Horoscope for November Libra Globa. Will the changes be for the better? November horoscope for the zodiac sign Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

In November, planetary changes will greatly influence the life and activities of all Zodiac Signs. Using recommendations famous astrologer Tamara Globa, you will be able to achieve success by deftly avoiding troubles and pitfalls on the path of life.

November will be a month of change and active labor activity. To ensure that good luck does not leave you, use amulets with natural stones. They will help you in work and in your personal life. The astrologer warns that representatives of many Zodiac Signs will set erroneous goals and spend energy in the wrong places. In connection with this state of affairs, site experts recommend asking for advice from a wiser generation and not hesitate to use the help of colleagues and friends.


For Aries, November will be a month of change. New opportunities await you related to work, study, travel and negotiations. New prospects for earnings will open up. Difficult period It will be daunting at first, but with effort and timely action, you will achieve what you want. The astrologer does not recommend taking on impossible tasks and going towards false goals. Adapt to changing conditions and you can overcome all adversities.


For Taurus, a period of new work will open in November. You will have a lot to do and will have to work in a team. This period will bring you good luck and prospects, provided you follow the rules regulated in your position. Do not avoid collective action, because in a team you will have a greater chance of success. Please note family relationships. Your loved ones need your help and support.


Gemini has a lot of work ahead of them. There will also be more work on the farm: repairs and construction await you, as well as the prospect of earning money from several jobs at the same time. In November, difficulties may arise in communicating with children and with the team in which you work. Learn to compromise and help your colleagues. This will make your work together easier and will lead you to success. Good luck awaits you in sports, love and creativity.


This month promises to be interesting for Cancers. There will be more work, new employees will appear, and it won’t always be easy for you. You will have the opportunity to plan a pregnancy and conceive a child, and meet the person you like. You are valued and loved, so if difficulties arise, do not hesitate to ask for help. Pay special attention to children. Their success will help you achieve more both in your personal life and in the business environment.


A turbulent period awaits Lviv. You will be able to engage in real estate, start or continue renovation work. Travel and bustle await you, participation in the affairs of relatives and helping them. At the end of the month, the astrologer advises you to be careful on the road. Unforeseen difficulties are possible. The time will come for changes in your personal life, and you will be able to establish relationships with a new acquaintance. Also for Leo, November will be an excellent time for procreation.


November will be auspicious month for training, creating a family business. You can start new job, which will be of interest to you. At home, pay attention to your children. They need your care, support, help and attention more than ever. Be careful in the financial sector at the end of the month: some difficulties are possible. Expect help from loved ones. They are always ready to support you, so do not neglect communication with distant relatives.


November for Libra will be a time of increased activity. You will have new opportunities when traveling: there will be many negotiations and useful acquaintances. You will be able to lay the foundation for the future. This month, Tamara Globa recommends solving only issues of first importance, including those related to your family. You can earn decent money with an eye on the future.


In November, Venus and Jupiter will help you in almost all matters. You should be softer, fight less and show ambition. Inner peace and balance will help you achieve your goals. You will have the opportunity to earn money. Solve problems with relatives, buy only necessary things, be careful with your finances at the end of the month. IN last week financial losses are possible in the fall.


New perspectives will open up for you. Difficulties will fade into the background and will not interfere with your development. New chances in negotiations will also appear: you will be able to solve your problems. Things will not be easy, and financial obstacles may arise at the end of the month. and patience, pay attention to your children. Also rely on friends. Their help may be very helpful to you.


In November there will come a period when Capricorn's plans may be disrupted. You can count on the help of friends and patrons. New people will appear who will not see you for who you really are, but your loved ones will come to your rescue. You can accomplish your plans, but be careful. Do not try to do things fraudulently - you are being closely watched.


The astrologer advises Aquarius to show attention to their superiors. Pressure and control are possible on their part. Problems with friends will fade into the background. May appear. Be especially careful at the end of the month. Don't neglect friendly help and support. During a difficult relationship with management, they will help you stay in harmony with yourself.


November will bring changes to Pisces. Far from home, success and profit, new acquaintances, love and patronage await you. Focus on business: difficulties may arise with management and financially. At the end of the month, avoid investments to avoid difficulties. Be vigilant and don't let your superiors see your mistakes.

