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Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, evaluate your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about the Monk in dream books famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream of a Monk in a dream?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream and what does the Monk mean?

A symbol of righteousness, restraint and dispassion, moderation and asceticism, fanaticism. A monk in dreams can act as a messenger of fate. Often in a dream you receive something as a gift from this character or he tells you something. A gift or information received from a monk has a meaning for you fateful meaning and cannot be interpreted as omens for the coming period. Such “gifts” are an allegorical program of life for a year, or even a longer time, this is how this dream in which the Monk dreams is interpreted.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why does a Monk dream in a dream?

If you looked closely at a monk in a dream, it means discord in the family and unsuccessful business trips. Seeing yourself as a monk means the loss of a loved one or illness. For a young woman to see a monk - gossip and deception.

Psychological dream book

Why does a Monk dream in a dream?

Dreaming about family troubles. A dream in which she talks to a monk warns a young woman: she will have to make a lot of effort to dispel the gossip and speculation that surrounds her name

Modern dream book

If you dreamed that in a dream you looked intently at a monk, you will face discord in the family and unpleasant business trips. This dream warns a young woman against gossip and deception, which as a result can be used against her. If you see yourself in the image of a monk, begin to monitor your health more carefully. According to Nostradamus, a monk is a symbol of righteousness, restraint and dispassion, moderation and asceticism, and fanaticism. This is how he interpreted dreams about monks: We saw a monk drunk - the dream foreshadows universal wealth and joy. I dreamed of a monk ringing a bell - a symbol of an alarming event, change, sudden misfortune associated with power, with a moral transgression. Monks with weapons going to war dream of a sharp increase in crime, a decline in morals and impunity for crimes that will lead to the widespread arming of humanity. To see reprisals against monks is to receive a blow that will lead to a change life principles, loss of interest in everything that is happening, fear of the future. To see tonsure as a monk - in reality, quarrels await you in the family or at work. A dream about a monk dressed from head to toe in gold foreshadows the wealth and grace that will descend on Earth after people stop all wars.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Why does a woman dream of a Monk:

Monk, nun - A meeting with a monk portends trouble for you. Talking to a monk means changes in your life. Hermit monk - your hopes will come true. Talking to a nun means you have to change your job. Hearing a church choir - separation from a loved one will break your heart

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why does the Monk dream, interpretation of the dream:

Perhaps it means that you pay too much attention to sex; can also mean the need to serve people; maybe you need more solitude in order to develop higher feelings of the spirit, this is how this dream in which the Monk dreams is interpreted.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why does a Monk dream in a dream?

Seeing for a man means gossip, slander, false news; for a woman - a possible break with her lover, widowhood. For a woman to dream that she is throwing off the clothes of a nun means a desire for Tatar joys, which can interfere with fulfilling obligations to a loved one, this is how the dream book interprets the dream you had, read on if you want to know what the Monk dreams about.

Modern dream book

Why does the Monk dream according to the dream book?

Nun - A religious person who sees a nun in a dream must show wisdom and keep his desires and actions under control. Otherwise, material joys will interfere with his spiritual interests. A woman who sees a nun in a dream is about to break up with her lover. If a woman saw herself in the image of a nun, then she is probably dissatisfied with her position.

From time immemorial, people believed that dreams are a reflection of what happens to them in reality. In one aspect or another, what we see undoubtedly reflects the innermost, hidden from us - the subconscious and the fruits of its work. Religious people They are especially sensitive to dreams, interpreting them as messages from above.

If you look into the dream book, a nun is interpreted as a symbol of spiritual fortitude and self-confidence. If in a dream you happened to see church service, which was led by an elderly monk, is a symbol that you are now satisfied with the current state of affairs. Everything around you is in harmony and you enjoy this feeling.

If the monk in the dream was unfriendly in communicating with you, this indicates that you are withdrawn into yourself and need the support of loved ones. Organize a meeting of relatives this coming weekend - and see how it will benefit you.

Spiritual Robes

If you dreamed of a monk who was dressed in a white cassock, this is the personification of a bright event. Soon a streak of joy and happiness will come in your life. A dream in which monks appear before you in black robes and wearing long hoods means that you do not trust to a loved one. This kind of suspicion can ruin your relationship, so just talk and clear up any secrets.

