How to attract a man's zodiac sign. How to win a man based on his zodiac sign

Some people eat a lot and don't gain weight. And others, eating the same amount, gain weight without stopping. The latter are haunted by a constant feeling of hunger, although there is enough food in the refrigerator. Some people constantly have the desire to “eat up” their problems and difficulties. As a result, the weight keeps growing, and the problems not only do not decrease, but, on the contrary, new ones appear. Including health. After the next meal, I have no strength to do anything, I am haunted by heaviness in the stomach and pain, although, it seems, the usual portion was eaten. All this has one name - overeating.

What is it and why does everyone suffer from it? more people? Below we will figure out where this problem comes from, what overeating leads to, and what methods will help you get rid of a bad and dangerous habit. Overeating is a violation of natural food intake, or rather their order. That is, a person begins to eat more than his body requires. Naturally, unspent calories are thoroughly located on the body and the volume continues to grow non-stop. Don’t think that this is just some kind of whim or whim of a person. This is rather closer to the disease. And the person suffering from it is probably not happy with the state of things, but he is simply unable to solve the problem on his own. To understand how to deal with overeating, you need to find out where the scourge “legs grow” comes from.

There are many reasons for gluttony. These could be psychological problems (stress, sudden change of environment), changes in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract or the brain. There are many reasons that force people to eat more than they need. And not only adults, but also children suffer from this disease. Below we will analyze the problem in more detail.

The child has

Despite the fact that children have much fewer reasons for “eating,” they also have the problem of gluttony. Moreover, usually the culprits of the addiction are loving relatives. Most adults strive to feed the child at all costs and do not pay any attention to messages about satiety. So, adult portions are literally shoved into the baby using various tricks. As a result, the child’s stomach stretches and in order to feel full, the child begins to eat more than he actually needs. Then the child grows up, but the habit of eating large portions or constantly chewing remains.

Please note: But there may also be a psychological reason, and quite a serious one. Examples include domestic violence, excessive criticism, problems in society, and so on.

In an adult

Every day we are haunted by a lot of problems that need to be solved. You need to make a choice, fight something, and so on. Few people have a calm and measured course of life. As a result, an adult is constantly exposed to stress and this is one of the reasons for overeating.

Factors that can provoke gluttony can be roughly divided into three main areas:

  • physiological;
  • social;
  • psychological.

The last category needs to be dealt with with the help of a psychologist. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the problem, then the need for overeating will disappear by itself. In each of them, in turn, other directions are highlighted. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Physiological reasons:

  • characteristics of the body. Due to the fact that our stomach tends to stretch, the feeling of fullness does not come immediately, but 20 minutes after eating. If you eat until you feel completely full, heaviness and pain appear in the stomach;
  • false hunger. It happens that instead of thirst or lack of vitamins and other important substances, we feel hungry;
  • problems with the glands. For example, with the hypothalamus (it is responsible for controlling appetite). As a result, the feeling of satiety never comes. The same thing happens when serotonin levels are low;
  • food addiction. While this is only a theory, there is an opinion that some products are addictive.

Social reasons:

  • replacing the contents of the food basket. This is often influenced by advertising, fragrances, and the visual appeal of the product. The benefit fades into the background;
  • gluttony. Some families initially have a cult of food. In this case, it is considered almost the most important;
  • etiquette and greed. According to the rules of etiquette, you need to finish the meal to the end so as not to offend the hostess. Or it’s just a pity to leave an uneaten portion in a cafe or restaurant;
  • strict diets. With severe restrictions on food, the risk of breakdowns increases. The result is overeating;
  • eating disorder. It happens due to the modern rhythm of life - the constant pursuit of wealth and eternal snacking.

