Tarot cards for work 1 card. Tarot spread “Work and finances”

Fortune telling with cards for work is a way to quickly find out about your financial situation in the near future. The deck will tell you how relationships in the team will change, possible success in business, and warn about new events or business trips. The ritual can be performed no more than once a month.

Since ancient times, people have turned to fortune telling to receive signs of fate; the sacrament suggested changes in the near future. The reliability of the forecasts depends on the correctness of the ritual.

The ability to obtain accurate information from cards increases on the following days:

  • Christian holidays (Christmas, Maslenitsa);
  • days of the week – Friday, Monday;
  • Friday 13th

Preferred place for fortune telling at work:

  • bath;
  • nature;
  • separate room - you need privacy, close the curtains.

When performing the sacrament, the mood should be positive, there should be peace and tranquility in the soul.

What you need and preparation

3 days before the fortune telling, the cards should be kept under the pillow and not given to anyone. Before the procedure, the deck is cleansed with the energy of the four elements. For cleansing you will need:

  • water;
  • salt – symbolizes the earth;
  • fire - candle and matches;
  • air - fill the bag and close it.

The cards must be held over all the elements in the specified sequence. After cleansing, place a pebble with good energy on the deck. The procedure will clear the negative, tune in positive work, will provide an accurate fortune telling result.

After cleaning, read the spell for the exact alignment, conduct a meditation session, and only then cast a spell. Formulate a question to which you want an answer and say it to yourself several times.

Aromatic candles of green or golden color (a symbol of money), quiet melodious music, and incense will help create an ambiance and a special atmosphere. A red or green tablecloth is placed on the table. Apart from accessories for fortune telling, there should be nothing else.

Step-by-step instructions for performing the ritual

There are fortune telling for standard sets (36, 52 pieces), Tarot. It is recommended to cast a spell for work using Tarot; playing cards provide less accuracy. Before performing the sacrament, you need to study and remember the description of the process.

They sit down at the table and concentrate on the questions. You need to focus as much as possible on the ritual. Cards are taken with the left hand, it is located closer to the heart.

1 card

Fortune telling for work 1 card is an easy way to find out the future, no special skills are required. Shuffle the deck and intuitively choose one. It's important to focus on important issue. The wording of the request must be correct and understandable so that there are no difficulties with decoding.

Repeated divination can be repeated no earlier than after 7 days.


Fortune telling for work, three cards are used to clarify the picture of events and study new circumstances. With the help of the sacrament it will be possible to clarify:

  • past - what events influenced the current situation;
  • present;
  • future - possible problem with monetary income, is a promotion expected?

To find out the answer to the questions, you need to draw 3 cards with your left hand.

Layout diagram

There are many layouts for work that allow you to find out the future and clarify the events of the present. Popular schemes will help you find out what to expect in the near future and will suggest changes that await you in business.

The “What to expect in the near future” layout - fortune telling will be useful in a situation when you need to make a decision about dismissal.


  1. Choose a significator - the card symbolizes the person performing the sacrament. The brunette man chooses the king of spades, and the blonde woman chooses the queen of hearts.
  2. Make up a diagram: in the center is the significator, to the left of it is 1, below is 2, to the right of it is 3, above is 4. Then place 9 parallel to 3, parallel to 4–6 and 8, next to 2–5, 7.
  3. What do the numbers in the layout mean?

“Job Search” layout

Location - first row - 1.2, second - 3.4, third - 5.6, fourth - 7.8. It turns out to be a rectangle of cards.

Meaning and Interpretation

The meanings of the drawn cards are universal and suitable for any type of fortune telling, including for work.

Peaks mean difficulties, trials along the path of life.

Clubs in fortune telling - the suit means glory, successful career, improving relationships with managers at work.

Diamonds - fortune telling will tell you about your financial condition in the near future.

Hearts - fortune telling will tell you about the state of affairs on the personal front.

