Harry's name in Russian sounds like... Harry - name meaning

What does the name Harry mean?: household ruler (Harry's name is of American origin).

It is believed that the name Harry was derived from the Old French version of Henry, which previously sounded like Heinrich. Most often, Harry is not an independent name, but a diminutive version of the names Harold and Henry. In each country, not only the meaning of the name Harry can differ, but also its pronunciation. So, it could be Harry, Harry and even Enri.

Short value named after Harry: Garik, Ari, Erri.

  • Harry's Zodiac – Aries, Scorpio
  • Planet – Jupiter
  • Harry Harry's color is red
  • Treasured plant - tobacco, asparagus
  • The patron of the name Harry is the dog
  • Harry Harry's talisman stone is lapis lazuli

Zodiac name Harry: Aries, Scorpio.

Characteristics of the name Harry

Character of the name Harry: A man named Harry is always cheerful and optimistic. He tries his best to cope with the work entrusted to him, but he has practically no career ambitions. The name Harry, as a rule, has his own goals, his own, which suggest that, having achieved them, a person will simply gain new experience and discover new opportunities in himself. That is, the name Harry has its own measures of success, and there are no ambitions. Perhaps this is due to his self-confidence and complacency. By the way, this approach is often incomprehensible to others, and they say that Harry is hypocritical. In fact, such suspicions are unfounded.

Harry and his personal life

Love and marriage: Innate patience allows the name Harry to successfully build relationships in marriage. True, sometimes he can be somewhat jealous, because he is selfish and constantly strives to confirm his own uniqueness in the eyes of his wife. It’s good if Harry’s wife becomes an emotional woman with a complex character who can become a leader in the family - this will lead to a measured way of life that Harry is very impressed with.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: If you want to analyze the meaning of the name Harry, you should turn to a science such as numerology. The owner of this name is protected by the number 6, which foreshadows success in those matters that allow you to win over to your side large number people. Harry is an excellent manager, leader and mentor. Very often, when choosing a profession, he gives preference to the military or political sphere.

Business and career: Quite early on, the name Harry begins to realize that actions must always be correlated with words, otherwise it is unlikely to be possible to gain the trust of others, since they are waiting for the implementation of what was said. Harry should give up disrespectful and dishonest actions, as this will raise his authority in the eyes of society.

Harry is an excellent manager, leader and mentor. Very often, when choosing a profession, he gives preference to the military or political sphere. .

Health and energy

As a child, the name Harry hardly causes any trouble for parents. The only thing is that he gets sick quite often. Therefore, it is important that Harry starts playing sports as early as possible. In addition, he has a penchant for languages ​​and exact sciences. He plays chess well, designs, and shows good sports results. At the same time, he is outwardly calm and often self-absorbed.

Harry's fate in history

What does the name Harry mean for a man's destiny?

  1. Harry Harrison is a science fiction writer whose real name is Henry Maxwell Dempsey.
  2. Harry Houdini is an American hypnotist and illusionist who became famous for exposing charlatans. Real name: Eric Weiss.
  3. Garry Bardin is a Russian animator who worked in the genre of plasticine animation.
  4. Prince Henry (Harry) of Wales is the son of Prince Charles and Princess Diana.
  5. Garry Kasparov is a Russian and Soviet chess player, politician and chess writer.
  6. Harry S Truman is an American statesman and the 33rd President of the United States from the Democratic Party.
  7. Harry Kupalba is the Deputy Minister of Defense of Abkhazia, a political and military figure.
  8. Harry Lawrence O'Connor is a Scottish footballer who plays as a striker.
  9. Harry Nilsson is a vocalist, guitarist, composer, keyboardist, and multiple Grammy Award winner.

The male name Harry has Germanic roots and comes from the phrase Heimerich, which literally translates as “an estate powerful in wealth.” According to another version, Harry is an American name derived from the Old French version of Henry. Many etymologists view it as a diminutive form of the names Henry and Harold.

In each version, Harry’s interpretation of the meaning of the name as a noble “household ruler” with high moral principles remains undeniable.

IN different countries There are differences in the pronunciation of the name Harry: Harry, Harry, Enri. In Western European countries, its derivatives with essentially similar meanings are actively used female forms(Enriquetta, Harriet, Henrittte).