Psychological reasons:

  • uncertainty. And often the culprit is excess weight. That's how it works vicious circle, which needs to be broken;
  • hatred of your body. Often it becomes a reason not to fight, but to let everything take its course;
  • loneliness. During a prolonged period without a relationship, a person seeks satisfaction in food;
  • depression. In this state, overeating becomes invisible to the person himself;
  • negative. Here food is perceived as compensation. Hated work, fear, financial problems - all this is simply eaten away;
  • food as a reward. Some people give themselves a delicious dinner as a reward for doing something.

It is better to immediately identify the symptoms of overeating in an adult in order to be able to overcome the problem.

Main signs of overeating

How to determine if you are overeating? There are several main signs for this. Overeating can be of two types - one-time periodic or systematic. The first is not so dangerous - excessive leaning on food during a feast is felt immediately, and the consequences are eliminated in a couple of days. But the second case is already more dangerous. Here, overeating becomes a daily occurrence and discomfort in the stomach no longer appears. Let's look at the symptoms of gluttony, the appearance of which should be wary.


As a result of overeating, it becomes difficult to breathe, and a feeling of fullness and heaviness appears in the stomach. These sensations arise due to maximum stretching of the walls of the stomach and retention of food in it. When the stomach is able to cope with such a load, the feeling of discomfort gradually goes away. If not, digestion stops and nausea occurs. Well, then either get rid of the excess load by vomiting, or try to help the stomach with medications. Sometimes even small portions cause heaviness.

There are several reasons for this:

  • rare meals;
  • dinner too heavy;
  • new foods in the diet;
  • heavy foods (fast food, flour, sweets, etc.);
  • some drinks (soda, alcohol, energy drinks and others);
  • smoking.

Painful sensations

The next symptom of overeating, which appears both with one-time and systematic gluttony.

The causes of pain can be the following:

  • the walls of the stomach are too stretched;
  • quick snack;
  • a lot of food after a long break;
  • alcohol and smoking;
  • junk food (spicy, fatty, fried, etc.).
  • In addition, frequent overeating will lead to exacerbation of chronic diseases of the stomach and digestive system as a whole.

Compulsive overeating

This term refers to systematic excessive eating. In essence, this is uncontrollable gluttony. Symptoms of compulsive overeating disorder are:

  • eating bad events and emotions;
  • eating without feeling hungry;
  • eating large portions with a break of less than two hours;
  • inability to stop;
  • unsystematic eating habits;
  • excessive food consumption;
  • constant weight fluctuations;
  • sleep disorders;
  • greed, desire to eat secretly.

There is always a psychological problem at the heart of such overeating. To stop eating you need to solve it.

Possible consequences

Overeating doesn't get so much attention just because of weight gain. Such nutrition also affects internal organs.

Below are the organs that primarily show the effects of gluttony:

  • the heart begins to wear out, rhythm and blood circulation are disrupted. The result is hypertension, heart attack, cardiac asthma;
  • the liver begins to “share” fats with all organs. The result is gastritis, colitis, atherosclerosis;
  • hormonal background. Risk of remaining infertile;
  • metabolic disease. Diabetes mellitus of any stage;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • joints are overloaded and wear out prematurely.

With such a bouquet of diseases, it is unlikely that delicious food will continue to bring pleasure. Therefore, now that the causes and consequences of overeating are clear, let's move on to the most important point.

How to fight

You can cope with one-time overeating on your own, but with systematic overeating you will have to seek help from specialists.

Psychological aspects

Some causes of overeating, including compulsive overeating, can be treated psychologically.

There are three effective methods:

  • behavioral therapy. Helps identify the causes of gluttony in thinking. The goal of therapy is the patient’s awareness of the problem and its overcoming;
  • interpersonal therapy. Creating normal relationships with loved ones provides the necessary emotional background. This is what helps solve the problem;
  • group therapy. Based on the support of like-minded people.

The specialist also prescribes medications that help you lose the weight you have already gained and not accumulate new ones.

Drug effects

There are many drugs on the market, both natural and synthetic. They help curb appetite and reduce weight, while replenishing essential vitamins and minerals.

