Why do you dream of fur? Faux fur

Every week, Yandex users from Russia ask more than half a million queries related to dream interpretation. Most of these requests, of course, are in the morning, between 9 and 10 o’clock - people ask about their sleep before they forget. These requests

We took all Yandex search queries with the words “what is dreaming about” (“dreaming”, “dreaming”, “dreaming”), asked in the period from September 1, 2016 to February 28, 2017.

They are descriptions of dreams. From them you can understand what dreams people see most often, what they dream about and how dreams differ in different regions of Russia. You can even find out where you often have dreams that you like - to do this, take the test at the end of the study.

Dream Map

Dreams are very diverse - requests describe hundreds of different scenes, objects and events. Even repeated plots contain different details and details. Let's say one of the common motifs is fish. About 2% of all requests for dream interpretation are associated with them. Usually dreams live fish, less often large, fried, salted, dead, red, fresh, frozen, smoked, dead, dried(in descending order of popularity). Most often she is caught - hands and on fishing rod, Sometimes - clean And buy. Among specific fish they lead pike, catfish And herrings, but people rarely know what kind of fish they dreamed about.

To show the main themes of dreams, we took the two hundred most popular words from queries about dreams and for each we identified ten “neighbors” - words that often appear together with them in queries. For example, for the word “house,” which appears in almost 1.5% of dream queries, the closest neighbors were alien, fire, new, old, big, floor, wash, live, wooden, burn.

Different words can have the same neighbors, so there are 540 words in total. We have arranged them in such a way that closer friend to a friend there were concepts that often appear in dreams together - at least, they are present in the same queries. This is how a statistical map of dreams was created.

The most popular and most characteristic dreams

Top 20 words from queries about dreams

  1. Human
  2. child
  3. die
  4. alive
  5. boy
  6. pregnancy
  7. dog
  8. white
  9. blood
  10. former
  11. big
  12. cat
  13. small
  14. hair

Most often in descriptions of dreams there are people: adults and children, men and women, loved ones and strangers, in some cases - the dead. About 2% of dream searches are about fish and snakes. Among other animals, dogs, cats and rats are most often seen in dreams. The most popular color in dreams is white, the action is dying, and the body part is the hand.

Women and men have different dreams. IN women's dreams the most common ones are man, child, pregnancy, fish and guy, and in men's - snake, fish, man, girl, tooth. By the way, women seek interpretation of dreams ten times more often than men

Gender was determined using Crypt technology. To increase the accuracy of the determination, we used only queries asked from mobile devices - the computer is often used by different family members.


[why do you dream fried fish a woman eats it] [why do you dream about multi-colored snakes] [why do you dream that a girl smokes even though she knows that I forbade her] [why do you dream about the house of your deceased grandmother] [why do you dream about handing out candy to children] [why do you dream about a woman in a black robe witch] [why do you dream of goldfish in clear water] [why do you dream of an SMS from your ex-boyfriend]

The most common dreams do not depend on the place of residence. People, fish and snakes are often found in requests for dreams from both the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Smolensk Region. There are few exceptions - in the Magadan and Sakhalin regions and Kamchatka, people most often see bears in their dreams, and in Ingushetia the most popular word is “white”; they dream of various white things: houses, roses, horses, sheets.

However, each region has its own typical dreams- those whose interpretations are sought here more than average. Let's say in the Chelyabinsk region people dream of meteorites. In the Kursk, Lipetsk, Oryol and Ryazan regions, religious dreams are popular - with saints, priests and icons. In Crimea, dreams of the sea, dolphins and waves, in Stavropol region - walnuts and apricots, in Moscow - metro, train and St. Matrona, and in St. Petersburg - metro, blueberries and cranberries.

Influence of place

Some properties of the surrounding reality penetrate into dreams. Very significant events are remembered - like the fall of a meteorite. In addition, transport, weather, nature and dream fauna change from region to region. People usually see in their dreams those animals that are found nearby and in real life, and the nature that surrounds them.

Seeing a map in a dream means changes that will be made by you in your business.

There may be disappointments, but change will soon be followed by increased income.

To dream that you are looking for a map means unexpected dissatisfaction with your surroundings, which will fill you with new energy; this will give you the opportunity to rise to a higher level of well-being.

