Fortune telling on Lenormand cards for the near future. Lenormand cards layouts. Fortune telling four cards Lenormand

Fortune telling with Lenormand cards is considered a reliable fortune telling that has been used for a long time. The main and main condition for fortune telling is that the questioner must believe in all this, and not guess out of simple curiosity.

It happens that girls guess about love day and night. In this case, you can miscalculate your love. Cards don't like being asked the same thing over and over again. You need to have a sense of proportion in everything, even in fortune telling.

Designed to support and comfort families, the Serene Man enhances the peace and harmony that should reign in homes. A mediator and protector, you place your neighbor's well-being and happiness above your personal wills. He has purity of character and simplicity. Never abandon those who need it.

Angels are messengers and servants of God. They are sent to us with a mission to ensure our safety and that we do not deviate from the Creator's plan. Since we have free will and individuality, we must talk to them voluntarily and seek help and solutions for our lives. They act for us, but they are not resolved for us.

4 card spread

An interesting and fairly simple fortune telling is the four-card spread. To do this, take the Lenormand deck, which is thoroughly mixed and shuffled. Then you need to mentally think of a question of interest and begin the layout. Fortune telling for 4 cards is laid out so that three of them are on top and the fourth is on the bottom.

When we keep in touch with our personal Angel, who accompanies us from the moment of birth, by talking, we are still connected to our intuition and to our Divine Spark. He is directly related to the entire hierarchy, whose first five orders or choirs are in the service of humanity.

  • The angelic hierarchy consists of the first order: angels, archangels and principalities. Second order: powers, virtues and dominions. And the third order: thrones, cherubim and seraphim, which are the celestial beings most associated with the primordial Wave.
  • The first card interprets the question about the past. What events or situations influenced the problem that arose. Reasons for the question and background. The second of them, which comes immediately after the first, talks about real affairs and problems that this moment
  • The third will tell about future events and deeds. He will also give advice on what to do in a given situation.
  • The final card, 4th in a row, talks about the possible outcome of the case. It will show what the result will be.

Cross layout

Here's another simple way to tell fortunes using the Lenormand deck. Only in this case they use not four cards, but 5. And it is called a “cross” layout because the layout pattern resembles a cross in shape.

Having completed all the necessary actions with the deck, namely, shuffling and mixing them thoroughly, we find our “blank” card among the deck. For women, this 29th Lenormand card is the ace of spades, for men, the 28th card is the ace of hearts.

After this, we lay out the blank card face down on the table. And we take out 4 more from the deck, which need to be arranged in the form of a cross around the form. The result is a kind of cross.

When all the cards are on the table, you can begin to interpret them using a special interpreter of the Lenormand deck.

The card lying on top of the form will tell about past events that take place in this issue of interest. The card on the right is about the plans and plans that are spinning in the questioner’s head. The one on the left will give advice on how to get out of the situation dry and unharmed, that is, she will tell you how to solve the problem. The latter will predict the future and further events that the questioner will undergo.

