Fortune telling on a circle with numbers. Fortune telling by Michel Nostradamus. Just try it! Decoding fortune telling using the magic circle of Nostradamus

Michel de Nostradamus was an astrologer, doctor and alchemist, but became famous throughout the world thanks to his prophecies.
For more than 10 years, Nostradamus published annual almanacs, “The Prophecies of Master Michel Nostradamus,” where he detailed the expected outcome of events in the form of quatrains.
His predictions came true and continue to come true to this day with amazing accuracy.

Do you want to know your future? Press the button!

They say that fortune telling in a circle was also invented by Nostradamus, but there is no evidence for this, neither written nor oral.
However, this method is quite simple and surprisingly accurate!

Close your eyes, concentrate on the question and point your finger at the circle area.

The selected number is your answer to an exciting question.


1. Yes. You belong to those people who do not lose their presence of mind even in the most difficult situations. Therefore, do not immediately give up on problems; you have endurance and patience in reserve. Success awaits you. Don't be afraid to trust yourself and others.

2. Yes. But not today and not tomorrow. Someone is standing in your way and trying to confuse all the cards. Don't take it too seriously. But this resistance should not be underestimated. Avoid confrontation. Try to find a positive solution to the problem.

3. Yes. The events of the coming days will exceed all your expectations. If you use your energy reserves wisely, and do not start shooting sparrows with a cannon, all the advantages will be on your side. In any case, have patience and endurance both towards yourself and towards others.

4. Yes. At the moment, it seems that luck is in your hands. Therefore, there is not the slightest reason to doubt a favorable outcome. Luck will accompany you for a long time. Enjoy these happy weeks.

5. Absolutely. At the moment, you pay too much attention to the opinions of others, and therefore somewhat miss out on a favorable situation. Don’t hesitate too long, show that you are now a force to be reckoned with. Small tactical games only mislead and damage mutual trust.

6. Everything will be a little more difficult than you expect. You are starting from the wrong premises. Other people see it in a completely different light. Therefore, it is extremely necessary for you to listen to the good advice of a loved one and not succumb to deceptive hopes.

7. The issue has not yet been resolved. Give yourself time and don’t bother yourself with problems that haven’t yet matured. Try to enjoy the moment. Everything will work out later. If all this worries you very much, seek the help of a magic circle in a week.

8. Be careful. Try not to believe everything they tell you. Maintain some distance in certain matters. Today everything around you looks more favorable than it really is. Be careful not to be disappointed later.

9. Without a doubt. But you can't do it without help. Talk to a good friend about the problems that are bothering you. He is a disinterested person and looks at things more soberly.

10. Yes. But don't let yourself be fooled. Show more self-confidence, then everything will be fine. At the moment, you can completely rely on your intuition. You won't have to experience the slightest disappointment later.

11. The question was raised too early. Do not settle completely and irrevocably on something that is not yet ripe. leave time for favorable development. Give in often. You will be appreciated for this.

12. Very possible. Because everything is developing much faster and more positively than you imagine. It is only important that you do not try to give the impression of a disinterested person. Notice that someone genuinely wants to be your friend.

13. Everything will not happen according to plan. You act insecurely. This is misleading some of your friends. They consider you to be an unpredictable person, which is clearly not in your favor. Destroy this image. You are loved more than you realize.

14. Everything will be fine. But only if you yourself are active. Everything is permitted, but not procrastination. Take the initiative into your own hands and surprise everyone with your efficiency and wealth of ideas.

15. Yes, you can rely on your luck. An unexpected and favorable turn of fate awaits you. Now you don’t need to invent anything, but just wait. Hasty actions will take you in the wrong direction and can cause harm.

16. All hopes will be fulfilled. But not at all the way you imagined. Therefore, be prepared for any changes without setting yourself up for a single goal. Be flexible and don't dismiss any argument.

17. Still in doubt. You need to think carefully about your desires, because your own feelings have not yet fully matured. Therefore, you expect too much from the other party. In the coming days everything will remain the same. However, some lucky circumstance can bring clarity to your affairs. Listen carefully to your inner voice.

18. You may have difficulties. In the beginning, you will even have to endure disappointment. Which, however, does not mean at all that your chances are reduced to zero. Quite the opposite: disappointment will give impetus to positive development. Your circle of friends is growing and will become kinder and more stable.

19. Mistrust and anger are still far from you. But if you fail to quickly get rid of your own doubts, you will ruin a lot. If luck passes you by, it is only to blame for your excessive modesty and uncertainty. Throw them aside! Be open and friendly in your interactions with other people.