How to influence your career growth and financial situation

To improve financial situation For career growth, use the rituals of white magic without cards:

  1. A conspiracy to successfully find a new place of employment. On Friday you need to go into the forest and find 2 stumps located nearby. They sit down on one stump and say: “I, (name) will sit on this stump and good job I will receive it this day.” After reading the plot, they are transplanted to another stump.
  2. Fortune telling on a banknote. To complete this you will need any banknote, a green envelope, a pen with green ink, and lavender essential oil. On the bill you need to write wishes for improved well-being, a new position, and say the text: “Now I have a business created for me.” Place in an envelope and seal. The magic item is placed under the pillow until a job is found.
  3. A ritual to improve your financial situation. To carry out you will need two candles, green and white, grease them with basil oil. At midnight the candles are lit and the spell read: “Money comes, it grows, it will find its way into my pocket.”

Rituals for career growth are performed during the waxing moon. They will act more effectively if they have strong business qualities: determination, perseverance, responsibility, self-confidence.

Fortune telling is a magical sacrament that lifts the veil of the future. You should not bewitch someone to work in bad mood, for illnesses and ailments. The procedure is not carried out in the presence of people who are skeptical about predictions and do not accept them due to religious beliefs. It takes faith in magical power cards, what was predicted will come true.

Hello. Please help me decide whether I should stay at my current job or leave. Came out: five of balls, four of denarii, seven of wands. Thanks in advance.

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Hello! Help me please!.... A very unpleasant situation at work... how should I proceed next.... stay in this team or look for a new job? Eight of Swords, Priest and Ace of Swords
Thank you in advance!!)

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Good afternoon I ask you to help me deal with the work situation. I changed jobs, but I don’t receive the promised salary. I think I need to leave. In the scenario: the past is a horseman, a knight of cups. The present is the jack of swords. The future is the queen of denarii.

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No, no need to leave. There will be a promotion, you need to work with full dedication and diligence, and you have everything for this. For now you are very critical of everything, but in the future your efforts will be rewarded

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Hello! Please tell me, I’ve been out of work for almost a year, I got a job, but the owner didn’t pay the money, I had to leave. Dropped out:
Past - Judgment, Present - Ace of Cups, Future - Strength. Please help me understand the meaning of the drawn cards.

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The situation is karmic, that is, you must definitely go through it and realize yourself in it, learn some kind of lesson. Spirituality will help a lot, and without attacks

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Good afternoon. I was guessing for a job search, the past was Death, the present was the Three of Cups, the future was the Jack of Denarii. What does this mean?

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Good evening. My question is
Will I work in the field I want?
3 denarii
Ace of Swords
2 denarii

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Please help me understand last card in the layout, it shows about money and stability at work, but I am without a job, just looking for one, and I can’t decide where to go.1. death 2. three of wands 3. ten denarii

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10 denarii is about abundance in the family.
In general, the alignment says that there should be a change in activity, and it will contribute to movement.

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Hello, please help me with decoding, I want to leave my previous place of work, the place is good, but it’s morally difficult, am I doing everything right, the queen of swords, 5 denarii and 3 wands appears. Thank you

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I had a conflict with my boss at work, what are my prospects? retirement age

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I worked in a store, I was transferred to a chest, I asked the director to transfer me back to the store, he said let’s see, the question is, will they transfer me to my previous place of work?

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I recently changed my job. On old job The management has changed and they are inviting you to come back. Should I return or stay at my new job? Cards: Judgment, Horseman of Cups, Eight of Swords.

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Hello! I currently work as an administrator in a chain of pastry cafes. I'm not very happy about the promotion. I really, really want change. Will it be possible to change your occupation to a more profitable and promising one?! An acquaintance also wants to help with this.... in general, are there any chances for changes in the workers? Anastasia 07/31/96 4:30

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Good day. Today I was forced to sign a dismissal agreement by agreement of the parties. The management is not great, but the social package and stability plus the team is good. I held on as best I could. I'm terribly worried whether I can find it decent job in the near future. Please help me with the interpretation. Past Five of Wands. The present empress. Future Ace of Swords. Thanks in advance.

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Good evening. There is some kind of negativity towards me at work, I can’t understand the reason. The year got off to a bad start. Question: Do they want to replace me with another employee? Thank you.

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I forgot to write the schedule. The answer is the following. 1.You have been dealt a card - the Ten of Wands. 2. You got a card - the King of Wands. 3. You got a card - the Eight of Swords. Thank you.

