The name Emma meaning origin. Emma - meaning and origin of the name

What does the name Emma mean:
This name, first of all, means “strong”.

Origin of the name Emma:
This name is of German origin.

Character, conveyed by name Emma:
Emma, ​​above all, has the most high degree self-criticism. And this, as a rule, is expressed in her almost constant observation of herself, as if from the outside, and a thorough analysis of everything observed. And in all likelihood, she is often not entirely satisfied with everything that she learns about herself. But outsiders can say about her that she is not even dissatisfied with herself, and often engages in some kind of self-criticism. Although this does not make Emma at all indecisive, her life nevertheless becomes a little more complicated. She can also scroll for a long time through the most various options. And this doesn’t only apply to serious things, but even choosing an outfit, say, for an event can take her an incredibly long time. However, if Emma suddenly makes a decision, then she never backs down from it and does not accept the slightest criticism directed at herself, and it is almost impossible to convince her of anything. Since she will still do exactly as she has already decided.

Many problems in Emma's life can be associated with the complexity of her own character. She often does not listen to the advice of other people, although they could well serve her very well. And her incredible independence and complete independence from the people around her lead to the fact that her choice is not always successful.

We must, however, admit that Emma was given by mother nature a wonderful artistic taste, and, as a rule, she uses this gift, often choosing a profession for herself, say, a designer, or fashion designer, sometimes an artist, or an art critic.

The most basic character traits of adult Emma are an incredibly strong will, and a fairly high intelligence combined with unsurpassed hard work.

Throughout her life, Emma, ​​as a rule, tries to achieve some kind of balance between her truly choleric temperament and her certain inclination towards the deepest empathy and even sacrifice.

It must also be said that for Emma the greatest misfortune is submission to someone else. She is always very objective in making any assessments, no matter what it concerns. And her deep thoughts are always concrete, her will is even capable of conveying a powerful character.

Emma, ​​as a rule, has such a degree of excitability that she can become quite irritated and unusually nervous. She has remarkably developed intuition, but, unfortunately, Emma does not use this wonderful quality. Having a truly synthetic mindset, she almost always finds the right optimal way out of any situation, even the most difficult one.

The female name Emma has several versions of its origin. According to one of them, it was formed from the Hebrew male name Emmanuel means “God with us.” Translated from Latin language the name takes on the meaning “precious”, “soulful”. There is a version about German origin. It is considered a short form of ancient Germanic names beginning with Erm- and is given the meaning “huge”, “comprehensive”. Translated from Arabic it is interpreted as “faithful”, “reliable”, “calm”.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Taurus, Libra
  • Patron Planet: Venus
  • Talisman stone: sapphire, emerald
  • Color: pink, green
  • Plant: iris
  • Animal: bull, doe
  • Favorable day: Friday

Character Traits

The energy of the name Emma is strong, but changeable. Her character is endowed with such traits as hard work, openness, sociability, altruism, eccentricity, and friendliness. This is a fair person. She is able to use her works and talents for the benefit of the people. He knows how to keep his word and treats people objectively. However, she does not tolerate being obliged to someone, so she often acts as a passive manipulator.

This female character difficult to describe due to the fact that it is constantly changing. The mobility of Emma's views is sometimes simply amazing, as she can change them within one short conversation. This is a very receptive and self-critical nature. She is always polite, but knows how to stubbornly defend her personal views. There is a sense of sophistication in her character, but hidden envy and commercialism are revealed. Psychologists classify such individuals as “elusive secularism.”

Emma knows how to look into the future and foresee events. Character traits such as honesty, curiosity, responsiveness and an inventive mind make her a leader. She is very observant and quite reserved, which often helps her make unexpected but correct decisions.

A woman with this name knows how to sincerely admire, create a unique personal image, and have original judgments. Character flaws include a certain emotional detachment, distrust of people, a cold, calculating mind and a tendency to depression.

Interests and hobbies

Emma is a creative and hardworking girl, capable of being ahead of others not only in terms of perceiving the world, theoretical knowledge, but also mastering practical skills. Any of her activities requires the approval and praise of not only one person, but recognition of the results of her activities by a group of like-minded people or society. But most often the hobby of such a person is the desire for self-affirmation and self-respect. Many people call her hobbies eccentricities and her tastes strange, but she considers them an expression of her emotions.

