The history of the uprising of Soviet soldiers in Badaber. "We're dying, but we're not giving up"

Birthday number 8 gives business ability, enterprise, and fearlessness in all spheres and areas of life, especially in commerce and industry.

Rushing only forward, these people successfully implement their plans and intentions, fulfill their plans: their will and strong character are reflected, the ability not to feel sorry for themselves and others. And resistance, obstacles on the way, opponents only spur them on, strengthening their energy and performance.

This is the strangest and most difficult number. On the one hand, it can be represented as the sum of 4 + 4, which suggests that the character of its people is doubly characterized by the qualities of people of the number 4. On the other hand, the number 8 also has its own properties. For example, it can mean grief, sadness and, at the same time, success, sometimes of world significance. People of number 8 are distinguished by great willpower and a pronounced individuality; in communication they are characterized by external coldness and detachment, although in fact they are capable of the most ardent feelings.

Lucky day of the week for number 8 is Wednesday

Your planet is Uranus


"Eights" have rare administrative abilities, the ability to manage teams, drawing people along with them. This is especially evident in the field of politics, in the military field, in the business world, where they can be cruel and merciless. But people with birth number 8 judge people, choose friends based on their wealth and position in society.


The desire for power, success, sports.

Eight forms a business materialist, strong, with a complex structure of the inner world. A person of eight will find a way out of all situations, will never get into trouble, and will always seem richer than he really is. His life is fraught with constantly changing situations that force him to make unexpected, bold decisions.

This number patronizes scientists, innovators and computer scientists, pilots and astronauts, television workers, and signalmen. Eight forces a person to move from one level to another many times in life. Eight people move rapidly up the evolutionary ladder, among them there are many Initiates. The social circle of these people changes with every turn of fate.

Love and sex:

If these people enter into early marriage, their partners will need enormous endurance, because it is during this period that they are completely captivated by work and are eager to achieve their goals. In this case, they can destroy a love relationship. Therefore, later marriages are suitable for them. By then, everything will work out for them, and feelings will become more stable.

In general, if the choice of a partner is made correctly, these people are faithful, loving spouses, although they bring some peculiarities to the marriage. By the way, many of them are ready to sacrifice marriage for the sake of a career at any age.

Birth number for a woman

Birth number 8 for a woman: A strong-willed, powerful, assertive woman. Deep down she is very vulnerable and in dire need of love and understanding. Sometimes he hides strong feelings and sexuality behind external restraint. Selfishness in love relationships is alien to her, although in other cases she can show it to the fullest. For her, “from love to hate is one step.” Unexpressed experiences destroy her. Often she herself complicates good relationships and ruins the life of her chosen one. She needs an intellectual partner, with an equally strong character, who is able to oppose her own ambitions. An equal union and joint obligations will benefit not only them, but also those around them. It is useless to beg her for love. Either he loves and achieves his goal, or he does not love, allowing himself to be loved, but without claims to the right of property, freedom and will. In a relationship with her, you should not “get into her soul,” accuse her of infidelity, look for flaws, or persuade her to restrain her emotions. But you can appreciate her passion, sensitivity, as well as practicality and originality.

Birth number for a man

Birth number 8 for a man
An independent, self-confident and self-sufficient man. He has a strong will, honesty, sincerity and perseverance. He can be important, even arrogant, suppressing his partner, or he can be modest and not flaunt his achievements. He always needs an incentive to move forward. He does not like to be dependent, but strives for complete control over people.

He can be soft, reasonable, kind and loving, or he can be tough and even angry. His negative display of emotions can be intimidating. Lucky in business. The need for activity and constant busyness can suppress close relationships. He will be interested in an intelligent and sensual woman who appreciates him and submits to him in personal relationships.

When courting, he uses either natural charm or sometimes annoying persistence. It is difficult to resist the pressure of his energy. He himself needs admiration and love, as well as a reward for all his efforts and achievements. He carefully considers marriage, paying great attention to the financial security of the future family, since he himself is thrifty. In fact, he can be generous and understands that money is a tool for making dreams and plans come true. A mistake in choosing a wife will cost him more than anyone else. Since he is constantly busy with business, he will not mind his wife taking care of household chores and making him comfortable at home.

Birth number 26

People born on the 26th are hospitable and love entertainment. Their house is constantly full of people. They are sensitive and capable of deep feelings. In some situations they act as idealists. They cannot be aroused if the object is not surrounded by an aura of romance.

These people do good to others. Capable of great sacrifices. For friends and loved ones - soft; they are often exploited, but up to a certain limit: they are not as harmless as they seem.

The social balance is always in their favor.
Those around you need to learn to respect their individuality.
These people should pay attention to the liver and digestion.

Pythagorean square or psychomatrix

The qualities listed in the cells of the square can be strong, average, weak or absent, it all depends on the number of numbers in the cell.