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I asked the question whether I should stay at this job, they have been feeding me breakfast for 2 weeks now, everything that has happened is yes... the past is -7 cups - so, in the present there is a jester, and in the future an empress, but why bring it to the point of a jester? If possible get away from them

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New job, fourth month. The situation is difficult for me, personal relationships are not working out, I make a lot of mistakes (I note that, in my opinion, these mistakes are not as bad as the noise that arises. I compare it with the assessment of the work of colleagues), the salary does not live up to expectations. I asked what awaits me at this job. Answer: in the past the jack of cups, now the emperor, in the future a star. This is a good deal, isn't it? or did I ask the question incorrectly? the description seems too optimistic given the current situation

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In the past, mistakes were made on your part due to an incorrect assessment of the situation, but now there is a process of alignment, streamlining, organizing the process and adaptation. The future promises you development and favorable results from today’s work on the situation and on yourself.
It is important to follow this path to the end, not to give up and not to despair.
Good luck!

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If you get three Cards: the Five of Wands, the Moon and the Star - how will things work out at work?

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Hello, can I stay at this job, do I need to change it, I got 7 swords, 6 denarii, 2 cups

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Not a single question arises in our heads just like that) if it comes to you, it means life is giving you clues on where to move next, what to do. Open your heart and listen) and regarding the cards in the layout: perhaps the question arose due to the fact that at your work they don’t really like honest relationships. There may be gossip behind your back, or they pass off your successes as their own, or they pass off their mistakes as yours. 6 denarii tells us that now the situation will level out, and your work will be appreciated, perhaps they will appreciate your experience and recommend you as a mentor for a new employee. In the future, in this work, you will have an excellent team and very close relationships between colleagues, but you should not expect money, a career or new projects. It’s even possible to have an affair with a colleague

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Greetings tarot readers! An outside opinion is needed. There are 2 people, presumably both are magical. There is a conflict between them. We need to find out what everyone is like as a practitioner at the moment. In general, the Devil became the significator of the situation. Further on the guy - Jester, PAGE OF PENTACLES, ACE OF PENTACLES, girl - ACE OF SWORDS, DEATH, TEMPERANCE. The guy is rumored to be practicing the World Championships, the girl is unknown for sure. Not really a question about work, but almost

Each tarot reader has his own vision of the cards. It is always possible to interpret the cards depending on the situation. Interpreting cards means taking responsibility, as experienced tarot readers usually do. They are responsible for every word they say, as they are fully aware of their responsibility for the fate and life of the person who turned to them. Fortune telling is ahead of events, creates an environment of introduction into the future, and disrupts the natural course of events. Therefore, when choosing a person who agreed to perform a Tarot reading, make sure of his experience and competence.

Tarot cards are believed to cause events that cannot be prevented. But this is far from true. Tarot cards are used to predict the future. They show ways to solve certain problems, analyze and help consider past mistakes. It cannot be said that the cards predetermine the future; for them, your future is open and the cards indicate the events that may happen to you if you do not change the direction of movement.

Finances and work are important aspects of our lives

This fortune telling is performed in the form of laying out a certain number of cards in a certain order. There are many layouts. If you are interested in the question of whether work will bring you sufficient financial security, then a balance is made between work and finances. People who have lost their jobs turn to the same situation. They are worried about whether they will find a job and whether they will pay for it. What will this work be like and when will it happen?

The Tarot layout for work and finance will answer your question whether it is worth changing your job. The cards will also tell you how you feel about money. Money is an important part of our life. Only in fairy tales are happy people who have nothing. And in our time of crisis, any of us is interested in what our financial condition will be in the near future. Tarot layout for work will answer your questions. The cards will make a forecast regarding getting a job in the near future, indicate what affects the job situation, and how to correct the situation at work. The layout examines the attitude of your colleagues towards you and your attitude towards them. They analyze the situation and make their recommendations regarding the work. In the same way, a forecast is made for the financial condition. The true cause of problems with money is understood, and what energies are involved in this process.

Hello! Please tell me what the dropped cards say:
What impression did I make? 2 cups
What decision will be made after the interview? King of Denarii
Will they hire me for this job? 10 kuk

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Four months ago I changed my job.
From time to time I regret moving to this organization. I asked a question: what awaits me at work?
1. Queen of Denarii
2. Ace of Wands
3.5 wands.
Career growth is expected in the future (at least that's what was promised). I don’t know if they will keep their promise or not.