20. Yes. At the moment, it seems that luck is in your hands. Therefore, there is not the slightest reason to doubt a favorable outcome. Luck will last long enough

21. Yes. To finally achieve the goal, very little effort remains. Dare, take risks - the last push, and you will succeed. Be attentive to the things happening around you and remember - there are no accidents!

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Michel de Nostradamus was a famous astrologer, healer and physicist. He is also famous for his accurate predictions. Would you like to look a little into the future? Then we offer you fortune telling in the circle of Michel Nostradamus.

Think about a question or situation that worries you, clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts, close your eyes and point your finger at random in the circle. Open your eyes, look at which number you hit and read the answer.

1 .You belong to those people who do not lose their presence of mind even in the most difficult situations. Therefore, do not immediately give up on problems; you have endurance and patience in stock. Success awaits you. Don't be afraid to trust yourself and others.

2. Someone is standing in your way and trying to confuse all the cards. Don't take it too seriously. But this resistance should not be underestimated. Avoid confrontation. Try to find a positive solution to the problem.

3. The events of the coming days will exceed all your expectations. If you use your energy reserves wisely, and do not start shooting sparrows with a cannon, all the advantages will be on your side. In any case, have patience and endurance both towards yourself and towards others.

4. At the moment, it seems that luck is in your hands. Therefore, there is not the slightest reason to doubt a favorable outcome. Luck will accompany you for a long time. Enjoy these happy weeks.

5 . At the moment, you pay too much attention to the opinions of others, and therefore somewhat miss out on a favorable situation. Don’t hesitate too long, show that you are now a force to be reckoned with. Small tactical games only mislead and damage mutual trust.

6 . Things will be a little more difficult than you expect. You are starting from the wrong premises. Other people see it in a completely different light. Therefore, it is extremely necessary for you to listen to the good advice of a loved one and not succumb to deceptive hopes.

7 . Give yourself time and don’t bother yourself with problems that haven’t yet matured. Try to enjoy the moment. Everything will work out later. If all this worries you very much, seek the help of a magic circle in a week.

8 . Carefully. Try not to believe everything they tell you. Maintain some distance in certain matters. Today everything around you looks more favorable than it really is. Be careful not to be disappointed later.

9 . Without a doubt. But you can't do it without help. Talk to a good friend about the problems that are bothering you. He is a disinterested person and looks at things more soberly.

10 . But don't let yourself be fooled. Show more self-confidence, then everything will be fine. At the moment, you can completely rely on your intuition. You won't have to experience the slightest disappointment later.

11 . The question was raised too early. Do not settle completely and irrevocably on something that is not yet ripe. leave time for favorable development. Give in often. You will be appreciated for this.

12 . Because everything is developing much faster and more positively than you imagine. It is only important that you do not try to give the impression of a disinterested person. Notice that someone genuinely wants to be your friend.

13 . Everything will not happen according to plan. You act insecurely. This is misleading some of your friends. They consider you to be an unpredictable person, which is clearly not in your favor. Destroy this image. You are loved more than you realize.

14 . Everything will be fine. But only if you yourself are active. Everything is permitted, but not procrastination. Take the initiative into your own hands and surprise everyone with your efficiency and wealth of ideas.

15 . You can rely on your luck. An unexpected and favorable turn of fate awaits you. Now you don’t need to invent anything, but just wait. Hasty actions will take you in the wrong direction and can cause harm.

16 . All hopes will be fulfilled. But not at all the way you imagined. Therefore, be prepared for any changes without setting yourself up for a single goal. Be flexible and don't dismiss any argument.

17 . You need to think carefully about your desires, because your own feelings have not yet fully matured. Therefore, you expect too much from the other party. In the coming days everything will remain the same. However, some lucky circumstance can bring clarity to your affairs. Listen carefully to your inner voice.

18 . In the beginning, you will even have to endure disappointment. Which, however, does not mean at all that your chances are reduced to zero. Quite the opposite: disappointment will give impetus to positive development. Your circle of friends is growing and will become kinder and more stable.

19 . Mistrust and anger are still far from you. But if you fail to quickly get rid of your own doubts, you will ruin a lot. If luck passes you by, it is only to blame for your excessive modesty and uncertainty. Throw them aside! Be open and friendly in your interactions with other people.

20 .At the moment, luck seems to be flowing into your hands. Therefore, there is not the slightest reason to doubt a favorable outcome. Luck will last long enough

21 . To finally achieve the goal, very little effort remains. Dare, take risks - the last push, and you will succeed. Be attentive to the things happening around you and remember - there are no accidents.

