How to dream so that your dreams come true? What to do to make your dreams come true What to do to make your dreams come true.

People tend to want more than they have. In order to make their dreams come true, some pray fervently, others ask the Higher powers with the help of magic or even in their own words.

Miracles happen, it is impossible to deny. Words reach the universal distributor of happiness, and people are given what they ask for. Moreover, the system for issuing manna from heaven works without making any difference.

She has a different degree of discrimination. After all, sometimes some people dream of a piece of bread, but don’t get it, while others, barely thinking about millions, hit the jackpot. Why is this happening? The secret is how to ask correctly!

No one has calculated exactly how many different prayers there are. More than 5 thousand saints of the Orthodox Church are mentioned in the month books. They pray to each saint, asking for help in a wide variety of matters and situations.

Not only is it impossible to learn all the prayers, or even remember the names of all the saints. And what can we say about conspiracies! There are no statistics at all. And how to choose the right words among this multitude so that heaven gives the go-ahead to fulfill your desire?

Create your own personal spell or prayer! After all, each of the existing ones was also composed by someone. And you can do it!

Dreams: specifics and reality

In any prayer or magical form we are talking about one thing. So, one saint is prayed for good luck, another for a good harvest, and a third for health. There is no universal word formula in which you can ask for everything at once: health, wealth, success, fame.

Again, these concepts are too individual. Someone needs to get rid of a runny nose, and someone needs to get rid of a migraine; for one, having a piece of bread and butter is enough, but for someone, a couple of million are not enough to make their dream come true.

Therefore, the desire must be specific.

No matter how much you want a dragon to fly to you and serve you faithfully, this will not come true. If you don't have a voice, you won't top the song charts.

Therefore, the desire must be real.

Have you decided on your desire? It's time to formulate it and put it into words. It would be great if the text rhymed. This makes it easier to remember, because you will have to say the request more than once or twice.

Therefore, the desire is expressed clearly and without embellishment.

There is no need to prove to the Universe how educated and original you are. For her we are all equal. Don't use the particle "not". Say: "I do not want to be ill" And "I want to be healthy"- two big differences. Ask for what you want, not what you don't want.

After allthe “not” particle, like an anchor, keeps the desire with you.

Dreams and peace

Dream your wish. Be clear about what you want and what it will look like when it comes true.

When voicing the final goal, specify the time and place of execution. And be prepared to receive what you wished for there.

Events will take shape like a precisely selected mosaic, laid out in a bright pattern. And what you strive for will begin to strive for you.

Imagine that a child asks his parents to buy a kitten: "Dad mom! I like cats so much. Please give me a little Siamese cat for my birthday! I will play with him, I will look after him.”

You know exactly what the applicant expects from you and when. Or the child whines, whines, and is hysterical every day: “I want a cat! I want a cat!!!". What cat? Living, toy, stuffed animal, sculpture? Kitten, adult cat, cat? Sick, stupid, lazy, aggressive?

The result of such cries will be disastrous. Either the child will not receive a kitten, or the purchased animal will not be accepted into the yard.

Therefore, the desire should not only be specific, but also be pronounced in a state of mental balance, but not indifference.

Waiting and happiness

It happens that a wish comes true immediately. Before you even have time to think - whoops! - it's already ready. For example, you want to buy a book that has not been on sale for a long time.

You walk past a used bookstore and think: “I want this book!”- and, as soon as you enter the hall, you see her - the only one who was waiting for you.

More often the opposite happens. A man bows, raises his hands to the sky, but happiness does not come. This happens when you want too much.

Therefore, desire cannot be turned into mania.

Know how to wait for the result. If you were looking for a rare book and, having voiced your desire to buy it, immediately found a rarity on a store shelf, that’s one thing.

It’s completely different when you dream of traveling to a distant country, but don’t have the opportunity. You'll have to wait here. And not only wait, but also work hard. Just like with a kitten, you may get what you ask for, but not on time.

To go somewhere you need money and free time. It may happen that you win a prize in some competition and the tickets will be in your pocket. But you won't be released from work. You will be faced with a choice: give up your dream or lose your job.

Therefore, serious desires have serious demands.

You should do everything that will bring you closer to your goal. In order to win the competition, you must at least participate in it. It is important to make the wait happy.