The most popular medications for relieving symptoms of overeating are:

  • preparations based on activated carbon. They have excellent absorption capacity. The medicine will “take over” gases, toxins and heavy foods. You can take it both before and after the feast;
  • silicon-based drugs. The action is similar to activated carbon;
  • enzymes. Preparations with pancreatic enzymes that help the stomach cope with periodic overeating.

These medications will help you cope with your symptoms in one go. In order to finally cope with the problem, it will take time and the advice of a specialist.

Folk remedies

For lovers of everything natural there is also folk remedies to relieve symptoms of overeating. Herbal mixtures, decoctions and infusions will help no worse than pharmaceutical drugs.

The most effective methods traditional medicine recognized:

  • infusion of calamus, yarrow, mint, lemon balm, St. John's wort, chamomile, dill. 200 ml of boiling water is poured onto a tea meadow of any of these herbs. Drink warm;
  • decoction of chamomile, rose hips, blueberries. Take a tablespoon of fruit per glass of water. Boil for up to 10 minutes. Serve slightly chilled;
  • chamomile tea with yarrow. Take a teaspoon of both herbs, chop and brew like regular tea;
  • choleretic mixture. Grind chamomile, tansy, wormwood and honey, a tablespoon each. Roll the mixture into bread balls and dip in honey. Take before or after a meal.

You can use several methods or choose one you like.

There are some rules by following which you can get rid of the unpleasant consequences of overeating. To do this, you do not need to carry medications with you:

  • if you can, take a walk in the fresh air;
  • if you don’t have the strength to get up, it’s better to lie down for a while;
  • place something warm in the abdominal area for 20 minutes;
  • no longer consume food or drinks;
  • Chew some gum. This will speed up digestion.

After a long feast (New Year's, for example), you should arrange fasting days for yourself. At this time, it is best to eat light foods - soups, cereals, salads, and drink plenty of water.

Overeating is an eating disorder characteristic features which are the absorption of excess food and the inability to stop at the right time.

Causes of overeating

IN modern society Regular or occasional overeating is common to almost everyone. Many people experience the consequences of this disease themselves, but do not always pay attention to them.

Common causes of excess food intake are:

  • The insensitivity of the human stomach to small changes in the amount of food due to its ability to stretch, so a feeling of fullness appears only 15-20 minutes after a meal;
  • Loss of selectivity in relation to food, that is, when choosing, people are not guided by the usefulness and nutritional value of the product, but look at its appearance, aroma, availability, ease and speed of preparation. In addition, numerous advertisements influence the human subconscious;
  • Masking the need for water (thirst) or nutrients under the feeling of hunger. This reason for overeating is due to the fact that fast food, which is increasingly consumed modern people, practically devoid of vitamins, beneficial amino acids, micro- and macroelements;
  • Giving food a new meaning that differs from the true one (replenishment of energy costs). For example, a business lunch in a restaurant, when it is assumed that all guests will eat, regardless of whether they are hungry;
  • Psychological overeating. This group includes “eating” stress, bad mood or tragic events, low self-esteem and self-doubt, food as a comfort.

Symptoms of overeating

Having understood the reasons for excessive food consumption, it is necessary to find out the signs of this disorder in order to take timely measures and not lead the situation to obesity.

So, the main symptoms of overeating are as follows:

  • Weight gain or constant weight fluctuations;
  • Sleep disturbance. After overeating, it is difficult for the body to fall asleep, because digestive processes continue;
  • Malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, feeling of discomfort (increased gas formation and bloating);
  • Absorbing food at any time, even in the absence of hunger;
  • Eating more food while maintaining the same daily routine and lifestyle;
  • Uncontrolled eating, for example, while watching TV or reading. Distractions not only make it difficult to enjoy the aroma and taste of food, but also make it difficult to determine when you are full;
  • Depression resulting from the above symptoms of overeating.

