Horoscope for October 23rd Scorpio. Horoscope - Scorpio

With the advent of 2019, there is a possibility of serious changes in the lives of most representatives of the Scorpio sign.

“I am a Scorpio, an addicted person, I have a nasty and rather quarrelsome character.
This is where many of my troubles in life come from."
Alain Delon


From the beginning of the year, these individuals will experience extraordinary and even extreme events that should make them cheer up, think about their own health, their safety and give impetus to their development.

The 2019 horoscope for Scorpio promises that by being active this year and not running away from accumulated problems, these people will be able to achieve a lot, and they will do it not as usual, at the expense of others, but on their own, which is doubly honorable and pleasant.


This year will push Scorpios to take rash, adventurous actions for the sake of a person who has sunk into their soul.

Already in the spring, Scorpios will show themselves in all their glory and will be able to win the heart of a loved one. However, most of these individuals face an obstacle. The fact is that married Scorpios who already have love will show love activity. In this case, a serious question of conscience will arise, and it depends only on Scorpio what fate he will choose. As for single people of this zodiac sign, they will be aimed at finding a unique person, unusual in all respects.

The stars advise Scorpios not to look for a soul mate near home, but to go to distant countries, preferably to the South or East, where an unusual acquaintance awaits them in the second half of the year.

"They don't suit each other.
She's a Scorpio and he's an idiot."
Life with Mikey


Scorpios consider themselves careerists.

In 2019, they will have every chance to prove to others that they are truly seasoned predators, and not humble sheep. Pluto, who is the manager and patron of Scorpios, will endow these people with cunning and resourcefulness, which will certainly help them in the fight.

In the first half of the year, Scorpios should make concessions, but only to take a giant step forward in the second half of the year.

It is possible that already in the middle of the year a person born under this sign will be placed in a managerial chair with a probationary period. It will be important to forget about laziness and show your best side.

In the last three months, provocations and attempts to slander Scorpio cannot be ruled out, which means you need to be more careful.


Personalities of the Scorpio sign are accustomed to living large and spending more on themselves than on their family and friends.

This year they will have to learn how to manage money wisely and spend it skillfully so as not to end up in debt. You should reduce your exorbitant “appetite”, otherwise financial problems will appear at the end of spring.

Besides, this year will be a test of gullibility for Scorpios. Next to these individuals there will be people who will try to take possession of the available money by any means, and it depends only on Scorpio’s insight whether they will be able to deceive him.

To avoid losses, you should not invest large amounts of money in dubious projects and lend large sums even to friends.


Horoscope for 2019 Scorpio notifies that this time will have a beneficial effect on individuals who want to change their lives for the better and start leading a healthy lifestyle.

Spring is a great time to combat bad habits and serious addictions.

In the summer, Scorpios should go to a resort, or to a health resort, where they need to take care of the health of the nervous system.

But autumn is a fertile period for those who are thinking about surgery or decided to start playing sports.

If you've fallen in love with a Scorpio and the word "passion" scares you, put on your sneakers and run as fast as if the devil himself is chasing you. So it is, Scorpio is passionate in everything: in friendship, politics, work, food, children, relatives... This is not the person who suits your psyche if you are repulsed by emotional overstrain.

Scorpio Man Characteristics (Description)

At first glance, he gives the impression of an even and calm interlocutor. You won't even think that a person with such self-control could be dangerously passionate. But his calm is superficial. It's red hot inside. Don't touch it, you know very well how long it takes for burn wounds to heal. After meeting a Scorpio, your heart may ache for months, and maybe even years. And all first aid means are useless here. Remember your grandmother’s favorite saying: “Try on seven times before you cut once.” Don’t forget about it when dealing with Scorpio, think about your safety.

But if your own sign has given you a reinforced concrete nature, not afraid of fire, then the matter is different: you can get carried away by it and play with this dynamite. If this is your nature, then you will be able to keep the flame under control and warm your heart throughout your life. It is possible that you yourself are a hot-headed person, then everything will be fine too. Just don’t forget to attach an automatic thermostat to your senses, which will prevent them from overheating if something happens.