In the last autumn month, get ready for the New Year, buy gifts and take care of your loved ones. They will be your reliable support and help in all matters. We wish you good luck in all your endeavors, change only in better side, and don't forget to press the buttons and

The article allows you to better understand how to correctly structure each day for the zodiac signs in November due to the features of the horoscope, which is considered accurate, complete and truthful. Write your additions in the comments.

Horoscope for November man and woman Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Libra

The November horoscope for men and women ruled by Aries will be measured and calm. The November days will not be varied, so in order not to succumb to despondency and boredom, Aries should spend more time with friends or find a new hobby.

For Taurus, in November the cold will blow not only from the street, but also in relationships with a loved one. Representatives of Taurus will give up and let everything take its course, while a permanent partner will fight for their joint happiness. By the end of the month, the callousness shown will be replaced by mercy and everything will work out.

Gemini, in order not to fall out of favor with fortune, should distance itself from the decision social problems. Sacrifice of one's own interests for the sake of the common good during this period of the year will be meaningless and will bring disappointment.

Cancer will begin to lead a reclusive lifestyle in November. His thoughts will be busy re-evaluating everything that has happened to him over the year. A melancholic mood will overshadow the events taking place around you. You can get rid of this condition by getting a kitten or other four-legged pet.

The Virgo horoscope in November prophesies that this sign will gain composure and prudence. The virgin will no longer be tormented by nostalgic memories that violated peace of mind this sign. Virgo's affairs will go uphill. Virgo men will have the prerequisites for career growth.

In November, according to the horoscope, Libra will be overcome by the autumn blues, which will not prevent them from conducting psychological experiments on their colleagues. The Libra woman will try to have an affair on the side, but she will come to her senses in time and will not give vent to her feelings.

November horoscope for the zodiac sign Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

The November horoscope for Leo is associated with a change in role. From the leader of the “pack”, Leo will turn into a contemplator. This zodiac sign will have to reconsider the circle of their friends and reject the encroachments of the opposite sex. This behavior will further unite the family union of the King of Beasts.

November stars will encourage Scorpios to flirt and find new love interests. This zodiac sign will get bored with the everyday way of his life and want new emotions and everyone's attention.

Sagittarius, on the contrary, will be least concerned about personal attachments. The first place for him will be the possible prospect of career growth. However, Sagittarius' time has not yet come.

Career success awaits Capricorn. He will be named the successor of the retiring executive. The joy of the received position will not be shared with Capricorn only by the closest friends, who clearly understand the entire burden of responsibility that their comrade has shouldered.

Aquarius, according to the November horoscope, will fall into the blues and suffer from idleness. Close relatives will help this sign shake itself out of sleep. For some time, Aquarius will be forced to solve their problems.

Pisces will have to think carefully about their health in November. Illness will follow illness and higher authorities may think about a more suitable candidate for the position held by Pisces.

November horoscope from Tamara Globa and Pavel Globa, Vasilisa Volodina

The November horoscope from Tamara Globa and Pavel Globa, Vasilisa Volodina predicts: family dramas and conflicts for Taurus and Libra, career growth Virgos and Capricorns, pain in the sign of Pisces.

The lives of other representatives zodiac constellations will pass in relative peace.

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Tamara Globa: “ We have already reached the bottom, the rise will begin in 2017».

The famous astrologer told us what we can all expect in the coming year.

Photo - Sergey Milansky.

Before the New Year, everyone is usually worried: what to expect next? Will there be a new crisis in the future? What will happen to exchange rates? Is it worth changing jobs? People look for answers to these questions in the forecasts of astrologers.

We met with Tamara Globa in person to ask her all the exciting questions and get answers first hand.

- Tamara Mikhailovna, many complain that the leap year 2016 turned out to be very difficult.

And I warned about this! Imagine winter solstice- the most long night in a year when the sun seems to sink into a hole and it seems that the dawn will never come. This is exactly what 2016 felt like. The whole year is a continuous winter solstice.

Plus, it was the year of the Monkey. And this sign always brings destruction. Moreover, in all spheres of our life - both in politics and in faith. People begin to mock sacred things that they once valued and respected. But there is also good news: When you reach the lowest peak point, you realize that there is nowhere to fall further. There is only a rise ahead.

2017 is a time of hope. The world has been undergoing a period of global restructuring for several years now, and this will actively manifest itself in the events of the coming year. Changes are already underway - after the election of a new US President. America's political system will be completely different. And with this change will come throughout the world.

