Karmic healing with the help of the rulers of karma. Who are the Lords of Karma and why do they help get rid of karmic debts and cleanse our Karma? Meditation karmic healing with the help of the lords of karma

1. Ask permission to talk to the Lords of Karma - you will feel their presence.
2. Ask for the karmic release you wish to receive.
3. You will receive a "yes" or "no" answer.
4. If the answer is yes, ask for an exemption:

May it be healing
Will pass through all levels and all bodies,
Through all my lives, including this life,
Let all harm (brought by connections or situations) be removed,
And let healing come today - in NOW!
If the answer is positive again, the process is completed.

5. If the answer is no, ask what you need to do to achieve release. Wait for the answer to arrive. If you are given information about a past life that you do not fully understand or do not understand at all, ask for clarification of what you saw. At this stage, you may receive either a positive or negative answer. If the answer is yes, do the same as in point 4. If the answer is no, ask again what you need to know in order to free yourself from this. When you get the go-ahead to clear the obstacle, return to the original question. Chances are you'll get a "yes" this time. Do the same as in point 4.

6. After receiving the answer “no” in step 4, repeat the questions requiring “yes-no” answers at each stage. Every time you receive a negative answer, do what is written in point 5.

7. You can ask as many times as you like and for anything. But your requests should be simple and expressed each separately.

8. Use this process for the four categories of karmic healing:

  • a) for healing from illness or correction of physical condition;
  • b) to heal conflictual relationships;
  • c) to get rid of negative character traits and bad habits;
  • d) to correct negative life situations.

9. Treat these Beings with great respect. Never argue with them and don't forget to thank them.

Energy balancing process

Part i. Initial process


  • a) Matrix Ka;
  • b) Etheric Matrix;
  • c) Ketheric Matrix;
  • d) Heavenly Matrix;
  • d) Matrix I-Am.

Do this in order. Move on to the next request after finishing the previous one.

4. Ask for your twelve-strand DNA to be restored, healed and activated.

5. Ask for the healing of the central soul to be completed.

6. Optional process (see Chapter 11).

7. Ask for your Higher I come to you and then:

  • a) ask his name;
  • b) ask him for a gift;
  • c) listen to his request for a return gift;
  • d) ask that it stay with you always.

8. Ask for your Higher I Hara lines.

9. Ask for your Higher I

10. Ask that the process just completed be made permanent.

11. Return to today.

Part ii. Essential I

Attention: Before moving on to the next stage, completely complete the previous one. Each stage takes about five minutes.

1. Ask permission to speak with the Lords of Karma.

2. Ask them to line up your energy bodies and adjust contacts between them.

3. Ask to clear, heal, activate and open:

  • a) Matrix Ka;
  • b) Etheric Matrix;
  • c) Ketheric Matrix;
  • d) Heavenly Matrix;
  • d) Matrix I-Am.

4. Ask to restore, heal and activate your Silver Thread.

5. Ask for your Higher I come to you.

6. Ask for your Higher I cleanse, line up, open, activate and fill the channels and chakras Hara lines.

7. Ask for your Higher I cleanse, line up, open, activate and fill the Kundalini channels and chakras.

8. Ask to clear, heal, align, open and activate the three Galactic Matrices.

9. Ask to clear, heal, align, open and activate the five Galactic Chakras.

10. Ask for your Essence I/Star I appear and merge with your Supreme I.

11. Talk to him a little and ask him to connect with you forever.

12. Return to today, but continue to lie down for at least two hours.

Part iii. Divine I

1. Repeat the first ten steps from Part ii.

2. Ask to clear, heal, align, open and activate the three Matrices of the causal body.

3. Ask to clear, heal, align, open and activate the five chakras of the causal body.

4. Ask for your Divine I/Oversoul to come and merge with your Supreme I and Essential I.

5. Ask his name, talk to him.

6. Ask for your Divine I stay with you forever (the process may last several days).

7. Invite your Goddess to come into you and merge with your Divine I, and also connect your energy with the energy of all your bodies. Talk to her, ask her name.

