Where to hang deer antlers in the apartment. Signs about forest animals: hares, foxes and moose

They say that the moose antlers in the apartment are Bad sign. Is it so? and got the best answer

Answer from Vicky Smocky[guru]
I also heard that this is a bad omen... At one time, my husband and I bought deer antlers (in Norway), or rather, I bought them, my husband resisted..))) The antlers lay for 4 years in the basement, because I didn’t know where put them in (my husband forbade it in the corridor, but there was nowhere in my room). Finally I found a place for them on the TV (if you want, I’ll send you a photo, they look great). As for our relationship with my husband, it did not undergo any special changes during this time, and it was nothing...))

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: They say that moose antlers in an apartment are a bad omen. Is it so?

Answer from Yergey Perevyazko[newbie]
I know for sure that any horns on the head are a bad omen.

Answer from Ali Garunov[newbie]
What does the husband think about this?

Answer from Yergey Logachev[guru]
Don't believe nonsense. Prejudice too.

Answer from Nadya M.[expert]
I’ve never heard of this... and, in my opinion, if you don’t believe in a sign, nothing bad will happen!

Answer from Lyulechek[guru]
They say that a bad omen will lead to divorce. my brother divorced his first wife and they had horns, I’m not sure if this is connected but anything happens

Answer from Alexander[guru]
depending on who put them

Answer from Max[active]
all this is bullshit.... don’t believe in this nonsense.... and life will be easier!

Answer from Olga Dmitrieva[guru]
About thirty years ago such horns could be seen in almost any apartment and there were no signs

Hunting with for a long time was an important component of the life of our ancestors, providing food for entire tribes and nationalities. The most dexterous and successful hunters have always been especially distinguished by their fellow citizens and were showered with honor and respect.

Therefore, each St. John's wort wanted to demonstrate his achievements to everyone, but most of his spoils were spent on food and clothing. Only the least suitable fragments always remained, namely the horns. Their size made it possible to evaluate the impressive dimensions and value of the animal, and their number demonstrated hunting experience and skill. Since those ancient times, it has been customary to decorate homes with this trophy.

Later, hunting ceased to play a vital role important role for humans, and the tradition of decorating a house with horns has survived to this day. However, now on the wall of a corridor or hall you can more often find a head decoration “voluntarily” lost by an elk or deer, since it has become much more difficult to obtain it from a killed animal. And the aura of such jewelry is much more negative.

What do the horns carry?

Nowadays, not only a hunter can get horns for home, but also a person simply walking through a forest abounding with ungulate inhabitants. In addition, you can simply buy them in the store. But is it worth decorating your home with them?

  • Horns taken from a killed animal, although they demonstrate the hunting prowess of the owner of the house, are not approved by esotericists. They are believed to have an evil aura that will gradually destroy family well-being and undermine the health of household members.
  • Another thing is decoration discarded during the natural course of the animal’s life. Finding it portends good luck, and mounted on the wall of an apartment, it will fill it with positivity and promote peace and prosperity, unless, of course, it hangs in the master bedroom. Decorating this part of the house with horns can push one of the spouses to cheat.
  • If you are wary of a “bone crown” taken from the head of a deer or elk, and the interior requires something of this kind, then simply purchase a wooden product. With this decision, the room will take on a finished look, and you will not be disturbed by unpleasant premonitions. In addition, signs claim that horn-shaped decor made of wood brings wealth to the house if it is placed in the “right” place: in the living room or hallway.

Who the owner is also matters

If finding any antlers means good luck in general, then the animal species is able to predict the future more specifically.

  • The lucky one who discovered antler, will soon find an heir (son or grandson). If the family has a daughter of marriageable age, then soon they will have to get married and meet their son-in-law.
  • You'll be lucky to find a head decoration in the forest moose, and the family will be replenished with a beautiful female. This could be either a newborn baby or an unexpectedly appearing adult relative, for example, a son’s wife.
  • Not bad if you have a chance to decorate your home bullish horns. They are the most effective talisman that protects your home from enemies and evil entities.

No, well, this is some kind of obscurantism,” Pyotr Ivanovich was indignant, resolutely took a homemade chandelier and climbed onto the stepladder.

It seems that his mother-in-law has completely forgotten, since she began to command as if at home. Two pairs of branchy deer antlers were brought back from a recent business trip to the North, and he was very proud of the acquisition. Such beauty should be on display for everyone to admire and envy. And to implement this idea, Pyotr Ivanovich worked for several weeks, making a chandelier for the living room. And now because of what women’s chattering will you have to put forward a brilliant idea and hard work? No really. Having quickly adjusted the cumbersome structure, he descended and walked a short distance to admire it.

