How to punish a Sagittarius man in the year of the dog. Compatibility with other signs in love

Many people underestimate the importance astrological forecasts, although the latter in most cases reveal the truth about a person's personality. In this article we will look at the character of men born in the year of the Dog under the zodiac sign of Sagittarius.

General information on the horoscope

Sagittarius is a zodiac sign that comes into force on November 22 and ends on December 21. Years of the Dog: 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030.

Talismans for the combination of Sagittarius and Dog: any silver jewelry, basket symbols, eyes, stars.

Stones: turquoise, alexandrite, sapphire.

Plants: all types of palms, citrus fruits.


A man who combines the friendliness of a Dog and the honesty of a Sagittarius is the companion one can only dream of. With such a person you can go through fire and water, he will come to the rescue even in the most difficult moments of life. It’s easy to communicate with him on any topic, he will support you in trouble and sincerely rejoice in moments of happiness. You should not be afraid of betrayal from the Sagittarius Dog - this will never happen.

In a work team, such a man is always the soul of the company; he can defend his opinion and help in a difficult situation. The Sagittarius Dog will never say nasty things behind your back or weave evil gossip. However, the inability to lie and directness in communication can serve him badly. It often happens that without flattery you cannot advance in your career, but Sagittarius Dogs are not at all predisposed to it. In this case, the natural charisma and tendency to self-expression inherent in the sign comes to the rescue.

The energy of a man of this type is in full swing. An ideal companion for him would be a calm and slightly depressed person. This will balance them both out slightly. The Sagittarius dog is to be calmed and sobered in moments of excessive optimism, and his friend is to be taught to live for today and enjoy everyday pleasant little things.

The characteristics of such an unusual combination of signs are very versatile. On the one hand, a man born at this time is stubborn, energetic, achieves his goals, on the other hand, he is often flighty and can break down while traveling in a matter of minutes. This behavior appears due to excessive emotionality bestowed by the year of birth. Because of these same reasons, a man strives to be a leader and show his strength in society. For him, home is only a temporary refuge for rest before the next storm of events.

The frivolity of such a person is difficult for loved ones to perceive. Freedom-loving Sagittarius will not tolerate too tight shackles. Work for this man should not be boring and strictly tied to a schedule. It is better that the work covers several polar types of activities. This will keep him from getting bored. Ideal profession there will be the work of an archaeologist, an oil producer, a doctor, a veterinarian, a military man, and a pilot. All of these positions involve benefiting the community and also involve a flexible schedule and varied travel.

Gambling can be dangerous. A person of this character can get carried away by playing casinos and lotteries. To avoid this, the Sagittarius Dog needs to avoid gambling establishments on the tenth route. If the craving is too strong, it is better to replace it with harmless computer games.

With such an interesting combination, very interesting and versatile people were born.

These are Nikolai Karamzin, Steven Spielberg, Alexander Suvorov, Alexander Kerzhakov.

What is he like in love?

Despite his pleasant nature, the Sagittarius Dog man can have several affairs at once. Although each of the ladies of the heart will receive enough attention and care, polygamous halves are not suitable for everyone. Having walked to his heart's content, a man can choose the one forever.

He is not very critical of the appearance of the opposite sex. The main thing for him is the opportunity to communicate and have fun. One of the conditions is that the girl should not be stupid.

If a partner has a desire for mental development, then this will only play into her hands.

He needs a woman who is loyal to a large number time spent with friends. After all, the Dog needs communication. If a compromise can be found in this regard, then an excellent relationship with your spouse will be ensured. Don't be jealous of your friends. This is a very important part of the life of a Sagittarius-Dog.

It's easy to fall in love with such a person. After all, he is pleasant both outside and inside. Philosophical and romantic conversations under the moon will excite the hearts of young maidens, and attentiveness and affection will consolidate the effect. The charm of an attractive Sagittarius-Dog can superficially hide all the shortcomings of this man at first. When they suddenly pop up, it causes discontent of the opposite sex, to the bewilderment of Sagittarius.

A man is picky and only enters into sexual relations if he has feelings. In this regard, he is somewhat conservative. A flighty girl won't suit him. He wants to be sure of the love and fidelity of his soul mate. It is then that he becomes an ideal lover and is not averse to trying various experiments in bed.

Parents occupy a significant place in the life of Sagittarius-Dog. The love for them does not fade even in separation. He respects his father and mother very much and will never leave them. He will demand the same from his wife. So it will be simply necessary to improve relations with your mother-in-law.

