Horoscope for September. Horoscope from Olga Stella for September for all zodiac signs

In September, many of us will strive to order and stability in life. Sun will spend most of the month in the sign of Virgo, setting us up to perform practical, everyday tasks. This is the most successful period for pragmatic and hardworking people who know how and can follow established rules and regulations. Together with the Sun, Mercury, which is responsible for contacts and connections, will also be in the sign of Virgo. But the problem is that until September 22, it will remain in the retrograde phase of movement, creating certain problems in the implementation of our plans. You should not start new projects during this period. It is best to focus on a detailed study of current affairs, collecting the necessary information and correcting previously made mistakes. September is also favorable for research activities and training aimed at improving professional skills. And your success in business will largely depend on your ability to plan your day.

Venus will spend most of the month in the sign of Libra, which will determine the establishment of peace and mutual understanding in personal and business unions. Most conflicts during this period will be resolved through negotiations and reaching a mutually beneficial compromise.

However, the unfavorable aspect Saturn and Neptune throughout the month may make it difficult to resolve a number of issues. During this period, behind-the-scenes intrigues and deceptions are possible, and therefore try to reduce business activity and not make responsible decisions.


Aries in September will stop at nothing to win recognition, improve their financial situation and achieve success in business. Your zeal and determination will help you overcome high barriers that were previously difficult. In September you will most likely have to move to another job, for which you were already mentally prepared. Many will continue their studies, while others will deliberately change their professional field. The main thing is that Aries will not regret anything, but will only gain wisdom and experience.

Financial position By the end of the month it will stabilize. The apartment will have to deal with repairs and other household issues.

In personal life do not try to change the situation with rudeness and force. Otherwise, you will lose your loved one, who is unlikely to tolerate such an attitude on your part in September. Try to remain calm throughout and not lose heart. And don’t give free rein to your emotions; you yourself will suffer the most from intemperance in September.

Your physical state will be the envy of many. After your summer holiday you will feel rested, energetic and invigorated. The stars only recommend that Aries eat right, follow a routine and move more. If possible, go to bed earlier, and don’t be lazy in the morning - do exercises. You should not eat a lot of fatty and salty foods, otherwise you may get gastritis. In September be careful on the road!


What you planned for the beginning of September will begin to be carried out successfully. This month will bring many interesting things to Taurus. news, events and impressions. But try not to plunge into the world of illusions, but to objectively assess the situation. Otherwise, you may end up in an unpleasant situation. Possible tense relationships with management. If you do not withdraw into yourself, but show initiative, you will easily find like-minded people in the professional field.

IN personal life You should also adhere to an active life position, this will help Taurus find his soul mate. If you already have a family and children, then spend more time with them in September. They will appreciate your attention and care.

In September, Taurus will be subject to household and work injuries. Be careful when handling sharp objects. Taurus needs to eat well and not experiment with exotic dishes. Do not get carried away with training in the gym, walking and cycling - this will be enough to maintain normal well-being. And don't forget to go to bed earlier.


Unexpected things await Gemini in September changes in the work environment. It is advisable to prepare for them mentally so that they do not shock you. In September, Gemini will take a fresh look at familiar things. This is a good time for you when you will be obsessed with new achievements. Many will find additional income. There will be a lot of work, but this will not scare you. Your perseverance will be noticed by everyone - colleagues, partners and superiors.

IN personal life everything will be relatively smooth. You will find a common language with your chosen one and make plans for the future. Geminis who have a family will quarrel less with their spouse. Your irritation in communication will be a thing of the past. If possible, go on vacation in September. Away from the bustle of the city, you will have a wonderful vacation together.

In September good health and good mood will be your allies. Give preference to healthy foods and vitamins. During a country holiday, be careful, especially if you are driving a car. September will be traumatic for Gemini. Avoid extreme sports during this period!


Cancer will face a portion of trials and disappointments in September. If you complete them with dignity, you will become higher spiritually and physically. Take care of your nerves and energy, and don’t waste them on trifles. Your financial situation will be excellent if your needs match your capabilities. Cancer often finds himself captive of his illusions, which leads him along a deceptive path. Try to stick to logic and look at things realistically. AND It's time to finally set our sights on something radically new! Cancer can do a lot if he doesn’t look back to the past. I can only envy your patience in September. And there will be many competitors in the struggle for a “place in the sun.” You will have to get ready to fight in order to improve your situation in society and increase your capital.

