How to start fasting for the first time. How to fast before Easter - prerequisites and indulgences for those who fast

From February 19 to April 7, 2018, Orthodox Christians around the world observe Great Lent, a strict religious custom, one of the invariable attributes of which is a special diet. In general terms, we will talk about how to properly hold Great Lent in order to comply with all the rules regarding nutrition on these “repentant” days ...

The tradition of fasting before Easter dates back to the 4th century. It is believed that strict abstinence for many days (and not only in food!) helps an Orthodox person prepare for the most important, most important and bright church holiday - the Resurrection of Christ.

The Idea of ​​Great Lent: While the Flesh Weakens, the Spirit Strengthens

Great Lent is a series of special days marked by strict abstinence, as the believers themselves say - "pacification of the flesh", as well as good deeds and repentance ... A strict diet, the rejection of alcohol, entertainment and secular holidays, daily reading of prayers, rethinking one's aspirations and deeds - throughout the entire period of fasting, all these restrictions and duties, weakening the flesh, help to strengthen and “reveal” (a wonderful word from the lexicon of churchmen) the divine spirit contained in every person.

This, in a nutshell, is the idea of ​​Great Lent: one should keep oneself in a “black body” in order to release spirituality and purify thoughts. It is not for nothing that Great Lent has another name - "Spring of Repentance"...

In no case should (this is illiterate, cynical and unethical!) consider Great Lent only a means for losing weight. Undoubtedly, the Lenten diet exists - and we will talk about it - but it is by no means followed in order to lose weight.

In the dietology of Great Lent, in general, such an item as losing weight does not appear. Strict dietary restrictions are needed not to acquire slender forms, but above all - to strengthen faith, uplift the spirit, purify thoughts and gain self-control.

Great Lent in dates and numbers

Strictly speaking, the duration of Lent is 48 days (or seven weeks). This number, in addition to the usual fasting days, includes two holidays - the Annunciation and the day of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday) - during which some indulgences are provided for in the menu.

During Holy Week, fasting people observe a special fast of Holy Week. This is the strictest, most "hungry" week of Lent.

Those who fast regularly know that according to the rules of Great Lent, the number of meals per day should be no more than two. The first time they eat not earlier than noon, the second time - in the evening. If only one meal is provided on any day, then it should take place no earlier than 15:00.

The seven days following Maslenitsa and Holy Week (the last week of Great Lent) preceding Easter are the cornerstones of Great Lent, and food restrictions are the most severe on these days.

How to fast: basic rules

We repeat: before you fast (and not only Great, but any other), you need to clearly understand that fasting is by no means a reason or a method for losing weight, but it is, of course, strict and long-term food restrictions, “educating » body and spirit. The main meaning of fasting for a Christian is purification, humility and repentance. Even if you use the Lenten diet solely for the purpose of recovery, you should respect the very idea of ​​​​Lent, which is incommensurably larger, deeper and more serious than just the idea of ​​abstaining from food in order to lose weight.

One way or another, regardless of the reasons for which you decide to limit yourself in nutrition - religious or wellness, you must know how to keep fasting so that it brings you benefit and satisfaction, and not disappointment and empty hopes.

So, what gastronomic rules should be observed by those who fast? The basic principle is simple: for almost the entire duration of Lent (with a few exceptions), a person voluntarily refuses to eat meat and dairy products, as well as sweets and “complex”, “holiday” dishes. In other words, food should be modest, as simple as possible, and its quantity should be more than moderate.

Dietetics of Great Lent

So, the main nutritional theses of the Lenten diet look like this:

  • Xerophagy. The most severe food restrictions in the first and last weeks (weeks) of fasting. Only raw vegetables and fruits, as well as black bread, are allowed to eat.
  • Raw food without oil. Appointed on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. You can eat raw vegetables and fruits, sometimes black bread, mushrooms, pickles, sauerkraut, as well as honey, dried fruits and nuts.
  • Boiled and stewed meatless dishes without oil. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, as well as on the last day (Saturday) of Lent (before Easter), you should eat boiled or stewed food cooked without oil. The exceptions are Thursday of the 5th week (you can eat hot lenten dishes with vegetable oil), Tuesday of Holy Week (you can eat raw food without oil).
  • Boiled and stewed food with butter and wine. Sundays and Saturdays are the easiest days of fasting, as they allow the use of boiled food with oil and wine. Exceptions are the first week and the last, Passion. Wine is allowed to be consumed only during a meal in the amount of 2-3 krasovul (krasovul is an old measure of liquids, 1 krasovul is equal to 125 ml).
  • Refusal of food. On Clean Monday (the first day of Lent) and on Friday of Holy Week, nothing is recommended.

Despite strict restrictions on the food list, during Lent you can cook no less tasty and mouth-watering dishes than on ordinary days. Moreover, through the simplicity, relative "scarcity" and even some asceticism of food during the days of Great Lent, it is possible that you will discover the real, "sincere", primordial taste of some products.

How to keep a post: what not to do

You will have to give up food of animal origin - any dishes from meat, chicken, fish, milk, eggs, etc., as well as pastries, cakes, sweets, most sauces and mayonnaise are excluded from the diet.

As an exception, on holidays (the Annunciation and Palm Sunday) you can eat fish, as well as on Lazarus Saturday - fish caviar.

How to keep a post: what you can

A short list of foods and dishes allowed in Lent looks something like this:

  • plant foods - fruits, vegetables;
  • pickles (pickled and pickled cucumbers, sauerkraut);
  • crackers, drying;
  • dried fruits, honey, (instead of sweets);
  • mushrooms;
  • black and gray bread;
  • nuts;
  • tea, berry juice, herbal decoctions, jelly;
  • porridge on the water.

It is these simple anti-delicacies that should become the basis of your diet throughout Lent.

Calendar Schedule for Great Lent 2018

Next, we present the classic (rather strict) timetable for Lent. But at the same time, you should definitely add: how to keep a fast is a very personal matter, as they say - they don’t go to Great Lent in formation. This means that even within the framework of the fundamental rules, each fasting person for himself has the right to choose restrictions and dishes corresponding to them.