Interpretation of Lenormand cards

  • A messenger is news from afar, a message or a guest.
  • Ship - changes and changes in life, travel.
  • Tree - its loss advises you to pay attention to your health. The farther it is from the form card, the better for the questioner.
  • Snake - means an enemy or ill-wisher who is nearby. Advice: do not be frank about your life and future plans with people around you.
  • A bouquet of flowers is a favorable card, especially for a woman. Indicates increased attention and care from a loved one; it is possible to receive a gift.
  • Broom - the meaning of its quarrel, dispute and discord with loved ones.
  • A child means a relationship that is distinguished by tenderness, love and trust. In combination with Stork, it can mean pregnancy for a woman.
  • Bear - if it is close to the form, it means the strength of the questioner. Her advice is this: look around to see if there are people who can let you down at the most necessary moment.
  • Stork - for any person it means happiness. In combination with “home” it speaks of moving to new apartment, with a “ship” or “messenger” - flight, for a woman - conception of a baby.
  • The tower is the end of something.
  • A mountain is an obstacle or some difficulties that interfere with the fulfillment of your plans.
  • Rats - loss, loss or damage to property.
  • Ring - means marriage or marriage.
  • A book is training or receiving some important information.
  • The master is a form for the questioning man. If a woman is telling fortunes, it means a spouse or a man.
  • Lilies - when combined with good cards, it speaks of patronage. If it’s the other way around, then failure or conflict.
  • Moon - in combination with favorable cards talks about recognition, greatness and respect from people. In the combination of bad ones there is indifference.
  • Pisces is a very good card that promises that all wishes and dreams will come true and that no matter what the questioner does, everything will pay off doubly.
  • The cross has a complex meaning; it means that everyone has their own cross, which they will bear in their life.
  • Clover – expectation and hope. WITH good cards its meaning is profit, the fulfillment of hopes. With bad ones - disappointment, losses.
  • Home – family, apartment, business or work.
  • Clouds - problems, unwanted events.
  • Coffin - illness, illness or death. Advice: be more careful and think about where the danger might come from.
  • Scythe - the possibility of an accident, accident or injury. Advice: take care of yourself and your health, do not risk your life again.
  • Owls are thoughts that occupy the whole day. The owl is a wise bird, so these thoughts are not fruitless, they can be useful.
  • Fox - deception and cunning on the part of others. Advice: be careful and don’t be deceived.
  • Stars - means repetition of events and impressions.
  • A dog is a faithful and reliable friend or partner you can rely on. It can also mean a good outcome of the case.
  • A garden promises fun and celebration.
  • A fork is a choice between one road or another.
  • Heart – harmonious and happy relationship with a loved man.
  • A letter is an official document, an agreement, an agenda.
  • Lady - for a fortune-telling woman - this is her form, for a man - a spouse or partner.
  • Sun - good mood and well-being, good luck in business.
  • The key is solving some problem or difficult task. A key that opens an important door.
  • An anchor is a symbol of hope. Means the fulfillment of desires and hopes

Fortune telling on Lenormand cards will highly reliably predict the fulfillment of your desires or indicate obstacles and ways to overcome them to achieve your goals. often come true, so don’t guess out of curiosity, especially on questions related to the “betrothed”, you can guess it wrong. It is advisable to guess about the distant future very rarely, preferably once a year. If you are telling fortunes for the week, it is better to do this on Monday morning. It is impossible to guess the same question several times in a row, the cards will “lie”, it is advisable to guess once in the morning.

Lenormand cards, meanings and layouts can be found on the page. We present to your attention the most famous layouts of Lenormand cards.

And now we bring to your attention the most famous fortune telling on Lenormand cards - “Cross” and “4 cards” Lenormand.

CROSS Lenormand

The simplest fortune telling on Lenormand cards is fortune telling on five cards for a specific question. It will not only predict whether your plans will come true, how your efforts will be crowned, but will also suggest possibilities for achieving and solving the problem. Lay out 5 cards in the form of a cross.

We determine the questioner’s card – the “blank”. For a woman it will be the Ace of Spades or Woman, 29 Lenormand card, for a man the Ace of Hearts - Man, 28 Lenormand card.

Focus on the problem, carefully shuffle the deck, find the “blank”. Place it face up, and around it, face down, place four cards in a cross: top, right, left and bottom.

Now, guided by the interpreter, determine the meaning of the Lenormand cards and read the layout.

The card on top, above the questioner’s card, will tell the background of the question, what events in the past were decisive and pushed you to the problem.

The map to the right of the “form” will indicate your plans. She can also give advice for a positive solution to the problem.

The map to the left of the “form” will suggest opportunities for solving the problem, ways out of the current situation. If it is unfavorable, then there are ill-wishers or obstacles that interfere with the implementation of plans.

The card below the “form” predicts the future and means the result in achieving the goal.

Fortune telling four Lenormand cards

Another simple fortune-telling for the future is Lenormand fortune-telling with four cards, you can tell fortunes on both playing cards, and on Lenormand maps. 4 cards are laid out. Three cards are at the top in the first row, and one card is at the bottom in the second row.