Decoding the Pythagorean Square (cells of the square)

Character, willpower - 2

Energy, charisma - 1

Cognition, creativity - 2

Health, beauty - 2

Logic, intuition - 2

Hard work, skill - 1

Luck, luck - 0

Sense of duty - 2

Memory, mind - 1

Decoding the Pythagorean Square (rows, columns and diagonals of the square)

The higher the value, the more pronounced the quality.

Self-esteem (column “1-2-3”) - 5

Making money (column “4-5-6”) - 5

Talent potential (column “7-8-9”) - 3

Determination (line “1-4-7”) - 4

Family (line “2-5-8”) - 5

Stability (line “3-6-9”) - 4

Spiritual potential (diagonal “1-5-9”) - 5

Temperament (diagonal “3-5-7”) - 4

Chinese zodiac sign Ox

Every 2 years the Element of the year changes (fire, earth, metal, water, wood). The Chinese astrological system divides years into active, stormy (Yang) and passive, calm (Yin).

You Bull elements Tree of the year Yin

Birth hours

24 hours correspond to the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac. The sign of the Chinese horoscope of birth corresponds to the time of birth, so it is very important to know the exact time of birth; it has a strong impact on a person’s character. It is argued that by looking at your birth horoscope you can accurately determine the characteristics of your character.

The most striking manifestation of the qualities of the hour of birth will occur if the symbol of the hour of birth coincides with the symbol of the year. For example, a person born in the year and hour of the Horse will display the maximum qualities prescribed for this sign.

  • Rat – 23:00 – 01:00
  • Bull – 1:00 – 3:00
  • Tiger – 3:00 – 5:00
  • Rabbit – 5:00 – 7:00
  • Dragon – 7:00 – 9:00
  • Snake – 09:00 – 11:00
  • Horse – 11:00 – 13:00
  • Goat – 13:00 – 15:00
  • Monkey – 15:00 – 17:00
  • Rooster – 17:00 – 19:00
  • Dog – 19:00 – 21:00
  • Pig – 21:00 – 23:00

European zodiac sign Taurus

Dates: 2013-04-21 -2013-05-20

The four Elements and their Signs are distributed as follows: Fire(Aries, Leo and Sagittarius), Earth(Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn), Air(Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) and Water(Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces). Since the elements help to describe the main character traits of a person, by including them in our horoscope, they help to form a more complete picture of a particular person.

The characteristics of this element are cold and dryness, metaphysical matter, strength and density. In the Zodiac, this element is represented by the earth's trine (triangle): Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. The Earth trine is considered a materialistic trine. Principle: stability.
The earth creates forms, laws, gives concreteness, stability, stability. The earth structures, analyzes, classifies, creates the foundation. She is characterized by such qualities as inertia, confidence, practicality, reliability, patience, rigor. In the body, the Earth gives inhibition, petrification through contraction and compression, and slows down the metabolic process.
People whose horoscopes express the element of Earth have a melancholic temperament. These are people of sober reason and prudence, very practical and businesslike. The goal of their life is always real and achievable, and the path to this goal is outlined already in their young years. If they deviate from their goal, it is very slightly and then more due to internal reasons than external ones. People of this trine achieve success thanks to such excellent character traits as perseverance, perseverance, endurance, endurance, determination, and steadfastness. They do not have such imagination and a bright, lively imagination as the signs of the Water trine, they do not have utopian ideas like the signs of Fire, but they stubbornly pursue their goal and always achieve it. They choose the path of least external resistance, and when obstacles arise, they mobilize their strength and energy to overcome everything that prevents them from achieving their intended goal.
People of the Earth element strive for mastery of matter. The creation of material values ​​brings them true satisfaction, and the results of their work delight their soul. All the goals that they set for themselves must first of all bring them benefit and material gain. If the majority of planets are in the Earth's trine, such principles will apply to all areas of life, including love and marriage.
People with a predominance of the Earth element stand firmly on their feet and prefer stability, moderation, and consistency. They love a sedentary lifestyle, attached to home, property and homeland. Periods of growth and prosperity are followed by crises, which can be long-lasting due to the inertia of the Earth’s trine. It is this inertia that does not allow them to quickly switch to a new type of activity or relationship. This shows their limited ability to adapt to anyone or anything, with the exception of the sign of Virgo.
People with a pronounced Earth element usually choose a profession related to material values, money or business. They often have “golden hands”, they are excellent craftsmen, and can be successful in applied sciences and applied arts. They are patient, submissive to circumstances, sometimes take a wait-and-see attitude, but do not forget about their daily bread. Everything is done with one goal - to improve your physical existence on earth. There will also be concern for the soul, but this will happen from case to case. All of the above is easily achievable for them, provided that their energy is not spent on such negative character traits as ultra-egoism, excessive prudence, self-interest and greed.

Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius. A fixed cross is a cross of evolution, stability and stability, accumulation, concentration of development. He uses the experience of the past. It gives stability, hardness, strength, durability, stability. A person in whose horoscope the Sun, Moon or most of the personal planets are in fixed signs is distinguished by conservatism, inner calm, steadfastness, perseverance, perseverance, patience, endurance, and prudence. He fiercely resists what they try to impose on him, and is able to fight back anyone. Nothing irritates him more than the need to change something, no matter what area of ​​his life it concerns. He loves certainty, consistency, and requires guarantees of reliability in order to be protected from any surprise.
Although he does not have sharp impulses or ease in making decisions that are inherent in other signs, he is distinguished by constancy of opinions, stability in his habits and life positions. He is attached to his work, he can work tirelessly, “until he drops.” He is also constant in his attachments to friends and loved ones, holding tightly and steadfastly to someone or something, be it material value, social status, a faithful friend, a devoted like-minded person or a close and loved one. People of the Fixed Cross are faithful, devoted and reliable; they are knights of their word. You can always rely on their promises. But you only have to deceive them once, and their trust is lost, maybe even forever. People with a fixed cross have strongly expressed desires and passions, they act only from their own motives and always rely on their own instincts. Their feelings, likes and dislikes are unshakable and unshakable. Adversity, failures and blows of fate do not bend them, and any obstacle only strengthens their tenacity and perseverance, as it gives them new strength to fight.

The main formative principles of Taurus are typical manifestations of the Earth element. This is a feminine, “Yin” sign, a sign of the manifestation of the vibration of the planet Venus. Taurus is depicted as a corresponding animal, standing firmly on the Earth. This is a bull, as if emerging from the earth, having a direct connection with it. The Earth gives Taurus strength, on the one hand, the opportunity to feel firmly standing on his feet, and on the other hand, the Earth seems to attract Taurus, not allowing him to break away from himself.

People born under the sign of Taurus are often excellent economists, planners, business executives, and sales workers. Among them, according to world statistics, most are ministers of agriculture, a lot of large bankers, financiers and even politicians. This is all due to the fact that in all matters they are guided by common sense; they are very down-to-earth, practical, and sometimes pragmatic people. If we talk about the negative qualities of Taurus that the Earth gives him, then this is, first of all, conservatism, the desire for stability. But, on the other hand, conservatism is necessary and useful in any serious matter. Therefore, if Taurus shows healthy conservatism in his desires, then this is perfectly reflected in the work he is doing. This same conservatism helps Taurus to prove themselves as lawyers. Their desire to adhere to a previously established order helps them achieve great success both in society and in all areas in which they are involved.
It is necessary to emphasize one important nuance: Taurus then act effectively when they feel solid ground beneath them, that is, when they have a clear life platform in any form (a strong family, a solid position in society, large material savings, inheritance; as well as accumulations of intellectual or energetic nature). Taurus people constantly save up everything in order to function normally. This is a necessary condition for their life. In itself, hoarding in Taurus is not a bad or good trait, but a natural one. The assessment of “good” or “bad” appears when we begin to analyze how Taurus uses this accumulation. If he uses what he has accumulated for good deeds, for deeds related to the evolution of people, large groups or all of humanity, that’s good. If Taurus has become a grabber, then things cannot be worse.

A small child - Taurus will always save something, either candy wrappers, or pennies, or books, or stamps. Parents must be very attentive to these inclinations of their children so that they do not develop into a quality that corrodes the essence of a person. Sometimes Taurus’s constant need to always have a foundation and some incentive under his feet reaches the point of ridiculousness, then he cannot be guided in life by abstract concepts, philosophical concepts, and he definitely needs a clearly and clearly formulated task. By the way, Taurus learn with great difficulty, it is with great difficulty that they acquire knowledge, but once the information has entered their head, then nothing can knock it out. Material incentives in activities and studies are also important for them.
Hoarding is not a bad trait if channeled in the right direction. The highest quality of Taurus, Earth, is the desire for strength, for the accumulation of information. Taurus are very patient, they can achieve their goal for a long time until he completes his program. This is an excellent quality - perseverance, the ability to achieve a goal at any cost, when it is connected with constructive deeds, bringing good to people. This is exactly what tall Taurus is set up for. All Taurus are usually characterized by hard work and perseverance in achieving goals. Taurus is also characterized by creative fertility. The most striking examples are Karl Marx, O. Balzac.

18:06 24.04.2009

"Shuravi" should not be taken prisoner."

April 26, 1985in Pakistan there was an uprising of Soviet soldiers who were captured in Afghanistan

The uprising ended with the death of all camp prisoners. The dushmans' losses were great; their then leader, Rabbani, miraculously survived. Here's what the BBC reported: “The uprising in Badaber may have accelerated the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. Badaber should have entered the Russian language as a word denoting the cruelty of war, selfless courage in a hopeless situation and the vileness of betrayal. But it didn’t. . I didn’t become famous. I would like to understand why.”

