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This month your activity will mainly be focused on health, and work will also take up a lot of time and effort. Despite the stress, you should pay more attention to your health, because overwork and lack of have a good rest may bring problems.

This month you can use old methods that have already proven themselves in your work. It is possible that you will start something that you have been putting off for a long time. Now good time For tedious and meticulous work, which will require from you that same perseverance and attentiveness that you so lack.

IN unfavorable days months can make themselves felt old chronic diseases . Things will not be resolved quickly; there may be obstacles and difficulties in work. If you have your own business, there may be problems with subordinates.

After October 22 spend more time with your partners. You can look for new partners (business or personal), or build relationships with existing ones.

Attention those who were born during the period from 1 to 3 April any year. This month you will experience many positive emotions, despite the difficulties and obstacles that await Aries. Intuition will now increase greatly, there will be a need to rethink your life, you will be drawn to philosophy, you will want to go to church. There may be prophetic dreams. Watch for any signs!

Stress level : above average

Areas of greatest activity : health, work, partnership.


This month can bring you many pleasant moments; new romantic acquaintances are possible. However, not everything will be perfect: there may beproblems with loversor because of them. Relationships with children may also deteriorate, or they will upset you.

Closer to the middle of the month you can expect creative failures, it's in to a greater extent refers to people of creative professions. You may feel that you lack inspiration, and new creations will not give you pleasant emotions, and you will want to start all over again.

This month is perfect for starting more active lifestyle. If you are already involved in sports, continue to be active and include new workouts in your schedule. But those who prefer to relax passively should change their habits.

Attention those who were born during the period from 7 to 9 May any year. This month will bring you a surge of strength, new emotions, new impressions and new ideas. It is likely that you will achieve what you have been going for for a long time. Your life is now seriously changing for the better, so accept everything that happens to you calmly: changes cannot be avoided anyway. Good month to open your own business, start some important project, new plans and implement ideas.

Stress level : average

Areas of greatest activity : personal life, children.


Decision Anxiety family matters, maybe this month is especially noticeable. You will worry about or about family members. For example, now it will be difficult to avoid quarrels with parents or other close relatives, especially if you live together. Or one of your relatives may get sick. It is better to postpone resolving serious issues related to inheritance and real estate: it will be difficult to reach an agreement.

In the first days of the month, the situation in the house will be much more favorable than closer to the middle of the month. IN beginning of the month Fine buy something for the house, especially beautiful things, jewelry. It's also a good idea to go out of town or just take a walk in the park with your family.

Attention those who were born during the period from 2 to 4 June any year. This month can bring a lot of unknowns into your life. You will feel foggy and more distracted and inattentive. This is especially important if you have a demanding job that other people depend on.

Stress level : average

Areas of greatest activity : family, family matters.


Your intellectual activity will be at its best: there will be many people around with whom you will communicate on a variety of issues. You may need to study several things at once.

Acquaintances and relatives, that is, people from your immediate circle, will now be part of the events that will touch you directly. There may be quarrels and disagreements with brothers and sisters or neighbors, loss of understanding with people from your inner circle.

This month is good collect some data, some information of interest, attend courses or listen to useful educational lectures. Information will come from literally everywhere.

The downside is vanity, the risk of getting bogged down in trifles, unnecessary troubles. IN negative days months may be problems with documents. There may be a need to urgently do some paperwork, which can bring additional worry and stress. Do not take these issues too seriously, so as not to attract health problems.

Attention those who were born during the period from 19 to 21 July any year. This month may be particularly stressful for you. Your outlook on life may completely change; the events of this month can seriously change your life and your worldview. There may be sharp blows of fate, surprises that will knock you out of your usual rut.

Stress level : average

Areas of greatest activity : communication, relationships with relatives and people from the immediate environment, education.


This month you will have to worry about money: there may be unexpected expenses, various kinds of excitement. At the beginning of the month, you can make a good profit and increase your income level. But it is possible that on unfavorable days you will have to part with part of your earnings. We advise you to waste less money and save more.

Also not excluded monetary losses due to your fault: We do not recommend lending money or spending money on dubious entertainment that will not bring you proper pleasure.

This month your social circle may increase, new acquaintances will appear, but in the first half of the month it is better to be careful with new acquaintances, as they may unpleasant to surprise.

Attention those who were born during the period from July 23 to 28 any year. This month you will not feel too relaxed: there may be various not-so-pleasant events. It's better not to go on long journeys. Problems with authority figures may also arise. You won't be able to show your best side. There is a danger of your authority falling in the eyes of others!

Stress level : average

Areas of greatest activity : money.


This month you will have a lot of energy and many opportunities to express yourself and use your talents, because active planet Mars will follow your sign. However, some may become more irritable and nervous, but this may be due to severe overexertion, so we advise you to rest and relax properly.

