The main thing is to correctly stipulate, the rules of the slander are written below the combination of runes. Rune magic pendel: what is its power and meaning? Love spells for the phases of the moon

Apply a formula to a photograph of a person (by formula we mean runes written in the required sequence), I liked the 1st and 4th formula. This won’t make him any worse; before use, he doesn’t need to put any special protection on himself. The main thing is to stipulate correctly; the rules for stipulating are written below the combination of runes.

Good luck.

(based on materials from Bezymyanny)

The other day my nephew, 10 years old, came to see me and his tooth hurt badly. A gumboil had formed, and he couldn’t even lie down or speak from the pain. Almost ran along the walls. Maybe she advised me to draw it on my cheek with my finger NAUD-ISA several times at 15-minute intervals. That’s what I did. After the 3rd time, the flux broke through and the pain stopped immediately. And the tooth no longer hurt at all, even after visiting the dentist the next day! I was shocked too!!!

Thurisaz - sets the direction of the runes going in front of him, enhances their action and sexual desire, if necessary. Clearing obstacles.
I did it during the day, and late in the evening it already worked :), i.e. the formula only took a few hours. I wrote the formula above the person’s head, specified a period of 3 days, and removed the photo.
On Sunday (for a different person):

Gebo-Ansuz - desire to communicate. In the photo above the image of the object. The deadline was also three days. Worked this afternoon :)
And for me the DAGAZ call almost always works, surrounded by four RAIDO, i.e. DAGAZ, and on the continuation of the Raido diagonals - 4. clockwise.

I painted with my own blood, I needed urgent results.

I did it several times for the same person - it works great! Well, I did it on other people too, without photos, it works great! (for me, again...)
The other day I tried on myself the formula from O. Shaposhnikov Isa-Pert-Uruz - for colds. In the evening I went to bed with a fever, a sore throat and a severe runny nose, and in the morning I woke up - everything had cleared up! I didn't even have a headache. I drew on myself. on the left hand, and for good measure, also on paper and under the pillow. Slept like the dead...
To find lost things - PERTH - VUNIO.

I recently found the formula Evaz-Feu-Evaz. Lightning movement towards money. talisman to attract customers. You can apply it to yourself, to your left hand. But you need to specify each rune for what it is intended
There is a formula turisaz-teyvaz-turisaz, the intersection of magical influence,


Elm helps you find an opportunity to work, although more often the opportunity finds you on its own. At the same time, the work always corresponds to the person’s existing skills. The tests were successful. It works quickly (1 time immediately after applying the ligature). True, the work was not always adequately paid; sometimes, at its expense, necessary and useful connections were obtained.

Good luck to everyone, maybe someone will need it.
Well, so that no one bothers too much, in the picture you can see the runes that are laid as workers, we simply ignore the rest to attract work. Because in reality you can fit the entire alphabet here. In general, I’ve been courting this knit for a long time... I just liked the way it looked. I don’t see the point in describing the actions of each, since in my opinion everyone already has enough logic to understand what and why..
I tried Vunyo-Yera-Dagaz alone deal was successful


Can be applied to photos, activated by burning. (But in principle, you can activate it as you are used to. Start writing with Otal.
It has shifted slightly: Fehu and Raido, both below and above, are located above Otal.
Fehu+Manaz+Algiz+Raido+ Manaz +Raido+Algiz+Manaz+Fehu. attract clientele
"Magic Kickoff" Author uv. Litafantom.
Eyvaz + Uruz - a powerful impetus to action.

Kenaz + Gebo - desire for you (both sexual and any other).

Thurisaz - sets the direction of the runes going in front of him, enhances their action and sexual desire, if necessary. Clearing obstacles. I'm interested in the question regarding the "pendal", can I do this - if I have used a love spell for now (runic, respectively), but it is at the stage for now (in my mind it lies down)... add also a pendal? It’s just that the rabbit just doesn’t want to go to I... it’s like work, I’m tired, etc.., I’m too stubborn...((

1) you need a separate photo of the rabbit

2) what exactly to draw with (what kind of marker? Red?)

3) regarding application, where to apply and how exactly (chew it specifically if it’s not difficult) in a line or from top to bottom in a row?