So why don't we remember soldiers who were martyred? These fallen don't even have graves.

During the years of the war waged by the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, 417 people were captured or disappeared. More than half of the names from this mournful list were identified. The fates of about two hundred more soldiers are still unknown. Among them are prisoners from the Badaber concentration camp in Pakistan. Our and Afghan soldiers, those who fought for Babrak Karmal, were kept in it. The prisoners were guarded by the Mujahideen, and the official authorities of Islamabad pretended that they knew nothing about this camp.

Badaber was famous not so much for its prisoners as for its gigantic ammunition depot - the largest in the region. A significant part of the ammunition from it, if there had not been an uprising of the prisoners, any day should have gone to the Panjshir Valley to Ahmad Shah Masud, who fought with us.

From a report from the American intelligence services: “Through our sources in one of the opposition groups, information was received that the Islamic Society of Afghanistan party, under the leadership of Professor Rabbani, organized a camp for storing artillery ammunition in the town of Jangali, located between the settlements of Badabera and Malani.

There were 13 Soviet soldiers in the camp. On April 26, these prisoners of war broke out of their cells and took up positions in one of the storage facilities.

During the incident, an explosion occurred, resulting in many deaths."

Pakistani authorities tried to keep this tragedy a secret. But half a month later, one of our newspapers, citing TASS, published a message: “On May 11, the USSR Ambassador in Islamabad presented the President of Pakistan Zia-ul-Haq with a decisive protest in connection with the death of Soviet military personnel on Pakistani territory.” And that's it, no more comments.

Soviet prisoners of war began to be brought to this base, where dushmans were trained under the guidance of American instructors, in 1983-84. Before this, groups of dushmans kept them in zindans. Our prisoners were used for the most difficult work - in quarries, when loading and unloading ammunition. But in the fall of 1984, it was decided to gather everyone in one place. Camp Badaber needed labor to build a new training center.

April 26 was Friday, most of the camp guards had gone to the mosque for evening prayers. That's when the uprising began. The following picture emerges from various sources.

Our guys, during the evening prayer of the guards, killed the sentries and took possession of weapons. At first they only shot in the air and demanded intermediaries: either from the Soviet embassy or representatives of international organizations.

The camp and weapons depot were arranged in such a way that it was impossible to take the rebels by storm. Rabbani’s negotiations yielded nothing, not even promises to save lives and hand over the boys to the Red Cross.

The assault followed the assault. Desperate to suppress the uprising, the prisoners were shot with multiple launch rocket launchers and heavy direct-fire artillery. Moreover, they claim that on the morning of April 27, the artillery shelling of Badaber was already carried out by Pakistani artillery. One of the shells hit the arsenal building directly, and the explosion detonated the ammunition. A powerful explosion razed the dushmans’ base to the ground, and three shell-shocked but surviving rebels were dragged into a corner of the fortress and blown up with grenades. Rabbani himself claims that the Pakistani military did not take part in the suppression, but arrived in Badaber a few hours after the uprising, when it was all over. In one of his interviews, he said: “In the Badaber area, which was located not far from us, refugees lived, and we organized our logistics base there, placed storage facilities for our goods. For which purpose a certain plot of land was taken, we also temporarily stayed there prisoners. The Pakistani government knew about the prisoners we had, but did not intervene in the situation because it was a tribal area and had little police control."

According to another version, the prisoners blew themselves up when they saw that they couldn’t escape.

It is said that after Badaber there was an order issued by another Afghan leader, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar on April 29. The order said: “Do not take Shuravi (that is, “Soviet”) prisoners.”

The Pakistani government, fearing retaliation from Moscow, did everything to ensure that information about the events in Badaber did not become public. The circulation of the only local publication that reported this was confiscated and destroyed, the Badabery area was closed to visits by journalists and diplomats, and the leaders of the gangs were ordered to answer that a skirmish had occurred in the Badabery area between two rival gangs. Officially, the Pakistani authorities declined to comment, citing their ignorance.

Many years later, a Pakistani intelligence officer, co-authored with an American colleague, published the book “Bear Trap.” “The government,” they write, “found itself in a very unpleasant position, since it had always categorically denied the presence of Soviet prisoners of war in Pakistan. We received strict orders that all prisoners of war were to be kept in Afghanistan. We learned a lesson from this at the cost of losing an important warehouse weapons and barely escaped scandal."

By the way, the destruction of this huge ammunition depot saved more than one life of our soldiers and Afghan civilians: for several weeks the dushmans had nothing with which to fight.

Many years later, one of the authors, from high-ranking Soviet intelligence officials, learned that our special services were preparing an operation to rescue the prisoners. A special group had already been created, whose task was to free the prisoners and withdraw with them to the territory of Afghanistan. But the uprising occurred before the operation was prepared.