The defining qualities of those named Harry are calmness, tolerance, and self-esteem.

At the same time, they are not without such weakness as flattery. Often, these qualities can be exploited by people from the inner circle in order to receive the necessary moral and material support from Harry.

The development of positive or negative character in the owner of the name Harry depends on family upbringing and the environment in which he lives. This concerns, first of all, the formation of self-confidence in order to acquire the determination to make important decisions.

Since his school years, Harry has shown interest in mathematics, learning foreign languages, design. He enjoys drawing, modeling, and chess. Numerous friends are attracted by his communication “as equals” and his loyal attitude towards their shortcomings.

Young men with the name Harry begin to experience balance, a tendency to a leisurely, measured lifestyle. However, they are happy to host noisy parties for friends in their home.

Implementation in the business sphere

Garik Yurievich Martirosyan (Armenian and Russian showman, comedian and TV presenter)

Friendliness and sociability help Harry succeed in various fields. Possessing good knowledge allows them to achieve success in technical and humanitarian specialties.

Harry can become highly professional:

  • racers;
  • designers;
  • archaeologists;
  • designers;
  • illustrators;
  • screenwriters;
  • musicians.

Love, family life

Garik is very sexy and his path to starting a family is very long. His choice of life partner is determined by her external and personal qualities. Thanks to his innate patience, Harry is able to successfully build family relationships.

Although his emotional chosen ones, as a rule, are not distinguished by their angelic character. Here Harry will also try to ensure a regular way of life. Although it can be quite difficult for him to overcome selfishness and feelings of jealousy.

Harry is prone to idealization love relationship And in the name of his beloved, he is ready not only for generosity, but also for accomplishing any feats.

This is a gentle and caring husband, patient and immensely loving father. For him, family is a huge incentive for self-improvement and achieving professional heights.

Divorces in Harry's family are quite rare, but if this happens, then a second marriage is very problematic for him. Here he is ready to be content with flirting or short-term romances.

Astrological characteristics

  1. Harry's Zodiac signs are Libra, Aries, Taurus, Scorpio.
  2. His patron planets are Venus and Jupiter.
  3. Harry's colors are turquoise, blue, green.
  4. Talismans: stones - onyx, lapis lazuli, cat's eye, labradorite, sapphire.
  5. Metal – copper.
  6. Favorable flora: tobacco, asparagus.
  7. The patron from the world of fauna (totem) is a vulture, a dog.
  8. The luckiest day of the week is Tuesday.

The male name Harry comes from the Old French name Henry. Its meaning in Russian is translated as “strong and rich.” The name is popular in England, Ireland, and Scotland.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Scorpio
  • Patron Planet: Jupiter
  • Talisman stone: sapphire, lapis lazuli
  • Color: blue
  • Plant: asparagus
  • Animal: vulture, dog
  • Favorable day: Tuesday

Character Traits

The secret of Harry's name hides a man with strong character, a penchant for exact sciences and languages, a sense of humor. Nature bestows him with ambition and pride, independence. Such a person is usually called an extraordinary person. Distinctive qualities of character are manifested in the interaction of reason and intuition, a unique perception of the world, and behavior in society.

The boy, named Harry, is a cheerful and restless naughty boy, in good health and very curious. The school curriculum seems uncomplicated to him, but tedious. He enjoys reading a lot, does mathematics, loves logic games, and shines among his peers with his wit and originality of actions.

In adult life he clearly knows what he wants. Attracts the attention of others with his train of thoughts, interesting proposals and unpredictable actions. He has many friends, but he is truly attached to his childhood friends, with whom he maintains relationships, despite their different social statuses.

Harry is smart and easy to talk to. He is friendly and cheerful. Stands out for open, honest and consistent behavior, social communication. This is a very confident person. He never allows himself to be manipulated, and does not tolerate people who are annoying and have too “sweet” speeches.

Most often, his views are liberal in nature. He makes a lot of life and creative mistakes, but it is rethinking them that gives him new strength. Not being able to envy and being convinced that his main competitor is himself, Harry works every day on personal achievements and records.

