honesty, courage and originality. A few simple recommendations will help you have a successful and prosperous year.

How to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster according to Feng Shui?

The first goal of the New Year's celebration according to Feng Shui is to expel from the house all the problems and misfortunes that 2016 brought us. First of all, we need to start with a general cleaning of our home, because for joy and positive events we need to clear the space. Pre-New Year cleaning according to Feng Shui is not just about washed floors and dust-free furniture.

The Chinese believe that any trash and unnecessary things prevent cosmic energy from penetrating into our apartment or house. Go through all the contents of cabinets, drawers with papers and dishes, check the desktop of your computer or laptop. Anything that is superfluous should be thrown away, removed, or distributed to people in need. In addition, Chinese teachings say that positive energy comes into the home along with sunlight.

Make sure that nothing interferes with the penetration of life-giving rays. If you are a fan of indoor flowers, move them to a special stand. Window sills must be completely empty. In order to ensure the movement of stagnant energy, rearrange at least a few interior items. Ideally, before the New Year, you should do at least minor cosmetic repairs, but not everyone can do this task.

Cleaning before the New Year

Before the New Year, you need to throw away everything unnecessary from your home and thoughts.
Cleaning your home is just one of the preparation steps. After it, you have to do “cleaning” in your head. Chinese sages say that you need to enter the New Year refreshed - remove anxious thoughts, get rid of negativity and tune in to a positive mood, attracting the right energy into life. Be sure to forgive everyone who has offended you, and every day give yourself the mindset that you and your loved ones are healthy and happy.

Once you have done a thorough cleaning of your thoughts and premises, you can start decorating for the holidays. One of the main decorative elements of the New Year is the festive beauty of the spruce. Usually the tree is placed where, in our opinion, it is clearly visible and takes up little space. However, from a Feng Shui point of view, this is a completely wrong approach.

The Chinese themselves do not put up a New Year tree, but an analogue of our forest beauty is the so-called “tree of light”, which is installed depending on the goals set for 2017. The main annual setting can be very different. The correct location for the spruce tree will help ensure its implementation.

If the main goal is to attract financial flows into the house, you should place a tree in the southeast of the room;
A Christmas tree placed in the east will help get rid of scandals and strengthen the family;
Ambitious individuals should install a forest beauty in the southern part of the room - this will ensure recognition and glory;
A Christmas tree placed in the central part of the room will help get rid of health problems;
Those who are focused on pregnancy and a successful birth should place a New Year's tree in the west;
Success in career advancement will be ensured by a spruce tree placed in the north;
If you want to get smart, place the tree in the northeast;
Fans of tourist trips and travel should set aside a northwestern corner for the tree.
The Fire Rooster will be delighted with the many LED lights and shiny “rain”. The shape that attracts positive fire energy is a triangle, so make some red or gold triangle envelopes and place Chinese coins in them. Hang the envelopes on the Christmas tree or place them in the south-eastern corners of the rooms.

New Year tree according to Feng Shui

The Christmas tree needs to not only be properly decorated, but also positioned well!
Decorations for 2017 should be made mainly in golden, scarlet, sunny orange and yellow tones. Wrap gifts prepared for your family or friends in scarlet or yellow paper. Don't forget about the main Chinese souvenir - tangerines. They need to be prepared for every guest who crosses the threshold of your home. To attract prosperity, everyone needs to be given two orange fruits.

Make sure that not a single room in the house or apartment is left without decorations - bright garlands, Chinese lanterns and coins tied in pairs will help you win the sympathy of the symbol of the new year 2017. Place Rooster figurines and paired candles on tables or shelves - this way you will ensure family happiness and love. The Chinese generally love paired items, as they believe that every person should have a soul mate.

Festive table according to Feng Shui

The New Year's table is one of the main components of the holiday party. It is not only the decor itself that is important, but the shape in which the tabletop is made. The Chinese believe that the blessing of the Universe can be attracted by sitting at a round or oval table on a festive night. If your table is made in the more traditional shape of a rectangle or square, disguise it with flowing folds of the tablecloth.

Table decoration should include red or yellow elements - this could be a tablecloth, plates, bright napkins, gravy boats, pepper shakers or candles. Don't forget about the chairs - they can also be draped with red or gold covers. Hang a bunch of Chinese bells on the back of the chair - their melodious chime will help drive away evil spirits.

Keep the table decoration in a “rooster” red and gold color scheme
The rooster is far from an ascetic, so take care of a rich and tasty table. Before the onset of the New Year, the whole Chinese family prepares a lot of small triangular dumplings - spend one of the New Year's Eve evenings making this delicious dish. Place a vase with tangerines in the center of the table. The rooster will be pleased if you refrain from chicken and prepare as many dishes as possible from a variety of cereals and grains.