You may feel that there is simply nowhere to put your energy, so you can go in for sports or start some kind of new interesting project. This month you will make decisions mostly on your own, relying on yourself and relying less on someone else.

In the middle of the month, the usual things may fail; difficulties in achieving what you want, it will be difficult to resolve any issues that may become dead center. Wait out these days and don't do anything serious.

Attention those who were born during the period from 15 to 18 September any year. This month will be quite difficult for you, health problems may appear, fatigue and depression will be your companions. It is better for you not to start anything important: there are great risks that serious difficulties and delays will arise in business.

Stress level : average

Areas of greatest activity : personal activity.


You will be guided during this period subconscious and intuition: listen to her to accept right decisions, and at the end of the month you can feel great.

Most of for a month you will not have the desire to be visible and advertise your intentions. If you have any new plans, keep them to yourself, then there is a better chance that everything will work out. will go exactly the way you want. It is likely that brilliant ideas and new opportunities will soon come to you, but for now it’s time to reflect and think about what you really want.

In the middle of the month you may have sad thoughts, there may be depression or a feeling of guilt. But, most likely, you will quickly forget about it. Now it is also important to monitor your health, as exacerbations of chronic diseases cannot be ruled out.

Attention those who were born during the period from 19 to 21 October any year. This month will not be easy for you: sudden and unexpected events can unsettle you, and it will be difficult to find guidelines. Can be expected serious changes in your personal or professional life.

Stress level : average

Areas of greatest activity : personal activity, events larger than the internal plan.


Your relationships with friends this month will be tested for strength: situations may arise that will make it clear who in your environment is your true friend and who is not worthy of being called one. Your plans and dreams have a chance turn at the beginning of the month, when your home planet Pluto makes positive aspects to Mars and then Venus. This good days also for doing things together with friends, for relaxation and entertainment.

Near the middle of the month We advise you to be careful: It’s better not to lend money or get involved in dubious activities. Your hopes may be in vain, and your plans will collapse. At the end of the month, you will want to spend more time alone, seriously thinking about the future.

Attention those who were born during the period from 23 to 28 October any year. This month will bring you many new opportunities, good mood and good luck, and will make you more popular in society. All negative aspects will not be too painful for you: plans and hopes will be implemented in the best possible way. You will have more luck now than other representatives of the Scorpio sign.

Stress level : high

Areas of greatest activity : relationships with friends.


Your home planet Jupiter will change sign this month. This is a crucial moment that representatives of your sign will feel especially strongly. For most of the month you will be busy with work, you will boldly move towards your goals, but around the middle of the month you may change direction, or you will seriously think about what you want to change in your life. It is possible that your career plans will change, or you will be forced to leave your job and look for a new one.

Most good period expected in the second half of the month, then the chances of success are somewhat higher: you can search new job, set new goals, look for new opportunities.

By the end of the month, work will decrease somewhat, and you will have more opportunities to rest and relax with friends and in a pleasant circle.

Attention those who were born during the period from December 14 to 17 any year. Saturn will be passing through your Sun this month, so it is possible that you will not feel the most favorable feelings: self-esteem may fall, unpleasant thoughts about the future will appear, and your priorities may change for some reason. Be careful with your choice: there is a high risk that it will not be made in your favor.

Stress level : short.

Areas of greatest activity : work, achieving goals.


This month you will pay more attention to education, self-education, and travel. Now is your chance to learn more, and new knowledge can be a great help in the future for work and other purposes. Trips to distant countries you can plan almost the entire month, but it’s better at the very beginning of the month (around October 8), then there is a greater chance that they will be successful.

It's better in the middle of the month don't go anywhere, as there may be problems with foreigners, quarrels, disagreements. There may be problems with documents (they may not issue a visa, or there may be delays in flights, etc.) Studying may also not be easy: on unfavorable days of the month it is better to take a short break from studying.

This month you may have situations where you need to insist on your own. From how much you you will be convincing, your future luck may depend. You shouldn’t give up when you see serious resistance: stand your ground, don’t pay attention to failures.

Attention those who were born during the period from December 22 to 26 any year. This month (especially its second half) will be very successful for you, all negative aspects will pass you by, new opportunities will come, especially in work. Set new goals and boldly go towards them. This month will be more successful for you than for other Capricorns.

Stress level : high

Areas of greatest activity : education, travel, work, pursuit of goals.


This month will be quite difficult and stressful for you, full of all kinds of stress. You'll have to work hard to achieve your goals: more than usual. You will probably have to resolve issues related to business, other people's money, insurance, banks, etc. This month is unlucky for borrowing money or taking out loans: it will be difficult to pay off debts. If you need to resolve similar issues this month, choose first days of the month, or plan these things after October 20.

Can also become dangerous casual connections. Don't rely on fate! Sexual potential will now be quite high, so it is better to restrain your impulses and use common sense.