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successful management of financial and economic activity, a long-awaited bright streak in life, mainly related to work, career, and competition, after which prosperity and success comes.
so there is a chance to achieve career growth

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Thank you, I will strive for this

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Hello. Elenaki, do you do personal layouts?!

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Hello! She asked what I should do to get hired at a certain place. I used to work there, but I quit. Now I'm waiting for a vacancy that interests me to appear.
The "Empress" card fell out. Help me fight, please!

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I'm coming back from a long maternity leave. The person who used to report to me is now my direct supervisor. I take it calmly. I don't know how the relationship will turn out. I asked the cards: “What can I expect from working with her when I leave?” The Devil card fell out in an upright position

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this will be a temptation for you. the temptation to abuse your influence, or the person who became your leader will try to manipulate you. they can help here protective prayers- for example, a prayer of detention, or a prayer to Nicholas the saint, changing fate. amulets, talismans, i.e. the devil card says this - there is a temptation before you, if you can overcome it, then a reward awaits you.

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I passed the registration and am very worried, there was a glitch in the program. The Three of Wands fell, what to expect

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The circle of like-minded people is expanding, feel free to accept the help offered to you, because it comes from people who sincerely wish the best for you and the cause in question.

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To the question: What will be the result of the interview I went to last time?
Cards dropped: nine denarii, Lovers, Judgment.
How should I understand them? Will they make an offer for me?

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Good afternoon, Sarah!!!
Your cards indicate a partnership, and a very productive one. But you will either be kept for a long time without an answer, or you will be offered another position.
Confidence to you

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Elinaki, I pulled out the cards asking what awaits me at my current job? Well, as they say, I’m still waiting for an answer from my future employers, what to expect from the current ones: Death and the Seven of Cups. I'm especially excited about the Seven of Cups. Should I be careful or should I be more attentive myself?

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Now I had to make a choice. Of the two vacancies, I accepted one, but on the first day I changed my mind and accepted an offer from another place. I doubt and fear - I wish I could make a mistake. The question is what to expect (will bring) me a new job. Lunge JOKE. How to interpret it - treat it lightly, everything will be fine, or vice versa - a mockery of fate?

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When asked what to expect from work?
The Queen of Wands fell out

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on the one hand, the lady of wands is an active and purposeful lady, it’s like a business lady, on the other hand, the card says this - events have begun, the process has begun, but higher powers are protecting and protecting you now, although you perceive this as lack of freedom. those. When, as a child, our mother drove us home early, we were offended by her, and my mother simply wanted to protect us from something. so here, if something still doesn’t work out the way you want, then it’s for the best, because higher powers are on your side.

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I’ve been looking for a job for a month now, there have been vacancies where my experience should be ideal for the employer, interviews seem to go well, but as a result I’m rejected. I asked a question - why don’t they hire me, and the 10 of cups came up. The map seems good, but I didn’t really understand how to interpret it. Can you help?

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Here, of course, it is advisable to look at the big picture. sometimes one card speaks very cleverly, so additional ones are needed. cards.
and so the options can be like this: either you are very pretty, and the employer was afraid to fall in love with you, if he is a man, and there is family abundance at home, or you came very happy with your life, i.e. you have everything, but the employer is a manipulator and he needs slaves, not workers, he needs people who can be manipulated, but you cannot be manipulated, because everything is fine with you, i.e. You can't be commanded very much. and that didn’t suit him. You can also look at the schedule - job search, or choice of options for work. but it will be paid. If anything, come, we’ll do it. Best regards, Clarissa

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What should I expect from possible participation in the project info. media literacy?
Jack of Denarii

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they may make you some kind of offer, and this offer can be accepted, because it comes from honest and decent people

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Hello, dear tarot readers!
What do the cards say when asked:
What should I expect from my manager?
6 swords, Mage, 5 wands
How does he treat me?
Priest, Strength, 7 of Wands?