The 2017 table should include a lot of fresh vegetables, parsley, celery and dill, a variety of desserts and sweets. The Rooster loves naturalness, so you should give up intricate and difficult to prepare dishes. It’s better to simply bake the meat in the oven, and when choosing salads, give preference to vegetable versions of this culinary delight. Sweets should be made from nuts and grains - prepare kozinaki, baklava and puffed caramelized corn for your guests.

Knowing the colors of the owner of 2017 will help you choose the right New Year's outfit. Each of the dominant shades has its own meaning. A well-chosen color will help attract the energy of health, wealth, success and good luck into your life. The rooster is a dapper bird; it loves everything beautiful, catchy and rich. The fire element only emphasizes these character traits of the Rooster. Remember the list of colors that will be the main ones in 2017.

Don't be afraid of bright accents - you can't do without them in 2017!
Rich yellow and gold color. An outfit made in these colors will help “hint” the Rooster that you would like to improve your financial well-being;
Bright orange. This color works to attract health to its wearer;
Coral color will make your 2017 a good year;
Red color. An outfit in such shades should be prepared for individuals who want to strengthen their willpower and spirit;
The scarlet color will help attract love into your life;
Dark wine and burgundy will contribute to a stable and measured life.
The Rooster loves everything natural, so women should prepare a dress made of natural silk, noble satin or aristocratic velvet. Cotton and linen are also popular, but these simple fabrics should be complemented with lace or sequins. At the same time, you should avoid excessive pretentiousness and excessive originality of style. If you choose an outfit with a neckline, then the back should be closed and vice versa.

The symbol of the New Year will like classic styles, so you can choose a beautiful sheath dress or suit. The outfit can be complemented with accessories made of precious metals or stones - gold chains, earrings and bracelets will be quite appropriate. But unnatural jewelry should be avoided. It is better to choose a simple hairstyle - natural curls, loose hair and light haircuts will suit the Rooster’s taste.

There should be a place for mysterious smokey and scarlet lipstick in your look!
Men should also not forget about the need to appease the owner of 2017. Of course, not every man can wear a scarlet or orange suit. But even a traditional outfit can be brightened up with an orange or red tie by choosing gold-plated cufflinks and a tie clip. For a friendly party, you can wear a bright sweater, T-shirt or pullover, tie a silk scarf, or otherwise appease the Rooster.

Celebrating the New Year in a good mood, in a good mood, with a pleasant thrill of anticipation will bring success, happiness and health. We begin to prepare for the upcoming New Year's Eve in advance. We buy and hide gifts, decorate rooms, install and decorate the Christmas tree, prepare a festive dinner and set the New Year's table. All this creates a festive atmosphere and positive energy around us. Very soon the New Year 2019 will come - a time of new achievements, ideas and achievements. Everything old must be left in the past year, and the new one must be met exclusively with positive thoughts, without any burden on the soul, joyfully and cheerfully. The Chinese teaching of Feng Shui professes the ideals of positivity, pure thoughts and harmony of the soul.

Cleanliness and order for the New Year 2019 according to Feng Shui

Before installing the Christmas tree and decorating your home with New Year's decor, it is necessary to ensure complete cleanliness in all rooms. The teachings of Feng Shui strongly recommend getting rid of old unnecessary things and all sorts of rubbish. Order and cleanliness in the house will remove all obstacles to the emergence of energies of happiness, prosperity and harmony. The Chinese believe that any trash and unnecessary things prevent cosmic energy from penetrating into our apartment or house. Go through all the contents of cabinets, drawers with papers and dishes, check the desktop of your computer or laptop. Anything that is superfluous should be thrown away, removed, or distributed to people in need. In addition, Chinese teachings say that positive energy comes into the home along with sunlight.

Place for a Christmas tree according to Feng Shui in 2019

The main symbol of the New Year in our area, in China, by the way, they don’t put up a Christmas tree, but there are Feng Shui recommendations on this matter. A Christmas tree, alive and decorated, (I personally don’t support an artificial Christmas tree, like artificial flowers, in the house) carries a huge amount of Yang energy, which can help you a lot, and can also harm you. The first question that needs to be answered if you decide to celebrate the New Year according to Feng Shui, where to put the Christmas tree so that it is both beautiful and correct? The answer is wherever you see fit, the main thing is to adhere to the principles of the 8 Bagua sectors: take into account the ruling element of the sector in which the Christmas tree stands and decorate your beauty with toys of the correct shape, color and symbolism. The best place, in my opinion, is the Wealth sector (South-East), the ruling element of Wood, activating is Water, which means blue balls, wave-shaped decorations, garlands (symbol of Fire) can also be used in this sector, a Christmas tree in the South-East will strengthen Your material well-being. If you want to strengthen some other sector, place the tree there. Don't forget to add decoration in the form of the animal ruler of the New Year. According to Feng Shui, all objects in the house should be arranged relative to the cardinal directions. Then the energy is directed in the right direction and ensures the speedy achievement of goals and the fulfillment of desires. In addition, it attracts health, love and prosperity.