Profession and business

The secret of the name Emma lies in the deep intuition of this girl. She is revered as a sophisticated specialist in contracts, transactions, financial transactions. He is an expert in the field of sociology, psychology, management, medicine, science, statistics, and mathematical analysis. In a creative profession, she needs emotional support, an authoritative teacher and critic. Her knowledge and character are also in demand in the field of trade, modeling, and art criticism.


The name Emma is endowed with healthy energy. Complaints of insomnia are associated more with problems of the receptive nervous system than with any diseases. Such a woman needs positive emotions and constant monitoring of her mental state.

Sex and love

In sex, Emma is exceptionally tender and touching. She likes experienced, serious, confident and wealthy men. She is always sincere in love. Conservative views on family relationships sometimes subordinate sexuality to the influence of rationalism. Men like the romanticism and ingenuity of this girl in the intimate sphere.

Family and marriage

Emma marries for love regardless of age. She always perfect wife and mother, provided that her husband is a decent, strong and respected person. In marriage, two things are very important to her: sexual attraction and a man’s “strong shoulder.” She knows how to live in the interests of her family, caring for her neighbors. She has a sense of duty. She knows everything about her life goals and aspirations. Many consider a woman with this name to be an unpredictable person, but not in terms of family and children. They are the meaning of her life.

Forms of the name Emma

Short form of the name Emma. Amy, Emachka, Emusya, Emka, Emita, Eminya. Synonyms for the name Emma. Ema. Other forms of the name Emma: Emmeline, Emlen, Imma, Imme, Emme, Ema.

The name Emma in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 艾瑪 (Ài mǎ). Japanese: エマ (Ema). Gujarati: એમ્મા (Ēm"mā). Hindi: एम्मा (Ēm"mā). Ukrainian: Emma. Yiddish: עמא (ʻmʼa). English: Emma (Emma).

Origin of the name Emma

The name Emma has different versions origin. According to the first of them, the name Emma is German name, meaning “whole”, “universal”.

According to the second version, the name Emma is derived from the Hebrew male name Emmanuel, which means “God is with us.” It is believed that Emma is short form named Emmanuel.

According to the third version, the name Emma has Latin roots and is translated as “precious”, “spiritual”.

The next version is Arab origin named Emma. Translated from Arabic it means “faithful”, “calm”, “reliable”.

It is also believed that the name Emma is a short form of ancient Germanic names beginning with the element “ermen” - “all, universal” - and the name Amalia. Related names are Emilia, Emmy, Irma.

Currently, the name is popular in the countries of the Old World - England, Germany, Sweden, France, Norway and others, as well as in the countries of the New World - the USA, Canada, New Zealand and Australia.

Character of the name Emma

Emma's character is complex, but overall not bad. This is a sensitive woman, taking everything that happens around her to heart. However, inner strength and the desire to appear more resilient than she really is do not allow the owner of this name to reveal emotions, which is why it seems that she is cold and even arrogant.

Some isolation and severity are present in Emma’s character even in childhood. As a rule, this is a very developed and intelligent girl who studies very well, but is so independent that she simply does not listen to the advice of parents, teachers and friends. Strictly speaking, she has few friends - only 1-2 close friends, but they often find it difficult to tolerate her independence and irritability.

Adult Emma is a balanced, hardworking, practical woman, oriented towards logic, but not always able to restrain her inner impulses, which is why she often falls into depression (though she most likely will not take her experiences out to people). Emma is somewhat skeptical about life; she usually achieves good results in her work. She still has few friends. The owner of this name does not like noisy companies and has difficulty opening up to new people.

The mystery of the name Emma

Such a woman likes to watch herself from the outside. But she is rarely delighted with her own life. She is a self-critical person, but is not indecisive.

Emma eats herself from the inside, she is dissatisfied with herself. Capable of going through different options for behavior and her life for a long time. When such a woman makes a decision, she will never back down from it. Her decisions should not be criticized, because it is a waste of time. She will not back down from her.

Due to her complex nature, Emma can bring upon herself many difficulties in life. She never listens to advice and tries to act independently and independently. Her choice is not always successful, but she considers it right.