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he compares you with someone, there will be help from him, but this help is not entirely selfless, although it must be accepted, because you need it, he is a dictator and a manipulator. although he does everything subtly and unobtrusively, you think that you yourself have made this or that decision, and then you realize that you are being quietly pushed towards this.
he values ​​your working union and experiences complete emotional satisfaction. the period of struggle ends, it goes like a green light at a traffic light, victory in competition, moving forward and upward. and the 5 of Wands that fell above speaks of competition, after which comes prosperity and success.

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Thanks for the answer, ClarissaAlba)

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help me fight, please. I have been working for the same company for 10 years. I was offered a job change. I'm very worried and doubtful. I asked if I should move to a new place. The answer is the Ace of Swords.

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it's a fire in the soul emotional explosion, which will completely change all your priorities. this is something new, something that comes into your life, something that you have been waiting for so long.
those. this seems to be good, but there is no need to hope that everything will be fine right away, everything will come gradually. It would be advisable to have a look, of course. good deal, but according to one map this is so.

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Thank you!

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Have a nice time! Oracle, help me understand the interpretation of the arcana... Long-term communication with MCH (both are not free) I learned about some event in his life. In light of this event, she proposed to stop all communication. Didn't answer.
When asked what reaction a difficult decision for me would cause in the MC, 9 cups came up.
Is the relationship over? - Lady of Denarii.
How will our relationship develop next? - 10 cups.
Thanks in advance!!

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Oops... I wrote in the wrong thread))

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I want to quit my job. I asked if I would be fired. The Five of Wands came up. Please explain the meaning.

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The 5 of Wands is a competitive struggle, after which comes prosperity and success, it is a challenge that fate sends you, but it is also a card of dispute. You will most likely be offered some kind of competitive place. and it's a challenge worth taking on.

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Good evening. Someone who knows will help explain this question: what field of activity should I go to work in (I am an accountant by profession). The Devil fell out. Add justice to the devil and 4 swords. Judging by the description, it turns out to be some kind of shadow. Please be kind. Thank you.

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Yes, not a shadow, everything is clear here.
the devil says that you will face some temptation that needs to be overcome, if you can overcome it, then a reward awaits you. it may be a temptation to manipulate someone to achieve your goals, and to abuse your position, and for example, as an accountant you may be forced to do wrong operations, this is the temptation that needs to be overcome. the cards advise doing all things only in an official way, with all documents drawn up, to act according to your conscience, in fairness, but apparently it’s difficult to find a job where accountants work honestly, which is why there is a temporary stop along the way. but there is a chance to find such a job.

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Dear tarologists! The management's attitude towards my person changed very dramatically. Without objective reasons. I asked the cards what awaits you at work? The hermit card came up, the second time the queen of swords. I didn’t really understand what the cards told me, but I didn’t have a very good feeling (((. Help me, please

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Under no circumstances should you hush up the situation, clear things up sharply and decisively, otherwise you yourself will be criticized and become apart from the team, download your license if necessary!

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The hermit is a period of slowing down of events, but this path of development of events is necessary, and do not try to speed up these events, otherwise it may lead to a complete stop of what you have planned, and the queen of swords is the ability to reconcile conflicting parties, and some kind of compromise solution that will suit everyone. those. you will be able to find a compromise solution that will suit both you and the management, and this will happen through a period of slowdown.

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Tarot cards are a popular way to look into the future and decide on a solution to a long-standing problem. Most often, magic pictures are asked about relationships and careers. Fortune telling for work is the second most popular after.

How to prepare for fortune telling at work

Fortune telling pictures are a legacy inherited by a person from past generations. When going on a campaign or planning to start a war with a neighboring state, rulers and mere mortals were interested in how the planned event would end.

Before you start working with cards, you need to perform a number of essential steps. To do it at work, you need to prepare in advance. In communicating with subtle world mood, peace and concentration on the issue are important.

If the alignment is made for yourself, then the fortuneteller must turn off external stimuli, such as door, intercom and telephone signals. It is advisable to wipe the table for fortune telling and place a church candle on it, which is lit when working with the Tarot.

Taking the cards in your hands, you need to close your eyes and take a deep breath and exhale. With the flow of air, you need to try to push extraneous thoughts and images out of your head. When the internal dialogue subsides, it is recommended to concentrate on the question and ask it mentally or out loud. Taking out one picture after another from the deck, you need to think only about the problem of interest, then the answer Higher powers will be accurate and bring clarity to the situation.