Cancer feels great after summer vacation. The health horoscope warns of various injuries and cuts for September. Preventive measures and caution on the road- this is what Cancer should pay attention to in September.


Leo will be in September on the verge of bright changes in life. You will have to make responsible decisions not only in the personal, but also in the professional sphere. This is especially true for those who are planning to move to another job. Everything will be fine if your actions in September are deliberate and not spontaneous. Pay more attention and time to those who love you and value you. This is family, children, parents and close friends. They are the ones who will support you in difficult times. You will have ill-wishers and envious people who will constantly interfere with the implementation of your ideas. Someone you know will harm you financially. Leo in September will be overly aggressive and not restrained in his words. This can lead to serious conflicts. Don’t cut rashly, but realistically assess the situation.

Excessive preoccupation with love affairs will interfere with work and career growth. Many people will want to start a family and engage in the spiritual side of life.

Leo in September will be able to “move mountains.” But try to avoid heavy physical activity in September. Health will be good if Leo systematically takes care of it. The stars advise going to the gym, eating well and walking in the fresh air. This is a great time to exercise and improve your diet. This is especially true for Leo, who sits in a stuffy office all day.


September will bring Virgo many pleasant moments and unexpected meetings that will be remembered for many years. Wherever Virgo goes, she will be welcome everywhere. You find yourself in a society of kind and selfless people, which will inspire new ideas and bright achievements. Luck is on your side in September, so take advantage of Fate's favor. Virgo will proudly accept honors from her superiors for the work done. Financial support is also provided.

And here in personal life everything will be confusing and unclear. But by the end of the month, you will set your priorities and finally understand who your favorite person is, and with whom it is better to just maintain friendly contact. True love will enter the life of a Virgo who knows how to wait patiently and believe.

You should definitely rest and relax more so as not to undermine your health and nervous system. One of the main problems of September will be excessive alcohol consumption. Try to give up bad habits and lead a healthy lifestyle.


Large-scale upheavals are not expected in your destiny, but there will still be changes. This applies to all areas of life - personal, professional and social. Disappointments cannot be avoided, but luck will always be there. Good news and household chores await you. By the way, family will come first for many.

At work, Libra will feel more confident than ever. True, about financial position this cannot be said. In September, you should save ten times more than before.

Personal life will not bring Libra much excitement. Although, some unexpected event or love affair will affect your destiny.

Well-being it will be wonderful. But, despite this, it is still advisable to do physical exercise, jog in the morning and start fighting bad habits. Libras should make it a rule to eat heavily in the morning. A healthy body means a healthy mind, remember this. Drivers should be extremely careful on the road. Accidents and injuries are possible in September!


Scorpio has long dreamed of diversifying his life. In September, unforgettable moments await you, the impressions of which will remain until late autumn.

In personal life A bright streak will come for Scorpio; you can safely count on mutual feelings and passionate confessions.

September will suit Scorpio in a sense strength test. At work you must be responsible and hardworking, otherwise you will not achieve the desired result. To improve their financial situation, Scorpio should distribute the budget and be more economical.

Treason or deception on the part of a friend is possible. Of course, it will be difficult for you mentally. But try to learn a lesson from the current situation. You will definitely come to success by avoiding obstacles and intuitively taking advantage of the chances that fate throws at you.

Health horoscope For September, Scorpio is advised to avoid heavy physical activity. This month they can seriously harm your health. Scorpio will be on the verge of a nervous breakdown, so you should normalize your diet, sleep and rest. September will allow you to strengthen your immune system thanks to the abundance of fruits and vegetables. Think more about the positive, rather than loading your thoughts with “dark” thoughts.


At the beginning of September, Sagittarius should work less and relax more. Resort to relaxation sessions to restore strength and energy. After a good rest, Sagittarius will rush back to work. In September you will have additional income. Perhaps the profit will not be very large, but the chance to improve your financial situation is obvious.

Probably promotion and salary increase. This applies to those who have been working at the enterprise for many years and have established themselves as a conscientious worker. Sagittarius will even be at a loss for a while from the stunning success in the professional sphere. Sagittarius businessmen will also be “on horseback”. Yours income will significantly exceed expenses, and the planned goals will begin to be realized slowly, but. Be careful when signing documents, otherwise you will have problems with the legislature in September.

Sagittarius can decide radically change your life and change your place of residence. It will be another city or country.