Attention those who were born during the period from 16 to 18 February any year (that is, at the very end of the sign). All the negative aspects of the month that were mentioned above will be mitigated for you. You will have more luck than other representatives of your sign. This month will bring you more positive emotions and good opportunities.

Stress level : high

Areas of greatest activity : joint business, other people's money (debts, loans).


October will force representatives of your sign to think seriously about relationships. It may happen to you revaluation of values: What you once valued and treasured may no longer be so important.

The middle of the month is unlucky for sorting out relationships with partners and for making new connections. Try to avoid quarrels, as any little thing can lead to rupture or other serious consequences. This month will be especially dangerous for those who have complex and problematic relationships, as there is a high probability of breakups.

First week a month will do For collaboration, cooperation. We can solve a lot of things together. The end of the month will also be favorable for work. If you want to draw up some documents, negotiate or generally agree on something with someone, outline these things after October 20. Also at the end of the month, you can resolve issues related to insurance, loans, and banks.

In general, the month is very good for pay off debts.

Attention those who were born during the period from 16 to 18 March any year. This month may bring you new opportunities and unexpected situations that you can take advantage of in the future. The events of this month will be unexpected for you.

Stress level : average

Areas of greatest activity : partnership, papers, loans.

Forecast by zodiac signs.

Astrological forecast as of October 2017.

The golden, blessed October is coming - a wonderful, bright time of autumn. The trees show off in their colorful outfits. At this time it is especially good to walk along the paths and listen to the leaves rustling under your feet.

October is a romantic and beautiful month, full of bliss and soft sunshine. At this time it is wonderful to go on vacation, celebrate weddings, arrange fun celebrations and festive feasts. Hurry up to enjoy a magical October full of special charm. Try not to miss the calm, sun-drenched days when the forest stands out clearly against the soft blue sky. Remember how Nekrasov wrote?

The leaves have not yet had time to fade,

Yellow and fresh, they lie like a carpet.

Glorious autumn! Frosty nights

Clear, quiet days...

In October, we say goodbye to the colorful colors of nature and are already beginning to prepare for the monotony of the snow-white winter cover. It is no coincidence that this month marks the transition from Libra to Scorpio - from calm, peaceful goodwill to a passionate and stormy perception of life.

There are perhaps no signs more opposite to each other in terms of emotions than Libra and Scorpio. If a volcano of feelings is always bubbling in Scorpio, then Libra is like a quiet backwater. This opposition of signs is very visible in October, when days full of grace give way to gloomy clouds, heavy rains and slush.

There is an important transition from the reasonable and fair Libra to Scorpio, immersed in the abyss of passions. This shift air sign the water can be observed with interest every year. But 2017 is completely special in this regard.

In October 2017, the most important astrological event will occur, which happens only once a year - the transition of Jupiter to a new sign.

And this time not only the Sun, but also Jupiter will make the transition from Libra to Scorpio, which will determine our social tasks for the future. whole year forward. Starting from September 2016, Jupiter was in Libra, which helped us establish friendly contacts, communicate, and find like-minded people.

The planet brought good luck to those who resolved matters peacefully in all social, community and family issues, and strived for unity and a common opinion. Jupiter called for seeking commonality, finding balance, harmony and understanding. It was a wonderful time for legal matters and the resolution of various conflicts.

The past period of Jupiter in Libra (from September 2016 to September 2017) was a wonderful time for strengthening marriage, developing abilities, finding business partners and being very active. social life. He taught us harmony and justice, impartiality in assessing what is happening.

From October 10, Jupiter moves into Scorpio and will remain in this sign until November 7, 2018.

This means that trials and difficult tasks await us. You will have to seriously deal with finances, taxes, insurance, mortgages, inheritance and others important issues. There may be strong and bitter enemies, obstacles and great experiences.

During the transit of Jupiter in Scorpio, clashes and breakups often occur. Scorpio creates an environment of struggle, hidden or open confrontation. During this period, it is very important to defend your views, build protection, protect yourself and loved ones from external circumstances.

We will have the opportunity to become “conductors” of our own lives. This is a time of self-affirmation, struggle for your views and beliefs. And also spiritual growth, inner work and the search for a spiritual ideal. The most dangerous thing in the period from September 2017 to October 16, 2018 is to make an unsuccessful financial transaction, which can lead to significant losses.

Be sure to consult an astrologer before you decide to sign your name. important document. During the period of Jupiter in Scorpio, you must especially carefully choose the right time to conclude business deals. Our emotions can override common sense and prevent us from doing the right thing.

The positive influence of Jupiter will be expressed in increased social activity, in the ability of charismatic leaders to take power into their own hands and demonstrate brilliant organizational skills. This will be a time of important and positive changes, especially for those who can control their emotional manifestations with their minds.

In general, October 2017 can be called a changeable month, because favorable aspects of the planets will constantly be replaced by dangerous and unsuccessful ones. From October 1 to October 7, Mars in Virgo will bring good work energy. For these days, try to plan the most important things and as much as possible!