Astrological characteristics of the name

Zodiacality: Aquarius
Color name: orange
Radiation: 99%
Planets: Mars
Stone-mascot: opal
Plant: linden
Totemic animal: doe
Basic character traits: sociability, will, intelligence, hard work

Additional characteristics of the name

Vibration: 64,000 vibrations/s.
Self-realization(character): 97%
Psyche: timid
Health: possible nervous diseases

Numerology of the name Emma

The name number 5 means freedom and independence. “Fives” rarely listen to outside advice; they are used to relying on their own experience. They tend to try rather than think. “Fives” love adventure and travel; sitting still is not in their nature! They are gamblers and adventurers, a thirst for risk and excitement accompany everything they do. life path. The native element of the “fives” is bargaining, in any trade affairs Few can compare with the A's. It is worth remembering that “fives” avoid responsibility at all costs.


Planet: Venus.
Element: Air and water, heat and humidity.
Zodiac: Taurus, Libra.
Color: Green, yellow-blue, pink.
Day: Friday.
Metal: Copper, bronze.
Mineral: Emerald, aquamarine, beryl, chrysolite, sapphire, carnelian.
Plants: Periwinkle, lemon balm, forget-me-not, lady's slipper, non-predatory orchids, iris, cauliflower.
Animals: Pigeon, bull, cat, rabbit, seal, doe.

The name Emma as a phrase

E (YE = E) Esi
M Think
M Think
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Emma

E - the ability to see the background of events, the underside of people, good command of the language in speech and writing. Curiosity, sometimes excessive, nosy. The desire to show that one belongs to a “good society”.

M - caring personality, willingness to help, possible shyness. At the same time, a warning to the owner that he is part of nature and should not succumb to the temptation to “pull the blanket over himself.” By being predatory towards nature, the owner of this letter harms himself.
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

Sexuality of the name Emma

She dreams of love and falls in love long before the first sexual partner. Her sexual desire does not suddenly awaken, but grows slowly and imperceptibly. Her sensitivity is very great, it manifests itself in everything that concerns her partner; Emma is worried about his clothes, voice, smell. Emma's love is fraught with deep intimacy; she wants to be alone with her feeling, without introducing anyone to it. She is very touching and gentle in sex, not burdened with complexes.

She likes a man older than her, with a lot of sexual experience, who can speak captivatingly. She loves to feel weak and small with him. Since a man of this type often compensates for already low sexual capabilities in his caresses, Emma often remains unsatisfied. She goes through the hell of jealousy, despondency, may fall into a state of depression and blames everything on her inability to adapt to a man.

Emma is sentimental, romantic, but in sex she can be inventive like no other woman, and if she meets a hot man with great sexual potential, she will become his ideal partner. Receiving sexual satisfaction, she transforms, blossoms, surrounds her friend with tenderness and care.

Emma is an excellent psychologist, she deeply feels the mood of her partner, knows how to be diplomatic with him and not insist on what causes a negative reaction in him. She does not tolerate men who are cold or inexperienced; she has no desire, like some other women, to inflame men, much less teach them about sex. She wants to have a strong lover nearby - both in the everyday and in the sexual sense - then she feels calm and protected.

“Winter” Emma is prone to long erotic games, loves stroking and kissing, and a gentle touch on her breasts. Intimate relationships with her husband often bring her grief, not finding mutual understanding with him, she blames herself for everything, but remains faithful.

Characteristics of the name Emma according to P. Rouget

Character: 97%

Radiation: 99%

Vibration: 64,000 vibrations/s

Color: orange.

Basic features: sociability - will - intelligence - hard work

Type: the whole life of women named Emma proceeds in attempts to balance two tendencies of their character - a somewhat choleric temperament and a tendency towards deep empathy and sacrifice.

Psyche: They would be simply unhappy if they had to devote their lives to subordination to someone. Very objective. He thinks specifically and is confident in his abilities. If we're talking about about something abstract, they are indecisive and timid, like a deer.

Will: their will is capable of remaking character. That says it all.

Excitability: so strong that it makes them irritable and nervous.

Speed reactions: very fast, which could break another character. But these women control themselves superbly.

Activity: does not play a big role in their life, which is completely focused on their neighbor.

Intuition: have intuition, but do not use it.

Intelligence: They have a synthetic mindset, they can find a way out of any situation themselves.

Susceptibility: They hate flirting and playing with feelings.