Rejoice every day, because happy people’s wishes come true more often and faster!

And most importantly, whatever you dream about, whatever you wish for, don’t tell anyone about it. After all, happiness, as you know, loves silence. And desires - even more so!

Until your dream comes true, you can’t even hint about it to anyone!

I am often asked why I equate dreams with goals? I never really thought about it, I was just surprised that the majority of people do not achieve the goals they would like.

When you just dream, a dream is something abstract, it carries nothing with it except a beautiful picture that you love, looking out the bus window on the way to work. Such a dream will remain a dream; it will not reach the path of reality.

If you still want to fulfill your dream, you need to make it a goal. By procrastinating or doubting your capabilities, you slow yourself down. The phrase “This is impossible” will also not bring you closer to your dream. This is just an excuse. Everything is possible, and you must believe it!


So, if you want to make your dream come true, turn on your “dreamer” and take a pen and a piece of paper. You can open notepad on your computer.

Now write your dreams in a column - 10-20 pieces. Write everything that comes to mind. (A dog, a new car, a yacht, 2 million rubles or a family castle in London - it doesn’t matter). Any of your dreams deserves attention. Now, next to each dream, write down its cost. Find out online if you don't know how much a particular dream costs. Finally, look at what exactly you want.

Now add up all the numbers. How much did you get?

Once you know how much your dreams are worth, you need to take your monthly income and calculate how much time it will take to make those dreams come true. To do this, divide the above number by your salary. Just don’t forget to deduct from your salary the approximate amount that goes towards food, rent, etc. However, you can take an integer. The resulting number is the number of months that are needed to make your desires come true.

I think you are in quiet horror. There must have been a lot. And in the first case - when you have calculated the cost of your desires, and in the second - the time it takes to achieve them. You can rest easy on this. If the numbers depress you, if you have lost all enthusiasm for going towards something, and your dream suits you in the form of a picture on a bus, then this is your right.


But if you intend to change something in order to achieve your dream faster, take another piece of paper and write down what you would like to do that could help you achieve all your desires. Don't spare your imagination, write everything.

Now imagine which activities from the list you could do in 5 years - the rest of the items should be crossed out. Choose the most attractive field of activity from the remaining ones, in which you know more than others, which gives you joy, which you are always not too lazy to do, no matter what happens.

Now it's up to you. You know how much your dream costs, where you should go. The dream became a goal. When we outline a dream, we know exactly what we want, it becomes a goal, which is why I associate dreams with goals. You may want to take business training, or you might want to get a new job that you have long dreamed of. In any case, do not forget about the calculations that you just made, they will motivate you, and rest assured - the moment you saw the clear outlines of your dream, you are several steps closer to its fulfillment!

Materialization of desires

Have you ever noticed the following interesting phenomenon. You decide to buy a car of a certain make and model, and suddenly you start seeing it everywhere. Wherever you are, you always see it. As soon as we “bother” with some topic, immediately on TV, in conversations with friends, it begins to haunt us.

This is not a coincidence. Our thoughts truly create our reality. What we focus our attention on, whether it is positive or negative, is what we attract into our lives. Every thought in our head, every feeling we experience, everything we hear and read affects our reality.

My boss often tells managers who start whining that sales are unlikely to be successful this month, the following phrase. “If you think like that, then everything will be exactly like that.”

This principle also works in the area of ​​relationships. Once you have a clear idea of ​​what kind of relationship you want, you get it. It's important to understand exactly what physical traits, behaviors, values, beliefs and interests are important to you so that you can focus on those.

It happens that having failed in one relationship, we take note of the reason for the failure and move on to the next relationship, taking into account only this one reason. In this case, there is a risk of breaking up because of something else.

For example, having broken up with a partner because he abused alcohol, when choosing the next one, we first of all “break through” this issue. Having made sure that he is far from this vile hobby, we calmly develop our relationship. And then it turns out that he... is a terrible lazy person, sitting on your neck, not only does not want to lay a finger on your finger, but also cannot. And this turn of events doesn’t suit you either. That is, we need to take into account not only the problems of previous novels, but also, in principle, what we would not want to see in a relationship.