Scorpio is not one of those people who cannot be remembered after the first meeting. You will definitely remember him either as a pleasant and cheerful person, or as a perverted and passionate person. The trouble is that he is both. This man is invincible. Behind his cold reserve lies a boiling cauldron that is constantly seething. If you are lucky, the lid of this boiler will be permanently closed for a long time. But a blow to his pride could explode this cauldron. Step aside if you feel an explosion coming, and never do anything to cause it yourself.

Scorpio will amaze you with its duality: it combines reason and passion, intellect and emotions. He's more than smart. This is a deeply philosophical nature, interested in the mysteries of life and coming very close to the answers. There are Scorpios who can live without any comfort, but the true nature of this sign is sensuality. He usually surrounds himself with luxury. He is prone to excess in food, drugs, alcohol and, of course, in love. Love never frightens him or catches him unprepared. She was already in his head the first time he rode a tricycle. Nothing in life leaves him indifferent.

These men have an explosive temperament that can scar you for the rest of your life. When he sticks his sting in, it really hurts a lot. But he doesn't just enjoy winning, he has to win. Something inside him dies if he loses, even in trifles. When he's disappointed in something, you won't see any emotion on his face. He controls himself very well. He can brutally torture a woman before grabbing her by the hair and dragging her into his hole. Naturally, there are some Scorpios who will propose to you in a graceful manner, on their knees, but do not be deceived: he is simply behaving as is accepted in society and wants to maintain his dignity.

His reputation must be impeccable. He can't stand cheap stuff or anything ridiculous, despite his erotic nature. Every Scorpio is a lawmaker within himself. He doesn't care what others think about him. Of course, he would like to be a respected person, but if this prevents him from achieving his goals, then he does not care about how he looks from the outside. None of his decisions are influenced by the opinions of friends, relatives or neighbors. But don't despair, because such determination usually produces an attractive free spirit. But are honesty and courage a bad thing?

It is very interesting to watch a Scorpio when he acts in some difficult circumstances, while others hesitate, are afraid, or do not know what to do. His courageous and strong nature reaches its peak at such moments. He is rarely subject to envy and self-pity. And he doesn’t think that life should hand him gifts on a silver platter. There is another very frightening feature about him: he is attracted to secrets, riddles, and he will not miss a single one of them. And since female mystery is the strongest female defense, your soul will constantly be naked in front of him.

He has very high standards and chooses his friends carefully. This is a rare type of man who can drink pure alcohol and share rough manly jokes, and then turn into a gentle and soft lover for a woman. How can you be more of a man? But he can also be very cruel for completely inexplicable reasons and take sadistic pleasure in tormenting you. In society, in front of people, he may tell you that you are fat or stupid. This is one of his pastimes. Grin back even if it kills you. You were warned that Scorpio does not reveal his motives for doing something. And this tendency towards cruelty is not pacified by love; over the years it can even intensify.

Scorpio man in love

He rarely shows his true emotions in front of everyone, but in private with you he can tell what he really thinks. After marriage you may feel some security. But by this time you will be completely wounded. It is no use telling him that you find it difficult to tolerate his cruel behavior. In this case, he will tell you: “I’m not holding you.” It will take time to adjust to his personality. If you are too soft, you will worry constantly.

As for jealousy, you must be very careful here too. He'll explode if you even blink an eye in the presence of another man, but it's best to pack your jealousy in a suitcase and lock it away. Your tears and reproaches will not make any impression on him. No matter how he behaves, repeat to yourself: “He loves me, he is true to his deep feelings, he is only practicing his hypnotic art with other women.” Tell yourself this every day, especially when you go to bed. Women find him irresistible and attractive. But remember that if there is anyone who can resist such attention from women, it is your Scorpio. Don't you feel better now?

It is possible that he will be a very demanding father. His children will not grow up lazy and disobedient. He will teach them to respect themselves. And although he loves them with sincere love, like everything else, and will sew them up, he will teach them independence.