8. Ask that the process just completed be made permanent.

9. Return to today, but continue to lie down for at least two hours.

based on materials from the book:

Diana Stein - "Karmic Healing"

1. Feeling peace , start having a conversation with the Lords (or Angels) of Karma. Ask them for permission to talk to them. You feel their presence , although this presence is perceived differently by different people. You feel they are almost invisible presence e or visually , or in the form sound And bodily sensation . Perhaps an outline of human figures will appear before your mind's eye, or perhaps you will clearly see the entire group. Usually one of the Overlords acts on behalf of the entire group, having separated from it. Some visual images are symbolic - sometimes Lords of Karma appear before you as Sveta or colors. Perhaps you will guess their presence, hearing the words like:" We have appeared " or " Ask " Personally, I (ie Diana Stein) usually recognize the appearance of these Creatures by sounds. I hear them talking to me. You may feel their presence the way you feel the presence of another person. Perhaps you have some feeling will arise in one of the parts la. Tingling, tingling, “chill on the skin” all this may also foreshadow the appearance of the Lords of Karma. You may simply be “aware” of their presence. It seems to me that the awareness that the Lords of Karma are nearby is quite enough. If you encounter difficulties in calling upon the Lords of Karma , use the pendulum. Ask the pendulum if you have been able to contact the Lords of Karma, and, having received a positive answer, ask the Lords of Karma if they wish to communicate with you in this way. Most likely they will agree. Treat these Beings with great respect respect - after all, they guide your karma throughout many lives.

2.Ask for the karmic release you want to receive (state your question). Feeling their presence- any confirmation that the Lords of Karma are nearby, - ask them for karmic release. If your basic desire is healing from physical illness, you can ask for it right away. But most often you will get a refusal, because . at the beginning must be all emotional and mental components are healed accompanying or leading to such a physical condition. If you you know about these components, ask them to healed first. These are usually the factors that seriously interfere with your life, - relationships with loved ones are one of them . You can ask as many questions as you like , so work carefully and methodically. Best leave the most serious problem (especially if it is an illness) until the end of the session.

You can ask about any number of karmic healings , but you should always finish with one question before moving on to another. This is very important point.

Yours questions should be formulated as much as possible simpler - so that they could be answered “yes” or “no.” If you are used to working with pendulum, then you should know what types of questions you can ask. If you express a request to heal you from cancer, alcohol addiction and fix your family relationships in one fell swoop, you can hardly count on an intelligible answer. Some answers may be positive, others negative, and others may hint at the need for further work, but for you they are all will get confused. If you first ask to be healed of alcohol addiction and do all the work necessary for this, then you can move on to another request. Each question must be formulated separately - then success is guaranteed. . Also do not forget about the need carefully wording questions . You can ask for healing in your relationship with your partner, but you cannot ask for his character to improve. If your request is rejected, try to formulate it differently. Typically questions related to the situation as a whole, much more efficient than those that break the problem into parts. For example, it is better to ask heal the karma of your relationship with your life partner, than to ask for correction of individual details, which usually lead to conflicts.

· After that like relationships worked out, ask that were clarified all their sides

· If you wish heal from physical illness, the wording of the question should be as follows : « Can I get karmic liberation from my cancer?”, “Can I be healed from my pathological absent-mindedness?”, “Will you grant me karmic liberation from depression?”, “Will you free me from the smoking habit?”

Always formulate questions simply and clearly . If you want to get rid of some character trait, you can use similar wording.

Ask for “complete relief from fear of water” or say so : “Can you grant me freedom from poverty?” or “Can you provide me with the most suitable job?” I often ask questions about healing my current relationship it doesn’t matter whether a conflict is brewing or not. This always protects against problems in the future. In this case, I give the following formulation: “ I ask for complete karmic healing of my relationship with ..." This formula can be applied to almost any relationship, whether it is a child, parents or business partners.