How to attract what we need

The most convenient way is to take a piece of paper and write down everything you want in your “ideal” relationship. Everything that is of particular importance, interests, details. And also write down what you absolutely cannot put up with (for example, what you have already gone through and know for sure that you will not put up with it again). The main thing is to create a more accurate picture of what you want. And after you do all this, you will increase your chances of getting it.


TEST for choosing a method of psychological consultation

We suggest taking a test that will help determine the psychologist’s method of work, taking into account personal characteristics. Knowing your method will allow you to choose a psychologist who specializes in this area and will allow you to get maximum results and satisfaction from the consultation. You can take the test online absolutely free of charge, without registration, using this link:

  • French psychologist Anne Schwartzweber contains 10 questions, for each of which you need to choose one of three proposed answer options. The result is immediately after pressing the “send” button

TEST to determine the need for psychological help

The test for the need for psychological help will easily help you determine whether you need a consultation with a psychologist. We all have difficult moments in life, and we all deal with them differently. Some do it on their own, some just need a conversation with their best friend or girlfriend, and sometimes you just can’t do without the help of a specialist. To determine this point, a questionnaire on the need for psychological help was developed.

  • contains 18 questions, for each of which you need to choose one answer: “Yes, I agree (Sen)” or “No, I disagree (Sen)”. The result is immediately after clicking the “send” button

TEST Is your union durable?

Most of us dream of love that will always be with us - of an eternal union. How are things going in your couple? Is it strong and reliable? Or maybe fragile, not very stable? In any case, the question of how long the union will last forms the core of the relationship in any couple, no matter what moment in its development it experiences. This test will help you understand what stage of the relationship your duo is at and assess your ability to make the relationship sustainable, no matter how it works.

  • French psychoanalyst Alain Heril contains 15 questions, for each of which you need to choose one of four proposed answer options. The result is immediately after pressing the “send” button

Psychologists unanimously say that there are no desires that cannot be fulfilled in life. But in practice it turns out that everything you dreamed of in childhood did not come true. In life there are only problems, both personal and at work. Some kind of vicious circle.

But why dreams didn't come true? It turns out that you need to make a wish correctly. How to learn this?

1.Satisfaction only comes from realizing your dreams.

Sometimes, succumbing to the influence of parents, relatives, public opinion, we make other people's dreams come true. And the result does not please us at all. Everything seems to be fine, but it doesn’t bring happiness. Therefore, to always be in harmony with yourself, make only your dreams come true.

How can you determine if this is your dream or not?

Only your heart and intuition can determine this. Dreams can be completely different: travel, personal life, career or business. The main thing is to know why you are making your dream come true. If in purchasing a car, house, or cottage, you see only the goal of outrunning your girlfriend or boyfriend, then there will not be much joy when your desire comes true. But if you dream of having a house by the sea and imagine that your children will play on the hot sand and frolic in the sea, then every time you think about your desire, you will be recharged only with positive emotions, gain inspiration and self-confidence.

2.Formulate your desire more precisely.

In order for the entire Universe to help you fulfill your cherished desire, you need to clearly define it. Different interpretations are simply not allowed.

If, for example, you defined your desire as “I want to finally relax and unwind,” then this can lead to bad consequences. After all, in a relaxed state you can relax in a hospital bed. Therefore, when formulating a desire for a vacation, simply say, “I want to spend my vacation at a resort near the sea.”

If you are not yet sure of your desire, put your request in a “broad” sense. For example, say: “I want everything to be good in my personal life.” To better formulate your desire, use a notepad. It will be easier for you to choose the correct wording from what is written.

You need to take a sober look at how your desire will change your life, as well as which of your loved ones it will affect. Perhaps you dream of a career takeoff. But having fulfilled your dream and received the desired position, you “pick up” your close friend, who has been dreaming of a promotion for many years. As a result, you are no longer friends, but enemies. Assess your spiritual potential. Can you make sacrifices in relationships with loved ones? Do you need such happiness?

Everyone makes their own choice. But remember, true happiness and harmony can only be achieved if you do not harm others.

4.You have the opportunity to adjust your desire.

To find out whether your wish will make you happy after fulfillment, imagine that the dream has already come true. Ask yourself if you are happy. If you feel confident and good, then you can achieve your dream without a doubt. But if something is bothering you, and you are missing something, then you can still fix everything.