Hobby and profession

A man with this name is fond of sports. Strength of character and emotional stability help him achieve high results in this area. High mental productivity, prudence and mastery of a generalized way of thinking turn his passion for intellectual pursuits into a profession. He achieves success in labor activity not only thanks to natural inclinations, but also hard work, the ability to think critically, and worldviews.

Harry takes a worthy place among writers, intellectuals, scientists, innovators, politicians, and mathematicians. Doors are open to him in research laboratories, scientific schools, higher educational institutions and business.

Love and family

He marries late. He is highly sexual and very jealous. He is annoyed by his wife’s excessive emotionality and spoiled behavior, but he never makes any comments to her about this. Harry belongs to those men who believe that it is impossible to re-educate a wife, she can only be tamed, appeased, and calmed down. He does everything possible to place the reins of family rule on his wife and thus gain some freedom for the world of his hobbies and creativity. His family rarely needs money. He raises his children by example and never gives long moral lectures.

You should pay special attention, first of all, to the quality of the items you purchase. Preference should be given to clothing of a simple and strict style, wearable, comfortable and discreet. The main thing is to look correct and neat. And dressing “like you’re going to a ball” doesn’t suit you at all. Your appearance number is “Four.” The practicality of the “two” is reflected, among other things, in her manner of dressing. You should pay special attention, first of all, to the quality of the items you purchase. Preference should be given to clothing of a simple and strict style, wearable, comfortable and discreet. The main thing is to look correct and neat. And dressing “like you’re going to a ball” doesn’t suit you at all.

Compatibility of the name Harry, manifestation in love

Love for you is an urgent, everyday necessity, sometimes unconscious. Therefore, your attitude towards your partner is dominated by tenderness, often quite burdensome, and caring, sometimes bordering on obsessive servility. However, you remain in unshakable confidence that you are doing everything right and demand an adequate, from your point of view, reaction to your actions - gratitude and admiration. Harry, you are easily vulnerable, suspicious and touchy, often getting into a state of irritation for no apparent reason. When your partner is not “within reach” for a long time, you experience a feeling of abandonment, uncertainty that you are happy. All you really need is to find a person who will appreciate both your touching affection and your selfless devotion. Then the union will be long-lasting and harmonious.


You are attracted to beauty and harmony in all its forms. Therefore, the fundamental basis of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to keep them around you. Consequently, any actions that may result in a violation of the usual order of things are contrary to your nature.

But you won’t “fight” with someone who is trying to create such an imbalance. A “bad peace” for you is always “better than a good quarrel,” which means you should turn an enemy into a friend, showing tact and diplomacy.

And it is not surprising that you have many friends, but practically no enemies. You are always able not only to find a compromise solution, but also to “awaken the best feelings” in a person who is negatively disposed towards you.

However, simply knowing what to do in a given situation is not a choice. Opinion must be supported by action. And this is where your indecision often lets you down. This is not timidity or fear of consequences. Just hesitation in the search process the best option. Life experience will help you get rid of them.

It is believed that a lot in a person’s life depends on the name, from his preferences to character and destiny. Therefore, in ancient times, they took the choice of a child’s name very seriously. Knowing what it means, where it came from and what energy it carries, you can not only learn everything about a person, but also understand how best to act and solve current problems. It is very important that the name is in harmony with the date of birth so that the person does not have a resonance throughout his entire life journey.

IN lately The name Harry has become very popular in our country. Who knows what this is connected with, but more and more young mothers name their sons this way. It is believed that this popularity was partly influenced by the meaning of names in Harry Potter, whose story the younger generation read and watched from childhood. Anyway, that's it more people they are wondering what this name means.


These are active, sympathetic, kind and calm people. In childhood they are very painful and weak, but over the years they become stronger and stronger. Outwardly, usually guys with this name are very similar to their mothers, they grow up obedient, do not like to be the center of general attention, and always walk with a thoughtful look. They are gifted in mathematics, playing chess, love to assemble construction sets, sculpt and draw. Translated from the ancient Germanic language, the meaning of the name Harry means “rich, strong house.”


With age, boys become a little slow and are distinguished by their balance; they lead a measured lifestyle. Harry is usually very attentive to other people, always taking into account their feelings and experiences. Because of this, he can quite often end up in different situations unpleasant character.