4) is a ritual necessary or is it possible without it?

5) on what day should I do it?

6) how to negotiate everything in general? How to burn? Is visa needed?

validity period? what time to do it?

7) what should I do with the photo?

8) do I need protection? I have a regular mirror one, will it not be enough?

9) how to install protection?

Please help me figure it out - I’m new to this business - but I feel that it will work out - the main thing is to understand everything well what and how to do.. When did you do a love spell? Before the love spell, some kind of magic. Did they take action or did they immediately install it? Is there protection on the crawl? Have you done any diagnostics? And is there a rival?
The trick: you need a separate photo of the rabbit or a drawing with references, draw it with a red marker (to enhance it, you can use blood), you can apply it in a line on the forehead, or in a column, from top to bottom, starting from the forehead. The ritual is optional, if you do it with a ritual, then on Monday with an appeal to Freya, if without a ritual, then you can do it on any day. You agree on an odd number of days. It is not necessary to burn, it was specified, activated, wrapped in a monochromatic nature. the fabric and put it away for the agreed number of days, when the period has passed, take it out and burn it with words of gratitude to the runes, throwing the ashes to the wind. If you do it without a ritual, you don’t need a hang - just a cursed reservation. In principle, protection is sufficient if it is in working order.

if you want to get a position by winning a competition, then 1. write the Fehu-Mannaz-Teyvaz-Vunyo formula on a green piece of paper with a red marker, you can make an amulet. Intent: this runic. the formula helps me win the competition and get a position (job title) in (organization name).
2. On another piece of paper, draw the formula Isa-Raido-Isa (draw starting from Raido). Intention: I freeze the path of competitors to the position of (name of position) in (name of organization) with ice.
3. On the same piece of paper or another, draw the Vunyo-Teyvaz-Vunyo formula, starting with Teyvaz, with the intention: Luck and success accompany me in obtaining a position (which) in the organization (which), with minimal effort on my part.

you can use Isa-Raido-Isa and Vunyo-Teyvaz-Vunyo.
In addition, before the interview, let the husband do the following for himself:
"Braga's Staff" - Kano-Ansuz-Nautiz with a caveat: Let this runich. ligature will give me inspiration, make my speech competent and convincing, produce the desired effect and thereby bring the result I need";
“Trouble” from OZZ (I am a professional, a high-class specialist in such and such a field, and that’s how everyone around me perceives me);
Fehu-Otal-Berkana-Soul (you can make an amulet). Disclaimer: The position (such and such) by my power, by the power of the runes (by the power of the name of God, if you do the ritual) is attracted to me, in my will, in my submission. I (name) get a position (name of position) in an organization, company (name) easily and quickly.
Isa-Raido-Isa (said according to your example), on another piece of paper Vunyo-Teyvaz-Vuno (sentence from you), on the third piece of paper Fehu-Otal-Berkana-Soul (sentence from you). I folded everything, leaf by leaf, into an envelope. When my husband went for an interview, I also made “Morok” from OZZ (I already burned it with gratitude). When I was drawing all the formulas, I’m not sure that I was drawing upside down, because unfortunately I didn’t know that. Today, I just updated it as needed and added Soul-Dagaz-Vunyo for a successful outcome.

So... I did a lot... Now, checking what I was doing, I noticed that in the formula Vunyo-Teyvaz-Vunyo, instead of Vunyo, I wrote Berkany... This is very good. Badly??? Now I’m going to burn it with gratitude. I have already converted it as it should into an envelope.

Draw positive formulas towards yourself, negative formulas away from you. Large elements are drawn first, then small ones. For example, Hagal - two sticks are drawn, then a crossbar between them, Dagaz, Soulo, Kano and some. others are drawn in one movement

I activated all the formulas with my breath (I always do this). Disclaimer: Isa-Raido-Isa (with the power of the Isa-Raido-Isa runes, I freeze the road to all potential competitors for a position... in the company with ice... I activate this runic formula with my breath. This runic formula begins to work from this minute and works until until I burn it with gratitude. This runic formula works without any side effects for the physical and psychological health of my husband, without any harm to his financial and material situation, without any harm to his performance. , without any harm to his relationship with others, and also without any harm to me in general. So be it.