New Year's decorations according to Feng Shui for 2019 Year of the Pig

After correctly positioning and decorating the New Year's tree, you can hang Feng Shui symbols on it, for example, a ball with a drawn Chinese character, a red lantern with a tassel, or a coin with a hole. In addition, yellow Pig figurines, the symbol of 2019, should be placed in the house. There is very little left to do: just imagine the flows of positive energy penetrating the house and filling the rooms and non-residential premises. And don't forget about another Chinese tradition - fortune cookies. It will make the New Year's Eve even more joyful and enjoyable. For the Pig, its home is very important, so it needs to be decorated with special care. If possible, change the curtains and bedspreads on sofas and beds to yellow-brown ones, choose a yellow tablecloth for the New Year's table, ideally without patterns, but unobtrusive floral prints are acceptable, the same goes for napkins. It is very important that there is a burning white candle in the middle of the table, complemented by fir branches and gold ribbons.

Don’t forget about decorating the windows - you can draw snowflakes on them or cut them out of paper and stick them, but there should be only a few of them - restraint in everything. As for the tinsel, it will add zest to the New Year's interior, but at the same time it will not anger the hostess of the year if it is yellow, gold or silver. Do not use tinsel in bright colors. On the door you should hang a wreath decorated with gold and brown ribbons, and be sure to have a bell that will notify you of the arrival of guests. The Pig must know who is entering her house and when. You can hang gold-colored balls and candies in the form of medals from the chandelier; they will look original. All kinds of wooden pyramids will be a wonderful decoration for your New Year's home.

Principles of making wishes according to Feng Shui in the Year of the Pig

When making a wish, never use the particle “not”. For example: “I don’t want to be fat!” It’s better to say this: “I want to be slim, beautiful, healthy and blooming!” and some of this will definitely come true. Before you make a wish on New Year's Eve, you should think about how it should come true. For example: “I would like to go on a trip around the world,” but you can go on a trip around the world not only as a tourist, but also for work, for example. Therefore, it is better to make your wish like this: - “I want to go on a big beautiful ship on a trip around the world with... - and complement your desire with other details. When you make a wish, believe without a doubt that your wish will certainly come true. You should not have any doubts about this. And after your wish is made, release it into the Universe and forget about it for a while. Visualize that your wish has already come true. For example, if you want a luxury car, imagine its color, interior, how you will sit in it. Visualize everything down to the smallest detail. Don’t forget to say positive affirmations out loud for the speedy fulfillment of your desire. Make yourself a symbol of a fulfilled desire. For example, a key or some kind of figurine. And carry this symbol with you until your wish comes true.

The process of making a wish is quite long, but in order for the wish to come true quickly and easily, all people need to act differently. For example, if your zodiac sign is Aries, Sagittarius or Leo, then your assistant in making your desire come true is fire. To make a wish, choose a time when no one will disturb you, preferably in the dark. Light a candle and make wishes while looking at the candle flame. Write down your wish and if you want something to leave your life, then immediately burn this piece of paper. And if you want something new to come into your life, then read your wish by candlelight as often as possible. If you are Cancer, Pisces or Scorpio, then your assistant is water. And you will have to make a wish on the bank of a river or any body of water. Make a wish, write it on a piece of paper, make a boat out of paper and set it adrift.

If you were born under the sign of Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn, then food and money will be your helpers. Make only one wish at a time, holding a coin in your hands, then carry the coin with you until the wish comes true. But remember that during this period you should not lend money to anyone. If you are protected by such signs as Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, then your helpers in fulfilling your desire are cheerful friends, air and clouds. If you want to make wishes, then gather a large, cheerful company and make a wish during the general fun. You can make several wishes. You can also make a wish in the fresh air, looking at the sky. And we want to wish you that all your wishes come true, regardless of when and where they are made, that the coming year will be successful, that the mood will always be festive. But the most important thing is that we wish you that warmth and comfort always reign in your family.

New Year's table according to Feng Shui in 2019

I won’t go into too much detail here—the richer and more varied, the better. A beautiful tablecloth, napkins, and candles will come in handy. The only nuance of the New Year according to Feng Shui is that it is recommended to fold the table and remove it immediately after the end of the feast, so that on the first of the month, when you open your eyes, you see a clean tablecloth, a basket of fruit and a couple of candles, and not a mountain of dirty dishes and half-eaten salads. I understand that sometimes I’m so lazy to clean the table at 5 am, but let Feng Shui inspire you, which will definitely thank you for your efforts with good luck in the New Year!