Now you already know exactly what your desires are. Now is the time to act.

1. Be positive.

Believing in yourself and in your dreams helps you cope with many obstacles and obstacles. Skeptics will say that faith is nothing. But according to the laws of psychology, only what we have programmed ourselves for always happens to us. If we believe in the best result, then we give a positive impulse that can contribute to the fulfillment of a desire.

Sometimes parents, without knowing it themselves, program their children for failure, instilling in their children from childhood the idea that big money can only be earned dishonestly. Parents cannot understand in the future why their child does not strive to earn more, because he is talented and smart.

Having become an adult, a person is afraid to go to those places where he can make good money, explaining his reluctance by the fact that he will not be able to work there and will not cope with his responsibilities.

But if parents instill in their child that money is a means to many opportunities, then such a person will strive to get a better job and a bigger salary.

The thoughts in our head can do a lot. If we believe in ourselves, we can move mountains. And if we mutter under our breath that “life is terrible,” “I can’t do anything,” then we can’t expect any favorable changes in our life.

Listen to your thoughts. How often do you use the particle “not” in your thoughts? If often enough, then you need to tune in to the positive. You say: “I can’t!” For example, a simple inscription on your own desktop can convince yourself of the opposite: “I will succeed.” Contemplating this inscription every day, a person begins to believe in his own strength and takes the right steps towards his dream, and this dream will come true.

2. Visually or on paper, model your desire.

In dreams, you need to scroll through the ways to make your desire come true. You need to do this for at least 15 minutes a day. But, unfortunately, not everyone can make time for dreams; something or someone constantly distracts them.

It is best to arrange your thoughts in the form of a collage. You must be in this collage. The collage should be signed with phrases in the present tense, for example, “I am loved by my husband,” “I fly to expensive resorts every year.” These phrases will mean that the events you wrote have already happened and you are happy.

On the collage you can stick a house, a car and all those objects that you would like to see in your future life. The collage needs to be hung in some prominent place, since you should see it as often as possible, bringing your dream closer.

3. You must not sit with your hands folded.

Nothing is done that way. We can dream about something, but we do nothing to make our dream come true. We want a better-paid job but can’t go to study or improve our qualifications. Basically, we are just being lazy. Think about what skills you need for your new job. Perhaps you need to learn a foreign language to get a high-paying position. The main thing is to start. And your dream will definitely come true.

If you have a global dream, then to realize it you need to gradually rise to the top. Break the goal into steps and move from one step to another. You will succeed! Believe in yourself!!! And remember - Dreams Come True !!!

Dreams are not just ideas that are thought about and immediately forgotten. They need to be idolized and fed with energy, otherwise even the most cherished desires will fade over time and cease to seem incredible. In this article we will tell you how to dream correctly so that your dreams come true, and also consider techniques for affirmations, visualizations and projection of your ideas.

Choose your dreams

This may seem stupid to you, but what if you don't have one? However, many people struggle with this because it is tempting to choose the perfect dream, and this need for perfection can soon paralyze you.

Remember, this is not a one-time deal. You will have many dreams, and there is no reason why you will not be able to achieve most, if not all of them. Just choose the first dream you like and decide to fulfill it right now.

Be loyal

The path to your dream can sometimes be thorny and unpredictable, but you must always remain true to it. It is best to move in her direction and try to protect her from envious people and armchair critics.

But be prepared to encounter people along this path who will try to dissuade you in every possible way. Each person lives according to his own personal canons, so your dreams may seem strange, banal or, conversely, impossible to them. But in this world nothing is impossible. Remember that very few people are born into golden swaddling clothes with an incredibly large choice of life paths. Others start small, moving slowly to make their dream come true.

For example, you have dreamed of becoming an actor all your life, but all your friends and relatives say how difficult it is to do it. Someone cites the example of specialized schools, where some people try to enroll for 5-10 years. Others say that this cannot be done without an acquaintance. But the truth is that if you really want to become an actor, you will work on yourself every day, overcoming laziness and fears, become a public figure and connect your dreams with work and hobbies. If you want to understand how to dream correctly so that your dreams come true, then use this advice.