In other formulas everything is the same, only it stipulated that by December the issue would be resolved in a positive way for the husband.

Now here's another moment. I don’t understand how to still draw the Isa-Raido-Isa formula. I understand this from myself?? Yesterday I circled to myself, but today I already doubt it.
activation is correct. Draw the formula Isa-Raido-Isa starting with Raido, then Isa on the left, Isa on the right, draw in the direction away from you. Ksyukha, if you have any doubts, runes, even if applied correctly, will not work as they should. If you want, you can deactivate all formulas by burning; when you burn, say: I burn the runes to deactivate the formula, I thank you for the work." Ashes to the wind. The next day you can redo everything. If you want a call from the company, do it on them call (demanding a call), just be sure to stipulate that the call will bring you joy, the conversation on the phone will be about work and will be pleasant for you.
formula for attracting good luck: Ansuz+Uruz+Yera+Ansuz (AUJA), so that you can improve your affairs, which have stopped long ago)))). The formula is not mine, it’s someone else’s and that’s why I can’t figure out Visu for activation.
For a couple of days now I’ve been wearing the formula for good luck (AUJA) Ansuz+Uruz+Yer+Ansuz. Everything is good, but within the existing limits. In other words, in place, as it were, without progress. A sober consciousness, a firm thought, a rational decision, a confident action - beauty is simple, BUT... A person is always missing something))

First, clean him with the Eyvaz-Soulo-Hagal-Soul-Yera pallindrome for 9 days.

Then you can use: Isa-Tours-Isa - to stipulate the destruction of the desire and intention of the MC to remember and become fixated on you;
you can also use “Suggestion of Thoughts” with the appropriate reservation and “Duplet” to transfer the intentions directed at you in a different direction;
ligature Eyvaz + Isa - to weaken the attraction of one person to another.

searching for or returning lost items?

Histerica, try the palindrome: LAGUZ-NAUD-PERTH-NAUD-INGUZ

PERTH - a lost thing

NAUD - its forced appearance, the need for it

LAGUZ - easy search

INGUZ - fruitful completion of the search

please ignore it!

I have this situation:

The older brother just can’t determine and establish his position in life, stand firmly on his feet... I don’t even know how to accurately describe it in words. In general, since his youth, he always gets into some dangerous situations (I won’t mention the details). He wants easy money, he played in a casino, and even now there are such moments with gambling. He does not have a specific business, vocation or something... Although to an outside observer, and even to close friends, it may seem that he is a very successful and wealthy person. Yes, he has money, but it comes and goes. Often borrows large sums from parents. Also a lot of loans. He is involved in politics and has his own office - a charitable foundation. The money comes from no one knows where, since its activities essentially require only investments, and there is no place to expect profit from. So here it is. Now he has connected his life with a woman, older than him, whom I really don’t like, because... I feel people very well, their energy and attitude towards myself and others, and so far my intuition has never failed. In general, she encouraged him to open a business. Since he is a very secretive person and even my parents and I don’t know what’s going on with him in this regard. Always hides everything, conceals everything. I'm very worried about him. Yesterday I wondered about his future, his financial situation, whether he would be happy in life or not. It turned out to be “bad game, loss, fright, failure”! I was very upset.

Therefore, I beg you to help me, what can be done in this situation, please tell me? How can I reason with him, or bring him onto the right path?! Give me some advice, friends! I can suggest something in this direction, but if I hear that “I’m seeing runes for the first time, but it’s very necessary and urgent,” then immediately go to the masters, pay and they will do everything in the best possible way.

So that's it.

First, we conduct a diagnosis for magical effects on your brother, and if there is a magical effect, cleanse your brother.

Next to the lady “Dusty Cape” with a reservation that she somehow ceases to interest him at all. For this whole enterprise (any props will do, even the name) - Isa-Turisaz-Isa, so that my brother loses at least some interest in this venture. To brother Soul-Dagaz-Vunyo, to a successful way out of this situation.