Why do you dream of nuns dressed in golden robes? Such a dream promises the sleeper:

  • Some joyful event that will make you feel “in seventh heaven” with happiness.
  • An upcoming holiday where distant relatives will gather, such as a wedding.
  • I will meet with an old acquaintance who will bring with him good news.

If in a dream you saw a monk who was dressed in liturgical attire and was performing the funeral service for the soul of the deceased, this means that deep within you you cannot find harmony and tranquility. Subconsciously, you want privacy with yourself, but external circumstances do not allow this. To achieve results, try radically changing your activity in your free time - for example, do yoga or visit church at times when there are not many parishioners there.

Sacred rituals

What does it mean to see in a dream a monk waving a censer and illuminating the room? Such a dream tells you that a test of strength awaits you. Perhaps at work you will be given a task that at first seems overwhelming. Don’t despair, because nothing is impossible for you. Turn to your internal reserves and you will understand which actions need to be performed first.

Why do you have a dream in which a monk baptized, dipping him into a container of holy water? Such a vision foretells you a meeting with a person who will be spiritually close to you. You can reveal all your secrets to him, get good advice or just talk openly.

If in a dream you saw a nun walking towards you, with a large light shining on her chest, such a vision means a breakthrough in your work. Now, more than ever, you need to gather your willpower and make another leap into professional field. Such actions will certainly lead to advancement in career ladder, you just have to want it.

But if in a dream you saw a monk take off his cross in front of you and walk away, this may mean the following. A long journey awaits you, and perhaps a change of place of residence, moving to another region or country. Remember that no matter where you live, you will always need close and dear people nearby.

Why do you dream of a nun who alternately lights candles in the temple and takes care of her? What you see means that you are setting many goals that you want to achieve at the same time. Try to choose the most significant ones and leave the unimportant ones for later. This way you can rationally distribute the load and complete tasks efficiently.

In a dream, did you see a monk kneeling in front of a crucifix and praying in a whisper? This means that there is an ill-wisher next to you who does not want to allow you to succeed in the professional field. Look around carefully - you can easily identify this person and can easily eliminate this person’s influence on the course of things.

Articles of faith

In a dream, did you see a schema-monk who was imprisoned in a dungeon with iron bars? This represents the fact that you feel helpless at the moment. Now more than ever you need the support of your family. Visit your parents and you will be surprised how insignificant your fears turn out to be.

Why do you dream of a monk who reads a prayer service in front of the altar? Such a vision means that you will encounter annoying troubles, overcoming which you will feel relief. Most likely, troubles may arise in an area in which everything is fine now. Don’t stress yourself out, because there are no problems without a solution.

What can you dream of about a monk who performs an expulsion ritual? What you see can frighten the sleeper, since such a dream is usually interpreted as a nightmare and leaves a negative aftertaste in the soul. Despite the natural fear, dreams actually carry a rosy meaning. Soon you will be able to forget adversity and plunge headlong into new life. The time is coming for inspiring achievements and important acquaintances.

But if in your dreams you saw a monk in a cell, this means that your soul is currently calm. Everything in life goes on as usual, and you are happy with it, so try to prolong this state as long as possible. Why do you dream of a young monk who leads you to the confessional and absolves you of your sins? Such a dream says that you are too demanding of yourself - it’s time to let some things take their course and take a break from the routine.

What does the dream mean in which a young girl became a novice? If the vision belongs unmarried woman- this is a sign that it’s time to start a family. In this case, the subconscious mind suggests that a person needs the warmth of the family hearth and children's laughter.

If a man saw this, it means that he will soon receive unexpected support in his affairs, and the financial side of the issue will no longer be the reason for his failures. All further problems will be solved by themselves, and life path will be full of pleasant moments.

