Feng Shui horoscope for August. Forecast for August

In our understanding, spouses are young men and women who raise children and arrange a life together.

But there are also other couples who have lived together for 80 years - this is very rare, and therefore such an anniversary has a special value. What family can walk together, hand in hand, until such a date? Not every one.

If a couple has lived together for 80 years, it means that they got married quite young - and yet their marriage survived, withstood all the trials and tribulations, and they are still together! This anniversary has a completely justified name - an oak wedding.

Couldn't have said it better! Oak is a unique tree. It is the strongest, and from difficult external conditions it only becomes stronger. What a wonderful analogy - after all, after so many years, a marriage union is no longer afraid of adversity, and problems and trials have truly made the family not just strong - truly indestructible.

Oak is a perennial tree, long-lived, like this family. No one knows how much time is left to live in marriage, so the spouses appreciate every moment. And an oak wedding is a special day that should be joyful and pleasant.

An oak wedding is different from other anniversaries. We are not talking about any magnificent celebrations, restaurants and festivities. There have been so many joint holidays and celebrations in the past! But now something completely different is important.

The couple, who have lived together for 80 years, want to see the happiness and joy of their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Gathering the whole family together is what you need to do for this anniversary!

Traditions and customs of an oak wedding

There are many traditions associated with this anniversary - after all, the date is not easy and very rare. It is worth celebrating it in the family circle, and all children and grandchildren should definitely come - even if they live far away. The family must unite.

How much can younger generations understand on this day by looking at the “newlyweds”! In addition, it is very important that all traditions and rituals mainly concern children and grandchildren, and not the spouses themselves, who on this day participate in all actions only by their presence. On this holiday, everything is done only for them and for the family.

  • There is a mystical belief that all family members have experiences on the night of this date. prophetic dreams. Everything comes true, dreams are filled with signs and messages, and if you see an oak tree or acorns, this is a magnificent sign that promises happiness, wealth and longevity.
  • An excellent tradition for the 80th anniversary of the union is to plant an oak tree. It will be wonderful if the whole family, with children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, gets together and plants a family oak tree in the yard of the house.

  • If space allows, you can plant a small oak alley. This will be a symbol of the ancestors, whose patronage will be eternal, this ritual will give happiness to future generations and unite the clan.
  • Another wonderful ritual for 80 years family life- this is collecting a family tree. The tree itself can be made from wood, cardboard, bought ready-made, or made by hand. And the whole family can sit around the table and paste family photos– in descending order.

It is customary to update the furniture in the house by this date. Relatives buy wooden tables, chairs, stools, cabinets and other furniture for the house, ideally oak. Updating your furniture will bring happiness and wealth to your home and will also bring prosperity to all younger generations.

The holiday itself should not be celebrated noisily. It’s better to gather around a large oak table, make aromatic tea, bake pies. If you want to raise a glass in honor of the anniversary, then it should be an exceptionally good cognac, because this noble drink is infused in oak barrels, which means it has a connection with the symbolism of the holiday.

It is customary to ask spouses about their lives, youth, and love. Let them tell what they remember; they will be pleased to return to their youth, to resurrect valuable and pleasant moments of your big, eventful life.

What to gift?

Gifts for an oak wedding do not have to be made of wood. These can be memorable or useful things:

  • Utensils and new dishes.
  • Beautiful textiles for the home - curtains, bedspreads, warm blankets, rugs.
  • New furniture - rocking chair, dinner table, stools, comfortable chairs, cabinets or even an entire kitchen.
  • Wooden home decorations - figurines, chess tables, compositions, paintings and framed portraits.
  • Something for health - massagers, devices and devices, reminders, and so on.
  • Memorable gifts - photo albums, photographs in beautiful wooden frames, photo books.

Gifts are not the main thing on this day. The main thing is the warmth of the family, the care and attention of each of its members, strong family bonds. On their 80th anniversary, the couple wants to see what love and harmony reigns in their large family, how friendly their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren are.

Looking at the idyll, they will be happy - and they will understand that they have lived such a great life with dignity, leaving a wonderful legacy. Author: Vasilina Serova

The eightieth family anniversary is called an oak wedding. The symbol of this anniversary is the oak tree. And this is no coincidence.

Oak lives for 100 years or more, is not afraid of storms, but only grows stronger from bad weather and unfavorable conditions. It takes its roots deeper and deeper into the ground and grows more and more in breadth, sending out its young green shoots.

The couple's love for their 80th wedding anniversary also grew stronger than an oak tree, despite all the adversities that inevitably come across the path of any family over such a long period of time. And their family expanded and grew, strengthened its roots, achieved prosperity, and sent out young shoots - children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren.

An oak wedding is celebrated very, very rarely, since very few couples can live to see it. The couple should already be about 100 years old by this time. And only real centenarians, of whom there are only a few, can live to such an age in our country. Moreover, the spouses need to do this together, which is even more difficult.