In general, the events of global world restructuring began back in 2010, and those who read my annual forecasts know about this. This process will last until the early 2020s. What people call a crisis is actually a global restructuring. Established systems and countries will have a hard time. But for Russia, in many ways, this period is even more strengthening and stable than for other countries. Our life is basically lately was shaky. Over the past 100 years, we have been no stranger to sitting on a perch.

Now world politics will develop towards unification. The search for partners and a new level of cooperation will begin. 2017 is the time of diplomats and politicians, the creation of new laws and world order. The role of the UN and NATO will be completely rethought. A very interesting period is coming!

- Will the changes be for the better?

For our country - yes. Because there is a trend towards peace. This is a gradual return of relations with Ukraine and other countries. But on completely different conditions - beneficial for us. This is a very important time for Russia.

Of course, there will be moments of crisis. I don't promise it will be easy for everyone. The beginning of 2017 is expected to be quite problematic. This is the time when everyone will rattle their sabers, so to speak. At the end of summer and beginning of autumn, the financial system will show that it does not justify itself in modern conditions. People who are now slowly working on innovations in financial sector, can make great progress in the coming years, new millionaires will appear.

The most important thing is to be able to do your job and constantly improve at it. I talk about this all the time. People ask: “How to continue to live? How will we get used to these new conditions, a different financial system, changes in politics?” “Yes, it’s very simple! - I say. “You will go through them like a knife through butter.” After all, even now we constantly experience upheavals - and that’s okay, we live and work. They took away foreign cheese and sweets - okay, we’ll eat our own, it’s even useful for the development of agriculture. Or let's switch to a bun. If they take away the bun, we’ll move on to plants of something else. In life, something changes all the time, and a person gets used to almost everything. If these are not extreme circumstances - like war, then there is no horror in change.

The main thing is that there is family, children, work, development and the meaning of life.

“You need to invest in real estate or your own business”

- The symbol of next year is the Rooster. What will he bring?

What is the beauty of the Rooster? The fact that he is the herald of the dawn. Remember the fairy tale about the “golden cockerel”? When everything was calm, he said to the king: “Crow, reign, lying on your side.” And when some kind of military action took place, he warned the ruler about it, because he sat high and saw everything clearly. This is how the symbol of next year warns people about changes, about new events.

On the one hand, the Rooster is a very powerful traditionalist. He loves to preserve foundations and traditions. Values ​​clannishness and alliances: friendly, marriage, social. It provides a foundation that will take quite a long time to develop.

On the other hand, the Rooster warns and crows about the future. He wants change, craves, agitates and fights for it. The Rooster is in the vanguard, but at the same time he wants to preserve what is dear to him.

This sign is also desperately fighting for its own. Have you seen how roosters fight over hens? They lose feathers, but fight to the last drop of blood.

- Some natural disasters expected?

Earthquakes and further shifts in the Earth's layers are possible. Those who live in mountainous areas need to be careful. This may especially affect the regions of the Far East and the mountainous South. Water related problems are also likely. This winter, in January, I would be careful about going to some oceanic countries, like Thailand, the Middle East, the southern hemisphere. As for Russia, there will be a lot of water and precipitation this year. Winter is expected to be cold, snowy and icy. The same picture will emerge in Europe. This is due to general planetary trends.

In the second half of summer, the dollar exchange rate may fall, but it is better to make loans in rubles.

- What should I do? to an ordinary person in such a situation?

Live. If you have a house outside the city, buy a shovel to shovel snow. Plan for traffic jams and leave early. In the city - don’t be afraid to defend your rights to service, you’re paying money for it!

- How will people who have their own small business feel?

You need to be ready to adapt. At all, 2017 - 2018 is the heyday of small and medium-sized businesses. There will be changes. You'll see! You must be ready to keep up with the times and adapt to changing circumstances. For example, you ran an expensive restaurant, so now is the time to buy a cheap canteen. All people want to eat - both poor and rich. Everyone gets married, buys shoes and clothes, wants to receive information, study, relax, raise children, live in modern, comfortable houses, and not in painted boxes with cardboard walls... And a competent businessman will now adapt to different buyers.

- All people are usually worried about: what will happen to the currency? Where to invest money?

Now you need to invest in real estate or your own business. If you employee, it makes sense to think about the prospects. Your impressions of an employer can be very misleading. If your manager does not adapt to current trends and sits still, then soon his business will certainly collapse. If this is the case at your service, it makes sense to look for parallel work.