For a young woman, this dream foretells that strong ambition will help her rise to higher spheres.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

What does the dream Map mean?

Studying a map in a dream is a harbinger that you will be forced to leave native land and live in a foreign country for many years, although you will eventually return home. If you look at a black and white card, you will come back poor; and if it is a bright colorful card, then you will return very wealthy, which will ensure you a happy old age. If a woman dreams that she is studying a map, then her husband and sons will be great travelers.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

Dream about Map

The geographical map foreshadows changes that will favorably affect your destiny. A girl's dream about a card means that she will be able to achieve success thanks to her ambition. Perhaps she will enter into a marriage of convenience.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

What does a Map mean in a dream?

Seeing in a dream geographical map portends participation in an exciting long journey. Hanging a large map of the world on the wall is a sign of changes that await you in business, new acquaintances and interesting offers.

The road map you are trying to navigate around in a dream threatens disappointments, which, however, may soon be followed by significant income. Seeing an old sea map in a dream means that you are no longer satisfied with the company of your colleagues, among whom you have not found a single true friend.

Seeing yourself at a chalkboard in front of a school map on which you cannot find some geographical point - such a dream memory will evoke a whole stream of associations in your memory, which will help you find a clue to solving one of the problems of the present moment, thanks to which you will achieve significant success , rising above his surroundings.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Meaning Map

The map dreams of changes in business. There may be disappointments, but change will soon be followed by increased income.

If in a dream you are looking for a map, then you will soon show dissatisfaction with your surroundings. However, this will allow you to rise to a higher level of well-being.

For a young woman, this dream foretells that strong ambition will help her find herself in higher spheres.

Interpretation of dreams from
  • Four (card) - if in a dream you play cards and you always get fours in your hands, then this means that you are incredibly lucky, although you don’t know it yet. Yours new idea or a business that you took with difficulty will bring you wealth and fame in 22 weeks. Some will be able to find a new oil field, some will be able to discover a new star in the sky. And someone, perhaps, will start a family, although they have long given up hope for this.
  • If you play in a dream with people you like and see that fours constantly come to their hands, then this means that you have started a bad business, after 76 days you will understand this and will terribly repent, but you will not be able to change anything. you can. You are probably too gullible, and simply became a victim of an intriguer and adventurer, and allowed yourself to be drawn into an ugly business. But if you don’t like the people playing with you, then you will be able to show mental strength and soberly reflect on the current state of affairs. As a result, you will quarrel with the person who, in fact, started the whole mess, and perhaps you will lose trust in 4 people whom you considered your friends. Don't be upset, this is not too much of a sacrifice for inner peace and self-respect.
  • If in a dream you win, despite small cards, then in reality you will be able to take any blow that the villainous fate will deal you. And she will be unfair to you in the next 4 weeks. If you believe in God, then this good time to contact him, humble yourself and don’t curse your fate, soon this will not be easy for you life stage will end and you will regain peace of mind. But if in a dream you lose, then in real life this is a direct indication that you have forgotten the divine word and violated the fourth commandment.
  • If in a dream you get one four, then pay attention not to its suit, this card is direct appeal unknown forces come to you. However, if you see all four fours, then the card that is closest to you has special meaning for you, but if they all lie at the same distance from you, then the “speaking” one will be the one that will attract your gaze more strongly than the others. Be that as it may, take note of everything that higher powers want to convey to your consciousness.
  • The Four of Hearts means that you haven’t gone to the cemetery for a long time and haven’t looked after your family’s graves; try to correct your mistake within 4 weeks and honor the memory of those who were dear to you in this life.
  • The Four of Diamonds is a command to you to monitor the health of your spouse, since your other half is now going through troubles at work and may go to bed for a long time or even end up in the hospital. The greatest danger is on the 4th and 15th, and the 23rd is a good day for a short walk in the fresh air.
  • Cross Four - in reality you will become a participant in a huge scandal that will break out due to the fault of your colleague or neighbor. If you manage to stay with everyone good relations, then in 4 months you will thank yourself for your foresight. If you get bogged down in an argument, then it will be difficult for you to extricate yourself from the verbal jungle and prove to others that you have the right to your opinion on any issue.
  • The Four of Spades is a formidable enemy whose goal is to take you to clean water. If 4 years ago you deceived or betrayed someone, in 22 days it will be time for you to pay old bills.

