Where is the brightest star in the constellation Libra. Libra – Constellation Mythology

Libra is the name of the zodiacal constellation in the southern hemisphere of the night sky. The Latin name is “libra”. The ancient Sumerians called the constellation Zib-Ba An-Na, which means “balance of Heaven.” The constellation Libra is located between the constellations Scorpio and Virgo. By the way, in Babylonian astronomy its symbol was represented in the form of scorpion claws. However, there was an error in the translation of the Arabic word "zubana" and the Akkadian word "zibanitu", both of which can mean either "libra" or "scorpio". It has the shape of a scorpion suspended upside down, and was understood under the name "Scorpio's claw" until the 1st century BC, having never been previously identified as the constellation Libra.

In addition, it has been suggested that this Zodiac symbol seems to hint that when the Sun sets in this part of the ecliptic, the autumnal equinox occurs. In ancient Egyptian mythology, the constellation Libra, also known as the “Balance of Truth” and the “Last Judgment,” goes back to Egyptian rituals of the afterlife, in which they are used to weigh the souls of the dead. In addition, they are associated with the goddess Maat, as the main ancient Egyptian deity who was associated with this constellation. She was the daughter of Ra and was the patron of truth, justice and universal harmony.

In Greek mythology, Libra is a constellation representing Pluto's Golden Chariot drawn by four black horses. One day, visiting the afterlife on his chariot, Pluto saw Persephone, the daughter of the god Zeus and Demeter, the goddess of fertility. The story of Pluto's abduction of Persephone is a recognizable Greek myth that represents vegetation awakening in the spring, sprouting shoots, and sinking into the ground after the harvest.

Ancient Roman legends attribute the appearance of the constellation Libra to Emperor Augustus, who was famous for his justice. In gratitude to the great figure, his subjects immortalized his name, naming this symbol of the Zodiac in memory of the justice of Augustus.

Today the symbol is depicted as scales held in the hands of Themis, the Greek goddess of justice, thereby being associated with the neighboring constellation Virgo.

This is the only zodiac symbol that does not represent wildlife. The constellation Libra covers an area of ​​538 square degrees and contains three stars with known planets. It is visible at latitudes between +65° and -90°, and is best viewed at 9 pm during June. In sidereal astrology, the Sun passes through Libra between October 16 and 15 November, and in tropical astrology, it is considered to be in this sign between September 23 and October 23.

The constellation Libra, the photo of which you see above, does not have any bright galaxies, but there is one that may be of interest to observers. With a large telescope, the magnitude 11.7 spiral galaxy NGC 5885, located near Beta Libra, can be seen. It is also home to Gliese 581C, the first exoplanet to be found orbiting its parent star, the red Lilliputian Gliese 581, within the star's habitable zone. This terrestrial planet was found in 2007. Another planet orbiting the same star, Gliese 581e, is the lowest-mass exoplanet found orbiting a normal star.

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    LIBRA (lat. Libra), zodiacal constellation (see ZODIAC CONSTELLATIONS) ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Zodiacal constellation (Libra) between 217° and 239° right ascension and 1/2° north. and 22 1/2° south declination. Gould (Uranometria Argentina) counts 122 stars in Libra up to 7th magnitude, of which two are second magnitude and one is third. Among … Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron

    This term has other meanings, see Libra (meanings) ... Wikipedia

    Sign Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius ... Wikipedia

    Commemorative coins of the Bank of Russia dedicated to the zodiac sign Libra. Main article: Commemorative coins of Russia Series: “Signs of the Zodiac” Contents 1 Libra 1.1 2 rubles 2002 1.2 2 rubles 2005 ... Wikipedia

    Ov; pl. 1. Device for determining weight and mass. Laboratory c. Pharmacy v. Electronic v. V. Themis (book; about justice). 2. [with a capital letter] One of the twelve constellations of the Zodiac. 3. About a person born at the end of September October, when... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Libra (lat. Libra), zodiac constellation (see Zodiac). The brightest star is 2.6 visual magnitude. The most favorable visibility conditions are in April - May. Visible in the central and southern regions of the USSR. See the starry sky... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    - (libra), a not very noticeable constellation located on the ECLIPTIC between the constellations Virgo and Scorpio. Once there was the Libra Point, the intersection of the ecliptic and the equator, which then marked the moment of the autumnal EQUINOX. Due to PRECESSION this point... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

    Pleiades, cohort, conjunction, celestial compass, square Dictionary of Russian synonyms. constellation see galaxy Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011… Dictionary of synonyms

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Libra lies between Scorpio and Virgo, which was mentioned long before our era. The only zodiac constellation that represents an inanimate object. The view of the constellation has changed over time, and therefore its appearance was formed, taking its final form, later than the rest of the zodiac constellations.