- Well, okay, we've sorted out the politics. What should ordinary women expect?

There will be a “feminine” year, the year of the Sun, because Venus makes a loop again.

For the first six months, Venus will be in Pisces and Aries, which promotes the development of hobbies and feelings, helping active and gentle women.

Much attention will be paid to love, family ties, relationships, everyday life, as well as increasing the level of intellectual development. In fashion, we will see the return of the classics, interest in reputable, high-quality brands. And the autumn trends will be associated with the 1970s - 1980s - emphasized sexuality and fatal images. In general, a very bright period awaits us - the triumph of individuality, traditionalism and rebellion at the same time. And this applies to all areas - both politics and personal aspirations.

The coming 2017 will generously distribute chances and advances to people. They need to be accepted without thinking too much, so as not to miss the opportunity. Remember that not all, but many changes over several years will still lead to the better. Those who manage to step over the pit of world restructuring will see the dawn and the onset of a new day.

Astrological forecast of Tamara Globa for zodiac signs for 2017. Video.

Personal matter

Tamara Globa was born on March 16, 1957 in Leningrad. She graduated from the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute of Communications named after Bonch-Bruevich, worked at the Lennauchfilm film studio. Now she teaches her own astrology courses, gives lectures all over the world, and has written many books. Since February 2015 - co-host of the “Let's Get Married!” program. on Channel One. She was married three times. Mother of two children: she has a daughter Anna (from her first marriage with classmate Sergei) and a son Bogdan (from her marriage to the famous astrologer Pavel Globa).

In November, planetary changes will greatly influence the life and activities of all Zodiac Signs. With the help of the recommendations of the famous astrologer Tamara Globa, you can achieve success, deftly avoiding troubles and pitfalls on the path of life.

November will be a month of change and active work. So that luck does not leave you, use amulets with natural stones. They will help you in work and in your personal life. The astrologer warns that representatives of many Zodiac Signs will set erroneous goals and spend energy in the wrong places. In connection with this state of affairs, experts from the site dailyhoro.ru recommend asking for advice from a wiser generation and not being shy about using the help of colleagues and friends.


For Aries, November will be a month of change. New opportunities await you related to work, study, travel and negotiations. New prospects for earnings will open up. A difficult period will be discouraging at first, but the efforts and timely actions will help you achieve what you want. The astrologer does not recommend taking on impossible tasks and going towards false goals. Adapt to changing conditions and you can overcome all adversities.


For Taurus, a period of new work will open in November. You will have a lot to do and will have to work in a team. This period will bring you good luck and prospects, provided you follow the rules regulated in your position. Do not avoid collective action, because in a team you will have a greater chance of success. Pay attention to family relationships. Your loved ones need your help and support.


Gemini has a lot of work ahead of them. There will also be more work on the farm: repairs and construction await you, as well as the prospect of earning money from several jobs at the same time. In November, difficulties may arise in communicating with children and with the team in which you work. Learn to compromise and help your colleagues. This will make your work together easier and lead you to success. Good luck awaits you in sports, love and creativity.


This month promises to be interesting for Cancers. There will be more work, new employees will appear, and it won’t always be easy for you. You will have the opportunity to plan a pregnancy and conceive a child, and meet the person you like. You are valued and loved, so if difficulties arise, do not hesitate to ask for help. Pay special attention to children. Their success will help you achieve more both in your personal life and in the business environment.


A turbulent period awaits Lviv. You will be able to engage in real estate, start or continue renovation work. Travel and bustle await you, participation in the affairs of relatives and helping them. At the end of the month, the astrologer advises you to be careful on the road. Unforeseen difficulties are possible. The time will come for changes in your personal life, and you will be able to establish relationships with a new acquaintance. Also for Leo, November will be an excellent time for procreation.


November will be a favorable month for studying and creating a family business. You will be able to start a new job that will be interesting to you. At home, pay attention to your children. They need your care, support, help and attention more than ever. Be careful in the financial sector at the end of the month: some difficulties are possible. Expect help from loved ones. They are always ready to support you, so do not neglect communication with distant relatives.


November for Libra will be a time of increased activity. You will have new opportunities when traveling: there will be many negotiations and useful acquaintances. You will be able to lay the foundation for the future. This month, Tamara Globa recommends solving only issues of first importance, including those related to your family. You can earn decent money with an eye on the future.