In September, Sagittarius should take care of your well-being. Health can be undermined by a disrupted diet and bad habits. Quit smoking and try to drink less alcohol. Moreover, you will especially need strength and energy in September.


In September, Capricorn should gain strength and patience in order to overcome what life throws at them. We'll have to decide complex problems in the manufacturing sector. If Capricorn accurately plans his future affairs, then nothing threatens him. Otherwise, many projects will be undeservedly forgotten and crossed out. Don't put anything off until next month, otherwise things will slow down for a long time. In personal life you have to accept the situation as it is. Try to learn a wise lesson from everything in September.

Capricorn will feel in September constant fatigue and lethargy. If this drags on for a long time, consult a doctor. It is possible that your apathy and drowsiness are a sign of some kind of disease. In September there is a high risk of catching a cold and getting complications. You should definitely focus on strengthening your immune system and don't forget about preventive measures.


In September, Aquarius will be so active and attractive in appearance that many interesting personalities will appear in his environment. You will have to communicate a lot, establish business contacts and manage the situation. Aquarius will be noticed by everyone around him when making requests. But be careful not to fall under the influence of unscrupulous individuals; listen to your inner voice more often. Your natural magnetism will attract even those who previously did not want to have anything in common with you. Rely on rational decisions, not emotions.

In a love relationship Soaring and romance are also expected in September. But you also cannot do without grief and disappointment. When meeting a charming person, listen to what your heart tells you. Otherwise, succumbing to the first impression, Aquarius will plunge into the abyss of mental suffering. Don't complain about Fate, it leads you the right way. You will probably have to come to terms with some circumstances rather than go against yourself.

In September, Aquarius should pay special attention to his health and preferably fully examine the body. The heart, stomach, kidneys and liver will be especially vulnerable. Beware of colds and viral diseases, complications from which can be very serious. Chronic diseases can remind you of themselves at the most unexpected moment.


In September, Pisces will want to retire, fall in love and help loved ones. The good intentions of Pisces in September will not go unnoticed. In difficult moments in life, friends and relatives will also lend you a helping hand. But you shouldn't count on other people. Be independent and take responsibility. Especially when it comes to career, profession and finances. Pisces are unlikely to be able to rest in September. There will be a lot of urgent work that your boss will ask you to do efficiently and quickly.

In personal life everything will turn out favorably if you yourself go towards your happiness. Be more courteous and gentle with your significant other. These qualities will allow Pisces to normalize the situation in the family.

IN health plan the stars recommend that you worry less, relax more, think positively and surround yourself with friendly people. This way you will save yourself from nervous overload and improve your well-being. And avoid drinking alcohol. Protein foods, fruit juices and good sleep are what Pisces will benefit from in September.

In September 2017, we need to be practical and firm in our decisions. The first month of autumn, in total, will be a prosperous and successful period for those who are always punctual, hardworking and purposeful. September will present many good prospects and great opportunities, the main thing is to be able to discern them among the daily hassle and bustle, and take advantage of them in time. There is no need to rush anywhere, but it is also not recommended to waste precious time; the faster and simpler the decisions made, the greater the chances of success. Sitting and waiting for luck to find us is not the best option. Try to avoid intricate and abstruse solutions, phrases, expressions and do not try to dig deep, unraveling what the meaning of your life is. The meaning is to live, to live fruitfully. All your thoughts, actions and decisions should be simple and understandable, only in this way can you be completely confident that you are right and the correctness of your decisions.

In the first ten days of September 2017, the stars promise that if you work hard during this period and are not lazy to get up at 6 am, then in the second half of the month you will be able to enjoy the magnificent results of your labors. The beginning of the month will be quite calm, no emergencies are expected, but this depends on your specific preferences. If you are a lover of adrenaline and vivid impressions, then you will be able to find fun adventures out of the blue to have a little fun. But for those who like everything to be sorted out, timely, planned and predictable, the placement of the planets will create all the conditions to enjoy complete order in business and peace of mind in their personal lives. The most important qualities that will help you achieve your goals, and in some cases, make your cherished dreams come true, are concentration, consistency and determination. Gather your will and take action if you want to enjoy the fruits of your labor at the end of this month. Remember that under any circumstances you need to remain yourself, be a sincere and honest person in order to protect yourself from remorse and confidently go towards your dream.