Nutritionists also identify such psychological manifestations of gluttony as: the desire to eat alone, an internal feeling of guilt and dislike for oneself.

Consequences of overeating

The danger of overeating is so serious that doctors insist that you should get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger. Otherwise, metabolic disorders will not keep you waiting, which will affect the work of everyone internal organs.

The first consequences of overeating hit the heart. A person’s weight increases, and with it all organs increase, so the heart has to saturate more space with blood. Heart contractions intensify, and the muscle walls of the human “motor” thicken. As a result, hypertension and blood pressure problems occur.

The second organ that suffers after overeating is the liver. When it exceeds the amount of essential fats, it becomes their direct source. Almost all cells of the body are filled with fat. This seriously affects not only the liver and heart, but also the intestines - the entire intestinal tract suffers. Cases of diseases such as cholecystitis, gastritis, colitis and chronic pancreatitis are becoming more frequent.

Another consequence of overeating is a disruption of the hormonal cycle due to thyroxine deficiency. Women have problems with menstruation, and this threatens infertility. In men, erectile dysfunction occurs.

It is also worth noting that excess weight puts additional stress on the spine and joints, which wear out ahead of time.

How to avoid overeating

You can cope with overeating on your own, but you need to constantly monitor your food intake. Basic rules to follow:

  • Eat on time, concentrate on food and not be distracted;
  • Stop all snacking and eat your fill at main meals;
  • Always eat while sitting, as this helps to stick to the routine and not be distracted during the meal;
  • Do not turn food into a reward or stimulant; you can find other ways to do this;
  • Try not to eat in the first 15 minutes after arriving home, since fatigue and hunger are one of the reasons for overeating.

Treatment for overeating

Identifying eating disorders is quite difficult, since shame, denial and secrecy are true companions of these diseases, so the disease can remain undetected for a long time. The disorder is only recognized when a person seeks help for weight loss or wants to get rid of health problems caused by obesity.

There are no studies that diagnose overeating. If this disorder is suspected, the doctor examines the patient's history and prescribes a series of examinations and tests to rule out physical pathologies. If, as a result of these manipulations, no physical illness is identified, the specialist refers the person to a psychologist who can diagnose and treat symptoms of overeating.

If you cannot cope with the disease on your own, you can consult a doctor who will prescribe medications, reducing appetite.

Overeating problem in children

The culprits of eating disorders in children are almost always parents, who at all costs strive to feed the child, even when he does not want to eat at all. After overeating, the baby’s stomach stretches and can accommodate much more food than the child’s body needs.

In addition, adults come up with various distracting maneuvers, for example, feeding the child while playing or watching cartoons, which absolutely should not be done. With this approach, the process of food consumption becomes uncontrollable and automatic, and the baby develops bad habit snack while reading a book or watching TV, and all together this leads to obesity.

The negative consequences of overeating are obvious, but it is worth noting that not only regular consumption of large amounts of food, but also one-time holiday overeating can lead to them. You should go on a visit not with the goal of trying all the dishes on the table, but to chat with friends or relatives. It must be remembered that even single excesses of the permissible amount of food are fraught with serious health problems.

Overeating is a serious condition characterized by uncontrolled consumption of food and resulting weight gain.


  1. Paroxysmal - wolfish hunger
  2. Constant appetite
  3. Insatiable appetite that comes only when eating
  4. in combination with daytime anorexia

Causes of overeating

Often the reason for this state of affairs lies not in impaired metabolism, but in the area of ​​the psyche. It's about about the so-called bulimia nervosa. Two types of people are especially susceptible to this type:

  1. People are emotionally unstable, impulsive, capable of random and often inexplicable actions;
  2. Dependent on others, insecure people who, because of this, are almost constantly in a stressful situation.

It is also known that people eat not only because they feel hungry, but also because they simply love the taste of certain foods.