After performing the ritual, you need to keep it secret. It is not recommended to talk about fortune telling and its results even to close people. There is a rule among practitioners that says that if a ritual is found out, it loses its power and relevance.

Types of Tarot divination on work issues

In the 21st century The formula “work=money=freedom” works. Therefore, people strive to find out how to adjust the first of the links so that the next two are normalized and satisfy the needs. Fortune telling for work using Tarot cards is in demand for:

  • working;
  • unemployed;
  • changing jobs;
  • career guidance.

The diagram for those who plan to regularly advance in their career will tell you what to expect from your current job in the future. career ladder up. Fortune telling for professional growth gives accurate forecast with recommendations on what a person needs to do to get what he wants.

For the unemployed, magical pictures will tell them when they will find a job that meets their requirements and whether success awaits them in their chosen position. For those thinking about changing their place or field of activity, the cards will help them decide and make a meaningful decision. Career guidance layouts will indicate the direction in which the fortuneteller will best open up and show potential. Tarot will also show what will happen if the advice is not heeded.

Tarot spreads for a general analysis of work and its prospects

What happens at work can affect a person's future, both positively and negatively. Classic divination schemes in magic pictures contain layouts of both 3 and 8-10 cards. The more positions there are in fortune telling, the more detailed the answer will be, and the better the solitaire game will help you deal with the situation.

The following layouts will tell you what awaits a person:

  • work and finances;
  • attitude in the team;
  • success and professional growth;
  • situation in the office.

Reaching out for help magic symbols, you need to formulate the question succinctly and be prepared for any result.

Fortune telling for work and finances

Job prospects will not show scheme No. 1, which is called "For work and finances". The layout involves the entire Tarot deck, from which 9 pictures are drawn, each of which has its own interpretation.

At the head of the layout is a card designated Latin letter"S" or Russian "S". This picture denotes or the qualities of the person who asks the Tarot question. It is better to take it out of the deck first, or at the end of the layout. If this point is not important to the questioner, it can be omitted. Further according to the scheme.

Cards from 1 to 4 show the situation in the current period. They help determine the reasons why a person finds himself with a pressing issue here and now.

  • Picture 1 - past actions that influenced today
  • 2 - will reveal the current state of affairs
  • 3 - deciphers the degree of satisfaction of the fortuneteller with the business in which he is engaged
  • 4 - reveals the material side of the work, showing possible profits.

Cards located closer to the fortuneteller with numbers from 5 to 8 describe the situation in the future.

  • 5 is responsible for the work, indicating the proposed changes
  • 6 - warns where to expect change from
  • Map 7 will reveal financial prospects
  • 8 - will determine changes that will affect the life of the fortuneteller.

It will help to find out about work in the near future scheme No. 2, in the layout of which the interpretation of 10 cards is used. Mix it thoroughly specified number pictures and put them on the table.

Scheme No. 2

Cards according to the number dropped are responsible for:

  • 1 - the situation now;
  • 2 - events leading to change;
  • 3 - past;
  • 4 - components that influence life now;
  • 5 - thoughts that help resolve the issue;
  • 6 - upcoming events at work;
  • 7 - the fortuneteller’s attitude to the situation;
  • 8 - attitude of others to the problem;
  • 9 - factors requiring attention to obtain the desired result;
  • 10 - outcome of the event.

When taking cards out of the deck, you need to place the pictures face down to make the fortune telling fair.

Fortune telling for work - relationships in a team

A decisive factor in comfort in the workplace is the climate in the team. To find out what awaits you in a new place, you can use Scheme No. 3 “Relationships with colleagues.” In which 5 cards are drawn from the deck, whose meanings are interpreted. Solitaire is played in a row in which one card is influenced by another.

scheme No. 3 “Relationships with colleagues”
  • Symbol No. 1 will tell about the role of the fortuneteller among colleagues.
  • Card No. 2 will help you figure out what place a person wants to occupy in the eyes of his colleagues.
  • No. 3 will suggest the necessary actions to avoid troubles and strengthen your status.
  • Card No. 4 - will show the psychological climate at work and indicate whether the fortuneteller has enemies.
  • And No. 5 will advise how to attract good luck and improve the situation among colleagues.