During the period from October 8 to October 10, the Sun in conjunction with Venus will bring joy and pleasure. Strive for change, especially in your personal life. These are great days for exciting sexual relationships. The planets give us a lot of favorable opportunities and bring success in all our endeavors.

The beginning of October will be very optimistic, but as soon as Jupiter moves from Libra to Scorpio on October 10, the situation will change dramatically. You will have to work hard and hard, but even in this case you will not be able to avoid disappointment. This will be a difficult time for business, fraught with troubles.

It is very important during the period from October 11 to 16 to show restraint, concentrate on one goal and achieve positive results. The work will require more organization, discipline and responsibility. Conflicts with superiors, influential people and official bodies are possible. It is not advisable to travel a lot.

Mid-October can bring an exacerbation of various diseases. Be careful - a short-term illness can develop into a chronic one if you do not pay proper attention to it at this time. There is a danger of exacerbation of allergic symptoms, furunculosis, possible skin abscesses, and malfunction of the genital organs.

After October 17, the mood of the planets will again change sharply from bad to good. Favorable aspects of Jupiter, Venus and Mars will bring many joyful events and changes, wonderful opportunities and prospects for achieving success both in the field of love and family life, and in professional and creative development.

This time is very favorable for the manifestation of talents, the release of creative potential and self-expression. The planets strongly recommend engaging exclusively in those activities that bring not only benefit, but also pleasure. Mercury will spur us on to new achievements and help us clearly plan our actions.

All actions that will be aimed at realizing our dreams will lead to certain results. The main thing is not to give up and move forward! It is in the second half of October that there are all the prerequisites for seriously taking up your career and personal growth.

At the end of the month - from October 25 to October 31 - Chiron will square Saturn, which will introduce a moment of uncertainty into our plans. Avoid any investment projects during this period. Any operations related to the investment of funds and capital should be postponed.

Single people shouldn't get their hopes up about getting married serious relationship, they will be too short-lived. And those who are already married should try to avoid conflict situations. Take extra care while on the road. At the very end of October, it is not advisable to go on long journeys.

Forecast for October 2017 by zodiac signs.

Many Aries are worried about household chores and real estate issues. Conflicts should be avoided at work and in the family. New, interesting partners may appear, both in business and in love. Remember, you will achieve more with polite persistence than with rude pressure. In the first half of October you can have a good rest, but you shouldn’t go on vacation to distant countries - it’s better to relax at home. Perseverance and patience can be rewarded with major success in the second half of October.

For Taurus, the time of creativity and love continues. Innovations and far-reaching plans receive new impulse. You will be busy mainly with arranging your personal life. The main events of the month play out in daily work and in partnerships. Even the risk at this time may be worth it if you feel an irresistible desire to make your dreams come true. By the end of the month, Taurus will become freer from responsibilities and worries, their emotional life will become richer, and new people will appear in their environment.

In October, personal life and love will force Gemini to take a little break from external problems. But by the end of the month, a new job or diet will captivate these “adult children.” Dedicate the first half of the month to your loved one, family and home affairs, and the second to your work and health. Beware of deception, do not make hasty decisions. There may be intrigues of secret ill-wishers or deterioration in health. The period from mid to late October will bring you peace and restore your self-confidence.

Family problems will be Cancer's main concern in the first half of the month. Sometimes they can be resolved safely, but other days all your efforts will be in vain. Cancers may feel deceived or become a victim of deception in reality. Cooling possible friendly relations. Throughout the month, you have increased intuition, allowing you to do right choice. Listen to your inner voice. In the second half of the month, you will be able to cope with any difficulties.

The first ten days of October will be the most successful for Lviv. First of all, this applies to creative activities, sports, travel, and business. In family life there is a stable balance. There may be surprises in relationships with business partners. It is possible that financiers will support your events. Trips and travel in October will be the source of many new experiences. Amazing meetings and romantic acquaintances are possible. The first ten days of October will be especially generous with events.

In October, fortune turns its face to the hardworking and scrupulous Virgos. For many of them, personal actions will ensure success in matters of real estate, acquiring land, or a house. There may be career successes, the addition of a family, an expansion of the worldview, long-distance travel. Good income, a large amount of information, many meetings and burning personal experiences - this is your October alignment. Last decade October will offer a wide range of opportunities.

At the beginning of October, Libra's success in some areas of activity will be combined with failures in others. There may be problems at work, your health will not be good. Save your energy, don’t burden yourself with overwhelming work. At the end of October, life circumstances will turn sharply into favorable side. You will have a wide choice - what to do, where to relax, what impressive changes to introduce into your life. At the end of the month, everything will go well for you. The period until the end of October will be the most successful in financially. Libra will have the opportunity to expand their scope of activity.