Main symptoms of overeating

  • weight gain
  • depression
  • insomnia (Sleep Disorder)
  • suicide

Just because you eat a lot doesn't mean you have this disorder. Experts note that people who suffer from overeating often eat very a large number of food and feel that they are starting to eat uncontrollably. People with this disorder report:

  • eat faster than usual;
  • eat until you feel discomfort;
  • eat large portions of food even when not hungry;
  • they eat alone, because they are ashamed of the amount of food they consume;
  • feel disgusted, depressed or guilty.

Binge eating disorder also occurs with another disorder called bulimia nervosa.

Treatment for overeating

Identifying eating disorders can be difficult because secrecy, shame, and denial are common features of these disorders. As a result, the disease can go undetected for a long time. In most cases, binge eating disorder is identified when a person seeks professional help for weight loss or seeks help for obesity-related health problems.

In cases where binge eating disorder is suspected, the physician begins the evaluation by reviewing the patient's complete medical history and physical examination. Although there are no tests to specifically diagnose eating disorders, your doctor may use various diagnostic tests, such as x-rays and blood tests, to rule out physical illness as the cause of your symptoms.

If no physical illness is found, he may refer the patient to a psychiatrist or psychologist who are specially trained in diagnosis and treatment mental illness. Psychiatrists or psychologists use specially designed interviews and assessment tools to determine whether a person has an eating disorder.

Overeating is an eating disorder characterized by eating too much food and not being able to stop when needed.

Causes of overeating

In modern society, regular or episodic overeating is common to almost everyone. Many people experience the consequences of this disease themselves, but do not always pay attention to them.

Common causes of excess food intake are:

  • The insensitivity of the human stomach to small changes in the amount of food due to its ability to stretch, so a feeling of fullness appears only 15-20 minutes after a meal;
  • Loss of selectivity in relation to food, that is, when choosing, people are not guided by the usefulness and nutritional value of the product, but look at its appearance, aroma, availability, ease and speed of preparation. In addition, numerous advertisements influence the human subconscious;
  • Masking the need for water (thirst) or nutrients under the feeling of hunger. This reason for overeating is due to the fact that fast food, which modern people increasingly consume, is practically devoid of vitamins, beneficial amino acids, micro- and macroelements;
  • Giving food a new meaning that differs from the true one (replenishment of energy costs). For example, a business lunch in a restaurant, when it is assumed that all guests will eat, regardless of whether they are hungry;
  • Psychological overeating. This group includes “eating” stress, bad mood or tragic events, low self-esteem and self-doubt, food as a consolation.

Symptoms of overeating

Having understood the reasons for excessive food consumption, it is necessary to find out the signs of this disorder in order to take timely measures and not lead the situation to obesity.

So, the main symptoms of overeating are as follows:

  • Weight gain or constant weight fluctuations;
  • Sleep disturbance. After overeating, it is difficult for the body to fall asleep, because digestive processes continue;
  • Malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, feeling of discomfort (increased gas formation and bloating);
  • Absorbing food at any time, even in the absence of hunger;
  • Eating more food while maintaining the same daily routine and lifestyle;
  • Uncontrolled eating, for example, while watching TV or reading. Distractions not only make it difficult to enjoy the aroma and taste of food, but also make it difficult to determine when you are full;
  • Depression resulting from the above symptoms of overeating.

Nutritionists also identify such psychological manifestations of gluttony as: the desire to eat alone, an internal feeling of guilt and dislike for oneself.

Consequences of overeating

The danger of overeating is so serious that doctors insist that you should get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger. Otherwise, metabolic disorders will not keep you waiting, which will affect the functioning of all internal organs.

The first consequences of overeating hit the heart. A person’s weight increases, and with it all organs increase, so the heart has to saturate more space with blood. Heart contractions intensify, and the muscle walls of the human “motor” thicken. As a result, hypertension and blood pressure problems occur.