Dream Interpretation Monk Seeing a monk in a dream means discord in the family and unpleasant business trips. For a young woman, such a dream foreshadows gossip and deception. Seeing yourself in the form of a monk in a dream means the loss of loved ones or illness. Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Monk, nun A monk seen in a dream: predicts disagreements in the family and unpleasant journeys. For a young woman, such a dream foretells that gossip and deception will be used against her. Seeing yourself as a monk: to losses and illnesses. Modern dream book

Interpretation of sleep Monk This is someone who is overly immersed in innovation (bid a). If he sees that he has become a monk, he will introduce an innovation, since the Almighty said: but monasticism was invented... (57:27) They say that the life of the one who sees such a dream will be difficult and he will be haunted by humiliation, fear and horror in matters that he cannot get rid of. The dream also indicates that the dreamer is an insidious, cunning person, plotting intrigues, calling for heresy, and only Allah has salvation from him. Islamic dream book

Meaning of sleep Monk, nun Nun: a person who has moved away from real organismic life, who does not live a real full life, but exists in the illusory world of serving God, and therefore occupies an exceptional position in relation to ordinary people. Her life proceeds according to the program of the social religious mechanical super-ego. This is the image of a person who, due to the fact of being in a divine, transcendental initiation, has lost his own reality and renounced himself. Having uprooted himself from his own reality, this person became a stranger and a carrier of alienation from himself. It is a divinely inspired (divine spark) symbol of negativity. This is a person who hides from the real world behind endless religious prayers, wastes himself in the service of God, without trying to get anything in return. Seeing a nun: this denotes a desire or fear to act in one of her roles. Namely: fear of sexual inadequacy, the desire to overcome the attraction of material things, the desire to avoid independent decision-making, the desire to make others think of themselves as an extraordinary, sacrificial person who is better than he really is. If stranger is seen in the image of a monk: this image can be interpreted in the same way as if a person sees himself in this image. If a well-known person appears in the image of a monk: this is a reflection of a person’s desire to receive dominant help and a solution to his own problems from another. Italian dream book Meneghetti

Dream Monk, nun Monks: servants of God and thus elements of the Superego. Nun: sister of the individual. Someone desired by God, respected by people, the idea of ​​purity and decency. Psychoanalytic dream book

Dream Interpretation Monk, nun Monk (nun): personifies a venerable, sexually abstinent figure. Symbolizes the inner wisdom of a person, the possession of spiritual strength. Meeting with a monk: portends trouble for you. Talking to a monk: to changes in your life, growth of inner resilience. ABC of dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation Monk Monk. To dream that you are staring at a monk means discord in the family and unpleasant business trips. For a young woman, this dream foretells that gossip and deception will be used against her. Seeing yourself in the form of a monk in a dream means the loss of loved ones or illness. Big dream book

Dream Interpretation Monk, nun If you look closely at a monk: this may be a sign of discord in the family or an upcoming unpleasant business trip; seeing yourself in the image of a monk means the loss of loved ones or illness. Dream book of the future

Dream Interpretation Monk If in a dream you looked intently at a monk, you will face discord in the family and unpleasant business trips. This dream warns a young woman against gossip and deception, which as a result can be used against her. If you see yourself in the image of a monk, begin to monitor your health more carefully. According to Nostradamus, a monk is a symbol of righteousness, restraint and dispassion, moderation and asceticism, and fanaticism. This is how he interpreted dreams about monks: We saw a monk drunk - the dream foreshadows universal wealth and joy. I dreamed of a monk ringing a bell - a symbol of an alarming event, change, sudden misfortune associated with power, with a moral transgression. Monks with weapons going to war dream of a sharp increase in crime, a decline in morals and impunity for crimes that will lead to the widespread arming of humanity. To see reprisals against monks is to receive a blow, which will lead to a change in life principles, loss of interest in everything that is happening, and fear of the future. To see someone tonsured as a monk in a dream means that in reality you will have quarrels in your family or at work. A dream about a monk dressed from head to toe in gold foreshadows the wealth and grace that will descend on Earth after people stop all wars. Large universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Monk, nun Monk: happiness in a modest environment, criminal love Monk, hermit: your hopes are not fulfilled Nun: betrayal of a lover or mistress talk to her: change of place hear a choir of nuns: broken hearts. Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Dream Interpretation Monk, nun Monk: may indicate that you should absorb all your energies within yourself and isolate yourself from your surroundings material world. It is also a symbol of spirituality through celibacy and self-denial. Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Dream Interpretation Monk (Nun)
Monk (Nun) in a dream MONK (NUN) - messenger; in black - to misfortune or to success through suffering; sexual abstinence; problem (for a man); spiritual knowledge. Nun - widowhood, divorce, unhappiness in love, a long period of sexual abstinence or (in connection with inversion) indulge in debauchery (for a woman). Dream Interpretation Master of Dreams