When you ask for relationship healing, you are talking about clearing away any heavy karma related to all aspects of your relationship. Later you can ask for healing situations from past lives, in which the person you are interested in participated Human. You can also ask for healing in a relationship with a deceased person or with someone you don't know now but with whom you had heavy karma in the distant past. Having come into contact with the Lords of Karma, you can sometimes ask them (if you feel it is appropriate) to help you carry out « complete karmic break" with this or that person. This can only apply to those people who have caused you great pain or harm (in this life_. This should be asked only in extreme cases (when it comes to rape or incest). Put it this way," I ask you for complete karmic cleansing and a complete karmic break with such and such a person ”, but first you must ask the Lords of Karma whether such a break is appropriate. If the Lords of Karma approve of your decision, then feel free to contact them with a request. The same can be done in relation to people who caused you severe trauma in past lives. (when showing past lives). Such trauma can carry over into the present and create an unfavorable karmic pattern.

After making a request, wait for a response .(always very the wording of the question is important- asking your question differently, you can get different answer ).

3. You will receive a “yes” or “NO” answer.( Somehow you will know what's the answer positive or negative . Perhaps you will hear words or perceive visual signal. It seems to one woman that the clothes of the Lords of Karma turn white when the answer is “YES” and remain black if the answer is “no.” Another person sees the sun coming out from behind the clouds in case of an affirmative answer, or it begins to rain, symbolizing refusal. For some people, a green or red traffic light (for a positive and negative answer, respectively) or a rainbow in case of agreement, and nothing in case of refusal. Sometimes the image remains unclear – then tell the Lords of Karma, that you do not understand and ask for a different answer . I know a woman who perceived “yes” as a feeling of warmth spreading in the area of ​​​​the heart, and “ No "like a feeling discomfort in the abdominal area.

When the Lords of Karma believe that a given question can open a new chapter in your life, they respond to you with dancing, drumming or fanfare. In case positive answer necessary direct healing to every area of ​​your current and past life. Only this can be the key to complete healing. Keeping in mind the importance of asking questions, make sure that no area of ​​your life is left in the shadows. Clarification relationships in the present is of great importance, but this not enough if the problem arose in one of the previous lives.

"Resolution" of the problem is also cannot be considered complete if it has not manifested itself on the earthly plane. Karmic healing and liberation must pass through all body-auras and energy levels. Otherwise, healing or its manifestation (manifestation on the earthly plane) cannot be considered complete. For manifestation to happen , necessary apply a time-tested formula.

4.After that how they will answer you "Yes" on your request , ask for release by saying :

« May it be healing

Use this process for four categories of karmic healing:

- for healing from illnesses or correcting physical condition;

- to heal conflictual relationships;

- to get rid of negative character traits and bad habits;

- to correct negative life situations.

The process of karmic liberation with the Lords of Karma is simple and at the same time profound.

Use it wisely and great changes will come in your life.

The process of releasing karma - meditation:

Sit back, calm your mind, and take a few deep breaths. Work in a place where you will not be disturbed, and preferably alone. This is a self-healing process. You don't need anyone else.

When you are completely calm and feel that the time has come, ask the Lords of Karma for permission to talk to them.

You will feel their presence, although this presence is perceived differently by different people. Perhaps an outline of human figures will appear before your mind's eye, or perhaps you will clearly see the entire group. Usually one of the Overlords acts on behalf of the entire group, having separated from it. Some visual images are symbolic - sometimes the Lords of Karma appear before you in the form of light or color. You may be able to guess their presence by hearing words like “We have come” or “Ask.”

Sometimes, the awareness that the Lords of Karma are nearby is quite enough.

Feeling their presence - any confirmation that the Lords of Karma are nearby - ask them for karmic release.

If your primary desire is to be healed from a physical illness, you can ask for it right away. But most often you will receive a refusal, since first all the emotional and mental components that accompany or lead to such a physical condition must be healed.