The second organ that suffers after overeating is the liver. When it exceeds the amount of essential fats, it becomes their direct source. Almost all cells of the body are filled with fat. This seriously affects not only the liver and heart, but also the intestines - the entire intestinal tract suffers. Cases of diseases such as cholecystitis, gastritis, colitis and chronic pancreatitis are becoming more frequent.

Another consequence of overeating is a disruption of the hormonal cycle due to thyroxine deficiency. Women have problems with menstruation, and this threatens infertility. In men, erectile dysfunction occurs.

It is also worth noting that excess weight puts additional stress on the spine and joints, which wear out ahead of time.

How to avoid overeating

You can cope with overeating on your own, but you need to constantly monitor your food intake. Basic rules to follow:

  • Eat on time, concentrate on food and not be distracted;
  • Stop all snacking and eat your fill at main meals;
  • Always eat while sitting, as this helps to stick to the routine and not be distracted during the meal;
  • Do not turn food into a reward or stimulant; you can find other ways to do this;
  • Try not to eat in the first 15 minutes after arriving home, since fatigue and hunger are one of the reasons for overeating.

Treatment for overeating

Identifying eating disorders is quite difficult, since shame, denial and secrecy are true companions of these diseases, so the disease can remain undetected for a long time. The disorder is only recognized when a person seeks help for weight loss or wants to get rid of health problems caused by obesity.

There are no studies that diagnose overeating. If this disorder is suspected, the doctor examines the patient's history and prescribes a series of examinations and tests to rule out physical pathologies. If, as a result of these manipulations, no physical illness is identified, the specialist refers the person to a psychologist who can diagnose and treat symptoms of overeating.

If you cannot cope with the disease on your own, you can consult a doctor who will prescribe medications that reduce your appetite.

Overeating problem in children

The culprits of eating disorders in children are almost always parents, who at all costs strive to feed the child, even when he does not want to eat at all. After overeating, the baby’s stomach stretches and can accommodate much more food than the child’s body needs.

In addition, adults come up with various distracting maneuvers, for example, feeding the child while playing or watching cartoons, which absolutely should not be done. With this approach, the process of food consumption becomes uncontrollable and automatic, the baby develops a bad habit of snacking while reading a book or watching TV, and all together this leads to obesity.

The negative consequences of overeating are obvious, but it is worth noting that not only regular consumption of large amounts of food, but also one-time holiday overeating can lead to them. You should go on a visit not with the goal of trying all the dishes on the table, but to chat with friends or relatives. It must be remembered that even single excesses of the permissible amount of food are fraught with serious health problems.

Overeating is familiar to every person - large consumption of food is typical at festive feasts, when there are dozens of dishes, and you want to try everything. But some are not only familiar with this phenomenon, but do it systematically. Binge eating- This is an eating disorder in which there is a large amount of food eaten and the inability to stop. The reasons for this phenomenon and how to deal with it will be discussed further.

The causes and consequences of overeating vary in children and adults. The cause of overeating can be influenced by various factors - it could be minor stress and even changes in the brain. These reasons determine how firmly overeating becomes a part of your life. In order not to deal with the consequences of overeating, do not allow this situation to happen. Try everything at feasts, but don’t eat a whole portion of each dish. Stop in time to avoid developing a food addiction. Otherwise, gluttony will provoke irreversible consequences that will significantly spoil the comfort of life.

Every day an adult has to decide something, choose something, undertake something, give something up, so he is vulnerable to many attachments. Including the habit of eating tasty and plentiful meals.

What are the physiological causes of excessive food consumption?

  • Saturation signal delay. Due to this feature of the stomach, the signal to the brain about saturation arrives after 15-20 minutes. Therefore, you need to finish your meal with a slight feeling of hunger.
  • False feeling of hunger. The hunger signal is sent when you are simply thirsty or there is a deficiency of vitamins and nutrients in the body.
  • If you are suffering, then you should definitely see a doctor.
  • Problems in the functioning of the endocrine glands. The hypothalamus, which is responsible for appetite, may malfunction and a person does not feel the brakes while eating.
  • Food addiction. Eating sweet, salty or fatty foods is addictive, akin to a drug. But this theory has not been proven.