Then you can ligature from uv. Banshi “Open your eyes to something”, with a reservation so that your brother sees everything that happens to him in its true light

. (runes used: Peort, 2 Kenaz, Ansuz)

I’m not sure that it’s worth changing anything in your brother’s lifestyle if he manages to balance on a knife’s edge. But again, you can make a layout and check whether it’s worth it or not:

You need to do the following:

1. Sowilo-Dagaz-Mannaz formula - a person’s orientation towards victory, success, self-realization (formula by O. Shaposhnikov)

2. Elm "Diligent Worker"

These two formulas will help him determine his place in life and give him determination to achieve his goals.

This is what came to mind. It is possible that someone will have other suggestions or additions.
"Shield and Sword"

Formula for quick defense with counterattack.

Isa - we freeze the enemy’s message, Hagalaz + Nautiz - we destroy the attack on us, Algiz - we are protected by higher powers, Turisaz - we attack the enemy)))
Forced energy accumulation



Mannaz + Uruz + Soulo -> left Fehu + Uruz -> right Fehu + Uruz


Mannaz -> Uruz -> Soulo -> l. Fehu -> n. Fehu -> l. Nautiz -> n. Nautiz
For those who like to talk about things :) :

Mannaz is you (you draw and say so)

Uruz and Soulo are magical and physical energies (I am writing together because depending on your needs, you decide which of them is magical and which is physical. When accumulating energy for a future attack, I mean Uruz of magical Soulo and physical)

Runescripts work in all areas of life. With the help of ancient symbols, an experienced magician influences the circumstances around him, gets promoted at work, attracts the opposite sex, and attracts money. The use of runes is not limited by anything except the personal strength of the operator and his imagination.

The “Magic Pendel” runes will help push a person to communicate with you even after a long break. A pendel is a strong kick that makes the target remember you and start acting - calling, writing, looking for a meeting.

Becoming the “Magic Kickoff”

Becoming - “Magic kick-off”.

The author recommends casting a spell on the waxing moon, although most practitioners agree that lunar phases do not affect the work of runes. It is believed that the new moon is suitable for starting new things, relationships and making wishes, if this will help your mood, use Litaphantom's recommendation.

The basic formula includes the following symbols:

  • Eyvazovercomes obstacles between people;
  • Uruzgives impetus for action;
  • Kanosymbolizes sexual fiery energy;
  • Gebodenotes relationships as a magical gift of the gods;
  • Turisazdestroys barriers between the operator and the object.

When combined, the symbols reinforce each other:

  • Eyvaz – Uruzpush a person to act in the direction of the operator and act as a “punch”;
  • Kano – Geboincrease sexual attraction and make the object want to see the magician as often as possible;
  • Turisazfixes the work of the spell and directs the runes in the desired direction.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Before applying the drawing, a diagnosis is carried out to determine the compatibility of the “magic pendel” and the object of influence.
  2. The operator prepares a photograph of the person or a schematic hand-drawn image of him, a “cucumber” phantom, and signs his name.
  3. The magician transfers the runes to the blank, draws symbols in the groin, chest or head and pronounces a slander.
  4. The spell is activated in any usual way: saliva, breath or the power of the elements.
  5. Set a time frame for how long the magic spell will unfold and operate.
  6. At the end of the runes, the operator neutralizes the formula, for example, burns the carrier.
  7. “Pendel” works if the object does not show internal or external resistance.


The magician includes in the clause the name of each symbol and describes its action. It is better to formulate the text of the clause in advance and write it down on a piece of paper. Visualization reinforces and enhances the effect of the runes.

The magical ritual is performed when the practitioner is alone and in a good mood.


Each of us has heard about love spells at least once in our lives. Some people prefer to avoid them because they are afraid of the possible consequences for themselves and the bewitched person, while others do not see anything bad in them. But let’s leave aside the “terrible” rituals with blood, wax dolls and other witch attributes, and let’s talk about what a runic love spell is.

Love spell using runes: is it black or white magic?

Those who are just beginning to dive into esotericism and have not yet worked seriously with runes often wonder: is a runic love spell black or white magic? Many people mistakenly believe that black magic is always evil influences, curses, damage and magical attacks, in contrast to the “good” white magic that helps people. But in fact, the differences between these practices are not in this at all, but in the powers that the magician uses. When working, white sorcerers turn to bright higher powers: angels, good spirits, forces of nature, “light” gods, while black sorcerers call on the souls of the dead, demons, and dark deities for help.