Moral: highly moral and without a hint of aggressiveness. They look for excuses for the mistakes of others, but do not forgive themselves anything.

Health: have excellent health, tireless. However, they must monitor their kidneys.

Sexuality: completely subordinated to reason. They lack healthy selfishness. These women make loving and faithful wives.

Field activities: The scope of their activities is very diverse. They are all very disciplined, first of all they are guardians hearth and home and wonderful mothers of the family. They can work as nurses, orderlies, pediatricians, and flight attendants.

Sociability: in society they always hide their feelings and true thoughts.

Additionally: There is huge potential in this name.

The meaning of the name Emma for life

Emma is friendly and responsive, loves to teach everyone, and willingly gives out advice. She herself never listens to the opinions of others; she prefers to learn from her mistakes. It is emotional, flares up suddenly, like a hurricane, and subsides just as suddenly. At such moments it is better to remain silent and wait out the storm. Emma is practical, but not at all enterprising: she knows nothing about finance, commerce is not for her. She is endowed with a sense of beauty and is well versed in art. This woman has good taste and is always elegantly dressed. She often gets carried away and is too amorous. Her mood is constantly changing. Relationships with men are difficult; not many can endure her whims or agree to fulfill her whims. In addition, Emma must be a leader in everything: she decides where and when to meet her partner, at the last minute she can inform him that she does not have time for a date, or not come at all. Maybe, avoiding explanations, just end the relationship. Emma gets married without difficulty, she makes her own choice and knows no defeats on the love front. Her relationships with women are much more complicated. Emma does not tolerate rivals, and sees every woman as a competitor. She has few girlfriends, but plenty of male friends. She breaks up with them without scandals, and later supports them friendly relations. In marriage, she is an ideal wife, housewife, wonderful mother, only a little annoying, obsessive with her ideas. In a family, everything should be done as it sees fit. Emma cannot stand disobedience and will always insist on her own.

Meaning of the name Emma for sex

Emma is sensitive to everything that relates to her loved one: his clothes, smell, tone of voice. Emma's love is a deeply intimate feeling that does not allow outside interference, touching, tender, pure and can last a very long time. She prefers experienced partners. Sexual desire is closely related to her partner's attitude towards her - she loves stroking and kissing, gentle touches. Emma attaches great importance physical aspect love relationship and does not tolerate the coldness of a partner. She can be sentimental and romantic, but not every woman can compete with her in terms of ingenuity in sex. She loves to be a leader in everything, ideal in bed, but she needs emotional fulfillment in relationships. Feeling loved, Emma seems to transform and blossom.

Pros and cons of the name Emma

What are the pros and cons of the name Emma? On the one hand, it is beautiful, simple and sonorous, quite familiar to our country, and therefore successfully combines with Russian surnames and patronymics. You can also choose several good abbreviations and diminutive forms for it, for example, Amy, Emusya, Emka, Emmochka. However, many parents may not like the character of the owners of this name, so it should be considered one of her shortcomings.


Emma's health is good. She is quite resilient, although she can sometimes break down psycho-emotionally. She should devote more time to herself, learn to relax and rest. It is also worth paying attention to the kidneys and musculoskeletal system.

Love and family relationships

IN family relationships Emma strives to be a leader. She likes to plan her life herself, which her husband may not agree with. This could lead to divorce, which Emma experiences outwardly very steadfastly, although deep down she may suffer. There are, of course, owners of this name for whom their family means a lot, so they will become wonderful housewives and mothers. But Emmas with such qualities are rare.

Professional area

IN professional field Emma is close to the activities of an administrator, an official, and a personal assistant. She can also be a successful economist, translator, art critic, journalist, publisher, manager, diplomat.