For Scorpios, the main themes of October are caring for others and resolving personal problems. Earnings associated with hard work or long trips are expected. In October, Scorpios will have the desire and opportunity to improve their living conditions. This month they are given a chance “here and now” to feel the pulse of life, prove their competence and reach a new social level. This influence will be long-lasting, which will significantly strengthen its position; however, adventurous projects or unclear situations at home may prevent you from taking right decision. The stars advise holding off on making drastic changes and not taking risks.

Sagittarius will continue to have a favorable period for relationships with friends and partners. The main and successful events are planned in the sphere of social activities, in the circle of friends and like-minded people. During October, several joyful events will happen in the life of Sagittarius, which will restore their faith in their luck and in their strength. Starting from the end of October, career achievements can await them. Personal charm and courage will be to their advantage.

October will make life easier for Capricorns with several pleasant events. At this time, there will be an opportunity to pay off some debts. In the first decade, the stars patronize your professional activity. The second decade is associated with various adversities and conflicts. The root of your October successes is in your professional activity, in the business you are involved in. Count on the help and support of friends, influential acquaintances or the public organization to which you belong. Adventures are contraindicated.

October is a harmonious period for Aquarius. This month is favorable for travel, study and work. This month will be most intense and intense in the lives of university students and teachers and those whose work involves long trips. IN professional field noticeable progress is being made. If a bank loan is needed, it can be obtained with vigorous effort. The end of October is especially good for stock exchange games and financial transactions. At the same time, it is categorically not recommended to look into the casino - the temptation to try your luck will be great, and the disappointment of losing will also be great. There may be a promotion at the end of October. This is also a time of possible changes in your personal life.

Useful tips

October is notable for the fact that as many as 5 planets will change signs: Jupiter, the Sun and Mercury will be in the sign of Scorpio, and Venus and Mars will be in the sign of Libra. This means that our attitude towards feelings will now change, and the actions of many will become more passive.

In addition, negative aspects of personal planets to Uranus and Pluto can bring trouble and sudden and unwanted changes. But first things first.

In the first half of the month, Mercury will move along Libra sign. Until October 17, 2017 Contacts will be easily established, because Mercury will be in its element.

These days people will be less likely to find fault with trifles, and ease of communication will help to make connections. new acquaintances.

But not everything will go very smoothly: October 9 and 15, 2017 Mercury will have time to make negative aspects to Pluto and Uranus respectively.

This may indicate that many will want to break the rules, be independent, insist on their opinions, and weave intrigues. Be careful when communicating with people October 7-9 and 13-15, 2017. Agreements concluded these days may subsequently be violated for various reasons.

September 17, 2017 Mercury will move into Scorpio sign, where by the end of the month it will no longer be affected. This is a good time for research work. People will be more inclined to get to the bottom of the underlying causes of events and phenomena, will be less likely to trust something, and will look for evidence and confirmation. At the same time, the tendency to criticize will increase, so distrust and doubts will not be uncommon during this period.

October 17, 18, 2017– especially good days for making acquaintances, gaining new knowledge, communication and intellectual work. New ideas and interesting thoughts will appear on their own. Pay attention to any meetings that will take place these days, because even a casual acquaintance may turn out to be very meaningful and will bring good luck. These days it will be easy to find compromises and agree on something. Use these days to build relationships and find business partners, including foreign ones.

Important astrological events October 2017

Date Event Time (Moscow) Degrees
October 5 Full moon 21:40 12° ♈ 43′
October 10 Jupiter moves into the sign of Scorpio 16:20
October 14 Venus enters Libra 13:11
October 17 Mercury moves into the sign of Scorpio 10:58
October 19 New moon 22:12 26° ♎ 35′
October 22 Mars moves into Libra 21:29
October 23 The sun moves into the sign of Scorpio 08:27

Jupiter Ingression: Turning Point of the Year

October 10, 2017 Jupiter moves into Scorpio sign, where he will stay for just over a year. This year promises to be quite controversial, and those connections that were made during the previous period of Jupiter's passage according to the sign of Libra, will now be tested for strength.

The year when Jupiter moves through Scorpio is considered the year of brave and risky people who are strong in spirit and ready to fight for their goals. We will talk in more detail about this position of Jupiter in the forecasts for next year. In any case, Jupiter's change of sign in October may hint to replace worldview, change of goals, in particular among representatives of the sign of Sagittarius and Scorpio.

Astrological forecast for free

Love and relationships

This month can bring both good luck in your search love relationship, and difficulties in relationships with partners. If the relationship has outlived its usefulness and cannot end in any way, it is now quite likely that it may be full stop.

Transition of Venus into the sign of Libra October 14, 2017 marks ease in establishing relationships, but its defeat by Pluto October 28, 2017 may indicate that you will forced to change something in your relationships with partners. For details about love and relationships in October, read the article Astrological forecast of love and relationships by zodiac signs for OCTOBER 2017.