Socio-cultural reasons:

  • Changes in food choices. Now many people choose products not according to their usefulness and nutritional value, but according to appearance, aroma, availability, both in price and speed of preparation, as well as guided by advertising appeals.
  • Bad habit. Sometimes gluttony happens family tradition– food is elevated to the rank of vital values.
  • Internal installations. A person motivates himself to eat more so as not to offend the hostess while visiting, or ordinary greed forces him to do this.
  • Restrictions on food intake. You can overeat if you have been on a diet for a long time or have not eaten properly due to lack of funds.
  • Fast pace of life. Lack of time forces you to eat on the run during the day, but in the evening you have to overeat.

Psychological overeating and its causes:

  • Diffidence. A person with low self-esteem is used to “eating” his problems.
  • I don't like my body. If you don’t like your own figure, you may give up and not want to change anything.
  • Loneliness. An unsettled personal life pushes you to seek pleasure in food.
  • Depression. She fixates a person so much on her condition that you may not even notice how you overeat.
  • Negative emotions. Stress, anxiety or fear is always alleviated by something tasty.
  • Encouragement. Sometimes a person rewards himself with goodies for a good deed or deed.

Problems of psychological overeating are treated by a psychologist. If the psychological problem disappears, the habit of “eating everything” will also disappear.

Causes in children

The main reason for children is their parents, who strive to feed the baby even when he is not hungry. Constant overeating leads to stretching of the child’s stomach, and then it can accommodate more food than the baby needs.

Important! To feed the child, parents come up with distractions in the form of games or watching cartoons, but this is absolutely forbidden. In this case, feeding becomes uncontrolled and automatic, the child develops the habit of snacking while watching TV or reading a book, and this is a direct path to obesity.

Symptoms of overeating

Overeating can be one-time or permanent. If uncontrolled food consumption occurs occasionally during holidays, then its signs appear immediately. When gluttony occurs daily, there are no symptoms, but this is noticeable by the blurred figure.

Symptoms of overeating in adults are as follows:

  • Heaviness in the stomach, discomfort, difficulty breathing.
  • Pain in the stomach area. It can happen both with a one-time overeating, and with its transition to a chronic state.
  • Weight gain or periodic fluctuations.
  • Insomnia. It is difficult to sleep with a full stomach as the digestion process continues.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract, discomfort in the form of increased gas formation and bloating.
  • Eating a large amount of food while maintaining the same lifestyle and daily routine.
  • Uncontrolled eating while watching TV or reading. This distracts from determining the moment of saturation.
  • Depressive state from all signs of overeating.

Pain and heaviness in the stomach do not go away on their own, even after taking painkillers. In this case, you should seek help from a doctor.

Compulsive overeating

Constant overeating is called compulsive overeating.. This condition manifests itself after prolonged diets, depression, various complexes and psychological trauma.

Symptoms of compulsive overeating disorder are:

  • Eating food when sadness, depression, boredom, loneliness and the like strike.
  • Eating a dish even without feeling hungry.
  • Breaks between meals are less than two hours with plenty of food saved.
  • Uncontrolled intake and large amounts of food, lack of brakes.
  • Violation of diet during the day.
  • Loss of a sense of moderation, eating until the stomach opens.
  • Greed for food, desire to eat it alone.

Compulsive overeating occurs due to psychological reasons. Therefore, treatment of this problem should be carried out by a psychotherapist. By eliminating the root cause, you can get rid of food addiction.