  • 1 First week of Great Lent
  • February 19 (Clean Monday)
  • February 20-23 (Tue-Fri): dry eating (only raw vegetables, fruits and black bread can be eaten). You can drink water, juice, herbal teas. Meals are one per day.
  • February 24-25 (Sat-Sun)
  • 2 Second week of Great Lent
  • February 26, 28 and March 2 (Mon, Wed and Fri)
  • February 27 and March 1 (Tuesday and Thursday)
  • March 3 and 4 (Sat and Sun): in the diet, vegetable dishes (for example, potatoes, cabbage, pumpkin, zucchini) are allowed, which can be boiled, stewed, baked or fried using vegetable oil. You can eat twice a day.
  • 3 Third week of Great Lent
  • March 5, 7, 9 (Mon, Wed, Fri): raw food without oil (only raw vegetables, fruits and brown bread can be eaten). You can eat nuts. Meals are one per day.
  • March 6 and 8 (Tuesday and Thursday): hot lean meals are allowed without the use of oil (boiled, stewed vegetables), meals - one per day.
  • March 10 and 11 (Sat and Sun): boiled and stewed vegetable dishes using vegetable oil are allowed in the diet. You can eat twice a day. On Saturday, you can add a little wine to drinks.
  • 4 Fourth Week of Great Lent
  • March 12, 14, 16 (Mon, Wed, Fri): raw food without oil (only raw vegetables and fruits, black bread can be eaten). Meals are one per day.
  • 13 (Tue): hot lean dishes are allowed without the use of oil (boiled, stewed vegetables). Meals are one.
  • March 15 (Thu): the first indulgence during Lent is allowed - lenten dishes using oil and fish are allowed. Meals are one. You can add some wine to drinks.
  • March 17 and 18 (Sat and Sun): vegetable dishes with vegetable oil are allowed in the diet. You can eat twice a day. On Saturday, you can add a little wine to drinks. In sun in the diet, you can add porridge.
  • 5 Fifth Week of Great Lent
  • March 19, 21, 23 (Mon, Wed, Fri) A: You can eat only raw vegetables and fruits. Meals are one per day.
  • March 20 (Tue)
  • March 22 (Thu): boiled or stewed meatless dishes in vegetable oil are allowed. Meals are one.
  • March 24 and 25 (Sat and Sun): boiled and stewed lean dishes prepared with vegetable oil are allowed in the diet. You can eat twice a day.
  • 6 Sixth Week of Great Lent
  • March 26, 28, 30 (Mon, Wed, Fri) A: You can eat only raw vegetables and fruits. On Wednesday, you can add mushrooms and pickles to the diet. Meals are one per day.
  • March 27 and 29 (Tuesday and Thursday): hot meatless dishes are allowed without the use of oil. Meals are one per day.
  • March 31 (Lazarus Saturday): in the diet, the second indulgence for the entire time of Great Lent is permissible - hot lenten dishes with vegetable oil, fish caviar and wine are allowed. You can eat twice a day.
  • April 1 (Palm Sunday): you can put hot lean dishes cooked in vegetable oil, fish and wine on the table. You can eat twice a day.
  • 7 Seventh Week of Great Lent
  • April 2, 4, 5 (Holy Monday, Wednesday and Thursday): dry eating (only raw vegetables and fruits). Of the drinks, only water is allowed. Meal - one time.
  • April 3 (Holy Tuesday): You can eat raw food without oil. Meal - one time.
  • April 6 (Good Friday): You can not eat any food, you can only drink water.
  • April 7 (Holy Saturday): either a complete rejection of food (only water is allowed), or a small amount of vegetable raw food without oil. Meals - once and not earlier than in the evening. This is the last day of the post.

Diet during Lent: who can and who should not

Before you start fasting, you should discuss fasting with your spiritual mentor or priest (if you are a religious person and the spirituality of Great Lent means much more to you than its dietary component).

If for you the Lenten diet is an exclusively wellness procedure, then it makes sense to consult with your doctor.

Here we must again mention that a strict restriction in food during Lent is just one of the ways to belittle the significance of worldly, carnal pleasures for a while, and exalt the importance of spiritual achievements. But giving up some food is not the only way to honestly fast. For some categories of people, the church makes an exception and does not insist on dieting.

If the state of health or special circumstances (for example, pregnancy or the period of breastfeeding in a woman, old age in the elderly and young children, as well as the peculiarities of life in people of certain professions - the military, rescuers, travelers, etc.) do not allow - You can not follow a strict Lenten diet, but still consider yourself a fasting person. The main thing is to focus your attention on spiritual needs, on moral purification and repentance.

Great Lent gives the opportunity for joyful changes, renewal and rebirth for a bright life with a pure, jubilant heart. The success of transformation depends on the right mindset. US TRINITY: Mind, Soul and Body

Great Lent gives the opportunity for joyful changes, renewal and rebirth for a bright life with a pure, jubilant heart. The success of transformation depends on the right mindset. US TRINITY: this is Mind, Soul and Body. Every day of Great Lent, we direct our efforts and time to keep the body clean, to study the nature of our mind and open our spiritual heart!

In the absence of experience and knowledge, Great Lent may seem overly strict. Here is a personal experience on how to keep a GREAT LENT for SOUL, MIND and BODY: support, advice, recipes for Lenten dishes for every day, exercises and cleansing practices for the body, wise books and attunements and much more!

What can you eat in Lent? Where can I get recipes for lenten dishes and a lenten menu for every day? What can not be eaten in Lent? What should be the food in Lent? When can you eat fish in Lent? What can you drink in Lent? What is a strict fast?

Lean foods

Nutrition during Lent is determined by gastronomic and semantic aspects

What should be the food in Lent is indicated in the Typikon (Church Charter), the main goal of the restrictions is abstinence of the flesh, liberation from addictions, including in nutrition.

The semantic aspect is manifested in a voluntary restriction in food, habitual pleasures, the manifestation of asceticism, that is, a certain sacrifice. If we sacrifice something for the sake of achieving our goal and gaining experience, then we begin to value what we have acquired many times more than we would receive it for nothing.