Astrological forecast for the month

Business matters

Most of the month ( October 1-22, 2017) business planet Mars will go through the sign of Virgo, where it happens to be September 5, 2017. Virgo is a meticulous and scrupulous sign, so many of you will be doing your work now neat and precise. Employers will be satisfied, plans will be fulfilled on time - accurately and accurately.

But closer to the middle of the month, there may be some congestion in business. October 11, 2017 Mars and Saturn will converge in a negative aspect. This means that new things and ideas will encounter difficulties. Fatigue will accumulate, and the need to work overtime can lead to serious grievances. Habitual and well-established things will fail and grow tension and unpleasant emotions, work will not satisfy and bring joy.

Read also:

This month is not very suitable for starting a new business: Too many negative aspects of the planets can interfere with this. Yes, and the usual things, a well-functioning business may experience difficulties. It will be more difficult to find clients, expand the audience, and negotiate. This will be especially noticeable October 7-11, 2017.

October 22, 2017 Mars will leave the sign of Virgo and will find itself in the sign of its exile - in Libra. This position of Mars makes many people moderate your ardor. Many will not act too actively, will think more before doing something, or will act not directly, but through third parties.

Many business owners or bosses will want to find a “scapegoat” who can take responsibility for something serious. This is especially worth considering for those who trying to get a new job with a serious level of responsibility, in particular material. Think twice before agreeing to such a job, or try to insure yourself with certain employment contracts.

If you still want to open a business, it's worth doing after October 11, 2017. And if you want to postpone this event until the end of the month, remember that any business started under Mars in Libra will not bring good results without cohesive team And good relations inside it.

When recruiting staff, take into account the age, gender, and intellectual level of employees, selecting them in such a way that they felt comfortable. Also make sure that the employee knows how to work in a team, takes into account and respects the opinions of others.

Astrological forecast 2017

Trips, travel

This month can be quite traumatic, so we advise you to now go on vacation to calmer and less crowded places. Especially unfavorable days for travelOctober 8-11, 2017.

At this time, the level of health risks, falls from heights and exacerbation of various diseases is highest. When going on long trips, make sure you have insurance, it’s better not to engage in extreme sports, don’t climb mountains.

Read also:Quiz: What does your birth date say about your ideal vacation?

Jupiter, planet of travel, October 10, 2017 will change sign and end up in Scorpio. This may mean that you too change your attitude towards travel, move them or plan trips completely different from where they wanted to go before.

Travel to second half of October can significantly enrich your experience. They can bring new ideas, new acquaintances, interesting experiences. This especially applies to people of creative professions, who will be able to learn a lot for themselves on these travels.

Health and dangers of the month

There will be plenty of unpleasant aspects this month. The first and very significant of them is the square between the malefactors Saturn and Mars, which will take place October 11, 2017.

In the days leading up to the event, tension and anxiety may increase. Many may fears and panic appear. It will be very difficult to act at this time. If possible, delay starting important tasks October 9-11, 2017.

It is especially dangerous at this time to risk your health and perform any operations. These days there is an increased likelihood of receiving various injuries, including fractures of the limbs, problems with teeth may appear. Falls from heights are possible. Accidents, accidents, industrial injuries, exacerbation of occupational diseases - all this is not uncommon near negative aspects of Mars and Saturn.

The most difficult task in October is not to fall into the autumn blues. In the second autumn month, the horoscope recommends taking a philosophical approach to all the ups and downs, then the problems will noticeably decrease. There may be mood swings and many unpredictable situations that will throw you out of your usual rut, but it is always important to remember that this is temporary.

Already in the second half of the month, for those who know how to properly distribute energy and not get discouraged over trifles, the stars predict a feeling of complete harmony in all areas. At the same time, it is necessary to defend your positions. A possible problems will strengthen and give strength for new achievements.

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Aries has a month full of news and events. But not all of them will be joyful and inspiring. Maintain distance from people who have deceived or let you down in business matters in the past. Lonely Aries in October 2017 should look around. Perhaps your loved one and only one is lurking somewhere nearby. By the way, October is a good month for marriage and weddings.

The horoscope also predicts changes in Aries’s personal life, which will force them to completely redraw their plans. IN financial affairs You can take a little risk, but machinations will lead Aries to a dead end. This month you should not make hasty decisions. It’s better to consult with your loved ones so as not to mess things up.

There will be enough money in October to feel comfortable. It is likely that half of Aries’ funds will be urgently spent on household and household matters.

Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

October will bring Taurus many new impressions, acquaintances and good opportunities. The stars recommend being attentive to everything that happens around you in order to discern your chance for happy life amidst the bustle of everyday life. Taurus will be able to easily handle any tasks and make decisions, which will have a positive effect on the final result.

The first half of October 2017 will require maximum creative output and great concentration from Taurus. There will be a lot of work, and less and less free time. But do not despair, because you are guaranteed to strengthen your financial situation.