But this division is actually quite arbitrary. We have all known for a long time that the world is polar, and without darkness there is no light, without evil there is no good, without cold there is no warmth. And even more than that: not a single phenomenon can be exclusively light or exclusively dark, since it combines parts of both. Remember mythology: every “light” deity has many cruel deeds, and the “dark” ones sometimes act fairly and not at all maliciously. Therefore, it is stupid to divide magic into black and white; you need to perceive it as a single phenomenon that has two sides.

What is, in essence, a runic love spell? This is a formula consisting of runes - ancient magical symbols, which, by the way, are used today in their work by both black and white magicians. The formula helps to evoke certain feelings in a person towards another. And here again we see a double-edged sword. On the one hand, if the “bewitched” person already has nascent feelings, then becoming simply allows them to develop faster, i.e. helps him reveal himself - then this can be considered white magic. If the person on whom we make a strong runic love spell has feelings for someone, and through the influence of the formula we force him to forget about his affection and forcefully fall in love with someone else - then this is already interference in his fate, which means black magic. As you can see, a lot depends on the “initial data”.

How do runic love spells work?

The principle of operation of love spells is similar to ordinary love spells. The person we are bewitching begins to think about the operator (the one who cast the love spell on him). His feelings awaken, he wants to be close to the object of his sympathy. Without the presence of a loved one, he feels bad, and even if he leaves him, he is still drawn back. There are runic love spells exclusively for sexual affection.

The only difference from classical love spell rituals here is that the runic formulas can be stipulated so that at the right moment they cease their effect if, for example, the operator at some point changes his mind about making a love spell. Canceling the impact of serious magical rituals performed through blood or a cemetery is far from so simple.

In general, such runic bindings are used when a person experiences unrequited love or cooling of the feelings of his spouse, wants to return a partner with whom he quarreled, wants to take a loved one away from his family, or simply dreams of having an exclusively sexual relationship with a specific person.

The formula is drawn on a photograph of the object that needs to bewitched, or on a joint photo, specified depending on the desired result, and activated in any way, most often by breathing or blood. Sometimes, to depict runes, an object belonging to the object of influence is taken, after which it is quietly returned to him. The result of the formula usually appears within a month, although there are also faster rates - it all depends on the complexity of the connection and the initial situation.

Runic love spells on a man

Similar formulas are used by female representatives who want to influence their loved one with the help of runes. Although they can also be used by men to attract women.

Formula “Joy of Communication”

This easy runic love spell on a man includes only three runes: Ansuz, Gebo, Vunyo. The formula arouses interest in the mystery person and a desire to communicate with the operator. This is not a strong attachment, not a sexual love spell, but rather just an impetus for further rapprochement between people. Works well for new acquaintances and for renewing communication between people who have lost touch.

Becoming “Packaging for the rabbit”

This is a fairly powerful love spell that needs to be updated as its impact decreases. carried out by breath, blood or fire.

It includes the following characters:

  • Nautiz evokes in a person a strong need to see the operator
  • Kenaz ignites his passion and sexual desire
  • Mannaz is a symbol of a bewitched person who has become “hooked” on you.
  • Uruz forces a person to actively act: call you, make appointments, talk, give gifts, remind you of yourself
  • Vunyo creates a wonderful mood for the bewitched person from communicating with the operator

Love spell formula “Love Fire”

It is recommended to use this strong runic love spell on a man if you are absolutely sure that this person is your destiny. The runes in it work quite harshly, so it will be difficult to remove its effect. Mannaz is placed in the center of the picture as a symbol of the person we are bewitching, and is attached to it, meaning the woman doing the love spell. Below Mannaz is drawn Teyvaz - an indication of a man. The formula also includes the following symbols:

  • Mirror Ansuz as a strong energy of a love spell acting through words
  • Two Nautiz runes for coercion
  • The pairing of Ansuz with another Nautiz makes the bewitched think about the operator
  • Two Kenaz and two Laguz connected together symbolize the flow of love and passion.
  • Vunyo makes the couple’s relationship happy

Runic love spells on a woman

Most love formulas are universal, but, nevertheless, among them there are those that are more often used by representatives of the stronger sex to influence beautiful ladies. Here are some of these runic love spells on a woman.

