Leo horoscope for August dinners. Family and relationship horoscope

Wildlife will still beckon you in August 2016. Voyages abroad will not be without obstacles, but this will not spoil the overall impression. One way or another, you will become a participant in many family events. In August, swimming or music lessons are relevant. Shopping will bring you pleasure and benefit. At the same time, now it is better to spend money on gifts for your loved one. In August, it is favorable to get acquainted with unconventional healing techniques, consult with esoteric specialists, and contact an astrologer.

  • Favorable days for Leo: August 1, 4, 12, 16, 27.
  • Difficult days: August 6, 14, 27.

Horoscope for August 2016 Leo woman

Love horoscope

From 1 to 10 August. This month you will be immersed in yourself. Perhaps you will realize something important, your views on family and relationships will change. You will be reluctant to open up to people, and often you really shouldn’t do this. Therefore, do not rush into this, watch what is happening more, and dare to act when you have already weighed all the possible consequences. Close relationships can bring joint trips abroad. From August 6 to 10, feel free to make dates.

From 11 to 20 August. The reason for close communication will not be so much topics of the heart as a common worldview, business and practical tasks. Personal relationships will be increasingly influenced by everyday issues and the desire to join something new. Jealousy can cause alienation in your couple. However, thanks to the Sun trine to Uranus, they will come to you good news regarding a long-awaited trip, a call abroad.

From 21 to 31 August. There will be opportunities to take care of yourself. Moreover, under the pressure of the conflict between the Sun and Neptune love affairs there are no long-term signs right now. Everyday realities, disorganization, secrecy, health issues and the desire to break free from the restrictions of obligations will be the main reasons that destroy romantic illusions. New acquaintances are irrelevant.

Family horoscope

If you haven’t been happy with something for a long time, it’s time to stop tolerating it and change the situation for the common good. It’s better to go through a health crisis once than to suffer day after day. Difficulties at work will cause general tension in your husband, up to a deterioration in his health. He should tune in to that. that by the end of the month many troubles will subside or be eliminated altogether. Make sure that children do not get involved in adventures. Invite them to read science fiction or learn a couple of magic tricks or chemical experiments with you.

Health horoscope

This period should be used to completely heal the body and restore the nervous system. The best solution would be a sanatorium or a hermitage in nature with phytotherapeutic and traditional methods health promotion. It is worth addressing the skeletal system and the gastrointestinal tract.

Horoscope of work and money

From August 3 to August 15, there will be additional opportunities to earn extra money, as well as strengthen your position in the official hierarchy. You may be involved in some hidden circumstances that will allow you to improve your financial situation. You should be mentally prepared for behind-the-scenes intrigue. In August, avoid unnecessary expenses, do not borrow or lend money. For employment and acquisition household appliances better days- from August 15 to August 25.

Horoscope for August 2016 for Leo men

Love. If your royal companion feels locked in a cage, then a riot and litigation are coming. The urgent need to control his own destiny will force him to slowly but surely regain lost positions. Try to accept him as he is and give him the right to personal space.

Tone. At the end of August, heart disease, rheumatism, and problems with the spine may make themselves known. The rest of the time, you should take care of stress resistance. Water procedures, music therapy, and sports activities will help you relax.

Finance. The beloved will be lucky in working part-time, and he will also be able to receive tax benefits or subsidies. New opportunities for advancement will open up material wealth. He shouldn't risk it in August large sums, make bank deposits.

Job. Ambitious plans have every chance of coming true. In August, conflicts and tension in the workforce are likely. Proper distribution of efforts and responsibilities will avoid overexertion. August is a good time to start own business. This month he will become more adventurous.

Friends. Mostly communication will be with like-minded people either social networks no personal meetings. This trend will change from August 8, when Leo will become friendlier, want to expand his circle of acquaintances, and see friends more often.

Leisure. Philosophy and fantasy may attract his attention. Attending music concerts or watching melodramas will suit his mood. In August, Leo may become interested in online games. Traveling will fill his life with new meaning.

Read also the horoscope for other zodiac signs for August 2016:

General horoscope
In August, Leos need to focus on one thing, the most important thing, and spend the entire month doing this exclusively, and simply push all other matters aside. For Leo, it will simply not be possible in August to be active in several directions at the same time, for example: at work and at family. You just won’t be able to get everything done and still spend a lot of time with your family. Choose what you can’t do without, what you really need at this very moment.

In general, the horoscope for August 2016 for Leo is quite positive. You have the power to build your own happiness. And you will certainly do this very actively. Mars portends dynamic behavior, but at the same time try to be as careful as possible when traveling.

Work, career and money
The emergence of doubts about the correctness of the actions taken is the key to great success for Leo. Due to the emerging uncertainty, Leos will double-check themselves much more often than usual, listening to the opinions of authoritative people, consulting with them, which will allow them to simply cope brilliantly with the existing tasks.
The horoscope for August 2016 for Leo predicts the most fruitful time in work will be the first ten days of August. Don't miss out on a good set of circumstances in order to direct your career in the right direction. At the end of August, significant expenses related to household needs may arise. But sudden cash flows will make it possible to restore balance in a relatively short time.

Love horoscope
In matters of the heart, the horoscope in August 2016 promises deep emotions for Leo. You will begin to be tormented by losses or missed opportunities, as well as missed situations. At the same time, love may require some kind of sacrifice from Leo, directing the development of events along the wrong path. Be prepared for this.

Relationships and family
It is not at all surprising that in this area your feelings are completely vague and chaotic, and emotional breakdowns are perceived by your loved ones as if they were necessary. But you shouldn’t worry too much, very soon everything will fall into place, and fate, testing your strength, will only, on the contrary, strengthen Lviv and make them stronger.