Scorpio will never allow his wife to dictate anything to him. He is a man, you are a woman. If you have any doubt about this, he will eliminate it so quickly that you won't even have time to blink. However, with a wife who understands him, he will be gentle and attentive, and will repay her with such loyalty and love that many women have only read about in novels. Don't try to resist this man; if he decides that he needs you, he will still hypnotize you. Its magnetism is almost physically palpable. A woman must be very brave to live with him and not break. Hold tight so as not to fall, and open your eyes wider - you will see a horizon that is inaccessible to the timid. Look over the trees, have you ever seen a sunrise like this? And from such a height? Its sunset will be just as magnificent.

Scorpio Man Compatibility

During the week of the waxing moon, you will feel a surge of energy, strength and vigor. An excellent time for new achievements, expand your sphere of influence and gradually strengthen your position in life. On the personal front, pleasant surprises, dates and confessions of tender and affectionate feelings await you. At work, try to be active; you can run several projects in parallel and get ready to reap the benefits. Towards the end of the week, closer to the phase change, you should be careful in your emotional manifestations. Usually on such days those around you show more aggression and become conflicted.

Weekly horoscope from 10/23/2017 to 10/29/2017 for all zodiac signs

Representatives of this zodiac sign have recently become too demanding of their partner. You constantly want to prick him more painfully, piss him off and definitely quarrel. Slow down, otherwise you will lose your loved one, he will simply pack his things and go to live with his mother. Refrain from expressing any complaints in person; it is better to keep your emotions to yourself and try to criticize others less. Remember that every person has shortcomings and it is better to focus on work instead of love experiences. On the holiday of the Intercession, which we will celebrate on October 14, you should spend it with your family and friends.

You will have to get rid of the habit of telling your friends about your experiences and plans for the future. You shouldn’t trust everyone you meet with your secrets, otherwise you risk becoming the object of gossip and discussions behind your back. This week is ideal for self-improvement, broadening your horizons and career growth. An ideal time to travel, meet new people and start a relationship. On Friday it is better not to attend family events; you risk becoming a hostage to a conflict situation.

Those born under this zodiac sign will experience emotional uplift and outburst. The stars advise you to be careful on the road and behave carefully with people. Try not to draw attention to your person, limit your social circle as much as possible and implement any plans on your own without anyone’s help. This tactic will be most beneficial for Gemini; you will be able to rethink a lot and choose the right path for further movement. Be prepared to redo everything several times, take care of your nervous system, there are too many irritating factors around.

A wonderful time for business meetings and establishing contacts with old partners. Cancers will have the opportunity to express themselves; your bosses will definitely appreciate your creative impulse and reward you with a salary increase and a long-awaited bonus. During non-working hours, you can safely go on love dates, try to behave sincerely and smile at your interlocutor. Representatives of this zodiac sign tend to get nervous about any reason; they panic and get lost during a heart-to-heart conversation. Be sure to pull yourself together, it’s time to get rid of this discomfort, a competent psychologist will help you cope with your worries.

You are lucky, Leos are ready to confidently move towards their goal, overcoming all possible and impossible difficulties. Experiment with new hobbies; you can go on a weekend trip with your family to another city on an excursion. The most important thing is not to sit still and then you will definitely succeed. At work, it’s better not to express your thoughts out loud and try not to show much initiative, otherwise your boss will reward you with several projects, and you’re unlikely to be able to submit everything on time. It’s better not to take part in disputes with relatives; you risk quarreling, and you’ll have to rehabilitate yourself later.

The week will bring exclusively positive emotions, happiness and joy into your life. Libra will feel important and needed not only for family and friends, but also at work. You will want to do something useful for your loved ones, and this impulse must be used: carry out renovation work in the apartment on your own, you don’t even have to involve hired workers. You should bet on fun, the weekend should be unusual. It's time to organize a party and invite all your friends and acquaintances to it. It’s better not to lend money to friends, as you risk not getting it back.

You talk so much and don't even try to put your plans into action. It's time to get rid of laziness, Scorpio understands this perfectly and is already ready to take a step towards new emotions. Don’t impose your opinion on others and don’t get hung up on little things, then everything will definitely work out. You tend to think about and discuss the same problem several times, when it is much easier to take it and let it go. Free representatives of this sign must open their hearts to love experiences that will give you goosebumps. Take the first step and you will definitely be reciprocated.