Sagittarius-Dog strives for children. But having found an heir, he often does not live up to expectations about the role of the father. He does not like to tinker with small children for a long time, preferring to watch their growth and development from the sidelines. When his children become teenagers, interest in communicating with them and raising them increases sharply.

Only sometimes it's too late.


To create a strong marriage union the best candidates will be: Libra-Dragon, Sagittarius-Rabbit, Pisces-Monkey.

It is not advisable to get involved with any zodiac sign born in the year of the Rooster. This is fraught with absolute misunderstanding and constant showdowns.

The main thing, of course, is not the year of birth or zodiac sign. If people love each other and are understanding about character flaws, this will help them build a harmonious union.

You will learn more about the Sagittarius man in the following video.

A woman born under the constellation Sagittarius is different passionate nature and complex character. She is not deprived of talent and luck. Some will say that her well-being and status are a gift from heaven, while others will say that she is the result of long and painstaking work. If a woman was born in the year of the Dog, then she has doubled energy, determination and perseverance. This allows you to achieve a lot in life, become successful and independent. In any case, the Sagittarius-Dog woman, whose characteristics require a detailed conversation, is interesting and attractive to others.

General characteristics

The female combination of Dog and Sagittarius produces kind, attentive, caring and friendly people. They are interested in everything unusual and mysterious, and they easily get along with people. But at the same time they remember the grievances for a long time, they worry hard heartache, closing in on oneself for a long time.

Sagittarius-Dog is easy-going and can go on a trip or go on a long trip at any time of the day. This is an addicting nature that can handle anything. Women of this zodiac combination are rarely afraid of difficulties, prefer freedom and independence from men, but at the same time they will faithful wife and a reliable friend.

Positive features:

  • Optimism and love of life.
  • Strength and Determination
  • Loyalty and honesty.

The only thing that can ruin their path to fame and wealth, happiness and success is laziness and stubbornness. The Sagittarius-Dog woman will not put in enough effort to own achievements and rarely fully realizes his abilities.

They argue a lot and heatedly, defending beliefs and principles, and can destroy the relationship with the interlocutor in this dispute by going too far.

Negative features:

  • Laziness.
  • Rigidity and impatience with someone else's worldview.
  • Stubbornness

Sagittarius-Dog easily achieves success in any field. She easily learns new information. Finding an unfamiliar profession or conquering heights costs nothing for such a woman. As an employee, she is valued by her superiors and colleagues. The ease with which she changes jobs in her youth in search of her place is enviable.

Money is also not a problem for Sagittarius-Dog, but it will never become an end in itself.

The problems lie in the lack of self-organization: acting on inspiration and feelings, she will not force herself to do something. Sagittarius-Dog needs constant stimulation, brightness and emotionality in his work. Routine or monotonous things do not appeal to her.

The youth of Sagittarius-Dog can be called stormy: noisy companies, constant parties and entertainment lead to numerous love affairs. Bright girl, who loves and knows how to wear bright makeup and dress provocatively, stops the eye and creates an imaginary impression of “availability.” The attractiveness and charm of this woman quickly drives men crazy, but the relationship does not last long. The Sagittarius Dog often uses boyfriends for his own purposes. Men run away from such a strong and stormy character that sweeps away everything in its path. In fact, the Sagittarius Dog woman knows how to be faithful and constant. The Sagittarius Dog gets married late, but divorce is rare for this sign. Having met her one and only, the informal girl turns into a kind and attentive wife.

Creating comfort and order in the house is not her strong point. The Sagittarius Dog will prefer work or creativity to all his household duties. The desire to create your own family nest appears only with the birth of a child. It is worth noting that a woman born in the year of the Dog and under the constellation Sagittarius often becomes childfree because she does not want to take on unnecessary problems and responsibilities.

Compatibility with other signs

In relationships, the Sagittarius-Dog combination does not manifest itself with the best side. The whims, constant demands and irritability of a girl representative of this sign will drive anyone, even the most patient man, crazy. But she will allow herself to behave this way only after she is convinced of her complete and unconditional victory over her partner and the strength of the relationship. Sagittarius-Dog is compatible with Sagittarius or Pisces born in the year of the Dragon, Rabbit and Monkey, respectively.

It will be difficult to build an alliance with Taurus and Capricorn. A long war for leadership in a couple can pretty much fray the nerves of both, and there will be no winners. The Year of the Rooster does not get along well with the Dog.

When you meet a Sagittarius-Dog woman, you will discover an extraordinary personality who will quickly become a friend and assistant in any business. She will not allow the weak to be offended, but will give a hand to the strong. Knowing what a Sagittarius-Dog woman is and what her characteristics are, you can easily build a relationship with her and find the key to her heart.

Character of Dog women - Sagittarius: These women have the gift of seduction. Thanks to this quality, they achieve everything in life. In some situations, they cannot always use this quality to their advantage. This is due to the fact that they get too carried away themselves. Often they find themselves in the center of other people's relationships, which simply leads them to despair. But in their arsenal they also have such qualities as perseverance and determination, so they are most often successful using all means.

By nature, these are calm women who love silence. They can engage in occult sciences and constantly develop spiritually. They may rebel against the norms, but this quickly passes. Usually to mature age they say goodbye to this quality, but become more prudent. If necessary, they can use rebellion to achieve their goals. Their complex character, combined with calculation, makes them incomprehensible to others.

Dog women - Sagittarius in love and relationships: They must be looking for a life partner. Because of this, they have numerous romances that can be parallel. They often get carried away themselves, although they try more to captivate others. They tend to feel on top by making others suffer. Inflicting pain, they do not feel remorse. This attitude makes them somewhat cruel and capricious. These qualities do not change in them even with age, since they are often forgotten in the wake of emotions.

Dog women - Sagittarius in finance and career: Career does not play a big role for them. They often use their charm and charm to achieve a certain position. As a result, they get what they dreamed of. The financial side of life especially occupies them. They want to get maximum comfort and coziness, but are not always ready to work for this. Even if they receive enough money, they will be financially stable, since they absolutely do not know how to rationally spend and save money.

Dog women - Sagittarius in family and marriage: In a family, they will give more of their feelings if their partner is not passionate about them. The more they are ignored, the more they love their life partner. The birth of children forces them to bend their knees, to become their slaves for the rest of their lives. Such selfless love makes them emotionally developed and better. But you should not completely devote yourself to serving children, as this will negatively affect their lives in general.

Advice for Dog-Sagittarius women: These women are advised to renounce their power of seduction and seduction to the detriment of other people. You need to become kinder to other people, accept them with attention and a desire to listen. True feelings will definitely be appreciated by those around them, and in return they will receive the same feelings that will infect them with strong energy. You need to treat life more softly, let it flow, and not grab it by the throat. A gentle attitude will give them more privileges and opportunities.

Sagittarius, born in the year of the Dog, is characterized as a kind and sympathetic person. They are very peaceful and have incredible calm and patience. Dogs are endowed with many positive qualities, and the combination of this sign with the sign of Sagittarius makes these people friendly and welcoming. Making friends and working with them is a pleasure, since Sagittarius-Dogs are loyal friends and excellent companions.

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This is a very honest person who does not know how to lie and deceive. They do not tolerate injustice and prefer open and straightforward communication. You can always have a heartfelt conversation with them and get practical advice from them.

    General characteristics

    People of the Sagittarius-Dog signs are very hardworking and efficient. They cope “excellently” with tasks of any complexity, so they are valued and respected at work. But working alone will be difficult for them. Sagittarius-Dogs simply need to be surrounded by people everywhere, and they simply cannot stand loneliness. Therefore, it would be the best option for them to work in an office where there will be a large and friendly team. But people of these signs will never open their souls to strangers. They do not tolerate intrigue and betrayal, in connection with which they can be called good friends and decent colleagues. After a working day, Sagittarius-Dogs do not mind spending time with their friends.

      IN love relationships People of these signs greatly value their chosen ones for their honesty and openness. Sagittarius-Dogs try to reduce all quarrels and conflicts to nothing. These people are not fans of stormy showdowns; it is easier for them to find a compromise in communicating with their significant other. They themselves are very devoted to their partner, but they will expect the same attitude from him. Sexually, Sagittarius-Dogs are full of fantasies and ideas. In bed, they realize all their potential without any restrictions or constraint.

      The characteristics of these two signs indicate that they are very mobile and active by nature, they like to learn everything new and unknown. They also have great potential, but do not always use their abilities in their work.

      Being in most cases quite elegant and graceful people, they are prone to sports. They make good dancers, talented gymnasts and figure skaters.

      Positive aspects of the Sagittarius-Dog character:

      • sociability;
      • honesty;
      • justice;
      • tendency to compromise;
      • versatility and diverse interests;
      • nepotism.

      Negative character traits:

      • inability to use one's potential;
      • inconsistency;
      • excessive directness.


      A man of these signs loves society, loves to be in the thick of things and take an active part in all events. At first glance, he seems to be a rather gentle person by nature, but this opinion is erroneous. As soon as you touch him to the quick, he will immediately react and put in his place the person who doubted the strength of his character. This man combines such contradictory qualities as kind-heartedness and ruthlessness, greed and generosity. These qualities sometimes interfere with the Sagittarius-Dog man and do not allow him to correctly assess the current situation. But the duality of character also allows him to engage in a wide variety of activities, and therefore this man rarely has problems with work.