Famous people named Emma

Emma of Gurk ((980 - 1045) saint of the Roman Catholic Church)
Emma of Normandy ((982 - 1052) daughter of Richard I, Count of Normandy, Queen of England, wife of Kings Ethelred II and Canute the Great)
Emma of Italy ((948 - 988) daughter of the king of Italy, Lothair of Arles, wife of the king of the West Frankish kingdom, Lothair of France)
Emma Goldman ((1869 - 1940) famous anarchist of the first half of the 20th century, also known as Red Emma)
Emma of Bohemia ((950 – 1006) wife Czech prince Boleslav II; Emma is one of the few persons known by name in early Czech history)
Emma Waldeck-Pyrmont (née Adelaide Emma Wilhelmina Theresa, wife of King Willem III of the Netherlands (1858 – 1934))
Emma Hamilton (Emma Hamilton, real name Amy Lyon; English courtesan, wife of the British diplomat William Hamilton, lover of Admiral Nelson (1765 - 1815))
Emma Bunton ((b. 1976) British singer, member of the Spice Girls)
Emmy Noether ((1882 - 1935) outstanding German mathematician)
Emma Orczy (English writer of Hungarian origin, author of the novel The Scarlet Pimpernel, playwright and artist)
Emma Thompson (British actress and screenwriter, winner of the Oscar, BAFTA and Emmy awards)
Emma Kirkby ((born 1949) English singer (soprano), specializing in the field of early music, mainly of the Baroque era)
Emma Levy ((1842 - 1863) one of the last ballerinas of the era of romantic ballet and protégé of Maria Taglioni)
Emmy Goering (née Emma Johanna Henny Sonnemann; German stage and film actress, second wife of Hermann Goering (1893 - 1973))
Emma Chaplin (real name - Christelle Joliton, French singer (born 1974))
Emma Bonney (English snooker player; also plays English billiards at a high level)
Emma Viklund ((born 1968) Swedish fashion model and film actress)
Emma Laine (Finnish tennis player)
Emma Roberts ((b.1991) American pop singer and actress)
Emmaline Fanchon (Emma) Tillman ((1892 - 2007) American centenarian; died at the age of 114 years 67 days)
Emma of France ((894 - 934) queen of the West Frankish kingdom in 923 - 934, wife of King Raoul I of Burgundy of France)
Emmy Verhey ((born 1949) Dutch violinist)

Famous bearers of the name: Emma Gramatica - Italian actress; Emilia Pavlovskaya - singer (lyric-dramatic soprano), teacher, Honored Artist of the RSFSR; Emilia Pardo Basan - Spanish writer; Emilia Vorobyova - zoologist, paleontologist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Ema Destinova is a Czech opera singer who sang at the Court Opera in Berlin and the Metropolitan Opera in New York.

Emma celebrates Catholic name day

Compatibility of the name Emma

Emma is a supporter of free, open marriage. She manages to maintain complete freedom in her marriage. A favorable alliance with Abraham, Valentin, Zinovy, Hippolytus, Nestor, Felix, Edward.

Emma name incompatibility

Difficult relationships are likely with Ananias, Galaktion, David, Demids, Eustathius, Isaac, Konon, Hosea, Protas, Rogdai.

DOB: 1765-04-26

lover of British Admiral Nelson

Version 1. What does the name Emma mean?

always observes herself from the outside, and what she sees, apparently, does not lead her
delighted. She is quite self-critical, but fortunately this does not make her indecisive,
although it still makes life quite difficult.

Emma is bigger
partly she is dissatisfied with herself, she is, one might say, a Samoyed. Takes a long time to sort through possible
options - this applies to both serious things and, for example, the choice of evening
toilet. However, having finally made a decision, he will not back down from it. Criticize what
she's up to it, it's a waste of time, it's impossible to convince her, Emma
will still do things his own way.

The complexity of Emma's character entails many problems in her life. She
doesn't listen good advice, independent and independent in everything, and her choice is not always

often have good artistic taste and choose professions based on this
- artists, fashion designers, designers, art critics.

Version 2. What does the name Emma mean?

Emma - “goddess of war” (German)

Emma has a choleric temperament.
She is prone to deep empathy and sacrifice.

Very objective, thinks specifically,
confident in her abilities. If the goal is not set specifically, then it is lost, incapable
get your bearings and quickly accept the right decision. Not very brave. Willpower
gives her the opportunity to control herself, but not in moments of depression, to which she
predisposed. Emma is easily excitable and has an unbalanced nervous system. Fast
reacts to what is happening, is emotional, but perfectly controls himself. Sphere
Her activities are quite varied, as she is very disciplined and tactful.