Make good use of your time

What does every person dream of? About good health, wealth or a new apartment? In most cases, all dreams are easily realized if you put in every effort. Of course, if you have thoughts in your head like “I want me to fly to the moon” or “I want to be able to teleport,” then it will be almost impossible to translate them into life. In other cases, everything depends only on you.

So how to dream correctly so that your dreams come true? How to bring this moment closer? In addition to the technique of visualizations and affirmations, it is also important to develop discipline and self-control in order to achieve the realization of all your dreams. And for this you need to use your free hours wisely and profitably.

If you invest even a small amount of time to achieve your dreams, the investment will pay off over the long haul. Don't let seemingly urgent things like household chores and checking email distract you from what's most important. Reduce unnecessary stress in your life. Make sure you focus on the important tasks first - the ones that will help your dreams come true.

Learning to visualize

The visualization technique may seem complicated at first glance, but it is absolutely not. The only thing that is required of you is to practice as often as possible, not to be lazy and not to look for various excuses.

Why is such technology needed? This is how you program your brain, turning your dream into a serious achievable goal. For example, it’s not enough to just want a car. You should know everything about it - body color, interior material, make and year of manufacture.

If you want something that is not in the picture, then you need to learn to imagine it. Let's learn more about how to dream correctly so that your dreams come true.

  • Step 1. Study and practice. Close your eyes and visually remember what the front door of your home looks like. Happened? The image of the front door should have appeared in front of you. Of course, you didn't literally see it, but you got a visual sense of shape, color and memorable details. You may not even have had to close your eyes. But this practice allows you to access your mind. The longer you work on visualization, the clearer things become. Remember, the stronger the imagery, the more environments you generate inside your mind. This allows you to get even what you cannot afford at the moment.
  • Step 2. Go to action. Sit as comfortably as possible. Let nothing from your surroundings disturb your visualization. Imagine what you dream about. Immerse yourself completely in your dreams. Try to materialize the dream in your mind, mentally touch it. This practice may take weeks, because every day you can more and more clearly imagine what you sincerely desire. Detail your dream.

The Power of Affirmations and Positive Thoughts

What are affirmations? How can they help in materializing desires? Positive statements that describe a desired situation or goal and are repeated often to make a good impression on a person's subconscious mind. Frequent repetition motivates affirmations, inspires and programs the mind to act on the repeated words.

This process forces the subconscious to strive and work on behalf of the person. Most people are accustomed to repeating negative words and statements in their minds about situations and events in their lives, and hence projecting unwanted things. Affirmations work in both directions - they can either destroy something or build it.

You should not repeat phrases such as “I can’t do this,” “I’m too lazy,” “I lack inner strength,” “I’m going to fail.” On the contrary, the path to a dream lies through positive thoughts, which are not so easy to form in your mind.

Affirmation technique

If you still want to learn how to dream so that everything comes true, then try practicing this technique:

  1. Find the most comfortable place where no one and nothing will distract you.
  2. Sit or lie down and then close your eyes.
  3. Repeat in your head such phrases as “I achieved my dream”, “I was able to fulfill all my desires”, “My dreams are real”, “I am a confident person”, “I was able to realize my most cherished dream”.

Helpful information

It is very important to talk about yourself not in the third key and not in the future tense, but in the present. Imagine that somewhere in your mind there is your second “I”, which has already achieved everything that you dreamed of and continues to do so. Talk about yourself as if you already have everything you wanted a long time ago.

Let your dreams come true, but you must help them to do so. Repeat affirmations constantly, every day. Truly believe in what you say and don't let negative thoughts consume you. If you start saying affirmations, and you are sure that these are all empty words, then they will not begin to act in your favor.

Create a dream album

Here's another tip that will tell you how to learn to dream and realize them in life - create an album of dreams. If you watched the movie “The Secret” (or “The Mystery”) from Drew Hariot, based on the book by Rhonda Byrne, then you probably tried to practice the advice spoken in the film adaptation.

A dream album allows you to create a projection of your ideal life, thanks to which everyone can achieve everything they want. This technique works in the same way as dream visualization.

To get started, take a small folder and add magazine clippings, photographs and pictures that are related in some way to your dream. It is advisable that you clearly know what you want. For example, a house is a cherished dream, but putting a photograph of the first home you come across in an album will not be enough. You have to imagine how many floors it will have, what the color of the facade is, the size of the windows and even the interior of the rooms! Carefully select images of furniture, building materials and home samples, add them to the album and do not forget to review it periodically.

