Fortune telling my health. Fortune telling for gypsy health, women's health, mothers. Fortune telling for husband's health, on beans, runes

Usually, people make fortunes about health in cases where it is not possible to directly inquire about the well-being of a certain person. There are also layouts that allow you to get a forecast of your health status in the near and distant future.

Health fortune telling tarot cards aibolit

Using the “Doctor Aibolit” tarot card layout, you can get an objective answer to the question about the state of your health. Fortune telling involves 9 cards, symbolizing well-being, heredity, karma, damage caused, the evil eye and some other nuances.

For those who do not know well how to handle tarot cards, there is an electronic version of fortune telling that can be found on the Internet.

Fortune telling about the health of a loved one using one card, three cards

If you need to get an answer to a question about the state of health of a loved one at the moment, then the most reliable information is provided by fortune telling on one card.

A three-card “health” layout is used when you need to find out and connect events of the past and present, as well as get a health forecast for the future.

Fortune telling for the health of the guardian, the unborn child, loved ones, a loved one, a man

Beregini's Day is significant because on this holiday our ancestors made amulets that protected all family members from illnesses and adversities, unmarried women bewitched suitors, married women told fortunes about their health.

It was believed that if you bring gifts to the white-barked forest beauty of the birch tree on July 15, then in return you can ask her for health for yourself, your unborn child and all your loved ones.

So, if a woman brought a rooster’s heart as a gift to a birch tree, then the tree endowed the donor’s husband with male health, necessary for procreation. A woman could gain health by simply leaning against and hugging a birch tree.

They say that if you listen carefully to the rustling of birch leaves on this day, you can learn about your future from it.

Fortune telling for health at Christmas, for children, for another person, for a sick person

During Christmas, it is customary to tell fortunes not only about your betrothed, but also about your health. So you can find out whether a child or any of your family members will get sick this year by looking at the smoke from the chimney. If it rises upward in an even stream, everyone will be alive and well; if it creeps to the ground, expect that someone will get sick.

It was believed that if a sick person poured water on the icon with the image of St. Panteleimon at Christmas, he would be able to find out the outcome of his illness: the water flows too slowly - the illness will be protracted; the water remaining on the image promises death.

Fortune telling for your daughter's health, on playing cards, book of destinies

You can turn to cards or the Book of Fates to find out about your daughter’s health only in extreme cases. If the illness does not threaten the child’s life, you should not do this, since by guessing you can bring on unnecessary troubles.

If you are hesitating whether to choose playing cards or the Book of Fates for fortune telling, then the latter will be preferable.

Fortune telling on Lenormand cards

It is believed that Madame Lenormand did not leave behind notes on how to interpret the cards that fell out. The interpretations of fortune-telling card layouts that have survived to this day are speculations of the followers of the famous fortuneteller. Therefore, it is better not to guess about your health on Lenormand cards.

Fortune telling for husband's health, on beans, runes

The easiest way to tell fortunes about your husband's health is fortune telling using beans. Place a bag of beans in front of you. Formulate a specific question and say it out loud. Take a handful of beans from the bag and count their number. If it turns out that you took an even number of grains, your wish will come true or the answer to your question will be in the affirmative.

More specific and spatial answers to troubling questions can be obtained by fortune telling with runes. Usually predictions are made based on 5 selected runes. The first rune is interpreted as past events, the second - events of the present, the third - the near future, the fourth and fifth - advice on what would be best to do in a given situation.

Health divination using the Paracelsus tarot

Fortune telling using Paracelsus cards makes sense in the initial stage of the disease, when there are symptoms, but there are no obvious signs of the disease. You can tell fortunes using the “Wind Rose” tarot layout, which involves only 4 cards. The first card interprets the activity of the brain and nervous system, the second – digestion, the third – the heart, the fourth card symbolizes the condition of the liver.

Health fortune telling by hand, date of birth, chakras, relative

To find out the state of a person’s health by his hands, you don’t have to be a palmist; it’s enough to be observant and know that sweaty hands are a sign of increased excitability and neurosis, dry hands belong to pulmonary patients, cold and numb hands belong to people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, etc.

You can find out in general terms about a person’s health by knowing his exact date of birth. To do this, you need to sum up all the numbers until you get a single digit number and read how numerology interprets the resulting value.