Four horns, each with four lamps! Four*,” Aglaya Lvovna dramatically grabbed her chest, the rings glinting like dull gold on her plump fingers. - Heart. Oh my heart. This is death according to Feng Shui!

The heart is on the left side,” Pyotr Ivanovich muttered sarcastically and flicked the switch.

The living room was illuminated with bright yellow light.

Yellow**! - Aglaya Lvovna shouted, ignoring his remark. - No, you want to kill me! Nina, Nina, your husband wants me dead! Moreover, he seems to have lathered himself on the side!

Well, the pepper is clear, no matter what I do, it’s all wrong,” Pyotr Ivanovich boldly retorted. - Isn’t it time for you to go home, dear mother-in-law? Away from bad omens? I'll even call you a taxi at my own expense.

Aglaya Lvovna slowly sat down on the sofa.

So the second week has begun, and you are still drinking coffee. You'll never get home that way. But stay, tomorrow I will hang the second chandelier with horns. To the kitchen. And I’ll spill the coffee***. And salt****. I’ll also break the mirror*****. And... Is it March now? August is still a long way off. Let me congratulate you on your birthday ******!

Nina, you married Satan! - Aglaya Lvovna moaned in horror and rushed into the hallway.

She pulled her coat off the hanger, somehow put on her shoes, opened the door and ran out.

Good riddance, dear mother-in-law! - Pyotr Ivanovich wished loudly after him, looked at the swinging chandelier and rubbed his hands with satisfaction. - And don't come back. Coming back is a bad omen*******!


- * "4" corresponds to knowledge. However, it is extremely unloved by the Chinese, because... its homonym sounds like “death” and promises losses and problems.

- ** Wherever the color yellow appears in a negative aspect, it is associated with illness and death. Or does it manifest a devaluation and revaluation of what was originally associated with Freya positive value. For example, it is believed that you should not give anything yellow to the person you love, but yellow flowers They bring bad luck to a wedding.

- *** Coffee is scattered on the table - expect a family quarrel.

- **** Ancient beliefs tell us that spilled salt is a sign of future conflict situation. To stop the effect of the sign, you need to either laugh or hit yourself on the forehead.

- ***** Broken mirror considered one of the worst superstitions. It portends imminent death family member or relative.

- ****** It is considered a bad omen to celebrate a birthday ahead of schedule, as well as congratulate and give gifts. The point is that you may not live to see this date.

- ******* By folk superstitions, returning is an unlucky sign, which indicates that there will be no way back. The relevance of this sign is most pronounced before a long journey, for example, before a long trip by car, plane, or train. However, if you still return, then in order to avoid the influence of a bad omen, you need to stick your tongue out at your reflection in the mirror. Or, you can go back and sit on some chair or armchair. This is how everyone arose famous custom sit on the path.

They say that moose antlers in an apartment are a bad omen. Is it so? and got the best answer

Answer from Vicky Smocky[guru]
I also heard that this is a bad omen... At one time, my husband and I bought deer antlers (in Norway), or rather, I bought them, my husband resisted..))) The antlers lay for 4 years in the basement, because I didn’t know where put them in (my husband forbade it in the corridor, but there was nowhere in my room). Finally I found a place for them on the TV (if you want, I’ll send you a photo, they look great). As for our relationship with my husband, it did not undergo any special changes during this time, and it was nothing...))

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: They say that moose antlers in an apartment are a bad omen. Is it so?

Answer from Yergey Perevyazko[newbie]
I know for sure that any horns on the head are a bad omen.

Answer from Ali Garunov[newbie]
What does the husband think about this?

Answer from Yergey Logachev[guru]
Don't believe nonsense. Prejudice too.

Answer from Nadya M.[expert]
I’ve never heard of this... and, in my opinion, if you don’t believe in a sign, nothing bad will happen!

Answer from Lyulechek[guru]
They say that a bad omen will lead to divorce. my brother divorced his first wife and they had horns, I’m not sure if this is connected but anything happens

Answer from Alexander[guru]
depending on who put them

Answer from Max[active]
all this is bullshit.... don’t believe in this nonsense.... and life will be easier!

Answer from Olga Dmitrieva[guru]
About thirty years ago such horns could be seen in almost any apartment and there were no signs