People were captured in Afghanistan in different ways. For example, senior lieutenant Kazbek Khudalov was missing a fighter in the morning, went to look for him and did not return. Nikolai Shevchenko was a truck driver in Afghanistan. Delivered food to military units. He left behind a wife and little daughter in Ukraine. He was captured in the Herat province bordering Iran. It happened like this: the soldiers went to pick grapes from the local residents, and they were taken there - and that’s all. This is how Nikolai Samin, another prisoner of the Badaber camp, was captured. Two more - Matveev and Dudkin. Both left for the army from the same recruiting station, on the same day. Both ended up in tank forces, but in different training units and ended up in Afghanistan. And they met again in captivity.

After the suppression of the uprising, an agent from the intelligence center of the Afghan Ministry of State Security was sent to Badaber. The details of his report, as well as information provided by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Soviet General Staff, were reported to the highest military leadership of the USSR. As a result of the storming of the prison, all the prisoners died; their exact number could not be established then.

But the enemy's losses became known: about 130 Mujahideen, 6 foreign advisers, 13 representatives of the Pakistani authorities and 28 Pakistani army officers.

3 Grad missile launchers, approximately 2 million rockets and shells of various types, and about 40 artillery pieces, mortars and machine guns were destroyed. The explosion and subsequent fire destroyed a number of buildings, including the prison office, in which, according to available data, documents with lists of prisoners were kept.

The Committee on the Affairs of Internationalist Soldiers under the Council of Heads of Government of the CIS Member States has repeatedly proposed posthumously rewarding all participants in the Badaber uprising. However, Defense Ministry officials have objections: there is still no accurate data on who behaved in captivity. According to some reports, among our soldiers there were also ordinary deserters. Moreover, according to the Ministry of Defense, citing intelligence data, literally on the eve of the uprising, one of the captives betrayed his comrades, informing the dushmans about the impending “rebellion.”

Therefore, the military department is in no hurry to make a decision on the award, believing that everything needs to be carefully checked. This position can be understood. But if there are documented heroes, they already deserve to be awarded posthumously.

Natalia Kozlova, Vladimir Bogdanov 2009-04-24 |

p.s. The war is long over, the countries are different and the attitude towards the “Afghans” is different. But the history of this war must be known, analyzed and included in textbooks. Moreover, we know little about the uprisings of prisoners. (Fiction does not count).

In Pakistan, on the territory of the Badaber training camp, where the Afghan Mujahideen were trained by American, Pakistani and Egyptian instructors, there was a concentration camp. It held Soviet and Afghan prisoners.

At the time of the uprising there were approximately 40 Soviet prisoners (military and civilian personnel) and 14 Afghan prisoners.

On April 26, 1985, during evening prayer, the prisoners managed to remove the sentries and seize the weapons depot. Armed, they tried to seize the radio station to announce themselves, but the attempt failed. Then they took up a perimeter defense and demanded a meeting with representatives of the Soviet or Afghan embassies in Pakistan or the Red Cross. They refused the offer to surrender, because... They knew they would score anyway.

The operation to suppress the uprising was personally led by one of the leaders of the Mujahideen, Burhanuddin Rabbani, the future President of Afghanistan (since 2001) and Chairman of the Supreme Peace Council of Afghanistan. Burhanuddin Rabbani, who did not want international publicity for the existence of a concentration camp on Pakistani territory, ordered the assault to begin. The Mujahideen and the regular Pakistani army took part in suppressing the uprising: artillery and armored units of the 11th Army Corps of the Pakistani Army, as well as a helicopter unit of the Pakistan Air Force.

Despite all attempts to storm the warehouse, nothing worked. Then in the morning they began shelling from heavy guns. During the shelling, the warehouse exploded. The explosion detonated the remaining warehouses.
The Badaber military base was completely destroyed, killing 120 Afghan Mujahideen, 6 American advisers, 28 Pakistani officers and 13 representatives of the Pakistani administration. The Mujahideen also lost 40 artillery pieces, mortars and machine guns, about 2 thousand rockets and shells, 3 Grad MLRS installations.

Three miraculously surviving soldiers were tied to the wall and bombarded with grenades.
The President of Pakistan tried to hide the truth about the uprising, but first a left-wing Pakistani newspaper and then the Western media wrote about what happened.

Why broadcast American guano about Rimbaud and others on TV? Here is the finished plot. It can be cool. If you don’t have your own mind, let them copy it from Rimbaud...

Not much is known. They are silent in Pakistan. And “ours” are silent.
It's gone and forgotten. The guys won't be remembered for the army holiday.
Moreover, Pakistan has become our comrade and brother,
Almost like China. But the graves of the dead are screaming!

They beat them, tried to force them to believe in the Koran,
And someone broke down. But I wouldn't blame them.
Their faith in their native country was painfully broken -
Months and years passed, and they were forgotten in captivity.

They were beaten, tortured, tried to force them to betray,
And you don’t want to die in a foreign country!
And an adventurous plan matured in the forelock head -
During prayer, everyone loses attention.