If you are aware of these components, ask for them to be healed first. Usually these are the factors that seriously interfere with your life - relationships with loved ones are one of them. You can ask as many questions as you like, so work carefully and methodically. It is best to leave the most serious problem (especially if it is an illness) for the end of the session.

You can ask for any number of karmic healings, but you should always end one issue before moving on to another. This is a very important point!

Your questions should be formulated as simply as possible - so that they can be answered “yes” or “no”.

If you express a request to heal you from cancer, alcohol addiction and improve your family relationships in one fell swoop, you can hardly count on an intelligible answer. Some answers may be positive, some negative, and some may hint at the need for further work, but they will all be confused for you. If you first ask to be healed of alcohol addiction and do all the necessary work in order to get rid of alcohol addiction, then you can move on to another request.

Each question must be formulated separately - then success is guaranteed.

Also remember to carefully word your questions. You can ask for healing in your relationship with your partner, but you cannot ask for his character to improve. If your request is rejected, try wording it differently. Generally, questions that relate to the situation as a whole are much more effective than those that break the problem down into parts.

For example, it is better to ask to heal the karma of your relationship with your life partner than to ask for the correction of individual details that usually lead to conflicts.

Once the relationship has been worked through, ask that all aspects of it be clarified.

Remember: when you ask for the release of karma, healing only happens to you, but not to another person (of course, unless that person asks for it themselves).

You cannot heal anyone's karma but your own, otherwise you risk flagrantly violating the rules of universal ethics.

✔If you want to be healed from a physical illness, the wording of the question should be as follows:

- “Can I receive karmic liberation from my cancer?”,

- “Can I be cured of my pathological absent-mindedness?”, “

- “Will you grant me karmic liberation from depression?”,

- “Will you free me from the habit of smoking?”

Always formulate questions simply and clearly. If you want to get rid of some character trait, you can use similar formulations.

Ask for “complete relief from fear of water” or say this:

- “Can you grant me liberation from poverty?” or

- “Can you provide me with the most suitable job?”

Ask questions about healing in your current relationships, whether conflict is brewing or not. This always protects against problems in the future. You can use the following wording:

- “I ask for complete karmic healing of my relationship with...”

This formula can be applied to almost any relationship, whether we are talking about a child, a lover, parents or a boss.

When you ask for relationship healing, you are talking about clearing away any heavy karma related to all aspects of your relationship. Later, you can ask for healing of past life situations involving the person you are interested in.

You can also ask for healing in a relationship with a deceased person or with someone you don't know now but with whom you had heavy karma in the distant past.

Having come into contact with the Lords of Karma, you can sometimes ask them (if you feel it is appropriate) to help you make a “complete karmic break” with this or that person. This can only apply to those people who have caused you great pain or harm. This should be asked only in extreme cases (when it comes to rape or incest).

Express it this way: “I ask you for complete karmic cleansing and a complete karmic break with such and such a person.”

But first you must ask the Lords of Karma whether such a break is appropriate. If the Lords of Karma approve of your decision, then feel free to contact them with a request. The same can be done in relation to people who caused you severe trauma in past lives. Such trauma can carry over into the present and create an unfavorable karmic pattern.

Having made a request, wait for a response. Somehow you will know that the answer is yes or no. You may hear words or perceive a visual signal. One woman thinks that the robes of the Lords of Karma turn white when the answer is “yes” and remain black if the answer is “no”. Another person sees the sun come out from behind the clouds in case of an affirmative answer, or it begins to rain, symbolizing refusal. For some people, a green or red traffic light (for a positive or negative answer, respectively) or a rainbow in case of agreement, and nothing in case of refusal.

Sometimes the image remains unclear - then tell the Lords of Karma that you do not understand and ask for a different answer. Sometimes people perceive “yes” as a feeling of warmth spreading in the heart area, and “no” as a feeling of discomfort in the abdominal area.