Above all, Emma is a keeper
home, wonderful mother. She has developed intuition, but she rarely resorts to
to her help, giving preference to reason. She has a synthetic mentality, from any
situations can find a way out. There is not a drop of aggressiveness in her. He doesn’t forgive himself anything
but he always looks for excuses for other people’s mistakes, and is afraid to offend with a harsh word. In trouble
she is tireless. However, you need to protect the nervous system, avoid depression, monitor
for the kidneys and genitals.

In sex, Emma is subordinate to reason. She lacks a little selfishness. Sincerely
in love. Can't stand flirting or playing with feelings. She has a keen sense of morality.
She is a good and devoted wife, although she does not play the first role in the family. Her life is completely
focused on the neighbor: she lives for him, warms him, lights the way. This is a light
on a lonely, thorny path. This name carries great strength, love and opportunity.
“Winter” Emma is eccentric, unbalanced,
prone to frequent depression.

“Autumn” - has an inquisitive mind, reads a lot, knows a lot. Can work as a teacher, engineer,
economist. The name matches patronymics: Vladimirovna, Viktorovna, Andreevna, Valerievna,
Glebovna, Vitalievna.

- responsive, good-natured, with an unstable nervous system.

“Spring” Emma is touchy, sentimental, an incorrigible dreamer. Can work as a hairdresser
manicurist, actress. The name matches patronymics: Evgenievna, Grigorievna, Yakovlevna,
Yaroslavovna, Olegovna, Nesterovna.

4th version of the interpretation of the name Emma

Emma is quite determined and energetic. However, before making a decision,
goes through all possible options.

But, having settled on one thing, he strictly implements it to convince her
impossible. Criticizing her actions is a waste of time, Emma doesn't care
will do it his own way. Self-sufficient and independent in everything. Experiences failures self-critically,
Emma is Samoyed.

Has a well-developed artistic
taste, and accordingly chooses a profession. Emma becomes an artist, fashion designer,
designer, art critic, decorator.

6 version of the meaning of the name Emma

irritable. The complex nature of these women also gives rise to difficulties in life. Very
picky about men.

self-critical. A lively mind helps them not to get lost in extreme situations.

imagination, taste, developed harmonious perception color range let them draw
unusual, geometrically correct paintings, master the art of interior design.
In general, they are sexual, impulsive, and quick-tempered.

7 version of the meaning of the name Emma

1.Personality. Those who bring stars.

2. Character. 97%.

3. Radiation. 99%.

4. Vibration. 64,000 vibrations/s.

5. Color. Orange.

6. Main features. Sociability -
will - intelligence - hard work.

7. Totem plant. Linden.

8. Totem animal. Doe.

9. Sign. Aquarius.

10. Type. Their whole life goes by
in attempts to balance two tendencies of their character: a somewhat choleric temperament
and a tendency toward deep empathy and sacrifice.

11. Psyche. We'd just be unhappy
if I had to devote my life to obeying someone. Very objective.
They think specifically and are confident in their abilities. If we are talking about something abstract,
They are indecisive and timid, like deer.

12. Will. Their will is capable of remaking
character. That says it all.

13. Excitability. Huge.

14. Reaction speed.
very fast, which could break another character. But these women are great
keep themselves in hand.

15. Field of activity. Their sphere
activities are very diverse. They are all very disciplined, first of all this
keepers of the hearth and wonderful mothers of the family. Can work as nurses
nurses, pediatricians, flight attendants.

16. Intuition. They have intuition
but they don't use it.

17. Intelligence. Have synthetic
mentality, they can find a way out of any situation themselves.

18. Receptivity. Can't stand it
can flirt and play with feelings.

19. Morality. Highly moral
and without a hint of aggressiveness. They are looking for excuses for the mistakes of others, but for themselves; don't forgive

20. Health. They have great
health, tireless. However, you should watch your kidneys.

21. Sexuality. Completely submissive
reason. They lack healthy selfishness. These women make loving and faithful

22. Activity. Doesn't play big
roles in life, which is completely focused on one's neighbor.

23. Sociability. Always in society
hide their feelings and true thoughts.

24. Conclusion. In the name Emma
There are huge potential opportunities.

Famous people named Emma

Numerology of the name Emma

Name number: 6

People born under the number six strive for altruism and selflessness, help others, and maintain family and friendly ties. They always make loving parents and children, and they also feel confident working in education, healthcare, and social work. Caring, traditional views, and denial of too drastic changes provide sixes with stability and confidence, but at the same time can make them vulnerable and inert.