In the second ten days of September 2017, all zodiac signs will have excellent prospects in the professional field. The location of Saturn will have a favorable effect on the search for a suitable vacancy or will help those who have been thinking about it for a long time to change jobs. In general, success in your career depends only on how practical and quick your decisions and steps towards your desired goal are. Perhaps somewhere you will have to cheat or get around the situation from the other side, even if it seems that there is no way out or optimal solution, do not forget that any situation can be bypassed, that is, you can make a knight’s move. This period will be the most successful for those who are prudent and diligent, who do not leave their tails behind and do not have the habit of putting things off until tomorrow when there is an opportunity to do them today. Everyone will play by their own rules, so you should try to predict possible scenarios so that circumstances do not take you by surprise. The management will be tolerant towards employees, but those who are distinguished by hard work and perseverance will deserve the greatest favor. A promotion up the career ladder awaits avid careerists in mid-September, but only on the condition that at the beginning of the month they made a lot of effort for such a generous reward.

If we take into account the numerous opportunities to demonstrate their professional abilities and competence in specific issues, then the third ten days of September 2017 will be a very busy period in the life of representatives of all signs of the Zodiac. Try not to look for tricks or deeper meaning in simple everyday tasks and questions, do not read between the lines of books, so as not to complicate your life. According to statistics, 95% of all problems we invent or create for ourselves. It’s worth taking a simpler view of the situation, even for a moment, and everything quickly falls into place. It’s the same at work - the more primitive our decisions are, the easier the work will be. Personal life during this period, under the influence of Venus and Mars, will be filled with unprecedented passion, the atmosphere between lovers will be so sweet that it will even become cloying. Therefore, the stars recommend introducing variety into relationships and personal life from time to time. Perhaps it will be a change of scenery or just a change in interior design, maybe new acquaintances or vacation spots, it all depends on your personal preferences and the scope of your imagination. The final period of September will be an excellent time to learn new knowledge and skills; you can achieve great success in learning foreign languages ​​or mastering handmade skills. Do not waste time on your own development and, in order not to give up halfway towards your goal, look everywhere for motivating elements, facts and simply signs of fate, and she is quite generous with them.

Month September 2017, monthly horoscope

Read the zodiac horoscope for the month of September 2017 for each zodiac sign published on the Kaleidoscope of Horoscopes website.

This is what the first month of autumn will be like for each zodiac sign. The horoscope for September 2018 will help you properly prepare for this month.

Horoscope for September 2018 Aries, Gemini, Taurus

♈ Aries

Mars, the ruler of Aries, has finally come out of retrograde. This means that Aries will once again become active and productive and will be able to achieve a lot. The horoscope for September 2018 foretells wonderful changes for Aries in the field of career and money, but people of this Zodiac Sign need to carefully consider their steps. Aries should not be tempted to make easy money. The month promises to be profitable and very successful both for work and for other areas of life. There will also be pleasant changes in Aries' personal life. This month is successful both for improving old relationships and for making new acquaintances.

♉ Taurus

For Taurus, September 2018 will bring many innovations. In the sphere of work and achievements, Taurus will need to devote themselves to higher ideals and pursue noble goals. If Taurus returns to long-proven old methods, then success awaits them. At the same time, people of this zodiac sign should not refuse changes, but they need to listen to the desires of their hearts. In family life, Taurus will compete for the role of the head of the house. In terms of finances, the month promises to be generous, but you should not immediately spend all your cash receipts, otherwise you may be left with nothing.

♊ Gemini

In September 2018, Gemini will have the opportunity to think about their lives, separate real ideas from illusions, and understand where to move next. People of this zodiac sign should not rush to make decisions. The month is perfect for analysis and preparation for the next stage of life. The horoscope for September 2018 foretells an increase in income for Gemini, but the money will not come to them immediately. You don't have to worry too much about this. As for personal life, it can be intertwined with work; Gemini will have a busy month in terms of love.

Horoscope for September 2018 Cancer, Leo, Virgo

♋ Cancer

The period of slowdowns and delays in business is over, as Mars, the ruler of the Cancer career house, has returned to direct motion. Cancers will once again be able to work hard, achieve their goals and move forward. September 2018 promises to be a successful month both for creative endeavors and in terms of finances. Cancers may have a new source of income. In Cancer's love and relationships there will be both a lot of romance and a lot of conflict situations. Only patience and prudence on the part of Cancers will help resolve all the troubles in relationships.