In November, Venus and Jupiter will help you in almost all matters. You should be softer, fight less and show ambition. Inner peace and balance will help you achieve your goals. You will have the opportunity to earn money. Solve problems with relatives, buy only necessary things, be careful with your finances at the end of the month. In the last week of autumn, financial losses are possible.


New perspectives will open up for you. Difficulties will fade into the background and will not interfere with your development. New chances in negotiations will also appear: you will be able to solve your problems. Things will not be easy, and financial obstacles may arise at the end of the month. Be optimistic and patient, pay attention to your children. Also rely on friends. Their help may be very helpful to you.


In November there will come a period when Capricorn's plans may be disrupted. You can count on the help of friends and patrons. New people will appear who will not see you for who you really are, but your loved ones will come to your rescue. You can accomplish your plans, but be careful. Do not try to do things fraudulently - you are being closely watched.


The astrologer advises Aquarius to show attention to their superiors. Pressure and control are possible on their part. Problems with friends will fade into the background. Health problems may arise. Be especially careful at the end of the month. Don't neglect friendly help and support. During a difficult relationship with management, they will help you stay in harmony with yourself.


November will bring changes to Pisces. Far from home, success and profit, new acquaintances, love and patronage await you. Focus on business: difficulties may arise with management and financially. At the end of the month, avoid investments to avoid difficulties. Be vigilant and don't let your superiors see your mistakes.

In the last autumn month, prepare for the New Year, buy gifts and take care of your loved ones. They will be your reliable support and help in all matters. We wish you good luck in all your endeavors, changes only for the better!

Many of Tamara Globa’s predictions have already come true, shocking viewers and fans of the world-famous astrologer. The most memorable was the prediction regarding the 2018 FIFA World Cup, the final part of which will be held in Russia in 2018 - as the astrologer predicted. At that time, it was difficult to believe in such events, however, as we all know, the astrologer’s prophecy came true.

There are other predictions by Tamara Globa that confirm the authenticity of her prophetic dreams And astrological predictions. For example, this is the date of the start of the war in Chechnya, which came true to the day.

The astrologer also learned in advance about the start of fires in Moscow in 2010, however, her prophecy could not prevent the tragedy, because many do not believe in such things.

The last month of autumn can be very important for each of the Zodiac Signs. Big changes are waiting for us all due to changes in the nature of many planets, and radical ones.

For good luck to accompany you this month, try to follow all the advice of experts. Astrologers shared their recommendations, which are very important.


Mars and Pluto, your main assistants, will be very stable this month, so a white streak awaits you at work, in business, in finance, a calm time without serious troubles.

Mars in Libra is completely deprived of strength, so you will not receive support from it, but moderately active Pluto will provide it in large quantities. The relevance of this planet will have a good effect on creating new connections with people. It will be good month for weddings, corporate events, and other holidays.


The Moon and Venus are your main patrons. Let's look at the Moon first. From November 1 to November 9 there will be a favorable period, because the energy of the “night sun” will not fall below half. Moreover, November 4 and 5 will be very good days due to the stay of the Moon in Taurus and its maximum activity. Until the 25th, the energy of the Moon, on the contrary, will not rise above half.

On November 10, 11, as well as November 21, 22 and 23, she will be in the Sign of Leo and Capricorn, respectively - these days will be extremely dangerous for health and mood. Use self-massage techniques to increase energy. From November 26 until the end of the month it will be possible to be rehabilitated again. The last very successful November days for you are 26, 27 and 28.


Of your positive planets, Mercury is the most important. It is he who increases intuition, gives you physical strength, patience, and a thirst for success. From November 1st to November 4th he will be in Scorpio.

The neutral energy of Mercury these days will help you plan your affairs for the month, as well as complete all the most important tasks. Don't put anything off until later. Next he will be in Sagittarius, so he will completely weaken. Yours psychic abilities and intuition will leave you, but even without them you can show this world how strong you are.


Viruses of consciousness are a dangerous thing that can destroy your luck to smithereens in the shortest possible time. It is very difficult to get viruses out of yourself, but it is possible.

In November, Jupiter will be your main assistant. He will remain in Scorpio throughout the month, maintaining moderate energy. This will be a good month for you. Your thoughts are what you will need to pay close attention to.