Dream Interpretation Monk (nun)
Monk (nun) in a dream Represents a venerable, sexually abstinent figure. Symbolizes the inner wisdom of a person, the possession of spiritual strength. A meeting with a monk portends trouble for you. Talking to a monk means changes in your life and increased inner resilience. Dream Interpretation of Medea

Dream Interpretation Monk, nun Seeing a monk in a dream means discord in the family, unpleasant business trips. A young woman has such a dream. Seeing herself in the form of a monk in a dream means the loss of loved ones or illness. For a religious person to see a nun in a dream: foretells that in his life material joys will prevail over spiritual interests. To prevent this, he must be wise and control his actions. If a woman sees a nun in a dream: this means possible widowhood or a break with her lover. If she sees herself as a nun in a dream, in reality she is dissatisfied with her position. A woman who has a dream in which she throws off her monastic robe: will experience a strong desire for worldly joys. Her actions and desires will make it impossible to fulfill her obligations. Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Dream Interpretation Monk, nun Communicate with a nun: urgently need to go to the ambulance unpleasant situation, which will be created by a person in black clothes or a pronounced brunette, an alliance with evil spirits. Repentance, visit the graves of your close relatives. To failure in love to a family quarrel. Newest dream book

Dream Interpretation Monk (nun) Represents a venerable, sexually abstinent figure. Symbolizes the inner wisdom of a person, the possession of spiritual strength. A meeting with a monk portends trouble for you. Talking to a monk means changes in your life and increased inner resilience.
Monk (nun) in a dream Represents a venerable, sexually abstinent figure. Symbolizes the inner wisdom of a person, the possession of spiritual strength. A meeting with a monk portends trouble for you. Talking to a monk means changes in your life and increased inner resilience.

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream about a monk or a nun in a dream according to 40 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the symbol “Monk, nun” from 40 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order personal interpretation sleep expert.

A dream in which a girl takes off her monastic robe- means her penchant for worldly joys. She may not be able to keep her promise to someone.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Seeing a monk is a warning against failure / being in difficult circumstances, you will seek advice / significant changes in your destiny / bad or good.

Working monk- fulfillment of plans.

Talk to the monk - important change in your situation.

Seeing a nun means a change of profession / unhappiness in love.

See old or singing nuns- widowhood.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Monk - may indicate that you should absorb all your energies into yourself and isolate yourself from the surrounding material world. It is also a symbol of spirituality through celibacy and self-denial.

Dream book for the whole family

Monk - portends melancholy and inaction.

If you see yourself as a monk- this means there will be temporary stagnation in your personal life.

Dream book for a bitch

Monk, nun - disagreements and problems in family life, breaking up with a lover.

See yourself as a monk or nun- dissatisfaction with one’s position in the family, sadness.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Chinese dream book

Taoist monk or Taoist nun saying something- fortunately.

Buddhist monk or nun studying sutras- foreshadows melancholy.

Getting involved with a nun- portends a loss of wealth.

A man or husband suddenly turns into a nun- misfortune.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

The monk is a symbol of righteousness, restraint and dispassion, moderation and asceticism, fanaticism.

Seeing a monk in white robes- this dream means that the northern territories will be united by election general chapter churches or illuminated by the light of religion from above with a message from God.

Seeing a monk drunk- a dream foreshadowing universal wealth and joy.

See a monk ringing a bell- a symbol of an alarming event, change, sudden misfortune associated with power, with a moral transgression.

See monks with weapons going to war- means a sharp increase in crime, a decline in morals and impunity for crimes that will lead to the total armament of humanity.

See a dumb monk- a symbol that foreshadows an act of vandalism against religion, the destruction of a beloved temple or monument that is directly related to religion.

Seeing the massacre of monks- this means receiving a blow that will lead to a change in life principles, loss of interest in everything that is happening, and fear of the future.

Seeing tonsure as a monk- a symbol of the clash between secular and religious authorities, which will lead to a temporary strengthening of the church.

Seeing a spaceship crewed by monks- a sign of universal morality that will capture the world's population and lead to a change in religion.

See a monk dressed from head to toe in gold- this dream foreshadows wealth and grace that will descend to earth after people stop all wars.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see a monk or nun in a dream?

Capuchin monk - means that incredible rumors and gossip will be spread about you. Seeing a hermit monk retreating into the desert- your wish will not come true. A young monk - portends happiness in a modest environment, an old one - to discord in the family and an unpleasant business assignment that cannot be refused.