One bodily Fast cannot be sufficient for perfection if it is not combined with a spiritual Fast. The meaning of Lent is the eradication of harmful manifestations of the soul and the rooting of goodness and love. Therefore, you should not bring yourself to exhaustion, observing the Fast only formally, according to external rules. Ultimately, all your efforts will be in vain if they are not aimed at achieving the main meaning of Great Lent, or turn Lent into another diet. Many questions about Great Lent were discussed in the article Great Lent in questions and answers.

Each person must learn to determine his measure of permissibility and restrictions during Lent, take into account the way of life, social status and responsibility to loved ones, but first of all - to himself. Some will be able to observe the Fast in full strictness, for others such restrictions can cause very negative consequences for health and exacerbation of diseases. Significant indulgences in Great Lent for the sick, since it is believed that the disease is already a kind of fast and test. However, in some diseases, temporary or complete abstinence from the use of certain foods, on the contrary, can be beneficial. Be conscious and ask your doctor's opinion!

There are also reliefs during Great Lent for pregnant women, military personnel, for those who are engaged in hard physical or intellectual labor (for example, work in a busy rhythm or study). Special Lent for children and adolescents up to 14 years of age. Previously, schoolchildren were allowed to observe only the first week of fasting and the last. Children during Lent can be limited in sweets and pastries, while Lent for them should be more playful. But abstinence from dairy and fish for a growing organism is clearly not useful.

To determine our own measure and the severity of the Fast, there are Preparatory Weeks preceding the Fast, which allow you to enter into a measured mode of restrictions, starting to fast 2 days a week - Wednesday and Friday, gradually introducing gastronomic bans and bringing us closer to understanding how to fast for us. This is the time to determine the amount of food needed to maintain the body's performance in normal mode.

What are the levels of restrictions in Great Lent?

There are five degrees of strictness of Lent (see also the Calendar of Lent):

1. Particularly strict fasting: complete abstinence from food (for example, on Clean Monday in the first week of Great Lent, on Good Friday in Holy Week).

2. Dry eating: cold food without oil, water, black bread, fruits, vegetables, compotes, salads from raw vegetables, sauerkraut and pickles, which are not seasoned with oil, but with various vinegar-based salad dressings or lemon juice. You can also add nuts and raisins. Fruit salads can be seasoned with honey. Various smoothies without added milk or with soy milk are excellent. Any uncooked food. So, for example, cereals soaked in water, not cooked, are suitable. (on Mon, Wed, Fri).

3. Hot food without oil: boiled or stewed vegetables, soups, cereals on the water (on Tue and Thu).

4. Hot food with vegetable oil and grape wine: vegetable salads, soups, main courses (Sat and Sun).

5. Fish are allowed. When you can eat fish in Lent: Annunciation April 7, Lazarus Saturday April 12, Palm Sunday April 13.

The strictest Lent in the first days, from Monday to Wednesday, and on the last Holy Week - Good Friday and Good Saturday, complete abstinence from food is prescribed. On Holy Week, it is allowed to eat raw or half-cooked vegetables without oil and practically without salt.

What can you eat in Lent?

What you can’t eat in Lent: you can’t eat the so-called “fast” foods (Old Russian soon - “fat, oil”): meat products, fish, eggs, dairy products (butter, cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, milk ...) . In short, these are animal products. Also refrain from any fast food, sweets, white bread, mayonnaise, pastries. It is not recommended to drink alcohol and hot spices, because. their use in excessive quantities against the background of poor lean nutrition can cause very undesirable phenomena and exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases.

What you can eat in Lent: you can eat wholemeal bread, fruits, vegetables, dried fruits, sauerkraut, salted and pickled vegetables, mushrooms, nuts, cereals on the water, kissels, tea, dried fruit compotes, kvass, fruit drinks, smoothies.

In Lent, it is especially important to eat the first and second courses hot, on the days when they are allowed. Even the simplest ingredients can be used to make delicious Lenten dishes - follow our Lenten Recipes section for every day and subscribe to receive recipes, updates and news in Lent.

Thus, allowed lean foods can be divided into:

    Homemade preparations: pickles and fermentations, pickled vegetables and berries, juices and jams, smoothies

    Frozen and fresh vegetables, fruits and mushrooms.

    All types of legumes.

    Dried fruits, nuts, seeds and numerous dishes from them, such as vitamin candy.


    Greens and spices in all forms: they are able to diversify any dish.

    Soy products: mayonnaise, yogurt, milk, cottage cheese and cheese. Other types of plant foods: almond milk or coconut milk.

    Wholemeal bread and bakery products that do not contain muffins. It includes pita bread, simple cakes, wheat germ bread, etc.


1. Some margarines contain milk. Such margarines are not lean.

2. Bread sometimes contains "vegetable shortening", a softener or leavening agent made from plants. Such a lean bread.

3. Simply "shortening" can be "animal shortening", that is, made from animal fat. Such bread is not lean.

4. Spices are allowed, but it is better to use them in moderation.

When can you eat during Lent?

You can eat once a day, at lunch or dinner; but on Saturdays and Sundays - twice, at lunchtime and in the evening.

Note: The amount of food can be determined independently based on the individual needs of the body.

It is worth noting that the rules of Lent recommended by the Church Charter apply to the monastic way of life, and for secular people there are significant indulgences during Great Lent. At the same time, the proposed order of nutrition in terms of the secrets of proper healthy nutrition seems to be very effective.

  1. Abstinence from food until lunch or even dinner allows the body to more effectively rid itself of toxins without loading it with new portions.
  2. Fasting has a lot to do with eating based on hunger, not based on timing or social conventions (like forced lunch breaks at work, etc.). When we are hungry enough, we are able to choose exactly those foods that our body needs right now.
  3. eating 1 time per day provokes the maximum activation of metabolism. In this mode, food is better absorbed and we get the maximum amount of useful substances from it.