When the Lords of Karma believe that a given question can open a new chapter in your life, they respond to you with dancing, drumming or fanfare.

If the answer is yes, you need to direct healing to every area of ​​your current and past life. Only this can be the key to complete healing. Keeping in mind the importance of language, make sure that no area of ​​your life is left in the shadows. Clarifying relationships in the present is of great importance, but it is not enough if the problem arose in one of the previous lives.

Karmic healing and liberation must pass through all aura-bodies and energy levels. Otherwise, the healing or its manifestation cannot be considered complete.

Why do some “resolutions” manifest immediately, while others seem not to manifest at all? The reason lies in the wording. The problem is always in the mental body and the crystalline grid of the mind, where the whole concept of the world game arises. With practice, the exact words will begin to come to you on their own, but I have developed a formula that is protected from all sorts of underwater reefs and pitfalls. This formula is time-tested.

After they answer “yes” to your request, say:

"Let this be healing

Will pass through all levels and all bodies,

Through all my lives, including this life,

Let all harm (brought by connections or situations) be removed,

And may healing come today - in NOW!”

Wait for a response again.

If it is positive, release has occurred. Thank the Lords of Karma and return to reality or move on to your next request.

If the answer to your initial question is negative, then you can try a different tactic. Refusal may mean that you should first heal from something else and only then move on to this issue.

You should not give up what you have planned, and, moreover, you should not enter into an argument with the Lords of Karma. Try to simply determine what exactly is preventing a positive decision.

Ask, “What do I need to do to receive healing?”

Wait for a response.

They may tell you that certain things must be done first, and show you scenes from past lives, or simply tell you that healing is not possible at this time. But most often you will be shown critical situations from your past (sometimes from past lives, and sometimes from this life).

Perhaps you will understand the meaning of the scene, or perhaps the picture will seem mysterious to you. Usually the answer is given in the form of a visual image. Ask for “total karmic release” from a past or present life situation that has been shown to you, whether you fully understand it or not. If you do not understand the situation, tell the Lords of Karma that you wish to understand it. Perhaps they will show you additional pictures (or maybe not).

If you are refused, delve into your past lives - perhaps you will find the answer there.

If you keep getting the answer “no,” leave the question for later. After you perform other healings or change the wording, your question will be looked at differently. Sometimes the interference is in other places. By cleaning them, you will be convinced that the interference has disappeared. You may not even be aware of this interference. Continue questioning the Lords of Karma, repeating the question to which the answer was negative. Remember also that some things may be karma that cannot be released in this life or in the next.

Important! Usually, only a few sincere questions are met with an insurmountable “no.”

Sometimes the Lords of Karma, instead of showing your past lives where you should find a hindrance, direct your attention to another problem. When one woman asked for healing for her liver disease, she was told that she must learn to love herself. Another woman with cancer was asked to leave her lover who frequently abused her. A woman who wished to be cured of a disease that threatened her life heard in response: “Do you really want to live?” She was forced to admit that she did not know this herself, and then she was advised to take up meditation and repeat the question only after she knew her true desire. One woman was told that she had a healing gift and that she would receive consent if she agreed to develop her abilities.

Sometimes people hear these words: “We will heal this, but not now.” The time at which to wait for release is not always mentioned. I know people who stopped turning to the Lords of Karma, but the promised liberation always came at the right time.

This refers to the most subtle sensations when the molecules of the whole organism are rearranged.

Sometimes, without feeling anything, you still realize that the situation has changed.

Most cases of karmic release occur instantly, but some of them last from several days to several months. One woman asked for help to learn how to competently understand the financial problems of her family. She was given consent, and the Lords of Karma celebrated this event with trumpets, fanfare and dancing. But at the same time she was informed that changes would not come immediately - she would have to wait six months. She asked why. And I received the answer that the karma of other people is involved here. The information turned out to be accurate, and exactly six months later the long-awaited changes occurred - the woman received karmic liberation. Sometimes, after a positive answer, it seems that liberation never came. If the answer was yes, release will happen exactly when it is needed.