Probability of dreams coming true

Since some people are more susceptible to the influence of the Moon, and others to the influence of the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 23rd day of the month. The dreams you had last night will soon come true.

Today is the 18th lunar day. Dreams dreamed on the night of today come true on the 20th day.

Today is Saturday. Saturday is strictly a day of Saturn, the planet of fate, rock, and trials. Saturn dictates laws, limits us, so dreams for Saturday will tell us about the rules that we must obey, show what we will have to limit ourselves to, what to give up in the near future. Often these dreams contain information about the prospects for the implementation of plans, about the sequence and connection of upcoming events.

If Saturday's dream is colorful and pleasant, it means that no serious restrictions are foreseen, and much of what was planned can be easily implemented. But if the dream is gloomy, black and white, with pictures of high walls, various obstacles or crosses, then the plans will come to life only as a result hard work, that is, nothing will come easy in the near future. On Saturday night you can learn about your fate or the fate of other people.

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MAP – Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a map in a dream means changes that will be made by you in your business. There may be disappointments, but change will soon be followed by increased income. To dream that you are looking for a map means unexpected dissatisfaction with your surroundings, which will fill you with new energy: this will give you the opportunity to rise to a higher level of well-being.

For a young woman, this dream foretells that strong ambition will help her rise to higher spheres.

MAP – Modern Dream Interpretation

A geographical map hanging on the wall predicts long and frequent trips on business (for example, business trips).

It’s as if you are studying a map - you will actually study the essence of the matter, the essence of the issue, then take a series of competent actions that will lead you to well-being; this dream is especially favorable for people involved in finance.

You are looking for a map in a dream - some complications in the life of the team will give you an impulse, it will not be perceived by you as an incentive, but it will increase your activity (it is possible that this will be the fear of losing your job). The results of your activities will provide you with a path to the top - to prosperity, to new opportunities. If in a dream you still find the lost card, then expect great success in life. This dream has such meaning.

A stolen card in a dream means that you have competitors. Try not to give them the opportunity to take advantage of your mistakes.

A young woman dreams of a map - the dream says that this woman will one day occupy a high, responsible position.

Making a map yourself or plotting a route on a map in a dream is a sign that you have a number of good plans, many of which will come true thanks to your forethought and assertiveness.

MAP – Slavic Dream Book

Road, business proposals.

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    Information taken from the Dream Hackers website.

    To reduce the number of topics created on the same issues, a FAQ has been created, which will be supplemented over time.

    Q: What is cartography and what is the meaning of it?
    A: Cartography is a trix XC for better remembering dreams and accelerating awareness in dreams. Don Juan came up with the trick for KK - looking at hands in a dream.

    Q: Cartography only in OS or can you map ordinary dreams?
    A: You need to map ordinary dreams.

    Q: Where is my house on the map?
    A: The home is placed in the center of the map.

    Q: How to determine the cardinal directions on a map, and what is on them?
    O.: Top - North; bottom – South; left – West; on the right is East. Like a regular compass, only North and South change places. Another option is to understand not by cardinal directions, but by the concepts of “above from”, “below from”, to the right of” and so on. The main thing is the correct merging of individual pieces into a single map.
    The southern border, stationary and not moving, will almost certainly be associated with childhood - a river, sea, mountains, ocean, a series of hills.
    The northern border is shifting gradually.
    The East is a certain blind spot", a lot of unexplored places.
    The western border is stable and is usually limited by a river, behind which mountains can be seen.
    On the southern half of the map there is a gigantic structure, which many perceive as either a multi-story train station/station/airport, or a mountain/Olympus/stairway to heaven/etc. This gigantic structure fluctuates on many maps, moving either south or towards the center of the map.
    In the center of the map is your home.
    In the northeastern sector there are zones of cataclysms, places of various spiritual schools, zones of nightmares, etc. In this sector, other dreamers and some “infiltrators” will meet you.
    In the northwestern corner there is an incomprehensible phenomenon that you will only get a good look at at the moment of death. A kind of “hole” where the western and northern rivers flow.
    IN southeast corner - Paradise. Very beautiful place, but a small place, rustic.