In the second half of the month, Taurus will feel inspired and an inexplicable sense of inner harmony. The time has come for emotional liberation and creative realization. Even if your job does not involve flights of fancy and creativity, take up a hobby or find an activity that captivates you.

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

The life of Gemini in October 2017 will be like positive on sunny days, and with depressive torrential downpours. The main thing is to calm down mentally and not rush things. If Gemini goes to extremes, they will only receive losses and grief. Nevertheless, for many representatives of this zodiac sign, mid-autumn will help get rid of old problems.

The stars promise Gemini women a month in which there will be room for both romance and unbridled passion. If you are still suffering from loneliness, October will change this situation. This does not mean that a person will appear in your life at lightning speed whom you could call soul mate. You will simply change your attitude towards your loneliness. And yes, many will be so lucky that even a gloomy autumn will seem like a hot summer!

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Mid-autumn will repeatedly greet Cancers with quite difficult situations. But don’t look for support from someone from the outside, don’t share your inner fears with anyone. Make all decisions yourself, ignoring other people's recommendations.

According to the Cancer horoscope, the main problem this October will be concentrated in your inner world. It is quite possible that you will suddenly lose interest in what used to warm your soul. The stars also say that during this period Cancers should not keep negative emotions inside themselves. Find a constructive use for them.

In mid-autumn, old problems in communicating with loved ones may come back to haunt you. If you're in a relationship, beware of the temptation to go off track.

Leo (July 23 – August 23)

Lviv is in for the autumn blues. You will miss the sun, the beach and your last vacation.

I'll have to say goodbye to pleasant memories and get to work. Moreover, Leo will have to strengthen his financial position.

The horoscope for October 2017 promises so much new and interesting information that it will be difficult to “digest” all of it. It is possible that envious girlfriends will begin to slander you behind your back. Talk less about yours love affairs. Especially those who are unhappy in their marriage or personal life.

A Leo man should look for new ways to achieve his goals. You've already been stuck in one place, so take your career seriously. Leo's sociability and friendliness will know no bounds in October. You are so charming and multifaceted that everyone wants to get to know you. By the way, not only personal, but also business plan.

Virgo (August 22 – September 24)

For Virgos, the time has come to seriously work on strengthening your material base, as well as analyze all the resources you have. Therefore, conduct an audit and re-account of everything that belongs to you. Get rid of anything that unnecessarily consumes space, time, or your energy.

In the first half of October 2017, Virgo's satisfaction of personal needs and desires will come to the fore. Your mood and well-being will be good, and you will easily get rid of bad habits, show yourself with the best side and improve relationships with others. You will be able to cope with any difficulties and obstacles. Earnings will be related to your personal efforts and talents.

The critical attitude characteristic of Virgo can complicate relationships with relatives and neighbors. If you use a sarcastic tone or sarcasm, you can easily offend and hurt loved ones.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Either it’s autumn making itself known, or life’s troubles, but many Libras will be terribly depressed during this period. The horoscope for October 2017 does not advise Libra to enter into battle with unfavorable circumstances. You must understand and accept that life does not always go as you planned. Learn to “navigate” the vicissitudes of life, try to be more flexible, and then everything that happens to you will no longer seem so scary.

The love horoscope for October 2017 says that in mid-autumn many Libra women will lose balance and calm in their personal lives. Prepare for the fact that representatives of the opposite sex will show you signs of attention. But don’t delay flirting, immediately “understand” the intentions of your fans.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

The horoscope for October 2017 promises a good time for Scorpio, when you can finally take a break from the hustle and bustle, meet your loved ones and pamper yourself with shopping. Sometimes you don't even have to do anything to become rich and famous.

The stars advise the Scorpio woman to be more realistic, especially when it comes to love. If you have come up with the image of a man, this does not mean that it is he who will appear at the door of your house. Personal relationships may suffer due to Scorpio being overly busy. In October 2017, you need to decide for yourself who is more important - work or lover.

A Scorpio man is waiting for a new romance that will make him forget about everything at once - work, home and money. On the one hand, this is good. After all, Scorpio is not a mercantile and insensitive snob. But be prepared for business to stall. In October 2017, you need to live under time pressure in order to even out the energy flow.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

The horoscope for October 2017 recommends that Sagittarians show individuality in everything they undertake. You shouldn’t imitate and listen to those you don’t like. Mutual distrust with a business partner can lead to a protracted conflict. The stars also warn that in mid-autumn many Sagittarius will suffer from a lack of professionalism. This could backfire on you.

As for relationships, in October single Sagittarius should wait to start a romance. First, find out about the past of the person who is interested in you, and only then plan some kind of future with him. But there is a risk that you will be fooled by the first impression and be deceived again.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)

Focus on your work to achieve great results. Work hard and do everything to cope with your direct responsibilities. Many Capricorns will want to philosophize, study magic, and even make predictions. In October 2017, communication with people who will have a beneficial effect on the development of your business will be beneficial.