Dreaming of nuns making love to each other- means possible widowhood or a break with a lover.

If you, as a nun, are doing this with them- in reality you will not be satisfied with your sexual partner and begin to look for a replacement for him.

Seeing a deceased nun in a dream- portends the despair into which you will be plunged due to the infidelity of the one you loved with all your soul.

Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

Monks mean trouble.

If you dream of a monk- it’s the devil taking his form.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Monk - happiness in a modest environment, criminal love

Monk, hermit- your hopes will not come true

Nun - betrayal of a lover or mistress; talking to her is a change of place; hear a choir of nuns- broken hearts.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Seeing a monk in a dream- to discord in the family, unpleasant business trips. A young woman has such a dream- foreshadows gossip and deception.

Seeing yourself in a dream as a monk- to the loss of loved ones or illness.

For a religious person to see a nun in a dream- portends that in his life material joys will prevail over spiritual interests. To prevent this, he must be wise and control his actions.

If a woman sees a nun in a dream- this means possible widowhood or a break with a lover.

If she sees herself as a nun in a dream- in reality she is dissatisfied with her position.

A woman having a dream in which she takes off her monastic robe- you will experience a strong desire for worldly joys. Her actions and desires will make it impossible to fulfill her obligations.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Monk, nun according to the dream book?

Monk, messenger; in black- to misfortune or to success through suffering; sexual abstinence; problem (for a man); spiritual knowledge.

Nun - widowhood, divorce, unhappiness in love, a long period of sexual abstinence or (in connection with inversion) indulge in debauchery (for a woman).

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Monk - illness, loneliness.

A monk in a cell is a gift from a prophet.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If in a dream you carefully look at a monk- this means discord in the family and unpleasant travel. For a woman such a dream- a warning that she may fall victim to deception and gossip.

If you see yourself in a dream as a monk- this portends the death or illness of a person close to you.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Monk - messenger.

Ukrainian dream book

Monk - you will have a good society.

Nun, be one- lover's infidelity.

Many nuns work- for fun, okay.

Medieval dream book

Seeing a monk is good.

Gypsy dream book

Nun - beware of false friends.

Erotic dream book

A monk in a dream - for a man this is a harbinger of a quarrel with his beloved woman and subsequent separation from her.

A woman has such a dream- on the contrary, it promises a meeting with a man who will turn out to be a passionate and tender lover.

Esoteric dream book

A monk is a strange event, a surprise that will change your ideas about life values.

Online dream book

Meaning of the dream: Monk, nun according to the dream book?

If you dreamed of a monk- in the future, problems in the family and disappointments along the way cannot be avoided.

More interpretations

Sami was a monk- this is a warning that you are paying little attention to your health.

Video: Why do you dream of a monk, a nun?


Did you dream about a Monk or a nun, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what it means to dream of a Monk, a nun, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw it in a dream this symbol. Try it!

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    I had a dream, as if in reality, that I was sleeping and I was being held and put a cross to my forehead in a black robe by a zhinzhina that looked like a manachia, I couldn’t wake up, I was trying, I couldn’t, and when I woke up in the morning it felt like she was nearby

    Hello, I dreamed of my late mother in the form of a nun, she spoke to me, but I don’t remember what, then she said that it was time for her to leave, and I thought it was strange that she was a nun... maybe it was some kind of warning ? help me figure it out...

    I dreamed that I was watching (but not participating) in the funeral of a nun (that is, I knew that it was a nun who was buried). This took place in an open area (I don’t remember it being a cemetery), and at the same time there were about 15 nuns in black robes standing mournfully.

    I really wanted to go to the sanatorium. To resolve this issue, they put me in touch with a nun. I listen to her, look at her, and she has three eyes and they are so black, there is a mole near her mouth. She promises that if a person refuses to go for treatment, then I will have the opportunity to go to a sanatorium.

    I dreamed of a cave with a font filled with holy water, the walls and floors of the cave were covered with pale pink and green precious stones and there were nuns and several ordinary women there. I washed my face with water and took a few with me before leaving. precious stones green.