♌ Leo

In September 2018, Lviv will experience favorable changes in the field of work and career. Finally, with the help of their creative approach, Leos will be able to achieve what they want. The horoscope for September 2018 promises Leo a very favorable month for changing jobs or making dramatic changes in business. This month, Leos will be able to invest their money profitably, as people of this Zodiac Sign will have an excellent sense of finances. There will be new reasons for disputes in family and relationships, but by the end of the month Leos will be able to reach mutual understanding with their loved one.

♍ Virgo

In September 2018, thanks to Venus in Virgo’s house of money, people of this Zodiac Sign will receive good profits. But there will be many expenses related to family or children. Thanks to business relationships and contacts with the right people, Virgos will be able to achieve success in work and business. Representatives of this zodiac sign need to improve their affairs and improve both their financial situation and personal relationships. More opportunities will appear in the sphere of love, many Virgos will meet their love or bring more romance into existing relationships.

Horoscope for September 2018 Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius

♎ Libra

For Libra, September 2018 promises to be a month of creativity and favorite things. Many representatives of the sign will achieve success with the help of a creative approach, while others will look for a job they like and risk changing their field of activity. This time will be good for looking for a new job or applying a creative approach to old things. Financially, the month promises to be successful; Jupiter in Libra’s house of money promises higher-than-usual profits. The last week of the month will be the most active and successful period for Libra. In personal relationships, Libra will be practical, as their personal life will be closely connected with material interests.

♏ Scorpio

The horoscope for September 2018 foretells a month of renewal for Scorpios. The patron planet of Scorpio, Mars, goes into direct motion. Scorpios will be full of strength and energy for new achievements. In September 2018, it will be possible to easily change something in your goals and even change your place of work. In terms of finances, the month will be generous. Many Scorpios will receive payment for work previously done. In the personal relationships of Scorpios, chaos will reign if they defend the right of leadership, and love if they remember romance and kindness.

♐ Sagittarius

September 2018 will bring Sagittarius changes for the better, but they will happen gradually. Many Sagittarians will see progress in terms of work and financial income. Representatives of this Zodiac Sign will become more self-confident, will be able to make the necessary contacts and establish themselves well. To get additional profit, many Sagittarius will change their thinking and go beyond the usual. If Sagittarians do not argue over trifles, then their relationships with people will be better this month. In your personal life, everything will move slowly, but you will be able to analyze your relationships. Lonely Sagittarius should wait a little.

Horoscope for September 2018 Zodiac Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

♑ Capricorn

For Capricorns, September 2018 will be a very productive month in terms of work, creativity and communication. This month will be especially favorable for new acquaintances, cooperation, and thinking through long-term plans. The horoscope for September 2018 promises Capricorns a very good month for traveling, studying, collaborating and communicating with people from abroad. Mars in Capricorn's house of money will help this zodiac sign solve old problems and succeed in risky business. In family relationships, Capricorns need to show patience and restraint.

♒ Aquarius

Aquarius's career will develop rapidly in September 2018, and connections with the right people will help this zodiac sign achieve what they want. From September 11, 2018, Mars will enter your zodiac sign, which will make you more enterprising, active, and assertive. Aquarians need to be careful in financial matters and not make mistakes when making a choice. People of this zodiac sign will be prone to believing in illusions; many Aquarians will invest money in unprofitable businesses. Therefore, you should be more careful in this regard. In personal relationships there may be problems related to shared resources.

♓ Pisces

Pisces will be full of inspiration and enthusiasm to do something in September 2018. The main rule of this period is not to overdo it. The month promises to be successful for training, advanced training, and changing jobs. But it is important not to rush into decisions and not to leave work before you find a new place. The horoscope for September 2018 promises Pisces a very favorable day for various kinds of updates. There will be more certainty in financial matters; money can come through friends, social connections, and working on the Internet. The personal life of Pisces can be full of surprises and events, as well as conflicts and quarrels.

To make the month successful, let's remember what the unique gift of each zodiac sign is

A unique gift according to your zodiac sign

Aries endowed with a unique gift to create new ideas and pave the way forward to your goals.

Taurus endowed with a unique gift, with the help of incredible efforts, to bring every task to the end and obtain a tangible, real result.

Gift Gemini lies in their ability to convey invaluable knowledge to others and unite people with bonds of friendship.