At first Libra was represented as an altar, then it was depicted as a lamp caught in the giant claws of Scorpio, since Scorpio is located directly to the east of Libra. Later, the claws “released their prey,” and a separate constellation appeared, which changed its image in the minds of ancient people and became Libra.

However, the stars alpha and beta Libra are still called the Southern and Northern Claws. This is, respectively, Zuben El Genubi (or Kmffa Australis) - a double star with a magnitude of components 5.2, 2.8 and Zubenesh, Zuben Eshamali, Zuben El Hamali (or Kiffa Borealis) with a magnitude of 2.6.

The star delta Libra is quite interesting. This is a regular variable star, changing its brightness from 4.8 to 5.9 magnitudes with a period of 2.3 days. The reason for the change in brightness is its second component, which eclipses the star, changing its brightness. Such systems are called eclipsing variable stars. It can be observed using ordinary binoculars or a small telescope.

The origin of the name of the constellation is associated with various myths. According to one of them, grateful subjects decided to perpetuate the name of the ancient Roman emperor Augustus. Between Virgo and Scorpio they placed a new constellation - Libra, “removing” the necessary space from Scorpio for this. The new constellation was dedicated to the emperor as a sign of his justice and nobility.

The origin of the name of this constellation is also associated with the myth of the goddess Themis - the Titanide, daughter of Uranus and Gaia, the second wife of Zeus. From her union with Zeus she gave birth to the goddesses of fate: Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos. The Thunderer Zeus maintained the rule of law on Olympus, with the help of the goddess Themis. Themis was depicted with a blindfold, as a symbol of impartiality, with a sword, and sometimes with a cornucopia and scales in her hands - a symbol of accuracy and balance.

Search for Libra in the sky

The constellation is visible at latitudes from -90° to +65°. The best conditions for observations are in April and May. The constellation is visible in the central and southern regions of Russia. The sun enters the constellation on October 31st. Neighboring constellations: Serpent, Virgo, Hydra, Wolf, Scorpio, Ophiuchus, Serpent.

In autumn, Libra is not visible because it moves across the sky along with the Sun. In winter, you can see this constellation, which lies entirely in the southern hemisphere, only after 3 a.m., when its northern edge appears above the horizon. To the right and above Libra is Virgo.

In spring, Libra takes the same position as in winter, but this happens already at midnight. To the right and above the constellation is Virgo, and above, almost directly above it, is Bootes. The two outermost stars of the “handle” of the Ursa Major bucket point directly to the constellation.

At the end of summer, Libra is visible within an hour after sunset. Visibility of the constellation is possible at latitudes 57° north and further south. During this period, of the bright objects in the sky, only the “Summer Triangle” remains. Libra is found under the star Vega (alpha Lyrae) near the horizon.

Scales- zodiac constellation. It is at its highest point above the horizon and is best seen at night in June and July. Its closest neighbors are the constellations Ophiuchus, Scorpio, Wolf, Virgo and Serpent.

On a clear and moonless night, about 50 stars can be seen with the naked eye in the constellation Libra, but only six of them are brighter than fourth magnitude. The four brightest stars form a rhomboid, the characteristic geometric shape of this constellation. It doesn't take much imagination to see a rocker and scales in this figure. On star maps, the constellation Libra was depicted in the form of ancient apothecary scales.

In this constellation, the eclipsing variable star delta Libra is of interest. Both of its components have approximately the same dimensions (their radii are 2,400,000 and 2,500,000 kilometers). One of the stars is blue, the other is yellow. The period of the system is 2.23 days. The brightness of Libra varies from 4m.8 to 5m.9. When the yellow star is in front of the blue one, a second minimum of luminosity is observed. The star delta Libra is easily observed with the naked eye.

Libra belongs to the constellations known to mankind for a long time. This is the only zodiac constellation whose name is not related to the name of living beings. How did this measuring instrument get to heaven?