Such changes in karma affect very deep levels. They even influence your DNA and how your DNA is passed on to your descendants.

Changes also affect your astrological chart.

✔Important! You cannot get liberation from what you don't talk about. If you really want to free yourself, free yourself.

We were promised deliverance from karma in this life. This promise makes everything possible. By healing their personal karma, people also heal the karma of the Earth. Use the process often.

Based on materials from the book “Karmic Healing” by Diana Stein

(Healing the past, present and future with the help of the Lords of Karma)

Lords of Karma - this is the highest level of Essence from the Divine Plan. They are representatives of the evolution of Angels. In the Plans of the ABSOLUTE, they are assigned to work on tracking and settling the Karma of both individual people and all of Humanity, and other Human Civilizations in the Cosmos.

The Lords of Karma have the right to regulate the Karma of Man.Man himself can only prepare the ground for this - consciously remove negative qualities and thought forms from himself, regulate his relationships with other people.

The Lords of Karma, in the process of settling people's Karma, strictly adhere to the Cosmic Laws of Karma and Justice, therefore Man should not blame Fate. Everything that happens, good or bad, to a Man is only a legitimate consequence of the causes that Man himself created.

The Lords of Karma carefully select the birth conditions of each Person,so that Man himself and his Soul can best enhance their spirituality. It is to them that the Human Soul turns before being reborn on dense Earth from the subtle worlds. The soul shows its karmic problems and asks to find a family in which it could work off its karmic debts through illness or circumstances. At the same time, the Soul must develop further and further.

Man is part of planet Earth, because our bodies are inextricably linked. This connection is not only at the level of physical bodies, it also applies to our more subtle manifestations: energies, emotions, thoughts. Man and the planet have a constant energy exchange. The Earth is also a developing system of living organisms (collections of lives). She, like everything in the Universe, has consciousness and karma. And the karma of the planet is closely intertwined with the personal karma of each of its inhabitants.

Just as the karma of the Earth affects the karma of people, so the actions of people affect the karma of the planet. Earthquakes, floods, tsunamis - these are all manifestations of the Earth's heritage, and all of this undoubtedly affects human life. But people don’t think about what quality of energy they emit in the field of the planet and how it responds to “dark”, destructive thoughts and emotions.

A person receives the entire set of positive and negative energies of the planet at birth. The Earth's karma is registered in a Man and he carries it throughout his life.

Healing planet Earth is of particular importance.Our Planet is now saturated with human negativity, is definitely sick and has approached the limit leading to its complete destruction. In this case, Humanity of the Earth may be left without its big home. I don’t even want to discuss the consequences of such a global catastrophe for the Earth and for the entire Cosmos.

There is an urgent need to cleanse the Earth of negative energies created by people and of evil thought forms that violate the information fields of Humanity on Earth.

The Lords of Karma decided to speed up the ability of people to work out Karma,since the Karma of the Earth consists of the karma of individual people.This is a radical solutionaccording to karmic settlement is of particular importance for the people of the Earth. Instead of the several lifetimes usually required to work through, Man can now prepare the settlement of his karma during the current life through awareness of cause-and-effect relationships and sincere rejection of negativity of all kinds. With a deep, very sincere refusal of a Person from negatives, the Lords of Karma agree to regulate his karma, as well as to cleanse the Earth and information fields from negative energies and thought forms created by a Person in the present and past lives. At the same time, a “life path” opens before a Man, which, in the presence of great negative karma, was blocked by unpleasant circumstances.

The Lords of Karma are interested in the speedy settlement of karma by all people who consciously strive to free themselves from their negatives. The more people settle their karma, the faster the overall karma of the Earth and its Humanity will decrease.

The article uses materials from A. Manevich’s book “Conspiracies of Health and Destiny.”