You must always remember that above the feat in observing the Fast is your reasonableness. The way of life that people led a hundred, two hundred or even 1000 years ago is different from the way we live now. Before, life was easier intellectually, but harder physically. Now society, life in cities and information overload complicate the process of not being involved in the daily hustle and bustle, and as a result, we get tired, overloaded, we feel a breakdown and the need to replenish them through food. Naturally, the lifestyle imposes adjustments on the classic rules of nutrition in Lent.

What can you drink in fasting?

During Lent, on certain days, it is allowed to drink a little wine or add it to cooking. But, of course, we are not talking about excesses, but about the diversity of the diet, since grape wine contains antioxidants and substances that prevent the development of influenza, according to scientists. In drinks, as in food, you need to observe the measure. The Charter speaks of 2 containers of wine (glasses). Some people need to give up alcohol completely.

Since Fasting is designed to free us from attachments, including in food, some should limit or stop drinking tea and coffee. Firstly, these drinks excite the nervous system, which can affect the psyche and emotional state.

If you find yourself addicted to these drinks and drink them every day, try replacing them with, for example, chicory. Or give them up completely for at least a few days. If it will be very difficult for you, then you are not just a "lover of coffee", but dependent on it. And you need to get rid of any addiction.

Where is the best place to eat during Lent?

Undoubtedly, it is better to eat at home and cook yourself. This will allow you to be sure of the quality of the dish and the composition of the ingredients. In addition, while cooking, you can charge your food with your energy, saying prayers or certain settings so that the food brings you health, strength and joy. Remember grandmother's gifts - they are always prepared with love and best wishes for good! Lenten dishes prepared with love and the right attitude, accompanied by good music, will bring much more benefit and pleasure than store or restaurant food.

Many people in the modern rhythm of life and in the conditions of a big city have no other option for eating, except in a cafe or in a restaurant, and there is nothing reprehensible in this, since many establishments offer a lenten menu. Another thing is gastronomic perversions and excesses. For example, many cafes compete with each other in the sophistication and complexity of their Lenten dishes, sometimes even more bizarre than non-Lenten food, thereby creating a cult of food, which directly contradicts the main purpose of fasting.

Great Lent Calendar 2015

Each week of Great Lent has its own meaning and spiritual direction.

Great Lent is preceded by 4 preparatory weeks (3 weeks), gradually leading to a strict rhythm of life. It is they that allow you to determine the body's needs for the amount of food and water, gradually and consciously introducing restrictions so as not to be weakened, exhausted, incapable of daily activities.

Days not to fast:

  1. On the day of Fi T r - the holiday of the end of the Fast - the first day of Sha uu ala, the month following Ramadan.
  2. On the day of the holiday TO urban-Bayram - the tenth day of the month W ul- X ija.

Imam Muslim reported from ‘Aisha, may Allah have even more mercy on her, that the Prophet Mu X Ammad, peace be upon him, forbade the observance of Fasting on the days of the two holidays of Al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.

  1. Three days after TO urban Bayram (days of At-Tashri to). The Prophet, peace be upon him, said:

«أَيَّامُ التَّشْرِيقِ أَيَّامُ أَكْلٍ وَشُرْبٍ»

It means: "Days of At-Tashri to days of eating and drinking.

Narrated by Imam Muslim.

  1. On the day of doubt, that is, on the day following the twenty-ninth Sha'ban, if those people reported that they saw the new moon of Ramadan, the statement of which is not sufficient to determine the beginning of the month, for example, these are people who commit major sins, as well as children, women and the like.

Such a day is called the day of doubt, and one cannot fast on this day. About this Prophet Mu X ammad, peace be upon him, said:

«لا تَقَدَّمُوا رَمَضَانَ بِيَوْمٍ أَوْ يَوْمَيْنِ صُومُوا لِرُؤْيَتِهِ وَأَفْطِرُوا لِرُؤْيَتِهِ
فَإِنْ غُمَّ عَلَيْكُمْ فأَكْمِلُوا عِدَّةَ شَعْبَانَ ثَلاثِينَ يَوْماً»

This means: “It is impossible to advance Ramadan by one or more days in any case. The observance of the Fast should be started and stopped by observing the new moon. If the new moon was not visible, then Shaban should be supplemented with the thirtieth day. Narrated by Imam Al-Bukhari.

Prophet Mu X ammad, peace be upon him, called for observing six days of fasting in the month of Sha uu al - this is Sunnah. It is better to fast for six days in a row immediately after the day of the Feast of Conversation. If you fast after the holiday not all six days in a row, but on separate days, then this is also taken into account as sunnah.

Abu Ayyub Al-An from Aryan conveyed these words of the Prophet Mu X ammada, peace be upon him:

«مَنْ صَامَ رَمَضَانَ ثُمَّ أَتْبَعَهُ سِتًّا مِنْ شَوَّالٍ كَانَ كَصِيَامِ الدَّهْرِ»

It means: “Who fasted in the month of Ramadan and after it observed the Fast of six days of the month of Sha uu al, as if fasting for a whole year". Narrated by Imam Muslim.

Who has started observance of the obligatory Fast (far d), for example in the month of Ramadan, or to the observance of duty (ka d a) and also, if he has begun to observe the Post-nazr (Post-vow), he cannot interrupt it, this is prohibited ( X aram). And if someone observes Post-Nafl (Sunnah), then according to the school of Imam Ash-Shafi'y, it is not forbidden to interrupt him.


That is, until the 15th day of the month of Shaban inclusive. For example, if a person fasted on Mondays and Thursdays until the middle of Shaban, or fasted every other day, then he can continue this Fast in the second half of Shaban.

Actions and words of Prophet Mu X ammada, peace be upon him.

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Unfortunately, there are some misconceptions about the month of Ram among Muslims these days. d an. This article will give a refutation of some of these opinions.

They are not confirmed in TO ur`an or the sayings of the Prophet Mu X ammada, peace be upon him.

Said in the Holy TO ur'ane (Sura "An-Na X l”, Ayat 116), which means: "Do not speak falsely from yourself, this is allowed and this is forbidden."