Love spell formula “Tender love”

If girls usually want to win a strong, decisive man, then men, on the contrary, sometimes want to see a gentle and loving woman next to them, who will not crush them with her love. This formula is suitable for just such a case.

Its composition:

  • Rune Mannaz symbolizes the operator
  • Kenaz - “torch” that illuminates the person making the love spell
  • The cross of the trio Laguz - Fehu - Ansuz and the combination of Gebo - Vunyo - Raido in the background - gives rise to the girl’s thoughts about the operator, awakens in her a tender, subtle feeling of falling in love
  • Four with the runes Uruz, Raido, Nautiz, Vunyo create the desire of the partner to be close to the one who bewitched her

Becoming a “Sexy Gingerbread”

This runic love spell has a very gentle effect on the girl. Sexual thoughts about the operator awaken in her, she wants intimacy with him. But it’s worth noting that you shouldn’t expect wild passion. Although there will also be a minimum of negative consequences. The runes Teyvaz, Ansuz, Nautiz, Laguz, eight Kenaz and Yera work in it.

Love spells for the phases of the moon

In many magical rituals, lunar phases are important, and runes are no exception. In principle, you can use absolutely any love spell formula during the full moon and new moon - some runologists believe that it is at this time that the runes act most quickly and actively.

Formula "Magic Kickoff"

This strong runic love spell is best done on a new moon. The waxing moon is perfect for new beginnings, so emerging feelings and the desire to rush to your loved one will manifest themselves most strongly at this time.

The classic formula includes:

  • The combination of Eyvaz - Uruz pushes the bewitched person to take active action
  • Kenaz and Gebo create a desire to see the cameraman, to be close to him, as well as sexual passion
  • Thurisaz destroys all obstacles on the way of the bewitched person to you

Becoming a "Modified Magic Kick"

The full moon in the sky usually gives rise to illusions, dreams, and desires in us. Try this powerful runic love spell on a full moon. The difference with the previous version here is that the bewitched person will not feel the passion burning him, but tenderness and subtle desire.

Stav composition:

  • The trio Eyvaz - Turisaz - Laguz makes a person strive for the operator, bypassing all obstacles
  • Kenaz - Gebo - Laguz make the operator attractive in the eyes of the bewitched
  • gives joy from meeting, spending time together

The most powerful runic love spell “According to my desire...”

And finally, we will show you the most powerful runic love spell, which you need to be careful with. It can be said to bend the other person to your will, so think carefully about whether you need this.

  • Mannaz in its composition symbolizes the object of our influence
  • Seven Nautiz create severe coercion
  • Another mirror Nautiz in conjunction with Eyvaz makes the operator the center of the world for the bewitched
  • inspires thoughts about the object of passion, and Vunyo - feelings
  • Two Laguz influence the subconscious of the object of the love spell
  • The runes of Raido and Yera make you strive for your loved one or beloved
  • Dagaz changes a person’s attitude towards the object of passion for the better
  • establishes a strong connection between people
  • Two Kenaz and Soulu give birth to powerful feelings and passion
  • Four Turisaz cause an irresistible sexual craving in the object
  • Five elven runes (n, t, g, f, p) enhance the effect of stav, add brightness to feelings and neutralize possible side effects

Before using runic love spells, do not be lazy to read on the runology forums about their real impact. Do not make your own bets until you are confident in working with runes, so as not to cause trouble. Good luck to you!

The word runa has ancient Germanic roots and means “mystery.” Once upon a time, people in pre-Christian Europe used runic characters as writing, then they were replaced by the Latin alphabet.

Nowadays, runes are magic, or more precisely, graphic magic. With the help of runes, you can find out the future, attract desired events into your life and call a person.

The last of the three listed actions - calling a person, attracting him into your life - is dedicated to the rune called the magic pendel.

Magic Pendel – would you agree, a somewhat discouraging name? Ancient runic signs and such down to earth action, like a kick, in other words a strong kick. It turns out that this runic sign was originally called a magic pendal. The ritual is strong, effective, therefore over time it became very popular and it just so happened that popular rumor distorted the name: pendal turned into pendel.