Fortune telling by chakras is the most reliable of all the listed types of health fortune telling. However, few are endowed with the ability to see chakras, but it is precisely such people who are able to diagnose more accurately than anyone else and heal even the most advanced diseases.

Be that as it may, you should not rely on folk observations, numerology and the opinions of palmists - an accurate diagnosis of the disease must be made by a doctor.

The most truthful fortune telling for your sister's health

The most truthful fortune telling for your sister’s health is fortune telling directly on her birthday. Fortune telling will also be reliable on any Friday falling in July.

Fortune telling for gypsy health, women's health, mothers

Gypsy cards are most often used to predict the near future.

For fortune telling about health conditions, a layout of 9 cards is intended. To find out the state of women's health, use a layout consisting of 5 cards. In general, the desired layout is selected depending on what question interests you most at the moment.

Fortune telling about the health of a woman in labor and her baby would be more correctly carried out using Paracelsus tarot cards.

Health is the most important thing in the life of every person. Quite often there are cases when medicine cannot find the cause of a disease, then people resort to unconventional methods. Fortune telling is very popular among them. You can perform the ritual with various objects, for example, a candle, water or cards.

Fortune telling with tarot cards for health

Take 9 cards from the deck and arrange them as follows: put 2 cards in the center, then put the next 4 on the row above, and 3 on the row below. For fortune telling, you must know the decoding of all the cards, which can be viewed.

The interpretation of the layout is as follows:

Card No. 1 – Subjective well-being.

Card No. 2 – Objective well-being.

If both of these cards are good, then further fortune telling on health cards is pointless, since everything is fine with you. If not, then continue to open cards. If a good card comes out, then this point does not concern you, and you need to open the next one. The following cards will tell you about the causes of your illnesses:

Card No. 3 – Karma.

Card No. 4 – Bad heredity.

Card No. 5 – Wrong lifestyle.

Card No. 6 – The evil eye or an unpleasant accident.

The following cards will tell you what to do to cope with the disease:

Card No. 7 – You need urgent surgery.

Card No. 8 – There is no need to treat anything, everything will go away on its own.

Card No. 9 – Contact your doctor so that you can be prescribed the necessary course of treatment.

Other options for fortune telling about the health of a loved one

Fortune telling with milk is considered one of the ancient rituals. This kind of fortune telling about human health allows you to find out the outcome of various diseases. It is necessary to take a glass of fresh milk and give it to the patient so that he drinks exactly half. After this, the glass should be placed near the patient for 12 hours. Next, you need to try the milk. If it remains tasty and fresh, it means that the disease will soon subside and everything will be fine. If the milk has an unpleasant taste, then the person will be sick for a very long time.


Health issues and the corresponding methods of fortune telling with Tarot cards are of interest to many; it would be more correct to say that they are even worried. After all, healthy is an integral part of ourselves, our material essence. And no matter how much we talk about spiritual development and personal growth, the physical body turns out to be closest to us. When our body calls to us (probably the only way to attract attention is through illness), we are ready to give up everything else.

You and I know that if you feel unwell, doing anything is completely out of your hands. That is why Tarot layouts for health are of particular interest, but at the same time, due to a certain complexity, they are not practiced by everyone and not often. Today we will try to understand this issue with you, we will find out how, with the help of fortune telling, you can identify and even prevent illness.

Typology of health layouts

In order to deal with all the variety of scenarios, including health, we need to understand that all of them, one way or another, are divided into two and a half groups. Any Tarot layout for health for a person (and not a person either) will belong to one of these groups. Understanding this point is very important when choosing the layout that you will make, otherwise you will be faced with a frequent situation of hasty beginner tarot readers: the layout has been made and it may even be understandable, but it does not speak at all about what we would like to know. Choosing the right layout is extremely important, which is why it is necessary to understand what they are.

First group. Suggestions for illness

The first group includes the health plans themselves. This is based on chakras, spheres, organs and other possible ways of dividing a person into parts. This approach allows you to understand where a person hurts and what exactly. Each position in this layout represents some area of ​​health, an area of ​​the body or a range of diseases. The most familiar and popular alignment is by chakras. A more simplified and understandable form would be a breakdown by organ. But simplification in Tarot readings, especially for health, in my opinion, is not the best idea.