Usually parents are proud of their son, because he gives many reasons for this and hardly causes any trouble. Regardless of his social status, this young man is very easy to communicate with other people. When he reaches a conscious age, the meaning of the name Harry for a boy is revealed and characterizes its owner as a very strong and resilient person who is ready to do anything for the sake of those close to him.


Men with this name usually idealize their relationships with the opposite sex. They are ready to perform real feats for the lady of their heart. It constantly seems to him that he does not express his feelings enough, so girls need to be prepared for constant compliments and gifts. But, if suddenly he has even the slightest reason to doubt her fidelity, then his jealousy and suspicion will appear. He will constantly check his chosen one, give her tests and try to find confirmation or refutation of his suspicions.

Considering the meaning of the name Harry, the character of a man, it is worth clarifying that these gentlemen agree to marriage only at a conscious age. When choosing their soul mate, they are very picky about external and personal data. He is sure that marriage is for life, and if it so happened that he got divorced, then he is unlikely to decide to take such a serious step again. Most often, bearers of this name fill their loneliness with short-sighted novels. This is very important for them, because they have increased sexuality and activity in the intimate sphere.


Considering the meaning of the name Harry from the family side, we can safely say that the marriages of these men in most cases are strong and happy. Most often they choose a life partner emotional women with a complex character. These are caring, reliable husbands, wonderful and patient fathers who devote a lot of their time to raising their children.

Usually, having a family provokes men with this name to take the path of self-improvement, to bring their ideas and plans to life. They love to receive guests at home and throw noisy parties. Praise is not important to Harry because he always knows his own worth. He does not turn away from household responsibilities, and can even replace his wife in performing her duties around the house or preparing food. Moreover, these are not picky people when it comes to gastronomic tastes.


The meaning of the name Harry suggests that he will easily learn to drive a car and will be well versed in technology. Thanks to this, people with this name can safely choose a career as professional racers or designers. They will also be able to build a career in the creative field. For a person named Harry, work as a designer, screenwriter, illustrator, musician or archaeologist is suitable.

Thanks to their ability to concentrate and good mental abilities, they can achieve high altitudes while studying and mastering their profession. These are communicative specialists, capable of conducting business negotiations and collaborating with all colleagues, finding common ground with them. common language. In his activities he prefers peace and quiet in order to scrupulously carry out all the tasks assigned to him.

Name Harry: origin and meaning

The name is believed to be derived from an ancient Germanic word consisting of two etymological meanings. So, in literal translation it means the combination of an estate with a rich and powerful ruler. Therefore, men with this name are noble and have high moral principles, this is the meaning of the name Harry. The destiny of such men is to ennoble everything around them and perform feats for the sake of loved ones.


The owners of this name have good developed sense self-esteem, but at the same time they are too kind and trust people, and therefore many can use his help and support, using flattery and lies. These are patient, calm and sensible men.

The formation of their personality is very dependent on their environment and how their parents treat them. Therefore, situations may arise where Harry is indecisive in important matters, but not because he does not want to be responsible, but because he cannot choose the appropriate path. He has very high demands for love and marriage, and therefore the choice of a life partner often drags on for a long time, and the man feels lonely. These men perform best in family relationships, it is then that their personality begins to form and manifest.

The mystery of the name

For people with this name, lapis lazuli, sapphires, onyxes and jewelry with cat's eye. Harry is suitable for Libra, Taurus and Scorpio. He is ruled by Venus. As for metal, copper is best. The totem animal is a dog or a vulture, depending on which character traits predominate. Favorable colors are turquoise, blue or green. Plant - tobacco and asparagus.


Knowing the meaning of the name Harry, you can not only get to know loved one, but also to understand his actions and behavior. Many people, having read this information, understand themselves and their desires more. It is also very important to study this information before giving this name to your child. Either way, Harry is a very special and unique man.

They are wonderful children, caring husbands and patient fathers. If you were lucky enough to know such a person, then, undoubtedly, you paid attention to his inflated, slightly naive views on love, focus, seriousness and the manifestation of high moral principles. They were born to perform feats and take care of their loved ones.