  1. Some incorrectly assert that it is forbidden to eat at night after making the intention to observe the Fast.

Refutation : Islamic scholars said that drinking, eating, having sexual intercourse is allowed at night, after the intention to observe the Fast.

  1. Some incorrectly claim that fasting is not accepted for a person who has slept all day.

Refutation : Islamic scholars have said that the Fast of one who made the intention to fast, fell asleep before dawn and woke up after sunset, is accepted, and he does not commit a sin. And, as for the performance of Namaz, if a person did not wake up or was not awakened, then he performs it as a duty and also does not commit a sin. Prophet Mu X "Not responsible for his actions: sleeping until he wakes up."

  1. Some incorrectly claim that it is not (undesirable) to get married in the month of Rama d an.

Rebuttal: Islamic scholars said it is permissible to get married in the month of Ram d and this is not undesirable (makruh). It is allowed to marry and read nikah. And as for sexual relations during the daytime, this violates the Fast, and the conscious violation of the obligatory Fast is a sin. Sexual relations of spouses after sunset are allowed. If a person is afraid that he will not be able to resist sexual relations during the day, then he can postpone the wedding to a later time.

  1. Some incorrectly claim that marriage between holidays X aram or undesirable.

Refutation : Islamic scholars said that whoever claims such a thing is contrary to Shari‘ah because he conveyed to Imam Muslim that ‘Aisha said Prophet Mu married me X ammad, peace be upon him in sha uu al (next month after Ramadan) and our wedding night was also in Sha uu al.

  1. Some incorrectly claim that the beginning and end of the month of Ram d ana can be found out by calculations from astrologers.

Refutation : Islamic scholars have said that the month begins with the appearance of the young moon. This needs to be monitored visually. If it is not possible to see the young month, then the month of Shaban is considered the 30th day.

Prophet Mu X ammad, peace be upon him, said, which means: “Keep the Fast when you see the young month (Rama d en), and if you could not see it, then calculate the end of the month of Shaban on the thirtieth day, and stop it (Fasting) when you see the young month of Sha uu al".

Narrated by Imams Al-Bukhariy, Muslim and others.

Also Prophet Mu X ammad, peace be upon him, said, which means: “ We are a community that does not calculate the days of the month. The month will be like this or like that, that is, 29 days or 30.

  1. Some incorrectly claim that backbiting breaks the Fast.

Refutation : Islamic scholars have said that backbiting a Muslim is certainly a sin, but backbiting does not break the Fast. Imam A said X mad ibn X anbal: “If slander violated the Fast, then our Fast would not be accepted,” that is, many people, even observing the Fast, slander.

  1. Some incorrectly claim that Zakat is only payable in the month of Ram. d an.

Refutation : Islamic scholars have said that Zakat must be paid for the property that will be at the disposal of a person during the lunar year. For example, if the property was within a year from Ram d ana do ram d ana then in rama d en if from sha uu ala then in sha uu al etc. If a person is late with the payment of Zakat after the deadline without religious justification, then he commits a sin.

  1. Some incorrectly claim that Fasting is not accepted from those who do not perform Namaz.

Refutation : Islamic scholars said that Fasting is accepted from a fasting Muslim until he breaks his Fast (by eating, drinking, having sexual intercourse, apostasy from the Faith). A Muslim who observes Fasting and does not observe Namaz commits 5 major sins every day due to the fact that he does not perform Prayer, but his Fasting is valid.

  1. Some incorrectly claim that if a person smells flowers, then his Fast is violated.

Refutation : Islamic scholars said that if you smell flowers, incense and any smells, this does not violate the Fast, since nothing with volume enters through open holes in the body.

  1. Some do it wrong by doing sa X ur (taking food and drink) in the first half of the night.

Refutation : Islamic scholars said that the time X ur comes in the second half of the night. Therefore, whoever wants to be blessed from this time sa X ur need to do at that time. You can drink at least a sip of water.

  1. Some incorrectly claim that swallowing saliva breaks the Fast.

Refutation : Islamic scholars have said that swallowing pure saliva from the oral cavity does not break the Fast. And whoever believes that swallowing pure saliva (not mixed with anything) violates the Fast, falls in disbelief (kufr). Because in this opinion, which is not in accordance with religion, there are complications for Muslims. Therefore, some ignorant people constantly spit, afraid to swallow their pure saliva.

  1. Some incorrectly claim that the removal of teeth breaks the Fast.

Refutation : Islamic scholars have said that the extraction of teeth does not break the Fast if the person does not knowingly swallow blood, even if it is a small amount. And whoever swallowed the blood by accident, it does not violate the Fast.

  1. Some do the wrong thing by breaking the Fast based on the calendar.

Refutation : Islamic theologians have said that the time of "al-fajr" (the time of the beginning of the Fast) has its own signs, and the time of sunset (the time of the end of the Fast) has its own. If a person is guided by A h ane, then you need to be guided by A h anom of a God-fearing person. Therefore, whoever wants to observe religious duties correctly must make sure of the time so that he is not tormented by doubts.

  1. Some incorrectly assert that it is not permissible to fast a junubu.

Refutation : Islamic scholars said that if a person was able to junub during the month of Ram d and at the same time he kept the Fast, then his Fast is accepted, but he committed many big sins, because he did not perform Namaz-Far d. ‘Aisha is the wife of the Prophet Mu X ammada, peace be upon him, said that when the dawn came and the Prophet, peace be upon him, was in a state of junub, after having sexual intercourse with his wife, he bathed and kept the Fast (Al-Bukhariy).

  1. Some incorrectly claim that five actions break the Fast: a forbidden look, lying, slander, gossip and a kiss and say that they are X adi from Prophet Mu X ammada, peace be upon him.

Refutation : Islamic scholars have said that these words are not X adi from om and are a lie against the Prophet Mu X ammada, peace be upon him, but some of these actions nullify the reward for Fasting, for example, gossip is the transmission of conversations with the aim of harming Muslims.

Dear brothers of the same faith, we urge you to study and teach knowledge of religion, because thanks to this people can learn what is allowed and what is forbidden, and one who does not study religious knowledge, he is like a person who wanders in darkness.