So, let's understand the essence of such layouts. The layout of the chakras (below we will analyze it in more detail with you) allows you to look at the state of each of them, draw a conclusion about whether they work well and are full of energy. As we know, each chakra is responsible for certain organs, which allows us to draw conclusions about whether they are working well. But here lies the difficulty for the interpreter, since it is necessary to compare the meaning of the card with the specifics of the chakra in a Tarot reading for health, and there is also a need to choose one specific organ when the chakra is responsible for an entire group. However, despite these difficulties, the chakra alignment seems to me to be the most successful of this group, which we will talk about a little later.

A more simplified form is the Tarot layout for health by organ. In this case, we lay out one or more cards for each specific organ (by analogy with chakras) and see if everything is fine here. This method of fortune telling about health saves us from many difficulties in interpretation; it all comes down to a direct understanding: whether the card is good or bad, and therefore something hurts here or not. The disadvantage of this approach is that the layout is reduced practically to a “yes/no” form, which deprives (in this case reduces) us of the opportunity to demonstrate an intuitive perception of the cards, and the interpretation process becomes mechanistic.

The accuracy of such fortune telling about health, its truthfulness for a person and his future will be almost comparable to the accuracy and truthfulness of “yes/no” fortune telling.

Another option for fortune-telling may be a prediction for illness. Here the same principle is preserved as for the chakras and organs, only the positions are diseases in varying degrees of detail. Sometimes as general areas: nervous, physical, etc. Sometimes in more detail, such as diseases of the heart, lungs, listing them to the extent that you know human anatomy and possible pathologies.

The second group of health layouts includes advisory layouts, which are the most familiar in their form to a tarot reader. Such layouts answer the questions “what happened, what will happen, how the heart will calm down.” It is these layouts that are most suitable for those working on the Tarot with any level of training, since here there is no need to know the specific meanings of the cards when divining health, a tricky comparison of the card and the chakra, or the correspondence of the meanings of the lasso and the disease.

The interpretations of cards in such layouts are the most typical, since here we look at the general state of the body (whether we are healthy or not), what awaits us in the future, is it worth doing something or can we relax and do nothing, do we need to seek help and so on. That is, this layout does not talk about specific diseases (it is assumed that the questioner already knows what is bothering him), but indicates what can be done (and whether it can be done) and how to do it. Again, here the tarot reader does not need to make diagnoses and prescribe treatment.

As the most striking example of this type of layout for health, we can cite the layout of the same name by Alicia Chrzanovskaya (see below) and its modifications. It is he who allows, in a form familiar to a tarot reader, to convey information to the questioner regarding his health, methods of action and prospects for recovery. We leave the diagnosis and treatment prescription to specialists in the relevant field.

Half of the group. Harbinger cards

As a matter of fact, there are no layouts as such in this group (which is why I assign half the group to them). Here we are talking about a separate position in some other scenario dedicated to a person’s condition or his future, including health. As a rule, these are large, complex layouts where there are positions about everything. And if a negative card appears in the corresponding position, or for example an inverted one (if you work with them), then this means the presence of a disease or at least a predisposition to it.

The appearance of such a harbinger of a disease serves as a reason for drawing up a separate layout dedicated to health from the first or second group in order to clarify this point more accurately and in detail. Determining illness from one card requires us to have certain tarot card meanings for health issues.

Specifics of card meanings in matters of health

This is the most difficult and ambiguous moment in Tarot fortune telling. As you probably already know, there is no common understanding among tarot readers either about the interpretation of cards or about how they should look. The sphere of health is even more confusing, and also little practiced, which will require you to independently work out many layouts and check the values.

First, let's define cases when we do not need such knowledge. These are all the layouts from the second group, where we talk not about specific diseases, but about their course, development prospects, and give general human advice. To work with such layouts, you just need to know the meanings of the Tarot cards well and be able to interpret them according to the position of the layout. This will require knowledge about the interpretation of cards as advice and as images of events and situations. And although this does not apply to the knowledge of a complete beginner, nevertheless, such meanings are widely described in the literature and taught in appropriate schools by experienced teachers.