Control your own emotions. There is a possibility of suspiciousness, phobia and the presence of a feeling of something bad occurring. Relax more often, inhaling the aromas of flowers and herbs, this will give you the opportunity to lift your mood and improve your well-being. And don’t forget about the need to lead as active a life as possible.

Horoscope for August 2016 Leo indicates that the movement of Jupiter in your sign creates favorable conditions for solving problems that have arisen since March. This is the period when you can make the final decision, choose new idea and change the goal. In order not to choose a false goal, show integrity, otherwise this false goal will create even greater problems for you than you already have. You may have to change your mind several times. To avoid mistakes, it is necessary to coordinate decision-making and actions with relatives, friends and partners. Horoscope for August 2016 Leo indicates that female intuition can help you, so it is advisable to attract women to complete the task. You will want to show your talents, which is why you will have to be in society. At the same time, do not forget that others will look not only at your talents, but also notice your shortcomings. Your idea may be judged and criticized. To avoid attacks, try to appear in public places together with a group of trusted friends.

Marriage horoscope

Some this month will meet their love, which will undergo great trials. Others will experience a breakup with a loved one, which will cause mental anguish. Anyone who can withstand these torments and not take revenge will be able to return their loved one by December. Whoever begins to take revenge will lose his love forever. This month you cannot break off relations with your family, as this will cause karmic consequences.

Health horoscope

The state of the psyche will influence the biofield and physical health. Bad thoughts and erroneous values ​​can lead to karmic diseases and lead to serious health problems. To maintain health, you need to reassess your views, relax with friends and family, stick to a daily routine, and drink soothing tea with honey at night.

The end of summer for Leo does not mean the absence of new relationships and tender feelings. August is preparing some pleasant surprises for representatives of this zodiac sign. In order not to miss their chance, Leos should listen to the love horoscope for August 2019.

Love horoscope for Leo for August 2019

Representatives of the Leo sign are very temperamental and self-confident people. This is why single Leos can react very sharply to the absence of a significant other. To succeed in personal relationships, in August they need to be very attentive to new acquaintances and not put too much faith in those people who are trying to gain favor with flattery. Those born under the sign of Leo this month have every chance to feel mutual excitement from members of the opposite sex and develop long-term relationships.

August 2019 has a lot in store for family Leos auspicious days. Not everyone married couples the relationship will be cloudless, but the overall feeling from communicating with your loved one will be very positive. This month, Leo will receive unexpected gifts and surprises, as well as the opportunity to gather all their loved ones at one table. There will most likely not be any significant changes in your relationship with your loved one. The love horoscope for August for representatives of the Leo sign promises a warm and measured atmosphere in matters of the heart.

Love horoscope for Leo women for August 2019

Loneliness can begin to weigh down Leo girls, so in August they will have an increased desire to flirt and turn men’s heads. Some girls born under the constellation Leo will prefer new acquaintances in August 2019, while others will be more interested in close attention to existing fans. In any case, during this period, representatives of this zodiac sign will experience vivid romantic impressions and the awakening of new feelings. An accurate love horoscope advises Leo girls to leave their inner experiences and give in passionate atmosphere last days hot summer.

The family hearth for married Leo women in August will become the main source good mood and inspiration. The relationship with your spouse will most likely be devoid of passion, but this will not prevent you from enjoying close communication with each other. An accurate love horoscope promises Leo women in August pleasant stay with your family, so it’s worth considering in advance all the available opportunities for a joint holiday.

Love horoscope for Leo men for August 2019

Single Leo men have a great opportunity in August to become the initiators of a love relationship. Many of them at this time will feel a sufficient surge of energy to implement their plans. Set up romantic relationship lonely Leos will be helped by good friends and colleagues. Leos have a very significant chance of meeting their love in August 2019, so they shouldn’t lose it by getting caught up in work or everyday problems.

In nature, Leo is considered the king of beasts, and in family relationships a man born under this constellation has the same influence on his household. Respect and subordination of relatives to the decisions of the head of the family in August will give Leo men confidence in their abilities and help unite close people around them. However, at this time, representatives of this sign should not forget about the opinion of their spouse. The relationship with the woman you love in August may be affected by some excesses in Leo’s decision-making. Family horoscope for Leo, he recommends that heads of families soften their behavior a little and not only accept love from loved ones, but also give it back.

Love horoscope for Leo for other months of 2019

The difficulties that arose in August will become a catalyst for Leo to take action and creativity. Difficulties will only provoke energy-emitting Leos, who will playfully take decisive steps.

Business horoscope for Leo in August:

For Leo, an extremely favorable time will arise for business development, but success will come only when representatives of this sign act firmly and consistently. You need to take into account only your opinion and not waste time on empty discussions and debates. During constant productive business trips abroad, Leos will find time for relaxation and new acquaintances. An idyllic understanding reigns in relations with partners. Minor difficulties may arise when making real estate transactions, but after several weeks of paperwork they will disappear by themselves.

Money horoscope for Leo in August:

In the last month of summer, the influence of Jupiter is especially felt, which promises monetary well-being. The wallet will be pleasing to the eye until August 2016.

Love horoscope for Leo in August:

A typical day in Leo will be scheduled minute by minute, but their career will not interfere at all love relationships. Firmness in decision making will allow Leos to get rid of pressure from their parents. For Leo men, this is the perfect time to propose marriage to their lovers. In the families of Leo women who are not particularly friendly with their husbands, disagreements will arise up to the division of real estate. Children will delight Leo, but parents, on the contrary, will obsessively “teach life.” Positive thinking and consistency in decision making will allow you to start a long white streak in life.

Leo health horoscope in August:

Leos will find themselves at the junction of the influences of Jupiter, Mars, the Sun and Venus, each of which will feed the representatives of this sign with energy. Health will not let you down, so you should take advantage of every opportunity.