Moreover, perhaps by the time of the oak wedding some of the spouses’ children are no longer there. And those that remain are also at a very respectable age - they may already be 80 years old. Therefore, all organizational arrangements fall on the shoulders of the spouses’ grandchildren, as well as their great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren.

An oak wedding anniversary is of course a grandiose event that occurs so rarely. Therefore, it would be good to celebrate it widely. But on the other hand, the venerable age of the heroes of the day is not very conducive to noisy celebrations.

Therefore, it is better for anniversary organizers to find a middle ground and limit the celebration to the family circle, but make it as solemn as possible.

You need to be well prepared to celebrate an oak wedding. Find old photos of the spouses and videos of them. Make a slide show out of them that talks about life path spouses or a whole video with their participation.

A good and suitable gift for an oak wedding would be the family tree of the spouses. It will clearly show the fruits of the family life of the heroes of the day, in the form of numerous branches of their descendants displayed on the tree. You can create a family tree yourself or order it from a specialized company.

Just keep in mind that compiling a tree is not a simple and time-consuming task, so you need to start work in advance. But the result is worth it and the celebrants should really like it.

In addition, for an oak wedding you can give oak products: oak furniture, oak figurines and boxes, kitchen utensils.

But the main gift for spouses, of course, will be the care and attention from their household members. They must see that they have given birth to a large family consisting of worthy people.

If possible, let the spouses tell the younger generation about themselves, their life path and family experience, and also reveal the secret that helped them carry their love and warm feelings for each other through all these long years.

Well, young people need to take everything they hear to heart and try to use these secrets in their lives that have passed the test of “eternity.”

You also need to remember this moment well. It is unlikely that you or your loved ones will be able to attend an oak wedding again. So you can later be proud of your ancestors who lived to see their 80th wedding anniversary and tell your children and grandchildren how it was.

The next major wedding anniversary is the red or platinum wedding, celebrated 100 years after marriage. And if the current heroes of the day don’t let you down, perhaps you will be able to attend it again. Why not?

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Marriage? an important event in the life of any person, and if the marriage can also be preserved for many years, this fact is worthy of being noted! People have their own names for milestones life together. Everyone is well aware of the silver, gold, and diamond weddings, but few have heard of the oak wedding, and even more so, rarely do anyone know when it is celebrated.

Different terms? different weddings

Oddly enough, you can celebrate a kind of anniversary of married life a year after the official registration of the relationship. Such a wedding is called calico (gauze), followed by paper (2 years), leather (3 years), linen (4 years), wooden (5 years), cast iron (6 years), copper (7 years), tin ( 8 years), earthenware (9 years), tin (10 years).

After the glass wedding (15 years), the wedding date is celebrated as a holiday every five years. There is a silver wedding on the 25th anniversary of marriage, but on the 50th anniversary? golden

A diamond wedding is celebrated if the spouses have lived together for 60 years, a diamond one? 75 years old.

And finally, the oak wedding anniversary? 80 years of married life. After another 10 years, a granite wedding is celebrated (90 years of marriage). Those who are lucky enough to live in happy marriage 100 (!) years can be congratulated on the Red Wedding.

Oak wedding: how old is it and when is it celebrated?

Why is an oak wedding called an oak wedding? There is a belief that this is due to the fact that after 80 years of family life side by side with each other, the spouses are unlikely to ever quarrel and divorce; their relationship is strong and durable, like an oak tree.

Note that if the first years of married life are jokingly referred to as tearing and breaking materials (paper, gauze, leather, glass, etc.), then after 15-20 years of marriage it is compared to metal, stone (iron, copper, silver, granite ). As they say, not in the eye, but in the eye: the longer people live together, the more stronger, “petrified” their union becomes.

Oak, as you know, is not only one of the strongest, but also the most durable trees. So why exactly 80 years? the date when the oak wedding is celebrated.

What should a feast be like?

Since an oak wedding is celebrated when the main heroes of the occasion are at a fairly advanced age, it hardly makes sense to organize a noisy celebration with a disco. A quiet family feast would be more suitable here.

By this time, the family had already grown greatly: there were grandchildren and great-grandchildren, many friends who walk alongside the heroes of the day in life. If all these people came together to express admiration for the durable marriage union heroes of the occasion, this will make a stronger impression on the heroes of the day than a richly laid table, expensive gifts and the status of the establishment for the celebration.

Which gift should I choose?

When choosing a gift for an oak wedding, you should again remember that the heroes of the day? people are not young. For them, the attention of loved ones is much more important than fashion brands and the price of a gift.

Let the younger generation give their grandparents or great-grandparents something handmade, and the middle generation (daughters, sisters, husbands, sons-in-law) can either take over the decoration festive table and cooking, or give some kind of voluminous material gift (TV, washing machine, massager).

For example, a trip to a holiday home or sanatorium would be a good gift. You can organize a real flash mob on your oak wedding anniversary: ​​plant a small oak tree in the family garden. And if children and grandchildren draw a family tree or make a family album with old photographs, including the celebrants in their youth, and then new family members, this will be the most the best gift for an oak wedding.

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