More than two thousand years ago, the point of the autumnal equinox was located in the region of the constellation Libra. During its apparent annual movement along the ecliptic, the Sun was at this point on September 23, and the length of the day was equal to the length of the night. Probably, the equality of day and night was the reason for the name of this area of ​​​​the sky in ancient times. This is how the constellation Libra appeared among the zodiac constellations.

The constellation Libra is also associated with the agricultural work of the ancient Egyptians. After harvesting and threshing, before the wheat was stored in barns, the resulting crop was weighed. Apparently, this was done at a time when the Sun was in the area of ​​this constellation. Thus, the constellation Libra recalled the work of weighing the harvest

Constellation Libra

Mythology associated the constellation Libra with the scales of the goddess of justice Dike.

From the heights of bright Olympus, Zeus established order and laws in Heaven and Earth. He strictly ensured that they were carried out by people. But Zeus had other worries, and therefore he had assistants. Next to his throne was always the goddess of justice Themis. By order of Zeus, she convened the gods for a council, organized public meetings and oversaw the maintenance of order and law.

The daughter of Zeus and Themis - the tireless Dike - walked around the Earth with her scales. In order to make her appear impartial, her eyes were blindfolded. She told her father Zeus about the deeds of unjust judges and people, and he severely punished them for not observing the laws he had established.

Goddess Dike was the enemy of all deception and lies. She defended only truth and justice. On her scales, she most accurately measured the just and unjust actions of people, so that they would receive a well-deserved punishment from Zeus, so that only justice would reign everywhere in the world.

Zeus left the scales for his daughter Dike in the sky. Thus, the constellation Libra appeared among the zodiac constellations to remind people that they must strictly adhere to the laws and be guided by justice in their actions.

In the southern hemisphere of the night sky. The Latin name is "libra". The ancient Sumerians called the constellation Zib-Ba An-Na, which means "balance of the Heavens." The constellation Libra is located between the constellations Scorpio and Virgo. By the way, in Babylonian astronomy his sign was represented in the form of the claws of a scorpion. However, there was an error in the translation of the Arabic word "zubana" and the Akkadian word "zibanitu", both of which can mean either "libra" or "scorpio". It has the shape of a scorpion suspended upside down, and was known as the "claw of Scorpio" until the 1st century BC, never having been previously identified as the constellation Libra.

In addition, it has been suggested that this zodiac sign hints that when the Sun enters this part of the ecliptic, the autumnal equinox occurs. In ancient Egyptian mythology, the constellation Libra, also known as the “Balance of Truth” and the “Last Judgment,” dates back to Egyptian rituals in which they are used to weigh the souls of the dead. In addition, they are associated with both the main ancient Egyptian deity, which was related to this constellation. She was the daughter of Ra and was the patron of truth, justice and universal harmony.

In Greek mythology, Libra is a constellation representing Pluto's Golden Chariot drawn by four black horses. One day, visiting the afterlife on his chariot, Pluto saw Persephone, the daughter of the god Zeus and fertility. The story of Pluto's abduction of Persephone is a famous Greek myth that personifies vegetation waking up in the spring, sprouting shoots and going into the ground after harvesting.

Ancient Roman legends attribute the appearance of the constellation Libra to Emperor Augustus, who was famous for his justice. In gratitude to the great figure, his subjects immortalized his name by naming this zodiac sign in memory of the justice of Augustus.

Today the sign is depicted as scales, which Themis, justice, holds in her hands, thereby being associated with the neighboring constellation Virgo.

This is the only sign of the Zodiac that does not represent wildlife.
The constellation Libra covers an area of ​​538 square degrees and contains three stars with known planets. It is visible at latitudes between +65° and -90°, and is best viewed at 9 pm during June. In sidereal astrology, the Sun passes through Libra between October 16 and 15 November, and in tropical astrology, it is considered to be in this sign between September 23 and October 23.

The constellation Libra, the photo of which you see above, does not have bright galaxies, but there is one that may be of interest to observers. With a large telescope, NGC 5885, with a magnitude of 11.7, can be seen near Beta Libra. It is also home to Gliese 581C - the first exoplanet to be found orbiting its parent star, the red dwarf Gliese 581, within the star's habitable zone. This terrestrial planet was found in 2007. Another planet orbiting the same star, Gliese 581e, is the lowest-mass exoplanet found orbiting a normal star.