      In love, the Sagittarius-Dog man manifests himself as a sensitive and attentive partner. But even here the duality of his nature is visible, and therefore this man can have two or even three chosen ones at the same time. He surrounds all his lovers with tenderness and attention.

      Thanks to his sociability, this man easily makes acquaintances. But he is not ready to open up to every woman. For life together he needs a kind and loving partner who will not change him for herself and claim his freedom. Only with such a woman will he become a reliable husband and father.

      The Sagittarius-Dog man is rather reluctant to marry, but once married, he becomes an exemplary family man and a good master of the house. He is very attached to his family and tries to do everything for them. A man of these signs does not really like raising his own children, but tries to become a good father for them. He approaches housekeeping duties with great responsibility, so his house will always be clean and tidy. The only thing that the Sagittarius-Dog man cannot cope with is the responsibility of distributing the family budget. Therefore, he usually prefers to shift this responsibility to his wife.

      In love, this woman knows how to skillfully flirt and flirt. She is quite amorous and therefore often gets into situations love triangles. Her manner of wearing bright makeup and dressing flamboyantly creates the erroneous impression of an approachable woman. Fans are drawn to these extravagant ladies. But relationships with the opposite sex in the lives of these women are quite short-lived. Men cannot stand it and run away from their strong and assertive character. Women, in turn, often use men for their own purposes, without having any special deep feelings for them. The Sagittarius-Dog woman has been searching for her chosen one for a long time. Acting by trial and error, she often experiences a feeling of disappointment. But in the end she finds the best man for her life together.

      Despite his turbulent youth, family woman Sagittarius-Dog becomes a faithful and attentive wife. But household chores and the economic part are not for her. She prefers to do work or creativity. With the advent of children, a woman of these signs becomes a loving and caring mother.

(from 02/18/1958, from 02/06/1970, from 02/25/1982, from 02/10/1994)

He is so friendly that he cannot live without company. He constantly needs to be in the company of people. With him you can easily tune in to the desired wave of communication, talk on any topic and even trust your secrets, which he will keep secret. He is agile, constantly on the move, easy-going and passionate. At the same time, he never forgets about the interests of his loved ones and acquaintances.

Characteristics of a Sagittarius man - Dogs in LOVE

Personal relationships for him become one of the priorities in his life. Despite the apparent surface, he prefers to build a trusting and stable relationship with one woman. This is a very faithful and reliable partner who will devote almost all of his time to his beloved. However, he is very sensitive to his freedom and will not tolerate if anyone infringes on him in any way.

It is very easy to start a relationship with him, because he is always open to new acquaintances. However, he does not allow every person into his life; to do this, he must initially demonstrate his reliability and stability. He needs an understanding and attentive partner who will not claim his freedom, independence and will not try to change him. Then he will be able to prove himself as an affectionate and loving partner.

Sagittarius born in the year of the Dog in BED

He loves to tease women and flirt with them. This turns him on easily and gives him some hope for a closer relationship. However, getting him into bed won't be the easiest thing. Despite his seemingly superficial behavior, he respects traditions and appears quite conservative in this matter. He needs a stable and reliable partner whom he can completely trust.

IN intimate relationships he seems to be a very emotional and responsive partner. He never forgets about the needs of his mistress, wanting to satisfy them. But at the same time, he does not forget about himself. He is not averse to trying new experiences that can bring him new emotions and feelings. To do this, he does not need to create a certain atmosphere and carefully choose a place, since he is excited by risk and adrenaline in the blood.

Sagittarius man horoscope - Dogs in MARRIAGE

Having married, he very quickly becomes attached to his family, his wife and takes his household responsibilities seriously. It's not that he enjoys raising children, but he will try to be a good father. He also makes a good owner who will keep the house clean and tidy. However, he needs to learn how to allocate the budget, since this item is bad for him.

As a rule, he is reluctant to marry. There are several reasons for this, and the most important among them is his love for independence and freedom. Despite all his affection and love, he does not want anyone to limit his freedom and dictate to him what to do in this or that case. Therefore, he needs a partner who will provide him with the much-needed freedom and will be sympathetic to his needs.

The most important thing! What kind of girl does he need?

He should not use only a direct approach to solving problems in all cases. Sometimes you can use a trick, which can be very helpful in some cases. He can also be advised not to constantly delve into other people's problems and try to solve them, even with ordinary advice. In this case, he is greatly distracted from his goals in life, which will be more difficult to achieve later.