A Capricorn woman should not neglect the advice of those who are older and wiser. If you decide to take a risk, then do not regret the lost money. On your way you may meet real gigolos who use you for their own selfish purposes. Be careful and don’t trust the first person you meet. Capricorn is better off not going on a trip.

The horoscope for October 2017 predicts a bonus for a Capricorn man and even an article in the local newspaper about his achievements at work. Don’t take on everything at once, even if the projects are profitable and promise big money.

Aquarius (January 21 – February 19)

Try to forget about the past to live in the present. If you accumulate grievances, regret what you have done and engage in self-criticism, you will remain out of work. Communicate more, meet friends and don’t brush aside thoughts about new love. Moreover, Aquarius has enough energy to create and become successful.

The horoscope for October 2017 promises an Aquarius woman an expensive present from a man she has liked for a long time. Advantageous job offers will arrive in the middle of the month. Try not to hide anything from the person you love. Aquarians must remember that true intimacy is built on complete trust.

For an Aquarius man, the horoscope predicts a successful combination of circumstances that will affect all areas of life. You are valued at work, loved at home and respected by your friends. In general, happiness and harmony are enough to feel like a full-fledged person.

Pisces (February 20 – March 20)

Mid-autumn will not allow Pisces to avoid worries and worries. The most amazing thing is that you will accept these many challenges with dignity. But after this October you will become much stronger and more resistant to circumstances. Many will deservedly admire you, and this will support you in a difficult situation. Remember that all troubles end sooner or later.

The relationship horoscope says that in October 2017 you are unlikely to be able to relax. First of all, the aspect of personal attachments will greatly irritate many of you. So, some Pisces will look at people with curiosity, but, unfortunately, they themselves will not be able to feel “loved”.

The second month of autumn is traditionally significantly different from the previous time stage, and October 2017 will not be an exception in this sense. Representatives of almost all zodiac signs will already feel in the first ten days that the world around them is rapidly changing and in order to achieve what we want, we will also have to change. This is a bright, dynamic time, a time of experiments and new achievements. Our key patrons now will be Venus and the Sun, a powerful, albeit ambiguous planetary combination. The combination of these celestial objects does not guarantee one hundred percent success in any direction of life, but the fact that everyone will now have a chance to achieve what they want is certain. Of course, in the midst of autumn, peculiar patterns await us, taking into account which we will be able to realize the potential inherent in us. Key Feature period - the ability to make quick but thoughtful decisions. Now there is no need to create a multifaceted strategy that takes into account far-reaching plans. On the contrary, it is logical to focus on the tactical features of October, which will have something to surprise us with. In addition, it makes sense to focus more on your own inventions. Of course, reasonable thoughts from the outside may well help you, but in most cases you will be one hundred percent right, and an outside opinion will only confuse you.

As for additional patrons, in October 2017 the signs of the element of Fire (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) will be able to do without “heavenly leaders”. In other words, these signs will have to rely only on key assistants, common to all inhabitants of the earth. This does not mean that representatives fire element will lose something, although in certain situations their advantages will indeed not be as large-scale as they could be. On the other hand, they will not have to constantly turn around and control themselves; for them it is a period of greater freedom and less responsibility, which is always a winning characteristic. The element of Water (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) will receive the Moon as the “celestial leader”, which is an extremely positive point that cannot be ignored. It's about that it will be easier for overly bright representatives of this element to control themselves, and those around them will begin to react more “evenly” to their “freaks”. In addition, it will be easier for these signs to resolve issues of a communicative nature, although, at the same time, many points will have great ambiguity for them, and this will also have to be taken into account. The Earth element signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) and the Air element signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) will be under the auspices of Neptune. For them, circumstances will be more successful, but every difficult situation will require greater flexibility.

Overall, October 2017 will indeed be successful for most zodiac signs. With a few exceptions, any situation will have decent prospects, and any crisis will be overcome, and with minimal effort. This time is ideal for starting a new business and new relationships, as well as experimenting with methods and possibilities. True, it is worth making a reservation about the positions of Uranus and Mars. This tandem will now be on the other side of the barricades, so it makes sense to listen to your inner voice. Provocations are possible; it may seem to you that the forceful method of solving the problem is the only correct one. Do not succumb to these influences, they are extremely destructive and can lead you to results that are directly opposite to those for which you strive. The stars recommend: control yourself, you will flex your muscles later, this is a time of creation, not war.

The horoscope for October 2017, being a general and speculative document, is nevertheless capable of having a significant impact on our daily life. Simply put, he is an intermediary between our ideal desires and objective trends in the development of the surrounding world. Everything that has happened and will happen is subject to powerful influence celestial bodies. What will happen in a given period of time, what problems and emergencies are destined for us will depend on the configuration in which the planets are located. Having reliable information on this matter, we can most accurately plan our actions. If you are seriously interested in your future, detailed and accurate horoscope for October 2017 you will find in the personal horoscopes section.