What does a pregnant mermaid look like? Pregnant mermaid

In various fairy tales different countries In the world, mermaids are described as girls who live in the water. Somewhere it is said that they have a tail instead of legs, and somewhere - that they look like ordinary person. Some stories say that these are terrible, vile creatures that are absolutely not like people, only the image resembles human features.

Mermaids from Russian folklore

In Russian fairy tales and stories, for example by Gogol, mermaids are described as the souls of drowned girls. They are beautiful, they have shiny transparent skin, luxurious hair. How do mermaids give birth to children if they are ghosts without a corporeal shell?

In all Russian legends you can read that mermaids replenish their ranks by luring beauties into the water, who on the night of Ivan Kupala send wreaths of flowers down the river. The drowned women begin to tell them how good life is under water, there are no sorrows or sorrows. After the girl agrees to their persuasion, the mermaids let her hair down, comb it and take her with them to the bottom. That is why in Rus' girls were strictly punished not to go to the river alone at night, fearing that the souls of the dead would take someone with them.

Also in Russian folklore there is a belief that after the holiday of the Holy Trinity comes the week of mermaids. On these days and nights, the drowned women play in the fields and dance in circles. And if they see a man, they grab him, start tickling and torturing him, and then drag him into the water so that he can serve them later. In these fairy tales, the question of how mermaids give birth is not even raised, because these are no longer living girls, but insidious ghosts who are unable to reproduce.

Mermaids from the Disney cartoon

All girls like the famous cartoon about the beautiful Ariel, a mermaid who fell in love with a man. A sorceress living in the kingdom of Triton, Ariel's father, gave her a potion that could turn her tail into legs, and in return took her voice. In this cartoon, mermaids have children - little mermaids. How do mermaids give birth if they don't have legs? Perhaps they reproduce like fish, laying eggs, after which they take care of them and wait for the baby to emerge from the eggs?

Tales of experienced sailors

Many sailors who go to sea for a long time love to talk about how they managed to see a real mermaid. Some say that it was a girl of indescribable beauty who sang sweetly while sitting on a stone, or even climbed onto a ship. Others argue with them that the girl was not beautiful, and it was not a girl at all, but a terrible monster who was howling something. How mermaids give birth - stories about this can also be learned from sailors. There were cases when a sailor who had disappeared from a ship or a fisherman who had not returned from fishing was found. They said that they were taken away by a mermaid. According to them, one could understand that this is how evil spirits multiply, because no one has ever seen a male mermaid.

Children know how mermaids give birth

If you ask a child how new little mermaids are born, most of them will answer that they are created from sea ​​foam. According to other children's versions, pearls that grow in shells turn into mermaids. There is another option: when a mermaid eats starfish and jellyfish, a baby begins to grow in her tail. When the time comes for childbirth, the mermaid simply sheds her tail, from which the baby emerges, and after a few days the mother grows a new and more beautiful tail. When asked how mermaids give birth, children always have interesting answers. After all, they don’t even think about the fact that a mermaid is a ghost or a dead woman who cannot have children. Also, children do not find it strange that a mermaid can give birth without legs. And in general, a child will answer the strangest question that an adult cannot answer. Children just believe in miracles and the impossible.

We all have an idea who mermaids are. This mythical image, rooted in the pagan era, is today perceived by most people as fabulous. We can talk endlessly about mermaids. These amazing creatures with the body of a girl and the tail of a fish are mysterious and attractive. But how do mermaids give birth? This is a question of questions that, at first glance, is striking in its childishness.

Let's try to find the answer to it in general Slavic mythology.

origin of name

The image of a mermaid (as a spirit girl living by the water) is found in the myths of many peoples of the world; it was also among our ancestors. However, in Slavic mythology, which has always revered feminine of the universe, this image has become widespread.

There are many versions about the origin of the word “mermaid”. Scientists associate it with the Slavic word “bed” and the names of some rivers.

The Ukrainian language has preserved for us their designation with the word “Mavka”; in the Belarusian language, living mermaids were called “kupalka”.

Meaning of the image

Monuments of ancient Russian folklore tell us about the mermaid as a negative spiritual force. Mermaids can bring a lot of evil to a person, we find evidence of this in scientific works D.K. Zelenin, who considered these creatures as the embodiment of the souls of women who died unnatural deaths, most often unfortunate drowned women.

For the first time, these performances were recorded in Ukrainian folklore (it was not for nothing that Nikolai Gogol, based on oral traditions, wrote his famous “May Night,” dedicated to the fate of a drowned woman). In the same Ukrainian folklore, there is an idea that the spirit of water - the merman - can kidnap girls or women near rivers and take them to his kingdom, turning them into mermaids.

But most often, all sources agree that such creatures are the restless souls of people who committed suicide. They roam the earth awaiting the second coming of Christ.

Appearance of mermaids

Describes mermaids most often as beautiful girls with long flowing hair, walking naked. To hide their shame, mermaids try to steal at least some clothes from people, therefore, according to popular beliefs, they can steal sundresses or pieces of canvas from girls and women who go to bed without praying or crossing themselves.

At the same time, the question of how mermaids give birth did not arise in Slavic mythology, because mermaids were represented with ordinary legs. By definition, they could not give birth, since they were no longer people of flesh and blood.

In general, in folk mythology, mermaids did not have a tail. The mermaid's tail is a feature that most likely appeared thanks to poets and storytellers. Therefore, in folk beliefs there is practically no mention of the fact that the mermaid has no legs, but it is often said that mermaids walk with bare hair (which was unacceptable for girls and women in those distant times).

IN AND. Dahl even recorded a proverb in which an unkempt girl was reproached and threatened with the fate of a mermaid.

How do mermaids give birth? A question relevant to our contemporaries

IN modern world under influence literary works ideas about mermaids have changed. The fairy tales of G.Kh. played a significant role in this. Andersen.

It was in his fairy tale “The Little Mermaid” that the mermaid’s tail played a very important role. Since then they began to be depicted as tailed. Even in popular cartoons, all mermaids have a very cute green fish tail.

Of course, having such a feature, it is unlikely that it will be possible to give birth to children from the beloved prince. But Anderson's little mermaid is already a fairy-tale character, she is kind and pretty, endowed with human soul. Mermaids from Slavic folklore are themselves evil creatures, they are deprived of the usual human body, are servants of the evil merman and strive to drown people themselves when they fall into the water.

Therefore, only modern children can be tormented by the question of how mermaids give birth. Our distant ancestors of mermaids were afraid and wary of meeting them. We consider this image as fairy-tale, but the children of today's world believe that mermaids are kind and beautiful water fairies who swim in the ocean and are waiting to meet earthly princes.

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