Here is the sentry at the gate and on the tower - silent,
To arms, brothers! Let's break through! Will report us
A short line from a newspaper in the homeland of TASS!
Relatives will hear and the Motherland will remember us!

No one will say how many heavy attacks there were.
Cars were burning, an enemy tank was hit!
And the sun rises through the smoke from the stinking earth.
Hold on! Perhaps they will hear about us, we did it!

The Earth cracks like a sliver from heavy land mines,*
The sky rises like a wall of misfortune and fire,
Three survivors by chance, howling in fear,
Everyone tore and tore with grenades, forgetting their souls...

*This uprising caused such a commotion in the Mujahideen camp that one of the leading leaders of the dushmans, Gulbetdin Hekmatyar, ordered that “Shuravi” should no longer be taken prisoner, but that if captured, they should be destroyed on the spot (this directive was distributed among the units of the Islamic Party of Afghanistan and was in effect during 1985. Was canceled under pressure from American advisers)

In 2003, by Decrees of the Presidents of Ukraine and Kazakhstan, two internationalist soldiers were posthumously awarded orders. The Russian Ministry of Defense failed to find worthy people among the rebels...

Why am I talking about this now? Because in those years they were silent about this in the USSR for a long time. And I just wanted to remember the guys. Most of them were under 30.

The picture shows a still from the 2009 film "Inferno."

Sergey Levchishin

The lists included

In 1992, at the urgent request of the Russian side, First Deputy Foreign Minister of Pakistan Shahryar Khan reported the names of six participants in the Badaber uprising. However, only in the summer of 2002 was it possible to gain access to the journal of one of the economic divisions of the IOA headquarters, which kept records of the property of the Badaber camp.

Subsequently, the names of Soviet prisoners of war became known:

– Lieutenant Saburov S.I., born in 1960, Republic of Khakassia;

– ml, lieutenant Kiryushkin G.V., born in 1964, Moscow region;

– Private Varvaryan M.A., born in 1960, Armenian;

– Sergeant Vasilyev P.P., born in 1960, Chuvashia;

– ml. Lieutenant Kashlakov G.A., born in 1958, Rostov region;

– ml. Sergeant Ryazantsev S.E., born in 1963 Russian;

– ml. Sergeant Samin N.G., born in 1964, Kazakhstan;

– Corporal Dudkin N.I., born in 1961, Altai Territory;

– Private Vaskov I.N., born in 1963, Kostroma region;

– Private Pavlyutenkov, born in 1962, Stavropol Territory;

– Private Rakhimkulov R.R., born in 1961, Tatar, Bashkiria;

– Private Levchishin S.N., born in 1964, Samara region;

– Private Zverkovich A.N., born in 1964, Belarus;

– Private Korshenko S.V., born in 1964, Ukraine;

– employee of the Soviet army Shevchenko N.I., Ukraine.

In addition, during this period, Almanov Kh., Anakin A., Gabaraev K., Dukhovchenko V., Evtukhovich O., Zhuravlev Yu., Radzhabov N., Rashchupkin A., Shvets V., Makhmad-Nazarov could also have been in the Badaber camp during this period Kh. and other Soviet military personnel. There is still no way to clarify their last names, initials, military ranks, or place of residence before being drafted into the army.

As the former US special representative at the headquarters of the Afghan opposition in Pakistan, P. Thompson, once stated, complete lists of participants in the uprising and those killed in the Badaber camp are stored in the safes of the special services in Islamabad. However, it is still not possible to get acquainted with them.

There were no rewards for the heroes

There is another aspect of the problem associated with the armed uprising in the Badaber camp. This is to perpetuate the memory of fallen soldiers. In 2002, a petition was sent to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation to reward Russians who died heroically during an armed uprising. Here is an excerpt from the response from the awards department of the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation:

“According to the lists at our disposal (Book of Memory of Soviet soldiers who died in Afghanistan), the internationalist soldiers you indicated are not among the dead. I inform you that the awarding for the fulfillment of international duty in the Republic of Afghanistan ended in July 1991 on the basis of the Directive of the Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR for Personnel dated March 11, 1991. Based on the above, and also taking into account the lack of documentary evidence of the specific merits of the former military personnel indicated in the list , at present, unfortunately, there are no grounds for initiating a petition for an award.”

Repeated appeals at different times to Presidents Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev with requests to posthumously present participants in the heroic uprising in the Badaber camp for state awards do not receive a positive response. The lack of reaction from the leaders of our state in this matter looks very ambiguous against the background of the awards in 2003 by Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine to the participants of the uprising in Badaber Alexander Zverkovich, Nikolai Samin and Sergei Korshenko. However, 10 people from the above list were drafted from Russian territory.

In the mountains near Peshawar in Pakistan
Deciding to wash away the shame of captivity with blood
At night, a group of prisoners rebelled
To live at least a day free...