Gift Cancer lies in his motherly love for all people and his ability to understand the emotions of others.

a lion received the gift of generosity and honor. This Zodiac Sign has a difficult mission on Earth - to help other people find happiness, teach them to enjoy life.

Gift Virgo lies in her desire for purity and perfection. Representatives of this Zodiac Sign always know how something should look.

Gift Libra lies in the ability to interact correctly with other people and think in big categories.

Gift Scorpio lies in his determination and enormous endurance.

Sagittarius was given the gift of cheerfulness and great intellectual abilities so that he could convey his wisdom to the people around him.

Capricorn has the gift of hard work and seriousness. This is a very wise and strong Zodiac Sign.

Aquarius was given the gift of leading other people into the future, of being the first to see what lies ahead.

Pisces was given the gift of compassion and sensitivity to people. This is the only Zodiac Sign that can attract success with the help of their dreams and thoughts about it.

The first month of autumn will greet you with several surprises and surprises. Change seems to be in the air, the main thing is to notice favorable opportunities in time. The beginning of autumn, as the horoscope for September 2018 states, can cause an attack of mild melancholy in some representatives of the Air element. However, this mood will quickly pass, since the accumulated work and household chores will require significant effort and will capture all your attention.

The first ten days of September is a time of purely material matters. An accurate horoscope shows that now you will be best given tasks related to finding additional finance, conducting negotiations, and regulating contracts and obligations. If you have been putting off unresolved problems “for later” for a long time, now is the time to take them seriously! According to the horoscope for September 2018, for the first 10 days of the month, Mars is in a favorable aspect with Jupiter, which will benefit people with an active lifestyle.

The second ten days of September are the best time for spiritual search. Think about what you want to change in your life, how you see your future in a year or 5 years. The horoscope says that you need to learn to discard false goals and set priorities correctly. Trying to manage your personal life, make a career, and improve relationships with relatives at the same time will only drain your strength. Choose one thing and your chances of success will increase significantly!

The third decade of September 2018 is a time of romance. The horoscope notes the strengthening of the energy of Venus, the planet that patronizes lovers. If it seems to you that your relationship has reached a dead end, then September will give you the opportunity to start all over again, with a clean slate. According to the horoscope, married couples this month will be able to experience a renewal of feelings, and those who have recently started dating will understand each other better and will be able to take their relationship to a new level.

Horoscope for September 2018 according to zodiac signs

♈ Aries. The most important thing that Mars will give Aries is self-confidence. The patronage of the red planet will help you cope with both everyday affairs and global problems. Don't be afraid of obstacles that may come your way. Remember - your partner is Mars, so there is nothing to be afraid of. .

♉ Taurus. At the beginning of September 2018, you will be inundated with many business offers. You will also have your own interesting ideas on how to get rich. But the main thing is that you must first figure out what is more important to you now - family or work. .

♊ Gemini. Rest and peace - that's what awaits Gemini this month. The best part is that representatives of the sign will finally be able to relax and allow themselves to fully enjoy the calm period, stopping looking for a catch in everything that surrounds them. .

♋ Cancer. In September you will be prone to sensuality and sentimentality. Your soulmate will love this romantic mood. Together you will receive a charge of positive energy, which will have a positive impact on family relationships. .

♌ Leo. In the first month of autumn, you will have new opportunities and prospects. Try to finish all the things you started or planned. Also pay attention to those projects that you started and abandoned. .

♍ Virgo. An office romance may begin at work. The love horoscope for September 2018 warns Virgo: in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, adultery in the workplace is not welcome. Move romantic relationships out of the office and onto neutral territory. .

♎ Libra. In autumn, Libra may be overcome by apathy, blues and bad mood, which is typical for this period. You will have to make an effort to overcome these feelings. The opposite is also possible: Libra will decide to take active action so as not to miss the opportunity to change something in their life. .

♏ Scorpio. Be prepared for the fact that during this period you will feel complete peace and relaxation, just like after a vacation at a resort. What is noteworthy: your luck will not be limited to only one side of life. Looks like you hit the jackpot! .

♐ Sagittarius. What to expect from fate, prepare for love adventures or failures, for career growth or troubles at work? Will it be possible to bring your plans to life this month? Our astrological forecast will tell you about this! .

♑ Capricorn. In general, September is a very favorable month for Capricorns, but the horoscope recommends not to forget about caution and attentiveness. It is these qualities that should become your companions throughout the subsequent weeks of the first month of autumn. .