Whatever prediction you receive, remember that this is just the most likely course of events. You can change your destiny if you want, because everything is in your hands.

Close your eyes, concentrate on the question and point your finger at the circle area. The number is your answer to an exciting question.

Michel de Nostradamus was an astrologer, doctor and alchemist, but became famous throughout the world thanks to his prophecies. For more than 10 years, Nostradamus published annual almanacs, “The Prophecies of Master Michel Nostradamus,” where he detailed the expected outcome of events in the form of quatrains. His predictions came true and continue to come true to this day with amazing accuracy.

They say that fortune telling in a circle was also invented by Nostradamus, but there is no evidence for this, neither written nor oral. However, this method is quite simple and surprisingly accurate.

Close your eyes, concentrate on the question and point your finger at the circle area. The number is your answer to an exciting question.


1. Yes. You belong to those people who do not lose their presence of mind even in the most difficult situations. Therefore, do not immediately give up on problems; you have endurance and patience in stock. Success awaits you. Don't be afraid to trust yourself and others.

2. Yes. But not today and not tomorrow. Someone is standing in your way and trying to confuse all the cards. Don't take it too seriously. But this resistance should not be underestimated. Avoid confrontation. Try to find a positive solution to the problem.

3. Yes. Events in the coming days will exceed all your expectations. If you use your energy reserves wisely, and do not start shooting sparrows with a cannon, all the advantages will be on your side. In any case, have patience and endurance both towards yourself and towards others.

4. Yes. At the moment, it seems that luck is in your hands. Therefore, there is not the slightest reason to doubt a favorable outcome. Luck will accompany you for a long time. Enjoy these happy weeks.

5. Absolutely. At the moment, you pay too much attention to the opinions of others, and therefore somewhat miss out on a favorable situation. Don’t hesitate too long, show that you are now a force to be reckoned with. Small tactical games only mislead and damage mutual trust.

6. Everything will be a little more difficult than you expect. You are starting from the wrong premises. Other people see it in a completely different light. Therefore, it is extremely necessary for you to listen to the good advice of a loved one and not succumb to deceptive hopes.

7. The issue has not yet been resolved. Give yourself time and don’t bother yourself with problems that haven’t yet matured. Try to enjoy the moment. Everything will work out later. If all this worries you very much, seek the help of a magic circle in a week.

8. Be careful. Try not to believe everything they tell you. Maintain some distance in certain matters. Today everything around you looks more favorable than it really is. Be careful not to be disappointed later.

9. Without a doubt. But you can't do it without help. Talk to a good friend about the problems that are bothering you. He is a disinterested person and looks at things more soberly.

10. Yes. But don't let yourself be fooled. Show more self-confidence, then everything will be fine. At the moment, you can completely rely on your intuition. You won't have to experience the slightest disappointment later.

11. The question was raised too early. Do not settle completely and irrevocably on something that is not yet ripe. leave time for favorable development. Give in often. You will be appreciated for this.

12. Very possible. Because everything is developing much faster and more positively than you imagine. It is only important that you do not try to give the impression of a disinterested person. Notice that someone genuinely wants to be your friend.

13. Everything will not happen according to plan. You act insecurely. This is misleading some of your friends. They consider you to be an unpredictable person, which is clearly not in your favor. Destroy this image. You are loved more than you realize.

14. Everything will be fine. But only if you yourself are active. Everything is permitted, but not procrastination. Take the initiative into your own hands and surprise everyone with your efficiency and wealth of ideas.

15 . Yes, you can rely on your luck. An unexpected and favorable turn of fate awaits you. Now you don’t need to invent anything, but just wait. Hasty actions will take you in the wrong direction and can cause harm.

16. All hopes will be fulfilled. But not at all the way you imagined. Therefore, be prepared for any changes without setting yourself up for a single goal. Be flexible and don't dismiss any argument.

17. Still in doubt. You need to think carefully about your desires, because your own feelings have not yet fully matured. Therefore, you expect too much from the other party. In the coming days everything will remain the same. However, some lucky circumstance can bring clarity to your affairs. Listen carefully to your inner voice.

18. You may have difficulties. In the beginning, you will even have to endure disappointment. Which, however, does not mean at all that your chances are reduced to zero. Quite the opposite: disappointment will give impetus to positive development. Your circle of friends is growing and will become kinder and more stable.