Missing in Pakistan

Thirty years ago, in April 1985, the Soviet Union was preparing to solemnly celebrate the 40th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

“Be worthy of the memory of the fallen!” - sounded in those days from high stands.

Mujahideen of the Islamic Society of Afghanistan with a DShK machine gun, Afghanistan, 1987. Photo: / Erwin Franzen

Meanwhile, in the mountains of Pakistan, the descendants of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War took part in a battle that became, perhaps, the main legend of the Afghan War. A battle, all the details of which are still unknown and may never be known.

By 1985, Pakistan had become the main base of the Afghan mujahideen. On the territory of this state there were militant training camps, the wounded were treated here, and the latest weapons systems were supplied here, which the Mujahideen were equipped with with American money. The Afghans were trained in the use of these weapons by American military advisers.

In addition, Soviet prisoners of war were kept in Mujahideen camps in Pakistan. The Pakistani authorities categorically did not recognize this fact, but Soviet military intelligence informed the top leadership of the USSR that the missing Soviet soldiers were being held in this country.

The conditions of detention of the “shuravi” did not comply with any Geneva Conventions - the soldiers were used for hard work, sometimes kept in barns with livestock, and periodically beaten. Indoctrination was also carried out - prisoners were persuaded to accept Islam, promising relief in their conditions. Sometimes Americans also appeared, offering to travel to the West in exchange for exposing the “crimes of the Soviet army in Afghanistan.” Several dozen captured Soviet soldiers took advantage of this opportunity.

Badaber - camp, warehouse and prison

In the early eighties, an Afghan refugee camp was located in the village of Badaber, 10 kilometers from Pakistani Peshawar and 24 kilometers from the Afghan border. Next to it there was also a military camp of militants, called the “Saint Khalid ibn Walid Militant Training Center,” which belonged to the “Islamic Society of Afghanistan,” which was headed by Burhanuddin Rabbani.

Several hundred future militants trained at the training center under the guidance of 65 instructors from different countries. In addition, there was also a large warehouse of weapons and ammunition, as well as a prison in which captured Soviet soldiers and military personnel of the Afghan government army were kept.

By the end of April 1985, approximately 40 Afghan and 13-14 Soviet prisoners of war were kept in Badaber. These data, however, cannot be considered final. The names of more than twenty Soviet soldiers who passed through Badaber are known, but there is no exact information whether all of them were in the camp in the spring of 1985.

Many of the Soviet soldiers stationed in Badaber had been in captivity for more than two years by that time and were fed up with “Pakistani hospitality.” Among them there were those who managed to unite the rest around themselves in order to make a desperate attempt to escape from captivity.

Photo: Frame

Heroes and traitor

When they talk about the leaders of the uprising in Badaber, the names most often mentioned are the names of a long-term serviceman who served as a mechanic at a military warehouse in Bagram and disappeared on May 1, 1985 in the province of Parwan, as well as a civilian driver Nikolay Shevchenko, who disappeared on September 10, 1982 in Herat province.

Regarding the latter, there is even a version that Shevchenko, whose name in Badaber was “Abdurakhmon,” in fact only posed as a civilian driver - in any case, the decisiveness of his actions and the skillful organization of like-minded people makes us think that he could be an intelligence officer.

What exactly the intention of the uprising was is also not entirely clear. According to one version, the prisoners of war were going to take possession of weapons and equipment and try to break into Afghanistan, to the location of the Soviet troops. According to another, the rebels initially planned to seize an arms depot and demand that the Mujahideen command meet with representatives of the Soviet embassy in Pakistan.

There is a version that the mujahideen became aware of the plans of the prisoners of war, as a result of which it was not possible to fully use the effect of surprise. The fact is that not all Soviet prisoners of war who were in the camp took part in the uprising. Among those who did not participate, there was a provocateur who betrayed the intentions of “Abdurahmon” and his comrades.

According to the stories of a few witnesses, the immediate reason for the action was the rape of one of the prisoners of war named Abdullo by graduates of a militant training center.

After this, the prisoners decided that it was time to act.

Photo: Frame

Night fight

From the report of the intelligence center of the 40th Army on the events in Badaber: “On April 26, 1985, at 21:00, during evening prayers, a group of Soviet prisoners of war of the Badaber prison removed six sentries from the artillery warehouses and, having broken the locks in the arsenal, armed themselves, dragged ammunition to the twin anti-aircraft gun installation and a DShK machine gun mounted on the roof. The mortar and RPG grenade launchers were put on combat readiness. Soviet soldiers occupied key points of the fortress: several corner towers and the arsenal building.”

At the time of the seizure of the arsenal, a provocateur named Muhammad Islam defected to the side of the militants. The Mujahideen managed to block all exits from the camp.

Not only all the Mujahideen were alerted, but the Badaber area was immediately encircled by units of the 11th Army Corps of the Pakistani Armed Forces, and combat helicopters flew over the camp.