    Q: Do everyone have the same cards, if not, what are the differences?
    A: Everyone has their own map, but there are many common points. The presence of such places as - sea, railway, city, abandoned old areas, prison, bridge, river, lake, airport, fields, forests, one high-rise building, cemetery, school/institute, church/temple, etc. - tells us that our dream is a kind of matrix, foundation, general template, which we then fill out each with our own details.

    Q: How many cities are there on the map?
    A: There is only one city on the map - there are all parts of those cities that you know in the real world. It includes elements of many other cities - in fact, it is a template for the concept of "city".

    Q: If I have drawn 10 cards of ten dreams and don’t know what to do next and how to collect them?
    A.: Draw further, draw 40 or more cards. Wait for the edges of the individual pieces to begin to “merge,” that is, one card becomes a continuation of the other. Label the time of day and cardinal direction or draw the sun.

    Q: Where are the boundaries of the map and how do they stop you?
    A: Forest, sea, desert, sky

    Q: What are transits in cartography, and what are their types?
    A: Transits can be any objects that take you from one dream bubble (ball) to another. The ball is the setting (terrain) of one dream. Transits are often: railway, high-rise building,

    Q: What are transmutation zones?
    A: These are areas in a dream where the situation and external surroundings often change. The area around your home is one of the transmutation zones. Transmutation zones are entrances to the lower worlds.

    Q: Where is the best place to draw a dream map?
    A: Draw on paper describing the action, so it will be easier to remember later. It’s a good idea to make a duplicate map in a graphic editor, because... dreams are often supplemented. Keep a dream diary.

    V.: Almost all the dreams I have are all indoors.
    A: Wait for your dreams “in the air.” In real life, you can walk more and sit indoors less, then your dreams will change.

    V.: How to learn to choose from the whole variety of dream details exactly those important details, which will allow you, without loading too much memory, to remember the entire picture.
    A: Classify the sleeping environment according to 4 parameters: 1. type of terrain (mountains, suburbs, countryside, high-rise city or private sector) 2. Time of year (autumn, winter) 3. Time of day (morning, afternoon, night) 4. Weather (snow, rain).

    V.: Objects from old dreams. Do they have a statute of limitations?
    A: Dreams have no expiration date. Put everything you can remember on the map.

    V.: Places in dreams do not closely resemble places in real life.
    A: The picture of a dream almost always adapts to what you saw in real life. I saw a station on a square - in the dream picture there will be either a square near the station, or a station on the square. I saw what the institute looks like inside - there will be exactly the same picture in a dream like “a wide staircase, and under it a dining room.” Or a school with similar corridors. But! - Only similar. Because then the fun begins, if you look closely. Then it turns out that in real life there are still a bunch of houses between the streets, but in the dream picture these two streets are nearby, and between them there is only one house, and even that is five-story, not nine-story. There was a right turn from the bridge - it will be in the picture, but then the street will be completely different, from a different area or even city. And so on…

    Q: What is the “population” of the dream world like? Sprites, inorganics, flyers, infiltrators?
    A: This already applies to the OS. Airport - here you can meet dying people. Shops with an escalator are often inhabited by scouts, they are very attractive and offer a lot of tempting things, but you can’t trust them, because... they will take you far away.

    Theater - behind the drapery curtains there is an entrance to the labyrinth. The entrance to the labyrinth is generally hidden from view, but if you find it, you can meet types there that look like inorganics or spies.

    The market is a place of communication and movement of information. You can meet anyone here, it's a party place. Traders are eager to communicate; you can learn something new from them. You can also learn from them about inorganics/infiltrators; if you’re lucky, they’ll give you names by which you can try to call them. This is an ideal place to catch infiltrators by simply causing a commotion in the market.

    Church - here the sprites really love it when candles are lit for them with the power of thought, but they don’t like it when people argue with them about faith - they can even beat them. Little information is given out. Interesting artifacts can be found in churches/monasteries.

    Dilapidated palaces/museums - this is very interesting place— there are many artifacts that have power, such as swords, crystals, etc.

    Factory - Home to primitive action sprites. You can’t get information from them; they often behave aggressively.

    Shops are places where inorganics and infiltrators gather. From shops you often end up in labyrinths.

    The forest is the habitat of allies. More often in the form of animals - wolves, bears, sometimes hares.

    Prisons are where part of our subconscious lives. Our programs are driven deep into us, something that we cannot get rid of for any reason. Most often we see them in the form of faceless sprites.