The meaning of the letters in the name Emma

E- curiosity, insight and sociability. These people love good company. They have great abilities in the field of literature and journalism. Also among them there are a lot of individuals who work in areas where intuition should be well developed, for example: medicine, police, etc. It is very difficult for these people to find their soul mate.

M- if you look at people who have the letter “M” in their name, you can say that they are scattered and disorganized, but in reality this is not the case. Whatever they need, they will never forget. They prefer to do quality work. They make excellent leaders who always take into account the interests of others.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

Name as a phrase

  • E- (YE = E) Esi
  • M- Think
  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

The name Emma in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should first write your first name, then your patronymic in Latin letters, and then your last name. You may need to write the name Emma in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

The female name Emma got its origin from the Greek language, which means - flattering, affectionate. To the question: “Whose name?”, one must always answer: “By nationality - Greek!”

First of all, the meaning of the name Emma for a girl indicates her intense and direct energy. There is a certain severity and isolation in him, but basically it’s just a mask. Emma, ​​due to her characteristic energy, is quite sensitive to surrounding influences, but at the same time she restrains her feelings, both positive and negative. This, accordingly, gives her a certain external coldness, which in turn can very easily develop into an internal one.

Character and destiny

Emma is characterized by such traits as independence and great willpower, and these appear in childhood. She is quite hardworking and persistent in her work, but she prefers to do everything thoughtfully and slowly, and her characteristic restraint inclines her to trust her mind more than her emotions. Perhaps she will in some sense not be entirely satisfied with herself, and to the best of her ability she will try to develop the necessary qualities in herself. Repressed feelings are unlikely to allow her emotions to develop into passion. Despite the closed energy of her name, it still knows how to dissipate accumulated internal tension. Emma can use this quality with great success throughout her life.

Everything will depend only on what kind of outlet she finds for her internal energy. The most favorable way out for her stress will be humor. Following this path, she will be able to fit perfectly into almost any team, this will give her family relationships the missing warmth, and her strong-willed character and goodwill of people will allow her to make a good career, including if these are leadership positions.

As for choosing a spouse, she may give preference to a man older than her. She is romantic and sentimental.

In her professional activities, she can choose the profession of a fashion designer, artist, designer, art critic, since in itself she has excellent artistic taste.

The secret of the name Emma: The girl is somewhat self-critical. He may spend a long time going through all the possible options for how to act in a given situation. You should not criticize what she has in mind, because it is a waste of your time, it will be impossible to convince her otherwise, if she has her mind set, she will act in her own way anyway.

Famous people named Emma

Emma's famous namesake was Queen Emma of England, daughter of the Norman Duke Richard the Fearless. They called it the Pearl of Normandy. As a teenager, Emma was not deprived of the attention of those around her, since she possessed, although not bright, beauty, but perfect. Her father wanted to marry her to a rich groom. And in 1002, Ethelred himself, the king of the Anglo-Saxons, wooed Emma; this event exceeded all the expectations of Richard the Fearless, and he proudly gave his daughter in marriage.

Emma had many advantages that could not be ignored; Ethelred married her for love. She later gave birth to the king two sons - Alfred and Edward (Confessor), the future king of England. Later, when her husband died, Emma accepted the marriage proposal of the Danish conqueror of England, Canute the Great. Emma bore him one son, Hardeknud.

In 1052, Queen Emma died and was buried in Winchester Cathedral, and the Norman dukes took her marriage into service, and later thus proved their right to rule England.

Name characteristics: When communicating with Emma, ​​her outward coldness is often perceived as arrogance. Basically, this is not the case, and once you get to know her better, this impression soon goes away. It is worth noting that when talking with Emma, ​​you should not speak in the language of emotions; there is little likelihood that she will at least somehow respond to such a lively tone.

Name horoscope

What does the name mean in astrology:
  • Zodiac sign corresponding to the name: Scorpio;
  • Patron planet: Mercury;
  • Character Traits: Restrained, logical, independent, practical;
  • Name colors: All shades of yellow, silver;
  • Lucky Colors: Warm shade of orange;
  • Patron saints named: Catholic saints: Saint Emma (June 27);
  • Talisman stone: Carnelian.

Video story about the name

The video will describe the spiritual meaning of the name Emma and her destiny: