How to tell fortunes on an egg with water. Fortune telling on an egg and water: the meaning of the figures, interpretation

There are a large number of fortune-telling, with the help of which fortune is predicted. One of these is egg and water divination. It is simple and does not require a lot of magical attributes. The most important thing is to correctly interpret the meaning of the figures.

Features of divination on an egg and water

To predict the future with an egg, you need a glass of water and a chicken egg. A small hole is pierced in it and the protein is slowly, carefully poured through it into the water. Then the glass is shaken slightly so that the contents of the egg spread a little, put it in the refrigerator or any place with a relatively low temperature for a maximum of half an hour. If it is cool outside, it is permissible to leave the container there.

After the protein hardens a little, take a glass and carefully examine the figure formed in it. The image seen will be a sign of the future. In this divination, the main role is played by the decoding of protein figures. If you interpret them incorrectly, fortune telling will not make sense.

Types of eggs

Not all types of eggs are suitable for obtaining the most accurate predictions. It is better to use only raw chicken.

Before proceeding to divination, they choose an egg that can give the most reliable prophecy:

  • raw ones are able to be saturated with the energy of a fortuneteller and recharge with universal energy;
  • domestic ones are a carrier of positive energy and show the exact future;
  • with the embryo they combine the energy of life and the Sun, they are the connecting thread of 2 worlds: people and the Higher powers;
  • Easter ones are able to predict the exact fate, but it is desirable that they also be raw and painted by the hands of a fortuneteller.

The energy of store-bought eggs is almost always negative, because they pass through the hands of many people. Easter ones are painted by another person, were under the influence of someone else's energy, so they will not be able to accurately determine the fortuneteller's fate.

Fortune telling for damage and the evil eye

With the help of eggs, it is possible to predict the removal of damage and the evil eye.

In order to recognize the evil eye or spoilage in a person, a raw egg is poured into a glass or other container with clean water, the vessel is alternately brought to different parts of the body in which energy is formed: from the coccyx to the crown of the head. Then a container of water is carried around the body clockwise and separately from the head to the feet. The ceremony is performed at night, just before going to bed.

The glass is placed near the head of the person being tested. In the morning, they carefully study the structure of the protein and yolk, the figures that they are able to form. If no changes in the content are noticeable, the person's energy is clean. But if there are turbidity, color changes, dense formations, the person was jinxed or spoiled.

How to remove the evil eye

The evil eye is rolled out with an egg. To do this, they spend it all over the body, saying prayers. If after the ritual the yolk or protein turned black, the evil eye was still there and it was removed. In the same way, they clean the house and the charmed objects.

After the ritual, the egg must be poured into the river, buried or burned. The main thing is to do it away from the house where the person lives.

Shape values

The interpretation of the figures formed in a glass of water may be different. Almost always, people see the same image from protein in different ways. When divining, you need to decipher the signs that the fortuneteller himself saw. Higher powers indicate the future only of the person who turned to them with a request to know their fate.

Analyzing the results of divination, experts have formulated universal and accurate interpretations of protein figures that are suitable for all people, regardless of gender and age. The meanings of some of them:

  • Fish - soon you will be lucky in any business, life promises to be carefree.
  • Flowers - sincere and mutual love and true happiness await you.
  • Heart - either you fall in love, or you yourself become an object of love, you will find happiness.
  • Ring - expect an engagement that will drag on for a long time, or a wedding (your own or someone else's if you are already married).
  • Stars - soon you will become famous, but try not to be conceited.
  • Arrow - financial problems, unsuccessful investments, bankruptcy are possible.
  • Cross - in the near future you will do many good deeds, help those in need.
  • Cage - loss of money, problems with work, imprisonment.
  • Cloud - expect joy; changes are coming, travel to other countries is possible.
  • Angel - quick fulfillment of desires.
  • Hours - health will improve; unexpected profit.
  • Domes - a prediction of a wedding for the young and health problems or death for the elderly.
  • Butterfly - personal life will improve and financial situation will improve.
  • Tree - all started business will be crowned with success.
  • Fork and spoon - a harbinger of disease and poverty.
  • Knife - a break in relations, conflicts, scandals.
  • Spider - take a closer look at friends and acquaintances: among them, someone pretends to be someone he is not.
  • Swan - expect a surge of cash.
  • Frog - beware of ill-wishers who want to harm you.
  • Fan - someone will betray you soon.
  • Ax - you will understand that your efforts and efforts were meaningless.
  • Mountain - you will achieve your goals.
  • Pear - treason, scandals and quarrels in the family.
  • Horns - treason, rivalry.
  • Apple - happiness in personal life.
  • Cube - one of your friends will die soon.
  • Crown in a straight position - you will reach new heights, climb the career ladder, achieve success in business.
  • The crown is upside down - obstacles and ill-wishers await you on the way to the goal.
  • Sword - someone you know is trying to harm you, but you can handle the problem if you work hard.
  • The sun - soon everything in life will fall into place.
  • Bottle - you will have fun in the company of good people.

Humanity has always been attracted to everything unknown and mystical. For many millennia, thousands of ways of divination for the future have been found, many of which are relevant to this day. One of these methods was fortune telling on a chicken egg and plain water. Even in ancient times, all people knew that natural materials are true attributes for predictions.

Why water and egg

Those who do not practice magic very often ask quite logical questions why certain objects and artifacts are used in rituals. Nature endows all its creations with special energy, which magicians use. Why is the method of divination on an egg and water effective?

At all times, people have known that water is an excellent conductor of energy. She is able to remember any information, as well as store it for a long time. Some sorcerers speak "dead" and "living" water, using it for various purposes. "Dead" water is charged to harm human energy, most often it is spoken in a cemetery. "Living" water, respectively, is charged for healing and assistance.

By the way, the water in the springs has always been considered "alive", people believed that it can cure many diseases.

In many legends, it is written that the deceased after death always crossed the river, which was the border between the worlds of the dead and the living. The egg was considered a symbol of life, because it is in it that the life of birds is born. The combination of egg and liquid makes it possible to very accurately read information about the future of the questioner. With the help of this practice, you can tell fortunes on a variety of aspects of life, namely:

  • for the fulfillment of a wish;
  • for love relationships;
  • to events from the future;
  • on the fate of the questioner.

For prediction, only fresh homemade testicles should be taken. Shop eggs are grown in artificial conditions, and do not carry any information.

What you should know

Before starting each ritual with water, you need to read all the recommendations, even if everything is extremely simple. Attention to detail will save you from erroneous interpretations that can adversely affect the fate of a person. How to guess on an egg and water?

  • Water for divination should only be at room temperature. Too hot liquid will simply “cook” the protein, and cold liquid will make it settle to the bottom.
  • The testicle must be pierced in its sharpest part. It is very important that there is no egg yolk in the bowl of water. If this happens, you need to start the ritual from the very beginning.
  • Dishes for water should be taken from which no one will eat.

How to make a prediction

The rules for divination on an egg are very simple. Follow the instructions carefully to get the exact answer to your question.

  1. We take the prepared testicle and pierce it with a small needle.
  2. Very carefully release the protein into a bowl of water.
  3. Next, the contents in the bowl should be shaken slightly.
  4. We put the bowl with the egg and water in the refrigerator or cellar for 25 minutes.
  5. We take out the bowl and look very carefully at the figures that have formed.
  6. Let's decipher what we see.

The difference between divination for love

With the help of an egg and water, you can predict not only the future, but also specifically love and family relationships. In divination for love, there are some nuances that every questioner must be familiar with.

The whole ins and outs lies in the thoughts of the fortuneteller during the session. At the moment of combining protein and water, you need to concentrate very carefully on your love life. You need to be very clear about what will happen to you in the near future or after a certain number of years.

What is it for, you ask? Concentration on the question of interest will allow the higher powers to understand the questioner and send him clear and easy-to-interpret symbols.

Any fortune-telling should take place without outside spectators. You should also not tell anyone about the results, so as not to “frighten away” your fate.

Interpretation of figures and signs when divining on an egg and water

Fortune telling on an egg and water is not only informative, but also very exciting. Remember that the questioner himself must interpret all the figures and silhouettes. The universe answers only to the one who asked the question during the fortune-telling, so it is better to refuse the help of a friend. Over many centuries of practice, a universal system of interpretations has arisen when divining for an egg and water, which suits every person.

First ten characters

  • Auto. Talk about a pleasant journey. If the questioner is waiting for a person from afar, then he will soon return.
  • Angel. All innermost desires and dreams will come true.
  • Butterfly. Predicts improvement in financial affairs, as well as good luck in personal life.
  • Ring. For free people, this is a sign of imminent marriage, and for family people, it is a sign of the wedding of friends or relatives.
  • Church domes. For young and free people, domes are a sign of imminent marriage, for the elderly - a sign of illness or death.
  • Weapon. In the near future, hopes will begin to crumble.
  • Arrows or lines. Minor financial difficulties await you.
  • Flowers. They predict mutual love.
  • Clock, alarm clock or clock face. They portend good health and profit.

Second ten characters

  • Wood. The questioner is waiting for great success in business.
  • House. Your home will be filled with positive energy.
  • Stars. Expect fame, recognition, and maybe glory.
  • Ship. Fateful events that will come from afar. For girls, it can mean marriage to a foreigner, for guys - an interesting journey.
  • Spoon or fork. Signal of upcoming health problems.
  • Mask. You should pay attention to all loved ones, betrayal is possible on their part.
  • Bridge. There will be challenges in life that you can overcome.
  • Knife. In the future there will be a danger that can be avoided.
  • Bird. Life will be calm and measured, and luck awaits in love.
  • The sun. Predicts a bright streak in the life of a fortuneteller.

Third ten characters

  • Watermelon. Family relationships will be filled with happiness and mutual understanding.
  • A bracelet. There's a wedding coming up.
  • Bottle. You can count on support from friends. Fun pastime.
  • Mountain. The ambition of the questioner will soon be achieved.
  • Pear. Possible cheating in marriage.
  • Swan. Financial well-being will easily come to a fortuneteller.
  • Frog. Meanness from colleagues or neighbors. A stingy person may appear in the environment, from whom it is better to stay away.
  • Spider. In the environment there is a very insidious person who wears a mask.
  • Broken bracelet. Separation from a loved one is possible.
  • Apple. Life will be carefree for the fortuneteller.

Three important signs

  • Fan. Talking about betrayal.
  • Cloud. Strong changes are expected in the life of the questioner.
  • Axe. In some area of ​​life the questioner labors in vain.

Sometimes during the prediction, the protein does not form figures. This means that very unpleasant events await the fortuneteller. Do not worry in advance, such a sign is extremely rare.

Divination on an egg and water helps to avoid many troubles in life. Any prediction should be treated as an opportunity to change the course of events for the better. Negative interpretations are only the most likely outcome of events, which everyone has the power to change.

In predictive practice, a chicken egg and water have always been very important symbols. A new life is born in the egg, and water, which has the ability to remember and transmit information, gives it strength and energy. That's why folk divination on egg and water From time immemorial it has been considered one of the most accurate and truthful, because nature itself gives us its answers.

To tell fortunes on an egg and water, it is not necessary to be a magician or a fortune teller; special knowledge and skills are also not needed. The principle of this folk divination is very simple: a chicken egg is pierced with a needle, and the protein is poured into a glass glass with warm water. The main thing here is to make sure that the yolk does not get into the water, otherwise the result will be inaccurate. After that, the water with the protein is slightly mixed, and the glass is placed in a cool place for about 30 minutes. Then they look at which figures the egg white formed, and their interpretation is determined depending on the purpose of divination and the question of interest.

When referring to this method of predicting the future at home, you must follow some rules: the water in the glass should be at room temperature; the egg should be taken from a domestic chicken (bought in a fortune-telling store is not suitable); it is pierced from the thin end.

This page presents online folk divination on chicken eggs and water.

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Angel. Ahead of you is happiness and peace of mind.

Watermelon. A joyful family life is ahead.

Butterfly. Dreams and a carefree life await you.

A bracelet. For an unmarried girl - a quick marriage. For those who are married - petty quarrels.

Bottle. A joyful event is coming, spend time in a fun company.

Fan. Be careful, hypocrisy and betrayal are likely.

Broom. Small quarrels, squabbles.

Camel. There is a lot of hard work ahead.

Fork. A bad sign, a harbinger of poverty, longing.

Mountain. Overcoming obstacles, striving for high goals, success in business.

Pear. Change is possible; family troubles, quarrels on the basis of jealousy are coming.

Toad. A meeting with a vile and greedy person is likely, who should beware.

Star. Ahead - dizzying success and glory.

Ship. Predicts a business trip for a man or the return of a husband, beloved, brother, father from a business trip to a woman.

Crown. Auspicious sign, portends happiness and good luck, fulfillment of desires.

Cell. There is a big loss, deprivation of freedom, money, property, power.

Church. For an unmarried girl - an ambulance wedding, a wedding; for the rest - a disease.

Knife. For those who are married - a divorce, for the rest - petty quarrels.

Arrow. There may be temporary financial difficulties.

Spider. Next to you is a cunning and treacherous person who should beware.

Fish. Auspicious sign, portends luck in everything.

A chicken egg (carrier of life) and water have long been used by healers and magicians for divination and healing. Healers believe that the disease can be "reduced" to an egg, and water has the properties of an information carrier.

How to guess on eggs

Fortune telling on an egg and water will give a reliable result if certain conditions are met.

  1. You need to find a fresh "live" egg - you can buy homemade eggs. A store-bought egg that has been stored in the refrigerator will not work.
  2. Water is poured into a glass or jar and kept for half an hour or an hour so that the liquid becomes room temperature. In hot water, the egg will curdle, and in cold water it will harden.
  3. They guess only on a protein, if particles of the yolk get into the water, you need to pour out the water and start all over again.
  4. The egg is pierced from a sharp egg and held over a container until the protein flows out.
  5. Before fortune-telling, you need to focus on the question to which you want to know the answer.
  6. What can you guess?

  • For marriage (including future);
  • for the fulfillment of a wish;
  • to work;
  • on relationships;
  • for material well-being...
  • The result of divination is interpreted by the shape of the protein, which spreads in the water.
  • Fortune telling on an egg: interpretations

    It is believed that divination on water and an egg gives a reliable result. It is a bad omen if the protein immediately falls to the bottom without forming any figures. If the protein blurs in a glass, you need to look closely at the mass to see some figure (or several).

    A car is a trip or the return of a loved one.
    Angel - peace of mind, joy, cloudless happiness.
    Watermelon - harmony in family life.
    Butterfly - a prosperous carefree life.
    Bracelet - love marriage. If the bracelet is broken - to separation from your loved one.
    Alarm clock - profit, health.
    A bottle is a pastime in a fun company.
    Fan - betrayal, deceit.
    Fork - poverty, dreary life.
    The dove is a symbol of peace and love.
    Mountain (mountains) - success.
    Pear - discord in the family, adultery.
    Tree - all wishes will come true.
    The house is an omen of success, material well-being.
    Toad - surrounded by a vile greedy person.
    A star is an unprecedented success, glory.
    Cage - you can expect the loss of money, position, freedom.
    Ship with sails:

    • for an unmarried girl - to get married and go to a foreign land;
    • for a married woman - for the imminent return of her husband;
    • for a man - an interesting trip.

    Ring - for the wedding (one's own or someone else's).
    The crown is an auspicious sign that promises fulfillment of desires and success. If the crown is turned downwards with teeth, numerous obstacles await on the path to success.
    Lines - poverty.
    Spoon - to the disease.
    The mask is a betrayal of a loved one.
    Sword - promises a danger that you can prevent.
    Bridge - difficulties and failures that you can overcome.
    Knife - discord, divorce.
    Cloud - life will change for the better.
    Weapons - the collapse of all plans.
    Spider - beware of the insidious cunning person in close surroundings.
    The bird is a calm life and love. If the bird is in a cage, you can expect losses and disappointments.
    Fish is a sign of luck and success.
    The sun - a white streak will begin in life.
    Arrow - to financial difficulties.
    The ax is useless work.
    The flower is true love.
    The Church - for unmarried young people promises a quick marriage, for an elderly person - illness and death.
    Hours - good health, success.
    An apple is personal happiness.

    Fortune telling for damage and the evil eye

    Healers have long used fortune telling on an egg to identify and remove the evil eye and damage from a person. It also requires a fresh homemade egg. It is carefully broken over a jar of cold water. The yolk must remain intact - this is very important!

    It is better to involve an assistant in the procedure, because it is desirable for the “object” to be in a relaxed state in a comfortable position. If there is no one to help, you can carry out all the manipulations yourself.

    The jar is alternately brought to the energy chakras:

    • to the crown;
    • to the forehead;
    • to the throat;
    • to the chest;
    • to the stomach;
    • to the groin area;
    • to the coccyx.

    Above each point, the container is driven clockwise; then spend the jar from top to bottom, around the body and around the head. If during the "running" the yolk bursts, the water is poured out, and the whole procedure starts over.

    At night, the vessel is left at the head of the bed: there should not be a headboard, sofa or other objects between the head and the container. To avoid this, you can sleep on a mattress on the floor.

    In the morning, according to the state of the egg, the presence of the evil eye, spoilage or disease is determined.

    With a healthy biofield, the water remains clear, the yolk and protein are clean, airy, without foreign inclusions.

    Unfavorable signs:

    • hydrogen sulfide smell - diseases;
    • "threads" that rise up - damage;
    • air bubbles - the evil eye;
    • the yolk turned gray or black - damage to illness or death.

    Water with an egg should be poured where people will not step on it (you can drain it into the toilet) and say the phrase “Let him return to the one who does this” 3 times.

    Fortune telling on an egg and water will help you find out the future, determine the presence of damage or the evil eye.

    Perhaps you will also be interested.

    Divination on an egg and water does not require many attributes; the reliability of the prediction is guaranteed by the life-giving power of the liquid, which is a symbol of information and purification. The result can be recognized with the help of figures blurring in the water and acquiring clear outlines. A magical rite helps to remove damage by cleansing the aura of a person, and for an unmarried girl to see a betrothed in a dream if she puts a fresh egg under her pillow all night.

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    How to guess correctly?

    Basic rules for the ritual:

    1. 1. Only domestic eggs are suitable. You can not use store-bought and those that are stored in the refrigerator for a long time.
    2. 2. Water should be poured into a faceted glass or glass jar. Wait an hour, letting it warm up to room temperature. When hot, the product will curdle, and when cold, it will solidify.
    3. 3. Only egg white can predict an event, or give an answer to a question. And if the yolk or its drop got into the water, you need to drain the liquid and start the process again.
    4. 4. The egg should be pierced from the pointed side and held over a glass until all the protein has flowed into the water.
    5. 5. While making a wish or forming a question, it is necessary to concentrate properly.
    6. 6. After the protein drains into raw water, you need to wait half an hour, allowing the figures to fully form.

    Around the place of the ritual, you can place candles and incense, setting yourself up for a magical wave.

    Guessing on protein and water, a person can get answers to many questions, for example:

    • Will the wish come true?
    • When does a person get married?
    • What will happen to work?
    • How will the relationship develop and is it worth it to start?
    • Will the person be rich or poor?

    The result should be determined by the shape of the protein, which spreads in raw water and takes on a clear outline.

    What do the figures mean?

    When the protein has formed, it is carefully removed. Then lay aside the figures that have a pronounced shape. According to them, one must guess at desires and future events. The most common meanings of figures:

    Figure Interpretation
    AutomobileFor a trip or the return of a loved one
    AngelA good sign symbolizing peace of mind and happiness
    WatermelonPromises harmony in family life
    ButterflyAn easy and carefree life awaits a person
    CrapIf it floats - to profit, sank to the bottom - to trouble
    A braceletSymbol of love and unity of souls
    BouquetFor gifts
    BottlePromises fun and meeting friends
    FanTalks about deceit, intrigue and betrayal
    BroomTo quarrels, conflicts and lawsuits
    CamelA person has to work hard, which will not bring profit
    ForkPredicts poverty and boring life
    Gate (fence)Achievement at work, business success and protecting yourself from adversity
    PigeonSymbol of love and peace, promises pure love and peace of mind
    MountainPredicts difficulties and success after them
    PearTo treason and family quarrels
    MushroomPromises to enjoy
    WoodTo the fulfillment of desires
    HouseTalks about material well-being and strong family relationships
    ToadThere is an envious, greedy and vile person in the environment
    StarTo success, fame and fulfillment of desires
    CellTo financial spending, bankruptcy and isolation
    ShipPromises happiness, travel and a good road
    RingPredicts a wedding or acquaintance with a person who will later become a spouse
    CrownIt is worth waiting for the fulfillment of desires and a better life
    linesTo poverty and evil eye
    The spoonTo sickness
    CrossSymbolizes karma and predicts trials
    MaskA loved one will betray or deceive
    SwordWarns of the danger that can be avoided if you do not tell anyone about your plans
    BridgeDifficulties along the way that with diligence can be overcome
    coinsTo petty expenses or tears
    KnifeTo divorce and conflict
    CloudsLife will change for the better
    WeaponTo danger and the collapse of plans
    SpiderSomeone influential will interfere in business and confuse all plans
    Rectangle (square)To illness, misfortune
    BirdPromises a quiet life with a loved one
    FishTo success and luck
    A heartTalks about love and meeting his soul mate
    The sunThe light streak will start soon
    ArrowPredicts financial difficulties and resentment
    AxeMan will do useless work
    FlowerTo sincere love
    ChurchHe promises a wedding to the unmarried and unmarried, and to the elderly - illness and the end of life.
    ChainMeans a prosperous family life, strengthening family, personal and business relationships
    ClockTo a change of job or to a rush in business
    ApplePromises personal happiness
    AnchorTo stability in life

    Raw egg rituals

    If an unmarried girl puts a fresh raw egg under her pillow, she will be able to see her future husband in a dream. In Europe, this product is used to protect the house from negative energy, hail and lightning, by burying it under the threshold. In the countries of South America, traditional healers rub the body of a sick person with a fresh egg, read a prayer over it and advise them to sleep. If the egg coagulates in the morning, the person will soon recover.

    There is an old Russian divination, on egg white and water, for signs of spoilage:

    1. 1. The egg is broken into a jar of water.
    2. 2. They bring it to the person who was supposedly damaged. He must remain still while a magical ritual is performed on him.
    3. 3. Around a lying person, a jar is carried out clockwise.
    4. 4. Then from top to bottom and around the head.
    5. 5. Put it at the head of the bed.
    6. 6. In the morning, look at the pattern that the protein has formed.

    This divination should be practiced at night, just before bedtime, so that the person does not get out of bed for a while.

    If the protein is clean, there is no evil eye. Clots, seals and dark spots appeared - energy cleansing and a ritual to remove spoilage are needed. If the yolk has become noticeably black, spoilage can lead to a protracted illness or death.

    Fortune telling on an egg, or ovomancy, is an esoteric way of reading information about the future, a method of recognizing symbols of silhouettes and geometric configurations placed on the contents of a raw egg. To obtain reliable information, the egg must be fertilized, so those bought in the store will not work for this purpose. Most often, eggs of domestic chickens are used (as the most affordable remedy).

    From time immemorial, the egg has a deep symbolic meaning, preserved in many world religions and beliefs. In ancient Egypt, the egg was considered the basis of all things, in Slavic mythology it was an obligatory attribute of holidays and rituals, and in the Christian religion, the egg is a symbol of Easter. In many cults, the priests were forbidden to eat eggs, as it was believed that they had a sacred meaning. Fortune telling on an egg has a special meaning in understanding the world. Distinguished by the bright red color of the yolk, it carries the meaning of the energy of the Sun and blood, and the protein in it symbolizes a shell between two worlds: external and internal.

    A fresh egg must be used in order to correctly read the information, because it has the ability to absorb environmental energy, so it is best to use it directly from under the laying hen. Fortune telling on a raw egg is one of the most reliable ways to determine fate and make a prediction. There are many ways of ovomancy, but the general meaning of the procedure boils down to three main stages:

    2) carrying out a ritual for its processing inside a closed universe;

    3) reading information by combining the contents of the egg with water.

    For divination, only protein is used. According to the same scheme, only with the use of yolk, negative energy is rolled out and the human aura is leveled.

    Fortune telling on an egg is performed as follows:

    1) Fresh eggs must be washed under running water. You should hold it for several minutes between the palms in the area thinking about what interests you.

    2) It is necessary to make a small hole with a needle in the convex part of the shell, continuing to think about what is bothering you.

    3) Release the protein into a glass of water so that the yolk remains inside. According to the location of the protein in the water and the figures formed by it, fortune-telling is performed on the egg, the interpretation of which is reduced to determining the meaning of the symbols.

    If the protein sinks to the bottom, this portends all sorts of troubles (illness, death, fire), depending on the further reading of the symbols. Usually the protein is placed in the center of the glass, taking the form of various shapes that have the following meaning. The systematic practice of divination on an egg leads to one's own vision of symbols and the determination of their meanings.

    Basic symbol meanings for beginner soothsayers:

    Watermelon - a joyful life;

    Butterfly - dreams;

    Broom - quarrel, contention;

    Camel - work;

    Mushroom - a useful experience;

    The mountain is an obstacle;

    Tree - family, protection;

    Star - patronage;

    The cross is fate;

    Book - knowledge;

    The fox is a cunning person;

    Face - news;

    Bear - profit;

    Nose - premonition;

    Cloud - rest;

    Horns - confrontation;

    Heart - love;

    The dog is a friend;

    Owl - wisdom;

    Ear - news;

    Church - a young woman portends a wedding, an elderly one - death;

    Flowers - happiness;

    Anchor - certainty.

    Knowing the future, being prepared for trouble or expecting something special, important - isn't that nice? There are hundreds of divination options that can be carried out without special knowledge and skills. It is important not to harm yourself, not to attract negativity, so you should not guess on exotic items. Leave unfamiliar rituals and things to professionals, and guess at home using available products.

    Why Choose Chicken Egg? It is the focus of life, from a small egg a living being is born. The symbol of being, the source of life, the beginning of beginnings - this is how it was perceived from time immemorial. Fortune telling on an egg began many years before the present, in historical sources there are descriptions of fortune telling in ancient Egypt and Babylon. The drawings on the walls of the pyramids tell about divination on the egg, which was carried out by the sorcerers and priests of ancient Egypt. According to legend, the goddess Helena appeared from an egg that had broken in the waters of the Euphrates ...

    There are many legends, but the truth is one - everyone is allowed to guess by a chicken egg. The correct interpretation of a spilled squirrel in the water can warn a fortuneteller about the changes coming in his life. And most importantly, this fortune-telling will not harm, it is quite simple, the result depends only on imagination and the ability to understand the symbolism.

    How to properly prepare for divination

    Such a fortune-telling is called ablution, according to which good esotericists will easily tell what awaits in the future, help to name the cause and depth of damage, and remove the evil eye. If there is at least a minimum understanding of the subject, it will be possible to get rid of bad energy, even out problems in the aura, and remove negativity from thoughts.

    Start by preparing the items necessary for the ritual. Buy a homemade chicken egg, just from under the chicken - it has not yet absorbed the negative and is completely clean. Such a chicken egg in the hands of a fortuneteller becomes a talisman and a talisman. Take it in your hands and try to think of a wish.

    I draw your attention to the fact that eggs from farms sold in stores are not suitable for fortune telling.

    Types of divination on a chicken egg.

    • Divination on a squirrel.
    • Fortune telling on the yolk.
    • Removal of damage and evil eye.
    • "rolling out" of diseases.
    • Cleansing the room from "bad thoughts".

    Definition of spoilage

    Let's start with the simplest and most understandable ways of divination - the definition of damage inflicted on a person. Rinse a fresh (not store-bought) chicken egg thoroughly under cold running water. Next, pour clean water into a glass or a transparent vessel and break an egg into it. Bring the vessel to the most important nodes of energy - the chakras:

    • Pubis.
    • Belly.
    • Breasts.
    • Throat.
    • Crown.

    The sequence is exactly as written. The person being guessed at must be at rest. When the vessel with the egg broken into it has moved to the crown of the head, you need to stop a little and circle it along the entire figure in a clockwise direction. Now head to toe from top to bottom. The ritual is performed before going to bed, because then the vessel is left at the head of the bed for the night. In the morning, the fortuneteller should see what happened to the egg.

    • If nothing unusual appears in the vessel, everything is clean, there is no damage.
    • If there are clots, spots, seals - there was damage, you need to clean the energy.
    • If the yolk has darkened, a serious problem threatens.

    You can free a person from disease and spoilage by “rolling out” a chicken egg. Moreover, it will turn out to “cure” bad thoughts - they also harm.

    For the ritual, a clean, freshly laid egg is taken by the chicken - the whole body or the room being processed is “rolled out” with it. Perform the ritual slowly, clockwise. After the ritual, the egg is taken out into the yard and buried, burned, or given to water if a river flows nearby.

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    Divination for the future on a raw egg and water

    The most common divination on a chicken egg for the future, which will not do harm, but will slightly open the veil of the future. The ritual is simple, but you will need a fresh homemade chicken egg for it. I specifically note that store-bought eggs are not suitable - they carry negative energy and cannot be used for fortune telling, because they will initially give the wrong answer.


    1. Rinse the egg in running cold water. Take it in your hands, press it to your chest and mentally ask the question you want to get the exact answer to.
    2. Turn the egg with the thin end towards you and gently pierce the shell with a needle. Try to pour only protein into warm water - it is used for the ritual. The yolk should not spill out - it keeps clean.
    3. Shake the vessel with the protein poured into the water, put it in a dark place for half an hour.
    4. You can look at the result of divination.

    Fantasy and intuition will help in the interpretation of symbols. An approximate alignment and marked drawings on the surface of the water are given in the table below.

    It is considered one of the worst signs if the squirrel has not drawn a single figure in the water, but simply a donkey is not the bottom - this can be a harbinger of illness, trouble, fire, quarrel. The most pleasant drawing is the image of the heart - to great love.

    What the drawings in the water tell - the correct interpretation of the figures

    ButterflyDreams and ease, carefree lifeCloudLight changes, rest
    A braceletMarriage and loveHornsQuarrels, betrayals, trouble
    FanBetrayal, deceitA heartLove, the happiest symbol
    BroomWarns of a quarrelDogdevoted friend
    ForkThreatens ruin, povertyArrowLoss of finances, though temporary
    MushroomKnowledge, experience, teachingbig ear faceTo the news
    BirdTrue sign of loveFishrandom luck
    MountainAn insurmountable obstacleFlowersFor love and joy
    HouseSuccess in everythingClockSuccess at work
    StarA reliable patron will appear, success awaitsToadSneaky man
    RingTo marriageBottleWaiting for a party or celebration For divorce
    Crossheavy burdenPearFor divorce
    The spoonTo sicknessOwlGive wise advice
    Bridgehard wayWoodCare, peace, protection
    AngelHappiness of the soul and complete peace in the family, well-beingKnifeQuarrels, discord, parting

    Is it worth guessing and can fortune telling be trusted?

    It's nice to know what awaits around the bend of fate - you can prepare a little for trouble or look forward to good changes. However, fortune-telling is not always correct, so it’s not worth waiting for a prediction.

    A protein that has spilled into the water can “draw” such a complex picture that it will not be possible to find at least part of the proposed interpretations in it. Any fortune-telling is a bit of a fairy tale, in which it is nice to see a beautiful ending to the planned business. However, we build our own destiny, so fortune-telling is just the right clue.

    You can try to tell fortunes if you can find an egg just laid by a laying hen in a big city. Take the ritual with due seriousness, because any opening of the veil of the future is peeping through the keyhole. If you like the result, put in the effort to achieve it. If it is negative, there will be an opportunity to change fate.

    Man has always been attracted by the unknown and hidden behind a solid veil of mystery. And the main beacon of such attraction is the future of the person himself.

    Over many centuries of history, mankind has invented many ways to predict fate, using a wide variety of attributes and tools for this. Some of them were painstakingly hand-crafted by each practitioner, while others were available to everyone because they were provided by nature itself.

    The oldest way to predict fate is divination using eggs and water.

    Fortune telling on an egg and water is an ancient way of predicting fate using natural attributes. According to many sources, this is a fairly reliable method of divination.

    Why egg and water

    People who do not practice magic and do not study different practices often wonder why certain items find their use in divination, rituals and rituals. The whole point is what essence the object carries in itself and what properties it is endowed with by nature. Let's see why water and an ordinary chicken egg are used to predict fate.

    Since ancient times, water and eggs have been of great occult significance. Fluid is a conductor of energy. She is able to memorize information and store it for a long time. Even speaking of mythology, water is a conductor.

    Indeed, in order to cross the border of the worlds, the souls of the deceased most often crossed the river. The egg has the sacred meaning of life. And this is true, because small birds are born from an egg. In combination, these two tools will give fairly accurate information about the fate of the fortuneteller.

    Practitioners say that with the help of eggs and water, you can guess in relation to various aspects of human life, namely:

    • on a loved one, love and family life;
    • to the mysteries of the future;
    • to fulfill the desired;
    • to fate.

    With the help of eggs and water, you can make a diagnosis of your family life

    Important Points

    Before starting any fortune-telling, a person must accurately study all the instructions and recommendations for its implementation, because the result of the process of predicting the future directly depends on this. Fortune telling on an egg and clear water is simple, but time contains a number of basic rules.

    For fortune-telling, it is necessary to use only those eggs that were laid by chickens at home. The raw materials bought in the store are categorically not suitable for this method of predicting fate and answering an exciting question.

    Use water at room temperature. Temperature is one of the most important conditions for divination on a raw egg. If the liquid is too hot, the egg white will cook instantly. And too low a water temperature will lead to the fact that the protein will simply settle to the bottom, and fortune-telling will be ineffective.

    For divination, you must use water at room temperature

    Pierce the egg from the pointed end. It is extremely important that the egg yolk does not get into the glass of water used for divination. Otherwise, the fortune-telling procedure must be repeated from the very beginning.

    It is necessary to adhere to these rules in order for the fortune-telling result to be as accurate as possible.

    How fortune-telling is carried out

    In all possible interpretations, fate is predicted using a raw egg and water according to the same algorithm. The egg is pierced with a needle of small thickness, after which the protein is released into a glass of water with the utmost care. After this procedure, the contents of the container are slightly shaken, and the container itself is placed in a cool place for no more than 30 minutes.

    In a private house, an underground or even a street is suitable as such a place. But in an apartment, nothing more than a refrigerator is usually used as a cool place. After the specified time, take out the glass and carefully look at the silhouette that the egg white formed in the water. It is those figures that the fortuneteller saw that will be the result of fortune telling.

    What is the difference between love divination

    As already mentioned, with the help of eggs and water, you can predict fate and its individual aspects, personal and family life. How to correctly tell fortunes for love using this simple and effective method? As it turned out, the whole secret is in the concentration of thoughts of a person who conducts fortune telling.

    If someone decides to carry out love fortune-telling using a raw egg, then when combining egg white and water, you need to concentrate on your family as much as possible. Try to imagine as clearly as possible what will happen in the near future or in a few years.

    Why is this needed? Such a step will allow the higher forces to correctly understand the purpose of divination and send the most understandable and appropriate signs, which then the fortuneteller must see and interpret.

    How to interpret figures correctly

    Each person can see different figures in one glass. And it will be quite normal. But when fortune telling, you need to interpret only those figures and silhouettes that the fortuneteller saw. This is due to the fact that the Universe gives an answer only to those who asked a question and were interested in what he had to go through on his life path. In the course of centuries of practice and analysis of any result of predictions, an interpretation of protein figures has arisen that is universal in relation to the sex and age of a person who has decided to find out his fate.

    First ten characters

    • Church domes. Young and unmarried (unmarried) should expect an early wedding. For the elderly, the figure can mean illness and death.
    • Automobile. Travel harbinger. If the fortuneteller is in a state of expectation, then the figure speaks of the imminent return of the one who is expected.
    • Flowers. Happy love.
    • Clock, dial, alarm clock. Signal of profit, as well as a high level of health.
    • Weapon. An omen that soon hopes will fail.
    • Arrows or lines. Financial difficulties.
    • Fish. Luck, a state of peace and carelessness.
    • Angel. The fortuneteller's wishes will soon come true.
    • Ring. Predicting an imminent wedding. For those who are not married or not married - their own wedding. For a family man, this figure is a sign of someone else's wedding.
    • Butterfly. Luck will smile in your personal life, and your financial situation will improve.

    If you saw a butterfly, then you will be lucky in your personal life.

    Second ten characters

    • Mask. Warns of betrayal by loved ones.
    • Wood. The fortuneteller will have great success.
    • Bird. You will be lucky in love, and peace and tranquility will come in life.
    • House. The house will turn into a full bowl.
    • Stars. Expect recognition, fame and even fame.
    • Ship. For girls - a wedding with a foreigner. For guys, it's an interesting journey. Another interpretation is the fate that came from afar (acquaintance with a foreigner, internship in another country).
    • Spoon or fork. Signal of upcoming diseases.
    • Bridge over river. Difficulties are coming in life, but they can be overcome.
    • Knife. There is an avoidable danger ahead.
    • The sun. A harbinger of a bright streak in the life of a fortuneteller.

    Third ten characters

    • Spider. There is a person in the environment who pretends to be the wrong person.
    • Bottle. Fun, friendly support.
    • Apple. In his personal life, a person will be happy.
    • Pear. The spouse or spouse will change the fortuneteller.
    • Frog. The manifestation of meanness by colleagues or neighbors is expected. Perhaps the appearance of a greedy person who should be feared.
    • Mountain. Ambitions to be realized.
    • Swan. Wealth will come to the fortuneteller in his hands.
    • Watermelon. Family life will be happy.
    • A bracelet. Upcoming wedding.
    • Broken bracelet. Quick separation.

    Three important symbols

    • Fan. Symbol of betrayal.
    • Cloud. In the life of a fortuneteller, changes are coming.
    • Axe. Wasted labor in some area.

    The worst symbol during divination using water and eggs is the case when everything is done correctly, but the squirrel did not form figures.

    However, it is worth noting that this is quite rare, so you should not be particularly afraid.