    A hospitable house/hotel is the habitat of allies. Dogs in yards - you can talk to them, they are allies.

    the actual information, which was taken from hackers and presented above, generally describes it correctly.
    There are some nuances that are difficult to take on faith for those who do not have OS experience or have not encountered this phenomenon.
    for example, the Sun is not everywhere. And not because it is hidden behind the clouds, no.
    but there is one or another level of illumination.
    People have short memories, although earlier in history there were those who tried to convey some truths about the other side. I'm talking about E. Swedenborg "O Divine love and Divine Wisdom” read - you will find about the Sun.

    I’ve never drawn anything specifically, but there’s still a map in my head, if you think about it carefully. I just didn’t pay attention to this before, but now I read the topic, thought, and yes, there is a map. There are places where I often go purposefully, to do something. There are characters that perform the same functions. And I use it. It’s just that I really determine the cardinal directions. If the location is known (say, my hometown), then I know where the sun rises and sets. And I can navigate. And even if there are inaccuracies or discrepancies in the dream picture, the cardinal directions remain the same for me. If only there was something similar to reality. That's enough. On the other hand, I have never once gotten lost. I already wrote in a similar “thread” that I always know where to go and don’t get lost in an unfamiliar place. There was never any fear of getting lost, not returning, etc.
    By the way, I have never been in a labyrinth. I didn’t even leave the theater or store there. Although in the sleepy theater backstage there was huge amount once. I always know where the exit is because I know I'm dreaming.
    I talk to animals periodically. But mostly they are cats. They are mine true friends both in life and in dreams. They also come across mythical creatures(for example, a centaur), and mystical (spirits, souls, angels, ghosts, genies, demons, even Christ and Satan). I communicate with everyone as if they were my equals. It's like this in my dreams. Even if I understand that in ordinary life someone is higher than me in status, say, in a dream it does not matter. Everything is decided there by energies, their quality, and not the “number of feathers”...

    : I’ll briefly say that this direction is not necessary for everyone, everyone has their own way and everyone decides for themselves where and what cardinal directions they have

    I confirm! The cardinal directions can be defined in different ways. And one more thing.
    Xin, well, if you really want to “mirror” it so that the north is below. Draw the Southern city as in regular map(south from bottom), and then simply turn the drawing upside down. And look at him in the mirror. This will be the effect you wanted. If you have enough patience, redraw the map from the mirror.
    As I wrote above, this method does not suit me. I navigate in a dream, as in life, by the sun.

    I read about dream mapping. I was also interested. I'd like to try it too. But I seem to be being stupid. Let's say I want to start making a map starting with a dream I had the day before. I'll figure out the cardinal directions somehow.

    But how can I figure out how objects from different dreams are located relative to each other? Today I dreamed of a house into which I moved in a dream; earlier I dreamed of a temple. Which is further north or west?

    And a question about the house, which should be located in the center. The fact is that I have an apartment in one city, I live here. But I often go to my parents. I dream of both homes, both are mine. How then should they be placed? And sometimes in my dreams my grandmother’s house, where I spent almost my entire childhood, appears. It also needs to be placed somewhere.
    And often in dreams, at least for me, there is a “merger” different places. Let's say I dream about my house, and in it there is a passage to my school. And in different dreams“merging” occurs in different ways.

    Now, while writing down my dream, I described one feature of the location of objects. Namely, the fact that the relative position of the objects is close to how they are located in the relay. I looked at my map again and... As it turned out, the objects will be located exactly where they are in the relay. It doesn't matter if I noticed it. It doesn’t matter that I didn’t think at all about their real location. And it seems like I completely forgot about it.
    Let me explain what I noticed. I attached a fragment of the map here. There is my house here, there is a vertical street on the right, there is a former rented apartment (I dreamed about it recently). On this street, objects are located exactly the same as in real life. Even on the same side of the street.

    But when I saw a former rented apartment in a dream, I had doubts about its location relative to my house. And I felt that it was located either where the market was designated, or where I eventually marked this apartment. She was exactly on this diagonal. But only now I noticed that in real life I lived exactly where the market is located! There really are five-story buildings behind it. I rented the room I dreamed of in one of them!

    Is it possible that my spatial thinking is so highly developed?