19. Mistrust and anger are still far from you. But if you fail to quickly get rid of your own doubts, you will ruin a lot. If luck passes you by, it is only to blame for your excessive modesty and uncertainty. Throw them aside! Be open and friendly in your interactions with other people.

20. Yes.At the moment, it seems that luck is in your hands. Therefore, there is not the slightest reason to doubt a favorable outcome. Luck will last long enough

21 .Yes.To finally achieve the goal, very little effort remains. Dare, take risks - the last push, and you will succeed. Be attentive to the things happening around you and remember - there are no accidents.

The Circle of Nostradamus is a simple fortune telling with which you can determine what awaits you in the near future. It will take you no more than a minute to find out what will happen today, tomorrow, in a week.

How to tell fortunes using the Nostradamus circle

Nostradamus is a real person who lived in France in the 16th century. His prophecies are still coming true today. The only thing that is known about him is that he was interested in astrology and alchemy, was a doctor and loved everything unusual.

He was a poet and writer, he had both powerful friends and enemies. After himself, he left behind one simple method of independent fortune-telling for people, which he is believed to have used periodically himself. In the circle of Nostradamus there is the 21st. Each of the numbers will help you find out what awaits you in the future. First, you make a decision about what field you are interested in in the future.

Check out the numbers to understand what types of questions to ask. Example: “What awaits me in love next week?”, “What will happen at work tomorrow?” Try to avoid specifics and questions like “when?”, “why?”, “how much?”, as well as questions with “yes” or “no” answers. Focus on time periods.

You need to close your eyes and point your finger at your monitor screen to select a number that will answer the question. If your question was about life in general, such fortune telling can be carried out only once - only the first one will be correct. If you asked about the next day, then you can repeat the fortune telling tomorrow. If you were interested in the coming week, then you can start guessing only after this time has passed.

Decoding the numbers of the circle of Nostradamus

1. Everything will go according to plans. Be more confident to overcome all obstacles and solve problems as quickly as possible. Good luck is with you, even if it seems to you that it is not so.

2. Someone puts a spoke in your wheels. A person or group of people has a negative attitude towards you. This may bring you problems.

3. Everything will be all right. Don’t be afraid to act, try to keep up with everything and take on any task. What you desire most is already very close, even if you don’t notice it.

4. Communicate carefully with people during this period. They may lie to you or pretend, so be extremely careful. Don't make empty promises - lying won't save you.

5. You start worrying about your question too early. There is a lot of uncertainty in the area that interests you most. Don't rush things and try to ask for help more often.

6. Show everyone the strength of your character and don’t let things take their course. Inaction during this period is the most terrible enemy of happiness. In conflict situations, you should avoid fear and uncertainty.

7. Success awaits you. Trust your intuition and the opinions of people around you. Everything should be favorable for you.

8. This period of time will be filled with illusions, so everything will not go as smoothly as you expect.

9. There is not much effort left to achieve your goals. The main thing now is not to let go of the helm, remaining calm.

10. Luck is coming your way. Even if for a second it seems to you that something is wrong, this is just a test of strength. The Universe is trying to do everything for you, so don’t give up halfway.

12. Incredible revolutions and transformations are possible in the area you are interested in. The probability of random success or failure is almost equal. Avoid empty experiences.

13. Learn from your mistakes. This period can give you invaluable experience, and your wisdom will increase. Keep track of everything that happens around you.

14. Any outcome is possible. Disappointments can overtake you at the most inopportune moment. Pay attention to the little things and the people who are constantly nearby.

15. Your desires will take shape and everything will work out, but a little differently than you previously imagined.

16. Very unexpected turns of fate await you, so do not pay attention to the opinions of the people around you. They may be wrong, but your heart will definitely not deceive you.

17. Act more often according to your conscience and without selfishness. Otherwise, plans will be disrupted, irreversibly.

18. Study everything that will happen around you. Under no circumstances make hasty decisions, because a lot will depend on each of them.

19. This period will pass quite quickly and unnoticed. You might be bored. No sudden bright events are expected.

20. There will definitely be no accidents during this period. Everything will depend only on you and on what decisions you make.

21. Luck is on your side, so don't back down. You will succeed.

If the forecast does not please you, use five good luck spells that will definitely help you smooth out rough edges and gain confidence. Ultimately, everything depends on your perception of events, and not on Lady Fortune alone. Believe in the best so that the best will come into your life. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

24.10.2018 06:56

Experienced magicians and psychics claim that there are certain days for fortune telling when you can get the most...