Probably, this transformation of the word can be explained this way: the called person appears in the life of the caller so quickly, as if someone gave him that same accelerating kick. However, when it comes to runes and runic magic, then all jokes must be put aside. Runic magic is ancient rite, affecting not so much the physical body as the astral, the human spirit. Therefore, runes must be taken seriously and understand that they can have a great impact on a person’s life. Centuries have passed, but the word runa has not lost its meaning - secret knowledge, so runes must be taken seriously.

Runic becoming is one of key rituals of graphic magic, when ancient runic signs are written in a certain sequence. The person who makes the runic ritual must clearly know what goal he wants to achieve with the help of this ancient magical rite. Signs must be applied horizontally or vertically, and the characters must be written clearly and touch each other. Runes should not be turned over, so you will distort your message to the subtle world.

The magic pendel rune is aimed at attract the desired person(most often this is the object of love, or maybe just a desirable person whom you really want to see at this stage of life).

The hand combination in the magic kick is as follows: Eyvaz-Uruz-Kenaz-Gebo-Turisaz.

Each of these five ancient runic symbols means the following:

  • Eyvaz + Uruz - a strong, powerful message to action.
  • Kenaz + Gebo - attraction to you (this attraction can be both carnal and spiritual).
  • Thurisaz - this rune gives direction to the previous runes, enhances their influence and sexual attraction, if necessary. The Thurisaz rune also helps clear obstacles.

After the runic form is written on the photograph of the desired person, the magic formula must be activated with your breath. People in ancient times believed that the power of life was hidden in a person’s breath, therefore in magical rituals you can revive a spell with your breath, and it will begin to work.

A reservation with a runic stave is a magic kick-off

When doing a runic spell, you can pronounce the names of the runes and what effect they have. Three simple rules for conducting a runic ritual:

  • words must be pronounced clearly, mentally combining into a single whole what you write and what you say, while you must imagine the image of the person you are calling;
  • It is advisable to carry out the ritual alone and while in a special mood;
  • It is advisable to use new runes, and if you are drawing ligature, then you should use paints, a pencil or a red pen.

You are calling otherworldly forces into your life, so you need to be focused and respect the forces that you call upon. The magic pendel challenge is aimed at summoning a living person, and under no circumstances should this challenge be made on a person who has already left the world of the living.

Coercion Formula

The magic pendel rune is aimed at calling a person into your life. Judging by the reviews of those who have already tried this ancient magical ritual, the person being called appears and wants to communicate. Moreover, he appears quite quickly, within three days he will make himself known in any way: by calling, writing or appearing in person.

But the question is different: little by little, but still you influence the will of another person. And this is fraught with “mirroring” the situation: it is possible that after this you will face a series of tests in which your will will be limited or you will be completely subordinate to someone else’s will. Therefore, when deciding on this ancient runic ritual, think carefully about whether the game is worth the candle. If you nevertheless decide to call a person into your life with the help of a runic stave, then do it with good intentions, without wishing harm to your counterpart.

magic pendel and other runic formulas - where to apply in the photo and at what time of day is it usually done? how to negotiate and got the best answer

Reply from Lady Leo? Bright-eyed?[guru]
Runic "Magic Pendal"
Consists of:
Eyvaz-Uruz-Kenaz-Gebo-Turisaz - so that a person wants you and runs to you.
Eyvaz + Uruz - a powerful impetus to action.
Kenaz + Gebo - desire for you (both sexual and any other).
Thurisaz - sets the direction of the runes going in front of him, enhances their action and sexual desire, if necessary.
All together - this is a kind of explosion of feelings and desires, the need to see, touch, feel...
1. Eyhvaz + Urus - a powerful impetus to action
2.Kenaz+Gebo - a desire to call you... to come, to see...
3. Turizas - clearing obstacles, challenge
Don't forget that we are talking about "black magic" link

Reply from Yan Korchmaryuk[guru]
The magic kick is applied with a magic shoe, in its natural place of application - in the butt!
The time of this sacrament is unimportant.
For runes, see http://science grimuar info/factor-space-24-runes-Old-Germanic-futhark-90 html

Reply from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: magic pendel and other runic formulas - where to apply in the photo and at what time of day do they usually do it? how to stipulate