What to do when you overeat

How to deal with overeating on your own without resorting to medications? It is necessary to carry out some measures that have been proven over the years:

  • If your condition allows you to move, you need to walk. The activity of the body provokes an acceleration of metabolic processes. If you don’t have the strength to walk, then you need to lie down for a while and then take a walk.
  • You can help your stomach work with heat. To do this, place a heating pad or a bottle of warm water on the stomach area. Warm the stomach for at least 15-20 minutes.
  • Limit yourself in further consumption of food and drink, especially. You can drink plain water or tea with lemon or mint.
  • Can be chewed chewing gum, it provokes an acceleration of digestive processes.

After restoring the body, you need to switch to light and low-calorie foods; eating fatty foods is prohibited. You should never go hungry, because your body will be stressed. This help helps a lot if overeating does not happen often. If gluttony is at the last stage, and the reasons lie in the emotional sphere, then you cannot do without the help of a psychotherapist.

The following methods are used in therapy:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy. There are problems in thinking that lead to uncontrolled eating. The patient himself must realize his problems.
  • Interpersonal therapy. Treatment is aimed at improving relationships with loved ones. A good relationship with others they get rid of unhealthy addiction to food.
  • Group therapy. There is communication with people who have suffered from this addiction. Their support and understanding help cope with addiction.

Drug treatment is carried out simultaneously with psychological therapy. Drugs from different pharmacological groups may be prescribed: antidepressants, medications to reduce appetite. The prescription of drugs and the treatment regimen are chosen by the doctor.

Drug treatment

A lot of drugs are produced based on enzymes, herbal and synthetic active substances that can alleviate suffering from overeating.

The most common ones include:

  • . Made from animal or plant raw materials, it has a strong adsorbing effect, as soon as it gets into a humid environment. Available in the form of powder, capsules and tablets. Products such as Sorbex and Karbolen are also produced on its basis.
  • Sorbents - White coal, Polysorb, Enterosgel, are made on the basis of silicon. They absorb everything that the body does not need - alcohol, toxins, heavy food, everything that interferes with normal digestion.
  • Enzyme preparations – Festal, Panzinorm, Mezim. These products contain pancreatic enzymes that help absorb and break down nutrients, increasing the speed of digestive processes.

If you have a tendency to overeat, then these medications should always be on hand to save you from the unpleasant consequences of gluttony. It is recommended to take a certain drug immediately after eating.

Folk recipes

Folk remedies help get rid of heaviness in the stomach and bloating. Traditional medicine recipes have accumulated many methods to relieve the consequences of gluttony in the form of herbal decoctions and infusions, tea and herbal infusions.

The most effective of them:

  • Infusions from plants: dill and fennel seeds, chamomile, calamus, calendula and many others. Take a tablespoon of boiling water, brew for a minute and drink warm.
  • Decoctions. Made from rose hips and blueberries, blueberry leaves and chamomile. Pour a glass of boiling water over a spoon of any raw material and cook for 10-15 minutes. Drink warm in small sips.
  • Tea. Take a teaspoon each of chamomile and yarrow and pour a glass of boiling water over them. Let it brew and drink when warm.
  • Herbal tablet, choleretic. Grind dry tansy and chamomile in a blender, combine the powder with honey and finely chopped wormwood herb. Take everything one tablespoon at a time. Roll the mixture into balls and roll in honey again. You can eat the product before and after meals.

To combat overeating, you can choose not just one remedy, but several at once - this will be much more effective.

Consequences of overeating

Uncontrolled eating of food leads not only to obesity, but also to damage to the internal organs of the body.

What overeating leads to is presented as follows:

  • Heart. Heavy weight forces the heart to work hard to feed the entire huge body with blood. Heart rhythm disturbances still occur and blood circulation is disrupted. Hypertension and cardiac asthma develop, and the risk of heart attack increases.
  • The liver is saturated with fats. Oversaturation of the organ leads to the fact that fats are transferred to other organs: intestines, heart, blood vessels. This causes diseases such as pancreatitis, cholecystitis, colitis, and gastritis.
  • Hormonal disbalance. People of both sexes who are obese become infertile. In women it is disrupted menstrual cycle, and in men potency.
  • Effervescent tablets