Michel de Nostradamus was an astrologer, doctor and alchemist, but became famous throughout the world thanks to his prophecies. For more than 10 years, Nostradamus published annual almanacs, “The Prophecies of Master Michel Nostradamus,” where he detailed the expected outcome of events in the form of quatrains. His predictions came true and continue to come true to this day with amazing accuracy.

They say that fortune telling in a circle was also invented by Nostradamus, but there is no evidence for this, neither written nor oral. However, this method is quite simple and surprisingly accurate! Close your eyes, concentrate on the question and point your finger at the circle area. The number is your answer to an exciting question.


1. Yes. You belong to those people who do not lose their presence of mind even in the most difficult situations. Therefore, do not immediately give up on problems; you have endurance and patience in reserve. Success awaits you. Don't be afraid to trust yourself and others.

2. Yes. But not today and not tomorrow. Someone is standing in your way and trying to confuse all the cards. Don't take it too seriously. But this resistance should not be underestimated. Avoid confrontation. Try to find a positive solution to the problem.

3. Yes. The events of the coming days will exceed all your expectations. If you use your energy reserves wisely, and do not start shooting sparrows with a cannon, all the advantages will be on your side. In any case, have patience and endurance both towards yourself and towards others.

4. Yes. At the moment, it seems that luck is in your hands. Therefore, there is not the slightest reason to doubt a favorable outcome. Luck will accompany you for a long time. Enjoy these happy weeks.

5. Absolutely. At the moment, you pay too much attention to the opinions of others, and therefore somewhat miss out on a favorable situation. Don’t hesitate too long, show that you are now a force to be reckoned with. Small tactical games only mislead and damage mutual trust.

6. Everything will be a little more difficult than you expect. You are starting from the wrong premises. Other people see it in a completely different light. Therefore, it is extremely necessary for you to listen to the good advice of a loved one and not succumb to deceptive hopes.

7. The issue has not yet been resolved. Give yourself time and don’t bother yourself with problems that haven’t yet matured. Try to enjoy the moment. Everything will work out later. If all this worries you very much, seek the help of a magic circle in a week.

8. Be careful. Try not to believe everything they tell you. Maintain some distance in certain matters. Today everything around you looks more favorable than it really is. Be careful not to be disappointed later.

9. Without a doubt. But you can't do it without help. Talk to a good friend about the problems that are bothering you. He is a disinterested person and looks at things more soberly.

10. Yes. But don't let yourself be fooled. Show more self-confidence, then everything will be fine. At the moment, you can completely rely on your intuition. You won't have to experience the slightest disappointment later.

11. The question was raised too early. Do not settle completely and irrevocably on something that is not yet ripe. leave time for favorable development. Give in often. You will be appreciated for this.

12. Very possible. Because everything is developing much faster and more positively than you imagine. It is only important that you do not try to give the impression of a disinterested person. Notice that someone genuinely wants to be your friend.

13. Everything will not happen according to plan. You act insecurely. This is misleading some of your friends. They consider you to be an unpredictable person, which is clearly not in your favor. Destroy this image. You are loved more than you realize.

14. Everything will be fine. But only if you yourself are active. Everything is permitted, but not procrastination. Take the initiative into your own hands and surprise everyone with your efficiency and wealth of ideas.

15. Yes, you can rely on your luck. An unexpected and favorable turn of fate awaits you. Now you don’t need to invent anything, but just wait. Hasty actions will take you in the wrong direction and can cause harm.

16. All hopes will be fulfilled. But not at all the way you imagined. Therefore, be prepared for any changes without setting yourself up for a single goal. Be flexible and don't dismiss any argument.

17. Still in doubt. You need to think carefully about your desires, because your own feelings have not yet fully matured. Therefore, you expect too much from the other party. In the coming days everything will remain the same. However, some lucky circumstance can bring clarity to your affairs. Listen carefully to your inner voice.

18. You may have difficulties. In the beginning you will even have to endure disappointment. Which, however, does not mean at all that your chances are reduced to zero. Quite the opposite: disappointment will give impetus to positive development. Your circle of friends is growing and will become kinder and more stable.

19. Mistrust and anger are still far from you. But if you fail to quickly get rid of your own doubts, you will ruin a lot. If luck passes you by, it is only to blame for your excessive modesty and uncertainty. Throw them aside! Be open and friendly in your interactions with other people.

20. Yes. At the moment, it seems that luck is in your hands. Therefore, there is not the slightest reason to doubt a favorable outcome. Luck will last long enough

21. Yes. To finally achieve the goal, very little effort remains. Dare, take risks - the last push, and you will succeed. Be attentive to the things happening around you and remember - there are no coincidences