    I was at the cemetery, supposedly to light a candle (I told everyone that I do this every Saturday). Then I remember a handsome, stately man in a suit, he looked at me. Then we rode a motorcycle with some men along a small path, and above us there were treetops.
    After that, I seemed to find myself next to my house and saw a nun, she was all in black, small, plump, possibly a dwarf. It was very unpleasant for me to see her, even scary and uneasy. Then I found myself at home, on my bed. But I couldn’t get up, I couldn’t speak, as if I was slowly going mute, and all this was done by this nun - she forbade me to speak, took away my ability to speak, I was very scared of her, but I didn’t see her anymore... I asked her when she would leave , why did you come?
    I tried to read the “Our Father” prayer in a dream, but when she heard it, she took away my power of speech and I could not utter a sound.

    subconsciously I know that I entered the monastery, I really wanted to get there because I have a train in an hour and talked with the nun, she said ask a question, I will answer then she gave me a bead against the evil eye and something else...

    Today I dreamed that I went with a friend to the cemetery... Previously, I dreamed that I was dying, ghosts, and that I was walking around the cemetery... Well, let’s go back to the dream, we came to the cemetery, I saw a monk there, I don’t remember what he was doing, but he began to scold us, said that if we did not come to him in 3 days, we would die... and then I vaguely remember everything, but I seemed to have woken up....

    there was some kind of anxiety, fuss in my soul, I saw, as if in the distance, a nun in all black, I didn’t see her face, I felt that in her mind she was telling me that don’t worry and you will have a child, either she was stroking my belly or she was looking at the newborn who was in my arms

    I saw her in some house without windows and doors. she turned to look at me. then a bright light flashed. It’s funny to say, but I thought (in my dream) that it was God. then I looked as if from above and saw how she led us out of the labyrinth. I don’t remember who was with me.

    I ran around the temple looking for a way out, found a door, opened it and there were a lot of nuns and church representatives there, as if there was some kind of funeral service, I ran back and they all began to go inside and were coming at me. I made my way through them to the street. The picture changes and I pick up some jewelry, torn beads, something else, a stranger gives me a ring and says that it’s true, it’s very beautiful, that his daughter loves rings. I offered to keep it for myself and give it to my daughter, but he said no. A girl approached this man; I know her well. But I didn’t recognize this man as her father and I woke up and it seemed to me that it was a terrible dream

    a woman in black, looking like a nun, was sitting on my bed, then another woman appeared. I asked her what religion she was, she answered that she was Catholic, said that we would dance, and I also said that I Orthodox Christian, and asked: “Are you going to convert me to Catholicism?” she said yes

    Good afternoon The dream occurred from Tuesday to Wednesday. In the dream, I was at a friend’s house and there two of my former classmates were dressing up as nuns for some business. I stood looking at them and really didn’t feel at ease. Then they left and some people arrived looking for them. I was scared of these people and began to run away, or rather take off, ahead I saw a quiet, beautiful blue sea and the sun was shining. This is where I woke up.

    I came to Israel (I traveled, maybe), went to the monastery,

    (I had been there before, not in a dream), I saw a black spacious room, the walls, the ceiling - everything was black, nuns in black, I know them, not in a dream, I was glad to see them, I hugged one of them, felt thin shoulders under hands, didn’t approach the other one, was in a hurry, although I wanted to, quickly got out and went to the airport, it seems I had to fly to Moscow. A very clear dream, as if it was not a dream.

    Hello! Dream - “I am digging in the ground near the house and unearthing a figurine of a dog with an old man (netsuke). Then further there is a figurine of a nun without a face and another similar one. Then a hole opens, people are lying in it, their eyes begin to glow, the light touches me, I run and see myself as a dwarf.” That’s so crazy, enough unpleasant dream(except for the figurine of a dog with an old man, it was beautiful).

    A black nun has settled in my apartment - she is powerful, everyone must look after her. But my friends appeared, saw her and demanded that she be expelled. That's what I did. She was very indignant, and then she spun like a whirlwind in the middle of the room and disappeared

    A large field surrounded by forest, a large building on it looks like a destroyed two-story square building, a bunch of monks in black, hiding behind them, a girl and a guy are walking with her (more precisely, this is her friend or relative), they are walking across the field secretly from anyone - well, these enemies are not visible. Then for some reason the girl had to go back and went alone without the monks, they found her dead, something on her chest, she had either two large cuts, or the meat had been torn out, or her wings were torn off and there were wounds , a field in fog, all the tones are dark, there was a sense of danger in the empty field.