Imam Abu Da at e conveyed through a reliable chain from Anas, may Allah have more mercy on him, that the Prophet Mu X ammad, peace be upon him, came to Sa'd ibn 'Ubada, may Allah have more mercy on him. They brought bread and olive oil to the Prophet, peace be upon Him, He ate, and then said:

«أَفْطَرَ عِنْدَكُمُ الصَّائِمُونَ وَأَكَلَ طَعَامَكُمُ الْأَبْرَارُ وَصَلَّتْ عَلَيْكُمُ الْمَلَائِكَةُ»

It means: “Those who have fasted have completed their Fast, let pious people eat your food and let the Angels read Du’a for you!”

Imam Abu Da at d narrated from Mu'a h and ibn Zuhra that he heard the Prophet Mu X Ammad, peace be upon him, said during iftar:

«اللَّهُمَّ لَكَ صُمْتُ وَعَلَى رِزْقِكَ أَفْطَرْتُ»

It means: “Oh Allah! For Your sake I fasted and took the food You gave me.”

Abu Da at e narrated from Ibn ‘Umar that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said after completing the Fast at Iftar:

«ذَهَبَ الظَّمَأُ وَابْتَلَّتِ الْعُرُوقُ وَثَبَتَ الْأَجْرُ إِنْ شَاءَ اللَّهُ»

It means:“The thirst is quenched and the body is filled with strength, and I hope to receive a reward, if Allah grants.”

Imams Al-Bukhariy and Muslim reported from Abu Hurayrah, may Allah have mercy on him, that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said:

«إِذَا جَاءَ رَمَضَانُ فُتِّحَتْ أَبْوَابُ الْجَنَّةِ وَغُلِّقَتْ أَبْوَابُ النَّارِ وَصُفِّدَتْ الشَّيَاطِينُ»

It means: “When the month of Ramadan comes, the gates of Paradise open and the gates of hell close, and the main shaitans are chained” .

T al X and Ibn ‘Ubaidillah, may Allah have mercy on him, said that when the Prophet Mu X Ammad, peace be upon him, saw the new moon, then he said:

«اللَّـهُمَّ أَهِلَّهُ عَلَيْنَا بِالأَمْنِ وَالإِيمَانِ وَالسَّلاَمَةِ وَالإِسْلامِ»

It means: “Oh Allah! May this new month be filled with peace, security, health for us, so that we can preserve and strengthen our Faith and better comply with the requirements of our Religion.

This X adi from narrated by Imam At-Tirmi h yy and gave him a degree" X asan" (good).

Imam Muslim narrated from Abu TOX ammada, peace be upon him, was asked about Fasting on the day of ‘Arafat (9 W ul- X idja), He replied:

«يُكَفِّرُ السَّنَةَ الْمَاضِيَةَ وَالْبَاقِيَةَ»

It means: "It becomes the cause of the remission of sins for the past year and the next."

Imam Muslim narrated from Abu TO atady, may Allah have mercy on him, said that when the Prophet Mu X ammada, peace be upon him, was asked about Fasting on the day ‘ BUT w at R but' (10 Mu X Arram), He replied:

«يُكَفِّرُ السَّنَةَ الْمَاضِيَةَ»

It means: "It becomes the cause of the forgiveness of sins for the past year."

Imams Al-Bukhariy and Muslim reported from Abu Hurayrah, may Allah have mercy on him, that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said:

«مَنْ صَامَ رَمَضَانَ إيِمَانًا وَاحْتِسَابًا غُفِرَ لَهُ مَا تَقَدَّمَ مِنْ ذَنْبِهِ»

It means: “The one who observed the Fast of the month of Ramadan with Faith, sincerely (with the hope of receiving a reward from Allah) and correctly, past sins are forgiven.”

Imams Al-Bukhariy and Muslim reported from ‘Aisha, may Allah have mercy on her, that Prophet Mu X ammad, peace be upon him, did i'tikaf in the last ten days of the month of Ramadan, and so He did until His death. After His death, His wives also performed i'tikaf.

‘Aisha, may Allah have mercy on her, said that she turned to the Prophet Mu X ammadu, peace be upon him: “O Messenger of Allah! If I understand that the night has come Al- TO hello, what should I read then?”, to which He replied: “Say:

«اللَّهُمَّ إِنَّكَ عُفُوٌّ كَرِيمٌ تُحِبُّ الْعَفْوَ فَاعْفُ عَنِّي»

It means: “Oh Allah! Verily, You are Forgiving and Merciful, You love to forgive, grant me forgiveness!” .

This X adi from narrated by Imam At-Tirmi h yy and gave him a degree" X asan" and " from but X And X” (good and reliable).


I‘tikaf for men is an inseparable presence in the mosque with the intention for the sake of Allah, and for women, i‘tikaf is performed at home where there is a place for Namaz.

How to observe Great Lent? Every year more and more Russians ask this question. What is the significance and meaning of Great Lent? And what is his story?

Great Lent in Orthodoxy is the most kind, wonderful, divine time. Believers look forward to it and honor it. This is the very moment when you need to ask forgiveness for your sins from the Lord God. The history of Orthodox fasting holds many secrets. According to the first Christians, this is the time when Christ was taken away from believers, from the moment of his death, which served as the beginning of fasting, until the Resurrection. The Savior himself, who was tortured by the devil, did not drink or eat at all during these forty days. Lent is a period of abstinence from certain types of food for a specific period and a time of prayers to calm the soul. It is also called Easter preparation days.

Fasting lasts almost 7 weeks or 48 days. The first and last weeks differ from other weeks in their exactingness and severity. And the prayers in these weeks are longer than in the rest. Fasting is divided into two periods: the first 40 days (Fourteen) and the week before Holy Pascha. and the feast of the resurrection of St. Lazarus, or, are between them. Fortecost originates from Monday, it is also called Pure Monday.

Forty days consists of 5 Sundays (Palm Sunday is not considered in this case). There will be no Liturgy on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. The liturgy is understood as a series of spiritual hymns, one of the most important divine services. On Wednesdays and Fridays, the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts is held. In (the last week of Lent, or the week before Easter), a liturgy is also held, but Thursday and Friday are set aside for this week.