Burhanuddin Rabbani, who arrived at the scene, demanded that the Soviet prisoners of war and the Afghan army soldiers who supported them surrender. The rebels refused and, in turn, demanded a meeting with representatives of the Soviet embassy in Pakistan, as well as the arrival of Red Cross employees in Badaber.

In response, Rabbani ordered an assault on the arsenal.

Photo: Frame

A fierce battle ensued and lasted all night. In its course, Rabbani himself almost died when a grenade launcher shot exploded next to him.

The denouement came at about 8 a.m. on April 27. The arsenal blew up, virtually destroying the entire militant training camp. A huge crater was formed at the epicenter of the explosion.

“Human remains have been found up to 4 miles away.”

There are three versions of what happened. According to Burhanuddin Rabbani, the warehouse exploded due to a direct hit from an RPG shot. According to the second version, the arsenal was shot from Pakistani army cannons, which caused the detonation of ammunition. According to the third version, the surviving rebels, realizing that the battle was coming to an end, blew up the warehouse themselves, not wanting to surrender again.

Witnesses confirm that the explosion was enormous. The remains of the dead Soviet soldiers and the Mujahideen who stormed the arsenal were then collected within a radius of hundreds of meters from the epicenter.

At the same time, Burhanuddin Rabbani insisted that no more than 20 Mujahideen were killed in Badaber. According to Soviet intelligence, this number is greatly underestimated - 100-120 Mujahideen, from 40 to 90 Pakistani army personnel and 6 American military instructors were killed in the battle and in the explosion.

From messages from the American Consulate in Peshawar to the US State Department dated April 28 and 29, 1985: “The square mile camp area was covered with a layer of shell fragments, rockets and mines, and human remains were found by local residents at a distance of up to 4 miles from the explosion site.. ."

Pakistani President Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq was furious. The uprising in Badaber made a lot of noise, literally and figuratively. The President seriously feared that the Soviet leadership, having exposed Pakistan as having Soviet prisoners of war on its territory, which official Islamabad categorically denied, could use force against it.

Information about the uprising in Badaber was strictly classified. The circulations of Pakistani publications that managed to write about the incident were confiscated and destroyed.

The Mujahideen commanders were called “on the carpet” to Zia-ul-Haq and listened to many unpleasant words about themselves and their formations.

Moscow limited itself to a formal protest

However, the fears of the Pakistani authorities were not justified. The new Soviet leadership led by Mikhail Gorbachev reacted to the incident with extreme restraint, limiting itself to expressing official protest. The Soviet press reported “the death of Soviet military personnel on the territory of Pakistan” only in mid-May, and this message did not contain any details of the events - even those that were known to the Soviet leadership thanks to military intelligence.

What caused this? Perhaps considerations of a higher political order: Gorbachev, who received the “blessing” of Margaret Thatcher, did not want to complicate the international situation. Perhaps the Soviet leadership considered that the available data was not enough to pin Zia-ul-Haq and his Washington patrons, led by Ronald Reagan.

Among Soviet soldiers who fought in Afghanistan, the story of the uprising in Badaber was passed on from mouth to mouth.

Official Islambad admitted that the fact of the uprising in Badaber took place only after the collapse of the USSR, in 1992. This happened after Burhanuddin Rabbani himself spoke about the uprising.

“Know, Motherland, that your sons in trouble have not betrayed you...”

To this day, the list of participants in the Badaber uprising is incomplete and inaccurate. As already mentioned, the names of those who were in Badaber at different times are known, but it is not known whether they took part in the uprising.

Here is a list of alleged participants in the uprising: private Belekchi Ivan Evgenievich, sergeant Vasiliev Vladimir Petrovich, private Vaskov Igor Nikolaevich, corporal Dudkin Nikolai Iosifovich, mechanic Dukhovchenko Viktor Vasilyevich, private Zverkovich Alexander Nikolaevich, junior lieutenant Kashlakov Gennady Anatolyevich, junior lieutenant Kiryushkin German Vasilievich, junior sergeant Korshenko Sergei Vasilyevich, private Levchishin Sergei Nikolaevich, corporal Matveev Alexander Alekseevich, private Pavlyutenkov Nikolai Nikolaevich, private Rahinkulov Radik Raisovich, private Sayfutdinov Ravil Munavarovich, junior sergeant Samin Nikolai Grigorievich, civilian Shevchenko Nikolai Ivanovich.

The repertoire of the Airborne Forces ensemble “Blue Berets”, created in 1985, includes the song “In the Mountains near Peshawar,” dedicated to the uprising in Badaber. This is one of the most poignant songs about soldiers of the Afghan war:

We are waging a battle, but our strength is fading,
There are fewer and fewer people alive, the chances are not equal,
Know, Motherland, they haven’t cheated on you
Your sons in trouble.