When working with the first group of layouts, where we determine diseases of organs or spheres, we will most of all need knowledge from the “yes/no” category, perhaps with certain corrections towards health issues. But here we need a little more knowledge about the maps and human organs or chakras in order to compare them with each other. It is important here that the energy of the Tarot arcana and the chakra (organ) do not conflict with each other, then we can speak about proper functioning and the presence of health. If the cards and chakras are opposite to each other, then there is a basis for illness.

Let's give a simple example. The Senior Arcanum Priestess is associated with images of coldness, closedness, intuitiveness; these are secret and incomprehensible spheres, something very subtle, somewhat incomprehensible. Astrological correspondence Moon. The position of this card on the second chakra (svadhisthana, sexual chakra) is clearly inappropriate. The second chakra speaks of active energy, dynamics, connection between people, passion and communication. The priestess is the complete opposite. In this case, we can talk about problems in the sexual sphere, possibly hidden infections, problems that are kept silent or do not manifest themselves, things that we don’t want to talk about or know about.

Does Priestess always mean illness? No. If the Priestess falls on the 6th chakra of the third eye (ajna), then she will find her place. The Ajna chakra is responsible for vision, as well as intuition; this chakra works with subtle energy. Vision is a passive form - we perceive the outside world, all knowledge comes to us, while the eyes do not give anything out. This goes very well with the image and meaning of the Priestess lasso.

In addition, there are specific correspondences of Tarot cards to certain diseases. They are used in single card layouts or in special positions. As a rule, such meanings are either attributed by the author of the deck themselves, or are introduced from other systems (astrology) through correspondence with the planets, signs and diseases of the organs for which they are responsible. This method has a right to exist, but, in my opinion, the interpretation of cards turns into a mechanistic process, where we can only select the appropriate value from the correspondence table.

Chakra alignment for health on the Major Arcana

The Tarot layout by chakras to determine health problems is recommended to be performed on the Major Arcana, however, it is also possible to use the entire deck. Before performing this alignment, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with additional information about the chakras and the organs to which they correspond. The layout uses 7, 14 or 21 cards, that is, one, two or three cards for each chakra. The choice of the number of cards is made based on how broadly you want to understand the chakra itself, some additional points, and whether such an interpretation will complicate you in principle.

Here is a short list of chakras and the organs that correspond to them

  1. Muladhara. Skeletal system, teeth, immunity.
  2. Svadhisthana. Genitourinary system, kidneys, childbirth.
  3. Manipura. Stomach, intestines, muscles.
  4. Anahata. Heart, blood vessels, blood counts, liver, spleen.
  5. Vishuddha. Nose, throat, ears (as an organ of air), ligaments, lungs and bronchi.
  6. Ajna. Eyes, ears (as an organ of perception), partly the brain.
  7. Sahasrara. The brain and the entire nervous system.

Layout "My health"

1 - Current state, how you feel.

2 - What helps you, makes your body stronger and healthier.

3 - What bothers you, weakens you, harms your health.

4 - What are you doing wrong, to your detriment.

5 - By doing this you help yourself and strengthen your health.

6 - Prospects, the future state of your body?

7 - 8 - These cards more fully develop the meaning of the 6th position.

Who can guess their health?

If we are talking about people, then there are no fundamental differences between fortune telling for an adult or a Tarot layout for a child’s health. From the Tarot point of view, the child is exactly the same person. From a medical point of view, a child may have some of his own specific diseases, but we can only encounter this problem if we make a reading to identify specific diseases through the special meanings of the cards. If we analyze the general state of health or look at the chakras, then there are no differences here and there cannot be. Only the moral aspects and peculiarities of the perception of information by the child’s parents require attention.

If you are making a health layout for an animal or some other creature, then you should be guided by general layouts (tips), since the chakra structure of other organisms is different, and diseases and organs also differ.

What to remember when fortune telling

In conclusion, I would like to talk about the basic rule of fortune telling, as well as any fortune telling in general. You must clearly understand what you are guessing at, in what way and how you will then interpret the chosen alignment. You can’t just make a layout that you like by name or lay out one card.

Because in this case, you simply won’t understand how to interpret it, what the dropped card means and what it’s all about. Or you will get the wrong answers, the wrong questions. The wording of the question, the choice of layout and the method of interpretation must be approached carefully and meaningfully. Tarot cards are a tool that needs to be approached wisely and left with instinct. And not the other way around.

And now we invite you to watch a video about Tarot readings for health.