Let go of your fears

This step is not a one-time thing. You will probably have to go through this again and again, but not everyone is ready to fight with themselves. The main fear is loss of stability. After all, it’s much easier to say: “I don’t have time to follow my dream, I need to earn money!” Of course have. So it's time to act! And for this you need to learn to get up early, educate yourself, look for new hobbies that can provide you with both stability and the realization of all your dreams.

It's all about your attitude and desire to work on your life. Some people find it much easier to abandon all dreams and immerse themselves in worldly concerns. But the further they are from their dreams, the less likely it is that such individuals will be able to achieve anything.


Don't forget about your dream. Think about her constantly, every day, protect her from evil tongues. If you really want something, then it will definitely come true. But in addition to dreams, you must also make every effort to realize them - you need to educate yourself, get rid of laziness, look for prospects, and gain new experience. Then you can get absolutely everything. Follow our advice and let your dreams come true!

“Everything will come true, you just have to stop wanting!” - said Faina Ranevskaya. And every joke has some truth. Here the grain of truth is so great that what was stated has ceased to be a joke...

Now it has become popular to invent ways to fulfill desires. The Internet is full of many recommendations, including: visualization, setting the right goals and others. We draw our desires on a poster, paste them with pictures, prepare for the appearance of a miracle, but it never comes. And two - it didn’t come. At three, doubts arose. What's wrong with these simple and popular techniques?

Why do some people succeed (after all, they do!), while others don’t?

It's simple. Each person improves gradually and in a spiral (that is, faces similar tasks at new levels of development). If yesterday you did not know how to formulate goals, but today you learned, then for the first time, that is, until tomorrow, the acquired skill will be enough.

But tomorrow this will not be enough to fulfill your desires. Life pushes us towards further development. And sets new challenges. Each time is more difficult than the previous ones. And, despite the apparent similarity, the solutions are often unpredictable.

My experience suggests paradoxical conclusions. The spiral of our development not only imposes similar tasks on different turns, but also requires opposite actions! First, you had to learn how to correctly formulate desires, visualize, think about them, do and wait. And now it has become important NOT to think, NOT to strive and NOT to desire!

This is exactly what Faina Ranevskaya meant in the above phrase.

Her experience is confirmed in the ancient wisdom of Zen - Buddhism. The history of this direction goes back more than 2000 years. The truths have long been known and spelled out, nothing new.

Agreeing to the absence of what you want, the most important thing, sometimes seems impossible! And living without it is unbearable. But this is the only way you achieve your goals.

As one of my good friends says: “You can sing, you can dance, but everything will be one way and not another.” If we reformulate his phrase, it will become clear that you can look for any path to what you want, but everything will come true only when it is no longer necessary.

It is very important here not to confuse similar states that are in opposite poles. The first is complete abstraction from the problem (desires, intentions), and thereby, as it were, a rejection of it. The second is true acceptance, and not refusal, but agreement to live in the absence of what is sought. The first leads to nothing but bitterness, or despair, or chronic sadness. Secondly, it entails the fulfillment of everything planned. And in the best possible way.

I often pay attention to some things people say:

  • “I won’t strive anymore. It’s more peaceful to live without these experiences”;
  • “If it doesn’t work out, I won’t try”… and so on.

That means it won't work. Never. It won't happen in your entire life. In 30, 40, 50 years you will never feel the bliss of existence. That's the perspective.

An alternative option is to reach a state of agreement with the absence of what you want. To do this, you don’t have to give up your dreams. You just need to constantly, through an effort of will, switch your thoughts from your problem to other aspects of life. It's important to stop worrying! And as auxiliary influences, you can use various meditations and self-soothing.

Checking states can be done by asking yourself relevant questions. To be honest, you can get quite truthful answers from yourself.

It only remains to add that achieving calm and agreement with what is happening is not easy. But with long, continuous efforts - it is possible! I'm telling you this for sure. And you, dear reader, only have to choose: your whole life in traditional suffering and frantic attempts to fulfill your dream, and then abandoning it, or several years of intense work on yourself.

And may all your dreams come true!