    time, great Patriotic War. I saw a woman in black. We started talking to her. it was a manashka. she said that her name was Evdokia, and 9 years ago her name was Anna. she was very old, about 60 years old. the nun said that she used to be very beautiful. At that moment she was very big foot. she said that I could help her, become as beautiful as before. for this she said that some kind of grain was needed. And at that moment the Germans were driving, they were supposed to shoot at me, but then she covered me with her back and gave me some kind of bag. then I walked across the square, but there I saw not Lenin, but a monument to an angel. I went to Mogilev, to some kind of camp. then I woke up

    Hello, I dreamed of a nun, I understood in my dream that she was a ghost, she stood near my bed and whispered something, I clearly understood that she was bad because I could not speak or move, soon I was able to move and ran to my mother, but I couldn’t explain anything to her, I showed her the air cross and she immediately understood what was going on, and gave me some rags to ward off the ghost of the old woman, only I could see her in a dream.....

    I dreamed of an old Buddhist monk with three disciples. I started bowing to him. Then I started asking for advice: Will I achieve my goals and well-being? in response to this, he showed me a very dense yellow wheat field near a dense green forest, and a very beautiful brown well-groomed horse was galloping across the field. After which I bowed to him, said thank you and began to pray to him.

    The nun snatched money from her friends and tried to run away from the church, and I tried to catch up with her and hit her on the back. With each blow I became weaker, and she let out a scream as if a demon was coming out of her. And so three times.

    Hello! My name is Sergei. I dreamed of a woman in black in the form of a mana or a grandmother, I didn’t see her face, it was in the dark. She stood near the car and seemed to throw up her hands. when I went outside she was no longer there

    I dreamed of a monk giving advice to those who wanted it, while he constantly ate only bread. He didn’t say anything to me, but just put his hand on my head and whispered something, in my opinion he prayed. I also wanted to call my wife (we’ve been divorced for a long time, but We communicate) so that she would come, but I didn’t get through.

    I had this dream more than once or twice. It was in childhood... I was lying on the table covered with some kind of sheet, while I was completely undressed. It was dark outside, most likely night. Around this table stood six or seven monks in in a black robe, I didn’t see their faces, and with every dream they carried me somewhere on this table. Although it was more reality than a dream. According to the age when I dreamed about this, I was from 6 to 12 years old, then suddenly these dreams disappeared , but I am still tormented by the question of what all this was about??? I will be very, very grateful to you if you still reveal the secret of this dream to me)

The image of a monk or monastery in a dream: symbolizes disappointment with life.

Most often, such dreams suggest that you should not isolate yourself and your problems. At the same time, these dreams also warn against excessive vanity in the pursuit of everyday joys.

The nun is the messenger;

Monk in black - to misfortune or to success through suffering;

Monk is sexual abstinence;

A monk is a problem (for a man);

A monk is spiritual knowledge.

Nun - widowhood, divorce, unhappiness in love,

Being a nun is a long period of sexual abstinence or (due to inversion) indulgence in debauchery (for a woman).

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

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Dream Interpretation - Monk

The monk is a symbol of righteousness, restraint and dispassion, moderation and asceticism, fanaticism.

Seeing a monk in white robes - this dream means that the northern territories will be united by the election of a common head of the church or overshadowed by the light of religion from above - a message from God.

Seeing a monk drunk is a dream foreshadowing universal wealth and joy.

Seeing a monk ringing a bell is a symbol of an alarming event, change, sudden misfortune associated with power, with a moral transgression.

See monks with weapons going to war. - means a sharp increase in crime, a decline in morals and impunity for crimes that will lead to the total armament of humanity.

Seeing a mute monk is a symbol that foreshadows an act of vandalism against religion, the destruction of a beloved temple or monument that is directly related to religion.

To see reprisals against monks means to receive a blow, which will lead to a change in life principles, loss of interest in everything that is happening, and fear of the future.

Seeing tonsure as a monk is a symbol of the clash between secular and religious authorities, which will lead to a temporary strengthening of the church.

Seeing a spaceship whose crew consists of monks is a sign of universal morality, which will capture the population of the Earth and lead to a change in the institution of religion.

To see a monk dressed from head to toe in gold - this dream foreshadows wealth and grace that will descend to Earth after people stop all wars.

Interpretation of dreams from