♒ Aquarius. Mercury doesn't have any special plans for you in September. So, Aquarius is not expected to achieve stunning financial success. But, it must be said that you yourself will not want to do anything to improve your well-being. This month, Aquarians will be carried away only by a romantic mood, attempts to find harmony with themselves. .

♓ Pisces. Jupiter has come up with many new and different puzzles for Pisces for September, solving which you will undoubtedly become better and get unforgettable emotions. This planet truly loves Pisces and comes up with indirect ways to solve life's problems. By following the winding “undercurrents”, you will learn a lot and become stronger. .

Love horoscope for September 2018

If your relationship began this summer, then September will be a time for you to test your feelings. The holiday season is over, and now you need to somehow combine romantic dates with work responsibilities or studies. But it's not as difficult as it might seem at first glance! The horoscope promises that this month Venus will not leave you under its protection, first of all this applies to the fiery representatives of the element Fire.

Families who have problems with real estate should think about improving their living space. If you are planning to take out a mortgage to purchase an apartment, then the horoscope recommends doing this during the period from September 12 to 19, 2018. This time passes under the predominant influence of Jupiter and Mercury - two planets that ensure law, order and success in any trade and monetary transactions.

Work and career in September 2018

Now is the time to give it your all, especially if you've recently returned from vacation. Hard work will help you get an extraordinary bonus and replenish your budget, which has become considerably thinner during your summer vacation. In addition, active and responsible employees can attract the attention of management, which will have a positive impact on career prospects. However, the horoscope for September 2018 does not recommend counting on getting a new position this month. Most likely, now you will only be laying the foundation for your subsequent climb up the career ladder.

Entrepreneurs and businessmen will have no time to be bored in September. The horoscope shows that this month you will have to join the competition for clients returning from their summer vacations. The astrological forecast advises not to use dirty methods of struggle - do not forget that this year is under the control of the Yellow Earth Dog, and this animal does not tolerate dishonest methods of doing business.

Horoscope of health and well-being for September 2018

Representatives of most zodiac signs will feel a rise in strength and a surge of energy at the beginning of the month. However, keep in mind that if you want vigorous activity and begin to waste your energy too intensely, you will soon feel a loss of strength. It is very important to maintain a rational balance between work and rest, and also try to quickly adapt to the usual daily routine, which may have gone astray during the summer vacation.

Cancers, Pisces and Sagittarius in the second ten days of September 2018 may feel the autumn blues. In order not to succumb to this mild depression, you should communicate as much as possible and expand your social contacts. You can also immerse yourself in your work and your accumulated tasks - in your case, occupational therapy can be of considerable benefit!

Beauty horoscope for September 2018 recommends not to be shy about experimenting with your appearance this month. If you have long wanted to get a fashionable haircut or try some unusual hair color, then now is the time to make your wishes come true! In September, any cosmetic procedures are indicated, with the exception of those that involve invasive effects (piercing, breast surgery, etc.).

September 2018 on planet Earth will pass in an atmosphere of love and harmony. As we prepare to meet the autumn season, humanity will begin to be kinder and more tolerant towards each other. The amazing aroma of apple pies and hot chocolate will spread in the air. Many, having experienced these truly homely aromas, will refuse to lead a hectic social life in favor of a leisurely relaxation at home.

Heavenly patrons

The beginning of this autumn will be so cozy and homely only because the most sensitive, most humane heavenly leaders will volunteer to take care of the lives of earthlings. It's time to find out how life on planet Earth will change while it is ruled by the Moon and Venus.

Both of these planets will decide that earthlings have no reason to rush somewhere, surrounding themselves with bustle and depriving them of warm communication with loved ones. Under the influence of the many-sided Moon, many people will noticeably slow down their pace of life, think about the eternal, or begin to look for interests outside the sphere of finance. This stage is also suitable for studying. We are talking not only about conquering school (institute) disciplines, but also about comprehensive self-development, as well as attending various trainings and seminars.

Venus, of course, will continue to take care of the personal aspect of the lives of earthlings, bringing comfort and harmony into it. Couples that will appear just in September will be distinguished by touching care for each other. This concern will penetrate into the lives of couples with impressive experience, replacing subsided passion and a flurry of bright emotions.

Heavenly ill-wishers

The psychologically comfortable beginning of autumn 2018 will only be periodically overshadowed by the machinations of our main antagonists.