Layout called "Me and the team" shows the fortuneteller’s relationship with his colleagues using 11 pictures. To do this, remove the specified number of cards from the shuffled deck and lay them out as follows according to the scheme:

Scheme No. 4 “Me and the team”

The interpretation of the pictures is as follows:

  • 1 – who you want to be among your colleagues;
  • 2 – support in a group of colleagues;
  • 3 – ill-wishers;
  • 4 – authority;
  • 5 – situations from the past that influence the present;
  • 6 – who respects and listens;
  • 7 – barriers to achieving harmony;
  • 8 – psychological state in the group;
  • 9 – achievements of the fortuneteller;
  • 10 – fatal accidents;
  • 11 – who colleagues consider a person to be.

Layouts will help you avoid troubles, circumvent the machinations of enemies and attract good luck.

Fortune telling for work - career growth and success

Tarot spread "Career" a popular scheme among those interested in the future. Address about career growth recommended in evening time days after taking a shower. The scheme uses 9 cards, which are laid out on the table in rows according to the given scheme.

Scheme No. 5 “Career”
  • 1 – how things are now;
  • 2 – promotion;
  • 3 – what to do to achieve the goal;
  • 4 – obstacles on the way;
  • 5 – little things that require attention;
  • 6 – sharp corners that need to be avoided;
  • 7 – recommendations of the Higher powers;
  • 8 – future in perspective;
  • 9 – fortuneteller.

In Tarot solitaire games, attention is paid not only to the meaning of the card, but also to the influence of neighboring pictures.

The unemployed and those who are getting a job official place work for the first time, it will help you decide the schedule "Getting a job". Layout scheme:

Scheme No. 6 “Getting a job”
  • 1 - the opportunity to find a job, if still in search, or is interpreted together with the card in position 2;
  • 2 - probability of recruitment;
  • 3 - working conditions;
  • 4 - money;
  • 5, 6 - relationships with colleagues;
  • 7 - pitfalls;
  • 8 - prospects in a new place;
  • S – fortuneteller.

The symbols will also indicate the career of a woman or man in a new job.

Layouts for the situation at work

To understand what changes will follow in professional activity, use short fortune telling by 1 or . Schemes are used in the morning, before an important meeting or meeting.

Fortune telling for work 1 card

A simple help in a situation is considered to be the advice of 1 card from the Tarot deck. Having thought of a question, you need to shuffle the pictures and take out a card at random. Its interpretation will become a hint.

Fortune telling for work 3 cards

A layout with 3 pictures answers the question in more detail. Picture No. 1 is the past that led to the current situation. Symbol No. 2 is the present, No. 3 is the future, which is more likely to happen.

Should I change my job, stay or leave, will I get fired?

Changing jobs is a responsible step, the Tarot reading will help dispel doubts about its adoption. "Decision to change jobs". The pictures will answer the question of whether to stay or leave, and whether it is worth changing your favorite place for something new. Layout diagram:

Scheme No. 7 “Decision to change jobs”

Interpretations of Tarot predictions:

  • C – questioner’s card;
  • 1 - what is happening in the professional field now;
  • 2 - what brings pleasure from work;
  • 3 - what you don’t like about your current place;
  • 4 - desire of the fortuneteller;
  • 5, 6 - reasons why you need to change jobs;
  • 7, 8 - reasons to stay;
  • 9 - advice card.

The scheme called "It's time for change" will help the fortuneteller understand whether he will be fired or the time has come for him to independently change his field of activity. To do this, take 9 cards from the deck and lay them out as follows:

Scheme No. 8 “Time for change”

Decoding the cards' response:

  • C - fortuneteller's oracle card;
  • 1, 2, 3 - what awaits in the new place;
  • 4 - what to pay attention to when making a decision;
  • 5 - What type of solution should there be;
  • 6, 7, 8 - is the plan worth it?

Whatever alignment a person chooses, one must remember that the alignment is the probability of the future, and whether it will happen or not depends on the fortuneteller. Magic pictures can give advice, but further actions depend on who asked the question.

In conclusion, as a way to consolidate the information, I recommend watching a video clip with an interpretation of the “Leave or Stay” layout.