Focus on the question, carefully shuffle the deck, lay out three cards in the first row, and place the fourth from the bottom in the second row. The future and the past, the present and the result of everything - this fortune telling with 4 cards will help you see.

The map in the upper left corner will show an event from the past that determined the present.

The middle card in the top row will tell you the current state of affairs.

The map on the right in the top row will indicate future events.

The map in the second row sums it up, shows what the result of all events will be.

Look in the interpreter, find out the answer to your question. Fortune telling with 4 cards is very simple and very effective fortune telling for the future. The advice layout is a little more complicated, but it will analyze the relationship with your partner and give wise advice.

To analyze your relationship with your partner, we offer an interesting “Advice” layout. It is more complex than the previous two, but also more informative.

Group 1 (Development) – cards 1, 2, 3– show the development and change of relationships from the past to the present, from card 1 to card 3, from the beginning to the present;

Group 2 (Asker) – cards 4, 5, 6– characterize the person asking, show his behavior in relationships and feelings towards his partner;

Group 3 (Partner) – cards 7, 8, 9– characterize the partner in this relationship, his feelings, attitude towards the questioner and vision of the relationship as a whole;

4group (Target) – cards 10, 11, 12- show the lesson that fate teaches us, focusing on new experience and knowledge that is acquired.

Group 5 (Prospects) – cards 13, 14, 15– show the future of relationships, their development from today to a possible outcome; when reading this group, you should take into account the meaning of card 3 from the first group;

6 group of two cards (Advice) – cards 16, 17- warns what to be wary of in these relationships (16th card) and gives advice (17th card) on what needs to be done for the desired course of events.

If you have doubts about your partner’s loyalty or the prospects for the development of the relationship, then the “Advice” layout will help you analyze the relationship and draw some conclusions. To look and make sure of your thoughts, concentrate and lay out the Lenormand cards for fortune telling according to the “Advice” layout. Read the layout, guided by the meanings of the Lenormand cards.

In our example, the following cards fell out in the Council layout:

group 1 - snake, tree, bear;

group 2 - key, letter, owls;

group 3 - fish, fork, rats;

group 4 - woman, house, bouquet;

group 5 - park, clouds, ring;

group 6 - lilies and clovers.

An example of the interpretation of the “Advice” layout

Group 1 - Development - shows the development of the Questioner’s relationship from friendly and sexual - Snake to more reliable and strong - Tree + Bear, and she is in this relationship.

Group 2 characterizes the Questioner as if she is now waiting for some result, news from the male Partner, and longs for an outcome of doubts. Here the Lenormand Letter + Owls cards are communications, and the Key in fortune telling is similar to the result in a relationship, i.e. the further outcome of the relationship will depend on this very news from the Partner.

Group 3 - Partner - indicates that the man is now torn by doubts about the relationship - Rats, as if he is now taking some kind of important decision– Pisces + Fork, whether to develop the relationship further or not.

When analyzing the first three groups, the conclusion arises that the Man is now all in doubt and has moved away from the asking Woman, and she is waiting for the outcome, what decision will he make!?

In the 4th group Goal - there are cards Woman, House, Bouquet, which most likely indicate the woman asking, this is her Goal of the relationship, and the combination of House + Bouquet cards indicates a strong family and home, like full cup. In the context of the House layout, the Goal can be interpreted as home and even a husband (behind the husband, like behind a stone wall). Another Woman is not visible in the scenario, but on the contrary, perhaps fortune telling predicts the creation of a home and family.

Group 5 is Prospects, it reads marriage - Garden + Ring - a wedding classic. Taking into account 3 cards from the first group - Bear - everything points to the presence of a Man in the future. But, of course, the Clouds indicate some troubles and difficulties with this matter; perhaps the Man will take a long time to reach this result, which slightly darkens the expectation. The light side of the Lenormand Clouds card faces the Ring, so the chances of marriage are very high.

Group 6 - Threat - warns with the Lily card that there is no need to put pressure on the Partner and rush him, you need to be gentle with him. Advice - Clover is a card of hope, a fleeting chance provided by fate, and its Advice - you need not to miss your chance and be able to take advantage of it.