How to observe Great Lent? For people in normal physical shape, with a normal state of health, it will not be difficult to refuse several types of food. Namely:

  • fishes,
  • meat,
  • vegetable oil,
  • dairy products.

Of course, giving up food is one thing. But observing Great Lent correctly is a completely different matter. It must be remembered that fasting implies purification not only of the body, but also of the spirit. Therefore, much attention is paid to the healing of the soul.

If refusal of food makes a person angry, irritable, nervous, and the like, then there can be no talk of any benefit from such a fast. Here it is necessary to immediately assess your possibilities regarding abstinence, as well as direct your spirit with prayer and enclose it from destructive emotions.

This also applies to people who are unable to observe Great Lent due to their health condition. They, like no one else, need to evaluate their diet at any time. Indeed, it is not easy for older people to change their diet: its change can lead to an exacerbation of diseases, a decrease in working capacity, the development of fatigue and malaise. Pregnant women and children, no doubt, also belong to this category.

Travelers who do not have the opportunity to purchase this or that food on the way, workers who are loaded with physical or mental work are also not required to fast, as this can lead to poor health. As already mentioned, Great Lent is the liberation of the soul from negative influences, and only after that - restriction in food.

Rules for observance of Great Lent

The first rule is a special organization of spiritual life. After all, the rhythm of life in the modern world is frantic. We get tired, break down on loved ones, there is not enough time for spiritual intimacy with relatives and for prayers. And the Orthodox fast becomes the most suitable moment to take care of calming your soul. Therefore, it is worth postponing for a while study, work and other things.

The second rule is abstaining from certain foods. Next comes the cleansing of the body. When observing Great Lent, the human organs are cleansed after the winter diet.

Grains, fruits, vegetables - these are mostly lean foods.

The calorie content of all meals per day should not exceed 2000 kcal. Food on fasting days is divided into categories, according to which at one time you can drink only water, at another - include only plant foods in the diet, then eat boiled vegetables.

Before starting the fast, you will need to draw up your daily menu. Make sure you have enough liquid. But no more than 2 liters per day. It includes green tea, water, soft drinks. Light alcoholic drinks are allowed on some days and on Saturdays and Sundays. At first glance, it seems that only cereals will be eaten, but the combination of products can be very different. For example: cabbage cutlets, stewed mushrooms or vegetables, salads. Lots of options.

For those who will fast for the first time, it will be difficult, for a start they need to abstain only from meat, eggs and milk. In no case should you immediately start fasting, it can be harmful to health.

The third rule is the fasting of married life.

Spouses in Orthodoxy should honor the rules of Great Lent. The special limitations of the body imply more than one might initially think.

Post in 2019

Surviving in cities and metropolitan areas, we have become tougher, rougher. The main problem of modern people is indifference. We have ceased to empathize with others. In the Great Orthodox Lent of 2019, these disappointing trends should be taken into account. For example, to perform a kind act in relation to any person, supporting him with a kind word in a difficult situation. You should not forget about yourself. The soul needs an oasis, a small secluded corner, which is so lacking in a modern big city. Read prayers, do not skimp on warm words to your family and do not forget to go to church. This will make these 40 days not just a diet, but a special period of awareness, empathy and calm.

Especially, with a reasonable approach, it only brings benefits. More than one century ago, this tradition developed, and modern nutritionists can only confirm the wisdom of our great-grandfathers. The alternation of fasting and fasting periods helps to train the immune system and cleanse the body of toxins. If you often get angina or SARS, you have joint diseases, high cholesterol, or have a tendency to be overweight, know that it is fasting that can help eliminate many health problems.

How to fast properly. According to church laws, it is recommended to abstain from animal food for seven weeks: meat, fish, milk, eggs, etc. At first glance, such a period seems incredibly long, and the rejection of all these products is extremely difficult and even harmful. But, believe me, if you know how to fast correctly and follow certain rules and recommendations, these weeks will fly by pretty quickly, surprising you with a variety of new, interesting and delicious dishes that you have never cooked before. With the right approach, fasting will bring only benefit and joy.

Chefs from monasteries say that the lenten menu should not differ too much from the usual, familiar to us: let it be your favorite stuffed peppers, borscht, cabbage soup, dumplings or pilaf, but only without meat, vegetarian. Lent is a great opportunity to diversify your diet with new natural plant products and delicious healthy dishes. You can cook a great variety of vegetable salads during the fasting period. Take the same cabbage: cabbage salad with carrots, cabbage and fresh cucumbers, cabbage and raw or boiled beets, cabbage and celery, cabbage with fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, seaweed salad with pickles ... And, of course, salad options, prepared from other vegetables, too much. In addition to salads, you can cook so many different amazingly delicious dishes from vegetables! These are vegetable cabbage rolls with rice, carrots stewed with celery and sweet peppers in tomato sauce, mashed boiled beans seasoned with fried onions, sweet peppers stuffed with vegetables ... And this is only a small part of what can be cooked in the post, given as an example to to orient you a little and wake up your appetite and fantasy.

In order not to harm the body and improve health, treat nutrition during fasting with all seriousness and responsibility. What is needed for this? First of all, to know how to fast correctly, what you can eat during fasting and what you can’t, and how not to slide into dull monotony by sitting on potatoes and cabbage. Any diet should be balanced and varied, and lean - especially!

There are general laws for observing fasts, but there are rules specific only to Great Lent, during which the strictest abstinence falls on the first and last (Holy) weeks of fasting, when foods are eaten raw, without heat treatment and without oil. On other days of fasting, you can eat exclusively vegetarian food. You can add vegetable oil to cooked dishes only on weekends. Mussels, squid, shrimp and other seafood are not considered fish, so some believers eat them on Saturday and Sunday. Fish days include only the Annunciation and Palm Sunday. Prohibited in fasting and alcohol, however, even during the strictest fasting, some exceptions are possible. So, natural red wine can be consumed on Saturdays and Sundays, except for Holy Week. All these restrictions are strictly obligatory for ministers of the church and monks, but it is enough for the laity to adhere to a mild fast. In addition, seriously ill people, small children, pregnant and lactating mothers, as well as people engaged in hard physical labor, the military and travelers are exempted from fasting. However, everyone decides to fast for himself.