The stars advise taking a vacation this week and just resting from everything, otherwise you risk harming your reputation. Sagittarians are tired of numerous responsibilities and pressure from their superiors and are ready to do everything possible to quickly hide from the eyes of the team. Try not to participate in gossip, intrigue and scandals, otherwise you risk remaining extreme. You should act as openly as possible, using an arsenal of legal and honest methods. Cleaning your apartment will help you put not only your things in their places, but also your thoughts.

It's time to realize your potential, you have accumulated many interesting ideas. By nature, Capricorns are conservative and are afraid of doing something wrong, so they simply bide their time. If you continue in the same spirit, you risk being left with nothing. Creative potential must be realized, so feel free to sign up for courses and start working on yourself. You need to show your individuality, you can change your hair color and clothing style. Big changes will also occur on the personal front; your significant other will make you an offer that you simply cannot refuse.

Your family and friends have surrounded you with maximum love and care; at this stage of life, this is exactly what you need. At work, try not to sign any papers, much less conduct important negotiations or make deals. Your boss and colleagues can make you emotional and provoke you into conflict; try to restrain yourself and smile in a friendly manner in response. It's time to take stock, analyze the family budget and try to outline future plans for life.

Representatives of this zodiac sign feel an urgent need to be aware of all events. You want to master as much useful information as possible and solve all your problems. Feel free to make new acquaintances, go on city tours, meet friends and learn something new. Do not refuse to help your friends, and they will soon thank you in kind. Take care of your health, the risk of getting a viral infection has increased, so it is so important to follow preventive measures to avoid getting sick.

Mid-autumn 2017 promises to be a good time, bringing many pleasant moments. The love planet Venus and passionate Mars are located in Scorpio's house of friendship, so you will notice the influence of friends on the circumstances of your personal life. Perhaps your friends will introduce you to a special person who will fill your life with new meaning.

On October 10, 2017, Jupiter, the planet of good luck and great happiness, enters your sign. Here Jupiter will remain until November next year, bestowing Scorpios with its favor. You will be lucky in many areas of life: love, family, finances, career. There will be interesting romantic stories, a bright love affair may begin. If you haven’t met your soulmate yet, there is a high chance of meeting a worthy person with whom you can start a long-term relationship. Those who already have a lover will experience a blossoming of feelings.

Since October 17, 2017, Mercury, the planet of the mind and communications, has been in your sign. The influence of Mercury will help you assess the prospects of relationships impartially, without unnecessary emotions. If you need to discuss sensitive topics with your loved one, it will be easy for you to find the right words to reach an agreement.

Scorpio career and financial horoscope for October 2017

The month is favorable for collective activities, participation in conferences and other events involving groups of people. Venus and Mars in the house of social connections bring opportunity, popularity and support on a social level. Dreams often come true during such planetary transits.

Professional success comes more through charm and diplomacy, because the Sun and Mercury are hidden in the shadow of the twelfth house of Scorpio, because of this, initiative and activity are reduced.

October 23, 2017 The Sun enters the sign of Scorpio, and a fruitful period begins. A lot of work is expected, although the results will be worth it. Those who make efforts to achieve their goals will be rewarded. You will be able to stand out in the team and demonstrate your professional qualities in the best possible way, which will earn the respect of others and increase your authority.

For finances, the first half of the month is a rather controversial time, as Saturn forms tense aspects in your house of money. Be mindful of expenses and be careful in money matters. In the second half of October, planetary influences are more favorable. You can count on profitable deals, lucrative contracts, successful purchases.


In this autumn month, Scorpios do not have much energy, so they need to use their resources very carefully and also avoid hidden dangers. The position of Uranus in the house of health is complicated by negative aspects, which creates a certain risk. Take care of yourself, because diseases that appear during this period will not be easy to cure.

Even if you are popular, not everyone is friendly to you. Be aware of your surroundings!