When starting to develop a menu for the period of fasting, remember that the digestive functions of the body change their activity not only during the month, but also during the day. There is a so-called biological clock. According to biological laws, the most favorable time for eating is from 12.00 to 20.00 hours, but from 22.00 to 4.00 hours the body is most actively involved in the digestion and assimilation of food. There is time for rest and self-cleaning from approximately 4.00 to 12.00. It is also worth paying attention to when planning a meal.

Not only the diet is extremely important, but also the order of nutrition in Lent. On our site you can easily find many articles that describe in detail the principles of nutrition during fasting on the days of the week - we are pursuing a different goal. Regardless of the intention (spiritual or physical cleansing), you need to fast correctly, without fanaticism, heroism and pride. Of course, fasting, especially for those who decided to do it for the first time, is difficult, and your body, accustomed to fast food, will demand your favorite dishes from you, letting you know about yourself in the first days of fasting with a feeling of hunger. Try to distract him by eating fruits, drinking freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices, herbal teas and infusions, and drinking non-carbonated water. Teach yourself to drink clean water in a warm form - this way you will avoid swelling and unload the kidneys.

Now directly about the products. The list of foods that can be consumed during fasting inspires respect. These are a variety of homemade preparations (salts and fermentations, pickled vegetables and berries, juices and jams, dried and dried foods), fresh and frozen vegetables, fruits and mushrooms, nuts, legumes, seeds, dried fruits, herbs and spices in all forms (they diversify any meatless dishes), meatless products (soy mayonnaise, yogurt, milk, cottage cheese and cheese), as well as meatless sweets that can be bought in all supermarkets, cereals, pasta, bread and bakery products that do not contain muffins. Fasting does not exclude the use of sugar, but it is much more useful to replace it with honey.

On the pages of our site you can find an incredible number of lenten dishes - look at least in the "Lenten table" section and see for yourself! But regardless of whether you surprise the household with culinary delights or prefer simple dishes, you should be firmly convinced that the basic balance of nutrients will not be disturbed. It is known that a sharp exclusion from the diet of meat, fish and milk leads to the loss of many essential vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it makes sense before starting a post to carefully read the composition of plant products that can fill this gap.

So, the main suppliers of protein to our body on fasting days are beans, peas, sunflower seeds, nuts, mushrooms (they are not in vain popularly called vegetable meat), dried fruits. Dishes prepared from these products can successfully replace meat and fish, albeit not in full, but not without benefit. Sometimes, when fasting conditions allow, introduce fish, shrimp and other seafood into the diet. But seaweed can be eaten at least every day. Buy canned or dried kelp, spirulina and other seaweed - in addition to shock doses of protein, they enrich the body with vital iodine and many trace elements.

Vegetable oils are responsible for the supply of fats during fasting. It is best to use unrefined oils, since the usual “odorless oil” does not carry anything useful in itself. Dress salads with fresh or pickled vegetables with vegetable oil and add a little oil to dishes when stewing. Unrefined sunflower and corn oils are heavy; during Lent, it is better to replace them with linseed, rapeseed and other vegetable oils. Olive in this sense is the most accessible, cedar - the most useful. Frying with vegetable oil is not recommended. And this is a great reason to give yourself a break from fried foods that appear too often on our table.

Fasting is also good because at this time mainly useful, so-called “slow” carbohydrates enter the body. A wide selection of cereals and legumes makes it possible not only to add a pleasant variety to the diet, but also contributes to a gradual and more complete saturation. And when else, if not in the post, to try the "exotic", which you so often read about on the pages of "Culinary Eden"! Bulgur, amaranth, couscous, mung bean, chickpeas, dhal - all this variety can now be bought both in the markets and in supermarkets. "Fast" carbohydrates can be obtained from honey, sweet fruits, as well as from the cellar, taking out a jar of fragrant jam - the main thing is not to overeat! "Quick" carbohydrates are good as a snack and "ambulance" for acute bouts of hunger, especially in the early days of fasting. Prepare candies and energy bars according to recipes from raw foodists and vegans - that's who knows a lot about plant foods! Use nuts, seeds, dried fruits, honey, pollen and pollen - all these products give us not only carbohydrates, but also many other useful substances.

Iron deficiency can be compensated for with nuts, pumpkin, rose hips, celery, bell peppers and herbs (parsley, cilantro, dill). There is iron in cranberries, cranberries and raspberries. Beets, carrots, nuts, apples, honey, spinach, pomegranate and raisins will fill our needs for iron, vitamins and other trace elements, as well as improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, liver and brain. Sesame and nuts will help to replenish calcium reserves. They can be eaten in a “clean”, so to speak, form, but it is better to prepare nut milk by soaking sesame or almonds for a day in cool boiled or filtered water, and then grinding with a blender along with water. Such milk contains ten times more calcium than cow's milk.

Fresh fruits and vegetables carry not only vitamins, but also fiber, which improves intestinal motility, and enzymes - essential substances that help digestion. Vitamins and enzymes are destroyed when heated, which is why it is so important to include at least one fresh vegetable salad in the menu every day and eat an apple in the afternoon.

So, let's sum up. We start the morning with a glass of hot water, breakfast - early or not very hearty, with cereal dishes, lunches and dinners with lean recipes from plant products, snacks from nuts, dried fruits and healthy sweets, more greens and fresh vegetables and fruits, and on night - again a glass of hot water, which promotes cleansing and weight loss. Considering the variety of lenten dishes that can be found on our website or invented by yourself, you definitely won’t have to go hungry.

And finally - in no case do not perceive fasting as a heavy burden. It is given to us as a strengthening, treat it as a medicine that can heal from an illness, as a wonderful opportunity to change something in yourself. Only in this case you will feel not only physical lightness, but also peace of mind, which we lack so much in our hectic life.

Larisa Shuftaykina